Chapter 17

The late afternoon sunlight shone down onto the pine trees. Birds chirped excitedly within their branches. Green-leaf had arrived. Bloodfur sat at the edge of the forest, looking out into the distance. He'd been here for a while now. Since the fight with Revengeheart, his clanmates had been acting even more hostile around him. Some just gave him cold looks when he walked by, while others quickly moved elsewhere when they saw him. Bloodfur tried to ignore them as he'd always done in the past, but it was getting harder and harder. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Even Dewstorm, whose life was saved thanks to Bloodfur's help, was acting uneasy around him. The medicine cat had always shown him kindness before. But now, Bloodfur was beginning to fear he would receive the same hostility from Dewstorm as he had from Hawkfeather.

Why did I let Revengeheart provoke me? Bloodfur's mind repeated the question he'd been reflecting on for the last two moons. I should have just told Depthstar what he was doing. I shouldn't have attacked him. And in front of the entire clan... He remembered the stunned looks on the faces of his parents and Cardinalpaw. I let them down... Even though they had understood the situation and forgave Bloodfur since, the shame continued to weigh him down.

He expected to have been confronted by Revengeheart after the fight, but to his surprise, the intimidating warrior hadn't interacted with him at all since. He supposed that was a good thing. He tried to keep his distance from Revengeheart to be sure that another bad situation could be avoided.

Bloodfur drew in a slow breath. I should go back to camp. He stayed still for a moment, then rose to his paws, turning and heading back the way he'd come through the trees. He needed to train Cardinalpaw. When he reached the camp, he saw Ashcloud and Cliffshade sitting near the thorn tunnel. When they saw Bloodfur, they exchanged a glance and walked away.

I'll prove you're wrong about me. Bloodfur thought. One day. Pushing away the hurt and irritation he felt, he started scanning the clearing for his apprentice. Sure enough, he was sitting outside of the medicine den with Creampaw. The two young cats were meowing to each other, deep in conversation.

Bloodfur sighed and shook his head. Cardinalpaw was becoming an excellent hunter, but he spent so much time around the medicine den, Bloodfur feared that he truly wanted to be a medicine cat. He didn't want to hold Cardinalpaw back from pursuing his dreams. But thinking about losing his apprentice and brother hurt. And what would the clan think of him then? He tried to comfort himself in knowing that Dewstorm already had an apprentice. Cardinalpaw couldn't train as a medicine cat unless Creampaw changed her mind, and that was very unlikely. The young she-cat seemed destined to follow the path of a medicine cat.

With a flick of his tail, Bloodfur padded across the clearing toward the medicine den. "Cardinalpaw!" He called. The orange-red tabby quickly turned to Bloodfur, looking startled. "It's time to go out for a hunting session," Bloodfur meowed, pausing when he reached him. "Are you up to it?"

"Oh, yeah, sure Bloodfur," Cardinalpaw meowed, flashing Creampaw a quick look. "I have to go. See you, Creampaw." He hurried toward his mentor, and the cream and brown she-cat purred goodbye before turning to her den.

Bloodfur looked at his apprentice as they padded across the clearing toward the thorn tunnel. "You hang around the medicine den a lot. Are you sure you don't want to be a medicine cat instead?" He joked.

Cardinalpaw looked at him, confusion flashing in his green eyes. "What?" He blinked, then understood. "Oh, no. I want to be a warrior."

He tipped his head, wondering why Cardinalpaw had been confused. "Well-"


He paused, turning to see Cobratail standing by the meeting rock with Crowmask, Tinypaw, and Cougarfoot. "I'd like you and Cardinalpaw to join Crowmask's patrol," The deputy meowed.

Bloodfur hesitated. "I was about to take Cardinalpaw for a hunting lesson."

"The patrol will be hunting anyway," Cobratail said. "Besides, it'll be good for the apprentices to practice together." Bloodfur dipped his head, and he and Cardinalpaw headed toward the other cats. While his apprentice spoke to Tinypaw, Crowmask and Cougarfoot exchanged a look. They don't want me on the patrol. He thought.

"Let's go," Crowmask flicked his tail and led the cats out of camp.


"Look, Bloodfur!" Cardinalpaw raised his head proudly, a plump frog in his mouth.

Bloodfur nodded, pleased that his apprentice had the biggest catch so far. They'd been hunting all afternoon and the sun was setting. "Well done!" He looked at the other cats. Crowmask looked impressed.

"Wow! Great job, Cardinalpaw!" Tinypaw exclaimed, racing to his side. "I wish I could hunt like that!"

Cardinalpaw purred and buried his frog. "Thanks! I can show you if you want." He ran into the marsh, and Tinypaw followed.

Cougarfoot stepped to Bloodfur's side, and he glanced at the compact warrior uncertainly. "You've trained him well," The golden tom nodded approvingly.

He was startled at the warrior's comment. Considering he was mates with the rudest she-cat in the forest, Bloodfur assumed Cougarfoot would be just as bitter. But he wasn't so bad. "Thank you," He hesitated. "I hear Poisonedsap is expecting more kits. Congratulations."

"Mmm." Cougarfoot twitched a tufted ear and turned away.

I don't think he wanted more kits. Bloodfur thought. Poisonedsap must have talked him into it somehow.

A horrified shriek rang out from beyond the marsh, and all three warriors froze. Something's wrong!

"Tinypaw!" Crowmask immediately ran for the marsh, and Bloodfur and Cougarfoot pelted after the black warrior. When they reached them, Cardinalpaw was standing frozen with his paws soaked in the mud. A few fox lengths away, Tinypaw was crouched over a motionless tabby who lay half in the mud.

"Brownstripe!" The apprentice wailed and grasped her father's scruff, dragging him onto dry land. His fur was soaked in a disgusting mixture of mud and crimson. A ragged wound split his throat, and his yellow eyes were wide and sightless.

As Cougarfoot ran to Tinypaw's side, Bloodfur noticed another shape not far from Brownstripe's body. Oh no..! He ran past the others and crouched, pressing his nose to the silver she-cat's fur. Blood pooled from her belly. "Diamondrain..." He rasped.

"Diamondrain?" Crowmask shot over and shouldered Bloodfur aside, staring down at his mate numbly. "No..."

Bloodfur didn't know what to do, feeling frozen with shock. Brownstripe and Diamondrain are dead..! He stared at the body of his former mentor. We were never close... But you didn't deserve this! His heart ached as he watched Tinypaw cuddle against Brownstripe. She just lost Rosebreeze a few moons ago, and now she's lost her father too!

A cat brushed against him and he jumped a little, turning to see Cardinalpaw at his side. "Who would do this?" His apprentice whimpered.

"I don't know," Bloodfur rasped, resting his tail over him. "But they're in StarClan now."

Cougarfoot hung back from the others. "We need to take their bodies back to camp," He meowed quietly. He hesitantly stepped closer, gently nudging Tinypaw with his muzzle. "I'll take him." As Cougarfoot pulled Brownstripe onto his broad shoulders, Crowmask slowly pulled his mate up, but had difficulty getting her onto his shoulders. Bloodfur started forward to help, but the tom gave him a warning growl, and Bloodfur stepped back respectfully.

"Let's go," Cougarfoot murmured, and while he and Crowmask led the way, Bloodfur followed with Tinypaw and Cardinalpaw flanking him. The tabby she-cat stared at her paws as she walked, her tail drooping.

He felt horrible for the young apprentice who had lost both her parents at such a young age. Thank StarClan my parents are both alive... Bloodfur thought. "I'm so sorry, Tinypaw," He murmured.

She didn't respond for a moment. "Who would do this?" She croaked. "And why? Brownstripe and Rosebreeze never hurt anyone! They promised to be there for us." She lowered her head. "Now they won't even see us be made warriors."

Bloodfur's heart broke. He rested his tail around her, and Cardinalpaw pressed against him, clearly shaken at what he'd seen. He found himself comforting both apprentices as they headed to camp.


It was dark when they returned to camp. As the cats arrived, they were greeted by cries of shock and grief. Bloodfur sat with Cardinalpaw and Tinypaw while Crowmask and Cougarfoot carried the bodies to the center of the clearing. Cats began settling around them, some hanging their heads in grief, while others asked questions.

"What happened?"

"Not more rogues!"

Depthstar leaped down from the highrock, slowly approaching the bodies. "Brownstripe..." He murmured and crouched, rasping his tongue over his son's head. "I hoped that Snakekit would be my only son not to outlive me..." As he spoke, Blackstorm sat beside his father, staring down at Brownstripe solemnly.

A moment later, Creampaw and Honeypaw ran over to Brownstripe, letting out wails of grief. Tinypaw broke away from Bloodfur and hurried to her littermates side. The three she-cats huddled together against their father's body, whimpering.

Bloodfur blinked as Cardinalpaw left his side to join them. He wasn't close with Brownstripe. Surely he should leave his family to grieve? His apprentice crouched beside Creampaw and rested his chin on her head. The medicine cat pressed against him and curled her tail over his back.

He saw Mistybreeze and Coldpebble race to their mother's side. Crowmask stepped back to allow his kits to grieve. "Oh, no!" Mistybreeze wailed, pressing her muzzle to Diamondrain's fur. "Who did this?" Her brother hung his head, ears flattened.

Bloodfur stared at the two cats sadly. He longed to go and comfort them as Cardinalpaw had for Creampaw. But he doubted Mistybreeze and Coldpebble wanted him anywhere near them.

"This is crazy," Ashcloud murmured not far from Bloodfur. "We're losing so many warriors!"

"Who could be attacking us like this?" Bloomfire breathed. "And why?" As she spoke, Depthstar turned away from his son's body, leaping onto the meeting rock and yowling for the clan to gather. Bloodfur padded closer to the rock and sat down, looking up at his leader solemnly.

"What's going on?" A kit squeaked from the nursery.

"Nothing, Ebonykit," Greenpine meowed hesitantly from inside the den. "Come back and play with Flintkit." Bloodfur could understand why she didn't want her kits to see the bodies. They were only a moon old, and they didn't need to be exposed to such things.

"I've dismissed this issue for long enough," Depthstar meowed from where he stood atop the rock. "Since last season, we've suffered many rogue attacks. Maplefur, Milkblaze, Rosebreeze, Hawkfeather were lost." He drew in a breath. "And now Brownstripe and Diamondrain." He looked down at Mistybreeze and Coldpebble as they huddled against their mother's body. "Not only that, but Starfaith of WindClan was killed, and we nearly lost Dewstorm. Enough is enough. I can no longer dismiss the fact that the clans are under attack."

"Something has to be done before more cats die," Cobratail added. "This is a serious issue. I suggest we take it to the next gathering."

"Yes." Depthstar nodded agreement.

Copperstripe rose to his paws. "But who would do this?" He urged. "Deserve?"

The clan deputy twitched his ear. "We've no reason to fear Deserve. He was a kit and we haven't seen him for seasons."

"Besides, this is clearly the work of more than one cat," Foxshadow lashed his bushy tail. "A large group, it seems."

"But what rogues do we have problems with?" Depthstar demanded. "I can't think of any." The clan murmured anxiously below. Bloodfur looked around anxiously. We have to do something soon! Perhaps there was some scent left on the bodies that would give some clue? He was about to suggest this when a cat spoke.

"Depthstar." Poisonedsap slowly rose to her paws, raising her gaze to the tom. "It brings me great grief to suggest this, but... Have you thought of looking to your own cats?"

The dark furred tom bristled. "Which ShadowClan warrior would do such a thing?"

Bloodfur drew in a breath. Revengeheart and his friends sneak out of camp so often... Could they be responsible for this? He thought it was possible that the she-cat had noticed this behaviour too. But was she really about to accuse her own son of murder?

The golden brown she-cat swished her ragged tail over the ground. "Who do you think, Depthstar?" She murmured. "Which cat has always been an outcast? Which cat was absent from camp before the bodies were found?" She paused, raking her amber gaze across the clan. "Which cat did Hawkfeather warn us about?" She rested her gaze on Bloodfur.

Bloodfur's heart skipped a beat, his fur bristling in shock as one by one, every cat fixed their eyes on him. Wait, they think-

"Bloodfur never liked his mentor!" Poisonedsap hissed as the clan started to speak to each other anxiously, shooting glares at him. "And it's clear he dislikes Revengeheart! I'll bet he killed Diamondrain just to hurt his mate, Mistybreeze!"

"I-" Bloodfur choked out a gasp.

Mottledface leaped to his paws. "I saw Bloodfur leap out at Hawkfeather when he was an apprentice! And that was just a day before he was killed!"

"That's not true!" Bloomfire exclaimed, fury lighting her eyes. "He would never kill any cat!"

"Prove it!" Blackstorm spat.

The clearing grew louder and louder with yowls and cats arguing. Bloodfur could barely think in all the commotion. He looked to Depthstar desperately, but the clan leader was staring at him, not saying a word. Great StarClan, he's considering this! "I never killed anyone!" He yowled, glaring at Poisonedsap. "How dare you-"

"Murderer!" Ashcloud screeched.

"We should have known!"

Bloodfur found the space between he and his clanmates growing smaller and smaller as they closed in on him. His head spun, overwhelmed at their fury and accusations.

"Enough!" Dewstorm yowled from outside his den, yellow eyes lit with alarm. "There's no-"

"Did you do this?" Mistybreeze stared at Bloodfur, her blue eyes wide with distress. "Did you kill my mother?"

"No, I-" Bloodfur froze as Crowmask pushed his way through the crowd, snarling and arching his back.

"How dare you!" The black warrior screeched and Bloodfur shrunk back, his eyes wide and his heart sprinting with terror. Crowmask started toward him, and he backed up only to bump into Cliffshade.

"You piece of fox dung!" The brown and gray warrior hissed.

"I didn't do anything!" Bloodfur shrieked, his fur fluffed up in panic as Crowmask crouched to lunge at him. He's going to kill me! They're going to kill me! His eyes darted across the clearing, desperate for help. He spotted Swiftstalker sitting at the edge of the clearing. Bloodfur stared at his old friend desperately, but the black and white warrior dropped his gaze.

"Leave him alone!" He heard Cardinalpaw wail.

"He's not a murderer!" Foxpaw cried.

Crowmask was about to launch his attack when a ginger blur flashed in front of him. "What's wrong with you?" Flameheart snarled at the tom, and Bloodfur crouched behind his father, feeling as vulnerable as a kit. The whole clan wants me dead! They're going to kill me!

"Get out of my way, Flameheart!" Crowmask spat. "That cat is a murderer!"

Flameheart's ears were flat against his head, eyes blazing with defiance. "No, he isn't!" He hissed. "You won't lay a claw on him!"

"All of you, stop!" Cobratail snarled, but no cat seemed to hear the deputy, or if they did, they didn't care. Every cat was snarling insults at Bloodfur, looking ready to attack.

"Hawkfeather warned us about him!" Poisonedsap raised her sinister voice above the rest. "The kit born in blood couldn't have been anything but a bad omen!"

Born in blood!? Bloodfur's mind spun. What is she-

"Move!" Crowmask snarled at Flameheart. "Let me do what should have been done a long time ago!"

The ginger tabby shouldered him aside, baring his teeth. "My son is innocent!"

"Stop that nonsense, Flameheart!" Poisonedsap spat. "He's not your son! You were a fool to take in that kit! He was a sign of trouble since the start!"

What? Bloodfur froze and shakily stood, staring at Flameheart. "What's she talking about?" Flameheart looked back at him, his green eyes lighting with stress.

"Enough!" Depthstar screeched, and the cats slowly fell silent. "This is madness! There's no evidence that Bloodfur killed those cats."

Crowmask lashed his tail. "Everything Poisonedsap said makes perfect sense to me!"

"He's a murderer and he'll destroy our clan!" Ashcloud snarled. "We should have listened to Hawkfeather."

"Silence!" The clan leader snarled. "Bloodfur is innocent until proven guilty! No cat will harm him. Is that understood?"

Some of the cats agreed, while others were still glaring at Bloodfur furiously. I didn't do it! He silently yowled, but he was terrified some cat would claw his throat out if he spoke. As the cats slowly backed off, Flameheart turned to face him.

"Bloodfur!" Bloomfire rushed over and pressed against him, but Bloodfur ignored her, staring at his father. "What was Poisonedsap talking about?" He rasped. "I'm your son... Aren't I?" He dared to ask. "And what did she mean, I was born in blood?"

Flameheart didn't speak, but his eyes were filled with the emotions of a father who was about to lose everything.

"Of course you are," Bloomfire whispered, but Flameheart shook his head.

"He was going to find out sooner or later." The ginger tabby murmured, and Bloodfur stared at him, numb with disbelief. No! I am your son! I have to be! Flameheart turned away. "Come, Bloodfur."

Bloodfur slowly padded after him, and Bloomfire started to follow. Flameheart turned to his mate. "I'll tell him alone," He meowed quietly, and Bloomfire hesitantly agreed, sitting down.


Stars shone in the night sky as Bloodfur followed Flameheart into the forest. His heart pounded heavily at his chest. He was still shaken at how the clan had turned on him. Their accusations and insults still echoed in his mind. "Murderer!" "Piece of fox dung!" "Did you kill my mother?"

"He's not your son!"

They reached a clearing, and Flameheart turned to face Bloodfur, sitting down. Bloodfur stared at the tabby warrior, his tail swishing nervously. He had a horrible feeling that his entire life was about to change. Whatever Flameheart had to say, it wasn't going to be good. "Flameheart," He choked out. "Tell me it's not true."

The warrior lifted his gaze to Bloodfur, sadness glistening in his eyes. "I'm so sorry," He murmured. "It's true... I'm not your father."

His stomach twisted as a wave of grief hit him. "Then who is?" He rasped. "Did Bloomfire have another mate who d-"

"Bloomfire isn't your mother." Flameheart hung his head.

"What?" Bloodfur's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't been prepared to lose both parents. "That can't be!" His mind whirled. "If you and Bloomfire aren't my parents, then who are?"

Flameheart drew in a deep breath. "Bloomfire had a brother," He meowed quietly. "His name was Rainheart. He was a great and loyal warrior. His mate was Poppywing. She was the most beautiful, gentle cat you could meet." He hesitated. "When Poppywing was kitting, there... there was an accident. She bled to death." Each word was piercing Bloodfur's heart like thorns. But he kept listening.

"Rainheart was devastated." Flameheart went on. "He didn't want to live without Poppywing. He ran out of the camp, and no cat knew where he went. Bloomfire and Dewstorm were still in the nursery with Poppywing's body, and they found that a kit had made it out." He looked at Bloodfur solemnly. "You. You were covered in blood. Hawkfeather believed it was a bad omen."

"And Rainheart?" Bloodfur murmured. "What happened to him?"

After a long moment, Flameheart spoke again. "Bloomfire left the camp to tell Rainheart you had survived. But..."

Bloodfur swallowed. "But what?"

"He... He didn't care." Flameheart dropped his gaze. "He just wanted to be with Poppywing in StarClan. He asked Bloomfire to call you Bloodkit before he ran into a fox den." As Bloodfur gasped, the tom continued. "Me and Bloomfire were already mates, and we planned to have kits. We decided to take you in as our own." He paused. "And... that's it."

Bloodfur stared at the ground, his mind spinning at everything Flameheart had told him. My parents are Rainheart and Poppywing. My father didn't want me. Flameheart and Bloomfire... He raised his head, trembling as he met his father- no, the cat he'd thought was his father-'s gaze. "You lied to me..." He whispered.

Flameheart stared at him numbly. "I'm sorry," He meowed quietly. "We thought it was for the best-"

"What?" Bloodfur leaped to his paws, his sadness overridden by anger. "That I live my life through a lie? Not know the names of my own parents?"


He ignored the warrior and turned away, his tail lashing. "I can't believe it!" He hissed. "You lied to me! You and Bloomfire lied to me!" He turned to face Flameheart. "I trusted you! I looked up to you!"

"We didn't want you to feel abandoned!" Flameheart meowed, his green eyes filled with distress.

"So you'd rather I feel betrayed?" Bloodfur retorted and paced the clearing, anger pulsing through him. "I can't believe the whole clan has held this against me! All my life, I've been treated differently just because of the way I was born." He glared at Flameheart. "And you and Bloomfire just made it worse by lying to me! If I knew-"

"Bloodfur, we did what we thought was best for you!" Flameheart snapped. "Bloomfire wanted to have kits, but we put it off for you." His tone softened. "We raised you as our own, and not a moment has gone by where I haven't been proud to call you my son. We've loved and cared for you-"

Bloodfur whipped around to face him. "It doesn't matter!" He hissed, unable to contain his anger. "You lied to me, and I'll never forgive you!"

Pain lit Flameheart's eyes. He started toward him, moving his tail to rest it around him. "Bloodfur-"

"I never want to speak to you or Bloomfire ever again!" Bloodfur yowled into the night. "You're not my father, and I'd be ashamed if you were!" He saw the hurt in the tom's eyes only for a moment before Bloodfur spun and ran off into the night.

His paws drummed against the cold forest floor as he ran. He didn't know where he was going. But he knew he wanted to be as far away from Flameheart, from the clan, as possible. The cold night air streaked past him as he raced through the trees, his mind spinning. They lied to me! They all lied to me!

When he reached the edge of the forest, he stopped, panting and drinking in the cold air as he caught his breath. He was trembling. After a moment, his anger faded, and it was replaced by a wave of heart-ache that overcame him like a wave, drowning him in grief. He raised his head to the stars, letting out a small cry.

Are Rainheart and Poppywing up there? He wondered miserably. Have they been watching me suffer all this time too? He hung his head. He felt dead inside. Everything he'd ever known was a lie. Bloomfire isn't even my mother! With a rush of emotional pain, he realized that Cardinalpaw, Foxpaw, Heatpaw, and Applepaw weren't his siblings. He let out a cry. I was so proud to be their brother! He squeezed his eyes shut. Oh, Starclan, let this all be a horrible dream! He hung his head, overwhelmed with misery.

He heard the bushes rustle behind him, but he didn't move. "I don't want to see you, Flameheart!" He growled.

"Flameheart went back to camp."

He bristled, casting a swift glance over his shoulder as Revengeheart stepped out from the bushes, his white fur almost glowing in the darkness. His amber eyes were fixed on him. Bloodfur looked away, his heart throbbing. Of all the times for him to show up! "I don't want to talk to you," He growled.

Revengeheart studied him for a moment before padding over. "I saw everything," He meowed as he sat beside him, and Bloodfur cast him a glare. "I had no idea. I'm sorry they lied to you. And how the clan acted earlier..." He shook his head. "I can't imagine how scared you were."

He narrowed his eyes at the warrior. "No, you can't," He growled. "You've never cared for any cat. You've killed before."

The tom looked at his paws. "I stand by the fact that a ThunderClan warrior killed my father," He meowed. "I have no shame in avenging his death." He paused. "But you... You have suffered something greater than all of us. All the whispers behind your back... The way they look at you... The way they've treated you all your life... It's so unfair. I can't imagine the pain you feel."

Bloodfur looked at Revengeheart, surprised to see sympathy in his usually menacing eyes. "You've always been cast aside, Bloodfur. Treated like you're a bad case of green-cough." He frowned. "Why do you put up with it?"

"What can I do?" Bloodfur blinked, suddenly curious about what the tom had to say. Revengeheart hadn't known about the secret. So maybe he could trust him.

Revengeheart's eyes glinted in the dark. "You can stand up for yourself. Make them sorry they ever hurt you. Set out for revenge." He flexed his claws. "Stir up some trouble."

Bloodfur stared at him. "What? I can't do that to my clanmates."

"Your clanmates?" Revengeheart echoed. "You mean those cats who were ready to tear out your throat just now? They don't deserve your loyalty. Look at how they treat you. They think you're a murderer!"

"I can prove them wrong," Bloodfur protested.

"No!" Revengeheart stared at him. "Don't you see, Bloodfur? You shouldn't have to prove them wrong. You shouldn't have to prove anything to those fox-hearts!" As Bloodfur hung his head, the black legged warrior shifted closer to him. "Me and my friends have seen you," He meowed quietly. "We know you're no murderer. Stand with us, and we'll help you get revenge on every cat who has ever wronged you."

Bloodfur shut his eyes. This isn't right... Getting back at my clanmates isn't the way to fix this... As he thought, memories flashed through his mind. The looks they've always given me, even as a kit. The harsh presumptions..."It could be a mistake to train him." Ashcloud, Cliffshade, Copperstripe... "No, he's bad news. I've known from the day he was born." Poisonedsap turning her fierce gaze on me, accusing me of pushing Swiftkit into the thorns."You stay away from my son! You're nothing but trouble to this clan!" The way Brownstripe tried to scare me on my first day as an apprentice... "Remember. No matter who they are... or how young they are... warriors will tear apart any enemy. Do you understand?" My mentor wanted me dead... "Bloodpaw will be slaughtered in the battle if you don't start training him properly!" "Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing." Batpaw taunting me in the battle... "I bet you think you're so dangerous with a name like that! But I know you're not!"

"Come on, Bloodfur..." Revengeheart murmured. "Let us help you."

More and more horrible memories flooded over him until he couldn't take it anymore. Bloodfur opened his eyes and looked at the sky, a cold breeze ruffling his pelt. But he didn't shiver. In fact... It felt good. Maybe even great. The pain in his heart was gone. Now, there was nothing left but a desire for revenge. "You're right," He growled. "These cats have done nothing but cause me pain. Flameheart, Bloomfire... All of them..." He dug his claws into the ground. "They've run out of chances. I've suffered long enough." He looked at Revengeheart, lashing his tail. His yellow eyes glowed in the darkness."Tell me how to make them pay, my friend."

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