Ch.12 Finale

Jungkook POV

I opened my eyes to see Soo Jin. Wonho turned to face her as she held him at gun point.

"You've come back? Hell I thought you'd be halfway out of town by now.", Wonho laughed.

"Well I guess I had a few loose ends to tie up.", she replied with confidence in her voice.

"Why are you here? This has nothing to do with you wench."

"This has everything to do with me asshole. In case you haven't noticed all of this started because I took over my dad's position. Your boss wasn't too happy about that I see.", she said with a smirk.

"You must really want to die here.", he said waving the gun around. She fired at his hand, causing him to drop the weapon. He let out a pained groan as He held where his finger used to be.

"No, I want to live. I have a more important reason to live now. I won't let you or Min Yoongi take that away from me.", she spat. Wonho moved to grab the gun and she raised it so it was at eye level with him.

"You wouldn't want to lose another finger now would you? Or maybe an entire hand?"

"Why are you doing this. To save him? The man who has been trying to kill you is the man you're trying to save.", He laughed, holding his bleeding hand and she frowned.

"He did try to kill me but my issue is with him. Not his family. They're innocent and didn't have any part of this.", she argued.

"I'm just doing my job.", Wonho spoke.

"A job that you're failing at.", she spat and he frowned. His body radiated anger before moving to pull out a concealed pistol. At that moment she fired twice, sending the rounds through his chest. He stumbled to the ground, trying to muster up strength to fight back.

Blood ran from his lips and onto the floor as he held his wound. He rose to his knees trying his best to delay the inevitable. As he looked up the barrel of her gun rested on his forehead and she sighed.

"You're gonna regret this."

"Karma's a bitch."

And with that she pulled the trigger landing a clean shot to the head. His body fell to the floor and she leaned on a nearby wall. My mother moved to help my brother off of the floor. He held his abdomen waving her off.

"I'm done mother. Nothing too life threatening.", he laughed.

Soo Jin gagged at the scene before dashing to the bathroom. My mother followed her and held her hair back as she emptied her stomach.

"Are you alright dear?", she asked her while getting a wet towel. Placing it on her forehead she nodded with a weak smile. She got up and walked outside taking a few deep breaths. I followed her lead and leaned on the door.

"Thank you."

"I didn't do it for you. I did it so he wouldn't chase after me anymore.", she said.

"And for the baby.", I added causing her to look up at me.

"Taehyung told me. In the alley.", I told her and she frowned.

"I'm sorry for this. For everything. I know you may not forgive me as long as you know how sorry I am, that's enough for me."

"He's going to pay for all this. I don't know how or when. But Min Yoongi will pay.", I sneered and she dug into her pockets. She pulled out a small usb before handing it to me.

"Taehyung said everything you need to get to him, is on that usb.", she said and I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"He also said that you'd come to realize the error of your ways. And to give that to you when you did."

I remained silent and ran inside to my computer upstairs. I plugged in the usb, watching the files appear on my screen. My mother along with Soo Jin walked into the room and I ran a hand through my hair.

"This has everything. His location, the list of people he's got hits on, everything. Surveillance. Kim Taehyung you sly son of a bitch.", I chuckled as I pulled up a map of the city.

My eye scanned over my screen as an illuminating red dot caught my eye.

"The car dealership? Why would he hide there?", Soo Jin asked and I bit my lip.

"Because it's the one place no one would look.", I replied standing up before she stopped me. The sound of screeching tires reached our ears and Soo Jin dashed to the porch.

"That could be Seokjin.", I reached out for her as she walked out the door. As the words left her lips a black suv swerved around the corner into oncoming traffic.

"Soo Jin come back inside." I said moving toward her. She came to a stop as the car came to a stop letting two men out. "Get to my room and stay quiet. Go, now go!"

She rushed to my room closing the door behind her as  ran to the kitchen, grabbing a knife. I waited behind the wall for one of them to com around. I didn't know what weapons they had or how skilled they were. But I couldn't think about that right now, all I could do was fight back. One of the intruders stepped into the kitchen where I moved to stab him in his throat but he swiftly dodged, grabbing my wrist and tossing me to the the floor behind him. 

"Too slow." He smirked down at me and I chuckled while rolling to my side.

"If you stay here Yugyeom, I'll have no choice but to kill you and Jinyoung.", I stated and he laughed out loud. 

"You're in no condition to make threats Jungkook.", He replied pulling out a knife. Before I could make a move he kicked my weapon out of my hand, bringing his own down to my chest. I avoided the attack as I held onto his arm. I pushed out to set as much space between us as I could but when he placed both hands on the hilt the tip of the blade pushed past my skin. I flinched as the knife went deeper into my chest and hearing my mother scream afterwards. My eyes flickered to Jinyoung who was attempting to kick in my bedroom door. 

"Jimin didn't teach you everything about knife fighting.", he taunted.

"I didn't learn knife fighting, I learned how to kill.", I retorted, colliding my forehead into his nose. I smashed an elbow into the side of his skull, the soft spot high on the temple. His movements became sluggish as he tried to focus and I wasted no time to wrap my arm around his neck. With no hesitation I yanked back with my right forearm, snapping the young man's neck like a tree branch. His body hit he floor and I let my body relax for a quick second before grabbing the knife and going for Jinyoung. When I waked out he was nowhere to be found. I went up to my room and scanned the living room. 

"Barricade the door and don't come out until I come back." I said through the door before holing the knife defensively in front of my chest. Jinyoung stalked around the corner with a frown. 

"You just had to be a fighter.", he commented and I shrugged.

"My mother raised me to be a fighter."

"The she dies afterwards.", he shouted moving to swing his knife at me. I easily dodged before standing in a offensive stance. Knife in front of me as I anticipated his next move. He jabbed at my shoulder but I moved to the side before quickly bringing the blade across his chest. He hissed before swinging again. This time I grabbed his arm before punching him in his gut watching as he stumbled backward. 

"You're gonna pay for that.", he sneered charging at me from across the room. He swung his fist, striking my cheek before swiping his switchblade across my arm. As I held my arm he sent another punch to my jaw sending me falling backwards onto the floor. He slammed his foot on the open wound in my chest causing me to shout.

"Ah so you do scream. Too bad that'll be the last time.", As he moved to strike the final blow a familiar vase fell on his head from above. His grunts and curses repeated while he stared up at Soo Jin who threw a second vase down below. He moved to go after her but I grabbed hold of his ankle causing him to fall onto the floor. The adrenaline pumped through my veins as I ignored the pain surging through me and jumped to me feet, knife in hand. I plunged to blade in his stomach multiple times so he would bleed out quicker. His weapon hit the floor with his now limp body following closely. I fell to my knees and leaned on the stair rail for support. 

I took a deep breath. It hurt my chest, ribs and all. I exhaled, inhaled again, inched my arms under me and pushed myself up on my hands and knees. My head swam. I stayed that way for a bit, on my hands and knees with my head hanging, like a winded horse. My eyes focused a little better. I could see Jinyoung's blood pooling under his body. I crawled over, got hold of the stair railing and slowly got myself upright. Everything blurred for a minute, then came back into focus gain. I inhaled a deep breath and felt a little more steady. I could hear footsteps decending down the steps and I turned to see Soo Jin and my mother with fear in their eyes.

"Are you alright?", I questioned and everyone remained silent.

"Are we alright? You look like you've been hit by a car.", Soo Jin stated down at my bruised form and I followed her gaze to the many red stains tainting my shirt.

"We have to get you to a hospital.", she said and I frowned.

"No I'll be fine. I have to get to Yoongi.", I started but my legs gave out on me and I feel back on the floor.

"No you're hurt, you have to get to the hospital or you'll bleed out. You're too injured to do anything else.", she stated kneeling next to me and I shook my head in defiance.

"No I'll be alright just let me go.", I argued.

"Jeon Jungkook you will not go anywhere.", my mother shouted and I sighed.

"Why do you even care? After all that's happened? What I tried to do."

"Your family was in trouble and while I won't forgive you yet for killing my father, If the roles were reversed I would've done what I had to protect him.", she explained and shut my eyes feeling too weak to argue back. Before I knew it my head has rested on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me. 

"Everything will get better."

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