Chapter Five


Brokenkit stood at the base of a hill, a hole was carved into the moist soil. The den was dark but she could sense a presence within it.

Falling victim to curiosity, Brokenkit crept forward, her ears pricked and her fur bristling ever so slightly. As she approached, she could make out voices.

"-Get over here, now!" A cruel, gurgling growl rose from the throat of a cat.

There were small, hesitant pawsteps as something did as it was told, going over to the mean cat.

"Good," the voice spat, there was a whizz as something slashed through the air. A small squeak of pain, a thud, then silence.

Brokenkit stood up straight, unsheathing the tiny claws she had, and padded forward, she rounded a corner to find a small space illuminated by a glowing blue rock. In the space towered a tom, his pelt white and his paws a brown/black color. Dark crimson stained his paw, as well as the ground.

A small, limp body was crumpled in front of him, it looked to be a silver tabby she-kit. In the corner stood two other kits; one of them was golden with a strange white chin, and the other a dark brown tabby.

The big tom leaned down, picking the limp body up, and twisted his head to the side, throwing the poor silver kit into the wall of the den.

The dark brown tabby looked to be ready to reach out and kill the tom but he was too big and too scary.

Brokenkit took the chance for him, bravery taking hold of her limbs as she leapt at the white tom. The tom turned to look at her but he acted as though nothing was there. The kit went straight through him.

Brokenkit gasped as she flopped on the other side of the tom, breathless at what had happened.

Brokenkit! Brokenkit! A voice repeated in the den but no one was speaking, or even looking in her direction.



Something brushed across her shoulder, making her bolt upright, her eyes flew open but quickly closed again at the bright light coming in from the entrance to the nursery.

She turned her head as she calmed her racing heart, her amber and yellow eyes glazed from the aftermath of her dreadful dream.

"Brokenkit," the familiar sight of Thornkit welcomed her tired eyes. "Are you okay?"

Brokenkit tilted her head to the side in confusion, her fur falling flat against her back. "Yeah, why?"

"Because you kept squirming and you wouldn't be quiet," he mewed, looking truly worried. "Is something bothering you?"

"Uh..." She hesitated, her heart racing as she tried to decide whether to tell him or not. "I..."

"Is Brokenkit awake?"

Both kits turned to see Stonepelt peeking into the nursery, her yellow eyes dulled in grief.

"Yes." Thornkit inclined his head, throwing a worried glance to Brokenkit before pushing past the gray queen and heading out. Brokenkit started to follow but Stonepelt stopped her with her tail.

"It's horrible out," she mewed. "Be careful." Then she removed her tail from Brokenkit's path.

The kit nodded and made her way outside, she froze when she saw it. A strong wind blew through the treetops, drops of water pelted down upon the cats, lightning flashed in the sky, thunder shook the clouds, and the packed dirt was turned to slick mud that stuck to their paws.

Brokenkit trudged through the mud, toward where she had last seen the water-cats. But her paws sunk too far into the mud for her to move, helpless Brokenkit struggled vainly to free herself. The rain worsening as her struggles became more desperate. Someone help me! She pleaded silently, her unmatching eyes locked on her paws.

Suddenly strong jaws clamped down on her neck fur, pulling her from the mud to set her to a safer spot. Brokenkit looked up to see Splashkit, the bigger kit had somehow managed to drag her from the deep mud. Squirrelkit stood beside him, his eyes dulled with worry.

"Thank you." Brokenkit mewed politely.

"Squirrelkit noticed you but he wasn't strong enough to pull you out." Splashkit meowed goodheartedly.

Brokenkit jumped when she saw the white and black she-cat watching them with cold gray eyes. Even though the rain had washed away the she-cat's scent, Brokenkit instantly knew that she was one of the water-cats. Ignoring Squirrelkit and Splashkit, Brokenkit stormed over to the she-cat, who looked at her with wide eyes as shock flashed across her face.

"Your a water-cat, aren't you?" The tiny kit mewed bravely, her pelt bushed up to make her look twice her size.

"Yes, I'm from RiverClan," the she-cat meowed with a confused glance around, her whiskers shaking in slight fear as though she expected cats to suddenly ambush her.

But ThunderClan wouldn't do that, Brokenkit thought faithfully, although a small prickle of doubt hid in her deepest thoughts.

"I... Are you... By chance, missing any... Kits?" Brokenkit squeaked out, loosing her courage to stand in front of the RiverClan she-cat.

"Actually, yes." The she-cat looked truly surprised this time, her ears instantly pricked in interest. "How did you know?"

"I... That's not the point; I think I know where your kits are." Brokenkit mewed bashfully, her tail flicking nervously back and forth. What if she doesn't believe me? What if she thinks I'm lying? What if I'm wrong?

"Does your leader know?" The she-cat asked politely, although her tail twitched in impatience to find the missing kits.

"No," Brokenkit meowed, guilt instantly gnawing at her fur. "But I - we can tell him, together? I don't think he'll believe me alone."

"Of course, but will he believe me?" The she-cat questioned.

"I... I don't know..."

(I'm super sorry for the late update it's just I got my phone taken away and I keep having to steal it back...)

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