Boom Town

And here's Boom Town - a quick moment of fun with 9 (shame we didn't have more with him, aside from the audio adventures)

Next time will be the Wedding of River Song. The quick flow of uploads will likely slow down as university starts up again and I actually have to leave my house.


The group watched impatiently as the familiar blank screen faded away to show the title of the next video they were going to watch. As usual they were left with more questions upon seeing the title.

"Boom Town? No ideas." Rory declared, with a raised eyebrow.

Amy snorted, "Well we can guess it involves explosions of some sort."

River barked out a short laugh, "That really doesn't narrow anything down."

"Oi! What does that mean?" The Doctor immediately protested, frowning.

River grinned fondly, "Nothing Sweetie." The Doctor pouted.

Rory sighed at his wife and daughter, "Guess we'll just have to watch and find out." With that the group turned to the screen and the video began.

We get a previously – where a Slitheen spaceship crashes into the Thames and they infiltrate Downing street

"What are they!?" Bill's eyes widened dramatically.

"The Slitheen." Rose answered before the Doctor could, her own eyes wide in realisation. She glanced at Mickey, Jack and the Doctor who all had matching expressions, they thought they knew what this video was going to be about now.

Margaret the Slitheen wants to turn the Earth to molten slag and sell it but the Doctor tells them to leave the planet or he'll stop them

"Look at you. It's Ears." Clara smiled, recognising the older (looking, but younger in actual age) Doctor. Rose and Jack both smiled fondly, glad to be seeing an adventure with their first Doctor for the first time in a while.

Mickey hacked into UNIT and 10 Downing street is destroyed by a missile, wrapping up the flashback of Aliens of London and World War Three

"Seems very dramatic. You'll have to share that mess with us if we don't see it later." Martha raised an eyebrow, gaining nodes form the four involved.

Six months later in the Lord Mayor's office of Wales, Cleaver declares they've double checked the figures and the design isn't safe, begging Margaret to stop the project before it kills millions

"Not a promising start." Graham declared. No one missed the exchange that Rose, Mickey, Jack and the Doctor had.

Margaret pretends to be stunned, calling Mister Cleaver the expert. He asks if she'll stop it and she says she has no choice, her stomach gurgles and she makes an excuse. Cleaver pushes and Margaret declares of course as nothing is more important than human life, and what does he take her for - a maniac?

"From the way she's speaking, yes." Ryan said.

Yaz snorted, "I have this strange feeling she's got no plans to stop anything."

Margaret asks if he's only shown the results to her

"That's absolutely not a suspicious question." Rory sighed, sometimes he wondered how people didn't get suspicious when this kind of thing happened (though he supposed that was easy to say knowing what he knew and watching it like this).

He has and Margaret declares it a wise move. Cleaver turns away and declares it a weight off his mind as it would be destruction the British Isles had never seen before and if he didn't know better than he'd think someone would want the project to go wrong but thank goodness she is their esteemed leader. He turns and screams as Margaret is out of her body suit to reveal her Slitheen self

The group all grimaced, very aware of poor Mr Cleaver's fate even without most of them knowing anything about the Slitheen.

"Things get less and less promising." Nardole muttered to himself.

Mickey arrives at Cardiff Central railway station and heads to the Tardis which is next to huge wate tower with water pouring down a slab. Mickey knocks on the Tardis and Jack answers it

"And there you are." Martha smiled at her husband, "What are you doing in Cardiff?"

"And what's wrong with Cardiff, Dr Smith?" Jack protested, earning a raised eyebrow from Martha. Neither got answers to their questions.

Jack asks who the hell he is, and Mickey is offended, asking who the hell Jack is

"Awkward first meetings." Amy smirked.

"Don't remind me." Rose sighed, very tempted to hide her head in her hands. She had a feeling she was going to be a bit embarrassed for some parts of this video, she'd been so caught up in the Doctor that she'd spent most of the time ignoring Mickey.

Jack introduces himself and says they aren't buying whatever he is selling, Mickey says to get out of his way

"Best way to deal with him." Martha nodded approvingly at her husband, ignoring Jack's teasing pout.

Jack declares he must be Mickey

"So, you had mentioned me." Mickey said, then winced as it came out much sharper than he'd intended.

"Sorry Mickey." Rose said with her own wince, offering an apologetic look to which he smiled and waved off, he'd worked through his problems with what had happened. Though having it thrown back in his face like this may not be the best experience.

The Doctor (9th) declares him trouble and asks how he is, calling him Ricky. Mickey corrects him and Rose says he's just winding him up so to not listen

"He always was." Rose and Mickey said in sync before blinking at the other surprised, while Jack laughed in the background.

Mickey says Rose looks great and the pair hug. The Doctor is up a ladder mending something and Jack declares they're sweet asking why he never gets any of that, the Doctor says to buy him a drink first

"I'm pretty sure I've bought you that drink at some point." Jack winked teasingly and suggestively at the Doctor.

"Oi! back off lover boy." River shot Jack a look, earning a wide grin from her fellow time-traveller while the Doctor just sighed as the pair teased each other.

Jack declares him hard work and the Doctor argues he's worth it

The group all grinned at the exchange between the Doctor and Jack, though very few heard Jack's soft-spoken declaration of "Always."

Rose asks Mickey if he found it, and Mickey hands over Rose's passport. Rose declares she can go anywhere now

"Why would you need your passport in space?" Bill blinked confused, turning to the Doctor. She may not have travelled with them for very long but she was pretty sure the Doctor would have mentioned needing a passport. And any place that may have needed one for, the Doctor would have just used the psychic paper.

"I didn't." Rose replied with a small smile at Mickey. Bill was still confused at that but it seemed like Martha and a few others had worked out Rose's reasonings.

The Doctor reminds her she doesn't need it but Rose argues she might need it if they end up in Brazil or something and she'll be prepared for anything. Mickey asks what they're doing in Cardiff and asks who the hell Jack is as he doesn't mind her hanging out with big-ears

"They were quite big sweetie." River smiled at her wife who just sighed.

"I know, I know. You could all stop bring it up."

The Doctor protests and Mickey says to look in the mirror, before continuing saying Jack is kind of cheesy. Jack asks if cheesy is good or bad as he doesn't know early twenty first century slang

"Bad." Half the room answered in sync.

Mickey says it is bad and Jack argues bad means good right

"What kind of logic is that?" Clara asked earning a shrug and smirk from Jack.

The Doctor asks if he's not handsome then. Rose explains they're just refuelling as Cardiff has a rift in the middle of the city, an invisible one

"You learn something new every day."

"It has a what?!"

Rory and Donna spoke up at the same time with very different opinions. At this point, Rory had just come to expect things like that but Donna was back to her normal elf after the last video and not afraid to let everyone know.

The Doctor mentions the rift was healed in 1869, and Rose explains a girl named Gwyneth stopped the Gelth using the rift as a gateway and saved the world by closing it

Rose and the Doctor shared a sad look at the reminder of poor Gwyneth's fate.

"There's a story there." Amy raised an eyebrow.

"There's always a story with the Doctor." Martha snorted.

Jack adds that a rift always leaves a scar which generates energy, harmless to humans and the Doctor cuts in saying it is perfect for the Tardis so they park up for a couple of days and Rose jumps in saying it's like filling up with petrol. All three say off they go into time and space

The three were grinning widely while the rest of the group just shook their heads in fond exasperation at the trio, a few even letting lose chuckles. Despite the trouble Margaret the Slitheen seemed to be involved in, this seemed like the group may actually have some fun this video which was a nice change of pace from the last few videos.

Mickey asks if they have seen themselves and they think they're all so clever. The three agree cheerfully

Mickey just rolled his eyes at the trio, looking back at it now made it easier to see the humour in it all. It did bring him back to the old days, and it was weird to think of times like that as the 'old days'.

The Doctor says it should take about another twenty-four hours so they have time to kill. Mickey points out an old lady staring and Jack says she is likely wondering about what four people were doing in a small box. Mickey asks if he is captain of the innuendo squad

"Amongst other things." Jack winked teasingly at Mickey who rolled his eyes.

Jack starts to walk away but Mickey asks about leaving the Tardis and if it will be noticed. Jack asks about the police box look and Rose tells them it is a cloaking device. The Doctor adds it is called a chameleon circuit and the Tardis is supposed to disguise itself where it lands but he landed in the 1960s and it disguised itself as a police box and the circuit got stuck

"And she's too stubborn and sentimental to fix it." The Master sneered from his corner, speaking up for the first time this video and reminding the group of his presence.

The Doctor shot him a pointed look, "Like you can say anything Mr Australian outback house." The Master refused to meet her eyes.

Mickey asks of there were actually police boxes and the Doctor says yes on street corners, people used them to call for help before mobiles and they could shove people inside that they arrested temporarily. Jack asks why he didn't fix the circuit and the Doctor says he likes it, doesn't he? Rose chimes in she lover it

"We all do." Clara grinned, not even needing to see the others all nodding along to be confident in her answer.

Mickey says there are no police boxes anymore asking why it isn't noticed. The Doctor, once again calling him Ricky, says he'll tell him something about the human race, if you put a mysterious blue box in the middle of town, people just walk past it. He says to stop nagging and go explore

"Doctor." Martha berated but didn't even try to hide her fond smile.

Rose asks the plan and the Doctor doesn't know, declaring early twenty first century Cardiff the safest place in the universe

"You always say that and it is never true." Yaz shot the Doctor a pointed look, several other members of the group nodding in agreement around her. The Doctor just shrugged with a sheepish grin.

In the city hall, Mayor Margaret Blaine is making an announcement about a power station with a model in front of her. The banner above reads – The Blaidd Drwg project

Rose, Jack, Mickey and the Doctor all shared knowing looks at the sight of both the model power station and also the name of the project. In both cases there was more than there first appeared to be.

Margaret gives her speech about the nuclear power station in the heart of Cardiff city, she demands no photographs of herself. She declares Cardiff Castle (a lovely castle by the way, highly recommend) will be demolished to let the project rise up. She gives a toast to the future, saying it will glow

"Very ominous speech." Ryan declared solemnly.

Amy narrowed her eyes at the screen, "I think she's telling the truth but her wording is interesting. She's planning something."

"We already knew that much." Rory muttered, not quietly enough to avoid Amy hearing an earning himself an elbow to the side from his wife.

Cathy approaches her and introduces herself as a representative of the Cardiff Gazette, Margaret says she isn't doing interviews as she can't bear self-publicity

"She doesn't want anyone to recognise her." Martha realised, connecting the few scenes they'd seen at the start to all her comments against publicity and photos. The Doctor's proud grin was all the confirmation she needed.

Cathy asks if she's aware of the curse, continuing to say some of the engineers say the project is cursed. Margaret calls it silly, but Cathy continues saying if you look at it all together it does look a bit odd

"I bet it does." Donna muttered, if aliens were involved in a purposely disastrous project, then it was likely going to look very odd if you dug deep enough.

Margaret asks in what way and Cathy explains about the number of deaths associated with the project, starting with the group of European Safety Inspectors and Margaret protests they were French and it isn't her fault if 'Danger Explosives' was only written in Welsh

"That's probably illegal, right? I mean, not many people speak Welsh even in Wales. At the very least it'd have to be in English." Bill pointed out.

"It's also just very suspicious." Yaz added with narrowed eyes. They'd already seen Margaret was very willing to kill people, so they wouldn't at all be surprised to find there had been no 'accidents', and they'd all been very purposeful cover-ups. But cover-ups of what was the question.

Cathy continues with the Cardiff Heritage committee accident, and Margaret declares the electrocution of the swimming pool was put down to natural wear and tear. Cathy reminds her of the architect and Margaret explains it was raining and visibility low so her car simply couldn't stop

"Wait? She actually hit someone with her car and got away with it?!" Clara exclaimed in shock.

"Apparently?!" Rose blinked; she hadn't known that he first time (although she wasn't surprised). None of them knew how Margaret could have gotten away with that, clearly, they'd done something to avoid getting into serious trouble.

Cathy adds more recently, Mister Cleaver who according to Margaret slipped on an icy patch. Cathy adds he was decapitated and Margaret pushes it was very icy, but she doesn't think the stories more than a typical small town thinking and she doesn't have the time, trying to excuse herself

"A very icy patch." Amy muttered sarcastically, "How is she getting away with this?" No one had any answers to that.

"Also, aren't they in Cardiff? Which is the capital city of Wales. That's hardly a small town." Rory added on. Maybe it was because they already knew Margaret was an alien trying to destroy everything, but it seemed so obvious that something was wrong.

Cathy says before he died, Cleaver posted some of his findings online which gets Margaret's interest

"Now she's interested." Nardole declared.

Cathy says if you know where to look and he was worried about the reactor, and specific parts that would result in a meltdown. Margaret semi-compliments her on her research and declares she thinks they should talk in private

The group all frowned, a terrible feeling stirring in their gut, all of them could guess what was coming, and poor Cathy wouldn't be leaving. She knew too much.

Margaret leads them to the bathroom with the excuse her tummy is complaining, Cathy says she'll wait outside but Margaret encourages her in saying all girls together. Margaret goes into a cubicle where there are squelchy sounds and asks about the theories of hers

"Oh, gross." Yaz grimaced alongside many others.

Those that knew the Slitheen though all shared a knowing look, that sound was a (horrible but) distinctive sound. Margaret was getting out of her disguise which wasn't good news for poor Cathy.

Cathy says she doesn't know much about nuclear physics but from what she could work out the project would end up worse than Chernobyl. Margaret unzips her forehead and Cathy notices the light under the door asking if something was wrong with the lights

"Run." Ryan mumbled desperately, despite knowing she wouldn't hear and likely wouldn't do so.

Margaret waves it off and pushes about the project. Cathy continues saying it sound crazy as there must be so many safety regulations but Cleaver made it sound deliberate and they may be the Cardiff Gazette but they have a duty to report the facts. Margaret asks if she is going to print the info and Cathy asks if she's alright (due to odd sounds)

"She's a reporter! How is she not at least a bit suspicious?" Martha asked surprised and annoyed at how oblivious everyone seemed, especially as it was costing people their lives.

Margaret claims a sore throat and pushes about making the information public. Cathy says she has to, before continuing that her boyfriend thinks she's crazy and they are getting married next month. Margaret asks about the boyfriend and Cathy talks about him saying the wedding was mostly to stop her mother nagging but the baby clinched it. Margaret asks if she's pregnant

"Oh god." Clara's does eyes widened, because things couldn't get any worse. Cathy was in danger, unknown to her, and she was pregnant and discussing her life troubles with her potential murderer.

Cathy is three months pregnant and it was an accident, but a nice one. Margaret congratulates her, sitting on the toilet. Cathy asks if she has any kids, which she doesn't, then Cathy asks about a husband. Margaret says not anymore, and she's all on her own but used to have a fairly big family, wonderful brothers but they're all gone now, and maybe she is cursed

"She's hesitating." Amy realised, surprised but feeling new hope for Cathy's survival. Rose, Mickey and the Doctor who'd met the rest of Margaret's family, shared knowing looks.

Cathy argues she isn't, and Margaret calls her kind but says she might be a while so Cathy should run along and they can talk another day. Cathy asks if she is alright and Margaret claims to be fine, Cathy says she will leave her details in the office and thanks her for talking. Cathy leaves a sad Slitheen in the cubicle

"She let her go." Yaz grinned, happy to not have to witness another murder. The rest of the group sheared her sense of relief.

Jack, Rose and the Doctor all shared a glance, thinking back to Margaret's fate. Maybe it was even more appropriate than they'd thought at the time. She hadn't exactly been innocent by any degree, but maybe she really had deserved that second chance if she had hesitated in killing Cathy.

At a restaurant on a small jetty, Jack is telling a story to Rose and the Doctor's entertainment. The story involves a giant thing with tusks and there's fifteen of them, naked, just standing there

"Of course, you are Jack." Martha smiled, shaking her head fondly at the captain who grinned proudly. The whole group had cheered up upon seeing the four happily eating and chatting away, enjoying the lack of trouble and danger for the moment. They were always some of the best parts of an adventure.

And then they are running, and one falls so she turns to him and Mickey cuts in with the punch line which Jack jokingly protests

"The good old days." Rose smiled, happy to be reminiscing on old (and less emotionally fraught and dangerous) times.

"Wouldn't have missed them for the world." Jack nodded in agreement.

Rose claims to not believe him and asks if they ever got their clothes back. The Doctor snatches a newspaper from a man at the next table and reads it as Jack continues his story, the Doctor interrupts saying he was having such a nice day. He shows the group the front page with a picture of Margaret from the project speech

"You're just incapable of going anywhere without finding trouble." River sighed, but didn't even bother to try and hide her fond smile.

"You can hardly talk, River." The Doctor countered, earning a shrug from her wife.

At the city hall foyer, Jack lays down the information about Margaret – the last surviving member of the Slitheen family. He lays out the plan of attack telling them which exits to cover

"Gone straight into work mode." Mickey raised a teasing eyebrow at Jack. At the time he'd been more than a bit overwhelmed, annoyed (mostly at the Doctor and Rose constantly ignoring him) and confused, but despite that he was kind of enjoying watching this video for once.

"I was so young." Jack smiled sadly, in some ways he missed those days before his immortality, but in others he wouldn't change what he had for the world.

The Doctor asks who's in charge, and Jack apologises saying he's awaiting orders. The Doctor says the plan is like he said, calling it a nice plan before asking if there is anything else

"Typical Spaceman." Donna rolled her eyes fondly. The rest of the group snickered while the Doctor grumbled a bit, but everyone could see her smile.

Jack orders them to present arms and they each pull out a mobile phone

"Ah, the deadliest of weapons." Ryan nodded with a grin.

"Those are old phones." Bill pointed out, looking at the flip phones.

"You're making me feel old." Rose groaned, while the younger members of the group nodded along with Bill's comment. Back in their day. Those phones had been great, now they were nothing compared to modern ones, how technology advanced.

They're all ready with speed dial, and Jack says see you in hell as they split up

"Cheery." Amy chuckled. The group were all enjoying the video so far, despite the danger with Margaret, it seemed like a nice calmer video, with some nice fun moments for the four involved, which was a nice change from the usual videos.

Outside the Mayor's office the Doctor speaks to a young man sitting at a desk at the door saying he's come to see the mayor. Idris, the young man, asks if he has an appointment which he doesn't but he's an old friend passing by, bit of a surprise and he can't wait to see her face

"I bet it would be quite a sight if she's already met you." Clara grinned.

"Oi! What are you suggesting?" The Doctor asked, mock offended.

"Nothing." Clara snickered with several others joining in. They were all maybe getting a bit hyper with the video being so calm so far.

Idris claims she's having a cup of tea and the Doctor tells him to go in and say the Doctor would like to see her, Idris asks Doctor who, and the Doctor says just the Doctor

"You're far too smug and cheerful." River rolled her eyes fondly, the Doctor just grinned widely.

Idris goes in and we hear a tea cup smash on the floor before Idris comes out again claiming the mayor says thank you for dropping by and she'd love to see him but she'd very busy with paperwork so could he make an appointment next week. The Doctor declares she is climbing out the window isn't she, Idris admits yes, she is

"At least he's honest." Rory chuckled. The rest of the group, the four who'd been there included, all broke out into joyful laughter. It seemed very comedic, and almost cartoon like, Margaret's reaction to the Doctor's arrival (who was probably exactly who she'd been trying to avoid, to no avail despite her troubles).

The Doctor runs in to and reports Slitheen heading north from the balcony. Rose is on her way as Jack says over and out, Mickey is less impressed with everything

"Look at the four of you." Martha smiled fondly, enjoying how Mickey had relaxed a bit as the video carried on. It was weird seeing him so young, as well as Jack and the Doctor, but it was insightful.

Idris wrestles the Doctor as Margaret climbs down a ladder from the balcony, shouting to leave the mayor alone

"He's a loyal young lad." Graham commented, admiring that at least. He probably didn't know that his boss was an alien and was doing his job. No one really expected strangers to come into your office, demand to see your boss and then chase her when she ran, it was brave of him to try and help her (though surprising to see he hadn't called the police, maybe the people of Cardiff were just far too used to strange things?).

Elsewhere, Rose runs into a clerk carrying a pile of papers and Jack leaps over a tea trolley, poor Mickey crashes into a cleaning woman

"Oh Mickey." Martha snickered, but squeezed his hand to reassure him he was just teasing. The others were all giggling away too.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." Mickey rolled his eyes, but he wasn't as embarrassed or bothered as he would have been back then. He'd grown a lot since then, mostly for the better.

Margaret gets down the ladder and takes off her brooch, starting to run until she sees Rose coming at her. Margaret removed her right earring as Jack comes running from the opposite way. The Doctor escapes Idris and sees her running to the only open direction, calling to her as he climbs down the ladder. Margaret removes the other earring and puts it with the first and brooch as the three chase her. Jack asks who's on exit four, which is Mickey who arrives late, the Doctor calls him Mickey the idiot

"Doctor! Be nice." Clara berated shaking her head, "You really need those cue cards back."

"He knows I don't mean it like that." The Doctor protested, turning to Mickey (just to double check), to her relief Mickey nodded with a fond roll of his eyes. It seemed she would escape the cue cards for now.

Rose says she isn't going to exactly outrun them really, then Margaret vanishes

"Maybe not outrun, but she can teleport apparently." Bill announced, eyes wide. "Can all Slitheen do that?"

Jack chuckled, "No, she just had a quick escape prepared."

Jack declares she has a teleport calling it cheating as they'll never get her now

"Cheating? Honestly, when have they ever played fair?" Amy retorted teasingly, earning a shrug from Jack.

Rose declares the Doctor is very good with teleports

"Thanks for the confidence, Rose." The Doctor grinned at her former companion who grinned back knowingly. This had certainly been an adventure, although a different one then they'd been used to at the time, but one they always thought back to fondly (barring the almost destruction of Erath and the bit of trouble with Rose and Mickey's relationship near the end).

The Doctor holds up his sonic screwdriver and Margaret reappears running to them. She vanishes again, then reappears, vanishes and reappears. The Doctor claims he can do it all day

"You enjoyed that far too much." Mickey shook his head.

"And you didn't?" Mickey couldn't argue with that, it had been highly entertaining.

Margaret claims it is persecution and asks why they can't leave her alone, and what did she ever do to him. The Doctor reminds her she tried to kill him and destroy the planet, Margaret says apart from that

The group laughed at that.

Yaz chuckled, "Apart from those small crimes."

Ryan laughed more at Yaz's comment, adding his own, "Just a normal day with the Doctor."

The Doctor says she's a Slitheen on Earth and trapped. Her family all were killed but she teleports out just in time but with no real escape, so she built a nuclear power station, but why. Margaret claims it is a philanthropic gesture as she learnt the error of her ways

"A bold and very clear lie." Donna snorted.

The Doctor is dubious as the station is right on top of the rift, Margaret asks about the rift and Jack answers her that is a rift in space and time so if the power station melted down the entire planet would go boom

"It would be quite nice to avoid that, please." Rory declared, looking at the four involved.

"Funnily enough, we thought that too." Mickey replied with a grin.

The Doctor says the station is designed to explode the moment it reaches capacity and Rose asks if any noticed and isn't someone in London checking it

"Apparently people did notice, she just didn't let them live to tell the news." Rose grimaced.

Margaret declares they are in Cardiff so London doesn't care about anything that happens and then realises she's gone native to her horror

"She's not wrong." Jack shrugged, thinking back to his time with Torchwood Three.

Mickey asks why she would do it as she'd just kill herself, Margaret protests she has a name and Mickey argues she's a thing. The Doctor says she is clever and pulls the middle of the model out to reveal electronics

"Hidden in plain sight." Martha raised an impressed eyebrow. "She is clever, if not a bit murderous."

Jack asks if it is a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator

River whistled lowly, recognising the machine.

"And for the rest of us?" Amy raised an eyebrow, turning to glance between the Doctor, Jack and River for an explanation.

The Doctor scrunched her face up in thought for a second before offering an answer, "It's probably better to just watch and see, it would make more sense than me trying to explain it now." Amy narrowed her eyes for a moment before nodding, she'd let that go for the moment, after all she didn't want to listen to the Doctor go on one of their techno-babble rants.

It is, and Jack asks if she built it which she claims to have but Jack says it is way beyond her, too genius

"She's clever, but not that clever." Jack agreed with his past self.

"More shrewd, than anything." Rose nodded.

Mickey bets she stole it and Margaret claims it fell into her hands

"She definitely stole it." Donna agreed with Mickey.

Rose asks if it is a weapon and Jack clarifies it is transport as if the reactor blows and rift opens the board puts a forcefield round you and you put coordinates in, stand on top and ride it out the solar system, protected from the blast

"A surfboard?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, bewildered. The Doctor grinned but just nodded at the screen.

Mickey summarises it is a surfboard and Margaret declares it would have worked and she'd have surfed away from the planet and back to civilisation

"If it wasn't for you meddling kids!" Yaz grinned.

"And the Tardis too!" Bill snickered along. The two of them and Ryan broke out into loud laughter as the rest of the group smiled and laughed along too. They really were enjoying this calmer video, despite the threat of world destruction none of them were particularly worried. After all it clearly hadn't happened, and the four involved didn't seem particularly worried either.

Mickey is shocked she'd blow up a planet to get a lift and Margaret declares like stepping on an anthill

"A very big anthill, with billions of ants." Clara grimaced.

The Doctor asks about the name of the project and Margaret declares it's Welsh

That confused the group. "Why are you so focused on the name of the project?" Rory asked, giving the Doctor a bewildered look. It seemed like such a small and insignificant detail.

The Doctor, Rose and Jack shared a look, with only Mickey seeming to have any idea what they were thinking. "It's ... complicated. We'll probably see it at some point and it's a bit of a long story."

Her non-answer answer earned her some annoyed and frustrated looks from the group but they did eventually acquiesce, and allow the video to continue for now.

The Doctor knows that but wants to know how she thought of it, Margaret claims it was chosen at random and it sounds good, why does it matter? Rose asks what it means – Bad Wolf, which she's heard before, lots of times

"You've heard it before?" Amy asked confused, it seemed like such a random phrase.

"I think we have too, right? Wasn't that what the Moment called itself in the first video?" Clara's face was scrunched up as she tried to remember, she could have sworn she'd heard it a few times before too.

"Like the Doctor said, it's a long story." Rose nodded, frowning slightly. She did kind of want to see it herself as she couldn't exactly remember her time as Bad Wolf but it would be a fairly emotional video.

The Doctor agrees saying everywhere they go; the words Bad Wolf follow them. Rose asks how they can be following them and the Doctor claims it is a coincidence and never mind, he then focuses back on Margaret saying they're going to take her home

"You knew it wasn't a coincidence." Rose pointed out; it may have sounded like a statement but there was a clear question to the words.

The Doctor sighed, "I didn't know ... I just had my suspicions. It wasn't the moment to get distracted by it anyway." Rose pursed her lips for a moment but let it go; the Doctor was right about that as much as she didn't want to admit it.

Jack asks isn't that the easy way, like letting her go but Rose is just excited to go to Raxacoricofallapatorius which she finally manages to pronounce

"Raxacoricofallapatorius." Rose mimicked her past self; still very proud she could say it. The Doctor grinned widely.

"That's a tongue twister and a half." Donna declared.

Margaret explains they have a death penalty and her family was tried in absence years ago and she'll be killed the moment she returns. She asks if the Doctor can take her home knowing he takes her to her death and the Doctor declares it not his problem. Later, night falls and Maragret has explored the Tardis a but calling it impossible, the Doctor doesn't spill the secrets, and Margaret claims she never stood a chance against such superior technology, the technology of gods

"She's trying to butter you up. She has a plan." Amy narrowed her eyes at Margaret on screen.

"She can try." The Doctor replied smugly.

The Doctor says to not worship him as he's a bad god, before asking Jack how it is going. Jack is inspecting the board and asks where she got it as it is stacked with power. The Doctor suggests they use it for fuel but Jack says it isn't compatible but could knock off about twelve hours so they can go in the morning. The Doctor says they are stuck overnight and Margaret says she isn't in a hurry

"I bet she's not." Nardole muttered.

Rose declares the police box really is a police box as they have a prisoner. Margaret tries to guilt them by reminding them they are taking her to her death, Mickey says she deserves it. Maragaret claims his easy acceptance makes him no better than her and says it is a long night, let's see who can look her in the eye (none can)

"She's trying to guilt you." Martha realised, squeezing her husband's hand in comfort. It was a good tactic, but they didn't have much other choices as Margaret had been trying to destroy Earth just to leave (and get some revenge), but it wasn't a comfortable thing to think about.

Outside, Mickey leaves and Rose follows declaring it freezing. Mickey says it is better than inside and Margaret deserves it, he doesn't care, it's weird in the box

"Oh Mickey." Rose sighed a bit sadly. She couldn't remember if she'd missed Mickey's confusion and unhappiness with the situation the first time or if she'd purposely ignored it (and she didn't know which one was worse) but it was making her feel a bit guilty. Mickey gave her a reassuring smile, which only worked to lessen her guilt slightly. She'd gotten so relaxed about the start of the video, that she'd forgotten how turbulent her relation with Mickey had gotten within it.

Rose admits she didn't really need her passport

"You just wanted him to visit." Martha said knowingly. Rose juts nodded with a sigh; it hadn't worked out how she'd wanted it to in the end.

Mickey says he's been thinking that they should go have a drink or pizza or something, just the two of them. Rose agrees and Mickey continues saying they could get a hotel room for the night as she isn't leaving till the morning. Rose agrees and Mickey asks if she has to tell the Doctor, Rose says it isn't the Doctor's business

Rose winced at that, catching the Doctor's raised eyebrow ou of the corner of her eye.

"It was my business. I don't care if you two want to go off on a little date, but I would have liked to know that was what you were going to do, especially with the danger of Margaret." The Doctor commented, voice unusually stern in the way it was only when she needed them to really listen.

Rose and Mickey both nodded with a grimace, feeling like kids getting scolded for being out late. They'd both been so focused on trying to fix what was left of their relationship, and Rose had been trying to prove a point to Mickey but in the end it had backfired.

Inside, the Doctor watches Rose and Mickey on the scanner. Jack asks what's going on and the Doctor claims nothing

"You saw us go?" Mickey asked.

The Doctor nodded with a sigh, "You both needed to talk and some time to yourselves, but I would have preferred that you telling me you were potentially going to be gone all night." She paused for a moment with a grimace, "Now I feel like a parent again."

Margaret bets the Doctor is always the first to leave regardless of consequences, saying he butchered her family and ran for the stars but this time there are consequences and how does it feel. The Doctor protests he didn't butcher them but Jack says not to answer back as that is what she wants

"Technically Mickey blew them up." Rose countered Margaret on screen. "And she can't really talk about facing consequences."

The Doctor turns it back on her reminding her she had an emergency teleport but didn't save any of her family. Margaret says it only carried one and she had to fly without coordinates so ended up in a skip in the Isle of Dogs, which the Doctor finds a bit funny

"It really is." The Doctor chuckled at the thought. The majority of the group had no idea what the Isle of Dogs was like but they could guess, and it was still an entertaining enough thought for them to join the Doctor in laughing. The video had taken a bit of a more sombre tone, but it still wasn't as intense as some of the videos had been recently.

Margaret asks if she gets a final request claiming she got fond of her human life and there is a restaurant around the bay that's a favourite of hers. The Doctor asks if she really wants a last meal and Maragaret claims to have rights

"She has an escape plan." Graham declared.

"Don't worry, Graham. We already guessed that and had prepared accordingly." The Doctor smiled.

"You prepare? Sweetie, be honest you had a vague plan and then just winged it." River raised a knowing eyebrow; the Doctor shrugged a bit sheepish; she couldn't deny it as much as she wanted to.

Jack claims she'll try to escape and Margaret declares she won't be able to escape the Doctor so why not. She asks how string his stomach is to sit with a creature he us about to kill, the Doctor says she won't change his mind and she tells him to prove it

"She's trying to bait you, Doctor." Amy warned lowly.

The Doctor smiled a bit, warmed by the concern her companions had for her, "I know, don't worry."

The Doctor mentions there are others around and if she slips away, they'll be in danger. Jack cuts in as he has two bangles which both can wear one and if she moves more than ten feet away, she'll be zapped by ten thousand volts

Martha whistled at that, "You really don't want to put on the wrong one."

The Doctor invites Maragret out to dinner, which she agrees to, they leave Jack working on the Tardis. At the restaurant, Margaret declares they are on a date and he doesn't even know her real name, the Doctor argues they aren't on a date before asking her name

"Loving your priorities, Doctor." Clara grinned teasingly, earning a roll of the Doctor's eyes and a grumble as a reply.

Maragret introduces herself as Blon, Blon Fel Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, which will be on her death certificate

"She's laying it on a bit heavy." Bill muttered. She wasn't sure about how she felt about them taking Margaret to her death but she couldn't exactly be let loose with her murderous tendencies. She was really hoping that the Doctor would find an alternative.

Margaret points out her flat in the distance, as the Doctor turns to look, she put some powder from her ring into his wine

The group immediately tensed as they saw Margaret slip an unknown powder (which couldn't be good at all) seemingly under the Doctor's nose. Jack shuffled a bit closer to the Doctor on their sofa and River squeezed her hand tightly to comfort herself. Jack was starting to feel worried about his descension to leave the Doctor along with her, he knew the Doctor could take care of themself and nothing had happened, but t wasn't fun to watch them be in danger knowing he could have been there to help prevent it.

Margaret continues she was content with the flat, bay-side views but she doesn't think she'll see it again. The Doctor swaps the glasses

"How did you know she'd done something?" Yaz asked curious but relieved.

"I had my suspicions about her motives and I know enough about the Slitheen to be prepared." The Doctor answered. She kept using the term Slitheen to refer to Margaret, who was technically a Raxacoricofallapatorian, but it was less confusing to just refer to her as a Slitheen, and much easier to both spell and say.

Margaret asks what he knows of her species, and the Doctor replies only what he's seen. Margaret explains in extreme cases, when in life threatening danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can create a poison dart in her finger. She points and a dart flies but the Doctor catches it, he already knew about it

The group had held their breath as Margaret casually mentioned the dart before shooting it, only letting it out when the Doctor calmy caught it.

Maragaret claims she was just checking, and then one more thing between just them, they both lean forward. Maragret whispers in a final resort, excess poison can be exhaled through their lungs, she starts to exhale and the Doctor uses breath freshener on her. He is very casual, and asks what she's thinking of as the steak and chips looks nice

The group was feeling a bit more fraught after that interaction, although also a bit entertained by the whole thing. It was rather cartoonish after all, and reassuring to see the Doctor so calm around their potential death.

Elsewhere, Rose is talking about her adventures and Mickey blurts out he's going out with Trisha, who Rose knows. Rose says she's nice, big though. Mickey says she lost weight and Rose has been away, Rose tries to be happy for him and Mickey asks more about the planet but Rose is kind of done with the story. Very awkward

The rest of the group watched the interaction between the younger versions of Mickey and Rose with a wince. The pair in question shared a grimace and awkward eye contact.

"Awkward." Bill couldn't help but mutter quietly but everyone heard her.

Back at the restaurant, Margaret explains public execution is a slow death as they will put her in a cauldron of acid and boil her, she becomes soup but still alive and screaming

"That's ... gruesome." Rory grimaced. He did not enjoy the mental image Margaret had provided and was now trying to do anything but think about it.

The Doctor says he doesn't make the law and Margaret says he will deliver it, asking if he will watch. The doctor asks what else can he do, and Maragret tells him her family is huge and there are more of them off planet he could take her to, to safety

A few people perked up at that. The description of Margaret's death had put the majority off, they'd all been hoping for an alternative situation but knew that Margaret was far too dangerous to just be let lose; they were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The Doctor argues she'll start again and Margaret promises she won't. The Doctor reminds her there used to be a real Margaret Blaine that she killed and stripped for her skin, and she's forgotten she's pleading for mercy from a dead woman's lips. Margaret wants a chance as she can change but the Doctor doesn't believe her

The group was quiet at that. The Doctor's words had a significant weight to them as they were usually one for believing in people and giving out second chances, so their lack of belief in Margaret said a lot. To be fair, in some way this was already her second chance (as their plan at Downing Street had been the first).

At the quayside, Mickey asks what Rose wants to do after their meal, suggesting they could ask about hotels and Rose asks what Trisha would say

Rose winced at her obvious jealousy, "Sorry Mickey." It was a bit of a scathing remark which she certainly hadn't meant it be as bad as it sounded. Mickey just waved her off with a reassuring smile, they'd both said things they hadn't meant.

Rose is stuck on the fact he doesn't even like Trisha but Mickey asks how the hell she'd know. Rose claims to know both of them and asks who he is kidding, Mickey says he at least knows where she is. Rose declares it has nothing to do with Trisha, it's about her. Mickey shouts she left him when they were happy, just kissed him and ran off with the Doctor, and it made him feel like nothing, asking if he's just standby, and if he's supposed to spend his life waiting – because he will. Rose says sorry

The pair shared a long look, expressions shifting every few seconds as they held a silent conversation. Everyone else was purposely looking anywhere else, feeling very awkward as they listened to a conversation that no one else had ever meant to have heard.

At the restaurant, Maragret is still claiming to have changed and mentions how she didn't kill Cathy earlier even though she was going to, she can change. The Doctor says he believes her

"She told the truth." The Doctor muttered to herself; she hadn't exactly doubted it but she'd never really thought about it much, too much other things had happened.

Margaret says he knows she's capable of better but the Doctor says it doesn't mean anything. The Doctor tells her she spared one of them, but that's not new as every now and again a victim is spared because of how they smiled or looked or begged and that's how you live with yourself, how you kill millions, as once in a while you are kind. Maragret points out only a killer would know that, and she bets his life leaves devastation in its wake, saying he plays with so many lives he might as well be a god, and he's right, sometimes you let one go so let her go

The group was silent, all suddenly realising that this was the Doctor fresh out of the Time War. That this Doctor thought they had destroyed their entire species to save the rest of the universe. It put a whole new weight to their words and not one they were comfortable commenting on at the moment. Somehow this video had gone from nice and cheery to some serious moments, they were all hoping it would end in a nicer manner.

Back at quayside, Mickey says he isn't asking her to leave him as that isn't fair but he needs a promise she is coming back to her. They hear a rumble and Rose asks if it is thunder, Mickey asks why it matters, but Rose realises it isn't thunder

"I'm really sorry Mickey." Rose sighed, wincing at her complete denial of Mickey's comment.

"It's okay Rose, this was a long time ago and we're both past this." Mickey reassured her, then went to joke it off, "Besides there was kind of a situation going on." He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for the way he just left, he hadn't even bothered to try and help, he'd just left.

At the restaurant, Margaret says with her family she didn't have a choice and made her first kill at thirteen otherwise her father would have killed her, she then asks if the Doctor is even listening. The Doctor is distracted by a noise asking if she can hear it. Margaret says she is begging for her life but the Doctor shushes her and the glasses begin to vibrate, then the window shatters and people scream

"Wait it isn't her?" Clara asked confused.

"Yes and no." The Doctor answered, sharing a glance with Jack.

Amy rolled her eyes, "Well that was a very clear answer, thanks."

At quayside, people flee from exploding lights and windows and Rose runs. Behind her, Mickey shouts about her running and it's the Doctor, always the Doctor and never him

"Mickey..." Martha muttered quietly to her husband, tuning to look at him better. He was hiding his head in his hands.

"I know, I know. Please don't." Mickey muttered back; this was really bringing back up some things he didn't want to particularly deal with again. He thought he'd gotten over with and dealt with it all a long time ago, and here it was being thrown back in his face. He'd grown a lot since then, but it made old aches start to twinge again.

Margaret can't keep up with the Doctor shouting about the handcuffs, he waits for her and then takes it off telling her to not think about running away. Margaret declares she is sticking with him. Energy is coming from the Tardis into the sky and the Doctor declares the rift is opening

"She's still got a plan." Bill declared, "Be careful."

The Doctor smiled fondly at the concern despite it all being in the past and none of them being able to actually do anything.

Cracks open across the plaza

"What is going on?!" Donna exclaimed upon seeing the cracks and chaos unfolding. No one answered her.

They run to the Tardis and the Doctor shouts what the hell has Jack been doing? Jack says it just went crazy and the Doctor says that time and space are ripping apart in the rift and the whole city will disappear

"That's not good." Nardole said.

"You don't say." The Master drawled sarcastically, reminding the group of his presence and earning glares from the whole room. As soon as the video continued, they went back to ignoring him.

Rose runs to the plaza and sees what is happening. Jack says it is the extrapolator and he's disconnected it but it is feeding off the engine and using the Tardis but he can't stop it. The Doctor corrects himself that it's going to rip open the planet not just Cardiff

"That's even worse." Rory declared with a worried look. The only thing keeping the group mostly calm was the knowledge that the planet (and Cardiff) was in fact still intact and not destroyed.

Rose enters the Tardis and asks what is happening. Margaret admits it is her

"So, it is her!?" Yaz asked confused. The Doctor, Jack and Rose shared a look before nodding in sync.

She takes an arm out her suit and grabs Rose as she threatens them by saying one wrong move and she'll snap Rose like a promise

"Rose!" Mickey's eyes widened in concern; he was feeling even more guilty about just leaving knowing how much trouble the three had gotten into now.

The Doctor declares he might have known, and Margaret says she's had him bleating all night so shut it. She demands Jack put the extrapolator at her feet

"I mean, I wouldn't go that far." Amy retorted, although she was a bit tense with the danger the three were suddenly in.

Margaret tightens her grip on Rose's neck and the Doctor nods, Jack obeys. Margaret thanks them saying it is just as planned. Rose says she thought the plan was the nuclear power station. Margaret agrees, saying if the original plan failed, and if she was arrested, anyone capable of finding her would have their own great technology so would be interested in the extrapolator. She declares the extrapolator was programmed for plan B which is to lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift, so she'd back on schedule thanks to them

"So, she's using the surfboard and the Tardis to open the rift and destroy everything." Graham summarised with a grimace. The Doctor nodded with her own grimace.

Jack says she'll destroy the whole planet, Margaret agrees saying them too with it. She stands on the extrapolator adding she'll ride it over the crest of the inferno to freedom, telling them to stand back and surfs up

"On the list of things I never thought I'd hear aliens say, 'surfs up' is one of them." Ryan declared mostly to himself, but the comment earned a snort from Yaz.

The Tardis console cracks open and light hits Margaret, the Doctor says by opening the rift she'll pull the Tardis apart

Amy and Rory's expressions immediately went straight to alarmed at the mention of tearing the Tardis apart, the last time that had happened had ended very badly before they'd fixed it to say the least.

The Doctor says it isn't just any power source but his Tardis, the best ship in the universe. Margaret doesn't care, saying it will be wonderful scrap

"Say that again. I dare you." The Doctor glared at the screen, she'd missed that remark the first time, or more accurately been more distracted by Rose's life being in danger and the imminent destruction of the planer/pulling off her plan to stop it.

Rose asks about the light and the Doctor says it is the heart of the Tardis, as the ship is alive and they've opened its soul

Rose and the Doctor shared a knowing glance, this was where Rose had gotten the idea to do so to save the Doctor and Jack and become Bad Wolf after all, they just hadn't known it at the time.

Margaret is distracted by the light saying it is so bright, the Doctor encourages her to look at it, look into the light, as Margaret calls it beautiful

"What's your plan Doctor?" Martha asked cautiously, things had taken an ... odd turn and it had left the group mostly confused and a bit on edge.

"Just watch." The Doctor gestured to the screen; expression unreadable.

Margaret relaxes and Rose gets free, Margaret moves to the Doctor, smiling and says thank you before vanishing into the light, her empty bodysuit crumples to the floor

Several people's eyes widened drastically, confused by what had happened to Margaret but not sure what to say. Any time one of them opened their mouth to ask the Doctor shook their head and waved at the screen, a silent request to just watch.

The Doctor warns the rest of the group not to look, stay where they are and close their eyes as he closes the console. He then tells Jack to shut it all down and tells Rose to turn all the switches on a panel. The energy stops pouring into the sky

The group let out a breath at seeing the rumbling and destruction of Cardiff/the world stop. The danger was passed (they hoped), the only mystery left was what had happened to Margaret (and the whole Bad Wolf thing, but they'd all resigned themselves to not getting answers to that mystery just yet).

The Doctor thanks them, declaring it nice work. Rose asks what happened to Margaret and Jack theorises she was burnt up. The Doctor says he doesn't think she's dead

"You don't think?" Donna asked incredulous. The Doctor smiled softly and waved to the screen to Donna's obvious annoyance.

Rose asks where she went then. The Doctor explains she looked into the heart of the Tardis and even he doesn't know the strength of it, plus the ship is telepathic so maybe the raw energy translated some sort of thoughts. He finds a large egg and declares there she is

"An egg?!" Several people exclaimed in sync.

"An egg." The Doctor nodded seriously, offering no more of an explanation.

Rose is stunned she's an egg and the Doctor explains she regressed to her childhood. Jack is also shocked. The Doctor says she can start again, new life from scratch, take her home and give her to a different family and she might be all right. Jack argues she might be worse, and the Doctor says it is her choice

"In the end she did get that second chance." River smiled softly at the Doctor, knowing her wife was much happier with this ending for Margaret. She knew the Doctor would have taken Margaret to her fate, but she wouldn't have been happier about it. This way, the Doctor wouldn't have another death on her conscious.

Rose is still stunned she's an egg, then remembers Mickey

"And now you remember me." Mickey teased, giving Rose a small smile to tell her he wasn't angry about it, after all he had left of his own accord despite the obvious trouble, although he wouldn't deny it had helped clear his head and it meant that Rose wasn't forced to choose.

Rose runs out across the cracked plaza and back to the quay where ambulances are taking away injured folk. Mickey watches from the shadows as she goes to the paramedics and asks questions. He walks away and Rose returns to the Tardis alone

"You were there?" Rose asked quietly, she'd never known that he'd been watching her. She'd asked around for a while, concerned he'd been hurt and only stopped when she couldn't find anything, eventually texting Mickey for a reassurance he was alive and unharmed.

Mickey nodded quietly, unsure what to say to that really.

The Doctor declares they are all powered up and can leave as opening the rift filled them up. The Doctor asks Rose if it is fine to go, she claims it is fine and he asks about Mickey. Rose says he's okay and gone, and the Doctor offers to wait why she goes and finds him

Mickey raised an eyebrow surprised at that. He thought they'd immediately would have left without a second thought towards him, but clearly his opinion of the Doctor back then wasn't completely correct. His eyes drifted to the Doctor who met them briefly and offered a little shrug. They'd both had firm opinions of the other back then that they'd grown past.

ROSE: No need. He deserves better.

Mickey bit his lip at that comment. He couldn't deny that in the end it was better the two of them weren't together; they'd both grown up so much and sadly it had just been in a slightly different direction from each other. They were still friend they just weren't compatible romantically anymore, and both of them had ended up with others and were happy with where they were now. He smiled softly at his wife who smiled back warmly.

The Doctor says off they go then, always moving. Jack adds next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius and that isn't something said often. The Doctor agrees saying they will stop by and put Margaret in a hatchery, give her a second chance. Rose declares that would be nice

With that the screen turned blank signalling the end of the video. The Doctor stood up and stretched slightly (her legs had been starting to cramp up from not moving for a while). "Well, that was a short one, how about we all have a break."

She looked around the group, suddenly noticing the tired expressions and mentally tried to figure out how long it had been since they'd all slept (she could go a lot longer without sleep then most of the room's occupants after all). "How about we all grab something to eat and then get some sleep. We can start the next videos tomorrow ... whenever tomorrow is." The concept of time was weird in this room anyway (and that was saying something, considering she was a time traveller).

The people in the room all nodded at that, standing and stretching then slowly left the room in groups, happily chatting away as they headed for the kitchen. The Doctor stayed back as they all left, just watching them, happy to be surrounded by so many of her friends and family (and admittedly missing those that weren't and couldn't be there).

She was broken out of her thoughts by someone coughing slightly to alert the Doctor to their presence behind them. She spun around surprised, only to find Rose waiting behind her with a small smile.

"Can we talk?" Rose asked. The Doctor glances around to double check they were alone in the room, she had a feeling this conversation was one they wanted some privacy for, seeing they were alone she nodded. The pair moved to a random sofa and sat down facing each other.

For several moments silence reigned in the room, neither of the pair quite sure what to say. The Doctor started fidgeting as the silence carried on, unsure about how this conversation was going to go. Rose rolled her eyes, smiling fondly as she noticed the Doctor start fidgeting.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked quietly but sincere.

Her question made the Doctor freeze for a moment, hands stilling as she finally met Rose's eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked equally quietly, attempting to pull off a causal smile.

Rose gave her a pointed look, "Don't try that on me Doctor, I can see through it. I think anyone in this room can. You know exactly what I mean, are you okay?"

The Doctor dropped the smile, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" The Doctor continued to try and distract her, from Rose's raised eyebrow, it didn't work at all.

"Me? I'm not the one having so much of my life on screen, nor the one whose been told that I'm missing memories and half my life might be a lie." Rose sighed.

"Maybe, but I'm not the one stuck on an alternative universe for the rest of my existence." The Doctor countered, "Just tell me Rose, please. Are you happy?"

Rose met the Doctor's eyes for a long moment before answering. "Yes, I'm happy. I'm with both my parents, I'm happily married, have my dream job and plenty of friends who understand what I've gone through. I'm happy. I can't say I don't miss you and Mickey and Jack sometimes, but I'm happy and I wouldn't change anything. Now, are you going to stop avoiding the question and actually answer me?"

The Doctor sighed, happy that Rose had answered honestly, and from the look in her eyes she had, but knew she couldn't keep avoiding the question. Any attempts to lie would also be rumbled by how well Rose knew her. She might get away with it if it was Yaz, Ryan and Graham, maybe even Bill, but the others had been around far too long for it to work on them.

"I don't know." She answered honestly for the first time. "I'm angry and scared and tired and confused and just done. I'm just fed up of having no answers and so many questions. I'm sick of everyone mocking me and rubbing it in my face. I left because I wanted to travel, to see the universe and along the way I found friends and family, and I wouldn't change that for the universe. But sometimes I don't know why I keep going. Why I keep dragging other innocents into it. Why I keep trying to justify everything, why I keep interfering. I just ... I just don't know anymore." When she started speaking, she found everything just spilled out, everything had built up too high and the dam had finally burst.

Rose was quiet for a moment, but she shuffled forward slowly and took the Doctor's hand, squeezing it in comfort. "It's okay to not know, a lot has happened. You'd gone through a lot the first time I knew you and you've been through even more since then. As for why you should keep going ... as much as I'd like to, I can't make that decision for you. You need to find a reason for yourself, it can be as little or as big as you want, but think of the Tardis. It's been you and her since the start and she'll aways be with you, and we're always with you too. Maybe not in person, but we're always there, you have friends and family everywhere and you're always welcome, you just need to reach out."

She waited until the Doctor met her eyes again, before turning sterner and more serious. "And don't you dare say anything about dragging us along, we all chose to travel with you. You warned us, you said we wouldn't come back the same and we don't but that's not a bad thing. I don't want to think about where I'd be if I hadn't met you and I know the others feel the same. We chose to travel with you and we both do better with each other." She stared the Doctor down for several minutes until the Doctor reluctantly nodded, Rose smiled sadly, knowing that the Doctor would need some more time and reassurance before that message was ingrained in her head, but they had time. The Tardis had given them more time than they'd ever thought they'd have.

Clapping her hands together, Rose stood up, "Now come on, there's plenty of time for more serious conversations, but right now I want some food and sleep, and you need some too." She could see the Doctor about to protest, "And don't even try and deny it Mister, I know you too well for that."

Smiling fondly the Doctor allowed Rose to lead her back to the rest of the group who were lounging around the kitchen chatting and eating. They joined them, enjoying an hour or two of random conversations from both pre, post and during life with the Doctor as they grabbed random food and drinks that appeared in the cupboards and fridge the Tardis had provided (how that worked they didn't know, but they'd learnt it was better not to question it).

Slowly people started leaving in small groups and pairs, turning in for the 'night' (or at least what they were considering night, again time was weird in the room). The Doctor waited until everyone else had gone to bed before going to her room herself, she'd been basking in the presence of so many friends and family all evening. Maybe being quieter than usual, but the group was all used to her variable moods, and she'd just needed some time after her conversation with Rose to just be around the group. It wasn't often that she got to spend time with so many of her friends without there being imminent danger.

She may not be enjoying having so many of her secrets spilled to the group but she was enjoying the time she had with them. And she could only thank the Tardis for this rare gift of time, although it did have the side effect of making her think about all her other friends she was missing. Several times during the videos she'd found herself thinking about what Sarah Jane would have thought about something, or Jamie, or Ace, or Peri, or Tegan, or anyone of her old friends.

For now, though, she would focus on the time she did have with the people present, smiling to herself she settled in to her room for the 'night'. She didn't know whether she'd actually get any sleep but she'd allow the others some quiet to catch up on some rest and it would give her some time to get her turbulent thoughts in order. It was time to focus on the present, not to linger on the past (despite having to view all these videos), or worry about the future.

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