Chapter 25

Rose P.O.V

"You don't remember me, but I do, my whole family did" She said smiling at me. I still wore the same confused expression on my face. "I saw you for the first time when--" she started her story, I and Alex were listening curiously and Chase looked he would like to rip that girl apart. Well, not in my watch. Just then I felt pain in my head and my vision started blurring.

What the hell is happening?

I fell down on my knees groaning in pain. Somebody touched my shoulder and shook it making the pain worse "S- Stop" I cried out pushing the hand away. "Whats happening to her?" I hear Chase frantic voice.

Is he worried for me?

"I don't know" Alyssa voice said, worry clear in her voice. Their voice was coming from afar like I am under water. Then I remembered, I am dying. "Find the GEM" I crooked and then I lost consciousness, last thing I heard was Chase worried voice "Emerald wake up".

Chase P.O.V

I tried to wake her up by shaking her body but she was unresponsive, What is going on here? Her body was scorching hot to my touch, but I still tried. "Why isn't she waking up?" I asked the witch, I was kneeling beside Emerald. 

"I don't know" she whispered fear evident on her face. "What do you mean you don't know?" I snapped at her which made her stumbled away from me. I could care less. 

Why am I even concern about her, I wanted her dead.

But I will kill her with my own hand when she will wake.

 And healthy

"Brother, we should take her to the chamber, she need medical attention" Alexander said kneeling beside me and touching my mate forehead. How I want to rip his arm out of its socket. He dare touched my mate and try to take her away from me.

But I don't treat her as my mate.

So what, she is still mine, mine to cherish, mine to destroy.

I slapped his hand away and took Emerald in my arm bridal style, taking her to my chamber, "Call the head healer" I yelled to no one in particular. I speed walked towards my chamber, I looked at her beautiful face which was pale and sweat was coating her forehead. I know I should be angry at her because she is the girl who destroyed a part of my Kingdom, I was searching for her for over six months. I never expected my sweet innocent, feisty mate to be the girl I was searching to kill. Evidence were all there but I didn't pay attention to them, I sent my soldiers to Terra because we found out that Rose was there, but no one came back alive and I went to search for Rose in Witch town but I found my mate instead where she was with a human who are not allowed in magic world, It can't be coincident. I should have known. The way she carries herself, always defying my orders not even caring for the consequences. She is something, now I know why. 

For my own self fish reasons, I bound her to me. I know what will be the consequences, but I still did it because I, a heartless monster will never find a light like her. She is the light to my darkness. Whenever I am with her, she makes me feel alive. I don't know what is it about her that allure me to her but I always want her to stay by my side. Whenever she is in the room, my eyes automatically finds her. And today when I saw her dancing with my Perfect brother, my blood boiled looking at the scene. He was holding her in intimate position and she was enjoying his touch as well. At that thought, the weight I was carrying in my arms feels more heavy.  

Stop it, she is nothing but a problem which I have to get rid, soon, very soon .

I opened the door to my chamber and took her straight to the bed. She was whimpering in her sleep. I laid her down and took off her heels. 

How the hell this girl can walk with this deadly heels.

She looked uncomfortable in her dress which was half torn from the bottom but it was decent, nothing was showing that's I am relieved to see. Head healer Joshua entered in the room and bowed down to me. I waved my hand in dismissal "Just get to her" I said in hurry and stood up beside my bed, he nodded and checked her. After ten minutes, he was still checking her which made me irritated, he hasn't said a word. "What is it?" I asked rudely, he is taking awfully a lot more time than usual. He looked at her in confusion, then looked at me, I raised my eyebrow in question. "My Liege, there is nothing wrong with her physically" he said checking her veins.

I already knew that, tell me something new you idiot.

"And?" I asked trying to keep myself calm, there is nothing I will gain in lashing out at him. "I never saw such thing before, her mind is not steady, there are red veins in her body that are increasing time by time-" he said in grave voice. 

"Finish it" I ordered not liking where it is going. "And when the red veins will reach her heart, I am afraid she will be dead" he said, my body went rigid after hearing that. 

She will be dead.

"Is there not any cure?" There has to be some cure, why there are red veins all over her body. Whats happening to her. Why is she dying? 

"Not that I know" he said bowing his head.  "Then go and find out" I yelled which made him stumbled back and run out of the chamber in fear. 

Good for him, he better find the cure soon, otherwise, I will make sure he won't get to see the sun again.

I looked at Emerald, she was looking so peaceful in this state. If I didn't know any better, I thought she was sleeping. I sat beside her staring at her face. The healer said she has red veins all around her body. I closed by eyes calling my inner power, I can feel the rush again which made my senses heightened. I opened my eyes which were pitch black, now I can see better. I looked at Emerald and focused on her inside. I can see the red veins wrapping around her every part and they are slowly coiling towards her heart. I closed my eyes and they were back to normal golden color and sighed, Healer was right. She is in bad condition. Suddenly she started whimpering and her body shook, I jumped to touch her shoulders to stop the shaking, my eyes widened in shock, she was cold as ice.

What the hell is happening to her?

"Soldiers" I shouted, still holding Emerald, I put the duvet over her to stop her shivering. "My Liege" two soldiers come inside with sword ready at their hand. "Call that redhead witch" I yelled, panic clearly evident in my voice. They quickly shuffled out of the room. I sat beside Emerald and held her close to me to give her some of my body heat. 

Why am I doing this?

Why am I panicking for her?

She is nothing to me but an enemy and unfortunately my mate which I need for an heir.

I quickly stood up leaving her alone and covered her with another duvet, Its good enough to keep her warm. 

Where the hell is this witch?

I heard footsteps closing towards us, my brother and Witch entered in the room carrying an ancient book with her, "Where were you?" I snapped at her, Emerald is here dying and this witch was nowhere to find. "I was searching for the cure to rectify whats happening to Rose" she said opening the book. "Look here" she said pointing her finger to certain page, there was something written in weird language. "Are you playing with me, do I look like I can read this shit" I said irritated, Emerald here is suffering and this witch is showing me weird pages. She huffed, how dare she. I will deal with her later.

"Here is written that Rose Vanquisher was the most powerful being that ever walk on this dimension. She possessed the power of elements and illusions and was a great fighter" she stated reading from the book.

I don't want to hear what Rose can do.

I just want to save my mate.

For my heir obviously, not that I care about her or anything.

"Tell me something useful" I said annoyed with the information. I need to know what can save her not how much powerful is she. Power diminish with the time. "I am telling you that--" she said rolling her eyes. I growled, enough is enough "Stay in your limit Witch" I glared at her and she quirk in fear.

That's more like it.

"Now, carry on" I gestured to her, Alexander snickered standing beside her. "Do not make her fear you brother, we need her" he said sitting on the chair beside the bed.

Why does he always want to stay close to my mate.

Witch cleared her throat to get our attention "Shall I?" she asked looking at me but divert her eyes away when she saw my eyes were black. I took deep breaths and control the anger with in me. "Continue" I said sitting beside my mate and checking her forehead, its not ice cold but it still cold. "As I was saying, she was most powerful being, so at one point she started misusing her powers, destroying Kingdoms, killing people, she was a monster" she shuddered, reading the contents from the book. I looked at my innocent mate, A monster is living inside her, I have face her first hand but I knew she was playful that day but I sensed some evil inside her. 

"Power was getting to her head, She was thinking herself as the Queen of the entire dimension, Now all she needed was a King" she said, her shoulder slumping, "She seeks the most powerful man as her mate, he was handsome to look at,  but unfortunately he was already wedded with some one else, but it didn't concern her one bit. She still wanted that man so she went to destroy his whole family so that she could have him and she did destroy it but she forgot one thing if there is evil then there is good as well. Wife of that man was in anguish watching her whole family slaughter in one night. She wasn't home that day, she was visiting other town and when she came back she saw a woman dressed in white and the whole dress was covered with blood, her family blood, she had swords in her hands and blood was dripping from it. Her husband was kneeling on the floor crying over their son's corpse" she read the history of evil. I shuddered in disgust, I have killed people but only when they attacked me first. And whenever I took over some kingdom, I always gave place to people who was living in the Kingdom. Rose is pure merciless and she latched on to my mate but how.

"After seeing her whole family dead and her husband crying helplessly, her anger snapped within her and she cursed Rose to stay at Baruna Mountain forever and she trapped her powers into a blue gem making her vulnerable. From then on Rose never went out of those mountains" she finish reading. I stared at her in confusion, how come this story will help us. Then I remembered, GEM. We have to find the gem to save her. "Who was the woman that cursed Rose" Alexander asked in curiosity, I touched Emerald forehead, it was back to normal and her whimpering also subside. Witch chuckled hearing that. 

What so funny about it.

"Her name was Enodia" she said proudly, my eyes widened in astonishment, Enodia as in Goddess of magic. "You mean to say Rose was foolish enough to attack a goddess" Alexander asked shocked, he stood up from his seat. She laughed, "I told you she was blind with power".

"Okay, we know who Rose was but how does she get inside Emerald" I asked the most important question. How can she just latched on to my mate. Witch smiled staring at my mate. 

"Because your mate is special"


"When Enodia cursed Rose to live in Baruna mountains forever, Rose understood what she did was utterly wrong and she had to pay for her sins, she was overwhelmed with guilt and shame, she started on the path of redemption, she helped people and creatures who lived in Baruna mountains and then she became their Queen, when Enodia saw her hard work and how much she was working for her mistakes, she gave her a chance for freedom, only if her descendants came to those mountains willingly and help her because only Enodia's descendants can contain the evil of Rose" she replied back. 

"You mean to say, my mate is a witch" I asked shocked with the revelation.

She chuckled "She is not only a witch, she is the wielder of most powerful swords, she is the manipulator of all elements, she is direct descendant of Enodia, she is a born fighter" her voice held pride in them. 

Wow, I got a mate which is handful.

"It doesn't matter right now, we have to cure her" I said when I saw sweat coating Emerald's body, she is heating up again. I quickly got a wet cloth and swipe her forehead. "Do something" I yelled when her body started shaking again. Witch came forward and stood beside me looking at Emerald in concentration, "I can't access her mind" she said in confusion. "We have to find out whats happening in her mind otherwise she will be trapped there forever" she said anxiously.

How is she going to get inside her head if her mind is not open even in her unconsciousness   

"Have you mated with her yet" she asked straight forward which made Alexander cough from the shock. I rolled my eyes and shook my head "No, but I have accepted the bond" I replied to her. "Great, then with a spell, I can make sure you enter her mind and get her out wherever she is trapped" she said in serious tone. "I am ready" I sat straight away.

I will get her out of the nightmare

"But there is a high chance if you failed to save her, you will get trapped there with her and it will be impossible for me to get you both out" she said in fearful tone. I am going to save her, there is no other option.

Why am I risking my life for her?

Because I need an heir.

"Brother, its dangerous, we will find some other way" Alexander voice said from the other side. I growled "No, I am doing this and that's final" I said with finality which made him shut his mouth. "Alright, lets start with the ritual" she said rubbing her hands together and creating blue energy. 

Witch power

"Hold her hand tightly" she said closing her eyes and muttering some gibberish under her breath. I hold Emerald hand which was hot to my touch but I still hold it tightly. "Close your eyes" she said, I did what she said and then she started chanting  "Remember one thing, when you find her, pull her towards the light and you both will be out of there" she said, I nodded my head in response. She continued her chanting and suddenly darkness surrounded me.

Where am I?

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