
**Tinks POV**

“Don’t move!” a quiet but stern voice said from behind me. I slowly raised my hands up and turned around to face the person at the door. I was surprised to find myself facing the girl I was watching in the window a few minutes before.

“Who are you?” She asked as she crossed her arms and glanced at me.

“Tinkerbelle..” I replied, still holding up my hands. She gave me a weird look before replying to me.

“Tinkerbelle? Like the fairy from Peter Pan?” She asked taking a step toward me.

“Well I know Peter Pan, but I don’t know what that has to do with anything.” I replied with a little annoyance in my voice.

“What are you doing here looking through my friends things?” She asked as she walked toward the chest that I had a moment ago, been looking through.

“Your friends with Alex?” I asked surprised. She turned to me with a curious look on her face as I mentioned Alex.

“Yes of course, she was the nurse who worked right next to me in the hospital, and we shared this room together back before she ran away from here.” She replied as she gestured to the room we stood in.

I thought for a moment about what she had just said. I wonder if Alex told her about the book. Maybe then she would help me find it.

The girl was looking at me with a curious look again that made me feel as if she was scanning me, like some detector. It didn’t exactly make me feel calm.

“Well if you were friends with Alex, then maybe you would now were she had put that book of hers that she looked at so much.” I stated with a little hope. The girls face changed immediately from curiousness to downright depression.

“You mean her brothers book. James Book. Yes I know where she put it before she left. She actually left it right by the window before she ran away, but I hid it for her so that it wouldn’t get lost.” The girl replied with a sad tone to her voice. But then she shook off that look and it was replaced again by a curious and an untrustworthy look.

“Wait a moment. Do you know where Alex is? And why do you want the book? If Alex wanted the book so badly then she would have come back for it herself, not send some random person who call themselves Tinkerbelle to go get it.” She demanded glaring back at me.

I took a step back, to try and act like I was not a threat, but I could tell she wasn’t buying it.

“Listen, Alex told me I had to get it before it was taken by the wrong hands. The last thing she needs is to have that book fall into his hands…” I replied stomping my foot as I spoke.

“Whose he? And if you want the book then you have to bring me to Alex. I won’t give you the book any other way.” She stated crossing her arms and staring back at me to see what I would say to such a statement.

“He is Peter Pan, and if you want to go see Alex, then you’re pretty much asking to go into the death trap called Neverland.” I replied with a small smirk. The girls’ reaction was a little enjoyable. I guess she thought I was going insane and that was why I was calling myself Tinkerbelle, but having to tell the girl that her friend was in Neverland took a whole other toll on her.

“Alex is in Neverland? Like the actual Neverland from the book?” She replied with her voice a whole set higher than before.

I was getting tired of this conversation already and this girl seemed to be full of questions, I just needed to cut it short.

“Listen, I have to go, I’m on a schedule so if you will make up your mind then I could possibly get going soon. I asked with a little annoyance in my voice as I sat down on the bed and crossed my legs as I did so.

The girl seemed to have a new light in those blue eyes because she seemed to be full of excitement.

“Of course I’m going! Let me just get out of this nurse apron and then I will be all set” She said in a rush and turned toward her little chest at the other side of the room where I guess she kept her set of clothes.

She was heading toward the door to get changed when she turned around with a small smile on her face and said, “Oh and by the way, my names Emmy.”

“Nice to meet you Emmy.” I replied giving her a shadow of a smile as she exited the room.

Boy was Pan going to kill me for bringing another person on his island.

**Alex POV**

I rushed out of the tree hideout as fast as I could before Pan could realize what I just said and headed toward the woods. We made a deal and he was going to keep it. At least that was what I was doing.

As I walked past some of the lost boys on my way to the woods, none of them seemed to want to go anywhere near me, which was perfectly fine with me at the moment, since I really do not feel like attacking any more lost boys today.

Once I reached the woods I started walking as far as I could from the camp, looking for a good enough tree for where I would place my tree house. I finally found one, about a mile from the camp, which was perfectly fine with me.

Next step was to gather the right amount of wood to make some sort of shelter for the night I thought.

For the next two hours, I went searching and bringing back big pieces of wood that would work nicely for building a shelter. I had never built an actual tree house before but Papa had taught my brothers and I how to make little forts before a battle, and I doubt that wasn’t much different so I stuck to that plan.

 It was getting late before I had properly finished building a small floor in the tree where I was going to sleep. Building structures takes forever and It took all the wood that I had found today, just to make a small floor up in a tree.

Looks like I’m sleeping with the stars tonight I thought as I jumped down from my tree. Since it was getting dark, I knew that I had to catch something to eat before I went to sleep so I grabbed one of the sticks left over from my tree house and I imagined that it was a dagger. When I opened my eyes I was glad to see a sharp dagger in my hands.

I started hiking through the forest, when I felt the annoying feeling again of me being watched. I just stopped where I was and called out “What do you want?”

I heard him chuckle before I actually saw him jump from his tree branch from right above my head and landed right in front of me with a little smirk on his face.

“How’s that tree house going along?” Pan asked as he crossed his arms in front of him.

I just shrugged and continued walking, looking for game to kill.

“Really? You’re not going to talk to me Alex? Haven’t you already played that card on before?” He asked as he followed me.

“Who said anything about me ignoring you Pan?” I asked with as much sarcasm as I could add.

“I’m just hunting for my dinner. You got a problem with that? “I asked as I turned around to face him. He just shrugged, but that grin was still plastered on his face and he kept his hands in his pockets as he kept following me through the forest.

After a few minutes of complete silence between us, and only one dead bird in my hands, I turned around and glared at him again.

“What?” He asked as he put the closest look of innocence he could keep on his face.

“You want another deal don’t you Pan?” I asked staring down at him.

He gave a small smile and continued walking without a comment. This time it was my turn to fallow him.

“I could help you build your tree house.” He stated as he continued walking through the forest.

“Well you would want something in return if you did that right.” I replied as I continued to keep pace with him.

He nodded and as he did so, he grabbed one of the sticks on the ground and started to twirl it around in his hands to keep them in motion.

“Oh I don’t know, you’re a girl so I’m sure you could cook. Why don’t you cook for us every night? I’ll even be nice and let you have some of the food that you cook.”

I stopped in my tracks. “You’ve got to be joking. Me? Cook? I don’t cook Pan, I hunt.

Pan kept walking so I jogged up to him, in order to keep up. Little did I know that he had just brought me back to my little tree house.

“Why did you bring me back here?” I asked looking up at him. Up close, Pan was taller than me by a little bit, so I had to look up when I talked to him. He smirked and then shrugged.

“Oh well you should thank me, If I let you keep going the way you were headed, well then you wouldn’t have found your way back to your place that I guess you call a home. He said with a little chuckle at the last part of his sentence.

“Oh shut up and just leave me alone.” I said as I turned toward the tree.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to help build your tree house for you? It looks like it’s going to rain tonight.” He said and just as he said it a clash of thunder rang threw the island.

That little jerk sent this storm over here. I thought to myself as I turned around.

“Ok fine wait!” I called over to Pan who had slowly started to walk away from my campsite.

He turned around as I spoke and he had the annoying smirk on his face.

“Yes?” He asked with fake curiosity in his voice.

“I’ll do it.” I stated.


Hello there!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you guys have had a wonderful week. I sure have! I had only three days of school and now I have had snow days nonstop! Im finally on a 6 day weekend. 

That means I have a lot of time to write for you guys!! Yay!!

So this chapter was mainly just a filler in chapter. The next chapter is going to be their first training day with Alex.

Ha! The Lost boys are going to have a lot to deal with, now that they have Alex as their coach!

Anyway I will update again soon this weekend so stay tuned!

Vote and Comment!!

Lots of Love


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