Chapter Fifty Eight

Edited ✔️

Sorry for leaving y'all at that cliff-hanger ;)

Icestar raced to the nursery, tailed by both Goldenpaw and Amberpaw. He tried go inside, but Sharpfang was the one to stand in front of the entrance, acting as if he was a guard. Angry, Icestar growled at his Clanmate.

"What are you doing, Sharpfang? Move!" he snapped.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Sharpfang said, shaking his head. "Sweetheart told me to keep you out. Sagepelt and Dropeyes are already crowding the place, and she doesn't think you'll be of any help."

Icestar heard another painful yowl come from inside, and he tried shoving Sharpfang out of the way, but it was no use. "I'm her mate, of course I have to be there!" he insisted. "Just let me in!"

Sharpfang growled. "Sweetheart told me no—"

"Let me through, Sharpfang. I'm asking you this as your friend and especially as your leader," Icestar snarled, his voice getting lower. "I just want to see my mate."

"Sorry leader, but I have to go against your word this time." Sharpfang stood firm at his spot. "Sweetheart might come out to talk to you for a moment, but I think that's it."

"Let me talk to Sweetheart then," Icestar said quickly.

At an instant, Sweetheart squeezed through the nursery entrance, and met Icestar's worried eyes. "I'm here, Icestar," she said, giving a curt nod. "And I understand you want to go in, but you can't crowd her—"

"Why is she screaming like this?" Icestar asked, cutting the medicine cat off. "I've never heard this before!"

Sweetheart sighed. "Silverleaf's small, it's harder for her than it is for other she-cats especially since she's kitting a half-moon earlier than we all expected. She wasn't ready for this. Nightrose and Shiningmoon are the only help I need right now . . . and you have to understand that."

"No, I won't do anything to discomfort her. I just need to be there, Sweetheart, please. Silverleaf is my mate, and those are my kits," he begged.

"Stay here," Sweetheart snapped, before going back in the nursery. Icestar, defeated, took a step back. Goldenpaw rest a comforting tail over his shoulders as Amberpaw stared at him with pity.

* * *

The Clan was doing good at comforting Icestar during the whole kitting. After what seemed forever, it had finally ended. Sharpfang allowed Icestar to enter, and his heart felt like it would stop beating any moment the second he saw three little bundles curled up by Silverleaf's belly. Her eyes were closed with exhaustion—he couldn't imagine the pain a she-cat felt when she went through this.

"You did a good job," praised Shiningmoon, her voice soft. "They look so beautiful."

A purr escaped Silverleaf's throat, but she didn't respond. She just took a weak look at her kits, and her tail flicked happily. Icestar lied right beside them, tired himself, but eyes full of love. He was a father, and it felt like nothing he'd imagined. And even though it wasn't the best time to have these three bundles, he didn't care anymore.

Sagepelt was giving Silverleaf comforting licks on her ear, praising her silently, while Sweetheart turned up as well. "Congratulations, Silverleaf. Two of them seem perfectly fine—I may have to keep a close eye on the third, though. Despite that, you've had two beautiful she-kits and a handsome tom."

"The third kit will be okay, right?" Icestar asked, feeling a little worried.

The medicine cat sighed. "As a healer, I am not allowed to promise anything. I don't know what the future holds. But I'll do the best I can to make her strong. As long as she gets her milk, she might be fine."

"That's good," Icestar murmured with relief, pressing close to his family.

Silverleaf protectively wrapped her tail around the three kits. "Anything you've got to say?" Her voice was very soft and quiet, as if she could not talk even though she wanted to.

"I've got too much to say," Icestar told her. "You shouldn't talk, just rest. It was hard for you."

"Can we name the silver one?" she asked, ignoring him. She was looking worriedly down to the newborn she-kit who weakly suckled milk. The other two, especially her sister, seemed strong though. The tom was not as active; he drank his milk quietly as his sister kicked him.

She looks like she wants to be a warrior already, he thought with a purr.

"I suppose if you have something in mind," he said after observing them.

"I do," she replied. Icestar noticed how much the weak silver she-kit and her mother looked alike—the same silvery pelt that looked as if the stars itself were in her fur. He thought she was just as beautiful as her mother. "I'd like to name her Lightkit."

Icestar pressed his nose on the tiny bundle. "Lightkit . . ." We'll be needing the light in these dark times, he thought. "I like it. How about the other two?" He looked at Silverleaf, but she was already asleep. Perhaps they just had to wait until the morning to name the others.

Sagepelt quietly welcomed her own two kits into the den the moment Silverleaf's breath steadied. Berrykit was entranced by them, her eyes dazzling especially on the strong little she-kit. "This one's so handsome," she complimented.

"Thank you," Icestar purred, heart swelling with pride. Their voices were soft as they spoke, careful not to wake up the tired queen.

"It's true," Berrykit went on. "They're all handsome."

"I think they're small," Shadekit said.

"They were just born, idiot," snapped Berrykit.

Shadekit shrugged. "Whatever." And with that, he curled up in his nest that he shared with Berrykit and his mother at the other corner of the den.

Sagepelt looked at him with aggravation. "Don't be so rude, Shadekit! They're newborns as well as the Clan leader's kits, so you should show some respect."

"It's okay," said Icestar. "He's young, he probably does not think much of kitting."

"Well, I think it's amazing," Berrykit squeaked. "I want to have kits when I'm older. They'll be so amazing, and I'll have the best mate ever."

"I'm sure you will," Sagepelt purred. "Now go to sleep, more cats want to see." As she walked outside of the nursery to invite some more cats inside, Dropeyes padded out to give the den some more room. Berrykit curled comfortably around her brother as the next visitors entered; Skypelt, Squirreltail and Flameheart.

Skypelt looked down with amazement at the three kits. "Silverleaf has done a good job," he complimented, both sorrow and happiness filling in his eyes the same time. Icestar felt a little bad—this moment must have reminded him of his past mate and the moment their kits had been born. "Ripplefur is probably so proud up in StarClan."

"I hope Goldsun and I have kits one day," Squirreltail commented. "And I wish Ripplefur were here to see this as well . . ."

Icestar nodded. "I wish that too, Squirreltail."

Flameheart looked at the tom with amusement. "Poor kit, having just two sisters. He'll grow up all soft with them around."

"Oh shut up," mumbled Silverleaf, her eyes still shut. She must have woken up.

"Silverleaf is right, any she-cat is tougher than you lot of toms," meowed Sagepelt from her nest. "We've got more to fight through."

Silverleaf purred as Icestar wrapped his tail around her. "I'll have to agree with the she-cats," he said.

Sweetheart padded up to the group, nudging Squirreltail and Flameheart right out of the den. "Let this poor she-cat sleep, you two. Sorry Skypelt, but you have to leave as well. I'll allow more visitors in the morning when Silverleaf is rested."

"I understand," Skypelt said politely, dipping his head at Icestar before making his way outside in the moon-bathed clearing. The only cats left in the den were Sagepelt, her two kits, and Sweetheart. He felt less crowded, and so must have Silverleaf, because her muscles loosened.

"We'll lay out a great future for our kits, Icestar," Silverleaf murmured, resting her head on her paws once more. Her eyes closed, a sign that she was going to try to sleep again.

Icestar nodded with agreement. "We will." But then, his paws felt as they were being pricked by thorns. I don't know that, he thought darkly. Not with this battle coming . . . He looked down to his kits, worry in his gaze. He knew that the Clan had agreed not to give up their home to DarkClan, and to not give up Icestar in exile just because it was Dewstar's wish. But the more he stared at his newborn kits, the more he felt the desire to change this decision. Maybe they could have a great future . . . but it was possible that Icestar may not even be involved in their upcoming lives.

He might not ever come to know them.

"I swear that harm will not come to you Silverleaf," Icestar vowed silently. "As to our kits."

* * *

Sleep was not easy for Icestar. Even though he terribly needed rest from patrolling all day, then to attending the gathering, then to Silverleaf's painful kitting, he wasn't at peace until he had finally slept. He dreamt of dark and dangerous things up until the point where Dewstar jumped from the shadows and murdered Icestar's family, causing him pain beyond taking his nine lives one by one as violent as a badger would to a cat.

The nightmare went on and on, until he felt a nudging at his side. Finally, he stirred awake to see Silverleaf standing over him, fear in her eyes. By the look of it, the den was dimly lit indicating that it was dawn."Icestar, wake up!" she pleaded. "Wake up!"

Icestar stared with worry. "What happened? Is it the kits?"

"Y-yes," she whimpered. "Something's wrong with Lightkit! I don't know what to do, sh-she's not well, Icestar. Oh, my poor kit . . ."

He stood up from his spot and stared wide-eyed at the tiny silver she-kit, coughing madly as if she was choking. Sweetheart and Sagepelt were standing over her, Sagepelt trying the best she could to see if anything was stuck in her throat while Sweetheart pressed onto her chest, trying to support the kit's breathing.

"Oh my StarClan," he gasped. "When did this start happening?"

"I-I heard Lightkit coughing early in the morning, and when it started getting bad, Sweetheart came rushing in. It started not too long ago," Silverleaf replied, her eyes watching little Lightkit.

"She'll be okay," Icestar said firmly. "She has to be!"

"I don't know, Icestar!" cried Sweetheart, releasing Lightkit's chest and pressing it right back down. "She's so tiny, I do not know if anything can be done."

Icestar shook his head angrily. "StarClan wouldn't approve!" he insisted. "Sh-she'll be alright!"

"Icestar, calm down," said Sagepelt firmly. "Getting very upset won't help your other two kits, especially Silverleaf. I don't think that our ancestors control whether our Clanmates die or not, but I do know that they will be with her even if it comes to the worse."

"It won't come to the worse," he murmured, staring at Lightkit with disbelief.

Silverleaf pressed close to him. "Icestar . . ."

Sweetheart shook her head. "Icestar, I do not think that something can be done. Sh not choking, and I can't find anything wrong with her chest. It's her breathing, but she's too tiny to take medicine . . ."

Silverleaf's eyes widened. "You mean you can't save her?"

"Not me." Sweetheart sounded pained to say this, as if she were implying that she was a failure. "I've done everything. But now, I must let her fate rest in StarClan's paws."

Icestar's mate buried her face in his fur, squeezing her eyes shut. "She's not going to make it."

And with that, the coughing stopped completely. Lightkit's tiny and frail body stiffened, and her chest stopped rising. She was dead. Silverleaf let out a wail of grief, and Icestar pressed his nose to the warm body, which was already cooling down. The two other kits started mewling with discomfort, having woken up from the sound of their anguished mother. He knew that his grief over his daughter was not as great as Silverleaf's, but he felt as if his heart had broken at that very moment.

"Be at peace in StarClan, Lightkit," said Sagepelt sadly. "I'm so sorry, Silverleaf. I wish there was a better way for this to go . . . she was barely a day old."

"I wish it were me," choked out Silverleaf, now crouching over the dead kit. "Lightkit had a full life ahead of her. It should have been me."

Icestar didn't know how to respond to that. The thought of losing Silverleaf was almost unbearable, but he didn't say anything against it. She was grieving more than any cat there, he had to understand that at the least.

"She was so young, too. Why had her fate been so cruel?" she went on, her eyes dark. "It did not have to end like this!"

Icestar watched sadly, wishing there was something better he could do for his mate other than press close to her and offer her comfort. His mind felt blank and he felt helpless.

"Icestar, why aren't you saying anything?" murmured Silverleaf, her voice shaky.

"I . . . don't know what to say," he said back, his own voice just as low. "I wish it were another way too, but words can't change this moment. Lightkit should have lived."

"Both of you, I'm so sorry," squeaked Sweetheart, looking down to her paws. "I was of no use at all!"

"It's not your fault," Icestar soothed, not leaving Silverleaf's side. Then, he bent closer to her as Sagepelt began to offer comforting words to Sweetheart. "Silverleaf, don't wish you could have died instead. We have our other two kits to take care of . . ."

For a moment, she was utterly silent. Icestar wondered if she'd ever speak to him again, but finally, she was able to make something through. "I know. That's what I'm going to do," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut. "Lightkit . . ." The last word she made came out as a whimper.

"What's wrong?" asked a new voice. "I heard Silverleaf. Not having kits still, are we?" It was Mousetail.

"One of their kits didn't make it," murmured Sweetheart, her eyes falling onto the tiny body that Silverleaf was pressed to.

Why did you have to take Lightkit, StarClan? Icestar thought grievously. I've lost family before, but I shouldn't lose my kits! I promised I won't let anything happen to them!

"I'm so sorry, Silverleaf." Mousetail walked inside, and was now standing next to the young queen with his tail dropping to the ground. "She was beautiful. The other two will make it, though, that's for sure."

"We don't know that!" she wailed in response.

"Silverleaf—" Icestar tried to soothe, but she already cut him off.

"Just leave me alone," she snapped, glaring at everyone around the den. "I don't need anyone's pity, I just want to be with my daughter." Silverleaf looked back down to the dead kit and sniffed.

Sweetheart looked at Mousetail and Sagepelt and nodded, leaving the den. Icestar hesitated, though. He shouldn't leave even though his mate was grieving. He wanted to be with Lightkit, too, and he especially wanted to comfort Silverleaf the best he could. Their other two kits fell back asleep on the nest, completely unaware of their surroundings.

Some time has passed, and the den had emptied of the cats who were crowding. Icestar and Sagepelt watched Silverleaf quietly in the back of the den, both not knowing what to do, while the four living kits slept—Icestar's own kits cuddled close to their mother while she was bent over their dead daughter, Lightkit. Berrykit and Shadekit were fast asleep on the other side of the den where their nest was.

I wonder how long she's going to be like this? he thought, feeling terrible that there was nothing he could do.

Finally, as if on cue, Silverleaf moved. She turned her head to face Icestar, her gaze clearly sad. "Come and see her," she offered, moving to make space.

Icestar nodded and left Sagepelt's side. She gave him an encouraging smile as Icestar took his place beside his mate.

"She's dead, and yet . . . she's so bright," Silverleaf said, eyes on Lightkit's fur. "Maybe it's a sign from StarClan that she's okay up there."

"Do you feel better?" Icestar asked.

She shook her head. "I will never feel better from this. But Lightkit's in StarClan. She'll be happy there." Silverleaf paused, and looked up to him. "I'm glad we got to meet her, and that we got to name her."

"And the other two kits?" he asked again, beckoning to the sleeping tom and she-kit. "What shall we name them?"

"Not now," she responded, shaking her head. "Soon."

Icestar nodded. "Alright, but I've got several good names in mind—"

He was immediately cut off. Ashtail, his deputy, had barged into the den, panting heavily. "I-Icestar!" he said, eyes wide. "S-sorry to ruin your moment . . . but I need you. There's something happening at DarkClan's border."

"What's happening?" he growled, claws outstretching.

"My patrol met Dewstar," he gasped, still out of breath. "Dewstar . . . and his whole Clan are there. He said that time is up. He is expecting you!"

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