S1E8: A mystery alliance

Drips of water can be heard follow by the sound of rats at the other side of the door as we see Y/n laying on a bed unconscious when he begins to wake up.

He soon fully wakes up and then he sat up as he grab his head and let's out a small groan as he look around seeing that he is in some sort of a tunnel as he gets out of bed and gets up.

Y/n: What the hell happened to me?

He look over to see his gear so he walks over and get his gear ready and once that he begins to remember what happened and how Aya  has been taking and needed to find her.

He pulls up his phone to find out where he is but something is jamming his singal.

Y/n: Crap. Looks like I have to find my way out of here as soon as possible.

He walks over to the door and opens it. He ready his pistol as he scans through the tunnels halls but after seeing nothing he leaves the room and he make his way through the tunnel.

He wasn't sure he was above the city or not but either way he is all alone with no back up what so ever and needs to get back to the surface and get Aya or better yet call the Hanzo Team for help.

He keeps walking deeper and deeper to the tunnels until he come across a room with a TV screen as he look around seeing another door across from him.

Then the TV turns on as he turn and soon Ark-1 appeared on the screen.

Ark-1: (Tv) Your awake.

Y/n: Ark-1? Yes I remember. You saved me. Where I'm I?

Ark-1: (Tv) I won't say but let's just say you are in the city.

Y/n: Then how do I get out of here?

Ark-1: (Tv) I will show you the way but first we must meet. Follow the signs, they will guide you.

Then the door that was locked is unlocked as Y/n turn to the door and then walks over and opens the door. He then make his way down the halls as he follows the signs sprayed onto the walls as he follows the signs.

It feels like he has been walking for hours but after a while he arrived at a wall which confused him. At first he thinks he made a wound turn but he figured he'll try something so he pulled out his phone and his phone is linked onto a wall which turns out to be a door.

This impress Y/n as he hacks the door controls and the wall begins to split open and slowly opening the door. The door slowly revealing another hallway bit this time it looks like a hidden base as he walk through the door and soon he walks  out to a large like arena as he stood in the middle of the room.

Then he heard footsteps which he look up and sees figures coming out of the shadows wearing masks to cover their faces as they appear on the balcony and looking down at Y/n.

This gives Y/n the creeps then he was hit by spotlights which nearly blinds him as he cover his eyes sith his arm. Then another spotlight hits on someone behind him on the second floor balcony as he turn to see Ark-1 as he begins to say.

Ark-1: Watchdogs! We are gathered here today to welcome our recruit to our cost! We are the warriors of the shadows! Heroes among the innocent and soldiers I our endless battle against corruption and injustice! As long we exist! Evil will not escape from us!

They begin to cheer and soon after Ark-1 singals Y/n to go through the doors below him which he goes through and soon he meets up with Ark-1 at the hallways as the two begin to talk while walking down the hallway.

Ark-1: I can tell you wanted to save Aya and the other girls.

Y/n: Yeah. Something big is coming and I worry this could be the start od something very bad.

Ark-1: I see. You know this isn't our fight. We're suppose to watch over the innocent and eliminate evil within the crowd of people. This is the shinobis fight, not ours.

Y/n: Maybe but I feel responsible to help out in anyway i can. They attacked me and kidnap Aya.

Ark-1: Do you know where she might be?

Y/n: No but I will find out.

Ark-1: Very well then.

They soon walk over to a door and after it I'd open they walk in and Y/n is surprised seeing so many monitors placed around the room with live footage of the city streets as Y/n walks up to Ark-1.

Y/n: Nice collection you have here. Guess that's how you know things.

Ark-1: Indeed. I see things and watch over those who either wanted to join or doing any activity. It is important for ,evil to watch after everyone.

Y/n: Right. So what exactly does this group do?

Ark-1: Just like you. We eliminate those who harm the innocent in any way possible. Our objective is to clean the city of any corruption or evil. Either by exposing them online, assassinate them or both.

Y/n: Interesting.

Ark-1: Indeed. Not only I see things I know things as well. I know you were a victim of corruption.

Y/n: Yeah i was.

Ark-1: And you seek justice?

Y/n: Yeah.

Ark-1: We all suffered from corruption. The law is suppose to protect the innocent civilians from crime. However when the law becomes tainted by evil.....they twist the law to their own ideas. Either this corruption is being supported by the rich or those with power....either way it is our job to eliminate it.

Y/n: How long have you and the others been doing this?

Ark-1: For sometime. It feels like years since we form this group.

He node as he turn to the monitors and soon spots Asuka and the other hanzo girls being attacked which he quickly tells Ark-1.

Y/n: They're in trouble! I have to help them.

Ark-1: Very well then. Here take this.

He tosses Y/n something which he catches and looks st it to see a chip which he install into his phone and it begins to have  a update and soon the update is complete.

Ark-1: Take care and we'll meet again.

Y/n node and he leaves the room and soon find his way out of the sewers as he open the sewer led and climbs out to find himself at the park as he slowly stood up and look around.

Now being free he race to the girls location as fast as possible. Once there he sees them being attacked by shinobis from Hebijo academy as he took out twin stun batons and surprised everyone as he came over and took down two girls with his stun batons.

Asuka: Y/n! We thought your dead!

Y/n: Nope, I'm still alive.

Ikaruga: Right but we're still out numbered.

Y/n: (smirk) Not anymore.

He hacks the tennis ball cannons behind the Honijo shinobis and they begin to fire at them which hit them from behind which they turn around. Y/n and the others Hanzo girls charge foward and battle them as quickly as possible.

Y/n block their attacks with his stun batons as he continues blocking their attacks until he breaks their defences and put them down with his stun batons.

He quickly dodges a sword swing as he move backwards and dodgesing more sword swings as he move fast and use his stun batons to knock the blade off of her hands and knock her out.

Soon the other girls begins to fall back as they watch them leave as Y/n walks over to the Hanzo team.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Good to have you back from the dead. Asuka told us your apartment was up in flames.

Yagyuu: Yeah what happened to you?

Y/n: Homura and her team ambush me. I tried to fight back but they overwhelms me. Before they could finish me or something I was saved by someone.

Hibari: Who?

Y/n: Let's just say a mysterious allie. But I'm not the only one who was ambush. Aya is also been taking and I need to rescue her before something bad would happen to her.

Asuka: And we will. Don't worry we won't let anything happen to her.

Y/n: Good and oh one more thing. I need to speak to your master.

Ikaruga: Why?

Y/n: I need to ask him about something that he might want to hear.


We see Aya hanging with her hands tied up with a rope as she begins to wake up and soon finds herself in a prison cell as she look around for any way to escape but nothing.

Then Haruka appear in front of hee cell as she stared at her  with a smirk and said.

Haruka: (smirk) Aren't you a cute girl. From all the girls and boys I've met, your just the cuties.

Aya: What is this?

Haruka: Your our prisoner of course. You can never get out unless your nice.

Aya: Whatever plans you may have I know someone that will stop you.

Haruka: (smirk) Oh....so you think a knight will come and save you. How romantic. I like it when a brave boy will come and save the day. But unfortunately this is real life and he won't be coming to save you.

Aya: We'll see about that.

Then hee cell open and Haruka came into her cell and gently begins to stroke on Aya's cheek.

Haruka: (smirk) Such soft skin. Such cute face. Perhaps he's very attractive to cute girls like yourself. I can't blame him, you are really cute.

She then slowly goes down to her chest and squeeze one which made Aya blush a bit as Haruka begins to play with her small breast.

Haruka: Unfortunately they are small. If you have the ones I have then you'll be very attractive.

Aya: Like I give a crap. I'm okay with my appearance and nothing you say will convince me.

Haruka: (giggle) Your a tough one....I like that. I wanted to play with you more but unfortunately our time is up but maybe next time we will play again. Goodbye~

She then leaves hee cell as she closes hee cell gate as Aya looks at the rope that is hanging her off of her feet as she let's out a sigh as she hopes Y/n will find her....somehow.

To be continued........................................

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