Chapter 3: The Blonde Bombshell, The Red Reaper, and The Black Cat

Hello and welcome back finally to Wrapped Reality and I'm finally back for the highly anticipated chapter and I hope you're all massively excited to finally meet a certain sexy and stubborn blonde bombshell and her shy and innocent yet still equally as sexy sister. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Y,N's Dorm Room

Y,N: *slowly blinks his eyes, getting used to the shining light that was entering his room and lets out a loud yawn as he begins to get out of bed* What a crazy dream last night, I thought I had actually gotten lucky with Weiss Schnee. *chuckles to himself thinking of such a crazy notion.....however his train of thought when he had felt an extra weight at his side, almost like something or someone was nuzzling into him and he pulled down his blankets to reveal a comfortable looking and passed out Weiss who was completely naked showing Y,N her beautiful and pale DD-Cup breasts which seemed to glisten in the morning sun and her long, flowing snow white hair which made her look even hotter as it seemed to flow like a snowy waterfall down her back and nearly down to her ass, she then gave out a cute little moan as the light began to hit her in the eyes, causing her to wake up in a stupor. For a second Y,N thought she was going to freak, yet she looked at him and then quickly looked down at herself before a giant smile grew on her face and she leaned over to give Y,N a soft yet passionate good morning kiss, it was so sweet and her lips were so soft and luscious.....Y,N wished things would stay like this forever, yet all good things came to an end as the kiss ended after a few minutes with a thin trail of saliva connected between their lips before it fell onto the blanket below* It was real, it wasn't simply a dream I had.

*Images of last night fill Y,N's head and he inwardly sighs in content knowing he made Weiss extremely happy by indulging her on that wonderful night, and he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy spending time with his snow angel, she was everything he wanted in a girlfriend, she was sweet, caring, considerate, trustworthy, cute, and an absolute sexual dynamo in the sheets. Y,N had never expected this but she had completely proved him wrong last night, and he couldn't be happier that he had her, and she had him. Oddly enough he felt complete having her by his side.*   

Weiss: *in a cheery voice* Good morning lover boy. Of course last night wasn't a dream, that would be a cruel twist of reality if that was the case. *lets out a cute morning yawn, making Y,N's heart swoon for a second* Thanks for the fun last night Y,N, I had so much fun last night. It was totally worth the years of subtle hinting I was giving you......*when she admits that her face begins to blush bright red* W-What I-I-I mean by that Y,N is that I've had feelings for you since we were both children and I'm glad we're finally together, it's all I ever wanted....I just wanted to be with you Y,N and last night it made me swim in pure happiness that I could finally give myself to you. *she blushes bright red and begins to slightly hug/nuzzle herself into Y,N's chest* There's no one I rather have given my V-Card than you my love. *sighs in content* Yesterday was the best day of my life, my love. I mean it, that was the absolutely and Undisputedly the best night of my entire life, I felt free and loved.....well more so than usual. I feel I can be open with you Y,N and I can be loved by someone who truly loves me back. *she stares into Y,N's eyes her snow blue eyes seem to be glistening and reflected against Y,N's own and she leans in for another passion filled kiss which lasts another few minutes before she disconnects the kiss again almost looking sad and she sighs in what seems to be almost like despair* It's a shame today I have to go to classes, I really want to do nothing but spend the entire day with you...but sadly education and learning calls. If I ever wish to become a huntress then I must go....I'm truly heartbroken we don't have the same classes but I know Headmistress Olivia put you in those specific classes for a reason, even if it's away from me. 

Y,N: *smiles lightly* Don't worry my little snow angel, after we're both done with classes today we can come back here and do whatever you want. Just you and me, I promise.    

Weiss: *smiles and nearly squeals in excitement and nearly hug-tackles Y,N again and begins smothering him with kisses* Really! Oh Y,N I can't wait! You're the best boyfriend ever! *with that she gets up and walks back to her room...however not before putting her clothes on* Bye Y,N. I'll see you after classes, I would stay longer but I got to get back to my dorm and take a hot shower before Yang uses all the heat. I swear that girl refuses to take a cold shower. *before she departs back to her dorm, she gives Y,N a cute wave goodbye and then seems to skip down the hallway, her heart completely filled with happiness and not really caring what anyone else thought, she had finally admitted her feelings to her one and only love, who accepted them, and then accepted her in bed by taking her virginity, and then they cuddled against one another feeling the wonderful afterglow of their passion filled union. It made Weiss' heart utterly fly knowing she had staked the very first claim and now no one else would steal her love before she did, those bitches couldn't steal his V-Card anymore since she already had it, and she silently promised to take great care of it, after all you only lose your virginity once and she knew he would take care of hers and she would do the same* Oh I already miss him. I feel like a piece of my heart will always be with him. *cutely pouts* I'm already wishing today's classes were over and done with, or classes were canceled today. *sigh* I'll just have to brave through them for him, yes for Y,N. I just hope that blonde slut hasn't taken all the hot water, she thinks just because I'm an "Ice Queen" that I only take cold showers. 

Wiess POV, Location: Team RWBY Dorm Room

*Weiss walks down the seemingly empty hallways as the birds were singing outside and the flowers were in full bloom, and she inwardly sighed in relief as everything in her life felt perfect and even if others would be coming after Y,N she now forever had something she didn't and something that would utterly infuriate every other girl in school. Weiss wasn't the type of girl to boast about things, that was more of her blonde teammates personality but she had one thing to brag about for the rest of her life, and to the rest of her teammates. Weiss was a humble and considerate person, but this was something to put everyone else on notice and she knew if her beloved Y,N was going to have a harem, then she would be the head mistress of it. Finally after inwardly thinking to herself for 5 minutes she found herself in the hornets nest that was her dorm room and with a tad bit of fear running through her body she opened the door and inside was chaos as Ruby, Yang, and even Blake were running around getting ready for classes, it seemed that Weiss was the metaphorical glue that held her team together and without her, this place fell into chaos and anarchy. She had somewhat expected this but not in this regard.*

Weiss: *yells loudly, completely going against her normal personality* What in the name of Oum is going on in here! I go away for one night and this entire dorm room falls into complete chaos! 

Ruby: *rushes towards her* I'm so, so sorry Weiss but we woke up late and we're scrambling to get ready for classes.    

Weiss: *sighs loudly, while pinching her nose* Ruby dear you do realize classes don't start until 8AM right? And it's only 7AM right now.

*A wave of relief and an underlying amount of embarrassment filled the entire room as the other members of Team RWBY were completely left without words, as Ruby woke up shouting that they were late for classes and none of them, not even Blake questioned her nor even checked the clock to see if she was correct in her assumption. With this Ruby chuckled and smiled nervously, Yang's face was flushed red with complete embarrassment, and Blake was well.....Blake was Blake and she hardly ever showed any kind of emotion besides apathy and content.* 

Weiss: *pushes her way into her dorm room and closes the door* Well if you three excuse me, I call dibs on the first shower. As I know for a fact that when I wake up last all the hot water is gone due to a center blonde in the room taking all of it.  

Yang: *her face flushes even a brighter shade of red with embarrassment* I'm sorry Ice Queen but I'm a hot and sexy girl you know, that means I got to take hot showers in order to keep that image of mine alive. You don't become the sexiest girl in the entire school by taking cold showers, nah you have to take hot showers in order to keep the "girls" in tip-top condition.

Weiss: *sighs in defeat, knowing she won't get past Yang* Your logic is flawed Yang but I'll accept it. However I'm taking a shower first, one of you three can decide who takes the cold shower today.     

Blake: *in a low and nearly monotone voice, however she does sniff the air and notices the smell of sex is on Weiss, and it's very pungent* I don't mind taking the cold shower today. After all it seems like you truly need to take a hot shower first *smirks lightly* as it seems like you were busy last night. 

Yang: *she flashes a giant smile* On has our little Ice Queen gone out to lick some pussy? 

Ruby: *yells in embarrassment* Yang! Do you even hear the filth coming out of your mouth? That's complete and utter filth! Filth, I tell you!

Yang: *rolls her eyes playfully at her sister* Chill out Rubs, I'm just asking Ice Queen if she had a fun time last night. I mean we're all adults here...except Ruby. But still most of us are adults here and that means we can talk about adult things right? 

Weiss: *blushes slightly* I-I guess you're right. 

Yang: See? I knew we could crack through that cold exterior of yours. So tell us who did you get catty with last night? Who did you dance the sensual tango with? Was it Nora? Jeez that girl has a bigger and more potent sexual appetite than I do, which is saying something. 

Blake: *has her face in a book, waiting for this conversation to end as they only had 55 minutes left to get ready for class* It wasn't a girl she had sexual intercourse with. 

*Yang's face is priceless as the wave of realization hits her like a truck and she's completely shocked and almost appalled that Weiss.....Weiss the shy and introverted Ice Queen was the first girl to sneak her way into her lover's room.....Yang narrowed her eyes at the white haired bitch, oh she knew what Weiss had taken, she now knew why she didn't show up last night. It might not of been put together in Ruby's mind and Blake simply didn't care but Yang was filled with rage on inside, scratch that she was livid that her love's V-Card has been stolen by Weiss. Oh Yang was absolutely livid, she wanted to rip the head off this white haired harlot, yet she smiled inwardly as while she may of lost 1st, she would definitely cash in 2nd and perhaps, just perhaps if she played her cards right she could worm her way into that coveted number 1 position that Weiss clearly held. Yang might of missed out on his virginity, but oh boy she knew he still had his anal virginity....and Yang didn't mean her putting on a strap-on oh no she would never do that to the man she lusted for, she meant he could take her anal virginity.........and her pussy's virgnity but mainly former as she could tell Weiss wasn't fucked in the ass last night...oh no she saw Y,N's bitch-breaker and she knew that Weiss would be walking with a limp if that happened, meaning she still had prime real estate....oh-ho-ho-ho she just had to sneak her way into Y,N's giant heart....or just corner him in the bathroom, that 2nd one sounded much better for Yang* 

Yang: *with a surprisingly calm yet happy filled voice* Congratulations Ice Queen, I seen you've taken your next step into the world of sexual debauchery. So how was it? Was his bitch-breaker really like the rumors have been told? Did it hit all the right spots~ Did he make you scream out his name into the night~ Answers Ice Queen, come on we need answers. 

Weiss: *blushes beat red as she noticed how desperate Yang was for this knowledge, while Blake kept reading her book, and Ruby looking to bail from this conversation had left to take a shower* Well......w-well....I really don't know how to answer you Yang. I mean he was perfect, he's everything you could ever want in a lover, but really there's no way for me to properly explain it to you. Y-You just have to experience it yourself, it's a life-changing experience trust me. He did hit all the right spots~ It was nothing like I've ever experienced before, it felt so foreign....yet it felt so right. It felt better than scissoring against any pussy and it felt godly compared to eating out one. was simple indescribable.

Yang: *wolf whistles* It seems like mama needs to get herself some of that delicious Y,N pie. I bet he'll love to go out with a Bang! 

Weiss/Blake: *both give out a simultaneous "ugh" at Yang's terrible pun* 

Yang: *shrugs while laughs, causing her giant yet somehow natural F-Cup boobs to slightly jiggle and quake with her laughing, making both Weiss and Blake look at her with a tad bit of envy. Hell it was the envy of every single girl in all of the school...except her rival Pyrrha.* Sorry but that's just how the cookie crumbles girls. Someone's got to bring the humor mood up. 

Weiss: Yeah but your puns are horrible. 

Blake: *still reading her book while blushing a bright red* Something both me and Weiss can fully agree on. If you're going to tell jokes, at least tell decent ones. Not ones which make us groan out loud.

Yang: *sticks out her tongue* Never kitty kat. Puns are apart of my very being and they'll never leave my side. 

Weiss: *sigh* Where has this conversation gone?        

Yang: *chuckles* No idea, but I know one thing is for certain. 

Weiss: *raises her eyebrow* And what would that be Yang?    

Yang: *smiles brightly and confidently* Tonight mama's getting some of that delicious Y,N man-cream~ 

Weiss: *smirks* I wish you the best of luck, after all Y,N wants someone reliable and trustworthy. Sadly Yang you don't qualify for either role, I mean you've had sex with almost everyone in this school at least once and you've never had a stable and truth-filled relationship since you've gotten here. You just jump from one girl to the next. This means you have no chance in hell to get with my love. 

Yang: Oh is that a challenge Ice Queen? I'll have you now I can be very persuasive. Additionally I solemnly swear to everyone in this room, after I get lucky with Y,N he's the only other lover I need. Everyone else will just pale in comparison to him. *smirks at Weiss* Hey Ice Queen it seems that you and me are going to be "pogo-stick buddies" I hope you enjoy it as you'll always know when having sex with Y,N that you'll always have to share that mighty dick with me, and who knows how many other girls in this academy and abroad that all want a taste or a ride on that bull~ I mean, who wouldn't want to go on a ride with that absolute stud~ 

Weiss: Just be glad Ruby's not out here, to hear any of this. Otherwise she would ground for a week. *shivers lightly* We all know how Ruby gets when we bring up anything sexual or sexual in nature.

Blake: *is still reading her book* Yeah I thought you were bad with your shy attitude, but at least it seems Y,N has helped you out of your shell. I remember Ruby caught me reading my book once and she immediately walked over and slapped me on cheek with my own book, before walking off with it. I've never seen that book and I had to go buy a brand new one because of her. Meaning it's not wise to talk or read or even watch anything sexual in front of Ruby, otherwise she'll beat the shit out of you. 

Yang: *rolls her eyes* Yeah my sister is absolutely strict when it comes to anything and everything sexual. One time I was reading a sexual magazine, and my sister walked in on me and the first thing she does is pull out some kind of spray bottle and hits me with it like some kind of dog, I swear she gets it from our mother. 

Weiss: Don't you have two mothers Yang? Doesn't everyone have two mothers?

Yang: Yeah, she got it from Summer. Sorry I wasn't being specific but she got it from super-mom. Except Ruby takes it to another level entirely, it's almost like she hates anything and everything sexual, as Blake said she likes to call it "filth". It's sweet that my sister is being such a bastion of innocence but I think there's really no point. I mean sex is such a common and wonderful thing, literally it's not allowed on the street simple because people would do it all the time then. 

Blake: I think also because it would smell terrible on the streets and it would take up too much room. 

Weiss: *hears Ruby get out of the shower, humming to song to herself as she's drying herself off* Well it seems like the conversation is over and I get the next shower. After the slice of heaven Y,N put me through last night, I need a nice hot shower to get this potent smell off me. 

*Ruby walks out of the bathroom with a towel around wrapping up her hair and with her having a pair of lacy red panties and a matching bra on. Even if she was under 18, Ruby had the body to match with her peers as her C-Cup breasts while not overly large like Yang, Blake, or Pyrrha fit her petite and cute size expertly. Plus it did help that the fabric made it easy to spot her cute little cherry sized nipples, they looked so suckable ...not that anyone would tell her to her face but many people thought of it, her beautiful grey eyes was definitely her most sexy and defining feature as no one had silver eyes besides Ruby's mom Summer and an experienced huntress by the name of Maria this made Ruby unique and everyone wanted to be with her simply for her exotic and dazzling eyes, finally her ass was her best sexual feature as it was the right amount of natural fat and hard training as it seemed to jiggled whenever Ruby walked and it was cute and heart-shaped. Additionally it made ironic sense while Yang had the bigger boobs, shocking her little sister had the bigger ass something which made Yang a little ticked whenever someone mentioned it. Overall while Ruby barely stood at a 5ft, 6 inches she was fun sized and was absolutely sexy in all the right places without being overly sexual. She certainly wasn't going to win sexy student awards not with her peers either having better boobs or better asses than her, but she was still sexual and cute in her own right. Something which Ruby herself hated to admit to anyone....even if no one but her knew about her super, duper, uber secret crush on Y,N. But it wouldn't hurt anyone if they knew or not.* 

Ruby: *comes out to put the rest of her clothes, still humming to herself* So what's everyone talking about? I heard you girls talking about something, but once I stepped out it became the deadzone out here.   

*Yang knowing that if Ruby pried hard enough she would of found out they were talking about something sexual, quickly needed to change the topic and found the perfect out* 

Yang: *looks at Ruby's panties* Hey Rubs are you going out tonight? I mean you're dressing to impress someone, as you hardly wear lacy you say it yourself "it makes you feel too sexual".

Ruby: *blushes bright red* I-I-I'll have you know Yang I'm only wearing these as I had nothing else to put on. 

Yang: *smirks* Oh ok Ruby, whatever you say dear sister o' mine. Just tell me later tonight who you got down and dirty with ok? 

Ruby: *blushes even brighter* Yang! I'm not even going out on any kind of date tonight nor am I going to go out into Vale just to look for a good time with some random lady I'll never meet nor see again! 

Yang: *puts her hands up* Jeez Ruby calm down and chill, there's no reason to get so worked up. I mean we're just having fun right Blake, right Weiss? *looks around seeing only one of the girls with her nose stuck in that porn book of hers again, while the other girl had just simply disappeared....until she heard the shower running again*

*Weiss seeing where this conversation was inevitably going to be heading had pulled a Ruby and bailed out of the conversation entirely and Yang seethed as she heard the shower start right back up, meanwhile Team RWBY's resident Faunus had gone right back to reading her book and pretending none of them existed in the same room as her right now, as she clearly knew that Yang and Ruby were going to come to a head and she wanted no part in it.*

Ruby: *smirks at her big sister* Just remember Yang, I'm not the resident school's party girl like you. I for one actually have standards and self-dignity. 

Yang: *laughs* Oh we'll see about that Rubs, I mean I know you better than anyone and I know for a fact you're hiding a massive pervert inside of you. You're simply afraid to become like everyone else, so you want to hide that little kinky reaper of yours at all costs. 

Ruby: *gets defensive* Am not! There's no secret perverted side of me nor this "kinky reaper" you keep bringing up every time we have this conversation. Just because I wish to not partake in the same sexual nonsense as everyone in this school doesn't mean I have some kind of secret kinky side willing and wanting to burst out of me. Pssh that's utterly preposterous and completely insane. I mean who would spread such an awful rumor about me? 

*With that the conversation ended and the rest of the time went quietly as Weiss, Yang, and Blake all took their respective showers while Ruby sat and thought to herself on her top bunk, waiting for her fellow teammates to get out of their respective showers and by the time Blake exited they only had 5 minutes left and literally ran down the hallways of Beacon to finally make it to their first class, in classic Team RWBY fashion....their first class was being taught by Miss Bethany Oobleck A.K.A. Beacon's resident coffee connoisseur. She had the speed that even Ruby would blush at, as she zipped around the chalkboard talking about ancient Grimm and how they became extinct. All the while half of the class was asleep, 25% of it was jotting down and taking notes, and the other 25% were on their scrolls playing games, watching videos, or chatting with friends, and during all of this Miss Oobleck didn't see nor catch any of it as she was wrapped up in her own little world.*

Weiss: *is jotting down notes but on the inside is thinking* *thoughts* Oh my Oum this is so boring, I usually never space out this much during any class, but ever since last night all I can think about Y,N....maybe it's what Yang said, perhaps she has gotten me riled up. I mean she did say she wants to take that number 1 position away from this jealously? Or is this competition?    

Yang: *is sitting in her chair playing some random app on her scroll, all the while she was half-listening to Miss Oobleck who seemingly didn't care if half of her class was asleep and another 25% of it was on there scrolls. However the other half of Yang's attention went to imagine that giant bitch-breaker her hidden lover Y,N was packing. Oh the very thought of it made Yang drool....oh mama would be getting that sweet treat tonight, she just had to find him before anyone else would butter him up and take them to their dorm first. She knew her friend Pyrrha, who she dubbed "P-Money" was very abrasive and blunt towards Y,N yesterday and Yang knew she had to act fast, as the Amazonian redhead would stop at nothing till she got what she wanted.* I got to start thinking of a game plan, and quick. I got Ruby as a buffer and if I tell her about my plan, she'll break into another lecture about "morals and dignity". Hmm, then there's Pyrrha who's also on that bull-riding hunt. *a lightbulb strikes within Yang's head and she chuckles evilly* Oh yeah Yang it's all coming together. I'll just make sure Ruby, Weiss, and Blake have a nice friendly slumber party with the rest of Team JNPR. Then that leaves Y,Ny-boy all to myself. I love it when a plan comes together. Tonight mama gets herself a ride on that hung horse. I just got to play my cards right and make sure neither Ruby, Pyrrha, or anyone else gets in my way. 

*All the while a certain protagonist had been constantly sneezing over and over again in his personal class with Miss Goodwitch*

Glynda: Y,N are you alright? You've been sneezing every few seconds for the past minute and a half. 

Y,N: *wipes his nose with a tissue* Oh I'm fine Miss Goodwitch please continue, I think it's just allergies. 

Glynda: *sighs* Mr. L,N what did I tell you about this?

Y,N: *cutely tilts his head, making Glynda's heart skip a beat* Tell me about what Miss Goodwitch?

Glynda: *winks sexily* To just call me Glynda, cutie.  

Y,N: *blushes* O-O-Ok Glynda. 

Glynda: *smiles* See? Isn't that better than boring old "Miss Goodwitch"?

Y,N: I-I-I-I guess so. *blushes brightly* Y-Y-Y-You have a very beautiful name......Glynda. 

Glynda: *blushes brightly at Y,N's statement, as her heart begins to beat ever faster* T-Thanks you Mr. L,N that's all I needed to hear, anyone continuing with the lesson. After all we only have a limited amount of time before your next class. *inner thoughts while she's teaching the private study* Oh my Oum he's so adorable and he's so sexy...I need to think of a way for him to notice me. I already heard Miss Schnee got her share last night and I need to think of something before I fall behind the pack....the weekend's almost coming I could get him to come to my class for some "extracurricular activities". Yes that'll work, I just need to hold that hope that not too many girls will have laid with him by the time the weekend comes up. 

*With that the screen fades to black as several girls and women with the school were all planning to get their fill with Y,N, with one certain blonde brawler bombshell head and sholuders above the others. Will Y,N be able to survive a sexual encounter with the school's resident party girl and fun girl? Or will he not have the stamina to keep up with her raging lust? Well let's find out next time on Wrapped Reality.*   

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next as it'll involve some more of Y,N's classes and his adventures with the extremely flirty and lustful staff, and of course Yang will begin her plans to get her "Y,Ny-boy" alone in order to be the 2nd girl to stake her claim. Will she be able to succeed? Or will Ruby notice Yang's intentions and stop her? Or will the sexy Amazonian Pyrrha get to Y,N first? These questions and more will be answered very soon. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to the next one. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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