Chapter 2: A Date with a Snow Angel

Hello and welcome back finally to Wrapped Reality, I hope all of are excited as finally we've gotten to the first lemon of the story, which means things are going to get a lot more interesting and very steamy~ and I hope you're all excited as I am, since it's going to be fun! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 

P.S. Before we start, I'm adding one final girl to the harem and it's going to be an OC family member for an already pre-established(Who's name isn't Scarlet Rose) and that girl is this lovely older sister of the sexy Nora Valkyrie. 

Introducing Juri Valkyrie, I hope all of you enjoy this last minute addition ;)


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Uptown Vale 

*Y,N and Weiss were walking to this wonderful restaurant she had booked originally for herself and her sister, however all of that changed once her sister had to call-out due to the fact that Atlas was running her done to the bone. All of this while sad for Weiss was also a blessing in disguise, as know she would be able to pronounce her feelings of love for her one and only crush, and she would be able to get him all alone as she knew almost everyone else in Beacon had a crush on her love and she wanted to be the first(and hopefully only) girl to stake the biggest claim at her love, she was even leaning into his shoulder as they walked down the street to the restaurant. Weiss knew she had one thing plenty of other girls didn't, she had patience and conviction, she knew what she wanted and therefore wouldn't back down from any challenge, it was all for her love and tonight she would finally get lucky with her crush. That one thought made her heart swoon with love* 

*As for Y,N, his stomach was filled with nothing but butterflies, as this might be the one and only opporunity to show Weiss what a truly wonderful person he was. While this Weiss was completely difference from the one he knew, hell the original Weiss would of strangled him before going on a date with him, however that was neither here nor there. But this Weiss, this beautiful snow angel who's near porcelain skin shone like fresh snow, she was completely different and it made Y,N.......happy, this Weiss was more nervous like him and was more open when it came to love, that cursed mask she had built for herself was not there anymore. Possibly it was due to the death of her father in this reality or perhaps it was simply some genetic differences, either way it simply didn't matter Y,N knew in his heart he was happy, purely happy for the first time it what felt like forever. As even in his original reality he had a massive crush, however unlike that fool Jaune, he didn't actively go after her and annoy her. Y,N knew it was better to stay way from Weiss, than get on her bad side. Besides all of the butterflies in his stomach, Y,N did admire both Weiss' pure beauty and the beauty of the sunset setting giving off a beautiful ethereal orange and golden glow* 

Y,N: It's a wonderful night tonight Weiss. *Y,N notices that even though they were holding hands one another Weiss was slightly laying her head on Y,N's shoulder and this made him blush even harder, as even though he knew he wasn't in his own reality, not even in his wildest dreams would he imagine this would happen, it was completely surreal* 

Weiss: *giggles* Y,N any time of day would be wonderful with you by my side. 

Y,N: *blushes* D-Do you really mean that?

Weiss: *cutely tilts her head* Why would I lie ever about something as special as our love Y,N?   

Y,N: N-N-No reason Weiss. I just wanted to make sure, I've had a nasty habit of people lying to me in order to manipulate me either so they can get something of mine or use my powers from anything ranging to a childish prank to........more gruesome things. 

Weiss: Oh my Oum, I'm sorry to hear that Y,N. I promise you if I ever get my hand those bitches that made you do such terrible things I'll...........I'll, well I have no idea what I'll do but I'll do something painful for those dolts who dare use my love as some kind of weapon or pawn. 

Y,N: *his eyes are widen* Jeez, thanks Weiss. I never expected such a passionate and heartfelt mini-speech. 

Weiss: *swoons over his shoulder again, acting like what just happened didn't happen* Anything for you my love. Who knows what I would of been if I hadn't met you. I may of ended up some entitled brat, but I'm glad even if that's a small possibility I'm glad it didn't happen. Even if I was given a choice between you and all the Lien in the world, I would still stay with you my love. 

Y,N: *mentally on the inside, Y,N is gawking as Weiss' is literally making all of her emotions bare for Y,N to either accept or reject later........but Y,N's mind was already made up, there was no way anything or anyone would tear him apart from his snow angel. Y,N also noticed Weiss had become a lot more comfortable with herself, and hardly stuttered. Perhaps it was because she felt a lot more comfortable in Y,N's arms and possibly she had something up her sleeve, like a potential sexual set-up.* I never knew you felt such things Weiss. I-I-I-I feel the same way about you as well. 

*Before Weiss could say anything back they had arrived at the restaurant which was titled "The Golden Star", and without even missing a beat(or perhaps his body was moving on auto-pilot) Y,N held the door open for Weiss like the great gentleman he was, with Weiss actually blushing from such a tiny act. Who said chivalry was a dead and forgotten relic of the past?*

Host: *looks up* Ah Ms. Schnee what a pleasure it is to have you dining in our restaurant again. You are after all one of our most generous clientele.   

Weiss: *smiles lightly* It's good to be back. Do you have our table for two ready? 

Host: Oh but of course Ms. Schnee. Whenever you come to dine, our staff knows we must keep a table open. As without your mother's help, this restaurant may of never gotten off the ground.   

Weiss: Well mother is a very kind and generous person. She had told me she saw potential in you and your restaurant. She's extremely happy that this place has grown even beyond her exceptions. 

Host: Anyway follow me Ms. Schnee. You're table is ready. *the Host leads both Weiss and Y,N to the table and Y,N before sitting down himself he pulled her chair with Weiss sitting in said chair, blushing brightly before Y,N sat down himself and took in the atmosphere of the room and the classical music that was playing* 

Y,N: This is really a lovely place Weiss. 

Weiss: You may not believe me, but I've actually been to more physically impressive restaurants, however this place kinda feels like a third home to me after Schnee Manor and Beacon. In reality at times even the staff had raised me, when my mother needed to go on a quick business trip and Winter was still at the academy. *chuckles at these warm memories* You might think that it's sad that my mom and sister were away at times and it was, but the staff here actually treated me like family as well, perhaps because they were indebted to mom or perhaps they actually like my presence, either way I'm happy it happened as it taught me plenty of life lessons. 

Y,N: *chuckles alongside Weiss both enjoying the fancy waters they were given, both completely enjoying one another's company* Do tell about the life lessons you learned. I would love to hear, your voice is purely angelic. 

Weiss: *blushes while slightly squirming in her seat* Well if you want to know some funny stories my love, here's one. Every time we bring this one up, my family always gets a laugh. When I was young, I was a lot more let's say temperamental, so might even say I was a little diva. I had really wanted to play with the oven and even though I was told plenty of times not to play with it, due to my less developed mind I had really wanted to play with the oven. Well let's simply say one thing lead to another, you can probably how it went and I learned a valuable life lesson that day. Never mess with an oven, otherwise it'll mess right back with you. *Weiss shows Y,N her right hand and shows it has a tiny burn mark on it, completely going against the rest of her snowy skin* That day I learned to never fool around with an oven. *chuckles* 

Y,N: *chuckles alongside Weiss* To be honest with you, I pretty much learned that life lesson the exact same way, except it happened when accidently used/discovered my fire powers. I nearly burnt the entire house down, I can assure you I got quite the verbal lashing from mother but she did it in the most gentle way possible. My mother was an absolute saint, she was the kindest person you would ever meet. *sighs* I miss her but I know she's in a better place.  

Weiss: *cups Y,N's hand in her own while looking him in the eyes, with those beautiful yet soul piercing blue eyes* I'm sorry for what happened to your mother but I know she's in a much better place. I know she was a lovely woman, she had to be if she gave birth to you. Besides my own family you've been the kindest and most considerate person to me, it's one of the many reasons I feel in love with you. 

Y,N: Thank you so much Weiss. You know you're one of the few people I feel like I can actually open up to and share a conversation with. Sometimes I feel like I require a mental mask and act differently just to appease people. 

Weiss: Don't ever say that Y,N. Me personally if I were stuck in that position I would rather not have any friends and be myself, rather than pretending to be someone I'm not and shackling away my true self. Even then now you've got me and I'm not planning to go anywhere. I promise Y,N if anyone dares tell you to change yourself in order to fit, then either slap that person in the face or walk away. 

Y,N: *blushes slightly* Thanks for that wonderful advice Weiss. *internal thoughts* You're so much better than the original Weiss........and I feel no shame or guilt in saying that. This Weiss actually treats me like a real person with real feelings, and even more shocking she actually cares about them. Old Weiss would of probably called be a dolt and slapped me in the face before storming down the hallway. 

Weiss: Y,N are you ok? You've been staring out into space for the past few minutes? 

Y,N: *shacks his head* Oh I'm fine, sorry I just got lost in my own thoughts. I was thinking about a memory long gone, almost like it was apart of a different era. But now let us order, since I can't wait to see what's on here. 

Weiss: Oh don't worry my love, this place has some of the best food you'll ever eat in Vale. Possibly even all of Remnant, but that might just be personal bias *laughs* 

Y,N: Well what would you recommend then? 

Weiss: Well, to be honest there's so much stuff I would "recommend" however the one thing I love to get, is *grabs the menu and points at a very specific item on it* the cooked salmon.  It's actually extremely good, especially with the lemon garlic herb they use. 

*With that out of the way for the next 40 minutes they chatted, laughed, and just had fun with one another, it was like for the first time in a long time both of them could completely open up and express their inner most feelings, thoughts, and memories. Both basking in the glow of the moment, feeling as if their hearts were beating as one, especially for Weiss since she never truly knew her and her crush had so much in common with one another, almost like it was destiny for them to fall in love. Little did either fully know or even was destiny, fate being manipulated into someone's certain favor* 

Weiss: *sighs with delight and content* I never knew we had so much in common Y,N. It's almost like fate itself brought us together. 

Y,N: *chuckles* I guess you could say that my lovely snow angel.  

Weiss: *blushes* T-Thanks Y,N. 

*After a wonderful dinner between the two, in which both enjoyed their dinners and making a little more small talk after eating, and even ordering an ice cream for two, and finally tipping the waiter and paying the bill they finally had left the restaurant with Weiss already forming the plan in her head for getting her love alone tonight, she had made sure her team was out tonight and now with the plan already nearing it's completion and Weiss couldn't be happier for what was coming next.......this was her night alone with her love and she would made sure they seal the deal. Especially when she knew at the bare minimum Yang, Ruby, Coco, Velvet, and Pyrrha all had major crushes on her love, so she had to set the precedent before anyone else could take away her love's V-Card. And that plan was about to be executed once they got back to Beacon.* 

Timeskip, Location: Beacon Academy, outside Team RWBY'S dorm room

Y,N: Tonight was a lovely night my beautiful snow angel, I wouldn't be against doing that again sometime. It felt.......reliving actually opening up with someone and not being forced to stay on the sidelines or pretend to be someone I'm not. 

Weiss: It's purely no problem my love, around me just feel free to act yourself. If anyone tries to make you someone you're not then those people aren't friends or people you want to be associated with. Trust me I should know.......after all not to speak ill of the dead, but before his passing my father tried to groom like into acting like a female and younger version of himself, just as vain, just as entitled, and just as emotionless to those around them.......I miss my father but I'm glad that didn't happen, I couldn't bare to imagine the pain, annoyance, and frustration I would cause to those around me. 

Y,N: I'm glad you ended up the way you are Weiss, who knows what our relationship would of been if you had become like your father. *internal thoughts* Even though I already know. 

Weiss: *unlocks the door to her dorm* But won't you come in? Perhaps we can talk some more in there and keep me company. After all the rest of my team is away doing whatever they do, you wouldn't keep a girl lonely would you? 

Y,N: *blushes* N-N-No never. *walks in with Weiss closing the door behind him and her, and making sure it's locked so no one gets involved in this or interrupts what's about to happen between her and her crush* 

Weiss: Stay right here Y,N, I got a special surprise for you *winks while walking into the bathroom, even though she wasn't a master at it she was swaying her hips sensually*

Y,N: *gulps while blushing bright red, at this point his tuxedo he was wearing earlier had been long gone and he was wearing a simply shirt, pants, and underwear. It was at Weiss' requests, and even though he had an inkling of what was going on, he could never guess how much in full force Weiss would go* 

Weiss: You better have your eyes closed~ *Weiss says this in a sing-song voice* 

Y,N: I-I-I-I am my snow angel. 

Weiss: I'm ready my love~ 

Y,N: *gawks* W-W-Weiss you''re beautiful.

(Overlord: Just imagine her with the same body proportions from the first chapter. Now onto the part you've all been waiting for. And of course I feel like this goes without saying but she doesn't have Myrtenaster on her person at this moment.) 

Weiss: *blushes* T-T-Thanks Y,N. I hope you enjoy the look~ I specifically bought it for you~ And only you are going to see me wear this little number~ 

Y,N:'re absolutely gorgeous. 

Weiss: *blushes even harder while walking and swaying her hips towards Y,N* I love how truthful you are Y,N~ I'm glad you'll be my first and only~ But it's finally time, how about we finally "seal the deal" my love? 

Y,N: *is a blushing mess and therefore can't even speak up, as currently on the inside his brain was going into a meltdown and "Y,N.EXE" had stopped working* 

Weiss: *walks over to Y,N before straddling his lap and giving him a full on kiss, on the lips feeling the inside of his mouth, before Y,N finally responded back and closed his eyes while their tongues danced a sensual tango with one another, a simple kiss turning into a complete make-out session with one another, both moaning into one another mouths, completely enjoying their time with one another with Y,N moving his hands down to cup Weiss succulent ass and squeezing it, which made her moan even louder into the kiss before finally after a few minutes they broke the kiss both needing to breathe in some air before possibly passing out from the kiss* I think you're finally ready my love~ 

Y,N: That was.........that was just the warm-up?

Weiss: *nods* Let the fun begin~    

Weiss: *looks down and sees Y,N fully closed which made her pout* Why are you still dressed? We really can't have sex with clothes on silly~ *with that Weiss sensually begins to take off Y,N's clothes before leaving Y,N wearing nothing but his underwear, with Weiss blushing bright red as she sees an outline of Y,N's dick, seeing it filled Weiss with determination and a tiny bit of trepidation, but seeing the outline of it made her pussy wet and excited, she was wet and ready and she wanted her prize even more now* Oh Y,N you're so big~ I wonder if that'll even fit in me~ *winks sexily* I hope it doesn't break me~ 

Y,N: I..........I........

Weiss: *places one of her fingers over Y,N's mouth* Shush handsome, let me handle it all~ I want to make you feel wonderful, like a slice of heaven itself~ Just let me handle it all, and I mean "all"~ *Weiss slowly and sensually pulls down Y,N's underwear revealing his surprisingly large member* Damn you're much bigger than I had anticipated my love. With this........this bitch-breaker you'll melt this little snow angel into nothing more than a puddle~ *moves her panties, which have a giant wet spot on them, to the side revealing her wet and eager pussy to Y,N* I hope you like what you see~ I am a little self-conscious after all *blushes while looking away*  

Y,N: *leans over to Weiss and kisses her on the lips with Weiss moaning into the kiss, feeling Y,N's equal love for her come out in full force, before Y,N breaks off the kiss again after a few minutes* You're absolutely beautiful Weiss and there's nothing on this world that would change my mind. 

Weiss: *moans after the kiss as Y,N fondles and gropes her rather generous milkjugs, and she moans loudly feeling her over-sensitive boobs react massively to what was happening and this white hot feeling traveled all the way from her boobs to her pussy, which was getting wetter and wetter from this added stimulus* Y,N.........I think.......I'm gonna.........I'M TO GOING TO CUM!!!!!    

Weiss: *throws her head back and her eyes roll into the back of her head as she nearly screams into the night, feeling her first ever orgasm from another person and she nearly alerted the entire school to their actions with that loud moan* MORE! MORE! MORE! MORE! I LOVE YOU Y,N! GIVE ME YOUR MASSIVE DICK! I WANT IT! *her voice grows quiet again, realizing that someone would put two and two together and literally break down the door for their turn* B-B-B-B-But please be's my first time after all and I want the first time to special, you know? 

Y,N: Don't worry my little snow angel, I'll be gentle. I promise. *gives Weiss one more kiss on the lips before taking slowly inserting himself inside Weiss' velvety inward walls, they were so tight and were holding onto Y,N's massive meaty intruder like a glove, before finally he had reached the part Weiss would dread the most......breaking her hymen* Weiss baby, I need you to focus on the pleasure ok? 

Weiss: *nods* Anything for you my love.......I know this'll hurt, my mother had taught me about "the birds and the bees" a long time ago. *catches Y,N in a kiss while giving him a "go ahead" look before closing her eyes again and once again taking in the wonder of Y,N's lips*

*Getting the approval he needed, Y,N slowly pushed farther into pussy completely shattering her hymen and therefore her virginity and innocence was both taken by the one man she loved more than all. Weiss felt......literal nirvana, her entire body was fire and all of her senses and nerves were on end, everything felt incredible, the sensational was completely indescribable, all of this was eye-opening to Weiss and now she had wanted to do nothing else than servicing her beloved. She was happy that she had met and fallen for Y,N, without him she would of become......well she didn't know nor cared. His dick was so far in her Pussy and it felt wonderful! She wanted to feel this way forever!*     

Weiss: *gives out a very guttural and wanton moan, something that seemed completely seemed odd for her* Y,N!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO BIG!!!!!!!! MY PUSSY IS MILKING YOUR DICK!!! 

*Even though he was going slow, Weiss was already moaning wantonly and Y,N had barely started going, even though he was no master at sex.......whatsoever Weiss was already moaning and screaming bloody murder. It made Y,N feel good, that he was able to give such a pleasure to a girl, even though the pleasure was currently minimal* 

Y,N: This isn't even the start my love. 

*Y,N started thrusting slightly faster into Weiss, with said girl going wide-eyed as it felt like her entire body was ablaze with a sexual fire so strong that it refused to go out and it was incredible the pure feeling of flesh slapping and thrusting against one another, Y,N swore he could even see tiny milk droplets coming out from Weiss' nipples and deciding to be.....sexual curious and possibly even make Weiss feel even better, he leaned down and took Weiss' left nipple in his mouth with Weiss literally screaming in pleasure from feeling both her pussy and one of her nipples being assaulted by Y,N and she left nothing nothing but pleasure, it was almost like her mind was literally shutting down from the mind-blowing pleasure she was receiving.*

Weiss: I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *leans Y,N's head closer to her tit, practically pushing his head into her boobs, while he continued thrusting into her tight pussy, feeling it's wet walls milk him for all he was worth, and she let out even more moans as she felt literal milk come out of her nipple and into Y,N's awaiting mouth and this felt purely wonderful for her, if it happened she couldn't wait to do this with her children one day, and her mind flashes with wonderful images having kids with Y,N, marrying Y,N at beautiful and paradise green field overlooking the ocean, and spending the rest of her life with the man she loved and with these images she screamed again cumming a 2nd time with her feminine pussy juice splattering onto Y,N's dick adding more lubrication which allowed Y,N to thrust even faster and farther into Weiss' awaiting pussy, all the while said pussy was expanding to accommodate it's new favorite toy, it's new favorite item, and the best of all it all felt wonderful and she wouldn't have to look out for her teammates ever again, whenever she had an "itch" she would just go to her beloved's room and have even more fun* Y,N BELOVED I NEVER WANT THIS TO END!!!!!!!!      

Y,N: *releases Weiss' nipple with a wet pop, some milk around his mouth before kissing Weiss, with her milk on his mouth meaning Weiss moaned out loud when feeling her own milk on her lips now......and even though it should of felt weird, her milk actually tasted wonderful. It tasted almost like vanilla, and this set Weiss' taste-buds on fire* It seems like you like your own milk, I hope you don't become addicted to it and forget about me my little snow angel.   

Weiss: *blushing bright red* I would never..........never forget about you my love. Now CUM IN ME!!!!! CUM IN MY PUSSY!!!! MAKE ME PREGNANT!!!! PAINT MY INSIDES WHITE WITH YOUR BABY BATTER!!!! 

*Y,N's mind becomes hazy as the pleasure even overwhelms him and the feeling of Weiss' sweet and wet pussy, hell it even had a slight coldness to it, but it felt incredible. It was amazing and it felt so surreal fucking his secret crush, the girl in the original universe would of slapped him in the face and reject every single one of his advances before ever going on a date with him, let alone having sex with felt so good to fuck her, she was wonderful, she was beautiful, she was smart, she was compassionate, everything Y,N looked for in a girl was rolled up into one sexy bombshell package and Y,N knew he was going to cum inside her pussy......even though it might knock her up, but during this brief moment of haziness he didn't care, all he wanted to do was finally cum inside Weiss' wonderful was the most(and only) pussy he ever fucked and it felt incredible, far better than those videos he watched*  

Y,N: Consider...........*huff* consider this wish granted my beautiful snow angel. *Y,N thrusted deep into Weiss' pussy nearly reaching her womb itself before spurting his cum all over Weiss' sweet, sweet pussy making her inner walls white with his cum and more than certainly knocking her up.....unless she had taken the pill, which she might of in the bathroom but not that didn't matter right now, as he cam balls deep in the girl he loved and the girl he had a massive crush on since the original universe and it was a beautiful fantasy he wished never would end* 

Weiss: IT'S SO DEEP!!!!! I FEEL IT DEEP WITHIN ME!!!!!! Y,N YOU'RE SUCH A SEXUAL GOD!!!!!!! *Weiss cums a third time with Y,N feeling his cum mixing with Weiss' juices before finally pulling out with all that cum nearly flowing out of Weiss' pussy, meaning if she hadn't possibly taken the pill, then he had certainly made Weiss pregnant. Meanwhile Weiss was completely lost in sexual pleasure and she was now basking in the afterglow as Y,N fell besides here and she immediately snuggled next to Y,N while Y,N blushed feeling her naked boobs push against his left arm* That was so wonderful beloved. That was everything I wanted for my first time, you were amazing.......I can't wait to do that again beloved. *internal thoughts* Now I've steaked my claim with my beloved and taken his V-Card, it's time for those other harlots turns for a time with Y,N, checkmate bitches!  

Y,N: That was wonderful my snow angel *blush* I'm glad my first time was with you. There was no one else I would rather have my first time with. 

Weiss: *blushes while her heart swooned again from this simple sentence, but it was filled with love and honesty* I-I-I'm glad I gave you my first time as well my love. There's no one else I would of rather shared my first time with. *she smiles* Maybe next time you can get a piece of this delightful "cake". *she slaps her ass to make that point across while Y,N nearly gets hypnotized from the mere sight of it jiggling* I know you want it *she wiggles her ass* but for tonight I really need the rest, later I promise I'll give you my anal virginity my love, but for tonight let's bask in the afterglow. I don't care if my team finds us, let them see our love and be jealous.  

Y,N: A-A-Are you sure Weiss? I rather step on any toes or the possibility one of them will want to "reveal their pleasure" once they see me. 

Weiss: are right. Perhaps we should go to your dorm for tonight. I rather not wake up and see Yang bouncing up and down on your dick. To be honest, Yang is a bit of a slut......a massive one at that. 

Y,N: Yeah I've ran into her a couple times. She seems nice but a bit too blunt and abrasive and very flirty even though none of those are truly a bad thing.

Weiss: *giggles* That's Yang's personality in a nutshell. Let's go to your dorm room then, since knowing Yang specifically she'll try and test her luck on you....while your asleep. 

Y,N: *puts on his clothes before he picks up Weiss bridal style before walking out and due to everyone already being asleep or out in the city, they quickly got to Y,N's room before he opened it and walked in with Weiss still in his arms and nuzzling against his chest before closing the door and locking it, while he lays down with Weiss laying on his chest with her boobs squashing against Y,N's chest. Y,N then kisses her on the nose which makes Weiss blush bright red* Good night my lovely snow angel.  

Weiss: Good night my love. 

*The screen fades to black with both lovebirds falling asleep in one another's arms. Neither knowing what wild and sexual adventures Y,N will be taken on moving forward. Meanwhile far away, in a gloomy and gothic castle a woman with grey skin and blood red eyes wakes up and smirks at the camera, before the final thing you see is blood red eyes* 

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are hyped for the next chapter hopefully coming soon, and I also hope all of you enjoyed this lemon since it took a lot of time and effort to completely finish this lemon chapter. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquer this goal and scale the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

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