Chapter 4

A quarter moon had passed since the fight between Stonekit and Swiftkit. Since then, Diamondrain's kits had opened their eyes. They both had blue ones like their mother.

Bloodkit had been there at the time. He remembered when he'd first opened his eyes. It was an amazing moment to see his mother and father's pelts, the nursery, and the camp. He wanted to see their moment. Coldkit had opened his eyes while climbing onto his mother's back. He'd squeaked out in surprise when he'd seen her. "You're eyes are so blue!"

Diamondrain had purred and touched her nose to his. "So are yours, little one."

Mistykit's eyes had opened a few moments later. Bloodkit had been sitting in front of her, waiting eagerly to see her moment. When it came, she had stared at him for a long while. "Wow!'

He'd been nervous, suddenly feeling guilty that he had been the first thing she'd lain eyes on. "W-what is it?"

"Your eyes!" She'd squeaked, leaning toward him until her face was pressed to his. Bloodkit was afraid their eyes would touch if she came any closer. "They're like the sun!"

He had purred in amusement. "You don't even know what the sun looks like!"

"Now I do!" She'd exclaimed. "Like that !"

The warm green-leaf air was beginning to fade away, replaced by a cool autumn breeze. The majority of the trees on ShadowClan's territory were pine trees, however, a couple oaks stood nearby, their branches stretching over part of the camp. The leaves on the trees melted into shades of orange and red, before drifting into the clearing.

"Look at that one!" Bloodkit exclaimed, letting out an excited purr as he pounced onto a bright red leaf, planting his forepaws firmly at its center. He twitched his ear. The one that Stonekit had scratched. It was split a little at the tip. It didn't hurt anymore, but it felt funny. Dewstorm had told him that he would get used to it. The split would never heal. It would remain with him his whole life.

Swiftkit purred in amusement. "It would match your pelt if it was a bit darker." He raised his head, pointing his white muzzle at the sky as he studied the trees. "What do you think leaf-bare is like?"

He followed Swiftkit's gaze at the trees. "What do you think snow is like? I can't wait to see it!"

"Leaf-bare isn't something to look forward to."

The kits turned to see a dark brown and gray warrior padding over to them. "Prey is scarce, and snow is cold on your pads, and leaks through the dens. Cats go hungry."

"Well, we'll find all the prey from here to fourtrees when we're apprentices!" Bloodkit promised, puffing out his red-furred chest. "We won't let any cat go hungry!"

"Yeah, Cliffshade," Swiftkit purred. "You can count on us!"

Cliffshade twitched his ear, his yellow eyes unimpressed. "Yes, I'm sure two apprentices will make all the difference."

"Don't be so negative!" A brown tabby she-cat named Greenpine padded over to stand beside the tom. "Don't listen to Cliffshade. He's nothing but a grumpy old tom." Cliffshade shot her an irritated look, and she flicked his shoulder with her tail in amusement.

"I need a patrol to check the ThunderClan border!" A yowl rang out from the other side of the clearing. Bloodkit looked to see the clan deputy, Cobratail, leap onto the rock where Depthstar would stand to address the clan. The broad shouldered black and red tom looked around the clearing as cats gathered before him.

"Crowmask's patrol found ThunderClan scent on our side of the thunderpath," Cobratail went on. "I'm taking a patrol to see for myself." He leaped down from the rock as cats began to meow at him.

"I'll go," A broad shouldered golden warrior meowed.

Cobratail nodded. "Alright, Cougarfoot. Bring Mottledpaw with you."

"Awesome!" His mottled brown apprentice waved his tail eagerly. "I'll rip apart any ThunderClan warrior that dares set paw on our territory!"

Bloodkit admired Mottledpaw's courage, though he disagreed that using claws was the best way to solve their problems. He'd seen his denmates fight, it had horrified him. And they were only kits! He was afraid to see what a real fight between grown warriors was like.

Cougarfoot looked at his apprentice. "Calm down," He growled. "There will be no 'ripping apart' of any ThunderClan warrior until we are sure that they have been crossing the border."

Mottledpaw twitched his ear. "Their scent was on our side. That's enough proof to me."

"Ashcloud, Cliffshade, and Greenpine, I'll take you three as well," Cobratail waved his mottled tail.

Greenpine flicked Cliffshade's nose with her tail. "Come on, fox-breath!" She teased and raced away. The brown and gray warrior grumbled crossly as he followed her more slowly to the deputy.

Bloodkit watched as the patrol headed through the thorn tunnel. It must be so fun to go out into the forest to hunt, and patrol... "I can't wait to be apprenticed tomorrow," Swiftkit murmured from beside him, as though he could read his thoughts.

"Me t-" Bloodkit broke off and looked at him in surprise. "Tomorrow?"

Swiftkit nodded, his blue eyes glowing with anticipation. "Yup! Tomorrow I'll be six moons old!"

Bloodkit studied him, and suddenly realized how much his denmate had grown. He had grown into his big paws, and he had little kitten fluff left. It was being replaced with thick, sleek fur. He looked down. "That's great!" He tried to sound happy for his friend.

Swiftkit frowned. "What's wrong?"

Bloodkit hesitated, looking at his paws. "You're my only friend," He meowed quietly. "I won't be an apprentice for another two moons. What will I do without you?"

The black and white kit's eyes softened. "Hey, don't worry! It's not like I'm leaving the clan! I'll still be around, and I'll visit you whenever I can."

"Really?" He looked at Swiftkit hopefully. "Won't you be busy with your training, and the other apprentices? You won't want to hang out with a kit."

"You're my best friend, Bloodkit," Swiftkit meowed. "Of course I still want to hang out with you! Besides, you'll be apprenticed soon enough, and then we can train and practice together!"

Bloodkit purred, comforted with this. "I can't wait! We're going to be great apprentices!"


That night, Bloodkit cuddled against Bloomfire in their nest, ready to settle down for the night. "Good night," Bloomfire purred and rasped her pink tongue over his head. "Sweet dreams."

"Good night," He purred and curled into a ball, resting his chin on his paws. He curled his tail around him and turned his head to look at his denmates.

Diamondrain was already asleep, her silver tail curled around Mistykit and Coldkit, who lay together soundly. Not far from them, Poisonedsap lay in her nest, Stonekit close to her. Swiftkit slept a little further from them, his black tail curled around him, the tip brushing his nose. Bloodkit let out a soft, content purr. Everything feels okay right now...


Bloodkit felt himself regain consciousness, his mind fuzzy with sleepiness. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for sleep to overtake him once more. A paw gently prodded his side. "Bloomfire..." He mumbled, twitching his ear.

"Wake up, Bloodkit."

Bloodkit's eyes snapped open, his heart skipping a beat. That wasn't his mother's voice. In fact, it wasn't any voice that he recognized.

He scrambled to his paws, astonished as he took in his surroundings. This isn't the nursery! He was in a forest, but it didn't look like ShadowClan territory. The trees looked... perfect. Their trunks thick and smooth, bathed in moonlight, branches stretching out across the starry night sky. The grass shimmered, as if sprinkled with dewdrops. The thick, green bushes rustled with prey.

Bloodkit looked up at the cat who had woken him. She was a beautiful red tabby she-cat, her fur shining with starlight. Her blue eyes glowed with warmth and welcome as she gazed at him. "Hello, Bloodkit," She murmured, her eyes fixed on him. "I've looked forward to meeting you."

Bloodkit stared at her, awestruck. "I-I..." He swallowed. "Who are you? Where am I?"

The she-cat didn't respond right away. She sat down and curled her tail neatly over her paws. "Where do you think you are, Bloodkit?" She prompted softly, her voice smooth like honey.

Bloodkit stared at her, his eyes wide. "Is... Is this StarClan?" He breathed. The red tabby dipped her head in response. His blood froze. "A-Am I... Am I dead?" He gasped.

The she-cat purred. "Of course not, little one." She bent over him and licked his head. "You're only dreaming."

Bloodkit couldn't take his eyes off the cat. "You're a StarClan warrior..!" He breathed. "Wow..!"

She let out a soft purr. "And you will one day be a ShadowClan warrior. A brilliant one, too." Bloodkit's heart pounded rapidly in his chest. A StarClan cat said I'm going to be a warrior! My future is certain!

"I have a prophecy for you, young one," The she-cat murmured.

Bloodkit's eyes widened, excitement surging through his body. "Really?" He gasped. "For me? A-Are you sure you don't want Depthstar, or Hawkfeather, or Dewstorm? They're the ones-"

"No, dear," She told him. "This prophecy is for you, and you alone."

Bloodkit's eyes were as round as the moon in the sky. He dug his claws into the ground, anxious to hear what this StarClan cat had to say. "I'm listening," He breathed.

The starry she-cat leaned closer to him, touching her muzzle to his ear. "There are shadows of blood all around you, Bloodkit," She whispered. "A darkness is growing. A poison that will spread and destroy your clan from within. Only the spilling of blood will save ShadowClan. Revenge will guide you."

Bloodkit stared at her, the fur along his spine tingling at the ominous message. "The spilling of blood?" He echoed anxiously. "How will that save ShadowClan? Are cats going to die? And revenge? Why would I want revenge?" His paws shook with fear. "Am I going to do something bad?" He whispered. "Am I going to betray my clan? What-"

"Slow down!" The Starclan warrior soothed, brushing her sleek red tail along his shoulder. "Have no fear."

"Can't you tell me more?" Bloodkit asked anxiously.

She shook her head. "I'm afraid not."

He suddenly felt very small and afraid. He flattened his ears. "Then how will I know what to do?" He whimpered.

"You will know what to do when the time comes." The she-cat gazed at him, and he was amazed by the amount of love and compassion in her eyes, as though she'd known him his whole life. "I hope we cross paths again soon." She gazed at him for a moment longer, then stood and turned away.

"Wait!" Bloodkit gasped, taking a step forward and lifting a front paw. "Please, tell me how to save ShadowClan! I don't know what to do! What if I fail you?"

She paused and looked over her shoulder. "You will know what to do when the time comes," She repeated softly. "And you will not fail me." She paused. "I'm so proud of you, Bloodkit," She murmured. "I will always be with you."

She watched as Bloodkit began to fade, returning to the realm of dreamless sleep once more. When he vanished, the she-cat continued through the starlit forest. A gray tabby slowly stepped out of the bushes, his yellow eyes glowing. "He's a fine kit," He murmured. "He's brave and smart, just like you."

The tabby paused for a long moment, then decided to acknowledge the tom. She didn't look at him. "Interesting that you take interest in him now , Rainheart," She growled. "If only you had before you abandoned him."

Rainheart's eyes lit with distress. "Poppywing, I'm sorry..." He rasped, stepping toward her. "I've told you! I couldn't live without you. I needed you."

"And what about Bloodkit?" Poppywing turned to the tabby, her tail lashing. "He needed a father, and you left him! You abandoned our kit!" Her tail drooped. "I never imagined you would do such a thing."

"Poppywing!" He whimpered. "Don't you remember? Remember how excited we were to have kits? We were going to raise them together! I couldn't do that without you. It was against everything we had planned." His yellow eyes lit with sorrow. "I don't regret my decision. I love you more than anything."

"Rainheart," She muttered. "I have nothing left to say to you. You abandoned our son. The cat I fell in love with wouldn't have done that. But I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought I did." She padded away. "Goodbye."

"Poppywing, wait!" He choked, staring after her numbly. "Wait..." When she didn't look back, he lowered his head, his tail drooping.



Swiftkit awoke to murmuring close to his ear. He raised his head, blinking away sleep. He let out a delighted purr. "Maplefur!" He purred and stood up rubbing his head against his father's, a purr rumbling in his throat.

He hadn't seen his father in several days. After the fight with Stonekit, Poisonedsap told them that Maplefur wasn't going to visit them anymore. That had upset Swiftkit until one night, his father came and explained that Poisonedsap ordered him to stay away. But he was able to come at night when Poisonedsap was asleep. Maplefur never woke Stonekit. Only Swiftkit.

"Won't Stonekit want to see you, too?" Swiftkit had asked the first night his father visited.

Maplefur had hesitated for a moment. "I don't think he would." He'd murmured. "I feel that his loyalty lies with his mother."

Swiftkit missed seeing his father every day. But he was grateful that he came to visit him some nights. Maplefur sat up and Swiftkit stared up at him. "I'm going to be apprenticed tomorrow!" He whispered.

"I know," His father purred.

"Will you watch the ceremony?" Swiftkit asked eagerly. "You'll be there, right?"

"Of course, I will," Maplefur promised, lowering his head and rasping his tongue over Swiftkit's head. "I wouldn't miss it for all the prey in the forest."

The black and white kit purred. "I'll make you proud. I promise."

"I know, you will." His father's eyes shone with affection.


Swiftkit nearly jumped out of his fur. Maplefur's fur bristled in shock, and he looked over his shoulder. Swiftkit stared into the shadows of the den, his blue eyes wide.

A pair of amber eyes gleamed in the darkness. "Is that Maplefur? It can't be. I told him to stay away from my kits." Her voice sounded calm. But every word felt like thorns scraping his pelt. Swiftkit pressed himself into his nest, staring at his mother nervously, then flicking his eyes to his father.

Maplefur turned to face her calmly, meeting her gaze. "Nothing will keep me from seeing my kits, Poisonedsap." He growled. Poisonedsap looked at him calmly, and for several heartbeats, neither cat spoke. Maplefur's tail twitched slightly.

After what felt like moons, Poisonedsap stood, dipping her head. "Perhaps I was wrong, Maplefur," She meowed. "They are your kits, after all." Her eyes glowed. "Shall we go into the forest and discuss this privately? I'm sure we can come to an arrangement." Swiftkit was pleasantly surprised. She's not mad at him? She might let him see us? That's great!

Maplefur looked surprised as well. He hesitated, then dipped his head. "Very well."

"Wonderful," Poisonedsap flicked her ragged tail, and rested her eyes on Swiftkit, who tensed. "Go back to sleep, dear," She purred. "Everything will be alright in the morning."

Swiftkit nodded and rested his chin on the moss, watching as his parents left the den. After a few moments, he looked at Stonekit. His brother was still asleep. He turned his head to the other side of the den. Everyone else looked asleep as well. Bloodkit lay curled up against Bloomfire, a soft purr rising from his throat, as if he was having a good dream. Diamondrain and her kits lay together, sound asleep.

He looked toward the mouth of the den, gazing out into the dark clearing. I wonder what they'll talk about... It would be wrong to eavesdrop... But... I want to hear this..! I'll go. He decided. He stood up and padded out of the den.

He went out into the clearing and sniffed the air. Come on... He thought anxiously when he couldn't smell either of his parents. Warriors scent things all the time. Like ThunderClan trespassers! I need to learn this! At last, he picked up Poisonedsap's scent. Yes! He quickly followed it, surprised when he found that it wasn't leading toward the thorn tunnel. He knew that some cats were on guard. Were they trying to avoid them?

Confused, Swiftkit followed the scent. It led him to a gap in the bushes behind the warrior's den. He looked around nervously. He'd never been in the forest before. It looked big, dark, and full of creatures waiting to jump out at him. He shuddered as a chilly breeze ruffled his fur. He scurried onward through the trees, going deeper and deeper into the territory. He spotted shadows up ahead and froze. That's them! He crept forward into the shelter of a bush, peering out from under the leaves.

"This is your last chance, Maplefur," Poisonedsap was growling, stepping in front of him. "Stay away from those kits."

Maplefur looked surprised. "What? You said-"

"I say a lot of things." She growled.

The cream tabby stared at her angrily, his tail swishing back and forth. "How dare you do this? After all I've done for you? You were a rogue, and not just any rogue. You were a member of your brother's gang. Those cats tormented the clans! They attacked warriors and apprentices, even killed some!"

Swiftkit was shocked. Poisonedsap isn't clanborn?! She was part of a group of horrible rogues?!

"Your brother was killed," Maplefur went on, glaring at his mate steadily. "And you begged for mercy. You begged us to give you food and shelter. You seemed like a helpless, innocent she-cat. You told us that your brother forced you to attack us."

Poisonedsap narrowed her eyes.

"Our leader then, Stormstar, wanted to have you killed. " He meowed. "But I thought you deserved a chance. I vouched for you. And when every cat in the clan mistrusted you, I was there, and I treated you well." He narrowed his eyes. "And now, you tell me I can't see my own kits anymore. You wouldn't even have them if it weren't for me. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me."

Poisonedsap studied Maplefur for a long moment. "And you have treated me well, Maplefur," She meowed. "And for that, I'm grateful." She let out a soft purr. "But I'm afraid that I don't need you anymore."

The cream furred warrior narrowed his eyes. "Maybe you don't, but the kits do. I love them, and you can't stop me."

"I don't think you do understand." Poisonedsap frowned. "Perhaps I need to elaborate." It was silent for a moment. Then, she let out a snarl and lunged at him.

Swiftkit let out a gasp, and Maplefur's eyes went wide with alarm. The she-cat pinned him onto his back, leaning in close and baring her teeth at him. "Now do you understand?" She sneered. "I don't need you anymore." She dug her claws into his shoulders. Swiftkit stared, feeling frozen, his eyes round with horror. No! What are you doing?!

Maplefur stared up at her, realization lighting his eyes. "You were never a good cat!" He hissed. "You're just like your brother! A cruel, worthless rogue!"

"And you're a fool!" Poisonedsap sneered. "You fell right into my trap, pathetic warrior!" Maplefur tried to get up, but she hissed and pinned him back against the ground. "The clans killed my brother. My friends! They took everything from me. So what better way to take out my vengeance than to take everything from them?" She purred. "I will destroy the clans from within."

"You'll never do that!" Maplefur spat under her. "Not alone!"

Poisonedsap's eyes gleamed. "No, not alone. There are plenty of clan cats who will join me. And when we are strong enough, we will destroy the clans."

"No warrior would betray their clan for you!" Maplefur snapped.

"Of course not," She purred. "Fully grown warriors are hard to persuade." She paused. "But kits... They can be taught to believe anything." She narrowed her eyes. "That's why I needed you, Maplefur. You gave me two fine kits who will one day fight alongside me in a final battle against the clans. And you could have given me more. But I obviously can't trust you." Swiftkit's paws trembled. She wants me to fight the clans?! Never! I'll never betray my clan!

Maplefur's yellow eyes flared with fury. "Those kits will never be like you! They're going to be loyal clan warriors!"

Poisonedsap's eyes gleamed. "They will be loyal to me, and me alone," She sneered. "And I'll find another mate, one who wasn't weak and stupid like you. One who will make my future kits strong!" She dug her claws into him. "You could have been a part of it. You could have watched Swiftkit and Stonekit grow up to be the most dangerous cats in the forest. But now, you never will." She raised her paw, claws glinting in the moonlight.

No! Swiftkit gasped in terror.

His father took advantage of the moment and slammed upward into Poisonedsap, throwing her off of him. The dark golden she-cat let out a furious snarl and swung her claws at him, but Maplefur ducked and slashed his claws across her shoulder. Poisonedsap screeched and launched herself at him, rolling him onto his back and digging her hind claws into his spine.

Maplefur yowled and rolled over, throwing a blow to Poisonedsap's muzzle. She snarled and lunged at him once more, aiming her paws at his shoulder and slamming him to the ground. Swiftkit flinched as he heard his father's body thud against the cold earth. The cream tabby tom gasped out as the breath was knocked out of him.

Get up! Swiftkit silently shrieked. Get up, Maplefur! Poisonedsap immediately lunged down at his throat.

No! Swiftkit stared in horror, his heart slamming madly against his chest as he watched his mother fasten her teeth into Maplefur's throat. The tom let out a choked cry and pushed his paws against her chest in a weak attempt to save himself, but she bit harder into him, blood running down his neck onto the dark grass.

I have to help him! I have to! Stop! Get off him! Swiftkit's mind screamed at him to do something, but his paws wouldn't move. His blood felt frozen in his veins. Time stood still as he watched his father fight for his life, Poisonedsap holding his throat firmly in her jaws, her ragged tail lashing as she waited for him to stop struggling.

After what felt like forever, Maplefur's paws slowly dropped from her. He went still, the life dying from his wide eyes. Poisonedsap released his throat and raised her head, her eyes gleaming in the night as she studied him. Blood stained her muzzle. Blood heavily oozed from his father's throat and ran from his mouth, painting the grass crimson beneath him.

Swiftkit finally managed to move. He stumbled back dizzily. I...I have to... get to camp... I have to warn them... I... Maplefur... He staggered aside, then ran as fast as he could, feeling blind with shock and fear. Numb with grief for his father. I have to warn them about Poisonedsap!

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