S1E4: A friend with a mask

It was another bright day as we see Y/n within his apartment building and in the bathroom taking a nice shower to start the day. While water hits his head he thinks about Aya knowing who he is and how she is a skilled hacker just like him so he stood there in the shower while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Wonder if Aya is Ark- 1. Well she seemed to be mysterious in some way but not too sure. If that were the case then what happens now? Well, better not think about I and just continue on my day as normal.....I hope.

After a while he leave the shower and grabs a towel and leaves the bathroom to get change and once that heaf off to school.


We see him in Hanzo academy and we see him walking through the hallway and suspect for Ren to jump out of nowhere but it doesn't look like he's not around. Even in class he was not here since his seat was empty as he look over to see his seat empty which he wonders what happened to him.

After class ended he walked over to his teacher and ask him about Ren.

Y/n: Hey sir, I've noticed Ren is not in class today. What happened to him?

Male teacher: Oh he's fine. I was informed by his parents that he caught the cold and won't be in school for a few days.

Y/n: (thought) Well at least he won't jump at me out of normal. I guess I should hang out with Asuka for a bit.

He leaves the class and turns only to accidentally bump into Ikaruga as the two step back and then look at each other.

Y/n: Oh sorry, didn't see you there.

Ikaruga: No its my fault, I shouldn't have known someone would come out around the corner and bump me.

Y/n: It's fine. So, what are you up to?

Ikaruga: I'm going to the library and study for a bit.

Y/n: Cool, mind I join you?

Ikaruga: Very well then, you may come.

Y/n: (smile) Cool, let's go.

The two head to the library and once there we see them sat down and pick out a book to read and sat down. They sat across each other as Ikaruga looks down at hee book and reading while Y/n was doing the same.

Ikaruga glance up at Y/n to see him really focusing on reading the book which she impressed her a bit as she reads the book in peace.

Suddenly the door kicked open and a group of teenagers burst into the library while playing some loud music on theie phones which cost a huge distraction to everyone as Ikaruga growl a bit in frustration while Y/n look over to see the groups of teenagers.

Y/n: Who are they?

Ikaruga: The students call them "The Loud music gang" since they play loud music in quiet places such as libraries.

Y/n: Isn't someone else not gonna stop them?

Ikaruga: Yeah but it will take them a while for the teachers to arrive and kick them out. I swear they should spend theie times studying rather the playing that stupid music.

He sees how annoyed she is so he pull out his phone underneath the table and hack their phones and replace the next song to a women moaning. Once that was done the song ended and the next song was just a girl moaning while made the students burst out laughing while the teenagers were embarrassed and immediately shut it off and then run away.

Y/n let out a soft chuckle while he tells Ikaruga.

Y/n: (smirk) Well that was sure embarrassing for them.

Ikaruga: Well that's what they get for playing loud music in a library.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So Ikaruga, I wanna ask you something if you don't mind?

Ikaruga: Sure, what is it you like to ask me?

Y/n: Are you like the leader of your group? You look like a leader type to lead Asuka and the others.

Ikaruga: I suppose so.

Y/n: Huh, that's neat. They must have looking up to you as a leader.

Ikaruga: Yeah. Say are you friends with Ren by any chance?

Y/n: Well he might be a pervert a bit and slightly annoying but he is a good friend.

Ikaruga: Well I do find his pervert things creepy but since Katsuragi is ten times of a pervert then Ren, then I guess you must be lucky to have him as a friend.

Y/n: (small chuckle) Still can't have a friend group if one of them is a pervert right?

Ikaruga: I suppose so. Say, what things do you like to do in your free time?

Y/n: Oh nothing much. Most of the time I play some computer games or listening to some music.

Ikaruga: What music do you listen to?

Y/n: Mostly smoothing music but when I moved here, I've found some good Japanese music.

Ikaruga: That's good to hear. Say, I suggest you listen to this music in your free time. Helps me to focus more while also calming me down in most days.

She writes it on a piece of paper and hands it to Y/n which he looks at it and noded his head and tells Ikaruga.

Y/n: (smile) Looks interesting. Sure, I'll give it a listen.

Ikaruga: It's a nice song to help your mind and be in peace in times of stressful days.

Y/n: (smile) I will, thanks Ikaruga.

The smile he give made Ikaruga blush a bit as she goes back to reading hee book but in her mind can't stop thinking about Y/n and how nice he is and how well responsible he is unlike most guys. She even find him attractive as well which made her heart skip a beat.


School ended and we see Y/n making his way home but decided to take a wonder around the city and exploring a bit. He was walk by the alleyway when he spotted two guys flirting with a teenage girl.

Male person 1: (smirk) Come on, how's about we hang out?

Male person 2: (smirk) Yeah! We can get to know each other more if you come with us.

???: (smirk) Let me think about that.........nope.

Immediately she kicks the first guy and round house kicked the other guy as the two fell onto the ground. She look down at them while she smirked and then one guy gets made and stood up and pulled out a pocket knife.

Guy person 1: (anger) Okay bitch you're gonna pay for that!

Suddenly a trash can lid fly across and hits the guy at the back of the head, knocking him out as Y/n enters the alleyway and then look down at the second guy and singal him to pick up his friend and leave.

Immediately he gets up and drag his unconscious friend away as the two watch them leave.

???: (smirk) Thanks but I've could have handle it myself.

Y/n: (smirk) Figure i can help. Still you alright?

Homura: (smirk) I am now. Names Homura.

Y/n: Y/n, nice to meet you.

Homura: (smirk) Cool name. Say since you did help me, how's about I treat you with some snacks at the shop and we'll talk.

Y/n: (smile) Sure, why not.

(Sometime later)

We see the two sat on the bench looking at the ocean while eating some snacks they have brought as they stare at the ocean in slince for a short while until Homura turn to him and then ask.

Homura: So where do you live?

Y/n: In the UK.

Homura: Neat. What makes you want to move here?

Y/n: Reasons. So what school do you go to?

Homura: Oh you know, just a normal school that's all. You?

Y/n: Hanzo Academy.

Homura: Cool. Got any friends.

Y/n: This guy named Ren and six girls one named Aya and the other five are Asuka, Ikaruga Katsuragi, Yagyuu and Hibari.

Homura: (smirk) So your friends with those girls. I see.

Y/n: What about yourself?

Homura: Got a few friends myself, they're female but they are good friends of mine.

Y/n: Well that's good to hear. You know those girls since you were young?

Homura: Yep. We've been through a lot together and grown better as a group.

Y/n: Cool, cool.

He then takes a sip of his sofa and tosses it into the bin as he stood up and tells Homura.

Y/n: Well, it'll getting late, best be going. Catch you later Homura.

Homura: Hold on a minute.

He stop and turn to her as she gets close to him, too close in fact hee breast pressed against his chest as Homura looked up at him and then tells him.

Homura: (smirk) It's nice chatting with you, especially a strong and serious guy like you. Tell me, have a girlfriend?

Y/n: Not really, why?

Then her head gets too close to Y/n's head as she let out a giggle while she tells him.

Homura: (smirk) Well we may have just met but you and I can be girlfriends if you like? I'll allow you to do anything you want to me, anything you like?

We see her pulling out something sharp behind her back while Y/n smirks and gets his head closer To her.

Y/n: (smirk) Anything you say?

Homura: (smirk) Anything you want.

The two smirked as their lips get close. They were inches apart until Y/n lend back and tell her.

Y/n: (smirk) Well how's about the next time you try to kill me, try not to make it too suspicious.

We see Y/n holding Homura's arm which holds a Kunai knife as Homura was surprised but leaps back, away from Y/n and then throws it at him but he dodges it but she throws more but he continues to dodges them and even catches one of them as he stare at Homura while she smirked amd stood up straight and tells him.

Homura: (smirk) Your very skilled aren't you? Are you a shinobi as well?

Y/n: No, I'm just very good at catching knives. So Homura, who are you really?

Homura: (smirk) Well you made a mistake being friends with Asuka and the others. You may not know it but they're not any normal teenage girls you see them as.

Y/n: Oh really, then what are they then?

Homura: (smirk) Can't say, might spoil your fun but what I could say they have something within that school of yours and me and my clan are gonna retrieve it.

Y/n: For your boss?

Homura: For our master. You were lucky but next time we meet, won't be lucky. See you around hot stuff.

She wink at him and then throws a smoke bomb and disappeared just as the smoke cleared up. Y/n stood there for a moment and then turn his head and ask.

Y/n: You got everything?

Then Aya came out with a recording tape as she nodes to him while she said.

Aya: Got every word. You know, I thought your gonna fall for it and kiss hee before she kills you.

Y/n: (smirk) Please, I'm not a pervert or anything like that. Still with all seriousness, it seems like whatever is in Hanzo Academy, Homura's master wants something in it but what.

Aya: Not too sure but it can't be good either way. I suggest we investigate this by breaking into school at the weekends.

Y/n: Huh well this is going to be easy.

Aya: Still we must be careful, whoever Homura or yhis clan is must be watching us, for now we lay low and keep our guard up at all times.

Y/n: Understood. Be safe Aya.

Aya: You too Y/n.

The two go their separate ways as we cut to see a women sitting on top of a building when Homura appear out of the shadows behind her and tells her.

Homura: Didn't managed to kill him, he's very skilled in combat and smart. It seems he doesn't care about my warning about us or our war.

???: Hhmm well, he seemed to be a brave boy if you ask me. Perhaps I could capture him do I can see him even more closely and see what he is really like.

Homura: (smirk) So what should we do now?

???: (smirk) We'll continue our plan and once our plan is complete, our dreams as the most unstoppable Shinobi in all of Japan.......will be ours.

To be continued..................................................

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