Chapter 6
The gathering ended and felt like nothing discussed like our herb shortage or the foxes in the area. StarClan noticed this and covered the moon in rage and disappointment and even forced us to stay together longer and made us all sleep in the same camp as a ferocious storm raged on the outside of the barricade we made out of rocks and reeds are woven together, any more pressure would blast through it.
"Do you think it will ever stop? The rain I mean Wildpaw it looks like all of the power of StarClan is rained upon us tonight." Bluepaw meowed with some rain coming off the den onto her nose lightly for how it looks outside.
" I'm unsure maybe the sun will come out from the mountains soon and stop this cold rain. I always hated rain it makes my fur so matted and makes it stick to my body it very annoying and gross to look at afterward." I mewed my eyes soon to sleep and fall to the ground in slumber a sharp yowl struck my ears that were interrupted by a thundering boom and cries from the barricade I saw a shadow and ran out into the cold and raging storm. The yowling grew closer and then....
The barricade fell letting the rushing water from the highest tide of the lake running towards me! The yowl for help grew stronger, and I saw struggles from the figure over deeper as it fails to swim I attempt to swim as quickly as I can the water rushing into my ears and water running to my mouth I need to resurface and get air I swam back up almost falling back down as I failed to swim at a pace almost out of breath I saw three other warriors from my clan Riverclaw was leading the charge at the kit can be grabbed him by the scuff rushing back to land. Mistystar rushing towards me to save me from this flooding. Some warriors were already trying to patch up the hole and succeed. Riverclaw threw the kit in my mouth as I ran back to the medicine cat's den.
"Bluepaw lick this kit, he needs warmth!" Bluepaw was delayed at what just happened for a second but went straight to licking the kit to warm it up and made sure it did not have a cold from the rushing water." He is warming up, but now I think I'm colder than he ever was." In the haste of the sounds and excitement Silvertail put on some of the moss on my back and it almost absorbed instantly, drying my fur.
"Oh thank you for saving my kit!" A queen ran in from the storm and looked around at the cats.
" Your wel-" I was stopped as she ran up to Riverclaw and nuzzled his gray fur.
" My Badgerkit was saved because of you Riverclaw!" She meowed with glee and licked her kit with joy then noticing me beside and all wet with moss on my head and back.
"Oakflower your kit must stay here as he needs to be in the care of the medicine cat for tonight he is still quite cold, but he has a few friends he can play with if it does not stop tomorrow." The small kit starts to climb on my tail and lays down near the meeting point of my tail and my body my tail was much drier than any other part of my body and Cottonkit joined him there but closer to my tip of my tail.
"It's funny Wildpaw it's like you are the queen with no kits, yet cares for them." Bluepaw looks amazed at my kits laying on my back as it dried with the moss laying on the floor of the den but instead of my fur laying down collecting dust it's on its end in the air almost looking like a cloud.
" I know I guess no one else has fur like mine in my clan at this time of year." The black kit moved to my front as I laid down he was at my eye level, and he sat right in front of me.
" Whoa Oakflower look at her scar it's so cool! I wish I had one like you!" The black mewed with joy and put his paws on my scar feeling the deep wound.
"Yeah you don't want an injury like mine at least you can still smell the scar stopped that." I chuckled as his queen moved him off me some other kits started to get off me as well as they notice others were getting pulled off of my fur. " So Oakflower why did you name this kit Badgerkit very odd of a name." I looked at the kit and saw his fur was almost like a badger's from what I heard it has a black first coat with white spots on his back on running down to his paws that were painted white from the bottom, then to gray, and meeting back up with the black.
"Well, it took a while to figure out a name for him but the clan had a badger attack and this one got a light scar on his underbelly, so we called him after the event and his pelt which he got from his father, his eyes are from me. See same amber tint." Most kits would be jealous to have a pelt that detailed and that color it was like the darkest of nights that the moon never came out to greet us with its bright face.
"Oakflower where am I, I never been in here before it smells funny for any den." The black kit squeaked looking around with glee but not moving its nose maybe in fear of the horrid scent it had.
"We are in the medicine cat den this is Wildpaw she helped when saving you." The kit looked at my grand size and ginger coat with brown spots like dust and green eyes like the reeds I run in every day when on a look out for herbs.
But he took away all my pride when he said " wow this tom saved me! He is so big and strong!" Bluepaw snickered in the beside the kit yet Kestrelflight hushed her giggles, but she was still smiling at the cut in my pride.
"Well, this was too much excitement for me I need to go to sleep." Kestrelflight laid down and tapped her tail on the ground for Bluepaw to lie down.
"Not to seem rude-"
Kestrelflight interrupted " you already seem rude."
"I just want to sleep in the apprentice den, so our two new guests have a pleasant place to relax." Bluepaw ended her statement thinking she would be stopped again from her mentor.
Kestrelflight thought long and nodded and swayed her tail to the den with the chattering apprentices from different clans. "Just for this night, no others for the rest of the moon."
Bluepaw smiled and waited for me at the opening of the den and using me as a cover from the rushing winds as that kept me a foot last time when saving Badgerkit. At last at trying to stay on the ground we made it to the den Bluepaw rushed to a tom with brown fur and sky blue eyes his hair looked like an oak tree's bark and had the same short yet soft look Bluepaw had. "Wildpaw meet Skypaw; Skypaw meet Wildpaw!" The brown and black she-cat gestured me to the tom he nodded his head in honor and looked back up to see my face.
"Sorry to inquire but what happened to your face I never seen such a young apprentice have such deep scarring." He had a calm voice that was a polar opposite to Bluepaw's voice that is cheery and happy go lucky. Never know why they were friends.
"I thought Kestrelflight would not let you have friends." I looked at the tom he was a bit larger compared to the brown and black she-cat, but around the size of me I was a bit bigger and had a longer tail.
"No she does let me, but that does not stop old nursery den mates." Oh so she has always known, Skypaw as the relationship was brilliant and very kind to each other. I can see long history together now that I look harder. "Skypaw will become a warrior soon as well, as he fought off a dog with two other warriors. He has been yet to tell me his name that Onestar will give him." Skypaw chuckled and gave a smirk to his old friend.
"Well, when I'm a warrior you should get your name as well you are not too far behind me in clan work." He chuckled he had a toothy grin, would be she cat's dream when he gets older and maybe a bit less full of himself. " So my new she-cat friend who will you take on your trip to the Moonpool?"
"I have not thought of it that much, but I think I will make Riverclaw, Troutpaw, who is Riverclaw's apprentice, Cottonkit, and Shrewmoss, who is Cottonkit's father. I'm still unsure at the moment I have 15 nights to decide so it should not be a problem." I replied with a bit of sarcasm in my voice at the last two, thinking they would think I'm insane for being a kit to the Moonpool. "What about you Bluepaw?" I asked the amber-eyed she-cat.
"Kestrelflight and I were thinking just to go it alone; he does not like me getting distracted as much as I do nowadays." She looks down and back up at the medicine cat den and sighs.
"Hey, maybe Onestar and I can make an agreement in which I can go with you!" Skypaw mewed out he was very faithful to her as a friend, and they seemed almost inseparable to me. They always agreed on everything they talked about I bet.
"Thanks, Skypaw but then Speedykit and Snakekit would want to come. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you Wildpaw I have two brothers! Speedykit looks somewhat like you and Snakekit looked like Badgerkit but without the white parts." She chuckled and moved her head to the camp they came from and looked back at the storm. "I don't even think a badger can sleep through this storm it's insane to watch!" She tried to change the conversation quickly for no reason but I was unsure I should ask why maybe the next gathering I should ask as it seems very personal to talk about your brothers then the weather in a rabbit leap.
"I'm going to bed I may have stayed up later last night, but I'm so tired I can't even move my legs anymore wake me up when the sun comes up ok?" I yawn trying to stay awake. "Or wake me up when they have food ready for the elders and medicine cats..." I pass out with the whispers of my clan surrounding me...
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