Ravenpaw x Reader

They had to be joking. There was no way they could be serious. But yet, here they were, and their faces were not laughing, in fact, their faces said the exact opposite. Who are they? Three cats that claim to be from Thunderclan, one of the clans of the forest. The cats were going on about how some cat had it in for one of them, the black one. They needed a place for him to stay, somewhere where he wouldn't constantly have to be afraid.
"Barley." You said to the tom who you shared the barn with. "Can we talk about this first?" You hiss in his ear. The tom nodded and stood, then addressed the cats.
"Excuse us for a moment." And the pair of you walked a distance away, out of ear-shot.
"Do you think we can trust them?" You aksed Barley.
"Of course, it's just three young cats. What's the problem?" He sked, tilting his head.
"So, they want one of them to stay. Howdo we know this isnt some trick to get all our food. We both know how well it holds during leaf-bare." You said, looking over at the clan cats, who were sniffing around.
"Can we hunt?" Asked the orange furred tom. Barley nodded.
"Help yourselves. There's plenty." As soon as he had nodded, the three cats began to separate and start hunting.
"Tell you what," Barley said to you. "We let him stay for a few days. If you still don't trust him at all, he will leave." You look after him. The black tom looked thin and weak, and when you were talking with him, you had seen the scared look in his eyes.
"Fine. But if he does anything i dont like before that, he leaves wether you want him to stay or not."
"Alright!" You said to them when they had finished hunting and eating. "He can stay." The three toms thanked you and Barley, and said their goodbyes to each other.
"We'll miss you Ravenpaw." The oramge tom said. "The whole clan will miss you." Ravenpaw sighed.
"Tigerclaw wont."
"Yea but who cares what Tigerclaw thinks." The grey one said.
"Thanks Greystripe. It just, being an apprentice, you feel a sense of duty to your mentor. And, although i hate him, he was my mentor." Ravenpaw shrugged.
"Well, now you dont have to worry about him. Leave that, to us." The orange tom said.
"Thanks Fireheart. I'll miss you two." Fireheart and Greystripe said good bye one last time, then the two of them left the barn, back to where they belong. As soon as they dissapeared, you turned and stalked up to the rafters where you sleep.
"Don't mind her, Ravenpaw. She's always like that." Barley said to the  former apprentice. You roll your eyes and turn away, curling up to sleep.

~~~~Small Time Skip~~~~

It had been a few days since Ravenpaw had come to live with you two, and he had proven to be an okay cat. But, being stubborn as you were, you still didn't like him. That is, until today happened. You were out hunting in a small bit of forest near the barn, Barley still inside asleep, while Ravenpaw, well you didn't really know where hewas as he was gone when you woke up. Mouse. You could smell it before you could see it. It was nibbling on a nut that it had found. You watched it as you stalked closer, and it didn't notice you, until it froze up and looked around. It seemed to have spotted something, and raced away, which led it right to you. You almost missed it, wondering what had frightened it, but you bit it at the last moment. And that, is when you heard it. The sound of a body sliding across the forest floor. You turned to see a great snake in front of you, tounge flickering, eyes staring hungrily at not the mouse, but you. For a moment, the two of you stayed still, staring at each other, waiting for something. Then, your fight or flight reflxes kicked in, and you took off. At first, you thought of the barn, but Barley was still alseep, and snakes are quick. In fact, this snake was right on your tail. You turned, and began heading deeper into the forest. As you were running, you heard an additional set of pawsteps, coming from your left side. They came closer, and soon, a familiar black furred tom appeared beside you.
"Need some help?" He asked. You glared at him. He smiled, stopped and turned, facing the snake, as you kept running. Then you turned, knowing you can't let him fight it on his own. But as you look, he was holding his own pretty well. He struck out a paw, lashing his claws across it's eyes. It was blind. As it writhed, trying to get used to being blind, Ravenpaw lunged out and grabbed onto it's neck(or what you assumed to be it's neck), and bit down with all his strength. The snake gave a shudder, before it was still. Your mouth hung open as you stood there in awe, watching him spit the snake out of his mouth and look over his wounds. You walked up to him.
"When did you learn to kill a snake?" You asked. He looked up at you with a smile.
"Taught myself. Tigerclaw once sent me to Snake Rocks, and i had to fend for myself. I added one of them to the prey pile that day." He started licking his paw, which had two fang marks on it. You gained a new respect for him that day. You treated his injuries with the linited herb knowledge you had, and you walked back to the barn, both of you helping to carry the snake. You both set it down and told Barley what had happened, as when he saw you carrying that snake, he naturally wanted an explanation. And from that day on, you and Ravenpaw were always much closer to each other.

Well, that was Ravenpaw, everyone. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as i did making it. I enjoyed it a lot tbh. Anyways, thank you guys for reading, don't forget to vote and comment, ideas are always appreciated. See you guys next chapter! Buh bye!

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