Chapter 14

Three days after the disappearance of Dawnkit and one day those two cats close in the nursery looked forward. Cottonkit's apprenticeship, those two I bet would hope for the same mentor and would probably never leave each other's side. And it's very close to my trip to the Moonpool.

"All cats old enough to feed themselves please gather!" Mistystar yowls over the camp as all the warriors gather under her. "This wonderful sunrise we are having a new apprentice. Cottonkit you have reached the age of your sixth moon. It is time for you to be apprenticed. Until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Cottonpaw, and you will be mentored by Riverclaw." The tom hopped next to his new apprentice. He was cold to the new apprentice but that was like him." I hope you pass on everything to Cottonpaw. Riverclaw your training with Troutpaw has been a clear movement and you are the fittest to take on another apprentice." The tom nods and licks the small she-cat's shoulder. She was not expecting him but he is fit to take her on he is very smart, strong, and well a bit of a con artist if anything. He'd lie if he has to and would get away with it, with no bumps in the hill.

"I am honored too. Thank you Mistystar I will not disappoint." His smile shook the new apprentice, a toothy grin and a rise of the brow.

"That's what I hope, thank you Riverclaw you will be the best for this apprentice." Maybe he will train her if you stop filling his head he doesn't need more hot air in there, Troutpaw already praises his mentor like StarClan.

Cottonpaw hopped off the rock and walked towards me. "Wildpaw...? Can you patch me up when I need you? Just please promise you will help me when I'm hurt I want to do this for Dawnkit as he could never see this I want to make him proud!" I nodded she was very noble already for an apprentice for a few heartbeats.

"I know he is already proud of you, and I will help in your time of need. How about we both strive to be the best for him?" She smiled and ran to her queen into the open paws of family and love. I need to patch up this, or I can never make our friend proud of us if this cold water between the one I love. I walk towards my mentor. "Silvertail I just want to have what we have. Just one condition I want, please don't hide from me anymore."

"Yes, I want my apprentice back you are the one thing, I need to how much I need your help more foxes have been the area and any help will be accepted and in any condition," I smile at her I wish it will just stay like this and in the future I will watch Cottonpaw be a warrior and will visit me with her mate and maybe even have Troutpaw being the leader if he would mature more than now. That would be the life that any cat would love.

"I will accept, and maybe a walk will do us some good we can walk towards WindClan I want to talk to Bluepaw I saw her in some dream or omen." My mentor's face looked down and had a consulting face.

"We better not Kestrelflight have not been that keen on visits nowadays I know Bluepaw is your friend but you can't have your paw in two clans she is a WindClanner we are RiverClan and you must remember we can always walk towards ShadowClan and I should see how they are doing without Flametail." I nod with a hint of sorrow that I can't see my WindClan friends and Skypaw should have had his warrior name soon but still I guess this will do I can at least talk to Badgerkit he will may this trip worth while. Maybe I can get Riverclaw to go on a hunting patrol and walk with us with some company to help the long walk.

"Alright, but can we try to get Riverclaw to take a hunting patrol to the stream? I would like more company and maybe some protection if those foxes encounter us." She nodded and walked to her little brother talking to Cottonpaw across the camp near the apprentice den. Troutpaw was Clearly overjoyed that he now has a partner in training.

"We're gonna be the best warriors ever! I can't wait to train with you!" Troutpaw yelling at Cottonpaw she was clearly uncomfortable, so I think it was good that we interrupted this.

"Hello, brother Wildpaw thought our two groups should walk towards the Shadow Stream. So Cottonpaw can learn the way of the land." My mentor spoke, as the silver tom nodded in agreement as Troutpaw walked to my side and Cottonpaw to my other.

"Yes we should head out soon, and we can split up at the Stream. Come along let's not struggle to get out. Keep up Wildpaw." Odd he noted me as I am his height so my pace should match up to his...

"So why are you going to the Shadow Stream?" Cottonpaw asked as she hops to keep up with Riverclaw and me.

" We are heading to ShadowClan." I mew I'm pretty sure I heard a gasp from Troutpaw. "Are you okay Troutpaw?"

"Are you leaving the clan? Please tell me it's not true!" Troutpaw gasped in fear.

I chuckle "don't worry I can't have a paw in two clans."

" Yeah, no need to worry Troutpaw! She is a born RiverClanner, not a ShadowClanner!" Cottonpaw chuckles at Troutpaw.

"You and Troutpaw are basically connected at the hip Wildpaw." Silvertail chuckled. "Remember when that was us Riverclaw but I felt like you were attached me back! Haha, you were so lazy back then!" Cottonpaw and Silvertail joined together in a heckling laugh at the tom. Troutpaw seemed very offended or very embarrassed with his ears and fur perked up.

"Can we please walk away from this topic I'm sure you have some embarrassing moments from your kit hood as well Silvertail!" He huffs with rage. That comeback made my day saying under all the brooding and fear there is a kit who wants to be the best.

I saw Riverclaw slow and gesture his two apprentices towards a bush and waved his tail towards another Bush most likely referring to us. "Hey can want they see smell us?"

My mentor shook her head " no their sense of smell is weaker than us by Fox leaps, but they can hear us."

It felt like moons until the group came out. But I saw tussling and murmurs coming out of the bush. "I could have got that rabbit if you did not put your tail in my face!" Troutpaw raised his head in a scoff.

"Will that's because you dug your claws into my paws! It is your fault that you held me down!" Cottonpaw returned the hiss

My mentor rolls her eyes." Both of you this behavior is entirely kitish and not fit for your rank or mentor." Silvertail bite through the air of the two tense cats to lighten it up.

"We are heading up to the Shadow Stream how much do you want us to lead you too?" Riverclaw moved the tense bickering to another subject. Thankfully.

"We can head the rest of the way now thank you. Come along Wildpaw." Silvertail drove me away from the group of apprentices whose eyes sparked into each other with rage. "So Wildpaw why does you sleep next Troutpaw he seems unbearable!" She chuckles at the tom as the two groups part paths.

"Sometimes he acts super friendly and clingy to his mentor or me so I have no idea why I can bear with him." We laughed together.

We cracked jokes the whole way laughing our heads off! I know being fun and hilarious keeps up morals and the air of tension should leave, but I did not how awful it was at ShadowClan.

The cats shaggy looked sick beyond belief, and their fresh prey pile nonexistent. This is a major problem why was it not talked about at the gathering? Did they not want to tell how the time of need, does that mean we are weak?

"Silvertail this is horrid to watch. I need to go out of camp for a second okay?" My mentor nods as a walk out of camp. I should ask Badgerkit or his queen what's going on...

Panting running towards me " are you a medicine cat?!" A tom ran towards me holding a black scruff of fur.

"Yes but only an apprentice! I can get my mentor!" I answer in shock of what to do!

"No! He has lost to much blood! You need to help him here and now!" He dropped the cat to my paws.

There not much here to use but I hopped to a bush and plucked a mouthful of leafs for clotting the blood so he will not die of blood loss. I lick around the wound to clean it up he blood was dry and sour he must had this injury a while away. The bleeding slowed but he still in pain. He needs chew on something rough to chew on so he can focus on that instead of this open wound. Looking around frantically for dry moss, a stick , or anything that can make a stress reliever for the cat. In all the commotion my mentor finally came to my side with some poppy for the tom. As the tom eventually chewed up the last of the poppy the cat who brought me the injured cat on my back and lead me to the Medicine Cat den so the tom can rest.

"That was a rush..." My heart still beating very quickly that it could maybe fall out of my body.

"But you did very well he would have died if you did not help him." My mentor praise made me feel a bit better but still on edge I think I'm going to sleep next to the cat just to make sure he is okay as the rest of the clan sleeps. It will force me to feel much better.

"You need to stop saving me rose I don't need to pay you back twice." The tom was not asleep yet and had a familiar voice. His chuckle put me at ease.

"Badgerkit you scared me so much... Again..." I sigh knowing he was at least strong enough to talk to me.

"Correction Badgerpaw I had a ceremony four nights ago... The tom who got me to you is my mentor. Hey, Rose, you changed a bit since we last saw each other." His eyes drew to my chipped ear. And then back to my right eye.

"Where can I start?" I laugh and start to talk to the tom it made me filled with joy knowing he will be okay. But these conditions I'll tell Mistystar she must know.

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