

LEADER Morningstar - white calico tom with a large scar on top of flank

DEPUTY Flareheart - Small ginger she-cat with a distinctive blaze of orange wrapping around her neck

MEDICINE CAT Duckfeather - skinny black and white tom with grimy, messy fur

WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

Cloudchaser - white tom with dark blue eyes

Tallwhisker - pale tabby tom with unusually long whiskers

Sparrowclaw - black tom with a dark gray tail, overcoat and face

Lavenderstripe - light brown she-cat with violet-gray stripes APPRENTICE, Moonpaw

Fallengaze - gold tom with white stripes and light green eyes APPRENTICE, Daisypaw

Raindapple - she-cat with a lovely dappled coat and blue eyes

Brighteyes - white she-cat with light gray markings and piercing yellow eyes

Gentleleaf - tortoiseshell she-cat

Owlpelt - brown she-cat with large, yellow eyes

Webfur - gray tom with large amber eyes

Ravenpelt - sleek black tom with grayish-blue eyes APPRENTICE, Lightningpaw

APPRENTICES (toms, and she-cats without kits)

Daisypaw - cream she-cat with green eyes

Lightningpaw - black tom with a white face, twin of Moonpaw

Moonpaw - black tom with a white face, twin of Lightningpaw

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Lilyflower - light brown she-cat with darker brown markings on tail, chest, face and legs (mother of Applekit - dark brown tom)

Sorrelbreeze - gorgeous she-cat with peachy fur and ginger stripes with white on her muzzle, ear tips, underside and toes (mother of Snakekit - silver tabby tom, Rabbitkit - brown tabby tom, and Hawkkit - dark brown tabby she-cat with thick fur and piercing forest green eyes)

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

Cedarbelly - light brown tom with white on belly, oldest cat in Thunderclan

Hightail - gray tom with blue eyes and has an extremely long tail

Robinpelt - dark ginger tom with reddish markings, missing one ear and starting to go blind in both eyes


LEADER Inkstar - Inky black tom with dark eyes and an E-shaped scar on neck

DEPUTY Amberfeet - white she-cat with brown paws, ears, chin and tail tip

MEDICINE CAT Whitewater - white she-cat with amber eyes APPRENTICE, Eaglepaw

WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

Wildthorn - black tom with white ears, tail and spots on flank APPRENTICE, Berrypaw

Brindlespots - beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat APPRENTICE, Maplepaw

Toadpelt - dark tabby tom APPRENTICE, Dustpaw

Pinestorm - small dark tabby tom with yellow eyes APPRENTICE, Longpaw

Sandfur - pale ginger she-cat with brown eyes

Raggedflame - skinny light brown tabby tom

Goldenclaw - golden tabby tom with amber eyes

APPRENTICES (toms, and she-cats without kits)

Berrypaw - tom with mangy reddish fur and yellow eyes

Maplepaw - tortoiseshell she-cat with a distinctive dappled coat

Dustpaw - gray tom with blue eyes

Longpaw - big tabby tom with an unusually long tooth

Eaglepaw - ginger tom

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Ferncloud - white she-cat with a silver underside and face (mother of Echokit - small, soft-furred silver-gray tabby she-cat with dark gray paws, a white chest, fluffy tail and deep green eyes, and Silentkit - a white she-cat with blue eyes)

Duskfur - black and gray spotted she-cat (mother of Sootkit, dark gray tom)

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

Oaknose - dark brown tom with a brown nose

No-Ear - brown tom with both ears gone


LEADER Yellowstar - dark gray tom with golden eyes

DEPUTY Patchear - white tom with brown patches and amber eyes

MEDICINE CAT Larkmist -silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes

WARRIORS Raintail - brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and a ringed tail APPRENTICE, Runningpaw

Crowfall - black tom with green eyes APPRENTICE, Brownpaw

Leopardpelt - spotted brown tom

Cherrywind - dark brown she-cat

Weaselflight - light brown tom APPRENTICE, Dapplepaw

Barkfur - dark brown tom with white patches

Spottedfire - orange calico she-cat with yellow eyes

Goldenfeather - pale orange tom with speckles on back

Rabbitfur - fluffly white she-cat with black backfeet APPRENTICE, Ashpaw

APPRENTICES Brownpaw - plain brown tom

Runningpaw - small black and white tom

Ashpaw - gray she-cat with unusual green eyes

Dapplepaw - pretty tortoiseshell she-cat

QUEENS Sandrise - pale brown she-cat with ginger flecks (mother of Greenkit - thick tabby tom with unusual green eyes, and Wormkit - small skinny light tabby tom)

Brindlefur - pretty tabby (mother of Hollowkit - brown tabby tom, and Breezekit - white she-cat)

ELDERS Halfpelt - gray tom with half his pelt missing

Rowanpelt - reddish-brown she-cat, oldest cat in Windclan

Skunkstripe - black she-cat with a distinctive white stripe on her back


LEADER Willowstar - pale tabby she-cat with white tail

DEPUTY Tideclaw - large dark brown tabby tom with violet-blue eyes

MEDICINE CAT Wavecrash - gray she-cat with a white overcoat APPRENTICE, Swanpaw

WARRIORS Swiftriver - black and white tom

Froststare - lilac tortoiseshell with pale blue eyes

Iceheart - light gray she-cat with a white chest APPRENTICE, Minnowpaw

Troutfur - speckled brown tom

Fallingsun - golden tabby tom with yellow eyes

Lakepelt - fluffy gray she-cat with a flat face

Darkstorm - sleek black and gray tabby tom APPRENTICE, Sharkpaw

Rockclaw - dark brown tabby tom with unusually thick claws

Eeltail - bracken colored tom with stripped tail

APPRENTICES Sharkpaw - long-haired solid gray tom

Minnowpaw - dark gray speckled she cat

Swanpaw - white she-cat with downy fur

QUEENS Ivyfang - nasty calico she-cat with blue eyes (mother of Pebblekit - silver tom)

Mossyfur - sleek smoky-black she-cat with amber eyes (mother of Stormkit - brown tabby tom and Shredkit - dark tabby with white ears)

Reedtail - brown she-cat with a reddish-brown tail

ELDERS Beetleclaw - brown tabby tom

Grasspelt - small pale silver she-cat

Fuzzyfoot - cream tom with large white paws

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