Chapter Two
Night Dancer and Leaf Claw arrived at the Gathering place known as Fourtrees. Named for the four great oak trees that rose from the earth. The four oaks were a sign of the four Clans that resided beneath the watchful eyes and guidance of StarClan and Silverpelt, the thick band of stars that glimmered throughout the night along the dark sky above. The sleek bodies of countless cats filled into the clearing before the trees as ThunderClan arrived; RiverClan came in just a moment after ThunderClan did. The smell of the fish, and water-loving cats made the ThunderClan cats wrinkle their noses.
The pure white she-cat with a scar down her spine held her head up proudly, her tail tip flicked while her light blue eyes scanned the ThunderClan cats and locked with Hail Star's own light blue eyes. The ThunderClan leader dipped his head to her as they both made their way to the spot where the four leaders would gather. The rest of their cats spread out into their own spots in the clearing, waiting for the other two Clans.
Hail Star sat beside the RiverClan leader. "How are you, Ice Star?" He asked neutrally, his long-haired tail swept over his front paws as he looked to the white she-cat. Ice Star's ear twitched as she looked back to him.
"I am doing well. And yourself?" Ice Star asked in return, her blue eyes softening slightly. She had much more experience than Hail Star. She had been leader of RiverClan for what felt like forever. Even when Hail Star was just a little kit, Ice Star was the deputy of RiverClan and when he was midway through his apprenticeship, she had become leader.
Hail Star shrugged. "Good enough." He said too, dipping his head now while he smiled gently, Ice Star smiled back. They turned back to their Clans and watched them mingle while they waited for ShadowClan and WindClan to come.
Then, a large cat with a pelt of white-and-ginger tabby came into the clearing, leading his own Clan through the barrier. His battle-scarred ears were perked while he looked around, scenting ThunderClan and RiverClan, he twitched his whiskers to his Clan and they separated like the others did while he padded up to Hail Star and Ice Star. He leaped up to the large boulder and took his place among the two other leaders, grunting.
"Hail Star. Ice Star." He greeted them simply, seeming unimpressed while his yellow-orange eyes looked between the other two leaders as if expecting them to bow their heads to him. His short, stumped tail twitches while he held his ears back slightly.
"Greetings, Tawny Star." Ice Star meowed, dipping her head slightly. The ThunderClan leader didn't bow his head and just held his gaze to meet the WindClan leader. Tawny Star's eye twitched but he didn't say anymore as he sat and looked down at their Clan cats.
"I smell ShadowClan." Tawny Star mewed after a few minutes of silence between the leaders, his ears were perked as he looked one side of the barrier where a dark brown tabby tom stepped through, lifting his head as he pushed through and entered the clearing. Finally, the four Clans were together under the truce and StarClan's full moon.
The dark brown tabby tom quickly made his way to the other three leaders upon seeing that he and his Clan were the last to arrive. His amber eyes met the leaders while he huffed.
"My apologies for being late." He said as he settled down, licking his chest fur that had puffed up in embarrassment. Tawny Star rolled his eyes and snorted.
"It is quite all right, Whorl Star." Hail Star and Ice Star dipped their heads in forgiveness. Finally, the Gathering could start.
"The Gathering shall now commence!" Ice Star yowled as she stood to her paws to get the cats' attention. They slowly stopped their chatting and all looked up at the Clan leaders. Ice Star glanced to the other leaders. "I shall start first." She announced before continuing. "RiverClan has been doing well now that leaf-bare is behind us. Our river has returned to normal and the fish is plentiful. However, due to leaf-bare, we lost many. Black Flower had lost her two kits to greencough and Gray Tail, one of our finest warriors, succumbed to starvation." Ice Star started, dipping her head in loss and respect for Black Flower's kits and Gray Tail.
Night Dancer leaned her head to Leaf Claw who seemed confused as he noticed Ice Star look more sad when she spoke about the RiverClan warrior. "Gray Tail was Ice Star's only son. I heard that she lost her mate many moons ago, and Gray Tail had been a senior warrior for many moons." She whispered quietly to her older brother who nodded, finally understanding; they dipped their heads in respect.
"However, we must move on. Leopard Pelt is expecting Sunny Heart's kits, and many cats have changed. Jay Kit and Trout Kit have become apprentices as Jay Paw and Trout Paw, and Swift Paw has earned his warrior name as Swift Strike." Ice Star continued almost painfully at first. The Clan cats chanted the three cats' names. It was respectful and traditional for all Clan cats to chant new cats and or new names at Gatherings. "Spider Paw has also completed his apprenticeship training as a medicine cat, and now has become Spider Fur." The cats did the same for the new medicine cat.
Then, Ice Star stepped back as she ended her news. The leaders glanced at each other and as if they spoke silently, they decided. Tawny Star went next.
"WindClan has been strong through the last leaf-bare. Rabbits have been returning and so have the birds. Alder Paw, Sweet Paw, and Wren Paw have earned their warrior names as Alder Claw, Sweet Fur, and Wren Feather. Sadly, however, two of our elders died: Swirl Stripe and Apple Fall. One of our queens had died as well: Flower Pool." The Clans chanted the new warriors' names, but quickly fell into silence when Tawny Star announced the deaths of the three cats. Then, he ended and Whorl Star went next.
"ShadowClan is doing well. Luckily, we only suffered one loss during the entire leaf-bare. Fox Pounce had been slain in battle by a badger that threatened one of our apprentices. He fought well, but gave his life to protect his Clanmates and his Clan." Whorl Star announced, he seemed gravely hurt by the death of Fox Pounce.
The previous ShadowClan leader, Emberstar, had died in a battle against a group of rogues who threatened to steal prey from them. He gave his last life on that day and that left his inexperienced, newly appointed deputy, Whorl Fur, to become leader and lead ShadowClan who now depended on him to lead them. Whorl Star had only been deputy for a few days since the previous deputy, Frost Runner, who had died from old age only a moon ago, had retired to be an elder as he was unable to move quickly, not to mention that he was attacked and permanently blinded. Right now, Whorl Star had to rely on the medicine cat, his deputy, and sometimes even the other Clan leaders for wisdom and advice. Fox Pounce's death had been the first death in ShadowClan since Ember Star's death and since Whorl Star became leader. It hit the young tabby hard as he felt the weight of guilt upon his shoulders for the young warrior's early end to his life.
"But, Rat Kit and Rain Kit have become apprentices, known as Rat Paw and Rain Paw until they have received their warrior names. And Red Pelt has given birth to my kits, Snake Kit, Ginger Kit, and Sage Kit." The cats chanted for their names. Hail Star and the other leaders could tell that the young leader was proud for his mate and kits as his amber eyes glimmered when the Clan cats chanted his kits' names. He then stepped back, leaving Hail Star to step forward. The silver-and-black tabby tom dipped his head before he addressed the Clans who had silenced themselves.
"ThunderClan has also been well. Dandelion Pelt and Sand Pool have both given birth to kits. Amber Wing is the father of Dandelion Pelt's kit, Adderkit. And Gale Storm is the father of Sand Pool's kits, Blaze Kit, Owl Kit, and Small Kit." The large, silver-and-black tabby tom announced, the Clans chanting their names before the ThunderClan leader continued. "We also have new warriors among our ranks: Lion Stride, Flame Blossom, Stem Blaze, Leaf Claw, Brown Stripe, and Night Dancer. We too have new apprentices: Rook Paw, and Cloud Paw." Hail Star meowed before the cats chanted.
Night Dancer and Leaf Claw held their heads up high in pride along with the other named ThunderClan cats who were at the Gathering such as Lion Stride and Flame Blossom. Night Dancer was so proud of herself and her brothers, she gave a lick to Leaf Claw's shoulder and he smiled to her, returning it respectfully. They were disappointed, still, that Brown Stripe could not have joined them at this Gathering. They both knew that their parents would be so proud of them, although, their mother, Morning Song, had never told them about their father other than he was a great ThunderClan cat who is being honored by the kits. They didn't bother questioning it since they believed their mother was telling the truth.
And with that, the Gathering came to a close and the Clan cats, despite being from different Clans who would, by tomorrow, risk their lives to defend their borders, cats, and prey from the other Clans, said their farewells and wished safe passage of each other. Hail Star led ThunderClan out, Whorl Star led ShadowClan away, Tawny Star grunted before he lashed his tail to lead WindClan, and Ice Star padded out with RiverClan following. Night Dancer and Leaf Claw followed Hail Star and the rest of ThunderClan, until the scent of ShadowClan returned. Night Dancer scented it the moment before Leaf Claw's fur rose in alert, his eyes immediately turning to where a cat emerged, alone.
Hail Star turned to the cat. "Whorl Star. What do you need?" He meowed, the dark brown tabby tom lowered his ears as the eyes of the ThunderClan cats turned to him. Whorl Star tried to not show his growing awkward and anxiousness as he looked at Hail Star.
"May I speak to you privately?" The ShadowClan leader asked.
A flash of sympathy in Hail Star's eyes allowed the dark brown tabby to relax a bit while the ThunderClan leader nodded, he turned and followed Whorl Star who led him away. But they weren't even a few tail-lengths away when one of the warriors, Running Stripe bristled his light brown fur.
"Hail Star. At least two of us should go with you. We may have just gotten done with the Gathering, but the truce is over once it is done. Whorl Star is a ShadowClan cat." Running Stripe hissed as he eyed Whorl Star suspiciously, most of ThunderClan did the same, agreeing with the young warrior.
Hail Star sighed. "Fine. Lion Stride and Night Dancer, come with me. Gale Storm will lead you all back to camp." He meowed almost irritably as he turned sharply and followed Whorl Star who gave a look of concern before leading them away. Lion Stride nodded and followed. Night Dancer glanced to Leaf Claw in confusion and worry before she leaped after.
The small group of cats didn't go too far, remaining in ThunderClan territory, but far enough away from the group that they were out of ear shot. That was when Whorl Star stopped and turned to the ThunderClan cats.
"What do you need, Whorl Star?" Hail Star asked again, his sympathy returning as he gazed at the younger tom who inhaled slightly.
"There have been more trespassing from WindClan along our border, and I worry that Tawny Star is approving of this and is trying to start a fight." Whorl Star finally announced, making Hail Star's ear twitch and Lion Stride and Night Dancer to flinch in surprise and confusion. "We need your help. ThunderClan's help. With Ember Star's death not too long ago from the rogues, it seems like they've recovered and are planning another attack on ShadowClan to get revenge, at least, that's what I've been told by one of my patrols who overheard their conversation." He explained, his tail tip whipping in frustration that the rogues were trying to get back at them, and at himself that he has to ask someone for help.
"Why have you not asked Ice Star too, then?" Hail Star asked with a small tilt of his head, the two young ThunderClan warriors were confused too.
"Well, it seems like she might be siding with Tawny Star and WindClan, as much as I hate to judge her so quickly. But one of my cats was speaking with a RiverClan warrior who was talking about how they had to share their prey and territory with WindClan from Ice Star's order. I don't think he's forcing her either." The ShadowClan leader meowed, but Lion Stride spoke after he did.
"But Ice Star is a proud leader! She wouldn't dare to give up what she's worked for so easily, let alone prey and territory." The golden tabby tom meowed, flattening his ears to his head as he stepped forward. He backed off, however, when Hail Star sent him a warning glare, silencing him. Night Dancer watched with a frown.
"We know that. There must be something we aren't seeing.....Maybe, WindClan and RiverClan are forming an alliance, but what for?" Hail Star thought out loud, he was concentrating as Whorl Star did the same, trying to think of some kind of explanation.
"To get rid of the other two Clans." The three toms turned in surprise as Night Dancer finally spoke, but what surprised them wasn't that she spoke, but the fact that she spoke in such a convinced tone. Hail Star narrowed his eyes.
"That's nonsense!" He meowed as his light blue eyes stared at the black she-cat who returned the look.
"It makes sense though! WindClan and RiverClan have suffered the worst from the last leaf-bare and suffered the most deaths out the other two! Kits and warriors are dying in their Clans. Prey was difficult to find for them, they may have said that they were well, but any cat could tell that WindClan had suffered the worst from their unusually thinner bodies." Night Dancer started, continuing on with her theory. She was surprised that they were all listening rather than pushing the idea away.
"Cats died from starvation and illness, something that is more difficult to fight than enemies. If they could have our territories, they increase their chances of survival with more prey and herbs to give to their own cats. If my theory is correct, then Tawny Star is trying to get you, Whorl Star, to confront this situation yourself, at the border. I'm thinking that he will try to persuade you to abandon the warrior code and join him and Ice Star. And knowing Tawny Star, if you don't agree, he will force it or drive you out of ShadowClan territory. After he deals with ShadowClan, he will go after ThunderClan next." Night Dancer ended her explaining, blinking rapidly a few times as if she were possessed by some wise cat. Hail Star and Leaf Claw were surprised at this but Leaf Claw turned to Hail Star who was in deep thought.
"You could be right. But what will we do?" Whorl Star mewed worriedly, frowning as the cats now turned back to him. Hail Star put his long-haired tail onto his shoulder to help calm him.
"We will keep an eye out for WindClan and RiverClan, but until they make a move, don't do anything rash. Remember, you have the medicine cat to help as well as your deputy. If you aren't comfortable with them, you could go to Highstones and attempt to speak with StarClan for advice." The silver-and-black tabby tom said calmly. His tone and aura helped to calm the younger leader as he sighed, nodding.
"We must go our separate ways for now or else the Clans will think unkindly of ThunderClan and ShadowClan. But if the other two Clans attack or the rogues, we will have your back." The ThunderClan leader told the dark brown tabby tom who nodded, smiling to him then the other two cats.
"Thank you so much. I owe you one, Hail Star." Whorl Star dipped his head in deep respect before he said his farewells, then he leaped away, back towards ShadowClan.
Hail Star looked between the young warriors. "You are forbidden to speak to anyone else about this except me. Do not tell the other cats our secret." He warned, holding his ears back as he looked down at the two cats who seemed to shrink slightly under their experienced, harsh yet gentle, light blue gaze. Night Dancer and Lion Stride nodded quickly, their ears lowering.
Once the three cats returned back to camp, Night Dancer bounded off to join Leaf Claw and Brown Stripe who were waiting for her. They lick her worriedly as they ask her questions, but Night Dancer, as promised, didn't tell them anything.
Lion Stride stopped at the camp entrance and watched the young, black she-cat rush to her brothers. Her sleek pelt glinted in the moonlight that shown down on the ThunderClan clearing. His amber eyes glistened as he had watched her. The rippling of her powerful muscles as she had ran to her brothers, her gracefulness as he could see her in midair if he slowed down her run, and her confidence that shown when she dared to speak her theory to the leaders earlier. The golden tom felt something tug at his heart, telling him to speak to her, but he was afraid that now wasn't the right time since it was late, her brothers were there with her, and he was sure her theory was still playing in her head. It was just by chance that Hail Star had chosen them to listen to the leaders' conversation, but he was thankful for it because now, he knew more about Night Dancer than what he previously thought. He didn't want to rush things, but he knew exactly of what he was feeling:
Hail Star saw Night Dancer bound to her brothers, he smiled. He was happy that they had such a strong bond. But for now, he turned away, leaving Lion Stride's side and going to his den underneath the Highrock, but when he entered, he saw the medicine cat, Golden Pool, sitting beside his bedding. The golden she-cat lifts her amber eyes to meet Hail Star; there was a look of urgency in her eyes. Hail Star nods and quickly bounds down to her side. "What is wrong, Golden Pool-" She quickly cut him off.
"I received a prophecy from StarClan while you were gone as the rest of the Clan returned." Golden Pool said urgently, the fur along her spine had risen and her pupils turned into slits. There was a mixture of concern and fear in her round, amber eyes.
"What is it?" Hail Star asked as he had flinched in surprise. It had been many moons since they were last given a prophecy. The last time, it was about Morning Song, Leaf Claw, Night Dancer, and Brown Stripe's mother. He listened carefully to the medicine cat's next words.
"'When blood is spilt, three will join the stars and the night will roar like a lion'."
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