Mapleshade's Betrayal

Dead leaves lay on the ground as Mapleshade stood through them. The dark sky towered over her with bright stars and the glowing moon, a silent air blowing through the forest. She saw her Clanmates in Sunning Rocks, fighting against RiverClan's warriors. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes for a few heartbeats before opening them.

My Clan will need my help. Why should I stand here and watch them fight against a rival Clan? Those fish-eaters will pay for setting a paw step in my Clan's territory! Springing off of the ground, Mapleshade joined in with the battle.

She unsheathed her claws and raked them across a she-cat's muzzle, drawing blood. "Mapleshade! Where's backup?" Redheart, ThunderClan's deputy, asked as he leaped to her side.

"Applestar said she'd bring in more soon," Mapleshade answered, dodging her head to the side to miss an oncoming blow. "She should be here by now." Applestar was one of the strictest leaders in the forest. She often got a single cat in trouble for the slightest thing.

She'll most likely be sleeping now, after sending in some warriors, Mapleshade thought. But nonetheless, RiverClan will not win this battle. She pinned down a she-cat and the RiverClan warrior couldn't get up. "Run off and tell Rainstar ThunderClan will not be messed with," she snarled in the warriors' face. "Go on; go back to your little fish Clan."

She let her opponent go, her fierce gaze staring back at the RiverClan warrior. The RiverClan warrior began to scramble away, going across the river where RiverClan's camp lay. They have no right to Sunning Rocks. Just because they eat fish they think they can get what they desire.

She turned her head to see Appledusk of RiverClan leaping towards her. Taken by surprise, Mapleshade found herself rolling past a boulder and into some bushes. Her opponent was off of her, and she scrambled to her paws, hissing in rage.

"Why did you knock me out of the battle?" she questioned. "Maybe I can shred your pelt here to teach you a lesson for trying to claim part of ThunderClan's territory."

"I don't want to fight," Appledusk replied, "especially not against you, my friend. Let's just stay here and --"

"Watch our Clanmates get hurt, possibly die? Appledusk, I can still attack you whether we're friends or not. I'm loyal to my Clan, always, and you cannot change that." Appledusk circled around her. Every part of Mapleshade's pelt told her she shouldn't be talking to the RiverClan warrior, but she couldn't help herself.

"I know how you feel," he then sighed. "I want to be a loyal RiverClan cat. But I can't help it. You're always at the back of my mind and I always think of you. It's hard to try focusing on tasks without you coming into my head. I'm drawn to you, Mapleshade."

"Why?" Mapleshade hissed. "Friends are only for Gatherings. I cannot make my Clan look upon me as disloyal. I want to make a good impression so I could maybe become a leader one day. Why should I care about a RiverClan warrior?"

"You shouldn't," Appledusk answered. "It's just that I do not want to mess up our friendship, at a Gathering or not."

"But you almost killed Firepoppy, my own sister!" Mapleshade argued. "How can you be a friend if you almost killed a cat who is my kin? You mustn't want to be my friend if you did that."

"I didn't want to show Rainstar up," Appledusk mewed. "He wouldn't be pleased with me at all. StarClan knows what he would do." Mapleshasde stared at him and let out a sigh, sheathing her claws. Perhaps her Clanmates wouldn't know she was there as they'd be too busy fighting.

"Look, Appledusk, what do you want?" she questioned. Surely the RiverClan warrior would have a good reason to pull her out of the heat of battle?

"Meet me here at moonhigh, okay?" Mapleshade continued to stare at the silver tabby. She then gave a nod after a few heartbeats.

"Okay, fine. Just promise you won't do anything dodgy." Appledusk gave a nod. He then put his paw of unsheathed claws on his shoulder and dug them in, pulling them down to have a wound replaced. Mapleshade was surprised but then she knew what the tom was doing. Good thinking.

She threw herself at Appledusk, knocking him out of the bush. Mapleshade got up and stared down at Appledusk as she was in the clearing of Sunning Rocks. "Do you give up?" she asked.

"Yes," Appledusk spat with rage. "You have not won this battle still." He got up and began to limp away.

"Don't ever try to mess with a ThunderClan warrior, Appledusk!" Mapleshade called after the defeated warrior. Most of RiverClan were now retreating, she realised as she looked around. Redheart made Oakpelt, the RiverClan deputy, scatter away from the battle in defeat.

"Don't try picking fights again, Oakpelt," Redheart snarled. He turned to the ThunderClan warriors. "Is everyone alright?"

"Not all," Mapleshade heard Sweetbriar reply. She looked over her shoulder to see Firepoppy lying on the ground, her ginger pelt battered with blood. As she raced to her side, horror flooding through her, she saw her amber eyes were staring blankly ahead of her.

"I'm sorry, Mapleshade, but Firepoppy is dead," Sweetbriar told the warrior in a soft voice. "RiverClan must have been too much for her to handle." Firepoppy is a strong warrior, Mapleshade thought. She would not be defeated easily like a mouse. Whoever killed her will pay for fighting like a savage.

"I know," Mapleshade spat bitterly. "RiverClan were too strong for the younger warriors." Thrushwing rested his tail-tip on Mapleshade's shoulder, staring down sadly at Firepoppy.

"She was expecting my kits," Thrushwing meowed. "Now they're all dead because of RiverClan." There was hatred at the edge of his voice as he spoke. "Her death will be avenged, Mapleshade."

"Of course it will!" Mapleshade snapped. "Don't you think RiverClan have it easy on them? They need payback for the damage they've caused ThunderClan!" Thrushwing looked surprised at Mapleshade's attitude.

Until my last breathe, I'll make sure Firepoppy's death is avenged. She will not go down that easily, Mapleshade thought bitterly. "We must get back to camp and report this to Applestar," Redheart mewed. "Come on." He began to walk away from Sunning Rocks.

"Ha, like Applestar will take too kindly for RiverClan killing one of her warriors," Snowtuft muttered beside Mapleshade. Snowtuft had only been made a warrior a moon before her. The two cats often quarrelled, making them hate each other.

Mapleshade never felt Snowtuft could be trusted. The snow-white tom often kept to himself in the shadows and when he spoke, it was with hatred and bitterness. "Oh, hello, Maplepaw. I see you've lost your sister. She, unlike you, will be missed."

"Are you saying my Clan doesn't deserve to mourn for me when I die?" Mapleshade hissed at the tom. "Do you want a shredded ear, Snowtuft?" Snowtuft looked afraid. His mouth often got himself into trouble and he seemed to always be terrified of Mapleshade for an odd reason. Even the kits did until they got used to her!

I don't know why he's so scared of me. I'm actually glad I look like Fallenpetal, she thought with a spark of happiness going through her. She thought Fallenpetal was pretty and she was even more delighted to have the same pelt as her.

"If you did that to me, Applestar would shred your throat off!" Snowtuft mewed. "So don't even think about hurting me unless you want more trouble."

"You should stop acting like you're so strong," Mapleshade growled in the white tom's face. "You're pathetic and a coward. Do you think Applestar will ever approve of such a warrior? No, I think not."

"It's not my fault," Snowtuft muttered. "Perhaps you could teach me to be fierce?"

"And hedgehogs would fly when you actually learn to be a proper warrior!" Mapleshade gave a roll of her amber eyes. "Applestar will most likely take squirrels in and make them warriors because they'd be better than you."

"A squirrel can't do a thing but get caught in paws!" Snowtuft argued. "How would Applestar ever take in squirrels? It's mouse-brained!"

"Much like you," Mapleshade mewed. "Now we better get back to the camp before Applestar gets mad at us for trailing behind." Snowtuft gave a nod while Mapleshade walked away. She felt ashamed to be in the same Clan as Snowtuft.


Mapleshade walked into the warriors' den, settling herself on her nest. She let out a sigh as she stared at an empty nest at the corner of the den, where Firepoppy would have slept. She was blamed for the warrior's death by her own leader when she was not responsible for it.

It was as if Applestar were blind. She always blamed a cat for something they didn't even do. Perhaps one day in the future she'll come to her senses. When she almost drifted off to sleep, a voice whispered in her ears: The shaded darkness that lies deep down in the frost will rise, and all will fall under its curse of death.

As Mapleshade looked to the side where she heard the voice coming from, she could see nothing but her sleeping Clanmates. She blinked and kept the prophecy in the back of her mind.

Mapleshade had woke up into a dark forest. Although this was supposedly a dream, it felt pretty real. A cold breeze hit her, making her shiver. As she looked around, she could only see tall, dark trees and mist, surrounded by darkness.

Ahead of her stood a large dark grey tabby, whose eyes burned through her. "You've come," he meowed. "I've been expecting you for a long time."

"What do you mean?" Mapleshade was confused. The cat looked more like a spirit to her eyes now as they adjusted to the darkness.

"You're Mapleshade, of course," the tom mewed. "I've been watching you all your life but you'd have never known. I watch you from here."

"So why am I here?" Mapleshade questioned.

"I'm here to help you seek out your true destiny," the stranger replied. "I will be your mentor for now. My name is Shadeheart. Do not fear me; I'm your friend at heart."

"I don't fear you," Mapleshade told Shadeheart confidently. "And I do not need a mentor. I'm a warrior, not some apprentice."

"I know," Shadeheart answered. "But it's for the best if we became mentor and apprentice. I could teach you more than you could ever know. I have the knowledge and you have the strength. Together, you could be the most feared and strongest cat who ever lived. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"I guess. . ." Mapleshade didn't sound too sure. She did want to be the best warrior but could Shadeheart really help her? "Yeah, I do."

"Good." Shadeheart's eyes brightened up with delight. "Of course, you will be keeping your warrior name. I see you're wanting to avenge your sister. . . Firepoppy's death."

"Of course I do," Mapleshade replied. "Those RiverClan scums won't get away with my littermate's death."

"Of course they wouldn't. They'll never celebrate her death once you avenge it."

"They're celebrating Firepoppy's death?" Mapleshade felt sick. She thought RiverClan would have never celebrated a death. That just made Mapleshade even more angry at them.

"And Appledusk is, too," Shadeheart put in. "You don't need that treacherous friend, Mapleshade. He's just using you to make you weaken up around him so he can go in for the kill."

"I was supposed to meet him at moonhigh but I forgot and now I'm here," Mapleshade mewed. "I can't believe I broke a promise I made to a friend."

"Enemy," Shadeheart corrected. "There is no need to have friends, in your Clan or not, if you wish to be the best warrior ever."

"There isn't?" I find it strange how Shadeheart knows so much about me and the other cats right now. It's like he can see the whole forest without trying! "I guess you are right. They'd just get in my way."

"That's correct," Shadeheart meowed. "Now - we're in StarClan's training grounds."

"Then why does it look so dark? I thought it was a bright place. . ."

"Not the training grounds," Shadeheart answered. "They're not expected to be the same as the actual territory itself."

"Can I at least go see Firepoppy? I want her to be okay," Mapleshade asked.

"No!" Shadeheart replied. "No, you can't. You're here to train, not visit the other StarClan members, remember?"

"I know," Mapleshade sighed. "I just wanted to speak to Firepoppy. Oh, do you know about that prophecy I was told?"

"Of course I do," Shadeheart replied, his eyes darkening for a reason. "But if you want the answer to what it means, I cannot tell you. The answers may come to you sooner or later without me having to tell you."

"Okay. When do we start our training?" Shadeheart hesitated to think.

"Tomorrow," he then replied. "Just fall asleep and you'll be here. In the future, keep away from Appledusk. He's sly but not sly enough. A true warrior is always sly that no cat could ever realise it until it's too late."

"I will keep away from that traitor," Mapleshade promised. "You can count on me, Shadeheart." Shadeheart gave a nod.

"I know I can. Rest well, little warrior." The forest and Shadeheart began to fade away from Mapleshade's vision as she returned to the warriors' den.


Hatred hit Mapleshade as she recalled some of her memories in ThunderClan. She had been exiled because she gave birth to three kits that were half-Clan. Their father was Appledusk, a RiverClan warrior, and Mapleshade decided to give her kits to RiverClan.

Shadeheart knew my destiny was to be a traitor to my Clan, Mapleshade thought as she remembered the conversation she had with the Dark Forest warrior when she had first met him. She had been lied to by the dark warrior; he said she was training under StarClan's paws but in reality, Mapleshade wasn't.

You're useless now. Mapleshade could hear Shadeheart's voice echoing through her head. Because of you, you have no Clan to call your home. I warned you that Appledusk never cared for you yet you refused to face the truth. If he cared, would he have brought this to you?

"Go away!" Mapleshade yowled. She lifted her muzzle up towards the sky. "What do you want from me? I only ever wanted to be a loyal cat to my Clan!" Her kits let out mewls and Mapleshade's gaze fixed onto them.

She saw the river that separated RiverClan from ThunderClan and began to head towards it with her kits. Looking into the water, she could tell the current was fast. She stepped onto the log that was the only way to get onto the bank on RiverClan's territory.

She carefully kept walking along it but all of a sudden slipped, being plunged into the water. Terror flooded through her and then she saw her kits ahead of her, mewling for help. I won't let you drown! She tried to reach them but only found herself getting further and further away from them.

After several long heartbeats, Mapleshade had to give up. Her three kits, the ones she had loved most, had been pulled under the water. Feeling sadness flowing through her, she pulled herself back onto the bank.

"Mapleshade!" Mapleshade felt relieved to see Appledusk. The RiverClan tom reached her side but did not look happy, instead his eyes blazed with anger. "Why did you let our kits drown?"

"What?" Mapleshade couldn't believe this. Appledusk was blaming her for her kits' death! "Appledusk, I didn't let them drown! I tried to save them but the river. . ."

"I'm sick of your excuses," Appledusk snarled. "You should have drowned with them. You mean nothing to me - not as much as Suntail. RiverClan knows you've been exiled from ThunderClan and thanks to you, my Clan doesn't trust me that much."

"It wasn't my fault!" Mapleshade retorted. "If you hadn't insisted we'd meet up, we'd never have come to this. You're the one who should be blamed for everything." Appledusk's pelt bristled.

"Get out of here," he growled. "I don't want to see you in my sight again. If so, I will kill you." Mapleshade glared at her former mate and then began to run off. One day they will all pay, she thought darkly. When I join Shadeheart, they will all tremble when they see me.


Mapleshade trotted through a dark forest with mist covering her paws. Her shoulder felt sore but that didn't bother her. Her eyes flashed with anger as she stared ahead of her. She had killed Shadeheart when she had arrived in the Dark Forest, wiping his spirit out of existence.

They all think they are safe but they are wrong. I've got my revenge - part of it, I should say. Now their real deaths will await them as I stand here, in the Place of No Stars.

A shadow stirred ahead of her, making her stop. She stared out in the darkness and saw a flash of something move swiftly to cover. "You can come out," she growled, "unless you want to die a painful death."

At once a silver tom revealed himself from the darkness. "You're not from around these parts," he mewed. "Why are you here, she-cat?"

"I have you know this is my home now," Mapleshade snarled. "Why would you dare question my fate?"

"I was asking. There is no need to try biting my head off with your words," the tom replied with anger. "I am Silverhawk, a resident of this dark forest. Who may you be?"

"Mapleshade," Mapleshade replied to Silverhawk's question. Mapleshade could remember hearing things about Silverhawk, who was a WindClan warrior back in his time. He always caused wars and deaths, much like Mapleshade intended to, and he was a traitor to the Clans.

"I see. Your name is kind of suiting. . . Welcome to the Dark Forest as a full mem --"

"I do not require a welcoming," Mapleshade interrupted. "You must be so warm-hearted to greet me in what I live in."

"You know, you're the only evil she-cat I've ever heard of," Silverhawk meowed. "It's such a change to see a she-cat here. . . Maggot-tail and Shredtail will be very surprised when they meet you." A dark tabby appeared from the shadows, looking annoyed at Silverhawk.

"Are you forgetting about me so soon?" she questioned. "My spirit will not be forgotten in these parts. Or are you trying to call me a tom?"

"Heh, Sparrowfeather. I thought you had enough of following me?"

"I have," Sparrowfeather spat. "This she-cat - Mapleshade - can't be worth much. Only I am the most evil she-cat the forest has witnessed."

"I'd like to see you try thinking that," Mapleshade replied. "My spirit will be remembered for a long time, Sparrowfeather."

"I doubt that," Sparrowfeather replied. "If you want to prove it why don't we fight about it?"

"Bring it on, kittypet," Mapleshade growled. The two she-cats unsheathed their claws and at once clashed.

"Wow, there's a she-cat fight!" a familiar voice meowed. That couldn't be him. . . surely? She noticed a flash of white from the corner of her eye and knew who it was. Snowtuft. But how could he be in the Place of No Stars? He couldn't even harm a kit if he tried!

His fate is nowhere near mine yet he ends up here in the end. Perhaps StarClan can't really tell good from evil when it's right in front of their eyes, she thought.

"Stop fighting now, the both of you!" a deep voice growled. Sparrowfeather stopped while Mapleshade looked. A tom with a shredded tail stood before them, looking clear against the dark trees that stood behind him. "We're supposed to be walking alone. Since when did the Place of No Stars permit us to shred each other to dust when we're already dead?"

"Never," Snowtuft answered. "Mapleshade and Sparrowfeather just don't know how to obey the laws of the Dark Forest, do they?"

"Shut up, Snowtuft," Shredtail snarled. "You sound almost like a senior warrior of the Dark Forest. But trust me, puny, you will not thrive long enough in here. Everyone, go walk your path of loneliness as expected." He turned and began fading into the shadows. Snowtuft trotted away in rage while Silverhawk went a different way.

Just as Sparrowfeather was about to leave, she looked at Mapleshade and growled, "One day you will pay even more." Then she had faded into the shadows, Mapleshade being left alone. All of this has been worth it - every heartbeat. If this is what I get in my return, it shall not be a punishment to me.

She looked around and began walking, hatred and bitterness hitting her pelt. I hope he will suffer greater in the end. Even though I may be dead, my spirit will live on, and Shellpaw's kits will have it hard when they come. She raised her head to look up to the tree-covered dark sky. One day something greater will come. I can feel it in my blood and bones. Until that day, I'll be ready to seek more vengeance on every living cat.

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