Chapter 1: Reality Change and Preparing for a Date
Hello and welcome back finally to probably the most highly anticipated update on my page period(possibly) and it's the 1st chapter to Wrapped Reality, you've all wanted this to happen for quiet sometime and what a way to end summer break with a bang am I right? This'll most be the final update of summer break and I hope all of you massively enjoyed all the brand new updated and the new stories this summer has brought and don't worry this isn't a goodbye, more like a see you later, since I have gotten a job meaning my updates will be a lot less regular, but I'll try to update whenever I can. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Beacon Academy
Y,N: *yawns and stretches as he gets out of bed, he then opens his curtains and feels the amazing sunlight beam down on him* Damn I actually feel rather happy and chipper today. I haven't slept that well in a few years, and surprisingly no nightmares last night. It's like some powerful deity made my life better. *shrugs* Well that's not really a possibility since who would even have that kind of power under their belt. *Y,N opens the door to his dorm and nearly immediately he feels something different in the air, almost like he had a splitting headache, nearly a massive sense of deja vu. Y,N could swear he saw several images rapidly in his mind before it ended leaving Y,N heavily confused, however he still smelled that smell, it almost smelled like roses or heavenly perfume......both of those options set off red flags in the back of Y,N's head since either this was some weird holiday or prep rally he didn't know off or something was seriously off here.* What the hell is going on? *walks out of his dorm, closing the door behind him with those heavenly smells growing more and more potent, leaving Y,N to look to the windows lining the opposite side of his dorm and seeing flower planters filled with fresh roses and tulips* What the hell, I certainly don't remember roses and tulips being planted across the hall....especially when a row of dorms used to be here.....but maybe over night these dorms were just moved or replaced, it's a giant leap in logic but it's the only thing I have besides someone used their semblance or abundant magic might to either move those dorms or myself to another plain of reality......*breathes in and out rapidly before calming down and collecting himself* well let's look on the bright side at least this hallway smells so much better.
*Y,N continues walking down the hallway looking and being completely confused at how much Beacon had changed literally overnight, every time Y,N saw something changed or in a different location or completely brand new his mind began to wander more and more into either he was in a brand new reality or this was just some intense dream and he would simply wake up sooner rather than later....however that latter hope was crushed once he pinched himself and he felt a small inch of pain, however the 2nd thing that tipped him off was........a surprise encounter*
Y,N: *walks down the hallway seeing how all of Beacon has completely changed, taking in the scenery and how weirdly beautiful everything was until he bumped into someone* Oh I'm sorry madam, I just wasn't watching where I was going and I'm terribly sor------wait a minute Weiss is that you?
Weiss: *gets up and nearly yells at Y,N believing him to be some idiot however before she does indeed yell, she stops halfway and realizies it's the crush of her life......the man who holds her heart and she blushes bright red, completely going against her pale snow white features and her "ice queen" persona* O-O-O-O-Oh hello Y,N wonderful day isn't it? The roses are as beautiful as ever.
*Y,N was paying attention to Weiss' question but he was also paying so much attention to her holy shit her body was literally made of sin, like it was designed for one thing and one thing only. Her DD-Cup Breasts while not big enough to look ridiculous, perfectly fit her brand new frame and she even had a tiny boob window with the top of her breasts being slightly exposed and her boobs had the same pale white complexation as the rest of her body, something Y,N loved. Next up her ass was perfect, the perfect combination of fat/thicc-ness and pure exercise, finally her face was beautiful, perhaps even more than her original reality counterpart....she was so beautiful she didn't even need makeup as her natural beauty shone through like a diamond and her eyes nearly shone like sapphires, while her scar running across her right eye added a bit of sexiness to her and an air of badassery, and while her outfit was like her original counterpart it was a lot more seductive and emphasize her perfect ass which looked even sexier when she flashes her panties at Y,N....she was doing that on purpose, while she was discreet she flashed him when she thought he wasn't paying attention....oh but he was and it made Y,N want her even more*
Y,N: I-I-I-It is a most wonderful day Weiss, the most beautiful I've seen in quiet awhile. The perfect amount of sun and shade. And the flowers smell beautiful.
Weiss: *smiles which looked completely natural on her angelic face* Yeah I know, I'm glad mother decided to add these flower planters all around Beacon. It makes the place rather lively don't you think Y,N?
Y,N: Yeah it's beautiful Weiss. It smells like a wonderland. *Y,N was subconsciously putting the fact Weiss said "her mother" in the back of his mind and decided to play along with this brand new universe*
Weiss: *her blush deepens* W-W-W-Well Y,N I-I-I-I-I was wondering if tonight you wanted t-t-t-to go on a date with me. Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You see I got a reservation to a classy restaurant and s-s-s-since Winter can't go due to her job, I-I-I-I-I was wondering if you wanted to go w-w-w-with me. *smiles nervously at the end and Y,N was shocked since stuttering and being a blushing mess was more Ruby's shtick than Weiss' yet somehow Y,N still found it adorable....meaning he only had one choice*
Y,N: *smiles* I would love to Weiss. I would be a complete idiot to refuse such a request for a sexy and compassionate girl such as yourself.
Weiss: *makes a tiny squealing noise* T-T-T-T-Thank you Y,N! *runs up and hug tackles him nearly sending both of them to the ground, however after this she quickly recomposes herself and gets back up and dusts herself up and she then helps Y,N up before she runs off nearly screaming with delight and love with Y,N getting several flashes of her panties due to her running away at near light speeds that would even put Ruby to same, since....apparently she was heavily excited for her date with Y,N, which he assumed was later tonight. But little did Y,N know how determined Weiss would be to make sure this date would be perfect....anything for her crush*
Y,N: What the hell is this universe? Either that or there's still a small possibility of this being some kind of massive drug trip.....but I don't do drugs. Meaning this truly is a parallel reality.....but who in the world would do this for me? *Y,N quickly goes back to his room for any kind of evidence or clues to how he got here or how much Remnant had changed in this parallel reality, and to do this he quickly jumped on his computer*
Y,N: *surfs on the internet trying to figure out if anything major had happened to make this world more "perfect" per say* Well at least today is Saturday meaning I don't have to worry about going to classes. *clicks on an old newspaper dated 12 years ago with the headline reading in big, bold letters "SDC UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT" this left Y,N extremely intrigued since this may very well explain Weiss' new personality, he continued to read the article and what he found was extremely relieving for him....especially when he hated this man and his guts and his ethnics and his morals and basically everything about him*
Jacques Schnee, the powerful, ambitious, and egoistical head of the Schnee Dust Company has been found dead in his own hotel room, local officials even and Hunters/Huntresses can't even figure out what happened to the man, leaving the record as "death by old age" even though the man was nowhere near the end of his rope per say, he died unexpectedly and without warning, leaving his now grieving widow Willow Schnee in complete charge of the up and coming company. Will she bring the up and coming company into stardom? Or will she sink into the ground? We personally believe with her new code and moral alignment against unfair working conditions and abusing Faunus workers, we hope she'll bring a brand new and more peaceful era to Vale.
*Y,N couldn't hold back a smug smile as he knew back in his own universe this semen haired motherfucker deserved this punishment, it was almost like some holy figure knew what would happen if he was kept alive and decided to remove Jacques from the equation entirely, and Y,N deduced that was why everything was so different, or at least some things such as Weiss' personality change. It was because in his universe Weiss' father instilled fear, rage, obedience, and "honor" into her making her a huge asshole and a bit of entitled bitch....however in this new universe Weiss would of been around 6 or 7 years old, meaning with her mother now being her only parent she might of been instilled with much more positive traits such as not being an entitled prick and not using your repetition alone to sway people's opinions on her*
Y,N: This universe just keeps getting better and better. Jacques' "untimely" death caused her to grow up and become a radically different person. While that does explain some things, other things simply continue to go unanswered.
*Y,N swiftly clicked to see if the White Fang was still around in this world and sadly the more radical version led by the now sexy and dangerous Ava Taurus was still around, however her group of more radically thinking Faunus was a separate grow entirely calling themselves "The Black Claw" while the leader of the original White Fang Kali Belladonna decided to keep the grow a peaceful revolution, keeping the group's original practices and standards. Meaning while The Black Claw was like his universe's White Fang, this universe's White Fang was a lot more peaceful and friendly, and decided to use words to grant them even more equal rights, instead of bloodshed and action. The current head of the White Fang was none other than the sexy Sienna Khan.*
Y,N: It's crazy how much change can come, just from a couple of simple changes. But this universe is incredible, it's a paradise.
*Before Y,N could continue searching the web he got a knock on the door and when he opened it his jaw nearly hit the floor as standing before him was a nearly 7ft goddess.....simply known as Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: Greetings Y,N. It's a wonderful day isn't it? The flowers are perfectly blooming today and it's a perfect day for sparring, maybe we should spar again sometime Y,N~ Afterwards we could possibly take a shower.....together~ I know Y,N you can't resist this body Y,N and I just want to give you an amazing time.....and perhaps even become your loving girlfriend~
Y,N: *was blushing massively from Pyrrha's confident yet subtle flirting, as in his universe Pyrrha was a lot more shy and unsure of herself when it came to relationships and confessing her feelings, but apparently that was thrown out the entire window in this universe* I-I-I would love to spar with you again Pyrrha. As of late I've learned plenty of brand new tricks and abilities.
Pyrrha: *giggles* I can't wait Y,N. Consider it a date. *leans down and whispers in Y,N's ear* I hope some of those tricks of yours can help in the bed~ *she leans back up and gives Y,N a sexy wink before departing, Y,N getting a rather generous viewing of her swaying hips and giant ass, she knew Y,N was watching and before going back to her dorm she gave her another sexy wink and a little shaking of her bountiful ass before she calmly and confidently walked off*
Y,N: *his jaw was figuratively hitting the floor at this moment, his crush from his original reality was now literally a goddess made in human flesh. There was literally nothing wrong with her personality or her body...if he thought Weiss' body was made for one thing in mind, then Pyrrha's body was made to be worshipped. Her boobs were even bigger than Weiss' and her entire body was made of literal sin, as she was made into the perfect sex partner....whoever made this universe was a massive pervert but Y,N couldn't complain since he loved being the center of attention and it seemed at the bare minimum both Weiss and Pyrrha had crushes on him* I......I love this universe! *Y,N quickly closed his door to make sure no one thought he was a weirdo, yet gladly everyone was outside on this day and hardly anyone was inside, meaning no one heard his loud outburst*
Y,N: So this universe is nearly completely different from my own in every single way and due to a couple of major changes, this universe is much more peaceful and united than my own. *Y,N quickly searched the web and found out several more things that had changed from his reality including Summer Rose and An Ren were alive and well, Winter Schnee was a respected, compassionate, honorable, and extremely powerful 2nd in command of Atlas, she was only below General Ironwood in terms of power and status, Amber was now the secondary deputy headmistress of Beacon Academy as she was never attacked by Cinder and her goons and therefore was perfectly healthy and not in a coma like state and was now the secondary DH of Beacon as well as its Biology Teacher, and several smaller and less important changes were made as well just some simple things such as parks, forests, and what not being named differently.* This universe just keeps getting better and better, this is a perfect reality. Everything that went wrong in my own reality seems like it has been perfectly fixed here. Strange, very strange.
Y,N: *looks at himself in the mirror realizing he might need to put something fancy on in a little bit in order for his date with Weiss* Jeez I need to take a shower in order to prepare for my date with Weiss.....saying that sentence feels extremely weird. Almost like some kind of fever dream. Since in my own reality, Weiss would never.....*looks down* would never go on a date with me, *looks in the mirror* she would call me a "mistake" or "incompetent". Not in this reality, not now, not ever. In this reality, Weiss has a crush on me and it actually feels amazing to be wanted and be crushed on. *Y,N then noticed on his desk was a giant picture of Y,N, the brand new Team RWBY, and an all female Team JNPR all eight girls were crowded around Y,N some of them had jealous looks on their faces as Pyrrha, Ruby, and Weiss had gotten the "best seats in the house" and Y,N smiles as even though he didn't remember taking that photo since he wasn't apart of this reality, he could feel their soft skin and hear their soft giggles and Yang's bad puns. It filled Y,N with happiness knowing in this reality he was actually loved and wanted by people, something that would never fully happen in his own reality. He then noticed two similar pictures on his desk, one of an all female Team CFVY with Coco and a female Fox standing on his left and right, hooking their arms underneath his, a female Yatsuhashi was standing behind him with a giant smile on her face as her giant boobs were resting on Y,N's shoulders and finally Velvet had a giant smile on her face as she was sitting on Y,N's lap giving dual peace signs as the camera flashed and once again even though he didn't fully remember that moment, he could steel feel their soft skin, feel the heft of female Yatsuhashi's boobs, the soft giggles and laughs of the entire team, and the occasional blushing and stuttering as she nuzzled her head into Y,N's chest. Finally there was a picture of the Malachite Twins kissing both of his cheeks(Melanie kissing his left cheek and Miltiades kissing his right cheek) while Y,N hooked his hands against both girls waists. Once again even though he didn't fully remember he could still hear the seductive flirting of the Malachite Twins, once again feel their soft skin, and he could feel their lips on his cheeks as they both kissed him.*
Y,N: *softly sighs* It seems like everyone in this reality has a crush on me. It actually feels incredible, this would never ever happen in my reality. It's almost like someone answered my very prays and brought me here. Thank Oum for that, otherwise I would of gone insane in my original reality. *Y,N took another 30 minutes exploring every part of his room and besides the three pictures his room was the same except some of his posters had changed to fit this brand new reality* This is a lot to take in, but this is probably the best wish I've ever received.
*Little did Y,N know that Twin Goddesses had both smiled when he said this with the Goddess of Light having a brighter and bigger smile than her emo and nearly emotionless sister, the Goddess of Darkness. Yet both knew they had to wait before they could reveal themselves to their chosen one, but for right now they were going to watch Y,N's adventures in this brand new reality*
*Before hopping into the shower to prepare himself for his date with Weiss, he quickly searched "criminal activity within Vale" and too his surprise, crime was actually going down besides a few crimes here and there from the infamous Romania Torchwick and her sidekick/accomplish Neo and the occasional mugging, the city was completely peaceful and clean. Y,N quickly searched the name "Cinder Fall" and to his even greater surprise she wasn't even heard of nor had an active criminal account in the Remnant criminal database, meaning either in this universe she wasn't the egoistical, sadistic, cunning, and manipulative woman she was in his reality. Or much more likely she simply hasn't shown herself yet, clearly liking to stay in the shadows and grow her strength before launching her attack....meaning Y,N would have to keep an eye out for this incase Cinder was still her old evil self*
Y,N: *narrows his eyes* Sometimes evil never dies and Cinder may or may not be the exception. Hell for all I know she could be a botanic garden owner, but that's severely unlikely since Cinder is extremely egoistical and sadistic, she always let's her emotions get the better of her, meaning she may of snapped one way or another. But I'll have to save this for later, since I got a date with my beautiful snow angel tonight and a potential sparring match against Pyrrha sometime soon on the roof of Beacon. Pyrrha will most certainly try and get a little "freaky" with me, while Weiss I'm not entirely sure if she'll try and have sex on the first date or not...however knowing this reality it may be very likely.
*Y,N prepares the shower and hums a tune to himself as he gets into the shower and begins to make himself presentable for his upcoming date with Weiss, he hummed a song his mother used to hum to him as baby....those brought back good memories to Y,N since in reality he hardly knew his mother or father. He was brought to Beacon by Ozpin when he was only 3 years old and since then Ozpin never told him why or what happened to his parents. Y,N of course always wondered why, but he just didn't want to ask as it might be a strain on his and Ozpin's grandson-grandfather relationship*
Y,N: *sigh* There's no point in asking this world's Ozpin either. She might know or care to tell either, but it may be worth a try in the future. But let's worry about that later, for right now let's just focus on that special date with Weiss.
Y,N: *after the shower Y,N looks at the mirror and sees himself look handsome and presentable as his hair has been slicked, his teeth are near pearly white, he smells nice, he had a rose(he took from the flowerbed but not before growing another with his powers), and he looked absolutely stunning, he even found a blue tuxedo hanging in his closet, almost like someone placed it there on purpose* Oh hell yeah I'm ready for a date with my beautiful and lovely snow angel. Just don't freak out Y,N, since girls can smell fear and cowardice from a mile away, just keep calm and this entire date will roll on perfectly.
Y,N: I'm more than ready and I'm confident, girls like confidence just as much as they like a guy who can be kind and compassionate to them and protect them from danger. *after checking the internet one more time for a few other name or events that happened in his universe but finding nothing about them or any changes to them Y,N simply shrugged and decided to investigate more about this reality once the date was over and finished and he walked over to Team RWBY's dorm and instead of hearing chaos or yelling only one voice was in there currently and it belonged to Weiss' and Y,N vaguely remembered Weiss saying while he zoned out that the rest of her team would be having a movie night with Team JNPR.*
Y,N: *knocks on the door*
Weiss: Just a minute~
*Y,N waits around for another minute before being met with the most beautiful site he's ever seen*
Weiss: H-H-How do I look?
(Overlord: She's wearing this exact dress and has her hair in that design but just fill in her body with the description from earlier)
Y,N: *blushes bright red* W-W-Weiss you're beautiful. *Y,N amazes at Weiss' beauty as her dress nearly shone like a diamond against the reflection of the moonlight and how said dress hugged her more than modest figure and of course how her hair was nearly reaching the floor as she specially braided it herself just for this occasion*
Weiss: *blushes at his praise before seeing the white rose in his hand* Oh Y,N is that for me? You really shouldn't have. I-I-I-I-I hope I didn't over-do it.
Y,N: *looks down and sees the once red rose has been turned white and he internally shrugs chopping it to up to his powers before he hands it to Weiss who graciously accepts* Of course my beautiful snow angel I wouldn't come here empty handed, and no Weiss you didn't over-do it your beauty would shine like a diamond through anything my dear.. *holds his arm out for Weiss to latch onto* Are you ready my dear for an unforgettable evening?
Weiss: *blushes bright red at the compliment* Oh Y,N I've been waiting a long time for this. I'm more than ready. *she latches onto his arm and then their date officially begins*
*The screen fades to black as the couple enter a Bullhead and chat about themselves and their hobbies, likes, and other ice-breakers both extremely nervous on the inside but both trying to remain confident for their partner, yet Y,N doesn't quiet know how this brand new parallel reality will operate....will Y,N be able to survive this new universe? Or will he fall underneath the waves of love, lust, and devotion?*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this Chapter and are hyped for the next chapter which will involve Y,N and Weiss' date and I hope all of you enjoy having Weiss being the first girl for Y,N. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this goal. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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