Ceremonies and Roles (Clans)

| Apprentice Ceremony |

| Process |

When a kit turns six moons old, he/she is ready to become an apprentice. Until this time, their name ends with the "-kit" suffix.

When a kit becomes an apprentice, their name is changed so that the suffix of their name becomes "-paw", showing the path their paws are on.

| The Ceremony |

The Clan Leader calls a Clan Meeting to appoint a new apprentice and assign a mentor to him/her. The following words are used, by tradition:

Leader: (Kit), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as (new name, ending with "paw").

Your mentor will be (name of warrior or medicine cat). I hope (name of warrior or medicine cat) will pass down all he/she knows on to you.

The leader calls up the warrior he/she has chosen as a mentor.

Leader: (Warrior), you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from (former mentor), and you have shown yourself to be (quality) and (quality).

You will be the mentor of (apprentice), and I expect you to pass on all you know to (apprentice).

The mentor touches noses with the apprentice, and the Clan greets the new apprentice by calling out his/her name.

After this, the apprentice will usually go greet their family, or go see to their mentor.

| Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony |

| The Ceremony |

The leader calls a Clan meeting, after the Clan's medicine cat announces that he or she wishes to mentor an apprentice. The following words are used, by tradition:

Medicine Cat: Cats of (Clan), as you know, I will not be around forever. So it's time I took an apprentice. I have chosen a cat who has shown (virtues). Your next medicine cat will be (apprentice).

Leader: (Apprentice), do you accept the post of apprentice to (medicine cat)?

Apprentice: I do.

Medicine Cat: Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonstone/Moonpool to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats.

Leader: The good wishes of all (Clan) will go with you.

The mentor touches noses with the apprentice, and the Clan greets the new apprentice.

| At the Moonstone/Moonpool |

At the next half moon, the medicine cat goes with the apprentice to the Clans' sacred place to present him or her to the warrior ancestors, where the apprentice confirms his or her wish to be a medicine cat. The following words are used, by tradition:

Medicine Cat: (Apprentice), is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?

Apprentice: It is.

Medicine Cat: Then come forward.

Medicine Cat: Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. (He/she) has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant (him/her) your wisdom and insight so that (he/she) may understand your ways and heal (his/her) Clan in accordance with your will.

The medicine cat apprentice touches his/her nose to the Moonstone or drinks from the Moonpool. Then the medicine cat and the apprentice lay down and have a dream from StarClan.

| Mentor Ceremony |

| Process |

When a kit reaches six moons and becomes an apprentice, he or she is given a mentor. The mentor teaches them how to fight, hunt, patrol, familiarise them with The Warrior Code, and prepare them for life as a warrior.

When a leader assigns a new apprentice to mentor, he or she chooses pairings based on seniority and whether or not the pair will be able to work together.

Apprentices are rarely mentored by their own parents, as they would be too lenient on their children. Warriors are able to request a kit they would like to mentor, although this does not necessarily guarantee they will be chosen as a mentor to said kit once they reach six moons.

A warrior will often watch a kit they hope to mentor, and become familiar with the particular kit. Mentors can have more than one apprentice, but this is not frequent. Warriors require certain qualities to be mentors.

However, it does not matter how experienced a warrior is; when a cat is made a warrior, they can then be a mentor at any time.

Leaders usually only train the deputy's kits and other kits of important heritage, like Bluestar mentoring Firestar, as he is the subject of an important prophecy.

| Special Cases |

There are some things that can stop a kit or apprentice from becoming an apprentice or delay the apprenticeship, usually because of injuries.

However, in many of these cases the apprentice or kit will either recover or train as a medicine cat apprentice. Medicine cat apprentices are chosen by medicine cats, and unlike warrior apprentices, they remain apprentices even after receiving their full name, and continue to be until their mentor dies or retires.

| The Ceremony |

Leader: (Mentor), it is now your time for an apprentice. You will be mentor to (Apprentice).

Mentor walks out of the crowd. Apprentice goes up to meet the mentor.

Leader: (Mentor), the whole Clan knows your (reasons to have an apprentice, such as courage or loyalty). Do your best to pass on these qualities on to (Apprentice).

There is some form of trustworthiness between the mentor and apprentice, such as touching noses. The mentor and apprentice walk off to start the mentoring.

| Warrior Ceremony |

| Description |

Warriors have been trained in the ways of fighting and hunting in addition to the ways of the Warrior Code. They are charged with the responsibility to feed and protect those cats who are elderly or unable to spend time out of camp.

Warriors make up most of a Clan: each cat is, was, or will be a warrior (except medicine cats) unless they die before they become a warrior.

When a she-cat expects or nurses kits, she temporarily gives up her warrior duties, but takes them up again when her kits are apprenticed. Although, sometimes this is not true, as some cats would rather stay in the nursery to help other arrivals of new kits.

| Tasks |

> Providing defense and security

> Border patrols

> Marking borders

> Evicting or chasing out trespassers

> Camp security

> Stand guard and raise the alarm if invaded

> Protect the camp in the event of attack

> Providing food for the clan

> Serving in offensive operations

> Perform preemptive attacks against other Clans, either to eliminate a specific threat or to carry out another objective defined by the Clan Leader

> Mentor apprentices

| Education |

Kits are apprenticed at the age of six moons to a warrior, and are made full warriors once their mentor is satisfied with their skills and knowledge, and after they pass an assessment, and their leader is pleased with their training.

During apprenticeship, the apprentice must pass several assessments - tasks their mentor gives them, usually hunting in a specific place, while the mentor follows them unseen to check how they are getting on.

An apprenticeship usually lasts for six moons or more, thus, warriors are older than 12 moons. Cats become apprentices after an Apprentice Ceremony, and full warriors after a Warrior Ceremony.

| Mentors |

A warrior who currently instructs an apprentice is called a mentor. Before a warrior can become a deputy, they must mentor at least one apprentice.

This is not always true, as sometimes StarClan will send an omen to tell the leader or medicine cat who to choose, even if they have never been a mentor.

They will teach their apprentices the way of a warrior: how to hunt and fight, and the ways of the warrior code.

| Special Cases (Senior Warriors) |

A senior warrior is a warrior who is older and more experienced than the others, but has not decided to become an elder yet, and would rather serve their Clan as long as they can.

Senior warriors are given respect, and are often asked for advice by the Clan leader.

In the warriors' den, the senior warriors sleep towards the middle where it is warmest, while the younger warriors sleep towards the sides.

An example of a senior warrior is Whitestorm of ThunderClan, who was well respected by all his Clanmates.

| Daylight-warriors |

The concept of "daylight-warriors" was introduced in SkyClan's Destiny. It denotes kittypets who sleep with their Twolegs in a Twoleg Nest at night, but participate in a Clan's activities by day, like hunting and patrolling.

They can even train apprentices, or become a medicine cat apprentice. These warriors are generally scorned for being "half-kittypet" by their full-Clanmates.

| Medicine Cat Ceremony |

| Description |

Medicine cats are Clan cats who treat diseases and injuries, and who receive directions and guidance from StarClan. They have their own den in their Clan's camp, where they sleep, store herbs, and treat wounded or sick cats.

Medicine cats are not allowed to take mates or have kits. They are expected to stand apart from Clan rivalries.

Medicine cats have a special way of getting their full name. They are deeply respected by their Clanmates and few cats dare to argue with them.

| Tasks |

> Knowing all of the herbs and store a supply of them in their den

> Treating wounded and sick cats

> Assisting queens while they are pregnant with kits, giving birth, or nursing them

> Check up regularly on the health of Clan cats, (especially queens, elders, and kits)

> Visiting the Clans' sacred place (such as the Moonstone or Moonpool) at every half moon to seek guidance from StarClan

> Interpreting prophecies and omens and sharing them with the Clan leader

> Upon the death of the Clan leader, accompany the deputy to the Moonstone or Moonpool to be appointed as the new leader

> Training an apprentice as the Clan's next medicine cat

> Bearing the knowledge of basic battle training in case they need them

> To visit StarClan when in a crisis that requires direct communication with StarClan

| Appointment and Education |

Kits who wish to become medicine cats are apprenticed at the age of six moons to the Clan's current medicine cat. They are introduced to StarClan as a medicine cat apprentice at the first half moon after they gain apprenticeship.

They earn their name at the Moonstone or Moonpool after successfully completing their training, assuming full responsibilities even while their mentor is still alive.

When an apprentice, the mentor (or full medicine cat), has them do tasks that prepare them for being a full time medicine cat.

The apprentice has to gather herbs, get water, or do other useful things. They are expected to watch carefully when their mentor is treating a cat, so that when the time comes, they can do it, too.

It is also revealed in Night Whispers that ShadowClan trains their medicine cats to fight like warriors.

| Special Cases |

Some cats have been known to exchange their life as a warrior to be a medicine cat or life-altering experiences may cause take them on that path but this is considered to be very uncommon.

Though most medicine cats believe in StarClan, a few rare exceptions, have become medicine cats despite their lack of belief.

Medicine cats usually keep their role until they die, with the exception of Goosefeather, Leafpool, and Runningnose.

While medicine cats are not permitted to have mates or kits, cats that have previously had and lost a mate may become medicine cats if they choose, even if they still have kits.

| Deputy Ceremony |

| Process |

The leader calls a Clan Meeting, and performs the ceremony by announcing these words:

Leader: I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors (or former deputy name) may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of (Clan) is (warrior's name).

| Exceptions |

Occasionally, a Clan leader does not announce the new deputy before moonhigh. This can be because: they are physically or emotionally unwell, or they are unsure whether the previous deputy is alive.

If the ceremony is not performed in time, it is sometimes seen as a bad omen. If the deputy dies in battle, the Clan Leader might choose to appoint the new deputy whilst still fighting, instead of waiting to return to the camp.

| Origin |

Originally, there was no rule in the warrior code that said that a new deputy must be announced before moonhigh.

Then, a ShadowClan leader, Snowstar, died, leaving his deputy, Brightwhisker, in charge of ShadowClan. Brightwhisker wanted to go to the Moonstone to receive her name and nine lives, however, her medicine cat, Redscar, advised her not to, as she was sick with whitecough.

Redscar left her to sleep for the rest of the night, but when he returned to her the next morning, he found that she had died without appointing a deputy to succeed her.

The rest of the Clan then argued over who should be the next leader. A warrior named Jumpfoot stated that he would like to be leader, and although several other cats supported him, one of the queens criticised him for being too aggressive and said that Mossfire should be leader instead.

A fight broke out between Mossfire and Jumpfoot, and they both died by each other's claws in the end.

In his sleep, Redscar was visited by the former ShadowClan leader, Snowstar. Redscar expressed his worries about ShadowClan, and Snowstar asked him who he would like to be the next leader.

Redscar said that Flowerstem, Mossfire's sister, should be leader, as even though she watched her sister die, her only thoughts were to help her Clan.

Snowstar approved and told Redscar that he can convince the rest of the Clan of this choice if he used the right words.

Redscar then left a flower stem in the middle of the camp and said that it is a sign from StarClan. The rest of the Clan accepted this and Flowerstem was appointed leader.

Redscar said that he will tell Flowerstar to appoint a new deputy before moonhigh, so that no leader is left without a deputy for more than half a day.

| Elder Ceremony |

| Process |

An aging warrior, queen, or medicine cat may retire as an elder due to own initiative, when they feel they cannot help the Clan efficiently any more.

A cat may also retire if they are hindered from serving their Clan through old age, illness, or injury. They report this to the Clan Leader, who calls a Clan Meeting and addresses the warrior.

Leader: (Warrior), is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?

Warrior: It is.

Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest.

The Clan will call out the retired warrior's name and then he or she will go to the elder's den. An elder may receive a completely different name, with a different ceremony, than keeping their warrior name.

This ceremony is also used for other reasons, such as changing Lostface's name to Brightheart.

Usually, an elder ceremony is held only when a cat retires due to old age. If they are forced to retire because of a severe injury, there is no ceremony.

| Name Changing Ceremony |

| Process |

When a cat's name no longer portrays who they are, a Clan leader can perform this ceremony to change it to a new name.

Normally, the name is changed from the result of an injury. However, sometimes it is changed when the cat has been named incorrectly and the leader wants to rectify this mistake.

| Ceremony |

The leader calls a Clan Meeting, and performs the change with the following words:

Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he/she is.

By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on he/she will be known as (new name), for (description of the reason).

| Extra information |

A cat can request to change his/her name or another.

| Leader Ceremony |

| Origin |

The leader ceremony originated when the early warrior ancestors promised Shadow, River, Wind, Thunder, and Sky that if they found other cats like themselves, chose a home in the forest, and set down borders in the forest, they would reward the five cats with eight more lives, so that they may lead their Clans for many more moons to come.

| Process |

The new leader goes to the Moonstone (or Moonpool) with the Clan's medicine cat. After touching the stone (or drinking from the pool), the new leader cannot move for a short period of time, because their old life is being ripped away so they can receive nine new ones.

Upon awakening, cats of StarClan come down from Silverpelt. Nine cats, normally ones who were significant during the new leader's life, although this is not always the case, give them their nine lives with these words:

Life-Giver: (Touches nose to the top of the new leader's head) With this life I give you (gift). Use it well (to, in, as, for, etc.) (use of gift).

When all of the lives have been given, the previous leader says these words:

Previous Leader: I hail you by your new name, _____star. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of____Clan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity.

Just as the forest-cats would call a warrior by their new name, the StarClan cats acclaim the new leader. After the ceremony, the new leader is not allowed to tell any cat what happened during the ceremony.

Getting nine lives does not necessarily mean that a leader will live longer, but they can survive certain accidents or injuries that would claim the life of a cat.

However, they cannot survive if they have major injuries such as the injuries Scourge gave Tigerstar. If a leader does not lose a life, they will die of old age nine times.

If a leader no longer wishes to be the leader, they must go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to revoke all but one life, so their deputy may have their full nine lives.

| Vigil |

| New Warriors |

Newly appointed warriors are required to stay awake for the entire night after they received their warrior name, as decreed by the Warrior Code. They guard the camp in silence, while the other Clan members have a good rest.

In some cases, this rule cannot be adhered to, and the warrior receives another task.

| Vigil for the Dead |

If a Clan cat dies, his/her body is taken to the center of the camp, and several of their Clanmates, usually the cat's family members, close friends, and mentor/apprentice sit vigil for them through the night, sharing tongues for the last time before the elders bury the cat in the morning.

There can also be vigils for cats without bodies and suspected dead. There is no burial, but the cats still sit vigil.

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