Fugitive of the Judoon

Hello everyone!

Thanks again for all the support, I'm glad you're all enjoying the story so far.

Please let me know what you think! I love reading your comments!

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


On the screen the words 'Fugitive of the Judoon' appeared on screen. The current Team TARDIS shared a worried look; they had a feeling they knew what was going to be shown. The three humans were curious and eager to know what had happened when the Doctor disappeared with Ruth, she had never told them the full story and now they would get to see but the last video still weighed heavy on their minds.

The Doctor took a deep breath, gaining the room's attention. "This video is set a little while after the last one but I don't think you need to know anything about the adventures in-between to understand it." The room nodded, apprehensive about what they would be shown as the video started.

In a kitchen, Ruth prepares breakfast before Lee comes in claiming he had planned to do it as it is Ruth's birthday. Ruth doesn't want anything for her birthday bar a cake which Lee assures her is sorted. Ruth leaves for work

"Anyone else getting horror movie vibes?" Bill proclaimed to the room, only getting silence in return. "No just me, okay then." That earned a few chuckles.

Ruth hands out flyers to pedestrians on her way to Gloucester Cathedral where she conducts guided tours. She tries to encourage tourists by mentioning they filmed Harry Potter was filmed

Martha grinned at the mention of Harry Potter sharing a glance with the Doctor who burst out laughing, soon joined by Martha. Their laughter drew confused looks from the rest of the group. Rory was the first one brave enough to ask. "Do we know what's so funny?"

Martha and the Doctor shared another look, grins wide. Martha was the one who answered, managing to get a few words out between her laughter "Shakespeare.... Witches.... Harry Potter."

"Well, that explained just about nothing." Amy said but she was smiling, the good mood was infectious and everyone had been so tense over the last video, it was nice for a change of pace.

The tourists leave not interested, Ruth talks with Marcia (an old lady knitting). She goes to a coffee bar where Alan the server tries to amke a heart in her coffee

A few people in the room chuckled, that was saying the least.

Alan is suspicious of Lee and tries to warn Ruth but she isn't listening, and is not impressed by his Lee dossier

"He's a bit obsessed with Lee. Who actually creates a dossier?" Rose asked the room at large, disbelief clear in her voice.

Ruth leaves ignoring his warnings. On a Judoon spaceship a scanner targets Gloucester and fires a beam

"Are those rhinos?" Bill asked, blinking at the screen confused.

The Doctor answered, "No." While the rest of the room that had encountered the Judoon, including River and Jack (who should and did know better) answered "Yes."

The Doctor gave the group a stern look, ruined slightly by how her lip was twitching up as if she wanted to smile. She just sighed, turning to answer Bill properly. "I'm pretty sure I will explain later in the video but they are essentially trigger-happy intergalactic police." She paused for a second, in which River nudged her gently. "They just happen to bear a fair resemblance to an Earth rhinoceros, yes." That gained a smile from Bill (she was doing her best to hide it but she loved River and the Doctor's relationship, their interactions were just adorable and she was looking forward to seeing more about them on screen).

On the Tardis, Ryan, Graham and Yaz are watching the Doctor who hasn't noticed their appearance until they ask her

She winced, feeling a bit guilty at the reminder that she had been so distant. "Sorry gang." They smiled reassuringly at her; things made more sense now and all their comments over the adventures between the last video and this weighed heavily on their minds. There was, however, a muttered comment from Ryan about the name though.

They ask what she's looking for, she is searching for the Master

"Ooh, chasing after me dear. That's a reversal of the normal way of things." The Master smirked at her, openly smug about her admitting to looking for him. It quickly soured in his stomach, he knew why she was looking for him and it wasn't just to see him. She ignored him, unsure how to deal with him especially with what this video was going to show. She didn't know if Ruth's reveal would make him smug or furious, he was so unstable and his moods were unpredictable at the moment, even for her. She was also terrified about Jack and River to find out about everything, their reaction wouldn't be pretty, especially with River's upbringing.

She explains the Kasaavin took them but if he escaped she could track him but hasn't been able to find anything. He left a message for her but she refuses to share what the message was. Yaz pushes asking where the Doctor goes on her own, 13 replies with home, and they ask why she doesn't take them - they ask too many questions because they are worried about her

The trio winced, shooting apologetic looks at the Doctor who offered her own apologetic glance back. They had just been curious and rightfully so with all the secrets she had been keeping and the whole mess with the Master, but there was so much history to explain for them to even get a small understanding of how she had been feeling about Gallifrey. She didn't even know how she actually felt about Gallifrey's destruction – she'd always run away and she had hated all the secrets but it had still been her home for a while and she'd had friends and family there.

An alarms sounds with Judoon talking - a Judoon warning transmission

Martha shivered slightly, her encounter with the Judoon was very memorable, they were how she met the Doctor and she had almost died alongside the whole hospital and half the earth. Mickey threw her a concerned look, as did the Doctor. She offered both of them a reassuring smile, she would be fine she just needed a second.

The Doctor explains the Judoon are intergalactic police for hire and they are dangerous. They've put a zonal enforcement field on Earth stopping people get in or out. The Doctor protests their lack of jurisdiction and she decides to slip them in hopefully before people get killed

"That really isn't reassuring. Why are they in Gloucester of all places?" Clara asked bemused. The three companions and the Doctor shared a glance.

"They were looking for someone." The Doctor answered looking a bit nervous.

"Well, that would explain the title of the video." Donna snorted.

A Judoon squad assembles

"What are they saying?" Bill asked curious, tilting her head at the screen as if that would allow her to understand the alien language.

"They're getting their orders." The Doctor answered, fidgeting.

Back by the cathedral, the Judoon appear and start scanning people as Ruth watches worried. Once scanned people are stamped with an X on their hand. Marcia confronts a Judoon asking who they are, they disintegrate her knitting and scan her to communicate in English

"At least we can understand them now." Rose said, gaining several nods of agreement. The situation wasn't looking good but being able to understand the Judoon made it slightly better.

One of the Judoon offer her compensation for her knitting before removing their helmet to reveal they are space rhinos. Marcia runs and refuses to be catalogued, she runs into the forcefield and gets disintegrated to Ruth's horror

The room was silent, a mix of shock and sadness for seeing yet another person die for no apparent reason except being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Marcia, the brief moments they'd seen her on screen, had seemed like a lovely old lady and hadn't deserved her fate. For the companions in the room who hadn't met the Judoon before it made clear what they were like, and everyone was felling more nervous about what the video would be showing them.

Ruth is scanned and the Judoon declares she is negative for the fugitive match. Back at the coffee shop, Lee enters for the cake he ordered, ALan gives him the cake with the writing 'you can do better'

"Ooh he really doesn't like Lee." Bill cringed.

"The dossier didn't give that away?" Clara grinned at the younger girl.

"Fair enough but like, did he have to ruin Ruth's birthday cake just to annoy Lee?" Bill agreed.

"Yeah, that's more than a bit petty." Clara shook her head.

Lee is annoyed and mutters 'humans' as Alan is ready for a fight

"So, Lee's the fugitive then?" Rose declared. "I mean the whole 'human' comment suggests he isn't right?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't it feel a bit obvious? Like in a movie Lee would definitely be the red herring." Bill argued.

"This is real life not a movie though." Martha argued. "I hope not though for Ruth's sake."

The Tardis lands and the group appear from the cafe's kitchen to Alan's confusion. Lee bolts for the door

"That's definitely not suspicious." Amy drawled from her spot, leaning into her husband who shook his head slightly at his wife.

13 ignores Lee's odd behaviour and moves for the door, Graham hesitates behind and then vanishes

"Oh, so that's what happened to you grandad." Ryan said. Yaz and the Doctor grinned. Graham shook his head in exasperation, sometimes he felt like he was babysitting all three of them.

"I can't believe you didn't even notice." Graham complained.

"We were a bit busy and it's not my job to look after you." Ryan rolled his eyes.

Lee finds Ruth and they discuss the alien invasion, before Lee declares they need to get home now

"He is acting very suspicious." Donna pointed out, gaining nods of agreement from most of the room. He didn't seem to be freaking out over the whole alien thing.

The Judoon show up at the café as Alan tries to close it. When he sees the Judoon looking for a fugitive he offers them the Lee dossier. The Judoon take it but also smashes a mug

"Oh, so now Lee is definitely a target, great." Rory muttered.

Alan shoves the Judoon

Martha and the others that knew the Judoon winced. "That's a bad idea." Martha sighed, she remembered the Judoon and the hospital all too clearly.

The Judoon disintegrate him for assaulting an officer

The group looked down again. Allan may have been petty and suspicious but he didn't deserve to die like that.

At Ruth's apartment, Lee starts to hurriedly pack as Ruth watches confused. She thinks they're after Lee but is in disbelief at the idea, as he encourages her to pack quickly

"Lee absolutely knows something but at least he's trying to keep Ruth safe." Clara said, watching the screen carefully. The episode just kept getting more confusing and so far it seemed to have no link to the Doctor or Gallifrey but it must have to be a part of the secret the Tardis had brought them to see.

Outside the apartment the Judoon have located the fugitive house and start to set up. 13 interferes flashing the psychic paper at them

"Ah the good old psychic paper." Jack grinned. He was excited as he had a feeling that he was going to be showing up soon and was looking forward to everyone's reactions.

The paper declares them Imperial Regulators, as 13 rants about their lack of jurisdiction and the temporal isolator they are setting up which is made to freeze time but causes terrible collateral damage to anyone and anything in its path

The Master leaned forward, looking very excited about such a dangerous weapon. He was getting annoyed with the Doctor who had been ignoring him all episode, whatever they were going to see she didn't want him to know about.

The rest of the group were looking more nervous; they were all doing the maths in their head. Dangerous weapon + trigger happy alien police = nothing good.

Ryan agrees that they aren't using that thing. The Judoon argue the fugitive is highly dangerous

"What did he do for him to be considered so dangerous?" Mickey asked, raising his eyebrows. He aimed his question at the Doctor and current companions who were the only ones who were actually likely to know. The three companions looked at the Doctor, they didn't really know the full story. The Doctor just shifted uncomfortably in her seat, this episode was only going to get worse.

13 continues to argue they can't use the weapon and does her normal Judoon rhyming which Yaz argues mildly with her choice of calling the canal a lagoon so it rhymes

"Don't ruin it for me Yaz." The Doctor pouted, Yaz just rolled her eyes in answer smiling. River smiled softly at her wife, glad to see her in a slightly better mood. She's been uncomfortable and nervous ever since the start of the episode and it was worrying her.

13 attempts to override the Judoon's rules with a fake Earth law that states the potential arrestee is allowed arbitration from a third party, Yaz backs her up

"And now is the time during the trouble where we try to bluff our way out of said trouble." Rose grinned. Others laughed and nodded along, they always seemed to find themselves trying to lie their way out of trouble at some point.

They argue over the arbitration period as the Doctor proposes they go in to talk with Ruth and Lee. They get five minutes as the Judoon aren't up for bargaining

"I'm pretty sure that's not how that works." Rory shook his head while Amy smiled, glad to see nothing had changed with the Doctor.

They finally notice Graham is missing but the Judoon start counting down so they go in

"Hang on, it seriously took you lot that long to notice I was missing?!" Graham said, turning to the others who grinned back a bit sheepish.

On a spaceship Graham wakes up in a very large room. A voice is heard warning him about not moving until he neutralises the laser spikes

Graham groaned before blushing. He had forgotten about this. He looked nervously at Ryan, who glanced back confused. Graham didn't have anything against the kiss (honestly it had been quite good) but he didn't particularly want his grandson to see it, he knew how much Ryan and Yaz would tease him.

Graham is confused by what is going on. Jack Harkness (the voice) neutralises the defences and appears in the room

"Jack!" Rose laughed, big grin on her face at seeing Jack appear. The companions that knew him were all wearing similar grins, glad to see that he was still around to look after the Doctor. He stood up and took a few mocking bows, a grin threatening to break his face in half. It had been a long time since he had this much fun or been this comfortable. He was getting to see so many old friends, people he knew he could trust and spend some proper time with the Doctor (the only drawback so far was the Master and the tension around this big secret. When he sat back down, he was treated to an elbow in the side from the Doctor and a roll of her eyes while River only laughed.

Jack is very happy to see Graham, kissing him

"Graham! You didn't tell us about that." Ryan exclaimed; mouth open in shock. Yaz mirrored his expression, staring at Graham who was blushing.

"Don't worry Graham, he's like that with most people." The Doctor laughed, grinning at Jack who grinned back and then winked at Graham, making him blush further. He hid his face in his hands, trying desperately to hide his blush from the youngsters who were still too gobsmacked to start their teasing.

Graham is still very confused, asking if they'd met. Jack thinks he is joking and hugs him, thinking Graham is another of the Doctor's regenerations. Graham corrects him

"Jack!" Rose berated him, looking like she was about to get up to hit him. "You can't just teleport people and kiss them without knowing for sure who they are!" She nodded to the Doctor who elbowed him in the side again for Rose.

"Ow! I'm sorry. To be fair she's been male for 13 bodies and I was trying to scoop her, wasn't expecting to get a companion." Jack tried to defend himself. The Doctor just grinned and shook her head at the scene, laughing. It definitely brought her back to the old days when the three of them had travelled together before Satellite 5.

Ruth opens the door to 13, Ryan and Yaz who get let in after promising to help. Lee argues that it is a case of mistaken identity as Ruth is still in disbelief about everything. They promise they aren't harbouring a fugitive, but Yaz and Ryan are dubious seeing as their bags are packed

"Police training coming in handy." Ryan laughed.

"More common sense." Yaz grinned back.

The Doctor asks for the truth as Ryan and Yaz search the apartment for answers. 13 scans them with the sonic whihc tells her they're both human. She pushes for why the Judoon are chasing them

"Somethings up. They definitely know more than they are letting on." Bill declared determinedly.

On the spaceship they are being shot at as Jack reveals he stole the ship

"It never is." Rose laughed. She gave Jack a long look, as did the Doctor, which made him grin a bit more sheepishly. It was hard to forget that he had met both Rose and the Doctor because of a stolen ambulance during his old conman days.

Jack plans evasive action as he double checks Graham isn't the Doctor, Graham explains he just travels with her. Jack used the Quanticum scoop and read the wrong signal so got Graham instead, he reminisces on a month at Ibiza 13

"You really don't ever change Jack." The Doctor shook her head exasperated but her grin was wide, she'd really missed him.

Graham asks why he's looking for the Doctor. Jack introduces himself and explains he and the Doc go way back. He also needs to warn the Doctor the future of the universe is at stake. Graham corrects his use of he to she, and Jack laughs eager to see the new regeneration

"And I have to say it is a spectacular site Doc." Jack grinned, nudging the Doctor in the side jokingly who was trying hard not to laugh.

Back at the apartment, the Judoon prepare the weapon. Ryan found nothing but Yaz found a hollow compartment in the back of the wardrobe

"Well done Yaz." The Doctor grinned. "Well done both of you." She hadn't had the chance to say it during the whole mess.

"Hollow compartment in the back of the wardrobe really? Can they get more cliché?" Bill threw her hands in the air.

The Doctor scans the ornate box found, and reveals it is not from Earth. A window breaking distracts them - a warning shot as time is running out

"Your times up and all you have is more questions. Typical." Clara snorted.

13 pushes for answers about the box, Ruth knows nothing and Lee pretends he doesn't either. Lee demands the box as time counts down

"So Lee is absolutely the fugitive." Rose pointed out. The current companions and the Doctor shared a glance which only Bill noticed. Bill still wasn't quite convinced that Lee was the fugitive, it seemed to easy to figure out and nothing in the Doctor's life was that easy.

Ruth is confused by Lee's demands and attitude. Lee asks if the Doctor is in charge to which she replies that it's a flat team structure

The current companions shared a grin with the Doctor as did many of the other companions in a room, the Master rolled his eyes in his corner, still annoyed by the Doctor ignoring him.

Lee asks them to take Ruth out the fire exit at the back and make sure she's okay while he takes care of the Judoon. Ruth protests as 13 presses about the box and who Lee is. He doesn't think it is any of their business but 13 decides with half of Gloucester locked down it is

"Like usual, sweetie. You aren't capable of just leaving trouble alone." River sighed at her wife teasingly.

"Like you can talk. You're worse than me half the time." The Doctor argued back, arms crossed. River just laughed at the Doctor who gave in and laughed as well after a minute.

We're down to 40 seconds, as Lee begs them to take Ruth saying he's made a mistake but can't let her die

"That's sweet. I'm glad he still wants to look after Ruth." Martha said, snuggling further back into her husband, this whole episode was making her tense, it was like the whole room was waiting for something and she didn't like it.

Lee reassures Ruth that he just needs to talk to the Judoon, Ruth isn't in agreement

"They're not overly fond of talking either." Jack said, looking a bit worried. He hadn't really gotten the chance to actually see what was going on in Gloucester, he'd just been trying to scoop the Doctor to warn her, and it was making him nervous. Whatever was going to happen in this episode was important to this big secret and he couldn't figure out why yet, he was sure his presence didn't warren them watching the episode, as nice as that would have been.

13, Ryan and Yaz decide a distraction is needed to stop the Judoon spotting them escape

The three grinned at each other.

Amy just grinned, verging on maniacal. "Ah, the classic tactic for dealing with trouble."

They decide t split up - 13 and Ruth escaping out the back as Lee goes with Yaz and Ryan to talk with the Judoon, Yaz citing she speaks their language as she's police

"Good on you, Yaz." Graham smiled at the girl proud. "You'll get to use your day job for once."

Time is up. They agree to meet at the cathedral, Lee and Ruth say goodbye to each other

The group that had been there winced, they didn't know what had happened to Lee in detail but they could guess, he'd never made it to the cathedral.

Outside the apartment, Yaz and Ryan emerge and tell them to turn off the weapon. Ryan and Yaz start to argue about the lack of fugitives but they vanish

Half the room groaned, having worked out what happened. "Seriously Jack, your timing is terrible." Rose complained, throwing him a look which made him wince a bit sheepishly. He'd noticed the looks the current companions were shooting the Doctor and had figured out his ill-timed scoop likely hadn't helped Lee.

In the apartment Lee keeps his promise and texts the word 'Follow' as the Judoon break down the door demanding his surrender. Lee does and syas they can tell their boss they have him

"Question is who is the boss? And when will we finally get some stupid answers?" Nardole muttered, the room mumbled some agreements, maybe this boss would give them some answers about what was going on.

On the spaceship, Ryan and Yaz appear spotting Graham who offers a very quick explanation that they're on a stolen ship being fired at

"It's nice to get the full story now at least." Ryan declared, getting a nod of agreement from Yaz.

They're confused about who Jack is. Jack theorises Yaz is the Doctor

"Wrong again Jack. You're losing your touch." The Doctor grinned at the immortal who put his hand to his heart and mocked offense.

Graham corrects him as Jack is shocked that there is three of them, before commenting he had a dream about that once


Alarms sound and Jack wars them to grab onto something

"And you always complain about my driving." The Doctor complained. The rest of the room all raised an eyebrow at her.

"Because your driving is terrible, dear. You'd think after all these millennia you would actually have some control, but no." The Master drawled from his corner, gaining some glares form the rest of the room, no one had forgotten what he'd done. The Doctor continued to ignore him, getting frustrated he tried to nudge her through their mental link but was met with a mental blank wall. Whatever was coming she really didn't want him to see.

At the apartment, a humanoid female beams in - Commander Gat. She isn't impressed by their work

"Anyone recognise her?" Donna asked the room. They had all collectively leaned forward in their seats to try and inspect the new person, hoping for answers to this mystery. The answer was mumbled mostly in the negative. The Doctor shrunk in her seat, lost in memories and frustrated with her lack of other memories; she still didn't really know much about Gat.

Gat talks to Lee, calling him old friend and saying they had a funeral for him. She commends him on his hiding place but remarks that they wouldn't stop looking ever

"Okay so they knew each other than he faked his death and hid on Earth. I feel like we're still missing something." Clara summarised what they knew to the group.

"Yeah, like what did he do that made them call the Judoon to track him down." Rose added. Everyone who didn't know what happened was trying desperately tp put the pieces together and failing.

Lee asks how they found him , Gat explains the box was made of a very trackable metal

"Very stupid if you don't want to be found. It must be important than." River said, glancing at her wife who was refusing to look away from the screen. This whole thing, the videos, this secret, everything was frustrating River – she was worried for her wife and she just wanted answers.

LEE: Yeah, well, I wanted to repair it, polish it. My service medal. Honour and courage still mean something.

"So, he was a soldier?" Martha asked. The Doctor could practically see the cogs turning in her friends' heads, she had the feeling if they had a pen and paper, they would be writing down these clues trying to solve the mystery.

"That would make sense." Amy agreed nodding.

They both reach for a drawer but Gat gets there first, sharing that they had the same training before ordering the Judoon to kill him. The Judoon are confused thinking Lee is the fugitive (who is to be captured not killed), but Gat tells them to scan Lee which reveals he is a negative match to the fugitive, confusing them

"Hah! Told you too easy." Bill announced, fist pumping into the air in her excitement. Then she realised what she had done and brought her hand back into her lap a bit sheepish.

"True you called that one." Clara conceded, smiling at the other woman. "But then who is the fugitive?"

The room lapsed into thoughtful silence for a few moments all trying to work it out, while the current companions shared a glance trying not to give anything away.

"Ruth!" Rory suddenly announced into the silence. He continued after seeing several confused expressions. "I mean, Lee seemed desperate to get her away and he's the only one that knows anything."

"That would make sense, and we did start the video with Ruth. But what has she done and why doesn't she know anything about it?" Martha agreed, many of the other companions nodding along.

"More questions! Again. Ugh." Bill complained, gaining chuckles from most of the room.

Gat apologises and calls him a faithful companion before killing him and sending the Judoon after the others

The group winced. They'd been so distracted trying to figure out who was the fugitive they'd forgotten the danger Lee was in, and the danger Ruth and the Doctor were now in.

The Doctor winced for an entirely different reason. If Ruth was her (she was Ruth? Whatever) then had Lee been her companion? Gat had hinted to that but she'd said they'd had the same training so had Lee been Gallifreyan and helped her escape? She hated the idea that she had gotten another companion killed, even one she didn't remember and she hated that she couldn't remember anything.

At the cathedral, 13 pushes for answers about Lee. Ruth is distracted by a text message on her phone - Follow the light. Break the glass. Happy birthday. X. She gets flashes of a lighthouse. She denies its from Lee when 13 asks

"Why is she lying?" Amy asked exasperated, there always seemed to be more questions. The Doctor shrunk back further into her seat; she could remember all too clearly the lighthouse. She gained anxious looks from Jack and River who had noticed her shrink down into herself, she offered a shaky smile at the pair, which only seemed to worry them more.

The Judoon arrive and surround them

"That's really not good. How are you going to escape?" Bill bit her lip nervously, she knew they had, or at least the Doctor had but it wasn't reassuring her.

The Doctor tells them to let them go, pointing her screwdriver at them

"Sweetie, your screwdriver can't fix everything no matter how much you love it." River sighed, shaking her head. The Doctor looked back stubbornly, this was an argument they'd had several times over the years and not one she wanted to rehash here in front of everyone.

Ruth asks about Lee and the Judoon show them his death. They scan Ruth who is identified as the fugitive

"Rory was right for once." Amy said, grinning cheekily at her husband who just rolled his eyes at his wife's antics. As much as he liked being right, he wasn't liking the danger the Doctor and Ruth were in.

13 is confused, the Judoon explain the biological shielding. Ruth floors the Judoon and grabs one of their weapons threatening them

"What happened there? It's like she's suddenly a whole new person." Rose asked confused.

River's eyebrows crinkled as a thought suddenly occurred to her, she glanced down at the Doctor who was still watching the screen.

13 asks what Ruth is doing, Ruth replies that its like an instinct. She rips off the front horn of one of the Judoon and activates the communicator on its armour. The Judoon are beamed away as 13 watches horrified and confused

"I'm guessing that's not a good thing, tearing off their horn." Rory asked the Doctor who shook her head, watching the screen worriedly.

"It's a very bad idea."

On the Spaceship they are still being shot at. Yaz wants to be returned to Erath to help the Doctor but Jack is just trying to keep them alive and banters with Ryan

"You haven't changed then Captain Cheesecake." Mickey grinned.

"Oi! That's Captain Beefcake, Mickey Mouse!" Jack joked back. Rose just rolled her eyes at the pair.

Jack is confused about why he dind't scoop the Doctor then asks if there is Judoon near where he scooped them. The Level Seven Enforcement Shield interfered, he then asks if she is safe

The room turned to look at Jack in sync. "When is she ever safe?" River questioned Jack, who shook his head, he really should have known better. The best way to find the Doctor was to find trouble. The Doctor just pouted.

At the Cathedral - the Doctor is scanning Ruth with her sonic as they comment on the complete Judoon retreat and removal of the perimeter

"Shouldn't that be good?" Donna questioned. The Doctor just waved to the screen, she knew she'd explain in a minute.

That's bad news - Ruth dishonoured a captain and made it personal. 13 wants answers

"Okay so not good, just great." Amy sighed.

Ruth doesn't know anything and 13 doesn't have the decryption for the bio-shield that both she and Lee were wearing.

River and Jack were both thinking back through their memories for any kind of devices that could do that, the few they could think of that might do it were nothing good.

Martha blinked suddenly, that sounded familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

Ruth doesn't know what happened and is scared by what is going on. 14 demands to see her phone and reads the message. She theorises the words triggered the real Ruth to protect her

"So, you need to find the light then. Hopefully she knows what that's all about or you're in even more trouble." Clara summarised with a grimace, things were only getting more confusing and dangerous.

They discuss the meaning of the message - Ruth grew up in a lighthouse which she hadn't thought about for years

"A lighthouse. Well, that would definitely have a light." Donna snorted.

Ruth is sure its where she grew up and her parents are buried there - she also hasn't thought about them in years

"Okay that's weird right? Like not the normal 'not thinking about it' more as in 'not actual real memories', right?" Bill asked, waving her hands around to try and get across her point.

"Honestly I think you watch too much movies but you're right it is a bit weird." Clara teased the other woman but agreed.

They decide to go to the lighthouse

"And hopefully we will finally get some answers." Rose announced.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up." Amy said.

On the Spaceship, Jack complains about the ships security. He decides to get the others out of there before the sip's nanogenes attack him

Jack, Rose and the Doctor shared a glance at the word 'nanogenes'. "A stolen ship, nanogenes, lots of danger. Sounds like the day we met you Jack. You really haven't found a new way to make friends after all these years." Rose laughed teasingly.

"Oh, I've learnt plenty and made many new friends since we met Rose." Jack teased back suggestively.

"Jack!" The Doctor elbowed him in the side.

"Ow! Seriously Doc, it's dangerous sitting next to you." Jack complained, rubbing his side, despite his comments he made no move to change seats, he wanted to be near the Doctor when everything fell apart.

He pre-sets the coordinates and gives them a message for the Doctor - that he'll always be there when she needs him and to beware the lone Cyberman. He asks if they have met the Cybermen yet

Those that had met the Cybermen, which was most of the room winced in sync. The Doctor gave Bill, Clara, Rose and Mickey worried looks. They had been the most affected by the Cybermen and she was worried how they would react to seeing them on screen. She knew they would see them as they had been apart of the Master's whole plan on Gallifrey and she wasn't looking forward to seeing that whole mess again as it was.

They haven't. Jack explains a bit about how dangerous they are, continuing his message to not give the lone cyberman what it wants. He gets cut off as he vanishes

"Were you trying to be cryptic Jack?!" Martha exclaimed.

Jack grinned a bit sheepish. "Sorry, thought I'd have more time." He turned to the fam. "You did tell her, right? Not that it matters much now because she just saw."

The group shared a glance. The Doctor sighed before answering. "Yes, they did tell me but we didn't really get much choice in the matter." She saw Jack was about to say something but beat him to it. "It's dealt with Jack I promise, and I'm sure it will be shown soon." That seemed to appease him for now and they let the video play on.

The scoop flickers over the three and they vanish

"Did you make it back alright?" Rose asked the group.

The three shared a glance before Graham answered. "Yes thankfully, but by the time we found the Doc everything was over."

In Ruth's car her and 13 are driving down a track as 13 quizzes her on her past. They discuss growing up - which 13 isn't a fan of

Amy snorted. "That's an understatement Raggedy Man." She could distinctively remember the year of the cubes and several other instances of childishness on their adventures. The Doctor just grinned at her.

13 continues quizzing Ruth who asks if that is what she is doing, 13 admits it is

"At least you admit it." Mickey said, shaking his head, she never really changed no matter what face she wore.

"Did you think she would slip and reveal something?" Yaz asked, she was as curious as the rest ff the room to find out what happened. She knew roughly but none of the details and with the Doctor that was often important.

"I don't really know. I was hopeful for something." The Doctor answered reluctantly. She didn't really know what she'd expected, she'd just wanted answers but the answers she had gotten she really hadn't liked.

Ruth isn't even sure why she's trusting the Doctor. Ruth is getting flashes of pictures but pretends she isn't

The Doctor watched the screen carefully, analysing everything. She knew what was to come but she still wasn't quite sure about it all. She just wanted answers.

They arrive at the lighthouse. 13 looks around as Ruth starts a fire. The Doctro goes up tot the light at the top before spotting a lone gravestone outside and going back down to it

"Okay so you found a grave, why's that so important? Shouldn't you be looking for the light?" Rory asked the Doctor.

The Doctor was too focussed on the screen to answer but River seemed to have noticed what she had and answered instead. "It's blank. And Ruth mentioned both her parents being buried there but there is only one blank grave." Even though she had noticed it she still couldn't figure out what it actually meant.

"So, what's been buried then?" Rose asked apprehensive, the tension in the room was increasing and no one had any answers for all the questions they had.

The gravestone is blank and not a grave. Inside Ruth is looking at the fire alarm which says Break glass and hears voices telling her to break it and follow the light. Outside, 13 starts digging.

Martha gasped, having finally connected everything. "Doctor!" The Doctor just grimaced, nodding her head in confirmation. Martha was the only one that had been around when she was using her Chameleon circuit and she'd seen the Master use it so she wasn't surprised that Martha had figured it out while the others hadn't. But even then she may have figured out what Ruth was but she couldn't have figured out who exactly Ruth was – only the Master had any chance of that. The rest of the room watched on confused but worried. Jack was glancing between Martha and the Doctor trying to piece everything together but feeling like he was missing an important piece of the puzzle.

River looked like she had an idea of what was going on and she didn't like it. She'd never seen a chameleon circuit but the light was regeneration energy and that was distinctively familiar. The Master was unreadable, eyes dark and crazed, he had a very good guess of what was happening and he didn't know what the messy swirl of emotions threatening to break free from his chest meant.

Ruth breaks the glass and golden energy escapes into her, before she grabs a gun and changes clothes into a smart suit.

"So, she has her memories back and she's got a gun but who and what is she?" Amy asked the room, starting to get really frustrated with the lack of answers like most of the room.

Outside the Doctor uncovers a very familiar sign that says - Police public call box

"The Tardis! Why is the Tardis there? How is it there?!" Jack asked the Doctor, eyes alight with concern, especially at seeing the Doctor shrink further back into the sofa eyes locked on the screen. He wasn't going to get any answers as much as he wanted to shake her until she answered everything he knew that wouldn't work. The only way to find any answers would be to watch the video.

RUTH: You're probably a bit confused right now. I broke the glass. It's all come back to me.
DOCTOR: This. What is this?
RUTH: That's my ship.
RUTH: Let me take it from the top. Hello, I'm the Doctor. I'm a traveller in Space and Time, and that thing buried down there is called a Tardis. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. You're going to love this.
(Ruth takes the Doctor's hand and they disappear.)

"Doctor, what's going on? What does she mean? How can she be you?" Rose asked, voicing the thoughts of many of the room, she was edging into hysteria as her eyes were glued to the Doctor.

The Master was watching the screen, analysing Ruth, with an unreadable expression. "You met one." It was a statement not a question. His eyes were wild as he stared the Doctor down, meeting her eyes for the first time since the start of the video.

She nodded sharply at him, "Yes." She took a deep breath before scanning the room, taking in all the confused and worried looks she was getting from her companions, even the fam who had already vaguely known. She finished by meeting Rose's eyes. "It's complicated Rose, you'll find out soon, I think. I promise I'll explain a bit more, just watch for the moment please." She ignored how her voice broke a bit on the last word, things were only going to get worse.

"Doctor!" River tried to complain, desperately wanting answers. The Doctor just turned to her, eyes wide and pleading, they had a staring contest for a few minutes, neither wanting to back down before River reluctantly conceded "Fine but if the video doesn't explain, you will."

Inside Ruth's Tardis, Ruth wakes her up as 13 struggles to understand what is going on. Ruth argues there is no time as Gat will already have figured out where they are. 13 still wants answers as to who Gat and Ruth are

Amy suddenly let lose a loud laugh gaining several odd looks from the group. What could be so funny at the moment? "Sorry, it's just the Doctor's finally getting a taste of her own medicine. Isn't this what we all went though when we first met her?" She tried to explain to the group and as the realisation set in other joined, her in laughing. The Doctor just smiled sadly, happy to see them smiling even at her expense but still angry and confused and worried and emotionally messed up by everything.

Ruth answers that she already said - she'd the Doctor

"So, she's one of your future faces? But what are you running from?" Clara tried to work out, things were making less sense with every passing moment.

"No, she' not my future." The Doctor answered reluctantly but refused to say anymore despite the room's attempts.

The Doctor argues she can't be because she is the Doctor. Ruth thinks she's kidding then asks how she ended up like 13. 13 argues it is the other way round, that she becomes Ruth in the future. they are both adamant they would remember being the other. Nothing is making sense to either of them

"How can she not be your future? You know your past. I know your past faces." River asked the Doctor, face scrunched up in worry and concentration. She was getting more tense as everything unfolded and the Doctor's carefully crafted blank face wasn't helping.

"Please just watch River, I... I just.... I can't explain. Please." The Doctor begged her wife, voice cracking as she struggled to get her words out. River just grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly as if to reassure both of them they were still there.

13 takes out the sonic which Ruth doesn't recognise but it does reveal they are the same person

"So, she's from before you had your sonic. But how can you not remember her?" Clara questioned, frustration and worry lacing her voice. The Doctor just shook her head, gesturing vaguely to the screen, she wasn't going to answer, she couldn't answer. She could feel the weight of the Mastre's eyes boring into her and was refusing to meet them, she wasn't sure she wanted to know what he was thinking.

Ruth used to work for Gat once - a job you don't apply for and never leave. 13 works out Ruth had been hiding n Earth using a Chameleon Arch to hide her identity from even herself, with Lee as her protector

Martha glared at the screen at the mention of a Chameleon Arch, she really hated that thing.

"What's a Chameleon Arch?" Bill asked, curious as ever.

"It's a way a time lord can hide, they essentially become another species, in this case human, and gain fake memories, it's not to be used lightly." The Doctor tried to explain, eyes dark.

"Have you ever used it? I mean you, like the you we know." Bill asked again.

Martha answered for her. "Yes, she did. I was with her at the time and she had to hide." She hesitated for a second. "It's an absolutely last resort. She screamed for hours." That gained her and the Doctor some horrified looks. The Doctor had been through a lot over the years and anything that could make her scream was very bad. Bill looked guilty for asking, but the Doctor offered her a small smile before focussing back on the screen.

Ruth mockingly congratulates her for working out and gives points to which 13 is offended by

"She can keep the points." Ryan grumbled, Yaz and Graham nodded beside him.

They've been grabbed in a Judoon tractor beam. Ruth tells 13 to let her do the talking, as if Gat works out who 13 is she'll kill them both

"Delightful. You can be killed twice at one time." Jack sighed. "But knowing the Doctor she's not going to keep quiet long."

On the Judoon spaceship Ruth exits the Tardis, rifle ready with 13 following. Gat is waiting. They are surrounded and order Ruth to put the gun down, she reluctantly gives it to Gat

"She can't be you. You hate guns." Amy tried to argue but the Doctor refused to look away from the screen let alone answer. The companions shared a worried look.

Ruth tells Gat not to point the gun at them, she doesn't listen. The Doctor doesn't stay quiet long despite both Gat and Ruth telling her to

"That won't last long." River said, squeezing her wife's hand tightly.

The Judoon argue about Gat just killing Ruth saying they were hired to deliver Ruth to the Division. Gat argues she is there on the behalf of the contractee. 13 talks and Gat finally asks who she is. Ruth interferes saying she is nobody, 13 agrees but pries for answers about what is going on as Ruth tells her to shut up

"Doctor, I really think you should listen to Ruth and not get involved for once." Clara bit her lip, nervous. Several others nodded along, everything was confusing and it was worrying them. This seemed very dangerous even for the Doctor.

Gat reveals this goes way higher than her but the information is confidential. Ruth and 13 argue briefly about the plan before 13 reveals herself to be the Doctor too, to Ruth's frustration

"She's not capable of being quiet even if it will save her life." The Master said, expression dark as he watched the screen. A few of the companions threw him nervous looks which he ignored.

The Judoon scan her and verify. Ruth is in shock about how dumb she is, and the Doctor just kind of accepts it

"Self-burn." Bill declared, fidgeting. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

The Judoon want two payments for two fugitives as Gat argues two of the same Time Lord can't occupy the same space at the same time. She then mentions Gallifrey to 13's shock. The Doctor scans Gat and finds she is Gallifreyan

The companions all shared a glance. Some things were starting to make sense – at least why they were watching this video.

"If she's from Gallifrey she must be from the past then." Martha reasoned glancing nervously between the screen and the Doctor. Clara scowled at the mention of Gallifrey, even from beyond the grave it seemed they were haunting the Doctor.

The Doctor works out they must be from her past then, Ruth argues she's wrong but 13 persists

DOCTOR: I'm not wrong. I've seen Gallifrey destroyed. Twice. First by a war, second by a lunatic who I'm still trying to find. In my time, Gallifrey doesn't exist. It's gone. Forever. And if you don't know that, you're in my past. So, you are only serving at the glory of ash and bone.

"You say the nicest things, dearest." The Master drawled, trying to get a reaction, any reaction, from the Doctor. He felt triumphant when she shot him a sharp glare before seemingly remembering she was supposed to be ignoring him and turning back to the screen.

In some convolute, horrible way things made more sense now then they had then. Ruth was one of the lives she didn't remember but it left so many other questions that just frustrated her more. Who was Gat? Who was Lee? How long ago was Ruth? Was this the first time she'd escaped? Who had she worked for? Was it the mysterious Division that she'd seen in the matrix?

Gat calls it a trick, but 13 offers her mind and they make contact. 13 shows Gat the destroyed citadel. Gat still thinks it is a trick and raises the gun again as Ruth warns her not to

"Sweetie, did you really think that would make the situation better in anyway?" River asked the Doctor who glanced at her and shrugged one-heartedly. She hadn't really been thinking at the time, too confused with everything going on.

Gat fires the gun despite the warning, it backfires and kills her. 13 works out Ruth sabotaged the gun, they argue about the moral high ground

The Doctor glared at the screen, seeing it again reminded her of the fact she was responsible in some way for both Gat and Lee's deaths, even if she couldn't remember who she had been when she had been there. Yet more deaths on her conscious. She really hated guns and the way the whole room had flinched at Gat's death – a small voice whispered in the back of her head, you're responsible for that.

The Judoon declare they have witnessed a crime, but Ruth picks up the gun and argues they are in interstellar space where there are no laws so no crime. Ruth recalibrates the gun and threatens the group

"You can't be serious. There's no way you can fight your way out of there and you hate guns!" Rose threw her hands in the air; this whole video was seriously messing with them all.

The Doctor argues they never use weapons. Ruth tells her to shut up, as she warns the Judoon to stay away. The Judoon promise to always fulfil a contract

Yaz, Graham and Ryan shared a glance before turning to the Doctor who had flinched. "That's why you were -." Yaz couldn't finish her question but the Doctor seemed to figure out what she wanted to say and nodded, offering her an apologetic frown. Her loud mouth was what had got her captured by the Judoon and separated from her fam.

Back in Ruth's Tardis, they track 13's but can't get too close so she offers to drop her by her flat. 13 is still in shock about how Ruth can be her as she knows her life. Ruth states one of them has to be wrong as the Tardis materialises and Ruth kicks her out

"Unfortunately, all the evidence points to you being the one who is wrong Doctor." Jack said quietly, the words landed heavily on her chest, he was right and it hurt so much.

In Gloucester, the Doctor walks along the quay deep in thought before Yaz, Ryan and Graham arrive. They ask where she's been before mentioning Jack Harkness says hello.

Jack winced, as much as he had wanted to see the Doctor again, he apparently had terrible timing. The Doctor nudged him gently a small sile on her face, she seemed to know what he had been thinking. "It's okay Jack, thanks for the warning and keeping those three mostly safe." He nodded reluctantly.

In the Tardis, they share Jack's warning with the Doctor before asking about who Jack is. The Doctor answers he's an old friend

"Seriously Doctor? Don't I deserve a better introduction?" Jack attempted to tease the Doctor but it fell flat as she just muttered a "Yes, you do." In response which made him feel even worse. Whatever this secret was that the Tardis wanted to show them, he hated. He hated the way it was eating at the Doctor and ruining what should have been a happy thing – spending time with her friends and family.

Ryan liked him, he was cheesy in a good way

"He's always been like that." Mickey rolled his eyes, shooting the newest companions and Jack a grin. It seemed to break the tension slightly and he received relived grins back.

13 agrees and asks if he said anything more about the Cybermen. They say he was cut off before asking about the Cybermen - the Doctor says they're one of the most dangerous species she knows. Ryan makes a sarcastic comment about not being able to wait to meet them

"I definitely could have waited. Would have preferred to never have met them actually." Ryan joked but there was a serious undertone, it had been a very close thing with the Cybermen.

"Yeah, definitely nor my favourite alien." Bill grimaced, hand going to her chest as if feeling for the hole in her chest or the fake heart. Others in the room grimaced as well, the Cybermen were very dangerous and hurt most of them in some way.

Graham asks if they are in their future. The Doctor replies they always are somewhere. They pry about what happened with Ruth and the Judoon. 13 tells them Ruth was the fugitive and Ruth was her. They ask how that's possible but 13 doesn't know even as Graham reassures her there must be a simple explanation

"I really wish that was true Graham." The Doctor chuckled darkly, gaining concerned looks from the rets of the room but she refused to look any of them in the eye.

DOCTOR: Time is swirling around me. The Master, Captain Jack Harkness, Ruth. Something's coming for me. I can feel it.
RYAN: Let it come. You've got us.
DOCTOR: Ryan, I've lived for thousands of years. So long I've lost count. I've had so many faces. How long have you been here? You don't know me. Not even a little bit.

The Doctor took a shuddering deep breath before looking up towards her current companions. "I'm sorry Ryan. I shouldn't have spoken like that to you." She trailed off before she could make excuses, he didn't need to hear those, he already knew most of them. What she said may have been true but she didn't have to throw it in his face or declare it like that.

Ryan stared at her for a minute before nodding his acceptance of her apology. He understood a bit more why she'd said that now and while he probably knew more than most of the other companions about why they were here, he still knew very little and honestly everything was worrying him.

Yaz defends Ryan, as Ryan argues that they do know her - she's the Doctor and her past or future don't matter, they know who she is now. The three declare that whatever happens they'll be there to help whether she likes it not not.

"Thank you, all of you. Seriously, thank you." The Doctor took a deep breath, eyes bright, shining with unshed tears. "You're my family too." She glanced around the room. "All of you are. No matter what happens or has happened" River squeezed her hand in comfort, pulling her closer so she leaned against River's shoulder. The rest of her companions, of her family, gave her reassuring smiles. But none of them were doing very well at hiding their worry.

An alarm sounds. The Tardis is siding with them, offering a distraction. It works - multiple alerts across three continents on Earth. They decide to have a quick look.

"I guess that's finished for now." The Doctor sighed; she took another quick look round the room. "Let's have a break, we've been watching for a while now." She saw several people eager to protest, desperate to get more answers but she beat them to punch. "You'll get more answers soon I promise, but we all need a break and to stretch our legs. Come on." She pushed herself to her feet and out of River's clutches, determined to have a break from everything.

That seemed to be enough for the others and they slowly dispersed, getting to their feet, stretching and moving through to the kitchen and corridor. The Doctor watched them go, trying desperately to decide if she could get away with hiding for a while or if she was mentally prepared for some more emotionally charged conversations that she knew she would have to have.

Soon she was left alone in the main room with Jack and River who were now standing on either side of her, like bookends or bodyguards she thought with a mental snort. Even the Master had slunk away, hopefully away from the rest of the group – she made a mental note to keep an eye out for him in case of trouble.

The Doctor made the mistake of looking up at the pair on either side of her. River was staring her down, expression stern. "Explain." When she didn't start speaking immediately, River continued. "Please, Doctor. We're worried about you. We just want to help, we love you."

That only made her feel more guilty, especially knowing she couldn't even explain fully. "I can't River, I'm sorry. It's part of what the Tardis wants to show us I think and you'll need to see it with the others. Please just trust me, you'll find out soon enough." The Doctor pleaded with her wife. When River's expression wavered, she knew she'd won and it tore at her hearts.

Jack had watched the pair carefully. "Come on, let's get something to eat. I think we'll probably need the break." With that he marched out of the room with a final glance at the wives. River watched him leave, before turning back to the Doctor, eyes sad. "I trust you. I don't like any of this, but I trust you."

The Doctor watched her leave, leaving her alone in the movie room. She took a deep breath before following, she needed to have some serious conversations.

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