It's been about a month and we've settled ourselves on the island. We have our daily routine and are used to living here. In the past month we've finally made a signal fire and an actual bathroom, except with leaves instead of toilet paper. I've taught them about medical plants and I've trained with Lucas a lot and he's gotten stronger. We've even had a few demon encounters that we easily took down together. We've made a schedule for what jobs we do everyday and one of which is lookout for ships, we haven't seen any... Johnny's leg healed fully. I've gotten more comfortable with everyone and I've begun to sing to them during our meals. Everyday we have morning exercises to keep our strength up and Erwin has begun to build some muscle. I've learned that Shane has astraphobia, meaning he's scared of thunder and lightning. We've also discovered an area full of quicksand, which Johnny got stuck in... don't worry we saved him in time... We've learned a lot about each other, things that most people might not want to know... There's been a lot of bathing incidents too... The boys' hair have all grown pretty long as well, it's all in front of their eyes now.
I wake up and get a splitting headache. (Too much energy... The... T-the hellhounds are here!) I burst out of my hut. Just my luck everyone is already up. They all stare at me confused by my sudden outburst. Lucas stares at me worriedly. I walk up and grab his arm.
"Come with me," I say pulling him after me.
"Got it," he responds without a thought about it.
"What about us?" Johnny asks.
I look at Lucas worriedly hoping he would know what I thinking.
{No! I didn't tell them anything! About us or the hellhounds!} he tells me.
I give a sigh of relief. "You stay here."
"You just want some alone time together," Shane says smugly obviously back to normal.
"Think what you want!" I snap and storm off, while gripping Lucas' arm, and head towards the lagoon. Along the way I put a force field around the path we take.
Once we arrive at the lagoon I release his arm.
"Did you create a force field along the path we took?" Lucas asks.
"I did indeed. Now combine yours with mine and surround the lagoon and grove completely."
"Got it, Princess. I mean I am your Prince."
I roll my eyes causing him to laugh. We stand back to back lifting our arms up combining our powers to create a giant strong force field. When we finish we turn towards each other.
"Do you feel them coming?" I ask.
"It would be strange if I didn't," Lucas says.
"We need to find them before anyone gets hurt."
"I can't believe we haven't found a ship yet," I say.
"You know I think even if we did we wouldn't be found."
"Why?" I ask.
"I believe that this island is a place to banish creatures like the hellhounds, meaning there's a magical barrier around this island that doesn't allow humans in."
"Then how did the guys get here?"
"Maybe because of us?"
I realize how and smack my head in realization. "It's because of my bubbles."
"I surrounded each of you in protection bubbles. You know so nobody would get hurt."
"Yeah, that probably did it," Lucas says. "We need to find these hellhounds fast and get rid of them before they hurt the others."
Our stomachs rumble. "I guess we need to eat first." We laugh and run back to the camp after we take a visit to the grove.
"What took you two so long?" Johnny asks surreptitiously.
"We got some fruit for breakfast," I reply.
"Then I don't see why we had to stay here unless you two didn't bring us because you did something raunchy," Shane says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"We weren't doing anything inappropriate!" I yell and toss a fruit to everyone. "I'm not cutting them up today just eat them like so."
We sit down on our log and bite into our apples.
{So how are we gonna do this?}
I almost drop my apple from the sudden voice in my head but catch it before it hits the ground.
"Nice catch!" Jason says.
I laugh. "Thanks." {Some warning next time would be greatly appreciated!}
Lucas snickers next to me but subtle enough only I could hear. {Sorry. You know I don't think you can warn people when you're going to talk to them telepathically without sounding crazy.}
{Whatever! A nudge or bump would suffice!}
Again he snickers. {Why are you talking so formally?}
{I am? Whatever, anyway, gonna do about what?}
{The hellhounds.}
{We will both go out after eating and search for them.}
{What about these guys?}
{Force field.}
{Oh! Right right.} He snickers, from what, I don't know.
After eating we begin searching for the hellhounds after getting hundreds of questions from the guys we finally managed to get away. We zoom around the island at an unthinkable speed and find absolutely positively nothing. Nothing. Nodda. Selch. Zero.
"I guess we should go back for lunch," I say.
"Alright," Lucas says.
After lunch and a few hours later we still haven't found any hellhounds.
"Hey, let's take a break, Lucas," I say. "We aren't finding them anywhere."
"This is making me frustrated!" Lucas fusses.
"Well, who's talking formally now?" I say, laughing.
He sticks his tongue out at me. "Whatever, this is starting to piss me off, happy?"
"Yes!" I laugh. "Yeah, this is starting to annoy me. Hey, you know, we could, train... You know, if you want..."
"Is my Princess asking me out?"
"Urghh! You are unbelievable!"
He snickers. "Alright, alright, I wouldn't mind. I'd be honored my, Princess," he says and bows.
"Stop that!"
He gives a sly grin. "Stop what?" he says as if he doesn't know.
"That 'my Princess' stuff!"
"Hey, well you started it."
"I didn't mean to! Now, I've noticed you don't know how to heal, do you? Otherwise you probably would've healed me that long while ago."
"Yeah... you caught me..."
"Well, we first have to figure out how you heal others. Some heal by prayer, aura, blood, tears, kisses, wound transferral, etc. I can do all of them but I usually do it through energy by hands."
"Of course that's the only one you heard," I say rolling my eyes. "Anyway, there's four levels of healing: basic, expert, advanced, and master. I, of course, have the master level. The basic level, the lowest level, can do anything that normal human healing can do, except it's simply accelerated. This is the rank you are."
"How do we discover which way I can do it?"
"Let's start with the simple things," I say and give myself a slight cut.
"What are you doing!?" Lucas yells.
"So wanna try praying, tears, kisses, or blood first?"
"Are you crazy?"
"A little bit, I mean I am a demon."
"True. I'll start with... kisses." He smirks.
"Should've guessed as much." I shove my arm towards him. "Hurry up." He gently grips my arm and slowly lifts it up towards his lips. He stops right before his lips touch. "W-what's wrong?"
"I-I can't..."
"Can't what?"
"Do this..."
"Kiss my cut?"
"Not that... The kissing part... Kissing you... Not like this..."
"Like this?" I jerk my hand from his grip. "W-we can continue this later... Let's go back to the camp for a little break and a snack."
We race back towards the camp.
A few minutes before Kat and Lucas return to the camp...
"What do you think they're doing all this time?" Johnny asks.
"Something dirty I'm sure," Shane says.
"Why do you always refer to that?" Jason says, peeved.
"I mean when a boy and a girl are together, alone, they usually do dirty things," Shane says.
"If Kat heard you say that she'd pop you in the head so fast you wouldn't know what happened," Johnny says.
"Yeah, she would," Tyler says.
"I have an idea," Johnny says.
"And what would that be?" Tyler asks.
"Why don't we follow them next time they go out?" Johnny says.
"I like that idea!" Jason says.
We return to the camp a little distant from each other and get bombarded with questions.
"What are you guys doing for so long?" Johnny asks.
"We are keeping a lookout for ships on the mountain," I answer.
"You sure that's all you do up there?" Tyler asks.
"Oh, we do other things."
{You're making it sound wrong!} Lucas fusses.
{Yes, I know. That's the point.}
"What!?" they shout.
"Yeah, we keep the fire we made lit and play I Spy when we're bored."
"Oh..." Johnny says.
"You had me going for a second there..." Jason says relived.
"Huh? What kinda things were you thinking about?" I ask teasingly.
"Well... uh..." they start.
"Hey... Wait, you're just messing with us!" Johnny shouts.
"Haha, well, duh!" I say. "Pervs."
We relax for a while and just before dusk, head out again. We head to the other side of the island where Jason and Tyler put the skull. We begin to slow our pace because it feels like the energy is getting stronger. We arrive and see 5 full grown hellhounds at least 20 feet in front of us.
"Kat? This sucks..."
"Ssshhh..." I say, putting my finger to my lips. I watch the hellhounds sniff the skull then lookup and sniff the air. (Shit, did they find us?) Then I hear a rustling behind us. Lucas seems to hear it too and we both turn around.
"Oh, we finally found you! We were worried!" Jason says.
"I thought you guys were going to the mountain?" Johnny says confused.
(Everyone's here? Shit!) I run up to them and cover their mouths to prevent them from talking. "Ssshh!" I say and point behind me towards the hellhounds. Everyone's eyes widen. "Sit down! Shut up! And forget what you're about to see!" (The hellhounds must want Jason, since his scent is on the skull!)
Probably smelling him nearby they charge towards us.
"Shit! Kat!" Lucas yells.
We quickly put up a force field and the hellhounds run into it and back up. We put a force field around the group and jump toward the hellhounds. Lucas spreads out his wings and starts up a fierce icy wind and I add in electricity.
(Wait... 1, 2, 3, 4... Where's 5?!)
"KAT!!" everyone screams for their life behind me. I turn around and see the fifth hellhound attacking them. The hellhound is biting at the force field around them.
I run towards them then Lucas calls my name. (I can't be in two places at once to battle!) The hellhound breaks the groups barrier. "No!" I begin running towards them but I'm too late and the hellhound bites through Jason's body. "NO! JASON!" I punch the hellhound in the face causing it to cry out in pain. I jump in between Jason and the hellhound and release my claws and flames. I attack the hellhound digging my claws all the way through his face. It whines and goes back to the other hellhounds. I turn towards Jason and see a giant puddle of blood seeping out around him. "Lucas, we need to go!" I yell turning towards him. "Lucas!"
I see him completely surrounded by the hellhounds with him on the ground barely keeping up a force field. I run up behind one and claw at its leg. It slowly moves just enough for me to sneak in and grab Lucas. (Lucas' wings are slightly bit... Dammit!) I pushback all the hellhounds with a force field and lift Lucas up. I run back towards everyone else and pick all of them up -yes, pick them all up- and run towards the camp with the hellhounds chasing behind us.
When we get to the camp the hellhounds get held up behind the force field and I set everyone, except Jason, down.
"That force field isn't gonna hold them long," Lucas say weakly.
"I know we need to go to the castle."
"We can't do that!" Lucas yells.
"It doesn't matter now! They've already seen! And we have no other choice if we don't Jason is gonna die! And you're severely injured too!" I look around and everyone is completely silent not making eye contact with either one of us. I sigh and snap my fingers creating a portal to the castle. "Come on, everyone, one at a time." Everyone enters and I levitate Lucas up off the ground. I take one last look behind me as the hellhounds break through the barrier then hurriedly travel through the portal.
When we get through I see the two guards from before harassing the group.
"How did you humans get here?!" guard 1 yells. The two guards begin to attack them but I block their attempts with a force field.
"Wha?! How did you?!" guard 2 yells.
"Stand down, guards," I say and they turn around.
"P-Princess?!" they both yell. "A-and Prince Lucas?!"
"We need to get to the castle's infirmary now!" I yell. They quickly open the gates. I grab everyone and run towards the castle.
Throwing open the doors I transport to the infirmary and set Lucas down. "Doctor treat Prince Lucas. I will treat this one."
"Yes, Princess."
Hans walks in with wide worried eyes. "P-Princess... there are..."
"Humans here? Yes, I know humans are here," I say shaking my head. "Please, take them to the big guest room, and keep them together. I will visit them later. Keep this from the public. They must not hear about this. Thank you, Hans."
Hans nods his head and walks towards the door. "This way please..." Hans says gesturing them out. They look at me and I nod. They take one last glance at Jason with sobs from the brothers, and then leave the room.
I wash off all the blood from Jason's body and heal him as much as possible. Once you get bit by a hellhound you can't heal it easily. That's why they are feared so much. Hellhound bites can't be healed by powers.
"Jason, please, stay with me!" I yell.
"I... can't believe... y-you're... a-a... P-Princess..." Jason says with a weak smile.
"Just be quiet and let me heal you," I respond with a teary-eyed smile. "Just stay with me!" {Hey, Hans? Don't tell them anything. I will answer all their questions later. As well as yours because I know you have them.}
{Yes, Princess.}
Meanwhile in the guest bedroom...
"What the hell!?" Shane yells.
"Kat is a Princess and Lucas is a Prince!?" Johnny shouts.
"They have powers..." Zack says.
"Kat had claws! Claws!" Erwin yells.
"Lucas had wings!" Shane yells.
"W-where are w-we?" Tony asks scared.
"I'm sorry, the Princess told me to not tell you anything. Her Highness will explain everything," Hans says.
"When did she tell you that?" Shane asks.
"Just a little while ago," Hans responds.
"How?" Tyler asks.
"What?!" Shane yells throwing his hands up in defeat. "This is so not happening!"
"I-is my b-brother gonna be okay, M-Mister Hans?" Tony asks with scared eyes.
"Our Princess is the best healer around. I have no doubt that your brother should be fine," Hans says.
"I can't believe this..." Zack says.
"Ah! Now I understand," Hans says receiving the whole scene of what happened. "This is all of you stupid pathetic human's faults! If you didn't get in the way we wouldn't have this problem now!"
I walk towards the guest bedroom and hear Hans yelling. I throw open the doors quickly.
"Hans! That is enough!" I yell. "I showed you that scene so you'd understand! Not to harass them!"
Hans lowers his head. "But..."
"Leave!" I yell and point towards the door.
"But Princess-!"
"Are you disobeying me?" I question flicking my finger on like a lighter threateningly.
He quickly bows his head. "N-no, I'm sorry. I'll be taking my leave now," Hans says and closes the door behind him.
I turn to face the group with their terrified expressions. I flick my finger off and heave a sigh.
"This is why I didn't want you to figure me out. You are all terrified of me now..."
"W-well more or less," Johnny says nervously. "Maybe confused and shocked."
Again, I sigh. "Alright, where should I begin..."
"Could we maybe ask questions?" Tyler asks.
"Yes, that would make things much easier."
"First, is my brother gonna be okay?" Tyler asks.
"Your brother..." I say shaking my head sadly. "I-I honestly do not know. I did as much as I could. Right now only time will tell."
Tony begins to cry and Tyler holds him. I even see Tyler shed a few tears.
"I heard Prince and Princess so are you two actually siblings?"
I laugh. "No, no where close." I remember how on the cruise we told everyone that we were fraternal twins and Shane was our little brother, they believed until they figured out we were lying. Thanks to Shane saying all those comments how when we were alone together we made-out, which isn't true!
"Here let me explain everything from the beginning." I tell them about my father being king and my mother with the special blood. How that makes me the Princess. I told them about Lucas and I of our back stories about the every some years two special blooded humans are born. How I got all those claw marks on me. What the hellhounds are and how my father was sending tests to test me as the Princess. "Questions?" And the bombardment of questions began.
"Should I call you the Demon Princess, Princess, or Your Highness now?" Johnny asks.
"Kat is best."
"That day you slapped my brother were you the one who knocked that tree down?" Tony asks.
"What other powers do you have? We know you have claws, fire, telepathy, force field, healing powers, superstrength, telekinesis, and superspeed," Shane asks.
"I have about every power you can possibly think of. I'm still learning how to do some things though."
"Shape shift, water, electricity, ice, fly, invisibility, mind reading, laser eyes, supersenses?" Erwin asks.
"Yes, everything you just named, I can do."
"Incredible..." Zack says.
"Are Greek gods and goddesses real?" Johnny asks.
"No, they are just myths. The creatures are real though like Cerberus. You know the three-headed dog."
"Is Cerberus mean?" Tyler asks.
"Cerberus is mean when he wants or needs to be, but he's just a big goofy sweetheart. I call him Cerbie for short."
"Do you know Cerberus?" Erwin asks.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mention, he's my dog."
"What!?" Shane yelps.
"I'll let you guys see him later if you want." They nod.
"Hey wait, if you have healing powers then, why didn't you use them on my leg!?" Johnny fusses.
"How do you think it healed so quickly and didn't leave a scar? The paste I made cannot heal a wound in just three days! The wound would just now be closing up and would later leave a scar if I didn't use my powers," I fuss back.
"So when you applied the paste?" Johnny questions.
"I would heal you a little bit, yes," I finish for him.
"So that's what that tingly feeling was," Johnny says.
"Do you have a true form too?" Zack asks.
"The form you see now is my true form. It's different for me since I'm half human half demon. If I was a pure demon I would have a human form and a true form. For me it's true form and demon form. The rolls kind of flip."
"So was that your demon form we saw a while ago?" Shane asks.
"No, it wasn't," I say.
"Can you show us your demon form?" Johnny asks.
"Absolutely not! My father and Hans are the only ones who can and have seen me in my demon form!" I snap then look at their shocked reactions. "Ah... sorry, habit."
"Why don't you transform into it when you fight?" Tyler asks.
"I don't need to unless the thing I fight is too strong for me to fight and my true form. Other demons can fight in their human form but they usually transform into their true form because it's stronger. I have never needed to use my demon form to fight."
"So you're so powerful you don't need to?" Shane asks.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Badass!" Johnny yells obviously amazed.
"Anyway, I'm done with questions. I'm contacting Hans," I say.
Not a second later, the door opens and Hans appears. "Yes, Princess?"
"Take them to the dining hall to eat whatever they please."
"Yes, Princess."
He turns to leave and I stop him. "And Hans?" He turns to look at me.
"Treat them as if they were me."
"Princess!?" Hans yells horrified.
"Don't Princess me. Protect them with your life if anyone wants to mess with them. Now go!" Hans bows and takes everyone to the dining hall. (This is not good.) {Hans, again, this doesn't get out about humans being here. Change everyone's memories to believe they are demons. You need to put some kind of demon scent on them.}
{I understand, Princess.}
(I need to change those guards memories of humans to being demons.) I snap open a portal to the front of the castle's gates.
I walk out and greet the guards from before. "Come here. I need to tell you a secret." They lean in and I grab their heads.
"Wha!?" guard 1 yells.
I replace their memories with fake ones. I release them and ask them a question. "My visitors cannot leave the castle. Can you make sure of that?"
"The low rank demons you brought?" guard 2 asks.
"Yes, we will not let them leave," guard 1 says.
"Thank you," I say snapping my fingers to the dining hall. (Thank goodness it worked.)
"Well everyone looks happy!" I say.
In the dining room everyone is stuffing themselves. The smell that Hans put on them does make them smell a little bit like demons now.
"This is so good!" Shane exclaims.
"Don't talk with your mouthful. It's disgusting," Hans says, annoyed by their manners.
"Now now, Hans. They haven't eaten a lot. We've been on an island for a little more than a month. They are hungry, let them do what they please."
"It is just so unrefined..."
"Hans, they are not royals. They do not know proper etiquette," I say properly. Hans looks at me surprised. "What? I can speak properly when I want to. You know I was caught a lot when I was with Lucas. I only do it to see that stupid look on your face, like now."
Hans face turns red. "If you will excuse me..." he says trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Hans, can you take some food to Prince Lucas and Jason?"
"Yes, I will send a maid."
"Thank you and where is Cerbie?"
"He should be out in the gardens."
"Thank you," I say and walk off to the gardens.
"Cerbie! Cerbie! Where are you?!" I yell. I see a big black curled into a ball, Cerbie, from a distance. I run up to him and pet the middle head. "Cerbie, I'm home!"
Cerbie's eyes flutter open. He quickly jumps up and I quickly put a force field around myself to not be licked. Three tongues cover my force field and once their gone I let it down. "Ruff!"
"I missed you too," I say.
In response he nuzzles me. "Ruff!"
I laugh. "Can you shrink it down to a dog size please?" In response he shrinks down and I sit beside him. "I need to tell you something important. I don't want you to get angry with me. There are humans in the castle."
He gives me a disappointed look. "Grr."
"I know, I know, but we were attacked by hellhounds and I had no choice. One of the humans got severely hurt."
Cerbie's expression changes to one of worry. "Ruff?"
"Hopefully he will be okay. Also, Prince Lucas, is here. He is the half angel half human I've been looking for." Cerbie looks excited now and wags his tail happily. I laugh. "Do you want to see the humans?"
"Ruff!" he barks with a nod from all three heads.
"Okay then, let's go!" I say snapping open a portal to the dining hall.
Everyone is holding their bellies. "Has everyone finished?"
"Yeah..." Shane says.
"Are you going to eat, Princess?" Johnny asks.
"I've had enough from the island. I don't eat a lot."
"You've barely eaten anything," Tony says.
"I can go a month and a half without food."
"A month?! That's crazy!" Tyler says.
"Yeah... Anyway, I have Cerbie with me." They slowly come over.
"He's much smaller than I thought," Erwin says.
"Actually, he is shrunken down right now. He can get as big as this castle. If he wanted to."
"Whoa," Zack says.
"Can we pet him?" Tony asks shyly.
"Yes, the middle head likes it behind the ears. The left likes it under the chin. The right likes it on the head." Tony, Tyler, and Johnny start petting Cerbie. (Well, Cerbie looks totally happy.) I turn to Hans. "Hans, prepare six mattresses in my room for the others."
Hans sighs. "... Yes, Princess."
(I don't trust them being in their own rooms even if they are being protected by the castle.)
"Cerbie, I want you to protect the infirmary. Don't let anybody in, unless I'm with them. To protect Prince Lucas and Jason."
Cerbie nods his heads. I look towards Hans and he's on the phone.
"Yes, I need six added mattresses in the Princess' room. Yes, I know. Thank you," Hans says and hangs up the phone.
"Cerbie, go to the infirmary, now."
He follows my orders and runs out the room.
"Can I go see my brother?" Tony asks pleadingly.
"I'm sorry, but he needs his rest."
"I would like to see him too," Tyler says resting his hands on Tony's shoulders from behind.
"I'm sorry, but no! Your brother is getting stitches as we speak. I need to assist with that. Hans take our guests to my room."
"Yes, Princess."
"Wait, we are sleeping in the Princess' room!" Shane exclaims.
"Is that a problem?" I say glaring at Shane.
"Um... N-no, sorry," Shane says.
"Good, actually, Hans take them to the shower room and have someone cut their hair then get them some nightwear. Then, take them to my room."
"Yes, Princess."
With that we headed our separate ways.
I walk into the infirmary and the doctor calls to me worriedly.
"Princess! He's thrashing around uncontrollably!" he yells.
"Yes! Yes!" he yells.
I rush over to where Jason is lying watching him thrashing about in his sleep. "No..." (If this keeps up he will lose lots of blood.) "How long has this been happening?!"
"For about 10 minutes..."
"Why didn't you notify me?!"
"I thought I could get him to stop..." he says dejectedly.
"Jason!" I yell clinging to his arm. I start singing my moon song and he gradually calms down. There is blood everywhere! I run my hands through Jason's hair. (You will be okay.) Jason's expression softens as if he heard me. I begin closing up his wounds when he starts to breathe heavy.
"That's what happened last time before he went ballistic."
At the doctors words Jason starts thrashing about causing his stitches to undo. I began to sing again calming him down, again.
"Record me and keep it on replay," I say. The doctor seems to understand what I was getting at and left to find a recorder. I continue singing while redoing Jason's stitches. The doctor soon returns and begins to record me. I finished Jason's stitches. I grab a wet towel and begin cleaning all the blood off Jason. "Notify me if his condition changes from this state. Even if it's the slightest change. Set the recorder to play every two minutes. If you don't notify me and don't follow my directions and if he dies, so will you. Also, make sure that Prince Lucas is fine too."
The doctor swallows hard. "Yes, Princess."
I leave the room, pet Cerbie, and head towards my room.
Arriving in my room I realize that the boys aren't here yet. (The boys aren't here yet so I have a chance to take a shower, yes!) I grab some pajamas and head into my bathroom locking the door behind me.
"This is the Princess' room," Hans says opening the door for everyone.
"Wow! This room is bigger than my whole house!" Johnny says stunned.
"Well, you are just a commoner..." Hans mumbles.
"What's that noise?" Tony asks.
"I believe it is the shower. The Princess must be taking one," Hans says.
"Ooo, The Princess is showering! Let's go and take a peek!" Johnny shouts.
"Absolutely not!" Hans yells.
"Dude chill, I was just kidding," Johnny says.
Hans sighs. "I can't deal with these humans..." he mumbles annoyed.
Johnny smacks his hands on Hans' shoulders. "Dude, you need to relax a little. You're the same age as Kat aren't you?" Johnny asks.
"Yes," Hans says.
"You act like you're in your 40s. Relax a little bit," Johnny says.
"I cannot. Now, if you excuse me I must be taking my leave, good night," Hans says and quickly leaves.
(It feels so good to have an actual shower with soap and without my bathing suit...) I hop out of the shower and snap myself dry. I put on some PJs and walked out the bathroom.
"Princess! You take hour showers!" Johnny fusses.
"Well, I haven't exactly taken one without you to 'accidentally' see me!" I fuss back and stick out my tongue.
"How is our brother doing?" Tyler asks.
I cast my gaze down. "His... condition has... grown worse."
"No!" Tony yells and begins to cry.
"When I sing to him he calms down. If I don't sing to him he starts to thrash around. So we got a recording of me singing. The same song I sung to you, Tony. I have managed to give him stitches and he is in a coma from all the blood loss and has a slight blow to the head from when the hellhound dropped him."
"No! No! This can't be happening! No!" Tyler cries out and begins to pace back-and-forth.
(With a crying Tony and a Tyler pacing back-and-forth at this point they'll never get to sleep.) I blow a sleeping wind at the two and catch them before they fall.
"What did you just do to them?!" Johnny freaks.
"I put them to sleep so they wouldn't have worn themselves out," I say putting Tony in a bed. I tuck him in and wipe away his tears. I look at Johnny while putting Tyler in another bed. "Now you can ask me that question that has been on your mind."
"How did you?- nevermind. Is Lucas okay?" Johnny asks.
"A wing is broken and a few grazes of claw marks here and there," I say tucking Tyler in and wipe away the few start tears. "He is currently asleep."
"I can't believe all this is happening..." Zack says.
"This is why you don't snoop around. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a headache, so you need all the sleep you can get."
"Yes, Princess," Johnny says in a snotty tone while climbing into a bed.
Zack and Erwin climb into the other two beds. I heave a big sigh and climb into my own giant bed.
Well I'm excited I finally have finished copying all my handwritten part of the book! Yes, I wrote everything up to this point! I am now free writing as I call it. Finally! 😄 :)
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