Chapter 17

Wolfpaw's stomach growled stubbornly. He watched as Poundpaw stared at the RiverClan fresh-kill pile, his eyes full of hunger and wanting. Meadowpaw flicked her tail as she glared in to space, with no care of her surroundings.

Wolfpaw couldn't remember the last time he ate. But, fish wasn't the food he was supposed to be eating. He wanted a nice plump squirrel.

How long had the apprentices been in RiverClan? Was the Gathering tonight? Wolfpaw wanted to go home and continue training. Even if Glaregaze ordered him to stay in camp and care for the elders. Looking at Meadowpaw and Poundpaw, they were probably thinking the same thing.

Silverpaw and Harmonypaw were the only cats treating the apprentices with respect. All the others just ignored them, or cast sharp glances toward them. Silverpaw kept giving Wolfpaw food, but he kept burying the prey she'd bring. If his Clanmates wouldn't eat, he wasn't going to eat. Harmonypaw gave them poppy seeds to help them sleep, but most of them were given to Meadowpaw. The poor tabby was terrified of closing her eyes, fearing she'd never wake up again. Poundpaw was actually trying to make her feel better, but Meadowpaw was still terrified.

The brown tom walked up to the two, lying in the sun, his breath stunk of fish.

"Ew!" Meadowpaw cringed. "Did you eat fish?"

"I was hungry!" Poundpaw snapped. "I couldn't take it anymore! I had to eat something and that fish was the only fresh looking thing there!"

Meadowpaw continued with her disgust as Wolfpaw put his head down at his paws. When was the Gathering? He wanted to go home and eat all the squirrel he could eat. Would ThunderClan be happy to have their new apprentices back, or angry at them for getting trapped in the tunnels? Glaregaze was probably going to be furious with Wolfpaw, that was for sure.

I want Hazelnose back... Wolfpaw thought sadly. He could still smell her milk and familiar scent. Was she watching him from StarClan now with Foxkit? Or did StarClan only watch over the cats from their Clan, while they were there?

Wolfpaw wanted to fall asleep and dream of the she-cats he loved coming to help him in his dreams. All he got was a sleeping darkness. Poundpaw and Meadowpaw showed no sighs of having dreams from StarClan, which Wolfpaw wish they would. Then he wouldn't feel like an outsider to his Clanmates. Why was he the chosen cat to be leader of ThunderClan? There had to be other cats who were a much better choice.

The silver tom went through the list of the respected warriors, who could be much better leaders. Bramblestripe was Berrybush's kin, they both shared the loyalty and determination of leaders. Dustytail was well respected among the warriors. Stripeclaw was the fastest climber. Littlestone was liked in all the Clans. Poppystream was the best hunter. What did Wolfpaw have? He was the last surviving kit in his litter, his mother died in a fire, his own father didn't acknowledge him and he was in love with a WindClan she-cat, and now, he was responsible for the death of a brave young warrior and why they were trapped in RiverClan. What did StarClan see that Wolfpaw didn't?

Suddenly, a familiar scent flooded Wolfpaw's senses. A scent that every kit in ThunderClan smelled when they were born. Wolfpaw shot his head up to see Halfmoon and Lightpaw walk in to the RiverClan camp. The medicine cat and her apprentice both had stern looks as the RiverClan cats turned to glare at the two ThunderClan cats. Harmonypaw and Rollingrock poked their heads out the medicine den to see the new comers. Snappingtongue flicked her tail as she made her way to Minnowstar's den.

Wolfpaw could hear the growl come from the leader's den before the dark grey leader stepped out with his deputy.

"Halfmoon, what are you doing here?" Minnowstar growled at the white she-cat.

"We came to take Wolfpaw, Poundpaw, and Meadowpaw back." Halfmoon answered calmly, her blue eye narrowed.

"We made a deal," Minnowstar flicked his tail, "ThunderClan will get these apprentices back at the Gathering!"

"Don't keep these kits, just because you want to embarrass ThunderClan!" Halfmoon hissed. "ThunderClan needs them back now! We're not going to let you use our warriors!"

"I won't let my warriors attack you, Halfmoon," Minnowstar raised his head, "I follow your medicine cat code, but I will ask you to leave! You'll receive these kits at the Gathering!" The leader turned his glare to Rowantail and Oaktail. "Escort these two to the WindClan border, I'm sure they can find their way home from there." with that, Minnowstar turned and stalked to his den with Snappingtongue close behind.

"Don't worry you three!" Lightpaw called to her Clanmates. "Adderstar isn't going to let Minnowstar get away with this!" she turned and followed Halfmoon with Rowantail and Oaktail.

Wolfpaw lowered his ears. He turned to see the pained look on Meadowpaw and Poundpaw. Wolfpaw could tell they were thinking Adderstar could have done better with sending help. StarClan help us...

Wolfpaw followed the group of RiverClan cats with Silverpaw by his side. Antpaw and Applepaw were standing on either side of Poundpaw and Meadowpaw. Minnowstar decided RiverClan go to the Island because their camp was closer. But, Wolfpaw knew better. The dark grey tom wanted to make sure all the Clans were at the Gathering so they could see RiverClan bringing three ThunderClan apprentices in. Wolfpaw could just picture the disappointed looks of his Clanmates. The usual disgraced look of Goosetail and Glaregaze's accusing look. Would things be different if Foxkit was still here?

Wolfpaw hunched up his haunches and pounced up on the tree branch, followed by Silverpaw. Wolfpaw turned back to look down at Poundpaw and Meadowpaw, both with uncertain looks.

"It's not too high," Wolfpaw called down, "just remember you have back legs too."

Poundpaw looked at Meadowpaw before stepping up and hunching up his haunches. His tail flicked before he pounced up on the tree bridge. The brown tom only made it part way, his flank hanging from the roots. Wolfpaw grabbed his comrade's scruff and pulled him up to the trunk.

"We'll catch you Meadowpaw, if you don't make it." Wolfpaw turned to the light grey she-cat on the ground. Meadowpaw lowered her ears before hunching her haunches. Letting out a sigh, Meadowpaw jumped up, almost falling down from the roots before Wolfpaw snatched her scruff and flung her to her brother's side.

"Thank you, Wolfpaw," Meadowpaw dipped her head before following Poundpaw down the bridge. Wolfpaw followed, hearing the thumping of the RiverClan cats behind him.

"When we get to the clearing," Snappingtongue stopped the three apprentices at the end of the fallen tree, "you three are to stay with the apprentices from RiverClan, until Minnowstar says you may go return to ThunderClan."

"You can't-" Poundpaw started.

"Shut up, stubby!" Antpaw hissed, whacking his tail behind the brown ThunderClan apprentices head. "When Snappingtongue tells you to do something you do it!"

"Enough!" Rollingrock stepped in. "This is a night of peace! Do not anger StarClan!" she lead Harmonypaw down the tree with her tail on the grey she-cat's shoulders. Wolfpaw followed with Poundpaw and Meadowpaw close behind him. The sooner they got to the Gathering, the sooner they'd be back in ThunderClan.

"My kits!" Wolfpaw looked over to see Lambpelt near a few other she-cat warriors. Her eyes full of longing to go comfort her kits. Bellowvoice looked sadly at his kits and gave Lambpelt a look that kept her back.

"Lambpelt!" Meadowpaw wailed.

"Get back!" Applepaw shot, bumping her flank to the grey tabby's, making her stumble over to where the other apprentices sat.

Wolfpaw looked over and saw Goosetail lying among some other warriors. The sandy tom didn't even cast a glance at Wolfpaw. He looked to see Sparrowwing and Bramblestripe standing next to Glaregaze, who was whispering to them while Lightpaw nodded to Harmonypaw and Rollingrock.

"Come sit next to me, Wolfpaw!" Silverpaw beckoned the silver apprentice over to where Snarlpaw and Bravepaw were sitting. Wolfpaw looked around for Acepaw as he trotted over. The dark grey tabby apprentice was being crowded by other apprentices. Applepaw and Antpaw went to the crowd while Poundpaw and Meadowpaw went to lie down alone from the other cats.

"Evening, Adderstar," Minnowstar greeted the ThunderClan leader, "looking well."

"Enough, Minnowstar," Adderstar flicked his tail, "return our apprentices to us!"

"First, tell us why they came to our territory!" Minnowstar ordered as he jumped up on the branch that Adderstar sat on.

"They were hunting and, as they chased a bit of fresh-kill, they ran in to the tunnels," Wolfpaw twitched his ears. Adderstar was lying about what happened to him and the other two. "One of our warriors went to retrieve them, but the tunnels collapsed and killed her. They were only trying to return home."

"Likely story!" Snappingtongue snarled from the root of the Great Oak where the other deputies sat.

"Silence Snappingtongue!" Minnowstar hissed. The grey-blue she-cat sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws, ears lowered and sharing a glare with Twitchwhisker. "How do I know you are not lying to me Adderstar?"

"I'll prove it," Adderstar flicked his tail and narrowed his amber eyes, "Wolfpaw, what have you three learned in RiverClan?"

"Wh-what?" Wolfpaw tilted his head, the clearing turning to look at him. What does he want me to say? Wolfpaw thought, his paws shaking.

"What information have you gotten from RiverClan?" Adderstar pressed.

"Go ahead, kit!" Minnowstar snapped. "Tell them, I dare you!"

"But... I don't... Uh..." Wolfpaw tried to think. "Um... That... RiverClan is so paranoid that they have to keep, not even a moon old, apprentices in their Clan as hostages..." Wolfpaw didn't lie. He really thought RiverClan was so paranoid of spies that they kept him and his denmates.

Silverpaw looked at the other apprentices with wide worried eyes. Antpaw and Applepaw backed away and went to stand next to the silver she-cat. Wolfpaw turned to see the RiverClan cats look embarrassingly around the clearing as cats looked at them suspiciously. Snappingtongue lowered her ears while the deputies whispered to one another.

Was I right? Wolfpaw asked himself. Was RiverClan really paranoid of the other Clans spying on them?

"Well, Minnowstar," Adderstar turned to look back at the RiverClan leader, "is this true? Are you afraid of being spied on by the other Clans, that you had to keep these apprentices away from their training, which they have yet to receive?"

"And why would ThunderClan want to spy on RiverClan?" Hazeleyes spoke up. "We're all the way on the other side of the island!"

"She's right!" Sparrowwing hissed.

"That's enough, you two," Adderstar lifted his paws, but his amber eyes shone with pride, "now," he turned back to Minnowstar, "may we have our apprentices back?"

Minnowstar lowered his head, eyes full of hate. With a flick of his tail, Applepaw and Antpaw moved away from Wolfpaw, Meadowpaw, and Poundpaw. Both his Clanmates bolted over to where Lambpelt and Bellowvoice were waiting impatiently. Wolfpaw followed after, slower than them. His head low when Goosetail didn't run over to his son's side.

"Wolfpaw!" Sparrowwing and Bramblestripe came running over, eyes full of worry.

"Are you okay?" Bramblestripe asked as Sparrowwing licked Wolfpaw's head, making the silver tom's fur burn with embarrassment. "Did those fish eaters hurt you?"

"No." Wolfpaw answered, trying to pull away from Sparrowwing's licks.

"Goosetail!" Wolfpaw turned to see Glaregaze's pelt bristling as he shot a glare at the sandy and white tom. Wolfpaw's father looked at the dark grey tom slightly, with much disinterest. "Your son has returned, shouldn't you go and make sure he is okay?"

Goosetail just looked at Wolfpaw before flicking his tail and stalking off to go speak to other warriors. Wolfpaw lowered his ears, heart breaking. Did Goosetail even like him?

"Don't worry about him, Wolfpaw," Bramblestripe growled, casting a glare after Goosetail.

"Yeah, everyone else is happy you're back!" Sparrowwing beamed.

"Thanks..." Wolfpaw still wasn't happy. His own kin hated him. How could he be happy when his father didn't see him as his kit? He began to hear Sparrowwing and Bramblestripe arguing about how they shouldn't talk about Goosetail around Wolfpaw, but Bramblestripe argued that it was Glaregaze's fault for yowling at the warrior. Wolfpaw looked up to make them stop fighting about his father, but he only saw the two glaring in to each others eyes, nose to nose. Wolfpaw lowered his ears in confusion. Weren't they arguing a few moments ago?

"Wolfpaw!" Wolfpaw turned to see Acepaw running up to him. "Good to see you back in your Clan!" 

"Thank you, Acepaw," Wolfpaw purred, happy some cat didn't say anything about his kin, or give him sympathy. Wolfpaw realized how muscular and skinny the dark grey tabby looked. Wolfpaw had been put off on his training thanks to RiverClan. What was Glaregaze going to do now that he had missed a whole moon of training?

"Come on," Acepaw broke Wolfpaw from his thoughts, "I want you to meet my brother, Loosepaw!" The WindClan apprentice led Wolfpaw to a golden brown tom, who's eyes were the same amber shade of amber as Acepaw. "Loosepaw, meet Wolfpaw."

Loosepaw stopped licking his paw and turned his amber eyes to the silver ThunderClan apprentice. With a dip of his head, Loosepaw greeted Wolfpaw and continued his grooming. Wolfpaw remembered seeing the unsocial tom as a kit in WindClan after the fire. Loosepaw would just stay in the nursery, or go to the elder's den to listen to stories. Wolfpaw was going to ask the golden brown WindClan tom how elders usually acted with apprentices. He got a feeling he was going to spend a lot of time in the elder's den picking ticks.

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