Chapter 5: Amazonian "Training"

Hello and welcome back finally to Warped Reality and I believe we all know what time it is, I hope you're all prepared and you've all brought your popcorn, soda, and other personal assortments for the lemon with a certain redheaded Amazonian. This lemon has been....well not a long time coming but the seeds were indeed planted all the way back in chapter 1, so some time has indeed passed between then and now, and you got to give it up to Pyrrha as she was able to outsmart Yang when it came to sexual plans....And that's certainly not an easy feat to achieve, not like that's going to stop the buxom blonde brawler. Anyway, I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the lemon chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Pyrrha's Training Grounds

*The moonlight was reflecting onto the warriors, both being locked in a brutal sparring match and already both were feeling the brunt of their opponent's offensive moves, especially Pyrrha with some of her clothes being torn or tattered and some of her armor being dented....Good thing it was durable otherwise her boobs would be on full display, not like she would have minded. Yet, Pyrrha didn't have time to think about that right now as Y,N was once more on the offensive and with his wide array of abilities and moves, he was keeping her on her toes, more so than any other opponent she had faced either in Beacon or during her time as a champion, which completely shocked the redheaded Amazonian as she thought of her beloved as a quiet, shy, and reserved person, but when in came into the heat of battle he was more confident and fierce. That something Pyrrha certainly loved, and she blushed a bright cherry red and bit down on her lip as she felt her feminine juices leaking down her thighs, nothing turned the redheaded warrior on more than a good duel and when it was a good duel against her beloved, oh she was on cloud 9 right now and it almost felt like her heart was going to burst out of her body due to how intense it was beating, she though if both of them stopped right now they could both hear the loud "thump, thump, thump" her heart was making at this moment. All of this only made Pyrrha want to ravage her beloved even more and he would certainly be getting it, but first he had to beat her combat, much like in her society.*

Pyrrha: *smirks* You're doing good beloved~! Better than I thought you would have initially! It almost seems like you during combat and outside of combat you are two completely different individuals! *thinks* And you don't even know how much this is turning me on~ Oh! I already want to feel that cock of yours inside my pussy~ But, tradition is tradition and my ancestors, my family, and my people would be ashamed of me if I broke it due to my inhibitions taking control.

Y,N: *blushes, while their weapons clash against one another sending sparks flying across their immediate vicinity, with both of their faces in kissing distance of one another* Thanks Pyrrha. That means a lot to me coming from a battle-hardened warrior such as yourself. I've always tried my hardest to stay in a combat efficient mode, no knowing when a bully or Grimm is going to come out of nowhere and blindside you.  

Pyrrha: That's a great outlook to live by....Even if *Pyrrha moves her spear, stopping the clash and using her momentum sweeps her legs completely flooring Y,N as he didn't expect the attack to be coming and was instead meet with the sharp point of Pyrrha's spear, all the while Pyrrha had a cheeky grin on her face* it leaves you distracted and wide open.   

Y,N: *smirks, looking at his scythe only a few feet away from him and then looks back up at Pyrrha* Looks like I'll need to hop into my bag of tricks. Didn't think that would be happening so soon, but it looks like I can't win with raw power alone. *his eyes glow a faint white, throwing Pyrrha off her game before she is forced to jump out of way due to a falling block constructed of hardlight, which allowed Y,N enough time to use his enhanced speed to pick up his weapon.*

Pyrrha: *grins* Sneaky, I love it~! I wonder what other special surprises you're hiding beloved! *thinks* Especially, that bitchbreaker you're hiding in your pants~

*Using the block of hardlight as a launch pad Y,N jumps off the side of it, almost like he was parkouring and uses that momentum to launch himself towards Pyrrha who looked on with a determined smirk as she raised her shield and was preparing another attack with her spear, causing Y,N's eyes to widen as he knew he was rushing right into another counter-attack from the redheaded Amazonian and instead of allowing the attack to hit, pulled yet another trick of out his bag before everything just stopped.......She couldn't move....Her fingers were stuck and couldn't move her weapons....Her feet wouldn't budge an inch....Even her...mind.......was..........slowing down.....what.....was happening? Soon enough everything stopped for Pyrrha as even her eyes were no longer blinking and her entire mind was shut down, before longer Pyrrha was completely immobile and everything outside and inside of her body was shut down. Yet, while everything was slowing down and eventually halting altogether for Pyrrha, what she didn't see due to her entombment was that everything around the rooftop area was basked underneath a giant gray bubble, which rendered time completely still and not even the wind was blowing and any animals such as birds caught in the bubble were no longer flapping and remained perfectly still, almost like suspended statues. and basking everything within the bubble in a monochrome glow.*

Y,N: *lands in front of Pyrrha with a satisfied look upon his face and chuckles seeing her frozen form* For some reason I'm almost compelled to yell out "Za Warudo! The World!" yet it's beneath me. *kisses Pyrrha on the cheek* I guess you weren't expecting that eh Pyrrha? You might have the edge in raw power and experience but when it comes to hax I'm the undisputed king! *he sheaths his scythe and pulls out his twin guns Moonlight and Sunlight* Oh it's been awhile since I've used you two, it's almost like catching and rekindling with an old friend. Let's get this party started shall we? Sorry to do this to you Pyr, but you wanted this to "test my combat abilities" so you only have yourself to blame. 

*Y,N shoots several fire dust bullets at Pyrrha which impacts the Amazonian warrior dead-on and leave severe burn wounds across her stomach and chest region, before with a snap of his fingers collapses the bubble returning time to normal and causing Pyrrha to grunt in pain from feeling her skin become alight due to the fire dust, which causes her to drop her weapons....And she was mentally cursing herself as there was no chance she could counter or avoid someone who could stop time in its entirety. She had no choice but to take him down right now or she would be a complete sitting duck as he could open and close that bubble whenever he wanted....Yet, she couldn't stay mad at her beloved, after all she wanted this and this was proving he would be the perfect mate for her, after all he was currently meeting every single one of her requirements as he was a fierce warrior in his own right. Not a physically dominating warrior, but a cunning one. However, the warrior inside of Pyrrha wouldn't back down, even in the face of something she couldn't beat and swiftly returned into the fight with a chipper expression and her eyes ablaze with determination and lust.* 

Pyrrha: *cracks her knuckles, before recollecting her spear and shield* Damn beloved, you're certainly a component warrior. I imagine my society would welcome you with open arms as you're handling their champion like she was a ragdoll. But, I think it's now my own turn to kick things up a notch. *her eyes glow an ominous purple, yet Y,N already knows what this means and feels his weapons being pulled away from him before they going flying onto the opposite side of the arena, with a giggling Pyrrha placing her foot atop his scythe* Now let's see what you do without your toys beloved.   

Y,N: *smirks* You'll see even without my weapons I'm still a dangerous opponent. *thinks* Now what to use.....What to use? I shouldn't use the time bubble again as that would be boring....Yet, the hardlight semblance hasn't been played out all the way. Great idea me! Let's put this plan into action! 

*Y,N's eyes once again glow white and Pyrrha thinking he was going to summon another block from the heavens pre-emptively dodged, yet nothing came and instead a glowing white scythe emerged into Y,N's hands, once again taking the redheaded warrior off-guard for a mere moment before she was put back onto the offensive as Y,N rushed her leaving being tiny sparks almost like Ruby left behind rose petals and prepared to slash at Pyrrha with his bright white Scythe before he was met with a dust bullet whizzing past his face and he smirked as Pyrrha had shifted her weapon from melee to long range in an act to possibly hit him in the shoulder or leg, causing him to halt completely from the pain. Yet, with his speed Y,N was able to dodge the bullets entirely and zoomed past Pyrrha, rushing around and around her creating a mini-tornado in the process, trapping the redheaded warrior in the center of a self-contained tornado. Frowning at the process, she switched back to her spear mode and seeing the zooming figure lap around her, making the tornado even more fierce and rapidly sucking the air from within the tornado she only had one chance and after quickly seeing the blur zoom past her again, she stuck her speartip in a desperate attempt to trip Y,N.....And after her vision began fading in and out and her vision began to swim between consciousness and unconsciousness, she heard a grunt as the tornado relented and Y,N was sent flying a few feet away before landing on his back with a "thud!" and Pyrrha was left grinning ear to ear as she wasn't out of this fight just yet, she was on the ropes sure, but she wasn't knocked out of this competition completely.*

Pyrrha: *whispers* I still have a chance.....A tiny one, but a warrior never quits. Not even in the face of a seemingly unsurmountable obstacle. *thinks* I was trained by my society to face any challenge put in front of me....But beloved is different from anything they trained me. *her eyes widen* He truly is the undisputed king of abilities.  

*Pyrrha quickly regains her baring's and swiftly snatches up her spear and shield, before then charging at her downed beloved, hoping to at least deplete his aura into yellow zone....after all she didn't want her beloved bleeding or unconscious before the real fun began~ She would surely be cross at herself if she let her battle lust override her plans, after all it was only a matter of time before Yang learned of her own plans and would turn over the entire school and forest to find them and possibly tear "P-Money" limb from limb. Meaning with a limited amount of time set in her mind, Pyrrha had to wrap this up quickly, lest she be on the receiving end of a Yang beatdown, and with renewed vigor and a little hint of fear, she jumped into the air with her speartip pointed down at Y,N and while she didn't want to do this, as long as she caught or even grazed an unimportant part of his body she could simply rush him off to another place entirely and heal him by giving him some of her aura.....That would connect them more than other girl he would be claiming, even more than his "snow angel" Weiss. Yet, once more Pyrrha underestimated the power of the hardlight construct as within Y,N's hands in a quick flash of light was a white shield, similar in design to Pyrrha's own....Which made her blush a faint pink, before she felt a hard feeling go down her spine...Yet it wasn't her beloved's hands groping her ass or caressing her backside as she was picked up into the air by a bright white figure, a golem constructed purely by hardlight which completely eclipsed the rooftop in a bright white light, hopefully Yang wasn't outside or she would surely see this and rush up here.* 

*From behind Pyrrha, restraining the Amazonian warrior in place was an 8ft golem of seemingly pure light that served as Y,N's protector, or well at least his main one...It was even glowing and emanating heat much like literal source of light, yet its head looked like it was made from some kind of dust or stone, but it didn't feel fully solid almost like it was part solid and part liquid....or non-existent. This creature had Pyrrha confused to no end as it seemed neither living nor dead as it was there yet at the same time not there due to its body not being fully solid but not fully transparent as well, almost like this being was caught in some kind of limbo.*

Light Golem: Rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 

Y,N: *gets up and dust himself off* Great job Dimitri! You're always helpful in a pinch! 

Dimitri: Rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Y,N: *in a joking tone* Pyrrha did I ever introduce you to Dimitri? 

Pyrrha: *in a semi-pained tone, while gritting her teeth* No......I don't think you did. *thinks* Damn, this hardlight semblance is tougher than I originally imagined it to be. My ancestors would have killed for a semblance such as this, hell most of my society would as well. Beloved sure does have plenty of useful tricks up his sleeve.....Yet he doesn't fight much, perhaps he's a natural pacifist unless triggered or pushed into a situation he can't talk his way out of? That's the only explanation for keeping all of these powers under wraps. 

Y,N: Well. *tilts his head, making Pyrrha blush* Do you give up? Or does Dimitri need to give you more of a "hug" in order to change your mind. 

Dimitri: *crushes down on Pyrrha once more, causing the redheaded warrior's backside to begin burning from being so close near a light source, a being literally constructed out of rocks and light in order to fight for Y,N. It was absolutely impressive how much this semblance was combat orientated and how many things it could do.* Rahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Pyrrha: *scoffs* In your dreams, beloved. I got a few more tricks and abilities up my sleeve. *her eyes once again glow purple as she magnetizes her dropped spear and immediately it launches itself towards her, which goes completely by Y,N and Dimitri and before either knew Pyrrha sliced off the light golem's hand with a swift slash of her weapon, before the light golem roared out in pain and collapsed onto its knees before it disappeared in a glow of a bright yellowish-white light once more leaving Pyrrha and Y,N on the battlefield* Huh, for such an intimidating figure he only went down in a single hit. Perhaps you need some improvement in your rock game beloved~ Good thing I'm here to help. Why don't I help by "polishing" your rock~! *she winks sexily throwing Y,N completely off-guard.*

Y,N: *blushes cherry red* W-W-W-Well, uh I would really love that Pyrrha, especially since you're an extremely sexy girl and all----*shakes his head* But now's not the time for that! We're here to spar not have sex with one another. *Y,N might have fully accepted this world and its sexual uniqueness but his mind was off sex right now....Even if it was hard, due to Pyrrha's bountiful figure.......Especially when her boobs began swaying back and forth lightly in the wind or the way her semi-tattered dress gave him a healthy view of her cleavage.......No! Bad Y,N you're in the middle of a sparring session! You can't be mentally undressing your female opponent.*

Pyrrha: *giggles and thinks, while mentally undressing Y,N and oh boy....She likes what she's seeing* Not that you know of yet beloved, but I fully intend to have your cock in my pussy by the end of this session~! 

*The two battle locked warriors charged at one another again with determination clear in their eyes, sure Pyrrha knew they were going to have passion-filled sex after this but that didn't mean she was simply going to roll over and accept her own defeat, she was a proud Amazonian warrior after all! She wouldn't dishonor her heritage and her society by simply rolling over and allowing Y,N to "win" for her own selfish goals, even if said goals were entirely founded and fair, especially with everyone else having a variation of this exact plan to capture Y,N's heart...Of course she already knew her teammates plans and potentially Blake's plan, meaning she had to slightly hurry through her own process. Yet, before she could continue thinking the sparks began to fly once more as the hardlight scythe and spear ignited the very air around them and neither was giving the other an inch, which only made Pyrrha's pussy gush with excitement and she had to squeeze her plump thighs together in order to stop her own pussy juices from leaking any further down and forming a puddle on the ground. Yet, Pyrrha couldn't help licking her lips in anticipation as she could only imagine sucking on her prize and then having that pure....bitchbreaker being stuffed inside of her pussy, she had heard what happened when Weiss became her beloved's "snow angel", thanks to Yang couldn't keeping her mouth shut and pretty much bragging and blabbing it to every girl in the entire school or at least a majority of them....Meaning her beloved, would be extremely busy soon. Therefore, she had to stake her claim as his number 2 before becoming his number 109*  

Y,N: *smirks* I believe it's time we ended this little dance of ours Pyrrha! You've been an incredible opponent, definitely the strongest I've ever faced. *thinks* Even if she's one of the very few opponents I've ever faced, you know as back in the old reality I would usually avoid conflict due to simply fading into the background.....But since I seem to be the center of attention in this new reality, I feel more confident and fulfilled. *talks out loud* Now, Pyrrha! Let's officially end this battle of wills! *Y,N points his hardlight scythe right at the redheaded Amazonian and waited for her to make her move.*

Pyrrha: *grins sexily* I couldn't agree more beloved! I believe its time we wrap this up and move onto something much more exciting, up-close, and personal, like some kind of oral inspection or perhaps something even more....sexual~ *Pyrrha rushes at Y,N and instead of attacking him like he was expecting instead she pins him down with her ass right above his hardening cock and all the while she had a grin on her face as she began swaying her ass left to right, completely teasing and lighting grinding the cockhead trapped in-between her asscheeks, all the while his hardlight scythe clattered against the rooftop before disappearing in a flash of light* Now, I believe beloved it's time we take this relationship to the next level. *whispers in Y,N's ear* Make me a woman beloved. *kisses Y,N's ear* Make me YOUR woman. *Pyrrha then rips off Y,N's casual attire, completely leaving her beloved naked except for his underwear, which she slipped down his kneecaps which left his cock in the cold air and immediately it began hardening a few inches due to said cold air, which made Pyrrha blush from how big it was....And it wasn't even a full mast yet.*

Y,N: *gulps and thinks* Here we go again. I conquered a snow angel, now it's time to dominant a redheaded Amazonian. 

Pyrrha: *smiles sexily, looking down at her beloved Y,N with nothing but lust, passion, and love filling her green orbs* I hope you're ready to tame me beloved, if you're strong enough that is~! After all, being great in combat doesn't mean you're great in the bed.....Let's hope Yang wasn't simply overselling your sexual abilities, but I believe you're going to hit ALL the right spots! *grabs Y,N's cock and begins stroking it, much to Y,N's small moans* Especially with this bitchbreaker of yours stuffing my pussy and leaving it a wonderful white and warm gift~! Now come on beloved~! Let our bodies move as one and our souls meet in combined passion and carnal pleasure~! 

*Pyrrha rips off her armor, revealing her naked body to Y,N and her beloved alone, and it made Y,N blush seeing her massive EE-Cup breasts with nice suckable nipples perched in the middle of her boobs likes two little cherries sitting upon a mountain of whipped cream. Meanwhile her ass was bountiful and it was clear she trained every single day to keep her booty in tip-top shape, which made her ass sexy with the right amount of fat and muscle, with neither beating the other out, and it was even the most adorable heart-shaped ass Y,N had ever seen....and while "adorable" may have not been the right word for this moment, it was the word he thought of first. Immediately Y,N wanted to test a theory and slapped Pyrrha square on her left buttcheek and she gritted her teeth in pleasure, almost letting out a sizable moan as her left cheek had jiggled for a few seconds due to the shockwave his slap left behind. This made her ass even more fuckable in Y,N's eyes and he wondered if she would be the first girl to take his anal virginity....well him inserting HIS own dick into Pyrrha meaning he would be taking her anal virginity, but he that would be his first experience so she would technically take his anal virginity card as well. Yet, he was pulled out of those thoughts by a naked Pyrrha doing a lapdance on his cock to get back his attention and get his cock hard for what was going to happen tonight.*

Pyrrha: *winks* Now, I believe it's time for us to begin beloved~ I hope seeing my naked body has helped "Little Y,N" get hard, after all plenty of girls have called my a "goddess" when it came to my physical looks. *she cups her boobs, before letting them drop which caused them to bounce for a seconds before coming to a stop* Yet, I always turned those....sluts down due to them only wanting my body and nothing more. You on the other hand beloved *she grabs Y,N's left hand with her own* you love me for more than my physical looks and I appreciate that above anything else, please beloved make me your woman and take me a land of heavenly paradise and pleasure. Show me the pleasure only you can provide to me beloved~  

Y,N: *smirks* Your wish is my command Pyrrha. Let me escort you off to a paradise of pleasure!  

Pyrrha: *winks* Before getting to the good part, let's get your "little friend" up to speed shall we? After all, he hasn't been attended to during our entire match! I bet he's been oh so lonely during our spar! And I want to make sure your "Little Y,N" is at his strongest when he tries to tame me! *Pyrrha's soft hands continued her handjob, and Y,N was shocked at someone who was a battle-hardened warrior had such soft and angelic hands, it was almost like he was getting jacked off by a marshmallow.....If that was even possible.*

Y,N: *moans and grits his teeth in pleasure* Ah! Ah! Ah! Pyrrhhhhhaaaaa! Where did you learn to do such things?! 

Pyrrha: *giggles, while speeding up her handjob and smiling to herself as she was seeing some of Y,N's precum leaking from the tip* A magician never reveals their secrets. But if you want a hint, I did get some advice and a tip or two from Yang. We both she's quite the sexual deviant in her own right and most certainly a sexual dynamo in the sack. But enough about her....Let's focus on us beloved~ After all, it's just you and me up here and nobody else. A special time between two lovers, now let our hearts beat as one and give into the carnal pleasure~! I've been saving myself for your touch beloved~! 

*Pyrrha leans down and captures Y,N's lips in a searing kiss, with her tongue entering Y,N's mouth and dancing with Y,N's tongue in a sensual meeting of two passionate lovers, all the while both of their eyes were closed as both were caught in the searing moment and by this point Pyrrha's right hand had already gotten the dubbed "Little Y,N" to full mast with more and more precum leaking from the tip, coating Y,N's cock in the slick substance, which only made Pyrrha's handjob even more pleasurable and fast due to the added lubricant. All the while, the sounds of smooching filled the air of the rooftop....and thankfully this wasn't during the day lest every single student in this academy hear their combined passion, yet weirdly enough neither Y,N or Pyrrha would mind, especially the redheaded Amazonian as her society had public sex on a rather frequent basis, if there was passion in the air Pyrrha nor any of her society cared where they were that, practically any time was good for sex and that included after a vicious sparring match. Even their makeout was getting more fierce and passionate as the kiss felt like it was sending tiny bolts of electricity down Pyrrha's throat and it was overloading her pleasure centers and she couldn't help but be amazed at how a simple makeout session was already making her near her climax, yet she pressed forward regardless of the overloading pleasure and ethereal electricity that was attacking her pleasure centers. In fact, this only cemented to her that Y,N was indeed her mate, her soulmate, the one that was destined to become her husband. and that thought alone, alongside her pleasure center being overloaded was making her pussy wetter and more eager for Little Y,N to claim her.*

Pyrrha: *after a few minutes she breaks off the kiss with a thin trail of saliva connecting between the two lovers before it broke off and landed in the valley of Pyrrha's breasts* That was incredible beloved~! Your kiss felt like pure electricity! I'm glad I lost my kissing virginity to you....But now let's see what other virginities I can lose tonight. *winks sexily, while placing her un-preoccupied hand on her heart* I've been saving myself for the perfect mate and you're without a shadow of a doubt that soulmate beloved~! 

Y,N: *eyes are sealed shut from pleasure and little moans are escaping from his mouth, while Pyrrha's hand wasn't as dainty and soft as Weiss', she still knew how to hit all the right points and preform at the right speeds* Keep going Pyrrha! Keep going! You're remarkable at this! I'm gonna----------I'm going to cum! 

*Like a firehose Y,N cums rope after rope of hot and fertile cum that lands right on Pyrrha's back and she tingles at the hot pleasurable pressure that has been placed and smeared onto it and the cumming doesn't stop for a good 30 seconds before finally Y,N's cock finally stops and loses a few inches of its length but still looks hard and that causes Pyrrha to lick her lips in sexual anticipation and of course she tingled once more as she felt the white heavenly substance slowly fall down her backside and into the crack of her ass, which gave the redheaded Amazonian great pleasure at her actions and the sensation of the hot cum kissing her asshole felt incredible, but now it was time for her and her mate to cum together as one, after all she had given him a little "gift" for pushing her to the limits in their sparring match. But, now it was time for the main event, and Pyrrha sighed in content as there was no place she rather be at loss her virginity than under the moonlight with her beloved. It was almost like one of those cheesy romantic movies she watched once during Team JNPR and Team RWBY slumber parties.* 

Y,N: *pants* That was......That was incredible Pyrrha! That was the best handjob I've ever received in my lifetime! *thinks* Even if it was my first, therefore it wins by default, but it was still incredible regardless!

Pyrrha: *blushes cherry red* I guess those videos' I watched really got ingrained into my mind and bam! I was mimicking what they were doing in this lewd videos'. I simply guess I have natural talent when it comes to sex or sexual activities. Yet, it fills my heart with joy that I'm able to please you beloved~ And by how much you came, you certainly enjoyed that little foreplay~

Y,N: *thinks* I think everyone in this reality has that "natural talent" guessing by how both Weiss preformed and Pyrrha is preforming currently.   

Pyrrha: *looks back at Y,N's cock softening lightly and she pouts sexually* Ah, Little Y,N is getting tuckered out after a singular handjob? *giggles* Apparently I'm just that good at them, even if this is my first one. But, no matter, Pyrrha is here to save the day! *winks back at Y,N before getting into a position Yang referred to as a "69" where she was facing Y,N's cock and Y,N was directly below her pussy, the buxom blonde had assured this would be pleasurable and fun for both parties* Now let's both get wet and ready for the main event shall we beloved? I'm already gushing from both the sparring match and the handjob so go ahead and dig in~!

*Pyrrha leaned down onto her target and began to bob her head up and down along Y,N's cock, taking it down her throat without hardly any issue, not even a gag reflex and immediately capturing Y,N's cock in-between her succulent lips and begins to swirl her tongue around the shaft and coats her beloved's cock in her saliva, while not the most appetizing thing on paper it was much, much more pleasurable than anything those videos' or even Yang had described to be and Pyrrha's eyes had folded into the back of her head as inhaling the musk of her beloved's cock was nearing her closer and closer to orgasm. Yet, the redheaded warrior pushed forward and continued sucking down on her beloved's massive cock, it truly put every dildo or strap-on she had ever seen to complete shame and that thought alone made her double her efforts and the "gulgh, gulgh, gulgh, gulgh" sounds from before was getting faster and Pyrrha couldn't wait for her beloved Y,N to drop all of his warm and fertile contents into her mouth, filling her stomach with his yummy goodness before moving onto the main event. Meanwhile, Y,N was moaning out in pleasure, which in turn only made Pyrrha moan out in pleasure due to Y,N's tongue currently licking around her inner folds, and she almost screamed out in pleasure with the occasion lovebite to her clit, yet feeling her beloved eat her out and feast on her pussy juices made Pyrrha blush with happiness and due to Y,N's speed as she began swirling his tongue around Pyrrha's inner folds before digging in deeper and wiggling his tongue inside of her, Pyrrha increased her own efforts to match her beloved's own enthusiasm.*

Pyrrha: *with Y,N's cock in her mouth and tiny red hearts growing in her green orbs* Kwepp Gwooing belowved~ You'wr hiwting all the rwight swpots~! Kwepp gwooing! Dwon't swtop! *Pyrrha began to wiggle her tantalizing ass back and forth from the pure sexual pleasure and excitement, further drilling Y,N's tongue deeper into her inner folds and she could even begin to feel him wiggling his way further into her tunnel of love and it made her almost scream in pleasure! But, she was busy pleasuring and giving her beloved the best blowjob imaginable, meaning she couldn't really speak about how godly her beloved's oral game was. All the while their sweaty bodies were reflecting beautifully off the moonlight the couple was basked in.* 

Y,N: *thinks* Damn, never in my old universe did Pyrrha act like this! But, weirdly enough I like this one better, just like I love my snow angel more than the snotty,, entitled, stuck-up bitch of the old reality. It's almost like the old Pyrrha was given a boost of confidence and this is the result! 

*While this thought was running through his mind, Y,N was lost within Pyrrha's wet folds, he never knew the taste of her pussy juice would be so.....intriguing, it wasn't bad but it didn't have any clear flavor as well and while it was more enjoyable than not, he didn't get the whole hype the guys used to say it was back in his old reality and how eating a girl out was one of the greatest pleasures in the bedroom, yet pushing that thought back into his subconscious he marched forward and continued licking Pyrrha's gushing folds with renewed vigor, which caused the redheaded Amazonian to buck her hips and force more of Y,N's tongue deeper and deeper into her pussy, the pleasure was overloading both of them and both were nearing their climax, all the while Pyrrha was completely lost in the pleasure of the moment just let her instincts guide her through. Y,N then smirked and decided to give her clit another lovebite before slowly teasing the cluster of nerves by licking around it before lightly biting on it again which caused Pyrrha to throw her head back and scream out in pleasure as she climaxed and coated Y,N's face in her pearly clear pussy juice, before she quickly returned to giving her beloved his 2nd orgasm of the night, after all he just made her orgasm and it would be rude to leave him hanging. Lulling her tongue around the underside of Y,N's cock and taking most of it down her throat with little difficulty it was heavenly for both parties due to Pyrrha's mouth being wet and slick yet hot like a furnace, meanwhile leaving her beloved's musk fill up her nostrils and having his cock work its way up and down her throat was beyond comprehension, screw the videos, screw Yang(even though she knew her beloved would do so later), this was beyond any of the pleasure she was described. And finally with her eyes rolling into the back of her head and hearing the screams of her beloved faintly she mentally smirked as she felt the first blast of cum hit her lips and stream through the back of her throat and she came once again from the feeling alone, once more plastering Y,N's face in her pearly clear substance, causing him to lick it up from his face. All the while Y,N came wave after wave of cum, causing it to shoot right down Pyrrha's throat and into her awaiting stomach and even better for the redheaded warrior, Y,N's cum tasted like....tasted like chocolate and it only made swallowing wave after wave much more easy. Finally the cumming stopped and a few streams of lose cum and drool washed down the sides of her lips before with a loud and wet "pop" and flicking her hair back before turning back around to meet her beloved's face with a cum soaked smile etched upon her face.*

Pyrrha: *pants, with some lose cum and drool streaming down her lips* That was.......That was beyond comprehension. I loved it beloved! You were incredible! I see why Weiss was in extremely merry spirits the morning after your combined lovemaking! I can't wait for that morning afterglow and feeling your presence next to my own, but I can't wait for the main event even more beloved~

Y,N: *scratches the back of his head sheepishly* Yeah, I guess I'm a natural much like you Pyrrha. I guess it's just a gift I have. 

Pyrrha: *her eyes light up, while she takes off her hair barrettes allowing her red hair to cascade and fall down her back like a red curtain, with her gushing pussy hovering just above Y,N's cock* Don't sell yourself short beloved! You're much more than "gifted". You're a goddam master when it comes to sex and you were able to light up my entire pleasure center with your licking! I bet you're certainly a master at the main event! Now, speaking of that why don't we combine and merge into one with the main event? Make me feel alive Y,N! Make me feel the same way Weiss did! 

Y,N: *thinks, with a lone sweat drop falling down his face* Damn, she's extremely different from old reality Pyrrha in the confidence department, besides that she's practically the same.....But that newfound confidence really makes her seem like a completely different person, yet I'm not complaining. In fact, it might be an upgrade from my old reality....One of many. 

Pyrrha: *kisses Y,N on the cheek, making him snap out of his thought* Come on beloved, there's no time to be zoning out, especially at a moment like this! Let's get the main event started beloved! Stick your bitchbreaker into my pussy and put a baby into me! 

*Y,N gulps at Pyrrha's assertion, but regardless he slowly lines up his cock with Pyrrha's virgin pussy and to his shock Pyrrha starts the contact by bucking her hips and therefore her pussy onto Y,N's meat pillar and immediately screams out in pain feeling her hymen being torn asunder, yet her beloved Y,N is there to kiss Pyrrha making her moan into his mouth and slowly the pain from having her virginity being torn is replaced by overwhelming pleasure as Y,N slowly and gently thrusts his cock into Pyrrha's velvety walls, as he wanted to make sure he didn't break her into two or pushed her past her limit, sure she was a warrior and showed that pride and power in spades when thrusting her pussy onto his cock but he didn't want to turn her off to the future prospect by making it un-pleasurable for her. All the while Pyrrha was lost in a haze of pleasure and lust as not only was her beloved kissing her on the lips and having their tongues once more dance a sensual tango between two passion filled lovers, but his cocky was hitting all the right spots in her pussy and while it was slow, she knew why he wasn't blazing through her wet walls like a bolt of lightning and that made her blush a bright pink knowing how much her beloved actually cared for her.*

Pyrrha: *thinks, while bucking her hips to Y,N's cock pressing further into her folds, scouting her velvety walls* This truly was destiny. Y,N, no my beloved is truly and without a single shadow of a doubt, my enteral soulmate. I willingly give him my mind, body, and soul as we're forever bond to one another. And I wouldn't have it any other way. *All the while Y,N's cock was teasing her walls and pushing forward with every thrust, traveling farther and farther down her love tunnel and soon enough he would be kissing her womb with his tip at this rate and that only made Pyrrha's heart beat faster, but first things needed to be slow because while a warrior she was still human and could still be torn apart by Y,N's bitchbreaker he was housing in his pants. and she was thoroughly enjoying every single second of this as her beloved's cock was being lovingly milked by her velvety walls and it was almost like her pussy was subconsciously caressing Y,N's cock in a show of pure love and devotion.* 

Y,N: *thinks* Damn, those videos must of been extremely graphic as Pyrrha is doing this like a pro! Hell, better than a pro! If this was his future, constantly making love to all of the beautiful and sexy ladies of Beacon and beyond.....There was certainly worse fates, and he wasn't going to complain about his scenario, in fact he embraced it with Weiss, and now he was embracing it with his soulmate Pyrrha. Huh, I always knew me and Pyrrha had something special back in the old reality, something much more than the bestest of friends and the closest of friendly rivals...She just never had the courage to ask me out or she was too busy trying to get affection from that clearly one-sided relationship with that ignorant, oblivious fool Jaune. Either way, both of those distractions are gone or replaced by better alternatives and I couldn't be happier. 

*All the while, Pyrrha was having the time of her life with her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her tongue now lazily battling with Y,N's, almost like she was panting instead of actively kissing back....It was like she had been overloaded from the pleasure and was only concentrating on bucking her hips and occasionally giving moans of pleasure and the occasional "More Beloved~!" which Y,N gladly obliged by picking up the speed of his thrusting due to his cock finally getting accustomed to Pyrrha's pussy and vice versa, meaning Y,N no longer had to worry about potentially hurting Pyrrha's inside and now the rooftop was being filled with the sound of slapping flesh as Y,N's cock went in and out of Pyrrha's welcoming pussy like a lightning bolt, much to Pyrrha's shouts of excitement and lust, all the while Y,N's balls kept slapping against Pyrrha's plump thighs and sexy booty. Finally Y,N stops making out with Pyrrha, with another lose thin train of saliva connecting between the two before dropping onto Y,N's cock, which Pyrrha immediately uses this air to scream out in pure pleasure and practically praising Y,N about his bitchbreaker. *

Pyrrha: *yells out to the night sky* Keep going! Keep going! Harder Y,N! Give it to me! Make me your woman! Yours's and yours's alone! You're bitchbreaker is filling my insides and alighting my entire being with a pleasurable fire! You're truly my soulmate! Nothing nor no one can compare to you! Just keep going and don't stop until you cum! PLEASE! Make me your bitch! I don't care, just keeping filling my insides with your wonderous cock! 

Y,N: *thinks, before smirking* I got an idea! Time to test this baby out! Oh Pyrrha you're going to love this! *yells aloud* Prepare for this surprise Pyrrha! I'm sure you're going to absolutely love it!   

Pyrrha: *nods with hearts in her eyes* Do it beloved~! Do whatever you want! My mind! My body! My soul! They all belong to you! We're forever connected my soulmate! Destiny wanted this beloved~! And I'm glad destiny chose you as my soulmate!

*Y,N closes his head and thinks of the object he wishes to create with his hardlight construct and within mere seconds appears the object of his....well not really his but Pyrrha's desire, he was practically a conduit to bring her more pleasure at this moment. Yet, the object itself was 7 inches long and 4 inches thick with it glowing in a white-yellowish glow. The object Y,N currently held in his right hand had completely shocked Pyrrha and she stared down at the item in question while her beloved was plowing her velvety insides and nearing closer and closer to putting a bun in her oven.*

Pyrrha: *stares down at the object in wonder* Is that....Is that what I think it is?

Y,N: *smirks* Yep. That's exactly what this badboy is. A hardlight construct dildo just for you Pyrrha! Obviously it's not the size of my own cock but this is surely going to give you enough pleasure from the "backdoor" if you catch my drift. *Y,N then plunges the hardlight dildo into Pyrrha's awaiting asshole and due to the previous semen that was there from the handjob it was well lubed up enough to punch right through her previously unused rosebud and this caused Pyrrha to scream out in pleasure from feeling this newfound warm invader spreading past her asscheeks and into a place she never adventured to, not even when masturbating to pictures of Y,N------she meant cocks, yes most defintely.* 

Pyrrha: *yells* This is incredible! It's so warm and tight! The----The pleasure is overriding!!!!! I'm going to! I'm going to cum beloved~! Please cum inside me and put your seed into my womb! I want to carry your child! Destiny wanted this and I most certainly want this! *Pyrrha howls out in pleasure as once more her pussy quivers and shakes from another orgasm, with this one squirting onto Y,N's cock, Pyrrha's inner thighs, some of the training ground floor beneath the two of them, and Y,N's crotch and the bottom of his stomach....Yet neither complained about getting "dirty", after all this entire "exercise" was about getting down and dirty with one another.* 

Y,N: *yells* If you say so Pyrrha! Your wish is my command! Your velvety walls are practically begging for me to cum in your womb as well! *All the while, Y,N couldn't help but stare at the jiggingly and dangling watermelons, otherwise known as Pyrrha's breasts and couldn't stop himself from taking one of Pyrrha's nipples into his mouth, much to her pure carnal delight.*

Pyrrha: *yells* Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! It's overwhelming and I love it! I love being dominated by you my beloved Y,N! I love your cock! I love it! I love it! I love it! I want it to breed me and allow me the honor and pleasure of carrying your child! I love this three-pronged attack and wished it would never, ever end! I love this more than anything imaginable!  

*A few more minutes go by with the air around the two being filled with lust and love as Y,N's cock thanks to the added lubricant from Pyrrha's cum allows Y,N to thrust in and out of the redheaded Amazonian's pussy, with Y,N sucking, licking, and occasionally biting down on Pyrrha's hardening nipple, much to her pleasure and eventually their movements become much more frantic with Y,N's thrusts becoming the fastest either has seen and after cumming once more from this three-pronged assault of love and passion Y,N finally with a loud sexual roar cums inside of Pyrrha's pussy, completely filling the redheaded warrior's pussy to the brim and Y,N doesn't stop cumming for another 30 seconds straight causing Pyrrha's eyes to roll into the back of her skull and her tongue to lull out, she had been completely overloaded by pleasure and all the while she was happy and content, not only had gotten sex with her beloved! Not only had see been able to become his number 2 in the harem! Not only had she just most certainly gotten pregnant from this bond! But, she had also experienced pleasure beyond nothing before and she wanted to do this, again, and again, and again! Finally, the cumming stopped and slowly Y,N pulled his cock out of Pyrrha's cum soaked pussy and once he pulled it out, it continued oozing excess cum and Pyrrha couldn't utter a single word, she was overloaded and didn't want to move. Yet, finally she couldn't sit anymore and she feel down onto Y,N's body, with her massive boobs squashing and entrapping Y,N's head with her own head hitting the training ground, which was thankfully soft and her hair had fluttered and went around the place, looking like a red waterfall.* 

Pyrrha: *before her eyes shut in exhaustion* Thank you......Beloved. I.....Love.....You. Mind.....Body......and Soul. Forever. 

Y,N: *lays Pyrrha down next to him and kisses her cheek, making her unconsciously blush* I love you too Pyrrha. Now and forever, my redheaded soulmate. I'm glad destiny has brought us together and I'm more than happy you were my number two. 

*The screen fades to black as Y,N's eyes begin to droop and fall asleep next to his soulmate, he hears a sizable "bang!" and a sharp "fuck!" ring throughout the rooftops, causing him to immediately get to his feet and luckily he had plenty of stamina in reserve as he made his way to the door and swung it open and finding........A bottomless and blushing Yang with all of her fingers currently jammed into her gushing pussy, her pajama bottoms and panties had been flung aside yet her tight top and bra remained on her figure, which perfectly outlined her gigantic breasts! Yet when, the door swung open Yang completely stopped what she was doing and had a face that resembled a child's when they got their hand caught in the cookie jar and all she could mutter was "Um.........Hello? Wonderful night we're having aren't we?" And all Y,N could do was shake his head and smile before responding "I imagine this night is going to unforgettable for you, luckily I got enough in the tank to go around round." And almost hypnotically he swung his cock from side to side, causing Yang to drool and lick her lips in anticipation. Oh, mama was going to get some tonight! It was time for this cow to be bred by her bull!*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are hyped for the next one which will of course feature Yang's lemon, and of course I hope you massively enjoyed Pyrrha's lemon and the new techniques it brought to the table, because some of those will of course play a major role in future lemons....Including Mr. Hardlight Construct and its limitless capabilities. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we're going to conquer that milestone and scale the summit to the next milestone of 5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

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