Chapter 4 >> Gathering

The shining full moon cast its light upon ThunderClan, turning every cat's pelt to silver and illuminating their eyes with a ghostly glow.

Badgerstar ducked out of his den. "We're late!" He growled. "Pondpaw, Frostpaw, Willowpaw, Sunpaw," he waved his tail for them to come. "Oakfur, Brightblossom, Ashpelt, Beeflight, Fadedleaf, and Scarletfang." The cats he had called stopped what they were doing and joined their leader in the center of the camp.

Driftbreeze and Fawndapple joined the ensemble. Being medicine cat and deputy, they always attended the Gatherings. Badgerstar hardly waited for the cats to gather before leading them out in a rush.

"Aren't you excited? Our first Gathering!" Willowpaw mewed as she caught up to the group.

Frostpaw gave an excited bounce. "There'll be so many cats..." she trailed off, attempting to imagine the sheer number.

"Hollyheart and Foxtooth! Join us!" Badgerstar added, calling over his shoulder.

They set a fast pace. Briskly, the cats trotted through the dense undergrowth, not bothering to enjoy the chilly night air. It wasn't long before they emerged at the lakeside. Water lapped lazily at the shore, washing over the dirt and scant pebbles. The group kept close to the water- three tail-lengths in fact, as not to get into trouble with WindClan.

After some time of trotting, Badgerstar called back, "Watch your paws!"

Willowpaw peered ahead. She could hear the soft gurgle of the stream that separated WindClan and ThunderClan. As it fell into her view, she could see the small pebbles that edged it. They were smooth from seasons of swirling waters. She quietly wondered how many times those pebbles had seen Clan cats. Maybe they have seen Firestar! Her pelt tingled at the thought. Meanwhile, the cats in front of her easily leaped over the narrow stream. Yet, when it came time for Willowpaw to cross, she teetered on tips of her paws before jumping. "Eek!" she mewed, launching herself across. Her hind paws landed in the icy water, and she hissed, scrambling out.

Frostpaw twitched her whiskers in humor at the stumble. She was next to cross, but Willowpaw could tell from her growls that she was having problems as well.

Frostpaw slunk up beside Willowpaw. "Curse that water!" She hissed, shaking each leg out in turn.

Brightblossom slowed her pace to pad next to Willowpaw and Frostpaw. "Next time, try not to look down. Use your hind paws to really spring, too." She suggested, amusement shining in her eyes.

"Thanks!" Willowpaw and Frostpaw mewed. Willowpaw could visualize herself soaring over it, like an eagle, coming back from the Gathering. She would show that mouse-brained stream!

The group of cats began to run when they noticed that the moon was rising ever higher.

"So that's where the Clans gather," Frostpaw breathed, staring out at the island. It stood out as merely a shadow against the starry night sky. Willowpaw could almost see the island pulsing with the lives of all the cats that were there.

She couldn't help but run just a bit faster.

They passed the rolling hills of WindClan territory and the big Twoleg den. Underpaw, the ground grew soft and moist. The long reeds and grasses that bordered the lakeshore grew in number and swayed gently in a soft breeze. The air tickled Willowpaw's nose, bringing with it the scents of many other cats. Up ahead, Badgerstar slowed as he reached a huge fallen tree trunk that connected the island to the rest of the territory.

"Wow," Willowpaw mewed. The trunk was ancient, by the looks of it. The wood was smooth and worn from seasons of cats crossing it.

Fadedleaf cast her eyes over the apprentices. "Legend has it," She murmured, "that StarClan made this tree fall upon a cat that tried to overthrow the WindClan leader!" The apprentices' eyes widened and they exchanged an incredulous glance.

"Who was the cat?" Frostpaw asked.

Fadedleaf mrrrowed. "Oh, I do not know. I doubt anyone does; that happened so long ago that not even our elder's elders can remember!" She turned back to the trunk, for it was her turn to cross.

"Careful, it's slippery," She warned, as she lightly leaped on and trotted across.

Willowpaw watched how her Clanmates dug their claws into the trunk to keep their balance, and how they used their tails to steady themselves. Only the experienced warriors had sheathed paws.

When it was her turn to go, Willowpaw had to get a nudge from her mentor to scramble up on the fallen tree because of her tiny, slender frame. Whereas, Frostpaw had an easier time, courtesy of her height.

Willowpaw forced herself not look down at the cold, dark water, lapping only tail-lengths below her- but she could hear it. She kept her eyes focused on the cat in front of her: Sunpaw. He moved confidently, but she could see his claws digging into the wood, in fact he had to wriggle them out with each step. At last, Sunpaw sheathed his paws and leapt down. She copied him, careful not to embarrass herself by slipping up.

Excitement returned, fizzing and bubbling inside her. My first Gathering! She rejoiced. Opening her mouth, she could taste the cat-scents, even stronger now that they were so close. She followed the rest of ThunderClan as they pushed through the undergrowth, and then looked around.

Cats. All Willowpaw could see was all kinds of different cats. Orange pelts, brown, black, white, gray, speckled, striped, spotted and everything in between. Some cats didn't have tails and some were missing a leg or ear.

The different smells threatened to choke her. There was a pine sap scent mixed with musk that lay strong in the air. There was one that was marshy, interlaced with fish. And there was a scent that brought images of heather, rabbits, and wide open fields. ShadowClan, RiverClan and WindClan.

And Willowpaw could tell who belonged to each Clan.

The WindClan warriors were lithe and had short, almost scruffy pelts, with long tails and limbs.

While RiverClan members had long glossy fur, were a bit plumper than the others, and reeked of fish.

And ShadowClan wore dark expressions, also for the most part, had darker pelted cats.

Of course, there were the ones that played the outliers. The unidentifiable warriors, who after mingling and such, Willowpaw was sure that she could be able to place them.

She wondered how the other Clans must see ThunderClan. Probably as the strongest, bravest, smartest cats in the forest! She reasoned with pride.

But then, her attention was drawn to the tension that was rising between ThunderClan and the rest. All the cats were turned towards them and glaring.

Frogstar of ShadowClan growled, "And where have you been, sleeping in? We were about to start, regardless of your presence."

Willowpaw was taken aback by the leader's lack of respect for Badgerstar. She also felt uncomfortable under Frogstar's cold yellow eyes.

Frostpaw leaned in next to Willowpaw's ear. "Does he ever groom himself?" She whispered. It was true, Frogstar's dirty gray pelt looked matted, and bits of dirt were abundant.

Otterstar of RiverClan assumed the expression that he couldn't care less, while Runningstar of WindClan seemed poised to flee; his brown tabby pelt starting to rise.

The leaders shifted on the branches of the massive tree in the middle of the island. Deputies gathered at its knotty roots, and the medicine cats sat beside a holly bush, murmuring amongst each other.

"We apologize for any inconvience." Badgerstar replied coolly, dipping his head. The tension was fiercer than ever as he made his way through the parting crowd, nose held high. The silence that came with it was almost deafening. At last, he took his place on an oak branch, and Driftbreeze at the roots.

"Are we ready to begin?" Frogstar sneered, casting a cold glare at the ThunderClan leader.

Brightblossom padded by and waved her tail for the two apprentices to follow. "Normally, we have time to chat." She whispered, leading them to where the other ThunderClan cats were beginning to settle.

"Why would we want to talk with other Clans?" Frostpaw snorted.

Willowpaw swept her eyes over the warriors. Imagine what stories they could tell! Battles and foxes and so much more! "I think it would be interesting to get to know them..." She said.

Frostpaw fluffed out her fur, flexing her claws. "You're right! So we can use all their weaknesses against them!"

"That's not what I meant..." Willowpaw muttered.

"Hush now! The leaders are speaking," Brightblossom warned them.

The friends snapped their jaws shut, ear tips burning with embarrassment.

By now, everyone was staring at the Gathering Tree.

Otterstar rose to address first. "I suppose that I will begin. Fish are swimming well in RiverClan. I believe that we are prepared for the coming leaf-bare. We also have a new apprentice, Crabpaw!"

"Crabpaw! Crabpaw!" The Clans called. A hefty young tom with jet black fur bathed in the attention.

Show off. Willowpaw rolled her eyes.

Otterstar sat back down after the cheering died away, eyes gleaming for Crabpaw.

Badgerstar was preparing to stand, but Frogstar shot up first. "Prey is runs well for us. Although, I personally picked up ThunderClan scent on our side of the border..." he swept his gooey yellow gaze around, it finally landing on Badgerstar.

The ThunderClan leader stiffened. "You must have been mistaken. Perhaps the wind carried scent over, but let me reassure you that none of my warriors have crossed the border." He said through gritted teeth. Frogstar dipped his head mockingly.

"How obnoxious!" Willowpaw hissed to Frostpaw. She nodded in agreement and lashed her tail.

"I would just love to whack him on that bee-brained head of his!"

Badgerstar was on his paws before Frogstar had sat. "We are experiencing good hunting. But half a moon ago, Scarletfang," he nodded to the she-cat. "Found a twoleg trap. It is unclear to us how to disable it; therefore we will take extra precautions to avoid them."

The Clans turned to each other and murmured, eyes wide and flashing with fear. Badgerstar raised his tail for silence. "We bring good news as well. Three new apprentices have been welcomed. Willowpaw, Pondpaw and Frostpaw!"

"Pondpaw, Willowpaw, Frostpaw!" Everyone cheered.

Willowpaw glowed in the sound of her apprentice name being spoken from each Clan.

Once the commotion faded, Badgerstar let Runningstar proceed.

Willowpaw noticed that the WindClan leader's eyes constantly darted around, as if a hidden enemy lurked in the shadows.

"WindClan is doing well. We have new warriors to celebrate. Hawkwing and Sparrowpelt!" Everybody cheered once again. Runningstar sat down quickly, flicking his tail and swiveling his ears.

"Look!" Frostpaw whispered, pointing her ears at a sleek pelted tom with a stubby tail.

"He looks like a RiverClan, maybe. Hey, what's up with his tail?" Willowpaw wrinkled her nose. The bob-tailed cat was talking with who looked like his mate, judging by their closely held heads.

Sunpaw padded past Frostpaw and Willowpaw, slowing down. Frostpaw stopped him with her tail. "Do you know who Stubby-Tail is?" She asked, nodding toward the cat.

Sunpaw glanced over his shoulder and smirked. "Yeah. That's Pebbletail of RiverClan."

Frostpaw snorted. "That name suits him. Did a badger eat it off?"

"No, he was born like that." Sunpaw said, and padded away.

"That went by quicker than I expected," Willowpaw said.

"Yeah, but did you see the look on Frogstar's face when Badgerstar defended ThunderClan like that?" Frostpaw recalled. "I think that Badgerstar could beat Frogstar's tail in a battle!" She mused.

Willowpaw nodded. "How did that mangy old grump even become leader? He's so--"

"Are you going to sit and chat like elders all night?" Ashpelt interrupted, walking over.

The two apprentices realized that they were some of the last few. "Oops." Willowpaw squeaked. They followed Ashpelt out of the clearing and to the tree bridge.

Ashpelt glanced back. "And by the way, watch what you say at a Gathering. You never know who is listening..."

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