S1E2: Ninja vs Hacker

It was q rainy night at Tokyo and we can see Y/n walking through the the sidewalk with his hands into his pocket and minding his own business. Cars drive by them and people walk by him. He stop and looks up at the building where his target is at which is a large and rich hotel. He stare at the building and look down at the entrance to see two guards dealing with a homeless guy as he is trying to get in but was denied of entry.

Y/n thinks for a bit and then turns to the alleyway and enters without anyone noticing. He walk through the alleyway until he lend against the wall and around the corner was a guard standing in front of the back door of the building and taking a smoke break.

Seeing this he pulls out a small device and tosses it over the guard and once it lands, he press a play button on his phone and music starts to play. The guard looks to his left, took out this cigarette and heads there to investigate while Y/n speed walks towards the door and opens the door and close it before the guard turns and sees no one whioe at the same time the music stop.

We see Y/n inside the building and walking through the white painted hallway as he make sure he won't come across any cameras or anyone else. Soon he come across an elevator which needed a key card so Y/n hacks in with his phone and after a while the screen light up green and the elevator door open and before he enter he hack in the elevator camera and to have it shown there is no one in the elevator.

Once he step inside he press on the floor where his target is in and the elevator doors close and he gose up.

Y/n: Okay then let's see what your room is like.

He pulled out his phone and managed to hack into his targets apartment security cameras and get a layout of his room. Bedroom, and bathroom upstairs, living room in the middle, laundry at the right and kitchen at the left. There was even a balcony to outside which that will for for hid exit.

He put away his phone as his elevator was reaching to the floor. Then we cut to two guards on that floor talking to each other and stop at the elevator and push a button. Seconds later the same elevator arrives and open which the two guards turn and there was.......nothing. the two guards enter the elevator and press on a button which the elevator doors close and they go down.

Then a blade stabbed between the elevator doors as Y/n opens it a bit and then he use his hands to force them to open and enter the floor. Y/n knew the guards may take the elevator that Y/n is in so he use the emergency door above him to hide while the two guards enter and pick a floor.

With that he make his way through the hallway until he reach the apartment as he pulled out his phone and hack into the keypad and once there was a click he enters the room.

He step into the living room as he look around, being impressed.

Y/n: Huh, very impressive to a guy who is about to be killed. Now how should I do this?

He looked around, figuring out a way to make it an accident to which he looked over to see a huge TV mounted on the wall. He had an idea which he walked over and loosen the screws at the back of the TV and then took out the battery of the remote and place it back where it was.

Y/n: Perfect now let's see how this will play out.

(Hours later)

The target arrived with his girlfriend as they took off their wet coats as we see Y/n at the other side of the building as he watched as they make out for a bit and then sat on the couch. His target grab the remote and press the turn on button but nothing happened. He gets frustrated a bit until he walked over to see what's wrong with his TV.

He grab the TV and shakes it when suddenly it pop and it suddenly fell on top of him. His girlfriend screamed as the huge TV crushed him.

Y/n: Good night fucker.

He turns and make his leave but then stopped when he suddenly feel like he's not alone. He quickly turn to the exit door and stare at it a bit and then slowly walk towards it while he pulled out his slincer pistol and then quickly turn and aim his pistol but there was no one.

He stood there a bit and then he let out a chuckle and ask.

Y/n: So.....who hired you?

He quickly turn around to be faced with Asuka wearing her ninja outfit to which shocked Y/n a bit as Asuka was also shocked that he knew he was behind him, luckily Y/n was wearing a mask so she didn't see his true face as she tell him.

Asuka: You've killed that man! I will not allow you to kill another!

Y/n: That man was a corrupt business man who is responsible of many innocent peoples suffering and being forced to live in the street. I'm given them justice to them.

Asuka: By killing them?! That's not right!

Y/n: Never say justice is always good.

Asuka: Just who are you?

Y/n: I'm the Shadow. You will be wise to walk away now and forget we have met.

He then lowee his pistol and turn and make his leave but then Asuka leap over him, land in front of him and turn to him which stop Y/n dead in his tracks.

Asuka: I'm sorry but I can't allow you to go walk off free, not after you answer for your crimes.

Y/n: I'm not killing people just for the fun of things. I'm killing people to eliminate the corruption and bring back what these people have tooking from them.

Asuka: We'll see about that!

She then charge towards him and swings hee twin swords at him but he dodges every swing which shocked her how skilled he is. He dodges more of Asuka's blades until he vlap his hands together as he catch the blade which shocked Asuka. Then Y/n look up at her and then pushes her to the left, costing her to stumble to the left as she look over to see Y/n staring at her and then turn and walking away.

Asuka: Hey stop!

She pulled out her ninja stars and throws it at Y/n but he quickly dodges the incoming ninja stars without facing them and then lifted out his hand as he caught the ninja star as he slowly turn to face her to see her shocked face.

Y/n: Your well trained but you need more training in hopes to get better.

He drops the ninja stars onto thr ground and turns to leave but then Asuka rushes towards him which Y/n noticed and moved to the left as Asuka rush by him and she was about to turn but she slipped and thr ground beneath her disappeared as she look down to see the bottom of nothingness as she shut her eyes, thinking she will fall but suddenly a hand grab her and she open her eyes and look up to see Y/n grabbing on her hand while she is hanging off a building as Y/n pulled her back up and once that the two sat on the wet floor and breathing heavily.

Asuka turn to Y/n, can't believe a murder saved her life so she ask.

Asuka: Why did you save me?

Y/n: Because your heart is in a good place. You wish to battle the evil without killing them. With that, I respect your code.

Asuka: It's not just my code.

Y/n: So your from a ninja group?

Asuka: Shinobi team actually.

Y/n: Oh.....I see.

Asuka: Still.....thank you, for saving me.

Y/n: No problem. Its getting late, we should go pur separate ways.

He stood up and make his leave but Asuka immediately stood up and then ask.

Asuka: Is killing them the only way?

He stop at the edge of the building, staring at the veiw of the Tokyo for a bit and then turn his head to Asuka and tell her.

Y/n: Sometimes. I'm not a murder. Even if I would bring them to justice, the judge will be given dirty money by the rich and they will be free without a trail to start. Trust me, I've seen this happen before and know now that the justice system can't always work. I have to bring justice into our hands, even by means getting things dirty.

Asuka: Still it's wrong, you know that right?

Y/n: I know. But someone has to punish the guilty, even by means killing them. Till we meet again.

He leap off the building which Asuka rushed over and look down and was surprised to see him vanished. She looked around and couldn't find him. She then let out a sneeze and decided to head home. She leaps into building to building while we see Y/n within a abandoned apartment room and find Asuka's sneezing quiet cute as he make his return home.

(Next day)

We see Y/n at his class as we see him just reading a book and minding his own business when Ren came up to him and said.

Ren: (smile) Yo what's happening Alpha man!

Y/n: Is that what's your calling me now?

Ren: (smile) Oh come on it suits you! All the girls fall for you.

Y/n: (sigh) No they don't.

Female student: Hey Y/n!

He put down his book as three female students come up to him and ask him.

Female student: (smile) We're going out to have a bite to eat. You wanna come?

Y/n: No thanks I'm good but thanks.

They were a bit disappointed but glad he thank them as they walk off while Y/n turn to Ren, seeing his eyes off "told you" which he let out a sigh and said.

Y/n: You really not gonna let this go do you?

Ren: Dude your like a target to these girls! Just be careful, there will be other male students that will challenge your title has Alpha.

Y/n: (Small smirk) What is this, the wild life? I think most male students already have girlfriends. I'm just a simple guy just minding his business.

Ren: Whatever you say Alpha man!

Y/n: (thought) Is this what all male students are like in here?

Asuka: (smile) Hey Y/n.

Then Asuka walked up to him as she look at his book and ask him.

Asuka: Is that your book?

Y/n: Yeah it's my favourite, why?

Asuka: (smile) Nice it's my favourite book as well. I read it whenever I have nothing else to do at home.

Y/n: (small smile) No way same here.

Asuka: (smile) Whoa! How convenient we are similar. Say what are you doing after school?

Y/n: Nothing much, why?

Asuka: Well I was wondering you would like to hang out with me after school. I can introduce you to my grandfather at his restaurant and we can have something to eat there.

Y/n: Huh well I was thinking of having something nice tonight so sure, i would love to.

Asuka: (smile) Awesome! Well gonna go now but see you later.

She then make her leave while Ren has a shock face as he slowly turn to Y/n and then mutter out.

Ren: (shocked) It's a date.

Y/n: What?

Ren: (shocked) It. Is. A. DATE! She just ask you out and you accepted it! Fuck man your truly are the Alpha!

Y/n: Now hold your horses there. That was not a date, she was asking to hang out with her at a restaurant owned by her grandfather.

Ren: That's what a date is!

Y/n: No its not!

Ren: Listen man, I understand you are nervous.

Y/n: I'm not.

Ren: But! I know you and Asuka will get along quite well and soon more girls will ask you out and you'll be the Alpha of this school! Marks my words, you will be king of this school!

Y/n:........Um okay?

Ren: (smile) Anyways gonna go now but catch you later Alpha man!

He then head off out of class while Y/n just sigh until he got a text message on his phone. He opens it up and it was from  Ark-1 who has sent him 500,000 yen to his bank account for a job well done which surprised him a bit but was glad that the job is done.

After the school bell rang he dose his class work until school was over for the day as we see students leaving for home except for Y/n who is waiting for Asuka and soon she rush over him and stop to catch her breath.

Asuka: Sorry I was a bit late! My lesson was longer then I thought.

Y/n: (little chuckle) That's alright, at least your here on time.

Asuka: (smile) Yeah guess I am.

Y/n: So where is your grandfather's place at?

Asuka: Oh its not that far, follow me!

She head off while Y/n smiled a bit and then followed her all while we see a mysterious women spying on them on the roof as she smirked to herself and then said.

???: (smirk) Seems like she got someone with her.  This would be interesting.

To be continued...........................................

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