Chapter 33

Oh, no. Not again...

The sky was a mix of navy, blue, and pink above me from where I stood outside, trying to catch my breath and cringing as I tried to recover from the large, violent vomit that I had just taken.

Luckily, I could only slightly see the beautiful creation that I had just excreted from my jaws, as the sun was only just beginning to rise. Thank goodness.

I mean, for the past few quarter moons, I had gotten up fairly early, slowly and quietly sneaking out of Wendell's cat bed to go down to the basement. To be honest, I had been spending most of my time down there taking inventory, and eventually, dragging different objects towards my favorite window to stack them. It had been a process, and I'd unfortunately only been able to stack up items just a little past my own height.

And surely I would have made more progress by now, but lately with each day that had gone by, the task had felt much more grueling and exhausting. I'd had to take more breaks, even call it a day early...

And, for the past few days, had to bolt out of the basement and outside to throw up.

Sure, I suppose I could have just let it rip in the basement or inside of the house, but I didn't want the Twolegs to make a big deal out of it, or take me to the vet thinking I was sick.

And as far as the average Twoleg could assume – I was sick. However, I was almost certain that I was not. At least, not in the usual way, or the way that necessarily meant anything bad.

This was my second go-around, after all. I knew how this went. Oh, dear...

It was something about this morning's sickness in particular that made it finally hit, and made me feel pretty certain about it.

And now feeling a bit better with everything out of my system, I found myself padding up to some rocks that the Twolegs seemed to have set up themselves as scenery in the backyard. I hoped and prayed to StarClan that I still had the ability to jump, and then thankfully successfully leapt up to the top of the rock.

I then sat down, then wrapped my tail around my paws to keep it from shaking. Goodness gracious, do I wish that Chrissy and Sparrow had given me the talk... I thought to myself, letting out a sigh. But the deed is done.

The deed was done, and this surely meant that I would have to stay here in the Twolegplace for at least a while longer – that was the plan anyway, but now, I have no choice...

I then looked down at my stomach, my heart beginning to race as I was suddenly filled with so much fear and so much love at the same time. But luckily I care about myself and you all enough to not try to push myself to my limit... I then said silently. My escape plan will just have to be on hold. I have to rest, and then...

I then closed my eyes for a moment, letting out another sigh and shaking my head. And then I will be a mother again.

I tightened my tail's grip around my paws, now being certain that if I were to let it whip back and forth, it would likely kill any bug that flew in its path. Great StarClan, what does this mean for my future? Returning to the Clans?

I then forced myself to take a deep breath. One day at a time, Mistpelt. One day at a time. But at the same time...

I then let out a shaky sigh, opening my eyes and glancing up at the dawn sky – for comfort, I suppose. Wrenkit is still out there... I then thought, my heart seeming to fall and sink through the rocks below me. Oh, my love, I am so sorry. I wish more than anything that I could be there for you and be with you... I was so close to getting to.

I then closed my eyes again, letting out a sigh that was even shakier than the last, because honestly – Wrenkit getting to see her new siblings felt like something that couldn't be obtained in another universe. I hated more than anything that I had to be selfish right now, but unfortunately, all I could focus on right now was keeping myself safe and healthy, in order to put out safe and healthy kits.

Well, that, and... telling Wendell.

He definitely was a tom to sleep in, so I had assumed it would be a long time before he even woke up. So, I was more than surprised when I heard pawsteps, and then turned around to see him making his way outside after what just felt like a few moments later.

And as I had looked back, I couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth as I saw his brown tabby pelt, the rising sun lighting his fur and making his affectionate, concerned pale blue eyes gleam like a sun-lit stream.

He hadn't even said a word yet, but I already felt comforted, and for a moment felt that everything would be okay. I guess it's about time I felt that way about a father of my kits...

However, once he spoke, he certainly didn't make me feel any worse. "Good morning," the tom meowed gently to me, leaping down from the Twolegs' back porch onto the grass.

I then let out a small purr, watching as the housecat yawned and stretched. "Good morning!" I replied, still trying with all of my might to keep my tail from lashing back and forth nervously. "How did you sleep?"

"Oh, pretty well," Wendell then said. I then furrowed my eyebrows as he let out a sniff. "At least, until I heard someone pelt past the bed like they were running for their life!"

My heart immediately began pounding more quickly. "Aw, shoot! Did I wake you?" I asked the tabby in a panic, for several reasons. "I'm-"

"That's not what I'm worried about..." Wendell then meowed, his gaze stern but full of concern. "It's the fact that you ran past the bed like you were running for your life."

I then took a deep breath, another attempt to try and appear calm as Wendell then padded up to the rock I was sitting on. "Are you okay?"

I stood up, preparing to join him at the bottom of the rock. "Well-"

But Wendell raised his tail as if to tell me to stop. "Wait, stay there. I'll come to you." I then felt a wave of affection as I watched him leap up to join me at my spot. I then immediately met his worried gaze, and I couldn't help but look down at my paws shyly. "This is, what? Like the third or fourth morning you've burst up from the basement and have gone straight outside to get sick."

I began to shift my paws back and forth. "How do you know I'm getting sick?"

Wendell immediately let out a snort and rolled his eyes. "Mistpelt, our bed is just a little ways away from the backyard door, and you're not exactly quiet." He then brushed his tail along my shoulder before I began to protest. "Again, not the problem. I don't care how loud or quiet of a vomiter you are, it's the fact that you're doing it at all."

After glancing at him for a brief moment, then looking down at my paws again, I saw him try to meet my gaze, his pale blue eyes still glowing with concern. "What is going on?"

I then closed my eyes for a moment, having to forcibly push down my nerves once again. Here we go... I told myself. Things are going to be different this time. Things already are so different.

After another deep breath, I unwrapped my tail around my paws so that I could then twin it with Wendell's. I then let out a purr as I then felt Wendell give me a lick on the head.

Then, as he pulled away and met his comforting, yet nervous gaze, I was almost certain that he already knew what was coming. "Well... let's just say that..." I began, my voice shaking slightly. "Something is cooking in the oven."

Wendell seemed to take in a sharp breath. "Oh?"

"Yeah..." I continued. "Except, it's not an oven, and it's not food that's cooking."

I then let out a sniff. "And... it's hopefully not that warm in there..."

After Wendell let out a sniff as well, I watched nervously as he then let out a purr and closed his eyes. "Alright, I think I'm understanding your... weird analogy."

He then opened his eyes again, my heart practically melting as I met his uncertain, yet affectionate gaze. "Right?"

"Wow," I purred softly, flicking one of the housecat's ears. "Those kits are going to have some brilliant brains."

Again, although I was pretty sure that Wendell had known what I was going to say before I said it, I was not surprised at all when saying the word kit aloud still hit him like a monster. "Oh, wow..." he breathed, breaking my gaze and looking off to his side as he purred quietly. "Wow..."

"I know..." I breathed, purring with him and giving a shrug. "I'm expecting, Wendell." I then shut my eyes for a moment, overwhelmed with affection when I felt the tom tighten his grip on my tail. "And they're yours."

"Oh, they're mine?" Wendell then meowed, to my surprise. "Well, I have to say, if they weren't mine, that would raise so, so many questions."

I then let out a mrrow of laughter, then proceeded to look shyly down at my paws once again.

Immediately, I felt Wendell trying to search my gaze. "However, I do have one."

My heart seemed to skip a beat, and I found myself immediately preparing for the worst case scenario. "Yes?" Oh, shoot, shoot, shoot.

Wendell took a deep breath before answering. "How do you feel about all of this?" he then asked as he tightened his grip on my tail even more.

I looked back up to meet the brown tabby tom's gaze, looking at him full of confusion and concern. "Is there a certain way I should feel?"

"Absolutely not!" Wendell immediately insisted, bringing down my worries just a little bit. I then was fascinated as he then looked down at his own paws. "I just don't want to assume anything."

Oh, goodness gracious.

I had to close my eyes for a moment once again, almost all of my nerves going away, and were replaced with an overwhelming warmth and affection for this tom. So, so sweet and considerate. What did I do to deserve this? "Well, how does any expecting she-cat feel? I'm terrified, excited... nauseous."

Then, after Wendell and I shared a purr, I went on. "But... I..." I then trailed off, feeling another wave of sadness. "I would feel all of those to such a higher degree if..."

"If your other kit wasn't out there," Wendell meowed almost immediately after, his pale blue eyes now glowing with sympathy.

Somehow, I managed to feel even more affection for the tom just seeing that he understood. "Exactly."

I then closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in an attempt to keep my emotions in control. "Exactly."

I then raised my eyebrows in concern when Wendell let out a distressed sigh. "And this is probably the last thing that you need right now," he murmured as he shook his head slowly.

"Oh my goodness, Wendell, that is so far off!" I quickly insisted to the tom, horrified that he was feeling this way.

"Is it?"

"Of course it is!" I then demanded, feeling genuinely certain about the replies I was giving him. "I mean, yes, objectively this means that I have to stay here, and that I can't try and escape... and go out and look for Wrenkit, but..."

I then let out a shaky sigh as I felt a wave of guilt and grief. "All I can do right now is just hope that she is okay. It's my only choice."

Wendell's gaze seemed to reflect my own feelings for a moment. "I guess..."

I began to shake my head as I took a step closer to the housecat. "Wendell, I really hope that you aren't blaming yourself for this," I meowed to him a little more sharply.

Wendell then gave me a shrug, almost looking helpless for a moment, to my dismay. "I'm trying not to, but... I don't want you to be upset," he then explained to me worriedly. "You were planning your escape, Mistpelt, and hoping to get out of here soon. And now, we've..."

For a moment after Wendell trailed off, I could do nothing but slowly shake my head back at him. Sure, everything that he was worried about and everything he was saying unfortunately rang true. But my goodness, I did not blame the tabby tom for it even a little bit – even if he didn't believe it now, I hoped he eventually would.

To be honest, I was just more than happy to see that he seemed to be showing some semblance of care, as sad as it was. And, if the circumstances were a bit better, with Wendell meaning so much to me, this news would actually be more exciting than anything else I could possibly experience.

But unfortunately, things were what they were. "I miss Wrenkit," I began to tell Wendell as I stared reassuringly into his eyes. "I miss her so much, and I want to find her more than anything else in this world."

I then forced myself to take a deep breath as I took another glance up at the morning sky. "But she is strong. She is a ThunderClan cat at heart, and she has StarClan on her side..."

I then trailed off for a moment, narrowing my eyes as I briefly recalled the dream I'd had not too long ago – the one where I had potentially seen an older Wrenkit, looking strong, confident, and absolutely brilliant from where she stood in a Clan camp. Whether or not that had just been a pesky dream or a vision, it brought me great comfort. "All I can do now is pray that she is okay, and hope with everything in my being that she is safe until I can be with her again."

Wendell was clearly absorbing everything I was saying, but despite it all, his piercing eyes still were wide with anxiety. "But, what about-"

"We'll get there when we get there," I reassured the tom. "Until then..."

I then glanced down at my belly. "I also have to be with the new kits that I have been given." I then let out a sigh, feeling another intense wave of affection as I looked up and met Wendell's gaze again. "And raise them with the tom that I've come to care about so, so much."

Wendell stared warmly back at me with a gaze that made my stomach twist. "Aw, that's nice," he then meowed gently.

I then narrowed my eyes teasingly as I tilted my head to the side. "Oh, no reciprocation? That's concerning, considering-"

"Kidding!" Wendell then immediately purred. I then watched curiously as he then broke his gaze from me, letting out a sigh. "Kidding, of course..."

I then found myself growing nervous all over again as he then let out a grunt of contemplation. "What's the matter?" I immediately had to press.

Wendell then narrowed his eyes as well. "Just thinking... um..." I then blinked in surprise as he turned to look back at me, his gaze determined. "I'll have to check out the basement, but how far have you gotten in creating your little contraption?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Oh, not too far," I answered honestly. "I was able to stack up a few things, but lately I've been too tired to get much more done."

"Gotcha. Hm..." Wendell then mumbled, his eyebrows furrowing as he then looked back towards the house. "Well, I can probably pick up things a little. I also know a little more about the space, so I might be able to get out some objects to stack that you haven't even seen yet. Then I can-"

"Wait, wait, wait," I cut off the tom, raising my tail in the air. "What are you talking about?"

Wendell gave a shrug, his eyes full of warmth and concern. "Well, if you're going to be resting in preparation to have kits... and then care for them, it's going to be so long before you can even think about getting your escape together..."

I now was staring back at the housecat in complete shock. There was no way he was saying what I thought he was. "Oh, Wendell... you don't-"

"I insist, Mistpelt," Wendell then meowed sharply. "I hate that you have to wait even longer before you get out of here. As happy as I am to be able to share this with you, you mean too much to me to have you be tied down here for longer than you thought - I'll make the process faster." He then closed his eyes and sighed. "Once... those kits of ours are old enough – you'll be ready to get out of here."

For several moments, I could simply stare back at the tom in stunned silence, being absolutely amazed by this gesture, to say the least.

I hate, hate, hated to make the comparison, however, I could be certain that a certain other tom would have never dropped so much to do something for me, let alone any cat. Well, except...

I shook my head quickly, shaking away all thoughts of what I had witnessed at the BloodClan battle, trying to focus more on the other countless ways I had been mistreated in the past, and all of the ways that I was being treated differently now – it was truly unbelievable. "Oh my goodness, Wendell. I-"

"Don't say a word, Mistpelt," Wendell insisted to me, his gaze full of tenderness. "Even before any of this happened, I should have been helping you already. I'm just doing what I should have already been doing."

I once again took a few heartbeats to simply look back into Wendell's pale blue eyes. And as I processed everything that had occurred during our conversation – a conversation that was now leaving me feeling so incredibly overwhelmed with strange feelings.

Feelings I had not felt for quite a while, and honestly didn't think I'd ever feel again. "Can I say a few words?" I whispered to Wendell.

"Of course," Wendell softly whispered back, his eyes gleaming.

Despite whatever the future between the two of us would ultimately be, I had to say it – especially when this time, it felt right. "I love you."

For a moment, Wendell's eyes flashed with surprise, but it didn't take long at all for his eyes to reflect all of the warm things I was currently feeling. And I found myself letting out big purrs as he pressed his muzzle into my neck, and stroked my belly with his tail. "I love you too."

And then, our words ended, and all we seemed to want to do was sit in silence, simply drinking in each other's scents as the sun continued to rise.

And as we stood there with our thoughts, I realized that weirdly, just like when I was a kit, my life had never felt so certain yet so bleak and terrifying at the same time.

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