Deep Breath
And next up on the revamp of old chapters - Deep Breath!
Enjoy and thank you everyone for sticking with me as I go over these chapters and fix them up
The group used up all of the suggested five minutes to bring their emotions back under control. The last video had just been the final straw that broke the camel's back and let lose the emotions they been holding in for several videos beforehand. Once everyone was more composed, they settled back in their sofas their attention was turned to the screen again. They were all apprehensive about the newest video they were going to be shown and all hoping for a break from the emotional trauma of the last few videos.
As they'd come to expect now, the screen turned black as the new video's title appeared for the first time.
"Deep Breath?" Donna raised an eyebrow, "I swear these titles are getting more obscure."
The Doctor scrunched up her face, trying to figure out any of her adventures that would fit a title like that but coming up blank. "No ideas for this one, guess we'll just have to wait and see." The group shrugged at that and turned their attention to the screen to see what was going to be shown, all wondering who and what it was going to feature.
On the south side of the River Thames in London, near the Houses of Parliament, a large crowd is gathered as Big Ben chimes 3 o'clock and a dinosaur roars
"Is that a dinosaur? In the Thames?" Martha asked blinking confused at the screen, before glancing at the Doctor and sighing. "I feel like I shouldn't even be surprised anymore."
"Oh." Clara breathed out, glancing between the screen and the Doctor in realisation of what they were going to see this time.
"You know what this one's about?" Rose asked Clara, seeing the recognition in the other's eyes.
"Yes." Clara answered glancing at the Doctor once more who nodded. "I'm pretty sure this is set right after the last one."
The group nodded thoughtfully at that. If this one was set right after the other it meant the Doctor was newly regenerated and they'd have to watch those struggles and see Clara's reaction to the new regeneration of the Doctor.
A policeman makes his way through, escorting a trio to a police inspector. Gregson (the inspector) greets Madame Vastra thanking them for coming and saying he doubts they've seen anything like this before. Vastra says not since she was a little girl
"She's that old?" Bill asked in a bit of awe, leaning forward and the Doctor consolidated the thought of introducing Bill to the Paternoster gang.
"Yes, she was born about 65 million years ago." The Doctor grinned, it was always good for her to spend time with people older than her, even if it didn't happen older and Vastra was a great friend, even when she was being difficult like after regenerating here.
Jenny calls the dinosaur a big guy, Vastra corrects her to the dinosaur being a female, and they're all around that size
"How can she tell from that distance?" Amy asked, genuinely curious.
"She learnt when she was younger." The Doctor shrugged, not quite knowing Vastra's technique.
Jenny argues they weren't as she's seen fossils, Vastra says she was there
"A primary source is certainly better than Victorian guest work based of a few bits of fossils." Clara smiled, going into teacher mode.
The Doctor nodded with her own grin, "Oh you should certainly look at old Victorian ideas of what the fossils were, very entertaining."
Gregson asks what the dinosaur is doing in the Thames. The tyrannosaurus rex paces along the river bed, bellowing and making the crowd scream
"She is very big." Mickey remarked with a low whistle upon seeing the dinosaur in the Thames.
Vastra declares it must have time travelled
"No, I think the dinosaur is naturally there." Ryan muttered, voice dripping with sarcasm. Yaz smiled but nudged him in the side.
Jenny holds up a hand-scanner which is part of her glove. Gregson questions the time travel comment
"Poor guy, he has no clue what's going on." Rory sighed feeling very sympathetic for the poor man who had no clue what he had stumbled into.
The dinosaur is choking something up, Vastra comments on something being lodged in its throat as Jenny asks how it could have time travelled
"I'm going to guess that is where you come in." River raised an eyebrow at her wife, who shrugged a bit sheepish.
Vastra suggests it was something it ate. The dinosaur dislodges the obstruction, coughing it up and revealing a familiar blue box with a light on top which flies out its moth and lands on the riverbank below the crowd
"What?" Amy exclaimed, "You know what? No. Do I want to know how you got eaten by a t-rex?"
Clara rolled her eyes with a huff, "Turns out they really can't pilot the Tardis after regeneration. Even less so than normal."
Gregson tells everyone to stand back before declaring the dinosaur laid an egg
"That's ... that's ... Yeah, no. He has no idea of how that works." Bill declared; a bit bewildered by Gregson's comment.
Vastra declares Gregson's idea of biology is worrisome
"Very worrying." Martha agreed with Vastra on screen.
Jenny says it's the Tardis, before telling the Inspector they'll take care of it
"I think you better had." Jack grimaced, the normal Victorians would have no idea of how to deal with any of that and if the Doctor had just regenerated than he wasn't going to be in much state to be very helpful.
Clara and the Doctor shared a glance, both thinking about the horrible fate of the dinosaur.
Gregson worries about it going on a rampage. Vastra takes balls with three legs out of a bag (lanterns apparently), telling Gregson to put them on the shoreline and bridges, encircling the creature – they'll emit a light that will keep the dinosaur within them
"Very useful." Mickey nodded, glad that they at least had a plan for that much.
Vastra, Jenny and Strax go down the stone stairs to the riverbank as Jenny asks if it's the Doctor. Vastra declares a giant dinosaur from the past just vomited a blue box from space
"Isn't that a statement you never thought you'd hear." Yaz grinned, earning chuckles of agreement from the group.
Vastra finished saying it's not a day to jump to conclusions. Strax knocks on the Tardis door, demanding they exit the box and surrender to the glory of the Sontaran empire
"Does he say that every time?" Ryan asked.
The Doctor shrugged with a fond smile (which she would never admit too), "It's part of his 'programming' so to say, and despite joining Vastra and Jenny, he's still Sontaran."
A tall grey-haired man opens the door and looks out – the twelfth Doctor - smoke also comes out.
The group all smiled upon seeing the familiar face of Eyebrows, even though it was tinged with the memories of the painful regeneration they'd just watched. Clara and Bill shared a grin, both thinking back on their memories with this Doctor, although Clara was aware of the mess they were about to watch. After this video they would have seen both the start and end of Eyebrows, with painful interludes as well, and they weren't quite sure how to feel about that as the videos weren't exactly great.
He tells Strax to shush before shutting the door again
The group chuckled at that, grinning at the Doctor's behaviour even as they realised it was likely worse because of his recent regeneration.
Strax calls for the Doctor, and he opens the door again saying they were being chased by a dinosaur but he thinks they managed to escape
"You really didn't." Rose teased, "You got eaten. I don't think that counts as giving it the slip." The group broke out into snickers of how ridiculous the start of the video was.
He shuts the door again, before it is slowly opened. The Doctor goes through a list of dwarf names from Snow White – Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy
"As in the dwarves? Are you seriously calling him a dwarf from Snow White?" Bill asked. "And you tell us off for calling him a potato."
"Yes, well he's neither despite looking like both. I blame regeneration sickness." The Doctor muttered as the group grinned at her attempt to come up with an excuse.
He then sees Vastra and Jenny, walking to them and calling them the green and not-green ones, before declaring it could be the other way round and he shouldn't judge
The group all turned to look at the Doctor. "You're really out of it, aren't you?" Donna remarked unusually quiet. It was easy to find the Doctor's state and comments entertaining, but they had to remember Eyebrows was only like this because he'd just died and regenerated, which was a very painful process itself. It wasn't a nice reminder.
The Doctor shrugged with a fake smile on her face, they could all see right through it but didn't say anything. Clara gave the Doctor concerned looks, knowing full well what was still to unravel.
Clara then appears, very dishevelled. The Doctor can't remember her name even as he tries to introduce her – calling her not-me and the asking questions one. Clara says her own name
The group all winced at both Clara and the Doctor's states. Shooting Clara sympathetic looks at hearing the Doctor unable to remember her name. Rose especially was sympathetic, being one of the only one to actually witness the Doctor's regeneration and still be around in the aftermath, she knew how hard it was to cope with the regeneration itself and re-learn the Doctor themselves, she had a feeling Clara was going to struggle this video.
The Doctor says it might be Clara or might not, Clara says it is, the Doctor still isn't convinced
Clara let out a frustrated sigh and shot the Doctor a short glare. The Doctor just offered a sheepish grin, she couldn't really help her state there but after not remembering Clara at all she didn't want to joke too much about it here.
The dinosaur bellows and the Doctor tells her to shut up. Clara says he needs to calm down. The Doctor is busy talking to the dinosaur, decaling he's not flirting with it after the dinosaur corrects him on her gender
"Wait you can understand the dinosaur?" Graham asked, eyes alight with curiosity.
The Doctor grinned, "Of course I can Graham, I speak everything."
Clara thinks something is wrong. The Doctor asks what is wrong, wondering if Clara's regenerated. He then declares he remembers Clara but calls her Handles, saying she let herself go
"Doctor!" Martha groaned, shooting Clara a sympathetic look.
"Sorry, I'm sorry! Regeneration sickness." The Doctor raised her hands in surrender, hurrying to try and explain under the weight of the room's eyes and Martha's disappointment. Why did she always find the fiercest companions?
The dinosaur bellows again, the Doctor tells Vastra to reduce the frequency of their sonic lanterns as they're giving the dinosaur a headache. He calls the dinosaur his lady friend before adding it's just an expression
"Are you seriously flirting with the giant dinosaur?" Rory exclaimed in exasperation.
"No! Were you not listening Roman? I was not flirting with the dinosaur." The Doctor protested as the group all snickered.
Strax asks how he knows. The Doctor calls her Clara as he declares he speaks dinosaur. Clara corrects him, saying she's Clara not him
"Oh, you're not going get a break while he's still in this state." Rose muttered with a sympathetic look, while her own experience with a regenerated Doctor was likely different, some things were the same. It was hard to have to see a new face staring back at you despite the familiar name and attitude, and it took some time to adjust which with how the Doctor was, they weren't likely to get. Clara grumbled in memory, this 'adventure' had certainly been a hard one, in a different way than most of their travels were.
The Doctor says they're similar heights so should maybe wear labels. He then asks why they're doing that, why is she going all dark and wobbly, telling her to stop that. Clara says she isn't. The Doctor waves it off, telling everyone to take a break, he closes his eyes, swaying before falling over
"Oh no." Mickey sighed, remembering finding Rose with the newly regenerated Doctor. "He's heavy and you're going to have to drag him somewhere else to keep him from trying to find danger."
"Talking from experience?" Clara asked with a small grin, mostly due to the Doctor's spluttering.
CLARA: What do we do?
JENNY: I don't understand. Who is he? Where's the Doctor?
CLARA: Right here. That's him. That's the Doctor.
VASTRA: Well then, here we go again.
"Again?" Yaz asked.
The Doctor shrugged, with a fond smile clear on her face. "Like I said, Vastra's a very old friend. This would have been the fourth of my faces she'd met."
Yaz and several others nodded at that exclamation, the Doctor had mentioned she'd known Vastra a while.
It's night, and in the guest bedroom at Vastra's house the Doctor is awake, now dressed in a full-length night shirt while Clara and Jenny listen at the door. The Doctor doesn't know what something it, asking who invented the room as he opens the door. Clara asks him to lie down
"Good luck with that." River chuckled. "The Doctor rarely sleeps normally, if they've just regenerated, they're going to be even more of a pain than normal. You're lucky you have Vastra there to help you."
"Hey!" The Doctor protested, which went ignored by the pair.
"Yes. I don't know what I would have done without Vastra's help." Clara nodded in agreement.
The Doctor declares it doesn't make sense as the room only has a bed in it
"Err, because it's a bedroom?" Bill said, in a 'duh' kind of voice. She couldn't deny she was secretly excited to see her Doctor newly regenerated and how Clara dealt with him.
The Doctor huffed; arms crossed. "I still think it's stupid. Why waste time sleeping when you could be doing almost anything else?"
"Sleeping is important Sweetie, and you need to do it more." River sighed at her wife, who was looking very childish at the moment.
The Doctor in turn pouted at her, "You can't say anything."
Clara answers it's a bedroom and its purpose is for sleeping, the Doctor asks what they do when you're awake and Jenny tells him you leave the room. The Doctor is still confused about them having a whole room for not being awake in. He then adds to not look in the mirror as its furious
"How can a mirror be furious?" Ryan blinked utterly bewildered by the newly regenerated Doctor on screen, and they had thought their newly regenerated Doctor was bad.
"What are you talking about Ryan, of course mirrors can be furious." The Doctor declared, looking confused by the group's confusion and disbelief.
Clara tells the Doctor he needs to lie down as he keeps passing out. The Doctor argues of course he does as there's all the beds and then asks whys she's talking like that and what's wrong with her accent. Jenny says there's nothing wrong with her accent
"Oh right, you have a Scottish accent as Eyebrows." Rose nodded, she'd forgotten about that detail (it hadn't seemed particularly important) but of course the Doctor would focus on it when suffering regeneration sickness, it was the kind of weird thing he'd focus on.
The Doctor says they all sound the same, they all sound English – they're all faulty
Amy grinned wildly. "Good, I'm glad someone finally realises the Scottish accent is superior." Rory sighed at his wife, she's lived most of her life in England (or now America) but she was still full of pride for her Scottish heritage.
Vastra appears, and asks for the Doctor's help as she uses a Scottish accent
Jack grinned, "Oh she does know you well." He nodded approvingly, it showed how well Vastra knew the Doctor that she was able and willing to manipulate him into taking care of himself.
The Doctor is glad to see someone who talks properly as Vastra asks for help sleeping. The Doctor says he doesn't bother with that; he just does catnaps while standing up
The group all watched the Doctor for several moments in silence, causing her to start fidgeting under the weight of their eyes.
"You know, that explains a lot." Martha sighed, rubbing her forehead.
Vastra asks when he does that, and the Doctor declares he does it when anyone else starts talking so he can skip to his bits to save time
"Doctor!" Donna exclaimed, and she'd thought the Doctor she'd known was rude and terrible with social cues. Seems this one was taking the cake.
"This is why I made him cue cards." Clara grinned. "One of many reasons." She added after a second earning a roll of the eyes from the Doctor who failed to hide her grin.
Vastra leads him to the bed, and they sit down, asking for him to project an image of perfect sleep into her mind The Doctor protests that opening a psychic link with him would be like dropping a piano on her because of the size of his brain
"She's got a plan." Amy grinned approvingly. Clara nodded with a grin while the Doctor pouted again.
Vastra tells him to be gentle and the Doctor says he will as they put their fingers to each other's temples. The Doctor falls onto the bed, fast asleep. Vastra, back with her English accent, declares she loves monkeys as they're funny
"Oi! I'm not a monkey!" The Doctor protested while the rest of the group snickered, glad to see someone could put the Doctor in their place. She purposely did not look at the Master who was chuckling quietly in the corner – she'd heard enough monkey comments from him before to know he shared Vastra's opinion, albeit meaner.
Jenny asks if people are all monkeys now and Vastra corrects herself to say people are apes, only men are monkeys
"True." The female members of the group declared in sync, making several of the men gulp nervously.
They tuck the Doctor into bed as Clara asks what happens now. Vastra declares the Doctor needs rest
"Rest and tea, and preferable no danger." Rose nodded giving the Doctor a stern look. All she could think about was her own experience with a newly regenerated Doctor, it had ended with them being attacked several times and then the Doctor getting their hand cut off. It had been one of the few moments that she's been thankful for the Doctor regenerating, as it had been the only thing that saved their hand.
"But that's unlikely to happen with the Doctor around." Mickey grimaced.
Clara asks how they fix him, how they change him back
"Oh Clara." River muttered, stuck between being sympathetic with Clara's plight and frustrated with the young woman. She knew how sensitive her wife was about rejection and her companions, Clara's rejection due to her regeneration was bound to just be salt in the wound, and she hated that she couldn't do anything about that. It didn't help that the Doctor had curled in on herself quietly, she'd missed this the first time around.
Clara sighed deeply, turning guilty eyes onto the Doctor. "I'm sorry Doctor. I didn't cope well with any of this and I took it out on you which wasn't fair to anyone. I'm sorry." She didn't know what else to say, what else she could say.
The Doctor just nodded, smiling softly at Clara. She understood the young woman's dilemma, it wasn't the first time her companions had struggled with her regeneration, but it didn't hurt any less each time it happened. Still, she couldn't bring herself to hold it against her.
Vastra becomes colder, telling Jenny she'll be in her chamber and asking her to fetch her veil. Jenny asks if they're expecting strangers, and Vastra declares one is already there before she leaves
"Ooooooh." Bill muttered quietly, unable to help herself despite the sudden tension in the room. She didn't quite know the significance of the veil, but it clearly had something to do with Clara's rejection of the new Doctor.
Clara asks what she's done wrong, but Jenny comments on how sad the dinosaur seems as they hear it through the window
"I wouldn't be if I got stuck in the wrong time and couldn't go anywhere too." Nardole said quietly, feeling a bit of sympathy for the poor dinosaur.
Clara asks what's wrong with the dinosaur, but Jenny doesn't know as its only the Doctor who speaks dinosaur before excusing herself to join her wife. Clara asks where he got the face and why he looks older with lines on his face and grey hair as he only just got it
"That's just how regeneration works." Jack said with a shrug, he was also struggling with Clara's rejection of the Doctor, but he'd had the advantage of being from a future period and used to stranger things like that, still Clara didn't have to be cruel about it.
The Doctor didn't meet Donna's eyes as she looked at him with a considering look, no doubt remembering where she'd seen the face before.
Jenny tries to tell Clara that he's still the Doctor, and she saw him change. Clata says she knows but asks how Jenny would feel if Vastra was suddenly different, a different person from the one she liked. Jenny declares she loves Vastra, and she's already different as she's a lizard
"Jenny is full of wisdom." Martha smiled softly, despite her Victorian knowledge she'd been loyal to Vastra and kind to the Doctor.
Clara goes to the window as the dinosaur moans. The Doctor is speaking in his sleep – translating for the dinosaur. He says he's all alone, the world he knows is gone, the trees and sky, and he is all alone
"Wait, I was saying that out loud?" The Doctor muttered to herself; clearly, she had been based on the screen.
The Doctor continues declaring the world is grey and he's alone, they don't see him, can't see him
The group felt a swell of pity for the poor dinosaur that had the misfortune to travel through time and get stuck in Victorian London, they could only hope that it managed to get home and have a happy ending. No one noticed the sad exchange Clara and the Doctor had, the dinosaur's fate certainly wasn't happy.
Clara asks who can't see it, saying all of London can. Strax finds Clara declaring Madame Vastra is waiting, asking to take her coat – she isn't wearing a coat, then her clothes, which she disagrees with, and then her hat, which is just her hair. Strax is stubbornly determined it is a hat and asks if she wants him to check
"Oh Strax." The Doctor sighed, shaking her head in exasperated fondness. The group was quietly chuckling at the exchange glad for the break from Clara's rejection, the Doctor's sickness and the dinosaur's struggles. They hadn't seen Strax much on screen, but they'd already managed to get a good idea of his character.
In a street, a middle-aged couple walks together as a lamplighter works. The man (Alf) declares the government isn't real to his female companion (Elsie)
"They think the government is responsible for the dinosaur?!" Ryan asked incredulous.
The Doctor shrugged, "Apparently." She was a bit confused about why the Tardis was showing these people as she couldn't remember seeing them, but she trusted the Tardis knew what she was doing.
Elsie is confused as Alf declares the government up to their usual tricks
"I kinda want to know about what the government was up to in Victorian London for them to think a dinosaur was part of their normal tricks." Bill declared looking very intrigued by the stranger's word son screen.
Elsie declares it a real dinosaur as Alf doesn't believe it. Elsie warns him not to stay out too late
"I'm not getting a good feeling about this." Rose muttered.
Elsie leaves and the lamplighter illuminates a man in the shadows. Alf is still talking about the dinosaur as the Half-face man in the shadow declares he has good eyes
"He's missing half his face!" Donna exclaimed turning to give the Doctor a glance.
The Doctor and Clara shared their own exchange, both realising exactly why the Tardis had decided this was relevant for them to see. The Doctor shot a quick glance at Rose, she'd worked out why this mess had all been familiar to her a while ago and was nervous to see how Mickey and Rose would react to it.
Donna's curious glance turned into a frustrated sigh as the Doctor ignored the questions behind her comment.
Alf agrees they're his greatest gift, Half-face man accepts his gift as he has bad eyes, taking a sharp two-pronged form from his case, turning to Alf to reveal that half his face is mechanical. Alf screams
"That's horrible!" Martha's eyes widened, both in reference to the mechanical man, the mechanical man going to steal his eyes, and the terrible medical procedure.
"I don't think that he was offering when he mentioned his eyes." Mickey muttered, full of dark humour as he narrowed his eyes at the screen. The guy certainly looked familiar, and not in a good way.
Back at Vastra's, she's in a conservatory in a peacock chair. Vastra is asking Clara about the events that led them to be there, Clara wants to know why she's wearing her veil, Vastra presses about the story
"Vastra takes nonsense and judgement from no one." River smiled fondly, very glad for Vastra's knowledge and friendship towards her wife at the moment. Stars know the Doctor needed all the support possible in the face of her latest regeneration and with Clara struggling so much, leaving her unprepared to provide it.
Clara declares they got swallowed by a dinosaur, which they likely noticed
"It was kind of hard to miss." Yaz said giving the Doctor a pointed look.
"It wasn't exactly my fault!" The Doctor protested.
"Yes, it was." Clara declared giving no room for any arguments.
Jenny asks how it happened, and Clara says she doesn't know, they were crashing everywhere as the Doctor was gone and the Tardis went haywire. Jenny corrects her to say the Doctor isn't gone and he's upstairs. Clara corrects herself to say he changed as Vastra adds he regenerated
Rose gave Clara a sympathetic look, understanding far too well Clara's struggles even though it was painful to have to watch knowing how much it hurt the Doctor.
Clara winced at herself on screen; the guilt was gnashing away in the pit of her stomach. She'd been really struggling with the 'loss' of the Doctor and the appearance of the 'new' Doctor, and it had caused so much extra trouble when they were already in danger. It was painful to watch herself knowing what was going on in her mind back then but also knowing how much it had to have affected the Doctor. She threw the Doctor an apologetic glance to which she received a small smile of understanding back; both were thinking about how many times they were going to have to apologise to each other this video.
Vastra isn't impressed by Clara, declaring she'd used to seeing through a veil. Vastra had declared him renewed but Clara is amused as he doesn't look renewed, he looks older
"Why is that?" Graham asked the Doctor curious, the question ringing a bel in his head. At the Doctor's confused look, he expanded. "I mean, I know if I got the chance, I'd want to be younger again, get rid of all the back aches and stuff, ya know? But you were also fairly young looking for the last few faces before Eyebrows and in this one now. Why the change?"
The Doctor sat oddly thoughtful and quiet for a moment, contemplating Graham's question which came from a different place than Clara's almost accusation on screen. "I think ... I think the video will mention it later but ... as you've seen I don't really have much control over my regeneration at least consciously, but that face and the accent and the age I think they were unconscious reminders for myself. I'm not really quite sure how to explain it, honestly." The Doctor finished quietly; she certainly had her suspicions, but she wasn't quite willing to share them with the group just yet. The face and accent were much easier to interpret than her age; she'd always thought it might have had something to do with needing a new start or forgiving herself in some way for some of the past.
Graham and the group had watched her quietly, listening attentively to her explanation not prodding anymore onto what was obviously a fairly private topic. Graham just offered the Doctor a grandfatherly smile, which she replied to with her own small smile.
Vastra asks if she thought he was young, Clara says he looked it, and Vastra declares he looked like a dashing young man, her lover maybe, Clara tells her to shut up
Clara groaned at yet another reminder of her old crush on the Doctor, it was embarrassing for it to even be hinted about on screen and yet here they were. At least the Doctor was stubbornly avoiding anyone's gaze, uncomfortable with most refences to emotions and romantic feelings bar form certain people and in certain situations. Clara did receive a few sympathetic and understanding looks from the group though, she hadn't been the only one to have a crush on the Doctor at some point by any stretch of the imagination.
Jack started singing quietly but purposely obnoxiously, "Another one bites the dust! Oh, anther one bites the dust!" He only stopped when Clara acquired a pillow and threw it into his face with a huff.
VASTRA: But he is the Doctor. He has walked this universe for centuries untold, he has seen stars fall to dust. You might as well flirt with a mountain range.
The Doctor narrowed her eyes at the screen at Vastra's words, shifting uncomfortable and very glad she'd missed this the first time around. The she turned on her wife, "You spent far too much time with Vastra. Both of you picked up on each other's tendency for dramatic poetry."
"You're the dramatic one, Sweetie, not me." River argues back with a teasing grin.
"Frankly, I think you're both overly dramatic."
"Shut up, Nardole." Both the Doctor and River declared in sync.
Clara protests that she didn't flirt with him, Vastra argues he flirted with her
The Doctor spluttered a bit at that comment, cheeks red but unable to deny that. It hadn't (always) been intentional but it had certainly come off that way on some occasions.
Vastra asks why Clara why she thinks the Doctor looked young. Clara suggests herself and Vastra corrects her to everyone, saying she wears a veil for the same reasons he wore a face
The group gave the Doctor curious albeit concerned glances; they were all quietly curious about the reason (or rather Vastra's perceived reason – which knowing Vastra was likely spot on) despite the Doctor's attempt to explain.
Vastra declares it the oldest reason for anything – to be accepted
River squeezed the Doctor's hand as her wife let out a world-weary sigh, her gaze never leaving the screen despite the weight of the room's eyes on her. Vastra knew her far too well.
In the bedroom upstairs, the Doctor wakes and sniffs the air, moving around the carpet until he goes to the radiator and uses a piece of chalk to mark it with
"What the hell are you doing?" Amy raised an accusing eyebrow, arms crossed pointedly.
"Regeneration sickness?" The Doctor tried to defend herself even as her thoughts turned to the chalk; was this where her weird obsession with chalk and chalkboards during that regeneration came into play?
Vastra declares that although, Jenny and she are married they pretend Jenny is her main in public for appearances sake
Bill grumbled to herself about that, it didn't seem fair to have to pretend to be something you're not just because society couldn't accept that they were lesbians. Obviously, Victorian London was a different story to her time but their time wasn't exactly perfect either. They still had a way to go in terms of acceptance for the LGTBQ community, but things like this reminded her of the progress they had made.
Jenny complains about how it's a good pretence as she's still pouring them tea in private
The group smiled warmly at the pair of wives on screen, enjoying their (admittedly odd and unique) dynamic.
Vastra declares she wears a veil to hide what some would call her disfigurement, but she doesn't wear it as a courtesy to those people but as a judgment on their hearts. Clara asks if she's judging her
"Yes." River stated bluntly, "And no." Her eyes were focused on the Clara in the room rather than the one on the screen. Clara nodded to her in understanding, able to read between the lines and answer the silent questions River was asking her. The Doctor watched their silent conversation conflicted; she couldn't quite understand what the pair were saying but she could guess enough to want to keep an eye on it.
Vastra says the Doctor regenerated in her presence, the young man was replaced with a new, older man, and the veil was lifted, he trusted her, before asking if Clara is judging him. Clara is angry at the accusations
The group shifted uncomfortable as the tension in the room and on screen rose. This situation could only go one of two ways; either Clara was going to defend herself and prove herself, or she was going to say the wrong thing and get defensive in the wrong way. The group all knew what they were silently hoping for and suspecting (as they knew Clara had travelled with Eyebrows for a while).
The Doctor was watching the screen quietly and usually still, she'd missed all of this the first time, something she was glad for as she wasn't sure she could have coped with too much more or Clara's rejections than she already had. A companion or friend rejecting her based on her appearance had always hurt far more than it should, as Vastra said it should be a judgment on the person rejecting her not herself, but it still hurt far too much.
Back upstairs, the Doctor is writing on the floorboards only standing when he hears the dinosaur, moving to open the door
"What are you writing?" Mickey asked the Doctor who only grinned back and waved to the screen, making Mickey huff at the non-answer.
He declares the door boring and not him, moving to the window and opening it as he says its more him
"So, it is a conscious decision to be dramatic then." Martha gave the Doctor a pointed look for their decision to take the window instead of the obvious choice of the door. It also held some concern as the Doctor on screen was nowhere near at full capacity and only likely to find trouble if they went outside, and no one would know until too late knowing their luck.
The Doctor grinned back, completely unrepentant, although she did wince at the glare Clara sent her. Both knowing the trouble her decision to leave here had gotten them into.
Back with Vastra, Clara is halfway through a rant, talking about Marcus Aurelius, the roman emperor, and Vastra declares him a great bass guitarist adding the Doctor knows how to put a band together
"I don't want to know." Rory immediately declared to his wife's entertainment.
Clara is still defending herself, arguing she's never had much interest in pretty young men, but if anyone could flirt with a mountain range it would be her, and to not assume she's so easily distracted. Vastra's veil is gone as Jenny applauds
The group all grinned upon seeing Clara defend herself and Vastra without her veil, immediately understanding the significance. Clara blushed a bit as the whole room now knew about her odd choice of crush as a teenager, the Doctor's teasing grin only making her blush harder even as her chest was lifted of the majority of the guilt that had been eating away at it.
Vastra always wondered what she'd be like when she lost her temper, she then adds, more seriously, that the Doctor needs them and Clara more than anyone, they need to bring him home
The Doctor grumbled a bit at that comment from Vastra, almost wanting to defend that she would be fine by herself automatically. River rubbed a thumb across the back of her hand as if calming ruffled fur on a cat. "Everyone needs someone Doctor, there's no shame in asking for help." She whispered to her wife, aware that if she spoke any louder, they'd attract an unwanted audience.
"Pot meet kettle." The Doctor countered with a pointed look.
Her word didn't seem to have the effect on River she'd wanted them too. Instead, River gave her a sad smile, "It's a skill we both struggle with, and one we can work on together." The Doctor was moved speechless, far too focused on the warm feeling in her gut as River implied that they'd get to be together again outside this room, it had been a possibility she' almost abandoned so long ago.
Clara asked when she stopped wearing her veil, and Vastra tells her when she stopped seeing it
The group almost cheered at that, glad for that part of the drama to be mostly out of the way so they could help find the Doctor and get them out of whatever trouble they'd managed to find. They knew the matter wasn't completely solved; it was far too complex for a ten-minute chat to resolve but it had helped with Clara's priorities at the very least.
On the rooftops, the Doctor is making his way to the river, apologising to the dinosaur for bring her here but promising to get her home, that he'll jeep her safe until she's home. The dinosaur bursts into flames, roaring in pain before it collapses. The Doctor demands for it to stop, asking who's doing it
The group let out audible gasps and shrieks of horror upon seeing the dinosaur burst into flames and roar in pain, especially so soon (aka immediately) after the Doctor had promised to get her home. The Doctor's expression had turned dark as the scene was played out on screen, it had been horrifying to watch the first time and was no better the second. She was the sole reason that dinosaur had been there, and therefore the reason she had died, and she couldn't forget that.
Clara's eyes had widened in horror; she'd known it had happened, but she hadn't actually seen it in person which she was suddenly very thankful for. Ripping her eyes form the screen she turned to check on the Doctor knowing them well enough to almost sense the spiralling guilt from her seat.
"Stop it." Clara said, eyes narrowed on the Doctor who was jolted out of her thoughts to meet Clara's gaze. The Doctor went to open her mouth and say something, but Clara beat her to it. "No, it was not your fault. The dinosaur being in the Thames, yes. But her dying? No. You did not kill her, but we stopped the ones who did, so stop with the guilt." The Doctor looked ready to argue but Clara just kept glaring her into submission until the Doctor mutely nodded her head in understanding.
In the house they hear the commotion, and Vastra orders Strax to bring the carriage
The group watched the screen carefully as the tension in the room skyrocketed again. They weren't sure how the half mechanical man stealing eyes connected to the dinosaur dying but they could bet it did, and it wouldn't be a nice connection. Hopefully, Clara and the Paternoster gang would notice the Doctor was missing before they found too much trouble.
The Doctor leaps into a tree which breaks and drops him down, he catches himself by the knees on a lower branch s he's hanging upside down. A cabbie strolls into view with his horse
The group winced at seeing the Doctor's very ungraceful fall through the tree, consoled only by the fact he hadn't hit the floor and seemed mostly okay.
The Doctor declares he's going to have to relieve him of his pet, the Cabbie is confused but the Doctor tells him to shut up as he's talking to the horse. He drops onto the horse's back and uses his sonic to sever the reins
The room turned the Doctor. "Did you seriously just steal a horse?!" Donna exclaimed, shaking her head in exasperation. The Doctor just grinned unashamed.
Mickey and Rose, however, had both narrowed their eyes at the sight of the Doctor on the horse. The mechanical man had been bothering them, and seeing the Doctor on a horse was the final piece of the puzzle. Rose jerked up in her seat, "The Clockwork people!" She shouted far louder than she intended to. Mickey nodded; eyes alight in realisation as the rest of the group stared at them confused.
The Doctor nodded in confirmation of the pair's theory, "Seriously? The horse was the thing that reminded you?" She asked confused and a bit insulted.
Rose laughed, "You wanted to keep the horse we found on the spaceship because, and I quote, 'I let you keep Mickey!'" Rose's voice changed in an attempt to mimic Pinstripes' when she quoted his old words. The rest of the room were stuck between laughing at the very on brand Doctor behaviour and being exasperated for the same reason.
Clara was focussed on something else though, "Wait, you've met them before and still didn't know what to do?!"
"Regeneration sickness!" The Doctor protested, "I thought they were familiar but didn't realise until a few months later why."
"I swear you are using regeneration sickness as an excuse for everything this video." Mickey teased.
"Oi! Rickey!"
The Doctor gallops away, Vastra's carriage droves past the abandoned cabbie
"So close." Clara muttered to herself, annoyed by how little they'd missed the Doctor there. At that point they'd still been unaware that he was out of bed.
The Doctor is calling out directions as he canters along, getting his directions confused as he can't tell his new hands apart
That earned a few chuckles form the group, atmosphere still tense but more relaxed than it had been before. All curious about these so called 'clockwork people' Rose and Mickey had also apparently met before.
Jenny asks what they think happened in the carriage, Clara asks if they should have told the Doctor, but Jenny argues he's not ready to leave the bed
"Yes. He's not ready to leave his bed." Clara announced, arms crossed and giving the Doctor a pointed glare. The Doctor shrugged a bit sheepish but offered no other form of apology; really what had they expected from her, to not find trouble? Hah.
Both groups are hurrying to the river. At Westminster Bridge, the Doctor dismounts and looks over the burning remains of the dinosaur muttering how sorry he is
The group watched quietly, mourning the poor t-rex which had been dragged through time by accident and then stranded and killed horribly in Victorian London, millions of years from home. They were very glad the way that the Tardis wasn't showing them the gruesome remains of the dinosaur, the knowledge of her fate was terrible enough.
The Doctor curled in a bit on herself, still blaming herself despite Clara's words earlier.
Strax halts the carriage behind him and the three ladies get out, surprised to see the Doctor. Vastra declares there's rouble, so there's nowhere else the Doctor would be
"Truer words have never been spoken." Jack sighed, serious in a way he rarely was. He had never actually witnessed the Doctor regenerate but knew enough from having been friends for so long to be worried about the Doctor's current state on screen. Mix the recent regeneration with the current danger and guilt and the Doctor really couldn't be in a good state.
The Doctor declares the dinosaur was scared and alone, that he brought her here and to look at what they did to her
"Oh Sweetie." River muttered for lack of better words, squeezing the Doctor's hand tightly. She knew far too well how her wife clung to guilt.
Vastra asks what/who could have done it, the Doctor argues that's not the right question, not where they should start. Strax declares the question is how as the flesh itself was combusted
"Not a good time Strax." Rory muttered, eyeing the Doctor both on screen and in the room with them.
The Doctor tells them to all shut up, declaring they have pudding for brains and asking why he can't meet a decent species
Several people made huffs and noises of offense, but no one actually spoke, blaming the Doctor's comment on their state and the situation, despite the fact that they all knew they would say that any time.
Clara tells him she knows he's upset but he needs to calm down and talk to them, asking what the question is. The Doctor says a dinosaur burnt in the middle of London leaving nothing but smoke and flames, the real question is if there have been ant similar murders. Vastra declares there has been
"That is somehow both a good thing and a terrible thing." Yaz declared.
"How can people being burnt alive be a good thing, Yaz?" Ryan looked at her incredulous.
"Because Ryan." Yaz stated, serious and eyes assessing the screen even as she spoke, "It means they have a lead. It means someone is doing it for some reason and they just have to follow the trail and any evidence left behind at other scenes to find the culprit." She glanced at the Doctor, searching for confirmation.
The Doctor grinned proudly, even if it was a weak grin. "5 points to Yaz. Wait, or was I doing gold stars?"
"Stop it with the points, Doc. You can never keep score." Graham intercepted with an identical groan to that of Ryan and Yaz.
"I so can. Minus points for you Graham."
He comments on how they're all looking at the sight, decaling question two to be what is the man walking calmly away if everyone is looking at the remains
"A suspect." Bill nodded, having watched far too many drama and crime documentaries.
Vastra comments on how unaffected the man seems, and Clara goes to say something about him, but they're distracted by a splash as the Doctor is no longer next to them. Clara asks what he's doing, saying he'll drown, Vastra doubts it as there is a murder and the Doctor is on the case – if they want to find him again, they also need to investigate
"The best way to find the Doctor is to find trouble." Jack nodded; he could talk from experience after all. Admittedly he'd kept running into the wrong Doctor until he's ... ah, 'acquired' the Doctor's chopped off hand, but the point still stood.
"Great, find a murdered and you'll probably find the Doctor. That's a lot to go off of." Amy grumbled, then she turned on the Doctor. "Did you have to jump off the bridge?"
"Yes." The Doctor answered stubbornly even as she avoided anyone's gaze.
"Shut up, Nardole!"
Back at Vastra's house, Clara is in her bedroom as she looks out the window to see Strax guiding a cart bringing the Tardis from the riverbank
"Good, you at least have the Tardis. That's your second-best bet for finding the Doctor." River nodded; glancing concerned at her wife. She knew the Doctor could look after herself (mostly) but it was still worrying to know the Doctor was off chasing a murdered while still recovering from regeneration.
Strax is warning the footman to not scratch the Tardis, as Clara leans out the window to call down to him. Strax declares it a military tactic to use the Tardis to lure the Doctor back to a place of safety – where they will melt him with acid
"I'm sorry, what was that last part?" Rose raised an eyebrow at the screen.
Clara asks about the last part and Strax corrects himself, citing old habits. He asks if she wants the Times (the newspaper) sent up, Clara agrees and he throws the rolled-up newspaper at her, hitting her between the eyes and knocking her down
"Ooh, that's gotta hurt." Mickey winced. Clara subconsciously rubbed her face where the paper had hit her; Strax unfortunately (in this situation) had a good throwing arm.
Having recovered, Clara wanders down the stairs in a Victorian style outfit
The Doctor took in Clara's outfit, mind jumping to the first time she'd met one of Clara's splinters in Victorian London, that hadn't ended well but in some way it could have never ended well. Still, the memories of watching 'Clara' die were not ones she wanted to dwell on after the number of times she'd seen it.
She greets Jenny as she comes up the stairs, asking what they're going to do and if they're going to look for the Doctor. Jenny declares they have the Paternoster Irregulars out looking, but Vastra is occupied by a forgery case and then planning to have a child poisoner for dinner once she's done interrogating him. Jenny warns her to stay out the larder as it will get noisy later
"Ew. I mean it's not like I'd want that kind of creep out on the streets, but ew." Bill grimaced; she was really liking the Paternoster gang (helped by the happy lesbian couple) but she really didn't want details on Vastra' eating habits.
In the kitchen Strax is mopping the floor, he says she looks better before saying it's a trick of the light and she still looks terrible
"Strax." The Doctor sighed in exasperation.
Clara asks for some water and Strax offers the mop bucket he's using, saying he's nearly finished so to not hold back. Clara is not convinced (understandably), as Strax argues it's alright as he's already washed in it
"Do not drink that." Martha declared with a grimace.
Clara grimaced too, "Really wasn't ever planning to."
Clara is no longer thirsty. Strax declares it is time for her mandatory medical exam, bringing out a monocle like device with three lenses as s green light shines in her eye. He tells her to say ah
The group all watched the screen entertained, most of them having forgotten Strax's punishment of being a nurse. Apparently living and working with Vastra and Jenny didn't stop him from still being one. Clara sighed, remembering this far too well; she was fond of Strax know but god, could he be annoying.
Clara says ah, and Strax tells her to not move her lips, Clara comments on how he's looking at her eye
"Good point." Rose chuckled with a wide grin, enjoying the 'medical examination'.
He aims the light at her forehead declaring it interesting – there's deflected narcissism, some passive aggression and lots of young muscular men doing sport
Clara immediately blushed bright red, moving to hide her face in her hands while the rest of the group laughed harder.
Clara asks what he's looking for, and Strax answers her subconscious, then debating if it is sport the men are doing. She flicks the lens and tells him to stop looking
Clara lifted her head from its hiding place, glaring around the room. "No one ever mentions this again."
"Of course not." The Doctor teased, grin revealing that she was absolutely going to bring this up again. Clara glared at her harder, but it seemed to have no effect.
He declares he'll move to the thorax then, declaring she has a great spleen, and she's twenty-seven years old with an expected lifespan of – Clara cuts him off, and Strax says she'll do quiet well before telling her to put her clothes back on. Clara reminds him they're already on
Clara winced at the reminder, fingers going to her wrist to try and find a pulse that simply wasn't there anymore. She hadn't wanted to know her expected lifespan but based on Strax's words it should have been much longer than it actually was (or would have been had she not been travelling with the Doctor and throwing herself into danger constantly, not that she regretted that).
She takes his scanner and puts it on the table asking him why he's doing this. Strax declares she has to be in peak health if they're going to serve together
"Serve together?" Bill asked bewildered, "But she's just there till you catch up with the Doctor."
Clara and the Doctor exchanged a knowing glance but didn't offer any answers. The point was a mute one anyways as the Doctor had returned for Clara, despite initial appearances that said otherwise late on.
Strax punches Clara in the arm, as she asks why they'll be serving together as the Doctor is going to come back, he's not going to abandon her there. Strax tells her to stop worrying, and by this point the Doctor has almost certainly been killed by the violent poor
"Rude, Strax." The Doctor huffed at the Sontaran's underestimation of her skills. She could survive on the streets of Victorian London! She could!
No one said anything about Strax (and likely Vastra and Jenny's) doubt over the Doctor coming back for Clara, not wanting to touch that with a ten-foot pole especially as it hadn't become an issue in the end. Rose and Mickey did share a glance, both thinking about how similar some things in this video were to their own encounter with the Clockwork people – that had been a time they'd doubted whether the Doctor would and/or could get back to them on the spaceship after saving Madame de Pompadour.
In an alleyway the Doctor is rummaging through the rubbish in his now dirty nightshirt, he finds a broken mirror and turns to see a tramp watching him
"Not a good look for you Doctor." Jack muttered teasingly with a tinge of concern as he glanced at the Doctor next to him. He was tense in apprehension of the trouble the Doctor was likely to find out on the streets, even without these Clockwork people being in play, at least it wasn't nighttime.
The Doctor describes the air as bitey, the tramp (Barney) corrects him to it being cold. The Doctor agrees saying he needs clothes, and a long scarf before saying no he moved on from that as it looked stupid, and asking if Barney ahs seen his face before
"Hah! You admit it!" The Master spoke up suddenly from where they'd been sitting quietly and thoughtful (aka sulking) in their corner armchair. He was radiating far too much triumph for the Doctor's comfort.
She immediately started to argue, "I do not! You can't take words uttered under regeneration sickness seriously!"
If possible, the Master looked even more smug, far too much like the cat that had gotten the cream. "That's utter nonsense and coming from you that's saying something! No take bacs now dearest."
The Doctor huffed, glaring at the Master who grinned back, bouncing slightly in his seat triumphantly until the video restarting distracted the pair and brought their focus back to the screen.
Barney does not know his face, the Doctor is sure he has seen it, adding he doesn't know where the faces come from, and pulls Barney closer to look at the mirror
"Stop annoying random people you meet in alleyways Doctor." Amy sighed dramatically at her, sounding like a mother scolding a child for something they knew they shouldn't do but did anyway.
The Doctor, however, ignored her words, gave focussed on Donna. She'd already recognised the face, and they'd mentioned it briefly, but the rest of the group had no real idea of its actual significance other than it was a face they'd seen before. They didn't know that it was a way for the Doctor to hold themselves accountable and a reminder, of those they'd lost before and who they needed to be.
The Doctor says his face has lines, but he didn't do the frowning, asking if he's ever looked in a mirror and thought he'd seen that face before. Barney has – his own face every time he looks in a mirror
"Fair point mate." Mickey said.
The Doctor agrees that's a good point, but says his own face is fresh. Understandably, Barney starts to move away from the Doctor
The group chuckled at the rection from the poor tramp, that comment had to have been confusing and likely scary. His choice to move away from the seemingly mad man in the nightshirt was a very justified one, despite what the Doctor in the room's pout would say.
The Doctor asks why he chose this face, he was trying to tell himself something but why couldn't he just tell himself what he was thinking. The Doctor says Barney can join in the conversation, and Barney says he doesn't like the Doctor's face
"I mean, I know he thinks you're probably crazy but that seems a little rude." Rose declared shaking her head in disapproval. It wasn't very nice to say you don't like someone's face eve if they were a random mad man wearing a nightshirt that you met in the street.
The Doctor doesn't like it either, saying its big on the eyebrows – they're attack eyebrows
"They've definitely scared a few armies off before." Clara grinned, teasing but also completely truthful. She was still entertained by the drastic swing from Chinny having very little eyebrows to this version of the Doctor being all Eyebrows.
Barney agrees they're mighty eyebrows. The Doctor declares they're cross, independently so, and they want to secede from the rest of his face to set up their own state – which is Scottish, then he asks if he's gone Scottish
"Very Scottish." Amy grinned nodding, glad to hear the familiar accent of her homeland, though a bit sad she'd missed the Doctor with said accent. They could have annoyed and confused Rory together (not that they didn't do that anyway). The Doctor grinned at her, although there was an edge to it that Amy couldn't quite decipher. Little did she know the Doctor was thinking about their former accent being influenced by her.
Barney agrees he's Scottish, which the Doctor likes, practising the 'oh' sound with his Scottish accent
"If he didn't think you were insane before, he does now." Rory sighed.
The Doctor declares he's Scottish and can complain about things now. He then demands Barney's coat
"Doctor!" Donna exclaimed, as if scolding a rude toddler. "You've gone from bothering this man to scaring him and are now demanding his coat! Honestly, manners Martian! I know you know them despite how much you pretend not to!" The Doctor winced, nodding along in an attempt to avoid Donna's wrath.
Barney denies him and the Doctor argues he's cold
"That's because you ran away in your nightshirt." Clara crossed her arms giving the Doctor a pointed glare to which she winced, it was true, but she wasn't going to admit that.
Barney says he's cold, and the Doctor demands the coat again before telling him to shut up ad he was here and asks himself what he saw
The group let out a little breath, glad to see the Doctor distracted from bullying the poor guy, and hopefully they were about to get some more answers. No matter the Doctor's face, that patter of speech was very familiar – they'd made a connection.
He picks up a newspaper and finds that he saw the spontaneous combustion – the newspaper talks about the fourth case of a person spontaneously combusting. Barney asks what devilry it is, and the Doctor doesn't know but says he'd blame the English
"It's always the English." Amy nodded approvingly (knowing that was absolutely not the case but enjoyed teasing her husband far too much and her Scottish pride would never allow her to admit that out loud).
The Doctor laughed at that, even as a few members of the group complained about justice for the English (and at the lack of actual answers). The Doctor turned her grin on Amy, "You would have loved Jamie. You two could complain about the English together for hours." The Doctor's grin turned nostalgic and wistful for something that could never happen, Amy's own grin dipping slightly in response. She was glad for the distraction as the video resumed on screen.
Back with Vastra, she's working at an easel while Jenny holds a pose. Vastra contemplates spontaneous combustion
"Lovely topic to discuss while drawing your wife." Martha drawled with a smile on her face. It seemed Vastra was still on the case too, which was good news for Clara trying to find the Doctor.
Vastra explains it's the theory a human can just explode with no reason or trigger
"I prefer not to spontaneously combust, but that could just be me." Rory declared eyeing his wife, daughter and the Doctor doubtfully, who knows about those three.
Vastra declares it scientific nonsense, and there have been nine reports of people exploding in the last month
"Nine!" Bill exclaimed shocked; she really hadn't thought there had been that many cases from what they'd said already. "And no one else is looking into it?"
The Doctor shook her head with a grimace, "No the police were looking into it they just weren't having much success."
Vastra thinks that whoever killed the dinosaur had at least nine other victims, all who died the same way
The group winced at the reminder of the dinosaur's horrible fate, and to think that nine other people had died that way, likely to these Clockwork People was a horrible thought.
Vastra turns the easel to Jenny revealing newspaper cuttings, a map of London and lines connecting them. Jenny though she was painting her, Vastra declares she was working while Jenny asks why she was posing, and Vastra adds she lights up the room
The group started chickling at that, thoroughly enjoying the happy couple's dynamic. They were an unusual pair, but it worked for them, and they seemed like great people.
Vastra asks why they completely destroyed the victim, as it draws attention, so what is the advantage
Yaz had her face scrunched up in thought, Vastra was making a great point. The spontaneous combustion was showy and not very sneaky so why? Then her eyes lit up in realisation, theories running rapidly through her mind. "To hide any evidence maybe?" She started, everyone watching as she started to piece the puzzle together. "Wait, the Clockwork Person, as you called them, it wanted that guy's eyes. Maybe it is to stop people noticing missing body parts from the victims?"
She turned to Clara and the Doctor for confirmation; the pair exchanged a look trying to decide how much to reveal before the Doctor turned and nodded to Yaz, smiling proudly. Yaz practically preened as her theory was confirmed.
Vastra proposes it was for concealment – by destroying the body you hide what's missing from the body
"She's worked it out too, and without seeing what we saw." Ryan nudged Yaz teasingly, earning a small, annoyed look and a harsher nudge back.
Clara bursts into the room happily, and Vastra tells her to put her clothes on the chair
Clar blushed brightly having missed Vastra's words and meaning the first time around in her excitement. She knew the Silurian was likely only teasing her, but it still made her blush. She seemed to be getting more and more embarrassed in this video, more than she normally was.
Clara shows Vastra the Times newspaper, Vastra comments on the advertisements being a terrible modern trend
"And it only gets worse." Graham shook his head; he wasn't as old as Vastra, but he was older than most of the normal humans in the room.
Clara points out a specific advert in the personal column which says – Impossible Girl, lunch on the other side
"I'm guessing that's not just a random advert and it actually means something to you?" Rose raised an eyebrow at Clara who nodded. It had been a trap rather than the message she had thought it was, but it had still helped lead her to the Doctor in the end.
Vastra declares the game is afoot, and they're going to need a lot of tea
"So British. Tea isn't the solution to everything." Jack shook his head teasingly, but his words gained glares from the majority of the group who disagreed.
Strax pours tea as hey discuss the newspaper, saying there is nothing else significant in it, and Jenny argues they don't' know if its from the Doctor. Clara argues it is the Doctor as he calls her the Impossible Girl
"Ah." Several people nodded, admittedly curious about the nickname but not going to ask at the minute. They'd likely find out eventually anyway.
They debate what lunch on the other side means, saying its very vague and could mean several things. Vastra suggests maybe the point is Clara needs to prove she still know him, declaring what is must mean for a man who barely knows himself
"Doctor! You can't just disappear than leave riddles in the newspaper for Clara to try and track you down!" Donna berated the Doctor. The rest of the group was nodding along with Donna, giving the Doctor exasperated looks.
The Doctor's face was pulled into a grimace in memory of the trap however, "I didn't."
The group went silent at the Doctor's comment, all thinking the same thing.; If the Doctor didn't leave the message than who did?
"Ominous." Bill muttered in concern. If the Doctor didn't leave the message, it meant someone else knew the pair well enough to set a good trap; one Clara was going to fall straight into.
Clara argues it doesn't make sense as he doesn't do puzzles. He isn't that complicated and doesn't have the attention span, so they need to keep it simple. She holds the page up to the light and on the other side is an advert for a restaurant
"That's clever. A trap, but a clever one." Mickey declared, nodding approvingly. He hadn't thought the Clockwork People he'd encountered were that clever or independent, but maybe this one was a different case.
The Doctor grumbles to herself about Clara's comments but couldn't argue.
Clara crosses the street outside the restaurant, she goes inside ad sits by herself. There are other customers but it's very quiet. She looks at the advert again then sniffs and coughs as a companion joins her in a coat
Clara watched the screen carefully, eyes focussed more on the other people in the restaurant than herself on screen. She knew what was going to happen and was trying to see if it was noticeable or she'd just been blinded by her focus on the Doctor. It was a bit noticeable but only if you knew to look for the quiet and repetitive manoeuvres, the others weren't likely to notice without it being pointed out. From the way the Doctor was watching the screen, she was doing and thinking the same. The pair exchanged a knowing look.
The group raised an eyebrow at seeing the Doctor wearing the tramp's coat, all wondering how he'd 'acquired it'.
The Doctor asks what's wrong, and the Clara suggests the smell, the Doctor doesn't realise its coming from him
The group rolled their eyes at the Doctor's obliviousness, but they were mostly just happy to see the pair reunited even if it was for a trap.
Clara asks where he got the coat, the Doctor tries to lie about buying it but Clara doesn't believe it and the Doctor confesses to taking it from a tramp – he swapped his watch for it, and Clara suggests that was a bad deal as he swapped his favourite watch for a bad coat
"That's a terrible deal." Jack raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, he expected better from her really. The Doctor rolled her eyes at Jack; she'd been desperate at that point and needed the coat more than the watch. It wasn't like she'd had anything else to trade.
The Doctor says he was in a hurry before smiling and laughing. Clara tells him not to smile, saying she will smile and then he knows its safe to smile. The Doctor asks if she's cross with him
"You did abandon her in the middle of Victorian London just after regenerating in front of her." Rory said with a pointed look at the Doctor. The Doctor did shrug, conceding to that point, giving Clara an apologetic smile.
Clara says she isn't cross before saying actually she is, extremely cross. The Doctor asks if she'd still be cross if he hadn't changed his face
Clara narrowed her eyes at those words, coming to a realisation now that she probably should have thought of a long time ago. The Doctor knew she would be getting a phone call because it had already happened for him. Eyebrows didn't know when she would get that phone call from Chinny but he knew it would happen and until then they would be together.
He knew how painful that phone call would be, knew just what affect it would have on her and how much she was struggling with their regeneration but had to stand there and listen, unable to do anything, not knowing if she would stay with him in the end. She glanced across at the Doctor whose focus was on the screen; they'd already done part of their conversation so of course they were asking if she was cross – he already knew how she was feeling.
Clara asks the Doctor what a normal person does if they want to meet someone they know well for lunch, and the Doctor suggests they probably get in contact and propose lunch
"Please figure out it's a trap and not just argue about the riddle." Martha muttered hopefully, glancing between the screen and the pair in the room. The two seemed to be particularly good at arguing which meant they were going to be wasting precious time.
Clara continues asking what kind of person puts a cryptic note in a newspaper advert, the Doctor declares that person egomaniac, needy and a game-player sort of person. They both think they're talking about each other as Clara thanks him saying at least that part hasn't changed
The group couldn't help but start snickering as the pair started insulting each other/themselves because of the lack of communication/misunderstanding from the trap. The Doctor and Clara exchanged a long look at each other before joining in on the chuckles, it was quite entertaining to watch knowing what they knew now.
The Doctor declares he doesn't want her to change, saying eh saw her advert and figured it out and he's happy to play the game. Clara argues she didn't place the ad – he did, the Doctor declares he didn't
"Thank god." Rose muttered glad they were finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they would be able to get out of the trap before it was snapped closed, but knowing their luck it wasn't likely. At the very least they'd quite like some answers for what was going on.
The Doctor argues the message is from the Impossible Girl while Clara argues its for her. They both then work it out
"Well done, only took you several minutes and lots of arguing." River crossed her arms shaking her head at the pair who just shrugged.
The Doctor asks if it wasn't them, who put the ad there. Clara realises the Doctor's earlier description of her as an egomaniac
"Priorities Clara." The Doctor teased the other, using the words she so often used against her. Clara just rolled her eyes, not rising to the bait for once.
The Doctor declares it could be a trap as Clara is still distracted by his words. The Doctor says what is happening to them in the restaurant is more important than her egomania, Clara argues nothing is more important than her egomania
The group started snickering again, concerned about the situation but unable to deny their entertainment at the pair's continuous arguing. Clara glared at the Doctor as if it was her fault for bringing it up again. The Doctor grinned back cheekily.
Clara tells him to never mention she said that again. The Doctor gets back on to topic declaring it a vanity trap, your so busy congratulating themselves on solving the puzzle you don't notice the trap
"I'm guessing you fall into a lot of those traps." Amy grinned at the Doctor with a laugh, she seemed to be a expert on it after all.
"Maybe one or two." The Doctor admitted, ignoring the group's laughter.
The Doctor pulls a hair from his head as Clara asks what he is doing, saying there's more than one grey hair on his head
"You'd have to shave all your hair off again to get rid of the grey hairs in that regeneration." Donna snorted.
The Doctor asks what her problem is with grey hair, Clara says if she got new hair, and it was great she'd have a problem. The Doctor agrees she would, saying its too short as she pulls a hair from her head
"I'm hoping you are actually pulling out hairs for a reason and not just to be petty." Martha raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. Her words a statement with a silent question obvious. The Doctor smiled mysteriously in response waving back to the screen – she wasn't going to spoil that much.
The Doctor is trying to measure the air disturbance in the room with their hair
"Because of course you are." Mickey snorted, shaking his head. He swore the Doctor only got more absurd as time went on.
The Doctor holds the hair below the table and lets it go, declaring there is something very wrong with everyone in the room
The group immediately tensed in response to that comment, trying to analyse the screen to see what the Doctor's hair technique had uncovered. The Doctor and Clara shared another exchange, both very aware this time what was wrong and easily noticing it.
The Doctor tells her to look at them but don't look, to look without looking as Clara argues he just said to look
"You sound like teenage girls discussing their crush!" Amy cackled at the pair. It seemed even when in imminent danger the pair couldn't stop their arguing, which did a good job of breaking the tension in the room.
Clara says they look fine as they're just eating. The Doctor asks if they really are – looking again they're moving utensils to their mouths and lowering them still fill – they're not eating
"They're not real people." Ryan muttered, eyes wide in realisation and concern. It seemed the trap had already been sprung without any of them noticing. The rest of the group was making the same horrible realisation.
The Doctor adds there is another thing they're not doing as he drops another hair - breathing
"Hence the hair trick." Yaz muttered, connecting the dots. They all wanted the Doctor, Clara and Vastra to stop the spontaneous combustion murders but not at the cost of them getting into this much trouble.
Clara asks what they do, the Doctor says she didn't really want to eat, right? Clara agrees, declaring she lost her appetite, and asking how long until they notice they're different
"I think it's a bit too late." Martha grimaced.
The Doctor matched her expression, "We were trying to be positive."
The Doctor says not long as Clara asks what they can do, the Doctor asks how long she can hold her breath
Clara glared at the Doctor; realising now just what the Doctor meant but still hating it. The Doctor winced under Clara's glare; she had been (more than) a bit cruel abandoning Clara later on without much warning but they hadn't had much choice.
Clara suggests they stroll out of there like they changed their minds, the Doctor agrees. They stand and so do the other diners with a clatter of clockwork; they take a step, and the diners move towards them
"I think you should sit back down." Rory declared upon seeing the fake people move in response to them. They certainly appeared trapped and the only thing they could do was wait for the mastermind behind the trap to show themselves or make the next move.
Clara suggests they take another look at the menu, they sit back down, and the other diners do the same
The group let out a breath at seeing the immediate danger settle back down. They didn't know what those fake people could do, and they really didn't want to find out.
Clara asks what they are, but the Doctor doesn't know but says not to worry as it isn't the question, the question is what the restaurant is – the Doctor doesn't know the answer to that either
"Great, that means none of us have any answers." Donna exclaimed frustrated. It seemed to be an annoying pattern with these videos that they never go the full picture or reason for the trouble until almost the lats moment. Clara and the Doctor exchanged a glance, they knew what the restaurant was now, unfortunately.
A waiter appears at their table as they look at the menus, the Doctor asks if they have a children's menu
"You are a child." Amy muttered shaking her head, but far too concerned to tease the Doctor any more than that.
The waiter shines a green light at the Doctor as the Doctor asks about their specials. The waiter says liver, ignoring the Doctor declaring he doesn't like liver, and continuing to add spleen, brain stem and eyes
"I don't think they're the specials." Yaz declared with a grimace.
"Unless you mean the specials that they're going to get from you." Bill added with her own grimace. It seems they had figured out what this restaurant was – not a restaurant but an organ/body part harvesting trap.
The Doctor decides he thinks they are the menu, as the waiter continues. The Doctor reaches up and pulls the waiter's face off to reveal a metal mesh with a flame behind it
Rose and Mickey shared a glance and a nod – that was definitely one of the Clockwork drones they remembered. The rest of the group grimaced at that, all nervous about how Clara and the Doctor were going to escape this time.
Clara declares it a robot in a mask, the Doctor says it's a face, putting it over Clara's face until she understands he means a real face
The group watched the screen in disgust, things had certainly started to escalate. They all agreed with Clara's reaction and were very glad it hadn't been them in her seat having a person's face thrown in hers. Clara shot the Doctor a sharp glare for that – he hadn't needed to actually put it on her face!
"Guess we know what happened to all those people." Martha muttered with a grimace, it was a horrible fate to have body parts stolen and then be set on fire. She could only hope they were long dead before the drone started it (she had the horrible feeling they weren't).
Clara throws the face down; the waiter declares they do have a children's menu. Metal arms come from the bench and bind them to the chair but their arms and legs, the bench descends
"That's not a children's menu." Nardole added rather pointlessly. The tension in the room was high and everyone ignored his comment.
The Doctor says they have to admire the efficiency, Clara says she doesn't
"I still don't." Clara agreed with herself on screen.
Down below, they're in a steampunk spaceship with various people standing around the wall and the half-face man seated in a chair in the centre. The Doctor demands to speak to the manager
"I don't think that's going to work." Mickey raised an eyebrow at the Doctor who shrugged.
"Got to try at least." She said, it was better than sitting around trapped.
Clara says it isn't a real restaurant, and the Doctor describes it as an automated organ collection station – Sweeney Todd without the pies
"Now is really not the time for jokes Doctor." Rose announced.
"There is always time for jokes." The Doctor argued, it was how she stopped herself from appearing afraid and how she coped with everything.
Clara asks where they are now, and the Doctor says it's an old spaceship likely buried for centuries, but functionally it's a larder
"Lovely. My favourite place to be." Amy grimaced; voice laced with sarcasm that no one could miss.
Clara asks why nobody has come for them; the Doctor declares it's because they're alive which is cheaper than freezing them
"But it does mean you have some time to think up a plan, right?" Graham asked hopeful, the situation just seemed to be getting worse and worse every second. The Doctor shook her hand in a 'so-so' movement which really wasn't reassuring.
The Doctor wriggles his sonic screwdriver from under his coat
"Good you have your sonic at least." River nodded with a breath of relief. They weren't completely defenceless then. She missed the almost guilty wince that Clara and the Doctor exchanged.
The Doctor asks if she's ready, warning her to not let it roll away as they only have one shot. Clara says she's ready and tells him next time to make a sonic that doesn't roll
"What do you mean make one that doesn't roll? They're cylindrical! Besides their ability to roll is helpful sometimes." The Doctor argued, she hadn't made her case the first time around due to the dangerous situation they were in, but it still stood.
"It's helpful about as often as it isn't!" Clara argued back with a huff. The Doctor pouted at that but couldn't really deny it.
The Doctor shakes the sonic to the floor near Clara's feat, asking if she has it. Clara ca just about reach it, and the Doctor says its times like this she misses Amy
The group all glanced at said red-haired Scottish woman in the room with them. Amy raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, "The advantages of having long legs." She teased knowing full well the Doctor was often annoyed about how short she was this regeneration (and wanting a distraction from the mess on screen).
Clara asks who and the Doctor replies it's nothing
Amy couldn't help but wince at that, she knew it really wasn't the time to discuss former companions or anything (especially with how much Clara was struggling with the Doctor's regeneration this video) but it still hurt to hear the Doctor brush her off as 'nothing'. The Doctor had winced as well, not missing Amy's reaction and shot her a small sad smile.
Clara grabs the sonic with her feet and aims it at the Doctor, she flicks it onto his lap causing him to wince, Clara asks if she hit something
The men in the room all winced at that, knowing how painful it always was to have something hit there.
The Doctor grabs the sonic with his hands and undoes their bonds and then Clara's. Clara tells him he should make it voice-activated, and the Doctor doesn't say anything as Clara realises it does have voice activation, declaring he doesn't want to talk about it
The group all looked at the Doctor in disbelief for several minutes before breaking out into laughter.
"Gor, you're a right idiot Spaceman. A genius but a dumb one." Donna exclaimed between laughs. It was just like with the door in the Tower of London in the first video, sometimes the Doctor missed or forgot the obvious.
They spot a chinaman in the nearest alcove, and the Doctor says he's hoping its dormant
"Dormant sounds good." Rory muttered. Eyeing the still Chinaman.
"Let's hope they stay that way." Martha added with a hopeful look at the screen. It was unlikely but they could dream.
They tiptoe away as Clara asks about these guys being the one to kill the dinosaur, the Doctor points out if they're looking for organs a dinosaur would be great
The group all winced at the reminder of the dinosaur's death; it seemed like so long ago that they'd watched it.
Clara asks why robots even need organs, the Doctor mentions droids harvesting spare parts sounds familiar
"It should!" Rose shot the Doctor an expectant look, arms crossed. The Doctor only winced, it had taken her embarrassingly long to connect the dots despite all the clues she was given, and it hadn't been till well after the end of this mess that she had finally remembered why it was so significant.
The Doctor stares at the Half-face man in the chair in the middle, declaring him dormant too, but he's just hoping. The check and find that he's recharging, saying he doesn't know they're there, Clara asks if he's sure, the Doctor is not in fact sure
"One sounds better than the other." Bill muttered, eyeing the screen warily.
Clara declares him a cyborg as he's half-man, half-robot
"Like Nardole, yes. This droid, no." The Doctor answered Clara's question late. The group all glanced at Nardole as they kept forgetting he was a cyborg despite literally having watched dhow it happened earlier.
The Doctor tells Clara to look at the hands, Clara does, and the Doctor points out they don't match, they don't belong to the same body.
The group all grimaced at that, unable to forget that these body parts were all stolen off of poor unsuspecting people.
Clara doesn't understand, and the Doctor doesn't blame her as they aren't normal cyborgs, it's a robot trying to turn itself into a man piece by piece
"But why?" Amy asked only to be met with the Doctor waving a hand to the screen for an explanation. They'd just have to watch and see. Rose and Mickey were both thinking back to their encounter with these kinds of robots, trying to figure out if this one had the same goal.
The Doctor continues as Clara mentions that's what the restaurant is for, saying they need a constant supply of parts. He wonders how long it's been around as some metalwork looks Roman. He points out the eyeballs look very fresh
The group grimaced at the reminder of the poor man they'd seen die earlier. The Doctor's comment about the age hitting them after a moment; if the ship and droid had been around that long than those nine people likely weren't the only victims. They didn't even want to imagine how many people the droid had harvested from.
The arms move and they both jump back
"It's not dormant then." Rory declared with a frown. That would have been too good.
Cogs start to whirl, and the pair whisper to each other as they say it's waking up so it's time to go
"Yep, definitely time to leave." Mickey nodded.
"I think it was time to go ages ago, you really shouldn't have stayed around chatting." Jack argued giving the Doctor a pointed look despite knowing he would do the exact same thing as it was the only way to figure out what was actually going on, and more importantly how to stop it.
They tiptoe away but the Doctor turns back declaring he's missing something as he's seen it before
"Lovely that you release that but now is not the time Doctor." Martha practically hissed at the Doctor, desperately hoping they would just leave before the drone woke up fully.
The Doctor keeps talking about seeing it before as Clara tries to get him moving again
The room was tense as time seemed to be falling rapidly through the hourglass, they were glad Clara seemed to be sensible at the least and was trying to get them out before it was too late. The Doctor winced, if she had just been a bit quicker and less distracted what happened next might not have happened.
Clara pushes the Doctor through the doorway as the half-face man raises his arms and the door between the Doctor and Clara comes down. The Doctor tries to sonic it
"No!" Several people exclaimed in worry and frustration. They were so close to just getting out of there unharmed.
The door lifts a small way as the half-face man unplugs himself from the chair. The Doctor declares it too slow, saying there is not point in them catching both of them
"Doctor! You better not be about to do what I think you are!" Donna turned a glare on the Doctor, most of the room following suit as their stomachs plummeted. Things were not looking good, and they didn't like the look in the Doctor's eyes.
The Doctor winced, practically confirming their horrible suspicions and their glares got even worse. "I had a plan!" She protested (it was mostly true after all, and back up had been on the way, it was just a close thing).
"A terrible one." Clara grumbled arms crossed, still annoyed. Her comment did not reassure anyone.
Clara asks for the sonic, but the Doctor argues he might need it, he closes the door fully and leaves as she whispers for him to come back
"Doctor!" Half the room burst out furious at the Doctor for abandoning Clara when they likely could have both made it. Even if he did have a plan, he could have at least shared it or not just abandoned Clara so completely like that. She was already struggling with his new appearance, a move like that could have completely ruined any chance of her staying. A few people had a horrible niggling thought that maybe it had been a test; a test to allow Clara to see she still knew him despite the new face and a test to see if she would trust him. They didn't like that thought.
"I know. I know!" The Doctor held her hands up, wincing and shrinking in on herself under the wright of the room's glares. There was nothing else she could say in her defence at the moment, they'd just have to watch.
The half-face man goes back to the seat to look for them, Clara stands very still in a recess as the other occupants of the alcoves become active
"You better hurry up with your plan Doctor." Jack gritted out, watching the screen concerned as Clara got into more and more danger as she became outnumbered. The Doctor just abandoning Clara was hitting him hard, reminding him of his own adornment even if it was (mostly) a different situation.
Clara remembers the Doctor mentioning they don't breathe so she takes a deep breath and holds it as the half-face man walks to her, he tilts his head before turning away
The group let out a breath of relief as they saw the strategy work to detour the drones for the moment, all still tense as they knew it was only a matter of time before Clar couldn't hold her breath anymore.
A tear rolls down Clara's face, the other robots move as she mimics their walking through into a passageway. There are more robots everywhere she goes, and eventually she can't hold her breath anymore and she falls to her knees as she passes out
"No Clara!" Bill muttered worriedly as they watched her pass out after getting drastically out unnumbered. She glanced at the young woman in the room with them who offered a small reassuring smile for the other human to have travelled with Eyebrows. The Doctor winced, she'd forgotten just how close everything had gotten and had missed all of this (obviously).
The half-face man orders them to bring her, and one picks her up as Clara dreams about her first day teaching at Coal Hill school where the class was out of control and laughing at her as she shouted at them to stop
The group all glanced at each other, then the screen, then Clara. Confused about why they were seeing this. Clara's eyes widened, she'd almost forgotten about her weird dreams during this, they hadn't exactly seemed very significant after all in the long run, but apparently the Tardis thought they were.
She's laid in front of the half-face man in his chair, the memory continues as she tells the kids if they don't stop, she'll get them all kicked out the school
"I don't think that threat will work." Martha raised an eyebrow at Clara.
Clara shook her head, "No it really didn't." She could swear that kids could smell weakness in a new teacher or a substitute, her threats had only showed them they were right.
In her memory, one of the kids – Courtney - tells her to do it. Clara wakes up as the half-face man asks where the other one is, ordering her to tell them or she'll be destroyed
The group winced at the Clockwork Person's threats, nervous and worried about the danger Clara was still in but relieved she was at least awake again.
Clara asks what they said, and the half-face man repeats his threat as she tells him or what. She remembers Courtey again and stands
"Oh, that's why the dreams important." Rory muttered mostly to himself, with a small smile breaking across his face. Maybe there was a way out of this after all, or at least a way to distract them long enough for help to arrive.
Clara tells him to do it then as she isn't answering their questions, so they have to kill her. She adds threats don't work unless they follow through
"Rule One about being interrogated: you are the only irreplaceable person in the room." The Doctor declared, quoting herself from her time in the Confession Dial. Clara shot her a sad look with those large doe eyes of hers, recognising why those words were familiar. It was weird to watch the start of their adventures (at least with Eyebrows) having already watched the end, but things didn't always happen in the order you expected with the Doctor.
The half-face man continues his threats and demands as Clara argues back saying she won't believe his threats anymore or he can kill her and never get any answers. She tells him to never stop with a final ultimatum as then you have nowhere to go but backwards
"You have a bargaining chip, good." River nodded approvingly. She kept glancing at the screen and then back to her wife, suspicious of the Doctor's plan.
Half-face man declares humans can feel pain, but Clara points out that's just a smaller threat than they started with. Clara asks if he's trying to scare her as she's already scared of dying but she'll put up with a lot of pain to keep the information keeping her alive, asking how long he has
The group winced at that, understanding Clara's words far too well. Things were starting to tilt on the scale in Clara's favour at least, hopefully the Doctor's plan would kick into action soon and stop Clara having to undergo any pain though.
The half-face man stands as Clara declares all he can offer her life so he can't threaten it, only negotiate
"Show them whose boss." Ryan declared, offering a grin to Clara who smiled back a bit shakily. She hadn't been lying she'd been absolutely terrified, but she didn't have a choice if she'd wanted to stay alive (although knowing what she knew now, the Doctor wouldn't have let the Clockwork man hurt her).
Clara admits she's crying because she's scared, but adds if he knows anything about humans he knows it means he's in a lot of trouble
No one made a comment about Clara crying, all having gone through situations where they couldn't help but cry. It wasn't embarrassing, it was a natural thing to do and god knows they had all developed terrible coping mechanisms travelling with the Doctor.
He has a flame-thrower in place of his hand
The group winced upon seeing the flame-thrower, unfortunately now understanding where the spontaneous combustion came into play.
He argues they won't negotiate but Clara says they don't have a choice saying she'll answer a question if he answers hers. He denies it but she pushes on asking why he killed the dinosaur
"He's getting frustrated now, you've got him on the ropes." Jack smiled reassuringly at Clara; his words weren't entirely true, but they were intended more for encouragement than anything else.
He refuses to answer questions, and Clara tells him he should kill her then as she isn't talking until he does
"Bringing out the big threats." Yaz grinned. "How the tables have turned."
The half-face man explains the optic nerve of the dinosaur held material they need for their computer systems. Clara points out they burnt a dinosaur for a spare part, but then points out he know whats in the optic nerve of a dinosaur which means he's seen them before
"Good you're getting information while also staying alive. The second bits the more important bit but unfortunately the harder but usually." Amy said, nodding approvingly at Clara. They were all wondering where the Doctor was during this, all hoping he would suddenly appear because despite the negotiations now going in Clara's favour, she was still in serious danger.
He asks where the Doctor is as Clara asks how long they've been rebuilding themselves and if there is anything left of the real him, adding what is the point
"There likely isn't anything left of the original." Rose grimaced thinking back to her own encounter with them.
He declares they will reach the promised land, and Clara asks what that is
Clara and the Doctor exchanged a look; they had a far better idea of this promised land now and who exactly was behind it. The memories weren't nice, and the pair did their best to not glance at the Master no matter how much they wanted too. They didn't want to give it away or give the Master any more credit; the Doctor could already feel the Master practically preening away in the corner, proud of their achievement.
He asks where the other one is again, and Clara admits to not knowing but declares she knows where he will be as if the Doctor is still the Doctor he'll have her back. She reached behind herself, begging to be right, and a hand reaches out, grabbing her and pulling her back as one of the robots removes the skin from his face
The group let out a breath, very glad to see that Clara wasn't actually alone, although they were still annoyed at the Doctor for their mind tricks. The thought about it being a test was getting louder, knowing the Doctor it was likely, maybe unintentional but it had seemed to turn out that way. They couldn't deny that it had seemed to help Clara deal with the Doctor's regeneration too.
It's the Doctor, he thanks the robot for the information and declares he never stood against a chance against Clara, 5 foot one and crying
"They never do." The Doctor smiled proudly at Clara.
Clara smiled back after rolling her eyes, "I'd prefer it without the crying, personally."
"Oh, but that's the best part!"
The Doctor pulls the flame-thrower arms down and puts his sonic in the recharge port on the seat making the lights go out. He declares it their power source, a weak one too that he could blow up the whole room with if they do anything they don't like – including karaoke and mime – so be careful. He tells Clara that's how you disguise yourself as a robot
"Priorities, Doctor!" Clara sighed exasperated about the Doctor's little joke even though she knew it was how they coped with everything, still they could have better timing.
Clara argues she didn't have a lot of time as she was suddenly abandoned, the Doctor apologises before taking it back as she's great on adrenaline and she was never out of her depth, as one should never try and control a control freak. Clara protests the title
"Priorities, Clara!" The Doctor teased back, throwing Clara's words back in her face and earning a huff. The Doctor had the distinct feeling that f Clara had access to anymore pillows she would have found one thrown in her face.
The half-face man asks why they're there, and the Doctor counters with why he invited them – asking about the message in the paper, before realising it wasn't the droid
"If it wasn't the Clockwork droid than who was it?" Martha asked; that sounded like there was a third party involved which was never a good thing where the Doctor was involved typically.
The Doctor and the Clara shared a look, having a silent conversation - they knew exactly who had kept interfering now - but offered no answer to the group. No one even thought to look at the Master, so they all missed his smug smirk.
He retrieves his sonic and tells everyone to forget it as he hates being wrong in public, he then tells Clara to say the word
"Word?" Amy asked confused, that seemed very random.
River's eyes lit up in realisation. "Oh, of course. Vastra."
The Doctor points out Vastra would never have sent her there without a word, Clara doesn't want to say it, but the Doctor's already guessed it. Clara touches her top button which glows blue as they both say Geronimo
The group all grinned at the codeword, glad to see that Clara really hadn't been abandoned in anyway. The Paternoster Gang were just waiting for the signal to strike.
Vastra and Jenny in tight leather catsuits descend from the ceiling using long pieces of fabric, pulling swords from scabbards on their backs. Strax's fabric wasn't long enough, and he falls to the floor with his massive gun as Vastra tells the droids to surrender
The group all grinned, chuckling at the sight of Strax just falling to the ground after Jenny and Vastra's graceful descent. They were all riding high on some adrenaline and relief of seeing the group with a plan and back up, the Clockwork droid didn't stand a chance now.
Vastra scolds Strax as Jenny says she told him to take the stairs. The half-face man declares he burnt an ancient creature for an inch of optic never, asking what the Doctor can accomplish, and calling him a little man
The group all ignored the Doctor's mumbled complaint of, "I'm not little!"
Vastra blocks the flame-thrower with a sword as she tells them they've destroyed the restaurant upstairs and called the police
"Good." Donna nodded approvingly; arms crossed. Glad to see one issue finally resolved, and things starting to look up in the Doctor and Clara's favour.
CLARA: Hang on, she called the police? We never do that. We should start.
"I mean the police won't always be helpful." The Doctor argued against Clara on screen, "We could call Yaz?" She offered.
"Do not call Yaz!" Yaz protested, wanting to put a stop to whatever idea the Doctor was about to come up with before she did. She ignored Ryan and Graham's snickering.
The Doctor tells the droid they're going to close their restaurant even if he destroys them, adding it was supposed to sound better
"Yeah, not the best threat Doctor." Jack grinned; he was feeling better knowing that the Doctor hadn't actually abandoned Clara and seeing them all in less danger with more help.
The droid declares they will destroy them, and they gain swords for arms, the Doctor argues they're too logical and while they kill to survive, they aren't murderers
"I mean, he is?" Bill interrupted confused, "He's killed who knows how many people and that dinosaur!" The Doctor smiled sadly understanding Bill's point but her own still stood, she waved to the screen in answer.
Clara is confused, pointing out it is a slaughterhouse, the Doctor argues how is that different to any other restaurant, then telling the droid its over and killing them won't change that so what's the point
"For you Doctor, I'm sure they'd make an exception." River sighed, knowing her wife far too well.
The half-face man wants to find the promised land, the Doctor declares there isn't one, but the droid is insistent about paradise
The Doctor and Clara exchanged a glance, the 'promise land' the droid had been searching for simultaneously was and was not real.
He knocks the Doctor down
The group all winced upon seeing the droid knock down the Doctor, tensions quickly rising as the danger apparently wasn't quite over.
The half-face man declares he will leave in an escape capsule and leaves the rest of the droid to distract the Doctor and crew. Vastra is confused as the ship is millions of years old so the capsule will never fly. The droid says it has been repaired – with them
"That makes no sense." Ryan muttered to himself. Did he mean it literally or was it just the most villain like thing to say? They hadn't collected anything from the group (thankfully).
The half-face man is getting away – going up on the bench seat while the other robots encircle the group. The droid declares the Doctor intelligent enough to not follow him
"I sincerely doubt that. Intelligent they may be, they are stupid at heart." Jack grinned, ignoring the Doctor's elbow as it hit him in the arm. No one argued with him all thinking the same.
The Doctor is holding onto a handle on the base of the seat
"And I was right." Jack grinned wider.
"No one doubted you." River countered.
Outside, Gregson has two uniformed policemen with him as they enter the restaurant
"Huh. She really did call the police." Rory blinked, that was unusual to see but good as it meant more help to deal with the mess hopefully and less explanations.
The police are greeted by overturned tables and deactivated robots as Gregson asks what Vastra has gotten them into this time. The half-face man arrives on the bench and declares the place closed, they run out
"That is an understandable reaction." Mickey announced upon seeing the police run out the door at the appearance of the Clockwork droid with a flame-thrower.
"It does make you wonder what other situations Vastra has got them into though." Amy declared thoughtfully.
Gregson declares no one goes in. Inside, the Doctor pours two glasses of whiskey
"How did he not notice you move there?" Rose asked confused, the Doctor had just been dangling below the seat, how could the droid of missed his movement.
"I can be sneaky!" The Doctor protested.
"Of course, you can Sweetie." River patted her head teasing. Being physically sneaky wasn't the Doctor's strong suit (mentally yes but literally sneaking up on someone less so).
The half-face man asks what he's doing, and the Doctor tells him he has a horrible feeling he'll have to kill the droid, saying he thought they might both appreciate a drink first. The droid pulls a small lever on a control panel in the wall
"What's he trying to do now?" Ryan complained.
"An escape plan probably." Graham suggested.
"How do you know that?" Ryan turned to Graham.
"Well, he said it, didn't he. And that's what these blokes always do in this kind of situation." Graham answered back like it was obvious. Yaz rolled her eyes at the pair of them.
The roof starts to open. The Doctor works out they're from the fifty first century and their spaceship crashed in the past, now they're going home the long way
"Been there a long time and still got quite a way to go." Jack grimaced; he knew that first hand. But this drone had been harvesting body parts for a long time and would have continued to do so for even longer if the Doctor, Vastra and Clara hadn't stopped it.
The droid is determined to go to the promised land, as the Doctor declares it a waste of time as the ship won't fly
"I think he's going to prove you wrong, Doctor." Donna decided with a frown.
"Unfortunately, they like to do that." The Doctor confirmed with her own grimace.
The droid argues the escape pod works, the Doctor asks how as you can't patch a pod with human remains, adding it is all really familiar
"You can worry over your memory troubles later, focus on stopping his escape plan." Martha shook her head with a sigh.
The room shakes and upon being asked, the droid reveals it's powered on skin
The room all grimaced at that, skin tingling in thought of that, the balloon was huge after all. They didn't want to know how many people had been killed to make it.
A giant pink balloon rises out the building as Gregson shouts for more men, one of the officers asks what to tell his colleagues but Gregson just tells him to go
"I don't think there' any explanation for that kind of mess." Rory grimaced.
"At least not one they'll understand." Mickey added in agreement.
In the spaceship below, Vastra and Jenny estimate their enemies, getting ready to fight as Strax declares they will die in glory to Clara's annoyance
"You'll be fine. Vastra, Jenny and Strax are very good fighters." River reassured Clara.
The escape pod is the main restaurant room, carried by the balloon. The Doctor removes a fuse board and reads the inscription – SS Marie Antoinette. He still can't place it. The droid asks how the Doctor will kill him, the Doctor mentions it's the sister ship of the Madame De Pompadour, but he still can't remember
"That's the group we dealt with, isn't it?" Rose asked despite already knowing it was the case. The drones had all been after Madame de Pompadour after all, it was kind of a hard thing to forget.
"Yep!" The Doctor answered far too cheerfully. Those ships and drones really shouldn't be allowed if this had happened several times they crashed, that was just a huge risk for health and safety – all the drones going off and killing people to harvest body parts couldn't be good for your business.
The droid repeats his question while the Doctor tells him to have a drink first as its only human. Neither of them are human
"Both good points." Bill muttered, the interaction on screen was taking a very different turn from that expected and from that going on back down on the ground with Clara.
The robots keep getting back up in the depth of the spaceship, as Strax asks why they don't stay dead
"Because they're robots Strax." The Doctor sighed, answering Strax despite him being on screen and unable to hear her.
The Doctor asks the droid what he thinks of the view as they float over Saint Pauls Cathedral, the droid does not think of it. The Doctor points out he's barely a droid anymore, more human than machine so repeats what he thinks of the view
"Where are you going with this Doctor?" Amy asked, eyes narrowed. This really wasn't going the way they'd expected. The Doctor didn't answer. Clara was watching the screen as curious as the rest of the group, she hadn't seen this part (obviously) and the Doctor had been vague n what had happened as usual.
They're now heading to Westminster as he looks out and declares it beautiful. The Doctor argues no, before declaring it all far away making it look small, but he prefers it down there as everything is big and important; there's all the detail, life to cling to
The group blinked at the Doctor's answer, several of them had been about to agree with the Clockwork Man that London did look beautiful from up high, but the Doctor did make a good point. An unusual one, a very Doctor-one, but a good one, nonetheless.
The half-face man asks how he could kill him. The Doctor responds for the same reasons he's asking, as the droid doesn't really want to carry on. He then asks what will happen to the other droids when he dies, presuming he'd the control so they will deactivate with him
"That's the answer then." Jack mumbled thoughtfully; the only way the others would stay own is f this one did. Clara nodded along with the screen; this was certainly clearing some things up.
The droid declares he won't die, he'll reach the promised land. The Doctor argues there isn't a promised land, it's a superstition the droid picked up from the growing humanity it collected
"I wish it was." The Doctor whispered to themselves, unheard by anyone else. Based on the look Clara was giving her; the other woman knew what she was thinking though.
The Doctor poses a hypothetical – you take a broom and replace the handle, then later the brush and repeat it over and over, asking if it is still the same broom; no but it can still sweep. The droid has replaced every part of itself over an over, there's nothing original left, asking if he even remembers where he got the face from – holding up a silver plate from the droid to look at himself
The group watched quietly, all recognising that this was going to be a time where the Doctor won through a mental/spoken battle rather than an actual physical one. Arguably, the Doctor was at their most dangerous during these kinds of mental battles, having had lots of practise over the years.
The droid argues it can't end, the Doctor says it has to and there's only one way out. He opens the door as the droid starts self-destruction is against his programming and the Doctor says murder is against his. They struggle in the doorway
The group tensed again upon seeing the pair grapple, the Doctor was far too close to falling for their liking, although they knew it likely wouldn't happen as the Doctor was in the room with them safe.
In the spaceship, they've been outnumbered as the droids grab them and disarm them, swords are pointed at their throats
"Oh no." Someone muttered, they'd all relaxed thinking the battle was won, both in the restaurant and in the sky but now both groups were in danger again.
Clara tells them to hold their breaths as the droids are stupid. They all do, and the droids lower their weapons, Clara grabs the sonic and crawls between the droids' legs. Vastra can store oxygen in her lungs and shares with Jenny through a kiss as Clara sonics the door
The group was holding their breath waiting to see the group all safe rather than in solidarity with them. They were glad that Clara had remembered that fact but they were desperately hoping the Doctor would hurry up and destroy the Clockwork Man so these drones would stop and stay down finally.
Back in the sky, they're still struggling as the droid declares the Doctor is stronger than he looks, the Doctor hopes the droid is too, asking if he's capable of admitting it is over. The droid asks if the Doctor has it in him to murder him, the Doctor says the people below are never small to him and to not assume to know how far he'd go for them. He's already come a long way to protect them and doesn't expect to reach a promised land, unlike the droid
The group all watched the Doctor in his element on screen. They always seemed to make a habit of making speeches just after regeneration during their first time saving the planet (which was typically Earth) and this one did not disappoint. They only wished the Doctor would hurry up about it before Clara and the Paternoster Gang couldn't hold their breath any longer.
The droid turns off the flame-thrower and they release each other.
DOCTOR: You realise, of course, one of us is lying about our basic programming.
DOCTOR: And I think we both know who that is.
The group all eyed the Doctor who was suspiciously not meeting anyone's gaze. They all had the feeling both were lying about their basic programming. They'd all seen the Doctor kill before (it was rare and they hated it, but it did happen, especially when in protection of others), and the Clockwork Man didn't have anything left of their original self, so what were the chances they couldn't self-destruct. They also had the feeling they'd never actually find out who took action on that hot air balloon.
In the spaceship, Strax goes to fire his weapon before passing out, and Vastra commands them all the stop. They take a breath; but Clara can't work the sonic and the swords are about to skewer them before the droids suddenly bend over and deactivate. Clara and Jenny faint.
Outside, a top hat falls past a clock face and the droid is impaled on the cross of a tower, the Doctor looks out
The group all let out a deep breath of relief upon seeing the droids stop just in time and the Clockwork Man finally defeated for good. They didn't feel much sympathy for it as it had been harvesting body parts for millennia. They had the feeling they would never find out for sure whether he had jumped, or the Doctor had pushed him, and they weren't sure they wanted to know.
"Cutting it a bit close there, Doctor." Clara smiled softly at the Doctor, in an attempt to break the remaining tension. The Doctor smiled weakly back but didn't say anything, she hadn't known it had been that close.
Strax drives the woman back home in the carriage as Jenny asks if they're sure the Doctor will come back here. Vastra declares there was no sign of him in the wreckage so where else would he be. They pull in and find an empty square place where the Tardis stood, and Vastra declares they missed him
"Please tell me you haven't abandoned Clara. Again!" Donna exclaimed in disbelief.
"I didn't really abandon her the first time!" The Doctor argued.
"Not the point, Spaceman!" Donna shot back straight away with a glare. The Doctor winced holding her hands up in surrender. She'd come back, and they knew that as they knew Clara had travelled with Eyebrows. The group still shot Clara sympathetic looks and glares at the Doctor.
Clara enters Vastra's chamber, back in the modern clothes she arrived in. Clara declares it seems she's stuck there, asking if they have a vacancy
"They would always take you in, or any friend of the Doctor's." River smiled fondly, thinking back to her own fond memories of time spent in that house with them.
"I'd prefer it wasn't necessary though." Amy argued.
Vastra says she'd be welcome, but she has it on high authority the Doctor will be back for her soon. Clara asks whose authority and Vastra says her, saying she'd dressed to leave perhaps by instinct. Clara argues she just wanted a change in clothes, she doesn't know where the Doctor is. Then they hear the Tardis outside, as Vastra tells her to give him hell as he'll always need it
The group grinned upon hearing the familiar sound of the Tardis appearing; they hadn't really doubted it but it was glad to see all the same. Now they just had to deal with Clara's last bit of the struggle with the new appearance of the Doctor and find out what had changed her mind about knowing him enough to travel with him.
Clara declares the Doctor has redecorated as she enters the Tardis
The group was all taking in the old-to-them/new-on-screen appearance of the Tardis inside. All comparing it to their own as they did every time, but they were mostly just happy to see the Doctor and Clara reunited properly without any danger.
Clara adds she doesn't like it
"Yes, you do." The Doctor grinned teasingly at Clara.
Clara sighed, crossing her arms but did reluctantly admit, "Yes, I do." It had just been yet another thing that had changed in such a short time, the last thing she'd had of her first Doctor. Of course, she hadn't liked it at first, but it grew on her just like the Doctor's newest regeneration had.
The Doctor says he isn't completely convinced himself and thinks there should be more round things on the walls, he used to have lots, and he doesn't know where he put them. He then says he's the Doctor and he's lives for over two thousand years, not all of them good, he's made mistakes and it's time he did something about it. He declares he isn't her boyfriend
"Well, this conversation has taken a turn." Rory declared, blinking at the sudden change of topic. The group all shifted uncomfortable getting the feeling they were intruding on something private that they would never normally have known about without the Tardis' interference.
Clara says she never thought he was, the Doctor counters it wasn't her mistake. The Tardis takes off flying, and the Doctor is now wearing proper clothes – his signature red lined dark blue coat, asking what Clara thinks
The group seemed to honestly consider the Doctor's outfit, humming and ha-ing in decision. "Better than some of your fashion choices Sweetie." River smiled warmly with a touch of teasing.
"Oi!" The Doctor protested; all her fashion choices were good after all (they weren't but she'd never admit that out loud).
"You look like a magician." Bill grinned, not that she would change it in anyway. This was the Doctor she had travelled with after all and it was nice to see the familiar outfit.
Clara asks who put the advert in the paper, and the Doctor counters by asking who gave her his number all that time ago when she needed a computer helpline and got the Tardis. Clara says a woman in the shop, and the Doctor declares there is a woman out there keen to keep them together
"Someone else is interfering and trying to keep you together." Jack frowned, that really didn't sound good. It could be a friend trying to help both of them but knowing the Doctor's luck that was sincerely unlikely.
The group all missed the knowing look the Doctor and Clara exchanged, and the dark look the Master sent the floor.
The Tardis lands as the Doctor asks how she feels on the topic. Clara asks if she's home before apologising and saying she doesn't think she knows who he is anymore
The group all flinched at that, feeling sympathy and understanding for both of the pair despite wanting them both to stay together. They couldn't help but be curious about what had changed Clara's mind though as she had just stated she wanted to leave. They were all thinking maybe she had for a while and come back later? Or maybe the Doctor gave one of his speeches? They were very curious to know the reason.
Her mobile rings and the Doctor tells her she better get it as it might be her boyfriend. Clara tells him to shut up as she doesn't have a boyfriend, but goes outside to answer the call
River and Jack narrow their eyes in suspicion at the Doctor, that hadn't been a teasing comment or at least not a normal one. They were up to something.
In the city street, Clara answers the phone, and 11 is on the other end
The group's eyes all widened in realisation as they recognised the voice they'd heard on screen in the last video. So, this was what the Doctor had done to get Clara to stay, but how?
11 says he's phoning from Trenzalore, and we get a flash of him there, adding its from before he changed, it's happening for him now. We get a flash from last episode of Clara replacing the Tardis phone back on its hook
"Oh, the phone!" Martha connected the dots. They'd all completely ignored that detail in the last video not knowing it would be significant, bit oh, it was significant.
The group were very curious but couldn't help but feel guilty for listening in on what was so clearly a private conversation that no one else had ever been meant to hear. They shot Clara apologetic looks but couldn't do anything else but watch as the video continued.
DOCTOR 11: Not long now. I can feel it.
CLARA: Why? Why would you do this?
DOCTOR 11: Because I think it's going to be a whopper, and I think you might be scared. And however scared you are, Clara, the man you are with right now, the man I hope you are with, believe me, he is more scared than anything you can imagine right now and he, he needs you.
Twelve pokes out the Tardis and asks who it is
Clara turned her sad doe eyes on the Doctor in the room. That question from Eyebrows had been so redundant, of course he already knew who it was on the phone it had already happened once for him. But watching this, keeping her eyes focused on the Eyebrow's face she could see the fear and nerves written all over it. Up until this point the Doctor had no idea they would still be together but after this they didn't know and they were still fearing rejection, the rejection Clara had just given him and was about to walk away after.
11 asks if it's the Doctor and 12 asks the same, Clara says yes as 11 comments on how old he sounds, saying he didn't want to get old, then asking if he's grey – also yes
The group smiled sadly at Chinny's words, all able to read through the attempt to be funny (with a bit of genuine question in it) to the truth underneath it. Chinny was confirming they were still together and still trying to reassure Clara at the same time.
Rose watched quietly, feeling so much sympathy for Clara in this situation having gone through it herself. She couldn't help but feel a bit jealous knowing how much a phone call like this from her old Doctor would have helped, but she hadn't been as unsure as Clara was, she hadn't needed it to give her new Doctor a chance.
11 asks Clara to help 12 for his sake, to go and not be afraid, before adding a goodbye and miss you, the call is over.
They were quiet as the phone call ended, the last words Clara would ever hear from Chinny, and only her decision left for Eyebrows.
Clara is sniffling as the Doctor asks if she'll help him. Clara says he shouldn't have been listening
"He wasn't." Ryan mumbled quietly.
DOCTOR: I wasn't. I didn't need to. That was me talking. You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing in front of you. Please, just, just see me.
The group was silent, hearts breaking again for the Doctor who had had to do this so many times before, all wondering how many times the Doctor had been rejected by past friends and companions because of something they couldn't help. They weren't sure they would have had the strength for that.
Clara and Rose both felt very thankful that they hadn't abandoned their respective Doctors after regeneration, as they could see how much it hurt the one on screen. No one had missed the way the Doctor in the room was nodding along with herself on screen unconsciously, and no one was going to mention it.
Clara steps forward, studying him before smiling a little and saying thank you for phoning her. She throws her arms around his neck as the Doctor declares he isn't a hugging person now, Clara declares he doesn't get a vote
"You absolutely don't." Clara smiled softly at the Doctor.
"I make exceptions for important things and people." The Doctor smiled back. She still wasn't particularly a hugging person in this regeneration but there were always exceptions. And she would always deny it, but she had needed the hug Clara had just given her on screen. It made Clara's acceptance and decision all the more real.
Clara says it isn't her home as she lets go
"Oh, god." Donna groaned. "Where on Erath has the idiot landed this time."
The Doctor apologises admitting he missed, Clara asks where they are and the Doctor declares it Glasgow (he likes dropping companions in Scottish cities apparently), Clara declares he'll fit right in with his new accent
"Could be worse." Jack mused, looking around the screen. "You seem to be about the right time at least."
The Doctor asks if she wants to get coffee or chips or something. Clara declares coffee sounds good and he's buying; predictably the Doctor doesn't have any money. Clara says he's fetching it then, he argues he isn't the fetching type, and Clara argues he still doesn't get a vote
The group were all grinning widely as the pair seemed to settle, happy to see them remain together and in no (noticeable) danger for once.
Clara turned to the Doctor with her arms crossed, it had taken the Doctor three weeks to show up with the coffee after abandoning her in Glasgow only to show up with trouble alongside the coffee. After seeing how long they had left Amy though definitely put three weeks in context. Still, she gave him a small glare for that even as she was riding the high of the emotions of the video.
In a mysterious garden, the half-face man wakes up putting on is top hat. A woman wearing Edwardian clothes is sitting on the edge of the fountain – meet Missy
The whole group had watched confused as the Clockwork Man showed up on screen again, no one knowing what was going on, even the Doctor and Clara.
Then Missy showed up on screen and the realisation settled on the few that knew her, Clara and the Doctor exchanged a look both sharing the thought of – this must be the Nethersphere where Missy had collected the souls for her Cyberman army. They hadn't realised she'd been collecting so long but it would make sense.
Nardole had gulped upon seeing the unfortunately familiar face while Bill had shot straight up in her seat, exclaiming, "Missy!"
"Missy?" Martha asked wearily, eyeing the Master in the corner who was grinning smugly. She had a feeling she already knew the answer to her question and hated it, but she still wanted it confirmed. The rest of the group had caught onto Martha's train of thought, their eyes all glancing between the Doctor and the Master.
The Doctor grimaced before sighing and answering, "Missy aka the Mistress, aka the Master. Yes. That's this homicidal maniac's -" Here she pointed to the Master who waved teasingly, "female regeneration. And regeneration before this one. We had an unfortunate few run ins."
"Sorry you missed it all Dr Jones." The Master teased, smile not friendly in the least.
Martha and the others that had had run ins with the Master all tensed. "That's Dr Smith to you." Martha spat back, she would never be comfortable with the Master no matter what the Doctor said, and hated they were in the room with them. It seems they were going to have to watch Missy at some point soon then, wouldn't that be fun? (Note the sarcasm).
"Doctor-." Jack started, body tense and eyes never leaving the smirking Master.
The Doctor sighed again giving the Master a pointed glare, "How about we just watch the end of the video, surely there's not much left." Reluctantly the group settled turning their eyes back on the screen and away from the smirking Master.
Missy greets him and introduces herself adding how she hoped her boyfriend wasn't too mean to him, the droid is confused about the boyfriend comment
Several of the group shifted uncomfortable at that comment, all knowing who Missy was referring to and hating it. Bill eyed the Doctor knowingly while the Doctor just sighed again, rubbing their forehead.
Missy asks if he was pushed or fell as she couldn't tell. She says the Doctor can be mean to people sometimes, but not her obviously because he loves her. She also likes his new accent and declares she might keep it. The droid asks where he is. Missy tells him to look around, declaring it the promise land, paradise. She dances around the fountain
Thankfully the screen turned blank as the video finally finished. The room was still tense at the last reveal of Missy's involvement to some degree, those that had run into the Master before had the feeling that was only part of Missy's larger plan.
The Doctor clapped loudly in the silent room, everyone' heads snapping too her they were so tense. "Lovely, that's another one finished. We ready to move on?" She was sincerely hoping they would just say yes, so they could move past Missy's appearance at the end.
She was very grateful when she received a crowd of tense nods, all wanting to move on from the emotional chaos and mess of the last few videos. Hopefully there would be a nice calm, emotional pain free video next.
The Doctor put on a weak smile, "Let's see what's up next then!"
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