Cats of StormClan
Lilystar: tabby-and-white she-cat with hazel eyes.(@warriorcatlover345)
Apprentice, Fiercepaw
Sedgewing: dark brown tabby she-cat with aqua blue eyes.(@Sedgewing)
Apprentice, Seedpaw
Medicine cat:
Deathsun: dark brown tom with sun colored splotches(@Foxfall_BC49)
Apprentice, Ravenpaw
Warriors(toms or she-cats without kits):
Razorfang: brown-and-white she-cat with brown eyes.(@YouGoGlenCoco_)
Apprentice, Owlpaw
Blazefang: dark brown she-cat with glowing blue eyes.(@KathrynBrightbill)
Flameheart: fiery pelted she-cat with scars and ice blue eyes(@flameheart920)
Foxfall: fox red she-cat with dark brown splotches and a dark brown tail with ice blue eyes(@Foxfall_BumbleClan49)
Riverraven: black she-cat with one dark blue eye and one light blue(cats_of_all_clans )
Apprentice, Wasppaw
Nightmoon: pitch black she-cat with three white circles under each eye with eyes that are ice blue at daytime and dark brown eyes at night(WarriorCatFan4ever)
Ferrettail: very small dark grey tom with white paws, underbelly, mask, and a large tail with white rings on it and sky blue eyes that are rimmed with gold(@Lillifisher)
Silverstorm: silver she-cat with black tipped ears and tail with golden-yellow eyes(Silverstorm2014 )
Honeystep: light brown she-cat with golden tabby fur and hazel eyes(@Jayleaf1609)
Mapleheart: shorthair brown-pelted she-cat with topaz eyes(@booknerd1414)
Redfur: shorthair tom with a reddish pelt and brown eyes(@booknerd1414)
Calle: light tan tom with a ring of darker brown fur around his neck and gray stripes side to side down the back withlight blue eyes that switch to green at night(@CalebFesta)
Loveheart: bright ginger she-cat with silver tipped ears and light purple eyes(@flowergirllove)
Spikefur: pale gray tom with darker gray splotches and spiky fur with blue eyes(@flowergirllove)
Goldleaf: gold-furred she-cat with golden eyes(@Goldstar212)
Nightflare: silky dark brown furred tom with loose blonde-black-tinted fur hanging in front of his ice blue eyes(@SenpaiOni)
Gingertail: dark ginger tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes(@flowergirllove)
Elmdapple: black and white tom with amber eyes(@Emma-Mace)
Lightstrike: very light gray tom with green eyes(@TheDiscoFish2)
Nettlebelly: calico she-cat with a white underbelly and socks with green eyes(@Dragoncat16)
Rustfur: bright orange tom with very faint darker tabby markings and amber eyes(@Dragoncat16)
Silverstorm: silver-furred she-cat with black-tipped ears and tail with golden-bright yellow eyes(@SilverWolf2014)
Riverraven: completely black she-cat with dark blue eye and one light blue(@cats_of_all_clans)
Forestflight: dark ginger she-cat with a light ginger tipped tail and forest green eyes(@GirlonFire137)
Apprentice, Moonpaw
Thornwhisper: dark red tom with bright green eyes(@jeffthemurderer101)
Apprentice, Mossypaw
Frostfur: silver coated she-cat with a white tail tip and deep icy blue eyes(@Frostfurwarriorcat)
Lightheart: white she-cat with silver flecks around the eyes and paws and light blue eyes(@Emma_Wolf11)
Ivywing: white she-cat with silver paws, ears, and tail(@WolfLight101)
Rainsplash: black she-cat with white spots and paws with hazel brown eyes(@bethysquirrelflight)
Ravenpaw: black she-cat with blind golden-brown eyes(@MollyCinders)
Owlpaw: charcoal black she-cat with light brown patches and light gray paws with white ears and sky blue eyes.
Wasppaw: dark brown tabby she-cat with white paws and a fox-red tipped tail
Fuzzpaw: white she-cat with very light blue eyes(@Blizzardheart)
Fiercepaw: nutmeg colored tom with fox-red paws and one silver ear
Seedpaw: brown tom with white flecks and flash on chest, underbelly, paws and tail tip with kind green eyes(@Neorawr)
Hawkpaw: brown-black furred she-cat with green-blue eyes(@Telepathic_Unikitty)
Mossypaw: pale brown she-cat with white patches and moss green eyes(@StarRuby)
Moonpaw: light silver she-cat with white paws and light blue-green eyes(@Kiwi_Warrior)
Leopardpaw: silver spotted tabby she-cat with a cream colored underbelly and paws with ice blue and color changing eyes(@Icefur_last_ice_cat)
Queens(she-cats expecting or nursing kits):
Starlight: calico she-cat with blue eyes, mother of Cloverkit, Tuftkit, Featherkit, and Longkit
Icekit: icy blue she-kit with ocean blue eyes(@Icefur_last_ice_cat)
Southkit: gray, white, and black she-kit with a strange black marking on her muzzle and blue eyes(warriorcatgeek)
The rp will take place in the comments->
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