Chapter Ten: Reigning Pain In New Orleans
Nobody's Pov
Everyone had to admit that they were looking forward to the next episode since they wanted to know what would happen next.
Especially with Klaus in charge since he now has power over New Orleans after Marcel accepted defeat.
And the fact that he took Hayley and Kurt with him to live in their new home.
Once they settled down the next episode began to play.
The screen turns on and the camera pans outside of the compound before heading inside.
Klaus has set up a dinner table in the courtyard to celebrate his return to leadership over New Orleans and his repossession of the Abbatoir compound from Marcel.
The vampire army, including Marcel and his closest friends, are seated around the table.
While Hayley and Kurt are sitting next to each other at one end while Klaus is at another end.
Everyone's eyes widened at the dinner table they were seeing.
Sebastian had to admit that he was also surprised because while he's rich, given who his father is, he's never seen a dinner table that big.
It's honestly like something out of a fairy tale.
Klaus calls for everyone's attention by tapping his glass with his fork, a grin plastered on his face.
"Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift. Immortality" Klaus said.
Kurt sighed as he threw his head back, groaning a little.
He didn't want to be here, he wanted to be in bed or playing games on his phone.
"Me whenever we had to go to school" Artie whispered to his friends.
Sam, Mike, Puck and Finn snorted in amusement and nodded their heads in agreement.
"After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine" Klaus said.
He gestures toward a group of waiters and waitresses to have them join them at the table, one for each guest.
"Insatiable need, exquisite pain..." Klaus trailed off.
The servants slit their wrists with knives and filled the cups with blood for the vampires.
Kurt grimaced at what he had seen and buried his head into Hayley's shoulder to which she rubbed his back.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but grimace at what they had just witnessed.
They understand that vampires need to drink blood and all but seeing those, no doubt, compelled servants slit their wrists emotionlessly and fill the cups of the vampires with their blood was weird.
And creepy.
Despite that, they couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the best friends.
"Our victories, and our defeats" Klaus finished, looking at Marcel.
Marcel looks at him but says nothing, remaining silent.
"To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow" Klaus said as he lifted his glass.
Marcel sighed before lifting his own glass in the air.
"And the party never end" Marcel said.
This made Klaus smile while Kurtlifted his head up and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Well that's unexpected" Ms. Pillsbury frowned.
"Me neither. I thought he would fight against Klaus in order to get his city back. But he's not doing anything" Mr. Schue added.
Sue glanced over at the two of them before looking back at the screen.
"There's gotta be something Marcel is planning. No way he would just surrender that easily" Sue commented.
She had a feeling that Marcel had something up his sleeve.
She just wondered what it was and wondered if it would put anyone, especially the pregnant werewolf girl and porcelain, in danger.
Diego sighs before he raises his own glass.
"To New Orleans" Diego said.
"To New Orleans!" Klaus yelled, the smile never leaving his face.
"New Orleans" everyone said in unison, raising their own glasses.
Meanwhile, Hayley and Kurt simply sat where they were in silence and boredom.
Kurt was giving the vampires the stink eye. He didn't trust any of them.
"I don't blame him. Considering those vampires attacked Klaus" Finn said.
And some of those vampires were going to hurt his brother.
Yes, Kurt took them down but he still got hurt and he hated it.
He's just glad that Klaus stepped in before anything else could happen.
"Yeah but for a good reason. Klaus isn't a good person and he needed to be stopped" Blaine reminded him.
He will never warm up to the original hybrid anytime soon.
He fully believes that he, his family, along with Hayley, are to blame for Kurt being in danger.
If it weren't for them then maybe his love would be safe.
"I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No, my intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have. What Marcel, in fact, took and built for this true community of vampires" Klaus explained.
"What about them?" Diego asked.
He pointed over to the Hayley and Kurt causing all eyes to turn to them.
The duo tensed slightly at all the eyes that were on them, Hayley wrapping a protective arm around Kurt.
Almost everyone was tense in the theater.
Considering what happened in the previous episode where Kurt tried helping Klaus but got caught in the crossfire and got hurt by one of the vampires.
Not to mention in the earlier episodes where Hayley and Kurt were nearly attacked by the vampires in the french quarter.
"They better not lay a hand on my son" Burt scowled.
"On him or Hayley" Carole added.
She was worried for the pregnant werewolf girl the same way she was for her stepson.
"The wolf and the human" Diego said.
"The wolf and human have names, asshole" Kurt glared at him.
Hayley snorted at that while Klaus let an amused smile appear on his face.
People couldn't help but laugh at Kurt's words and the look on Diego's face.
He was becoming more confident and more sassy and they honestly loved it.
Klaus cleared his throat and spoke, "had you'd let me finish, Diego, you would know that there is, of course, one further matter I would like to address".
He walked over to the duo and stood behind them once he neared them.
"As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect" Klaus told everyone.
"Good. With Hayley under his protection no way they will mess with her" Carole commented with a smile.
"He better say the same thing for Kurt or I swear to god" Burt muttered under his breath.
He hopes that the same amount of respect he wants for Hayley is required for his son as well.
Klaus then turned to Kurt and placed a hand on his shoulder causing Kurt to look up at him.
"And he just so happens to be my mate. His name is Kurt Hummel and I want you all to treat him with the same amount of respect" Klaus said.
Kurt let a small smile appear on his face before looking away from his mate.
Burt let a faint smile appear on his face as he nodded his head.
He was glad that his son would receive the same amount of respect as Hayley during their time in their new home.
Klaus smiled at him for before looking at everyone else.
"However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not" Klaus told everyone.
"Father of the year" Hayley sarcastically smiled.
Kurt frowned and gently nudged her.
"It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn?" Klaus said.
Hayley and Kurt's eyes widened at that as they looked at each other in horror.
Klaus was going to send the vampires out and kill the only family Hayley had left.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard, they couldn't believe it.
"Is he serious right now?" Coach Beiste asked in disbelief.
"He's seriously going to kill the only family Hayley has left just to prove a point" Carole scowled.
That poor girl had nobody in her life and had to survive on her own when she was kicked out by her adoptive parents.
Now she learns about having family out there in the bayou.
Only for Klaus to order for them to be killed.
It's unacceptable and unfair.
"Why the hell would he do that?" Blaine asked, clenching his fists at his sides.
Now, while he doesn't like Hayley he had to admit that he did feel bad for her.
Considering she's given the chance to know the only family she has and Klaus was going to have them be killed without a care in the world.
He seriously doesn't understand what the hell is wrong with him.
"What? Klaus, no!" Hayley shook her head.
"Nik, please, you have to reconsider" Kurt said, standing up in his seat.
Klaus, having spared his mate a slight glance, ignored the two of them before addressing everyone else.
"So eat, drink and be merry. And, tomorrow, I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead, have fun. Kill them all" Klaus finished with a smirk.
Hayley pressed her lips together angrily while Kurt shot his mate a look of disbelief.
"Why the hell isn't he killing him? That's what I would've done" Blaine asked.
"Maybe because he isn't like you. Especially when it's clear he wouldn't want to hurt Klaus" Santana said.
Blaine shot her a weird look to which the latina girl rolled her eyes at.
She knows that while Kurt is angry at Klaus for what he did, she knows he'd never hurt him.
That's his mate after all.
And she, along with the other girls, know that Kurt is beginning to warm up to Klaus.
The scene changes and we see Hayley and Kurt walking downstairs together as they do their best to be quiet.
The two of them are trying to sneak out of the compound in order to head into the Bayou and warn the werewolves that the vampires are going after them to kill them.
They had to make sure that they were safe.
"Is that smart?" Brittany asked, worried.
"Yeah. What if they get hurt trying to protect people they barely know?" Quinn asked, frowning.
While it's understandable that the wolves are technically Hayley's family, neither Kurt or Hayley know them that well.
They're risking their lives for people they just met.
And they could end up getting hurt or worse, killed.
The duo tried to leave but when they turn around they see Diego in front of them.
"Going somewhere?" Diego asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
The duo don't say anything but Kurt scoots closer to his best friend, ready to fight and protect her.
"Alright, I get that's his best friend and all but he doesn't always need to protect her" Sebastian commented.
"For once, I agree with him. It's clear she can fight her own battles" Blaine added.
He understands that Kurt and Hayley are best friends and they are protective of one another.
But he doesn't like that Kurt seems to constantly put his life on the line just for Hayley.
Something he isn't obligated to do since Hayley isn't his responsibility.
All of a sudden someone shoves Diego into the wall causing him to break his neck and fall to the ground unconscious.
Hayley and Kurt look up and are surprised to see Elijah.
Everyone jumped, a bit startled, but they were relieved to see Elijah.
"Thank god" Blaine breathed out in relief.
Maybe with Elijah there he can get Kurt out of the compound and somewhere safe, away from Klaus.
He didn't want his love to be near Klaus or those vampires.
"Elijah?" Hayley asked, surprised yet happy.
Kurt looked around before looking at Elijah and said, "you shouldn't be here. Nik has these guys watching us".
"I wouldn't worry about them" Elijah said.
Hayley and Kurt look confused at that when they hear yells and turn around to see two vampires thrown to the ground.
Their eyes widen when they see Rebekah walking towards them.
If everyone was surprised, but relieved, at seeing Elijah they were definitely surprised at seeing Rebekah.
"Why the hell is she there? How is she there?" Tina asked, confused.
"I thought Klaus would've daggered her considering she betrayed him and sided with Marcel and tried to take him down" Mike added.
"Don't forget she said she was leaving and never coming back. But she returned after finding out Hayley and Kurt got kidnapped" Quinn said.
"That's a little stupid" Brittany frowned.
"Agreed. I mean I'm happy she's back but she lost the chance of having any freedom" Santana said.
"Come, we mustn't linger. We'll get you both some place safe" Elijah said.
He turns around and begins to leave with Rebekah following behind him but neither Hayley or Kurt move from where they're standing.
"No, you don't have to worry about us. We're fine. We've been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus" Hayley told them.
Rebekah and Elijah stop walking and looked at her in surprise, not expecting that from her.
"She's literally given the chance to get the hell out of there and she's not taking it. Seriously?" Puck asked.
"She's really dumb for that" Sebastian scoffed with a shake of his head.
Thad glared at his friend and smacked him upside the head causing Sebastian to wince.
Meanwhile, Quinn pulled harshly at Puck's ear causing him to yelp before his ear was released.
The new directions laughed at that, ignoring the glare Puck gave them.
Kurt nodded at what his best friend said before turning to the siblings.
"Enough about us. It's the werewolves who need help. Nik ordered a wolf hunt as some jacked-up peace offering to Marcel's crew. You have to help them" Kurt told them.
Neither Rebekah or Elijah looked surprised by what they learned.
"Out in the Bayou? Do we look like a bloody vampire-rescue-squad? I think you both should be grateful we came to save you" Rebekah incredulously said.
"Listen. Rebekah. All my life, I've wanted to know who my real family was, and just as I find out that they're out there in the bayou, Klaus orders them killed" Hayley said.
"You wanna help us? Help Hayley's people. Please" Kurt begged.
The duo were basically begging the two Mikaelson siblings to keep the werewolves safe.
They don't want them dying before Hayley gets the chance to know them better.
Everyone couldn't help but feel surprised at the fact that Hayley and Kurt were begging Elijah and Rebekah for help.
But then again they understand.
After all, they were Hayley's family, the only family she had left.
The family Hayley was dying to meet and know more about since that's what she's wanted all her life.
If they are killed then Hayley won't get to meet them and she won't get answers to the questions she has had all her life.
"Lets pray they come through and help them" Trent sighed.
"I think they will. Especially Elijah since he seems to keep his promises" Nick said.
"And lets not forget his obvious feelings for Hayley and the promise he made to protect her and Kurt" Jeff added.
The scene then changes to another part of the compound which seems to be the garage.
The camera pans over to Hayley and Kurt walking into the garage and they stop when they see Josh talking to a girl.
The girl who happens to be Davina.
"That's Davina?" Burt asked, looking at the witch for an answer.
"Yep. Everyone, meet Davina Claire the all powerful harvest witch" Gertrude smiled.
Everyone couldn't stop the slight smiles from appearing on their faces as they were happy to finally see Davina.
However, they were really surprised at how young she was.
She looked to be around sixteen or seventeen, they were expecting her to at least be eighteen.
They were honestly wondering how Marcel, of all people, got a witch as young as Davina on his side.
"It's ok. You can trust Marcel. And if Klaus tries to hurt you, I'll hurt him" Davina told her friend.
Kurt frowned at that, hoping that the girl wouldn't do anything to harm Nik.
"Ooh, caring about your man I see" Santana smirked.
She can already tell that Kurt's feelings for Klaus are there and are growing.
It's just a matter of time for Kurt, and Klaus, to admit how they feel for each other and for them to get together.
Which she prays that it'll happen sooner rather than later.
Because she will throw a fit if it comes later or doesn't come at all.
"I'm sure if you could actually stop Klaus, you would've done it already" Hayley loudly said.
Davina and Josh turn around to see the siblings with Hayley leaning against the wall while Kurt stands next to her with his arms crossed over his chest.
Josh sighs in relief at seeing them while Davina furrows her eyebrows together.
"You're Hayley. The pregnant werewolf carrying Klaus's child" Davina said.
"That's me" Hayley sarcastically smiled while waving her hand.
A few people couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"It's pretty clear she doesn't like to be referred to as that" Finn chuckled.
"Well she has to deal with it since that's basically what she is and how others are going to see her" Rachel shrugged.
Davina nodded slightly before turning to Kurt who looked at her.
"And I'm guessing you're Kurt. Klaus's mate" Davina said.
"Don't remind me" Blaine muttered.
He's never going to like the fact that Kurt is Klaus's mate.
He's never going to understand why Kurt didn't drink he potion that would've broken the bond.
"That's me. Nice to meet you" Kurt politely smiled.
Hayley walked closer to Davina and Josh with Kurt following behind her.
"Anyways, you must be all-powerful superwitch, Davina" Hayley said.
Davina said nothing and just nodded her head.
"And let's not forget Josh, newbie vampire way out of his element, voted Most Likely to Die Next" Hayley added with a small grin.
"Fantastic" Josh nodded nervously.
"Aw, I don't want him to die. He seems like a really nice guy" Brittany pouted.
"And lets not forget he's really good looking" Trent added.
The warblers shot their friend an amused look causing him to blush and look away from them.
"I don't know I can definitely see Josh surprising us and staying alive for a while" Puck commented.
"Agreed. Never underestimate anyone" Mr. Schue nodded.
Josh might be new to being a vampire as well as the rest of the supernatural but they have a feeling he's not going down that easily.
"Hey, my best friend and I are just another one of Klaus' prisoners. Of course, it would suck if he found out you're still lurking around. Maybe there's a world where we can all look out for each other?" Hayley suggested.
Kurt raises an eyebrow at Hayley as his best friend smiles slightly.
Davina and Josh simply stares at the pregnant werewolf girl in confusion and suspicion.
Everyone couldn't help but wonder if Hayley was going to ask Davina for help.
Considering Marcel was the one that had a witch curse her family so that they spend nearly their entire lives in wolf form and only turn back human on the full moon.
The only way to get them back to their human form, permanently, is for a witch to undue the spell.
And so far the only witch Hayley, and Kurt, knows and the only witch that seems trustworthy is Davina.
But something tells them that she isn't going to help Hayley that easily.
The scene changes to later in the day and the camera pans to Holden who was in his new room unpacking the rest of his things.
He takes out a picture frame and smiles at the picture inside.
It's a picture of him and his dad at graduation.
Kurt was smiling widely at the camera, completely happy, Burt was smiling too but he was looking at his son.
His eyes were full of nothing but happiness and pride.
Burt smiled at the picture that was inside of the frame.
It felt like yesterday where his son was graduating from that hellhole.
His son had to endure the bullying, the torment, the insults and so much more.
And he managed to get through it all and he finally graduated and escaped that hellhole.
Burt was full of happiness that day but he was also full of pride because he was proven that his son was able to handle anything that was thrown his way.
He just hopes that Kurt can handle anything that's thrown his way now in New Orleans.
Kurt stares at the picture with a small sad smile.
He had to admit that while he doesn't miss Lima Ohio or even New York he does miss his dad and really wishes that he could see him.
But it's not possible with what's going on.
And the last thing he wants is for his dad to come to New Orleans and put his life in danger.
"I just wish he would call me and tell me that he's alright" Burt sighed.
All this time he's been thinking that his son was hurt, or he was suffering or he was dead.
He was utterly relieved that his son was alive and that he was doing alright for the most part.
And he was fine if his son didn't want him coming to see him.
But he would've appreciated some proof to confirm that he was alright and that there was no need to worry.
A knock at the door broke Kurt out of his thoughts.
"Come in!" Kurt yelled, setting the frame down on his bedside table.
The door opens and he turns around to see Klaus walking inside.
"Hello, love" Klaus greeted his mate.
"Hey, Nik" Kurt greeted him back.
"Are you still unpacking? Do you need help?" Klaus asked, walking closer to him.
"No, I'm fine. I've unpacked most of my things I'm just unpacking the last box, which is mostly just picture frames" Kurt explained.
Klaus nodded and watched as his mate took out the last bit of picture frames that were inside the box.
The room filled with comfortable silence was Kurt finished his task while Klaus just stood there and looked around.
"The last he could do is help" Blaine huffed.
"Blaine, just shut up. Please" Thad sighed, annoyed.
"Yeah, Kurt already said that he's unpacked most of his things and is almost done. He can handle it himself" Trent added.
Blaine shot his friends a shocked look but they just ignored him.
As Kurt finished setting the picture frames down where he wanted them to be he broke the silence.
"Nik" Kurt called out to the hybrid.
"Yes, love?" Klaus asked.
"I know you don't care about the wolves but Hayley does. They're her family. They're all she has left and they have answers to the questions she's had her entire life. And Hayley's my best friend and the last thing I want is for her to be sad because you had them killed. I know you do whatever you want, especially now that you have your city back, but please don't go through with the killing" Kurt pleaded.
He didn't want his mate killing the wolves since that was her family.
He wants his best friend to get the chance to know her family and finally understand why she wasn't raised by them.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces.
It warms their heart to see Kurt helping Hayley and being so protective of her.
It shows just how much he cares for her and how much she means to him.
Klaus frowned and raised an eyebrow at his mate, curiosity coursing through him.
"Why do you care so much for Hayley? I get it, she's your best friend. But it amazes me how protective you are of her" Klaus asked.
Kurt sighed and sat down at the edge of his bed.
"When I arrived at New Orleans I was alone and had nowhere to go. I had spent most of my money on my plane ticket to get here and what I had left I used to buy food that would last me for a few days. I was walking around town in the middle of the night when two men that looked drunk and sketchy as hell approached me. They tried getting me to hang out with them but I ignored them. I tried walking away but they kept bothering me and wouldn't let me leave. They tried touching me and that's when I panicked" Kurt explained.
Klaus frowned at the fact that his mate had been in danger his first day in New Orleans.
Everyone's eyes widened at hearing what Kurt went through when he arrived in New Orleans.
"Oh my god" Quinn gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth.
"He could've been..." Tina trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence.
Brittany whimpered slightly at that causing Santana to bring her into a hug and comfort her.
The guys were either scowling or clenching their jaws with their hands curled tightly into fists.
Blaine looked ready to track down those guys and beat them to a pulp for what they were gonna do to Kurt.
Burt looked ready to track down those guys and kill them with his bare hands.
"I wanted to scream but there were hardly any people around so that obviously wasn't going to help. Just before I could think of anything the two guys suddenly dropped to the ground and I was shocked to see that they were dead. Their necks had been snapped" Kurt added.
Klaus sighed, relieved, while Kurt had a smile on his face.
"The person that saved me was Hayley" Kurt finished.
Everyone smiled with sighs of relief escaping their lips.
They were glad that Hayley had been there to save Kurt from those men.
"If we ever meet her remind me to give her a big hug for saving my son" Burt whispered to Carole.
Carole smiled at her husband and nodded.
She was going to do the same if they ever met her.
She's the reason Kurt was saved from those guys that night and they'll always be grateful.
"She had been wandering the town, wanting to get some fresh air, when she saw me and those guys. She saw how uncomfortable I looked and immediately stepped in. At first she was worried that I would be scared of her since she killed those guys in front of me but there was no fear in my eyes. Only relief. I was grateful for what she had done because if she hadn't stepped in who knows what would've happened" Kurt said.
"What happened after?" Klaus asked.
"Hayley had a feeling I was new to New Orleans since she'd never seen me before. She also knew that I didn't have a place to stay so she took me back to her hotel. Hayley and I began talking after I got settled in and we just couldn't stop. It felt like we've known each other our whole lives. I told her my story and she told me hers. I felt bad but I was also impressed at how she was taking care of herself and surviving on her own for so long" Kurt explained.
"And you two grew closer and became best friends?" Klaus asked.
"Yeah. I told Hayley that I wanted to help her find her birth family, since that was her main goal, and she was hesitant at first but she agreed. After a while she started teaching me how to fight which I was grateful for. After all, I knew I was going to have to start defending myself" Kurt smiled.
"I don't know why when Hayley could've just protected him herself" Blaine commented.
The girl is a literal werewolf and can fight pretty well.
He doesn't get why she taught Kurt how to fight when she could be the one to protect him from danger.
Even if half of the time she does a terrible job at it.
"Are you a fucking idiot, helmet head?" Santana asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" Blaine asked, offended.
"You heard her. Are you a fucking idiot?" Puck asked, annoyed.
"It's pretty clear that Kurt wanted to learn how to fight since he wants to be able to defend himself. Especially from those supernatural beings" Artie explained.
"And it's clear that Hayley isn't always going to be there to save him. And I doubt Kurt wants to wait around for her or anyone else to save him" Sam added.
"So be grateful she was willing to teach him how to fight and be happy that Kurt was willing to lean" Finn added.
"Since it's clear he wanted to defend himself from whatever danger comes his way" Rachel finished.
The rest of the new directions voiced out their agreements.
Some of them were even glaring at Blaine for his stupidity and for being annoying.
Blaine shot his friends look of surprise and annoyance since they all seemed to be ganging up on him.
He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by two warblers.
"Blaine, you of all people shouldn't be complaining that Kurt wanted to learn how to fight" Nick said.
"Yeah, if I remember correctly you too wanted to learn how to fight to defend yourself after what you went through in the past" Jeff added.
Blaine frowned before slowly closing his mouth, unsure of what to say.
"So then how did you find out she's a werewolf?" Klaus asked, curious.
"Hayley told me about it one night. She even showed me proof since she could tell I didn't fully believe her. I have to admit that I was shocked but I wasn't afraid. If anything I was amazed because I never thought werewolves were real, it's just something you've seen in movies and books" Kurt explained.
Klaus laughed in amusement at that.
Everyone couldn't stop themselves from laughing.
They had to admit that before all of this they believed that werewolves, witches and vampires were myths.
That they were just something you would find in movies and books.
Who would've thought that they actually exist.
"Look, Hayley is my best friend and I care about her and I'm protective of her because she's been there for me when I had nothing and nobody. She helped me in more ways than one and I'll always be grateful. Now I want to help her meet her family and get answers that'll help her understand why she didn't grow up with them" Kurt finished.
He looks at Klaus with a begging look in his eyes.
"Please, Nik. Don't kill them" Kurt softly said.
Klaus stares at his mate with soft eyes and a small frown on his face.
A few seconds pass and Klaus let out a sigh before walking closer to his mate.
"I'm sorry, love" Klaus said.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but blink at those words coming out of Klaus's mouth.
They definitely didn't expect to hear those types of words from someone like him.
"What?" Kurt asked, looking up at him.
Klaus sighed as he stopped so now he was standing in front of Kurt who was still sitting on his bed.
"I said I'm sorry. I should've talked to Hayley, or you, first about this matter. Actually, I shouldn't have ordered the werewolves to be killed in the first place. They are Hayley's family after all and she really wants to meet them. And since you're her best friend it's clear you want her to meet them as well. I wouldn't want to take that chance away from her" Klaus said.
Kurt looked taken aback that Klaus Mikaelson, of all people, was apologizing.
But that didn't matter because all he cared was that he apologized and he sounded sincere.
"Shocking" Blaine scoffed.
Everyone just decided to ignore him.
Because they were relieved that Klaus was sincere in his apology.
And he really was going to stop the vampires from killing the werewolves.
Maybe he really wasn't as bad as they thought just based on the previous episodes they had watched.
"So does that mean..." Kurt trailed off.
"Well, I don't need to call off anything since Elijah and Rebekah made sure your wolves were safe. Per yours and Hayley's request, remember?" Klaus asked.
Kurt chuckled a bit awkwardly, having forgotten about what he and Hayley had asked the siblings to do for them.
"Oh right" Kurt nodded.
"But I'll be sure to talk to the vampires and tell them that the bayou is off limits. I promise" Klaus told him.
"Thank you, Nik" Kurt nodded.
Klaus gently cupped the side of Kurt's face with his hand, gently caressing his cheek.
"Anything for you, love" Klaus said with a small smile.
Kurt returned the gesture and found himself leaning into his mates touch.
The girls looked at each other and couldn't stop themselves from squealing.
While the guys either chuckled or raised an eyebrow at the screen, feeling suspicious and protective.
Blaine fake gagged and rolled his eyes at the scene of affection between Kurt and Klaus.
After a few seconds of silence Klaus snapped out of it and cleared his throat.
"Well, I have to go and finish a few things" Klaus said, pulling his hand away.
Kurt frowned, a little upset but didn't say anything.
"You should get ready for bed, it's getting late after all" Klaus said.
"Yeah, you're right. And I'm getting a little tired" Kurt nodded.
"Well, goodnight love. See you in the morning" Klaus said, turning around and walking away.
"Goodnight, Nik" Kurt said.
Klaus looked at him and offered him a small smile and a nod before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
Kurt let a small smile appear on his face, happy that his best friends family was going to be safe.
He let out a sigh and got up from his bed so he could go get changed into comfortable clothes and brush his teeth before heading to bed.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone allowed small smiles to appear on their faces.
Now that the werewolves in the bayou were going to be safe that meant that Hayley would get the opportunity to meet her family.
And when that time comes they will be ready.
After all, they want to know what's going to happen when that time comes.
Hey guys, how are you all doing?
So, what did you think of todays chapter?
You guys finally got to know how Kurt and Hayley met, did you like it?
Well, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye!
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