Prologue: Reality Check

Hello and welcome finally to the highly anticipated Prologue Chapter for Wrapped Reality and I hope each and every one of you are highly hyped and excited for this Prologue Chapter since some things will be cleared or clarified and additionally don't expect a lemon in this chapter since this will be an explanatory chapter, meaning it's here to set the stage for how this wrapped reality/timeline came to be. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue Chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Beacon Cafeteria

Y,N: *lazily pokes at his food, watching from the corner of his eyes everyone else having fun and chatting with their own respective friends groups, while Y,N sat completely alone in the corner of the room* No one ever sits with me. All got up in their own groups, discussions, and realities. *sigh* Sometimes I wish my reality was better, but hey I still hold some ounce of hope. Even though on the other hand it's weird how I talk to myself, but I got nothing better to do. Not now, not possibly ever. *looks around and sees his only two true friends Ruby and Velvet talking, completely enamored in their own conversations before almost like clockwork Cardin and his goons coming up from behind and almost like an immense sense of deja vu enveloped the entire cafeteria as Cardin once again being the asshole and borderline racist he was started pulling on Velvet's ears like she was some kind of animal at the petting zoo......and Y,N had enough, no one picks on his friends and gets away from it*

*Y,N got up and with clear and pure determination he stormed over to Velvet's table and pocked Cardin on the shoulder with him turning around with a clear look of annoyance on his face* 

Cardin: What is it dweeb? 

Y,N: Leave her alone Cardin, you should know by now she doesn't like it. 

Cardin: And what are you going to do about it nerd? Why don't you just go sit back down and I'll nicely pretend this never happened. 

Y,N: I'll never back down from bullies like you Cardin, you should know that I would never back down when it comes to protecting my friends. 

Cardin: *smirks smugly* Then why don't I give you a first class ticket to the floor? *throws a fist at Y,N who skillfully dodges to the left and uses his momentum to sweep kick Cardin causing him to faceplant onto the floor* 

Y,N: Last chance Cardin leave her alone or that will simply feel like child's play. 

Cardin: Not a chance loner, *turns back to his posse* look at this boys the little outcast wants to get some attention and popularity by saving the little "defenseless damsel in distress" it makes me sick to my stomach. 

Y,N: Your move. 

Cardin: *cracks his knuckles* Let's go nerd, boys leave this to me and him. 

*Cardin charged at Y,N with clear rage in his eyes, however Y,N being a more gifted and smarter fighter side-stepped Cardin and then quickly teleported and dropkicked him sending his face splattering into a food tray and everyone started laughing at him* 

Cardin: *snaps his fingers and smirks and suddenly Y,N is grabbed from behind and before he can teleport he gets punched in the face by Cardin* Now it's beat-down time. 

*Before Cardin could punch Y,N, his eyes lit up and his hands engulfed themselves in fire and he burnt two of Cardin's goons and he slipped out of the three ones grasp, however Cardin already had his momentum and he punched his third goon in the face causing him to gain a busted nose and he fell back clutching at his nose*

Glynda: *walks in and yells* What is going on in here!  

Everyone: *points at Cardin and Y,N who's currently holding Y,N by the scruff of his shirt* 

Glynda: *narrows her eyes and everyone can tell from her body language that she is clearly pissed* Mr. Winchester would you please let Mr. L,N down? Especially before everything gets worse. 

Cardin: B-B-B-But he did....he did.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester I care not for who's fault this was, based on your track record since enrolling in this school you've been bullying multiple different students including Ms. Scarlatina and Mr. Arc. Meaning you'll be coming with me to detention Mr. Winchester while Mr. L,N just go back to your dorm. 

Cardin: *makes a slit throat symbol and walks off with Ms. Goodwitch, with clear anger and distain in his eyes* 

Y,N: *sighs and then looks around seeing everyone is either speechless or shocked, seeing the loner/outcast fight Cardin however no one was congratulating him and most shocking of all was that Velvet didn't even thank him due to her running out of the room earlier and Y,N just walked away in complete silence everyone just watching as he walked away, as he was walking back to his dorm he could hear everything start right back up once he had left the room*

Y,N: Typical. 

*While walking back to his dorm he passes by several people and groups, with each time he walks past them the group stops talking and walking with them just looking at him, almost judgingly, while the single people just watched and stared not even moving, looking nearly disgusting with Y,N simply not caring nor looking back, he usually got these stares by almost everyone in this academy. The only people that didn't give him a weird look or stare was Ruby, Velvet, Ozpin, and the other teachers of the school. But Y,N wished for something more.....but he just couldn't place his finger on it, was it devotion? love? friendship? Y,N just didn't know, it was like an endless sea of confusion* 

Y,N: *unlocks his dorm room and walks in, seeing he's the only one-man team in all of Beacon history.* Home sweet home.....I guess. *looks around and sees while his room is full of life with multiple posters, a computer desk, and even an entertainment center Y,N simply left like this was a luxurious prison....especially when the fact that hardly anybody noticed his existence and if they did they gave him disgusted looks or just stared like he was some kind of plague or virus, yet for the life of him Y,N didn't know why.* Besides Ruby and Velvet, no one else hardly even notices me or invites me to any kind of sleep-over or party....or anything really. Plus Ruby and Velvet are almost friends with everyone due to their friendly and sweet personalities, meaning I really have zero friends. But why? Is it my appearance, my personality, or something else? I wish reality would change, to something more loving and devoted to me. A reality where I can have friends. *Y,N's eyes glow a bright reddish-pink color showing off his Maiden powers, something that only Ozpin knew of and little did Y,N know that his wish would be answered and most certainly would be honored and stretched to the absolute limit* But that's simply impossible, no one I know was born with any kind of reality wrapping/changing power. I could just try walking up to and talk with a random group but even they would give me weird or disgusted look, almost like they wished I would just vanish from existence. Wouldn't that me a hell of a reality? Everything I wanted and more, but that's just a simple dream. *he looks out of his window and sees the broken moon light up the near pitch black night sky and Y,N just looks at the sheer almost surreal beauty, it almost reminded him of himself something broken just trying to fit in with the space around him, before he simply went to bed seeing how late it was* 

Y,N: Hell of a world that would be, something I would love. *he then falls asleep not realizing how he simply wish would become his very own paradise*

?????? POV, Location: The Beginning and The End of All

????: Huh how quaint sister. 

????#2: What do you mean sister? 

????: You know the chosen ones, the ones they call "Maidens". 

????#2: Yes, why do you bring this up sister? Has one of them been comprised or has their power faded? 

????: No. Neither of those thank goodness, it's a problem with the 1st ever male maiden.

????#2: I knew that little fucker would abuse his powers, where is he? I'll show him how to be a true maiden.

????: No nothing's wrong with him, it's just something mentally and emotionally is wrong with him. 

????#2: *says in a mocking voice* Oh is the little babies feelings hurt? Cry me a bloody river sister. 

????: Well it happens to connect that it's what they call "depression". Our chosen one happens to be depressed, while not crossing the border into suicidal, it seems like almost fate is again him. Everyone treats him as a freak or an accident. 

????#2: *smirks* Well let's be honest sister, giving a male maiden powers was a massive mistake and you know it. He was a little accident after you got tipsy.

????: *flushes with embarrassment* We swore to never bring that up again sister. Either way we need to help bring Y,N back the realm of happiness and love. 

????#2: And please enlighten me why we should do that sister?

????: Because if this manages to continue and he does in fact kill himself, just imagine who the powers would go to. Imagine if it's that Cinder girl, if that happened then the world would crumble under the weight of her terrifying power. 

????#2: You do make a valid argument. 

????: We also know the more emotionally depressed or sad a maiden is, then there power drastically diminishes and then simply fades away, meaning we could lose the summer maiden powers for the rest of time and that would be detrimental to everyone and everything. 

????#2: *sigh* Fine I'll help you in your little "cheer-up plan" but what shall we do? We can't just move him into another parallel reality where everyone is female and everyone is completely devoted and in love with him. 

????: *gets a perverted smile* Sister you're a genius!!! 

????#2: *sighs even harder* Me and my big bloody mouth. 

????: We'll simply shift all of reality around him, since we can't exactly move a maiden to another completely different reality. 

????#2: Isn't that a massive form of non-consensual changes from you know the rest of the world?

????: *shrugs* Eh, I'm a person who lives in the now, not in the future. Plus this is a maiden we're talking about his needs outweigh those of nearly everyone else. Plus times two this means I can delete that fucking prick/asshole Jacques Schnee from all of time and space. 

????#2: *smiles almost demonic* Oh now I'm in, that fucking asswipe had it coming. He's committed more sins than almost everyone in all of Remnant and I want him personally suffering in my realm for all of entirety. My pets would love to devour his flesh, even though it'll be disgusting from all of his sins. I still want to him twist and squirm and beg and plead for mercy that'll never come and he'll just suffer more and more. 

????: Okkkkkk there sister, I think you like this idea a bit too much. 

????#2: Oh I'm in now, I want to see that semen haired prick to go down for ages.....and I mean ages. 

????: Well at least you're 100% on board with this idea now. So every cloud has a silver lining. Let's get to work shall we sister?

????#2: *rubs her hands together in clear excitement and anticipation* Oh most certainly sister. Let us get to work post-haste. 

*All throughout the night the two sisters had mangled and changed all of reality, literally rewriting history and people's lives and genders all in this crazy scheme in order to make Y,N happy and increase his powers back to the maximum and the sisters took nearly devilish delight in changing all of reality to their perfect designs and the 2nd sister was positively jumping for joy once she had her hands on that prick's Jacques soul and for extra measure and fun she took that little bastard's Whitley's soul as well, the sins of the father passed onto the son and so she took both of their souls for eternal damnation and suffering. It took them mere hours to finish this paradise reality and with their work finished and completed they left this mortal plain of reality to return back to there's smiling and beaming at a job well done.*

*The screen fades to black....or well white as bright and searing sunlight beams down on Y,N's face as he begins to wake up from his sleep and expects this day to be like every other, but little does he know how much reality has changed during his slumber. Especially how sexually active this new paradise is :)* 

And that's a wrap and I hope you all massively enjoyed this Prologue and are excited and hyped for the 1st chapter coming very soon and I can confirm for tomorrow at least one or two brand new stories will be published along some Prologue Chapters. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the ultimate road to 1,000 Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this massive milestone and we'll have reached the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          

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