Enemy Plans Revealed Unknown

Warming Hearts

A/N: Hey, guys! I'm back with more of this story, even though it is a filler chapter. Now, let's get started with Chapter 14. Roll it!

Chapter 14

Enemy Plans Revealed Unknown

A few nights later, Miette was sitting in Delia's room, still working out her plan to get closer to Delia in order to find out where Ash was. Right now, they were having a nice little dinner, and it seemed that Delia was feeling a little better, but there was still sadness in her eyes.

"Your cooking is delicious, Delia." Miette complimented as she took another spoonful of soup. Her earpiece was in her ear and on the other end of the line, Team Rocket was listening in on the conversation.

"Thank you so much, Miette." Delia said. She then turned to Mr. Mime and Slurpuff, who were digging into bowls filled with colorful Poké Puffs. "But your Poké Puffs seem to be exquisite if Mimey likes them so much."

"Thank you." Miette said sweetly. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what's your son like?"

Delia raised a curious eyebrow, but shrugged it off. "Well, he's brave, he's been kind to almost every living creature ever since I can remember." She said as she thought fondly of her son. "From the moment he was born, there was just a light about him that almost everyone can see."

Miette inwardly grinned. That sweetness about Ash was just too much for his own good.

"He might also be a little bit reckless, but he really means well." Delia continued. "He is also quite handsome."

Miette giggled a little bit, knowing just how true that was. "Is he now?" She questioned.

Delia felt like there were warning bells going off in her head. There was something that Miette was hiding, so she decided to up her own game a little bit.

She picked up her plate. "I think I'm actually going to bed early tonight. Would you like to come back another time?" She asked.

Miette was a little confused by the sudden change in behavior, but decided to go along with it. "Of course." She said, picking up her own plate. She then washed it and handed it to Delia.

"I will see you later, Delia." She said, then turned to Slurpuff. "Come on, Slurpuff."

The Fairy type followed her mistress out, leaving Delia and Mr. Mime alone in the room. When she heard her footsteps fade away, Delia grabbed her coat and quietly left the room with Mr. Mime following her.

"Mr. Mime?" The taller Psychic and Fairy type asked.

"Stay close, Mimey." Delia whispered. "There's something about Miette that's rubbing me the wrong way and I want to know if she's hiding something."


Soon, Miette arrived back at the warehouse where Team Rocket was waiting. "Did you get all of that?" She asked.

"Pretty much." Jessie answered. "Though it seemed that you were kicked out a little earlier than usual."

Miette rolled her eyes. "I wasn't kicked out." She denied. "I was probably just getting a little too close too quickly. She probably isn't ready to talk about what really happened to Ash just yet."

"Though, that beast, if it does exist, would make us rich." James thought aloud.

"Yeah, people would go bonkers, seeing something like that." Meowth agreed. "It could be, like, the discovery of a lifetime!"

"Hey!" Miette said. "We stick to the original plan. Find out where Ash is, you get his Pikachu, and I get him all to myself." A lustful grin came over her face.

Listening in on the conversation from outside, Delia couldn't breathe. Miette was working with Team Rocket? She should've known! Now that she thought about it, the profile of Miette seemed familiar.


A week earlier...

Delia was looking through some papers about houses for sale all over Sinnoh. She still wasn't so sure about how she was going to break this to Ash. He will be crushed by this. He had spent his whole life in Pallet Town. He most likely couldn't imagine living somewhere else.

Putting the papers away in a nearby drawer, Delia looked out the window. She saw Ash outside the main entrance, about to enter the hotel. Following behind him like a magnet was a girl with short, periwinkle blue hair, but that was all that Delia could see of her. She seemed to be talking to him, but from what she could see of her son, he didn't seem very interested in what she was saying to him and quickly rushed inside the hotel.

Minutes later, Ash entered the room with an annoyed scowl on his face. Pikachu jumped off his Trainer's shoulder and sat down on the couch, also looking quite frustrated.

"Ash?" Delia asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Yep." He said sarcastically. "Never been better."

"Honey." Delia gently probed.

Ash huffed and plopped down on one of the chairs. "I just can't take it anymore! She won't leave me alone!" He exclaimed.

Delia went over to him. "I saw from outside that there was a girl with you." She said. "She seems quite interested in you."

"If by 'interested', you mean 'obsessed', then yeah. She's like a stalker! She's even more obsessed with me than Serena was! At least Serena was trying to be subtle!"

Delia noticed that he didn't like that girl very much. "Well, she seemed pretty." She said cautiously.

"She may seem that way, but she's also rude and conceited and just plain annoying!" Ash exclaimed, before sinking lower into the seat. "She's not for me, Mom, if you were getting any ideas."

"I wasn't, sweetie." Delia assured him. "But I have a feeling that there is, in fact, someone out there who is right for you."

"Maybe, but... that seems like a world away. Even for someone like me."

"Well, it might hit you when you least expect it." Delia said, placing a hand on her son's shoulder. "That's all I can say."

End of Flashback

Delia should've known! Miette was the same girl whom Ash said just wouldn't leave him alone. No wonder why she was so curious about her son. And now that she was working with Team Rocket, her son's arch-enemies, this had become more than a simple stalker case.

What could she do? She could just report this to the police, and they can take care of it. But then again, since Miette wants to know where Ash is, maybe she could give Miette some false information so that she can catch them all in a trap so that they won't have any chance of escape.

Delia quietly gestured over to Mr. Mime to follow her as they quickly left the scene and back into the Center. It was time for them to come up with their own plan.

A/N: FYI, the obsessive Serena bit was not really my doing. I just went with it. Sorry for all those you like Serena. But, this is a Pearlshipping story after all.

I'll see y'all in Chapter 15, where we will head back to the castle and see how Ash and Dawn are doing after that little battle they had. Please leave a comment about what you guys think. They are highly appreciated, and I love hearing from you guys.

Got to fly! ;)

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