Chapter 10- Forging alliances
Lyra and Rowan had started clearing up the debris on their own, with Rowan's large size and Lyra's swiftness allowing them to do so at an impressive speed. Other Pokémon followed them, beginning to clear the damage and restore some sense of normality to the ruined town. There were a large amount of broken windows and doors, and the stores that were once so full of color were barren and run down. Seeing her home town in such a state only made her more angry, filling her with a desire for vengeance. The ones responsible for all the damage remained inside the arena, watching with amusement as the townsfolk rebuilt their own town. They would occasionally jeer at a passer by or head out in groups to cause more trouble, feeling unstoppable after ruining the town with so little resistance. Lyra was determined to show them how wrong they were in that assumption.
After hours of heavy lifting and hard work, the majority of the debris was taken off the streets. They were now at least safe to walk on without the risk of getting splinters or a shard of glass stuck in an unsuspecting Pokémon's foot. With that out of the way, the town was ready to rebuild, only after the threat of having all that hard work ruined again was removed, however. While most Pokémon tried their best to go back to their normal lives in their damaged houses, there were others, such as Lyra, who were determined to drive the invaders from their town. Lyra reaffirmed her belief that if the mayor was unwilling to fight, the citizens would have to on their own behalf. She and Rowan had already established their desire to do so, but they would need help. They debated which way was best to gather enough allies to put their plan into action.
"It has to be quiet enough to not gain the attention of those thugs, but loud enough to gain everyone else's."
Lyra commented. Rowan was also aware of that, knowing that if the attackers knew what they were doing, they would either leave with what they had or go back out into the streets for more, before the townsfolk could give them the punishment they deserved.
"So how do we do that?"
Rowan asked, thinking of a way to get their message to a select few pokemon, leaving out others. Lyra had to admit that it stumped her, but that alone wouldn't stop her from coming up with a solution for long. She and Rowan agreed to think on it further, and until that could be done, the small groups of attackers would do for targets.
The next day had been easier for Zorren and Delphine, with their shelter still standing and in good condition. After breakfast, they had joined the effort on cleaning up the streets. For Zorren, however, the messy streets were the least of his worries. Once the crowds dispersed, he and Delphine returned to their room, and Zorren told the Delphox what was on his mind.
"I've seen that Machamp before."
The news Shocked the Delphox.
"You have? But... but how? Where?"
The Zoroark struggled to remember, but he found himself unable.
"That's just the thing. I don't remember. I know it was a long time ago, but the memory is just a blur... I'm trying to think, but it's not coming."
Delphine put a hand on his shoulder, an understanding look on her face.
"It will, in time."
Her expression changed to a frown as she looked out of the window, watching the town's streets slowly begin to fill with pokemon again.
"In the meantime, we need to help with what little time we have left. If the need arises, we may lengthen our stay."
Zorren was all for that, eager for the chance to meet Lyra again and rebuild at the very least their friendship. He also wanted to help fix the damage caused by last night's events.
"I think that would be a good idea."
He joined Delphine at the window.
"Those pokemon out there could use all the help they could get. With your calming atmosphere and your modest power, you would be a very useful pokemon to have around."
Delphine smiled and blushed slightly at Zorren's compliment, Both surprised and charmed to hear it.
"Why, thank you, Zorren. That's very nice of you to say."
With their options for activity now limited due to the town's destruction, they talked about their next move once they organised to stay for longer.
Without any further plans to recruit others to help in their fight, Lyra and Rowan had taken to the streets to think it over. As they walked, they came across A small group of pokemon, seemingly being harassed by a group of attackers.
"Give us what we want, or we'll hurt ya!"
One of the attackers, a Pikachu, threatened.
Lyra and Rowan looked to the Grovyle standing in front of a Ralts. The small pokemon held a small, shiny object in its hands, which was presumably what the band of pokemon were after. The Grovyle acted tough, but he was outnumbered. The unease on his face was clear as he tried to sound brave.
"Her mother gave her that! Have you no remorse for even the smallest of pokemon?"
He told the group, which only pressed harder.
"Listen, pal, you either step aside or we'll knock you out and take what we want. Your choice."
A Sneasel spat. The Grovyle remained rooted in place, not moving.
"I've had enough of you and your threats. You're not stealing from a poor little Ralts on my watch!"
The group of pokemon laughed.
"Very well. Can't say we didn't warn you."
As the Sneasel and Pikachu charged up attacks, Lyra and Rowan sprung into action. The Grovyle summoned a leaf blade in each hand, ready to retaliate, but it wasn't necessary. Lyra hit the Pikachu with an aura sphere from a distance while Rowan delivered a strong hammer arm up close. Both of the attackers were sent flying, landing a few feet away. They struggled to their feet, Lyra now at Rowan's side with a bone, her weapon of choice, in her paws.
"That was your first warning. We won't be as lenient if you persist."
Lyra boldly stated, tightening her grip on her bone. She was right to prepare; the two pokemon lunged at the Lucario and Rhydon, their faces twisted in anger. The Sneasel punched Rowan as hard as he could in the stomach, but to his shock, Rowan didn't even move. He simply looked down at where he had been punched, seeing no evidence of the attack, and punched the ice type in the face hard enough to knock him down and keep him there. Rowan looked back to Lyra, who had the Pikachu on the ground, on his back, using her bone to press him harder into it.
"You go back and tell whoever it is that leads you undisciplined bandits that this town isn't yours to terrorize anymore!"
Lyra told the Electric mouse, who wasted no time getting as far away from Lyra as he could. The Sneasel recovered from his punishment, following close behind his accomplice.
The other pokemon, seeing the loud ones of the group broken, also scattered. The Grovyle picked up the Ralts, letting the small Pokemon sit on his shoulder.
"That was impressive. I really owe you two for stepping in like that."
He told the two, walking up to them. Lyra turned to face him, Her stern expression not changing.
"These pokemon make me sick, preying on everyone indiscriminately. Not even the young ones are spared."
Rowan chimed in, complimenting the Grovyle's courage.
"That was really brave of you, standing up to all of them like that."
He told the Grovyle.
"This here is one of my friend's daughters. I'd never let anything happen to her on my watch, for her and my own sake."
He turned to the small pokemon, who was holding the shiny object tightly.
"Say thank you, Rachel."
The Grovyle told her in a sweet voice. The Ralts hesitated at first, but she spoke very softly after a moment.
"Thank you..."
Rowan smiled at the small girl as she kept a hold of what looked like a small figurine of some kind.
"If there's anything I can do to help, I'd be happy to. These damn thugs have got to go, and if you need someone to help you out, I'm in."
Lyra and Rowan looked at each other. They had seemingly found a way to recruit others after all. Lyra then looked at the Grovyle.
"We'd be happy to accept your help. The more of us stand together, the sooner we can kick these brutes out of our town."
With a handshake, the deal was made, and the Grovyle joined Lyra and Rowan in the fight.
"The name's Gareth, by the way. You can just call me Gary, though. If you ever find yourself in need of assistance, I'll try my best to be nearby to help."
Lyra and Rowan agreed, and the four returned to their usual business. As they separated, Lyra turned around to face the Grovyle.
"Hey, Gary?"
The grass type looked back.
"Keep helping others, and spread the word."
He smiled and nodded.
"Yes, ma'am. As you command."
As the four pokemon went their own ways, Lyra and Rowan had a lot to think about. Now that they knew how to increase the number of pokemon to fight in their favor, they would be able to fight against the attackers that now took refuge in their home. The issue regarding her and Zorren reuniting was also still prominent in her mind, but she had more pressing matters to attend to at the current moment. As night fell over the town, it once again went quiet as the inhabitants rested, and the townsfolk were able to enjoy a night with less trouble than the night before.
That's all for this one! Glad I could get an update out faster for you all, I'm really looking forward to progressing the story even further! 😃
As always, thank you for reading and taking time to vote and comment. It's what motivates me to keep doing more! Until next time, stay awesome!
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