Chapter 5

My fur felt the fire of the sun and awakens to a young Cottonkit laying in my fur and having her head surrounded by my tail engulfed in fluff and my smell of fish and dry dirty hair. Trying to not disturb the sleeping kit I grabbed her by the scruff and carried her to her queen and father they were both sleeping on the nursery ground and had both very slick and shiny fur I have no idea how they have a kit with such curly coat which was not fit for swimming.

Walking to the shallow end of the water under a large tree I tried to relax and calm down with the slow water splashing at my fur and soaking it with cold and clear water. My head down and my ears covered I think I almost heard a cat speaking it was faint and impossible as no cats were near me as they were deeper in the water trying to cool off in the new leaf heat. Trying to push the voice away and go back it seemed to get louder and louder with no stop until I saw it.

It was a gray smoke rushing towards me with the roar of the horses from my one time I left the camp. Hopping up my head bumped on the tree and almost made me fall back down but a voice stopped it all the horror I saw, and it seemed like only I saw it. 

"Are you okay Wildpaw you look exhausted and scared did a fish hopped at you again?" She laughed a bit and looked back and my face as it was starting to calm down and relax.

"Hah no just my eyes must be blurry as some reflection from the water messed with my vision and must have scared me." I started laughing with her trying to dismiss the idea from my head as the gathering was today and as it was the only sunrise I had a lot of time. "Hey, Silvertail need any help today?" I asked hoping for an answer such as yes or maybe later.

"Not right now as no cats are sick but I would like to organize my herbs like to help?" I nodded with glee and ran to her side being a bit more careful of my head this time from the fallen tree connected to an island.

As we head into the den, a little kit wanted to join us. " Well look what the high tide brought in a little Cottonkit." Silvertail nuzzled the kit and finally asked why she was here." May I asked why you came to us this beautiful day?"

"Hello, Silvertail I need some paste for my fur Nuttall said to go to you she said it would make my hair like a fish in the lake!" The small she-cat squeaked her voice was varying to her mood, but her jolly voice was very squeaky and seem to jump to very high and tertiary.

"Well, Wildpaw head to the elder's den and grab some paste from little Cottonkit said her Queen needed her to get slick like a fish." Silvertail joked with Cottonkit which the kit did not seem to get the joke but still the kit knew her manners and laughed as well as I head out the kit tried to run to my side as I slowed down of her as I was much larger in size and much faster with my longer legs.

"Wildpaw do you know how to fight? Like Shrewmoss." The kit looked up at me with innocent eyes and not wanting to put her hopes too high but still let her have dreams of being a warrior.

"No not yet but I may ask Riverclaw to teach me he may be bitter to me but he wants the best for the clan well that's what  Silvertail says." The clan was much more lively at this time as everyone was running around with great speed. Riverclaw was training near the shore he did seem to have a lot of fun but it looks like Riverclaw was not about having fun with his apprentice.

"Well, I bet you would be amazing at it!" This kit was very confident I wonder why she stays around such a negative cat like me, the world may never know or understand her.

"Well ask around to see who has the dock it's good to meet them young as you will serve them as long as you live!" I laugh at the joke as some other elders laugh as well.

With a few fox leaps the kit hopped around the den and found the dock, I chewed up and spat it back into her fur; she was very calm like she does this a lot well for a cat spitting into her curly white hair.  To my amazement her hair almost straighten out and looked like my fur with was very dense and straight but her fur was less dusty with dirt spots well that's was we think it is. "Cottonkit I need you to stay around the camp for a while and just relax near your queen okay? I need to talk to Willowshine for a while." The kit hopped out and to her queen who was waiting near the shore of the lake to cool off on this hot day.  " Willowshine I need to ask you something it is very important to me if you answer me. How can I speak to StarClan? I want to talk to someone who I never heard their last wishes." Willowshine started crying with the tears soaking her black fur.

"There is only one way which is to wait for the half moon. Under the pelt of StarClan and only then you can speak to them." Willowshine is trying to keep her voice and tone she was able to, but she was still shaky as a vole near a hunting patrol.

"Willowshine can I pick who wants to come to my Moonstone journey? If so I know who I like to take with me and want rank can they be?" Willowshine nods but with a slight delay as she was most likely think about her answer and how to reply. "Are you going to the gathering tonight maybe StarClan will finally speak up to us and tell us about their agenda for us." I looked up at the sky in hope of anything from their ancestors.

"No I may not my bones are weaker now a days and my legs are wary I do wish to but I am too old to very get up without sticks to support myself  and the clan my just tell me what happened and the code does say as long they can be trusted by the medicine cat and older than five moons they can join the journey they must be with two warriors if the cat is not older than six moons. " I was very happy with the second part but more disappointed with the first. "You know WindClan has a new medicine cat apprentice as well? Maybe you two will become friends in the most random events you never know now do you?" Willowshine was right and WindClan is not even that far away from RiverClan so maybe two medicine cats can be over border friends.

"I guess you are right but I sure I will always be happier here it's Cottonkit and Silvertail they are my closest friends here in the clan."  I smiled as I saw Cottonkit cleaning off all the Dock in the water and her fur springing back up into curls she was innocent with eyes and a heart like the water they were clear and pure. "Well I will leave you be, for the rest of the day enjoy yourself I have some more work till the gathering and I see some new cats." Willowshine watched me pad out and head over the medicine cat den with remnants of the dock in my mouth.

"Oh hello Wildpaw we have some guest from the other clans they are the medicine cats we are very great full for you to be here with us as you most likely don't know we started a new tradition that before every gathering the medicine cats will meet in RiverClan in private the whole clan know this we are happy for you to be here to meet them tho." As she looked back at the cats she patted the ground with her tail to gesture me to sit down next to her.  I still had the dock in my mouth as I spat out the remaining pieces that were not chewed up into a paste. "Well, you have already met Willowshine so these are the other medicine cats in the others clans. First is Jayfeather from ThunderClan, next is Kesterlflight from WindClan with her apprentice Bluepaw she is going to make the journey to the moon pool with us, and next is.... Uh has ShadowClan named a new medicine cat yet?" Silvertail looks around for signs of the ShadowClan cat yet no cat arrived to join us today.

"I heard they have an apprentice who an elder is teaching and she is too sick to make it on her own to the meeting!" Blue paw yelled out with a smile she was very kit like much smaller than me yet have such beautiful black and brown fur it seemed impossible for her not to be a kitty pet and be a clan born.

"Bluepaw not so loud! This is a meeting which the other clans must not hear it is out of trust they don't try to hear us speak, you must learn that!" Kesterlflight was very high standing to the young Bluepaw and seemed to push her to be the best and understand the code inside and out it was odd to me to see this aggressive teaching when my training would look like kitty pet training compared to her's.

"I'm sorry I will not do it again." Her voice was hushed and even sound scared looking at the young she-cat her eyes darted back at me and she scanned my head to my paws and is cringed a bit at my matted dusty fur.

The light made her hair glimmer in the sunset 'I wish I had fur like that.' I thought to myself and saw more strange cats enter the camp each with another coat color I never saw it was like looking at a rainbow tho rainbows are magically for what Silvertail says this is real and I can touch it as well!

"The gathering will be starting all cats soon; please cross to the island." A loud yowl came from outside, and the cats started walking towards the tree I laid under this sunrise and cooled off in the cold water.

As the cats in the den began to leave, I hopped next to Bluepaw and saw Cottonkit looking at all the cats with her jaw open this is her first moon when she can see the gathering RiverClan is very strict on kit seeing other cats from other clans as they fear of them taking them.

"Hey Bluepaw is this your first time as well you do look younger to me, or maybe I'm just bigger I'm unsure of what's going on here." She shook her head no and seemed to glance a dark black tom with white spots on his back and his paws are covered in the same white, Bluepaw looks back at me and sighs and walks ahead.

The black kit looks about a bit older than Cottonkit and maybe the moon younger than me, his queen released him, and he hopped to the kits and played with them I guess all cats can come as long and they have a purpose to get here.

Hopping off the log, the gathering was about to start, and all the leaders gathered at the same spot my heart racing is awe the other leaders Bramblestar from ThunderClan, Onestar from WindClan, and Rowanstar from ShadowClan. 

"All cats under StarClan's watch we may begin the gathering." Said a brown and black tom from ThunderClan as the leaders were thinking of their speeches for the meeting I looked around the congregation and saw all the colors of the cats it was like watching a rainbow in the lake surface I was so excited to meet these cats!

But oddly no one wanted to talk barely any words were spoken for about as long as it takes me to eat, it was worrying for a time of peace as no cat has stood up to speak. I saw Bluepaw near some other WindClan cat as I can see from there short, glossy fur. "Hey, Bluepaw what's going on no has talked about anything."

She sighed and pulled me into a nook under a tree and looked around like to see if the coast is clear. "Okay, we can talk in private now. When Kesterelflight is around I don't feel like I should talk to any cats as she wants me to be the very best but she is just restraining me to have many friends other than my work." She made sure she was talking quietly
so no cat could hear us not even a mouse can hear us peep. " The four clans have been on each other's necks lately. I'm not so much for fighting for no reason but they are close too with a few more attacks maybe even the RiverClan and ThunderClan rivalry may restart, and it may end all the same way, just the two Clans parting ways but before the stalemate, blood will color the sands. Wildpaw have you heard of the Clans of the Journey? I'll just sum it up, Cats from each clan had to travel about two moons to find a wise badger and only their trust and friendship kept them together and got the clans to the lake territory or where we live now." I nodded and she noticed Kesterelflight was watching her carefully, and she hopped away from the nook and tried to explain why she was talking to me as I could almost read her body and movements.

Why did she tell me the story of why I live here? Why did she look at Bramblestar when she talked about it, was he one of the cats on the journey? And why has no one told me about these things yet?

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