Enchantment Lifted Part One
Warming Hearts
A/N: Okay, this has to be the longest chapter in this story so far! I had to split it into two separate parts here on this site! Maybe I should have saved this kind of wordy length for the last chapter. Oh, well. This chapter overall is pretty fluffy and has lots of tears shed. Hopefully, this was all worth it.
Here we go! Roll it!
Chapter 24
Enchantment Lifted
Part One
Ash gently turned Dawn over onto her back, being careful to not touch her toxic-soaked clothes. Her breathing was becoming unsteady, the poison already taking its toll on her. The servants, along with the Pokémon, watched with worried eyes at the scene.
Dawn's vision was starting to get a little hazy as she looked up at Ash. Even in the dreariness of the moonless sky, the little light that was provided from the stars made himself visible to her. And he still looked very handsome, even though his raven black hair was wild and spiky, devoid of any hat to cover up, and the light that always sparkled in his warm chocolate brown eyes was gone and replaced with immense worry.
"You actually came back." She whispered, her breathing getting heavier and uneven.
"Of course I did." Ash answered, as if it was obvious. "I promised you that I would. I won't leave you until we can find a way to help you."
Dawn breathed out. "I think... this time... it's my turn to leave."
Ash shook his head rapidly. "No, you can't die. You can't! I won't let you!" Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes. The servants and the Pokémon all looked on with heavy hearts and bleary eyes.
"Please don't go!" Ash pleaded, even going so far as gently placing his hand on her feverish cheek.
Dawn felt his gloved hand touch her hideous face and she leaned into the comforting touch. Her eyes were getting heavier and her breaths more bated. "At least... the last thing I'll... ever see... is you. And I... wouldn't... trade it... for anything else."
Ash softly smiled at her briefly, before he saw her blue eyes close. Forever. "No. No!" He said. "No, please! Come back, Dawn! Come back!"
There was no response. Tears slowly streamed down Ash's face and dripped onto the stone floor. She was gone.
The servants turned towards the Gracidea flower under the bell jar. Their hearts all dropped in despair at the sight of the pink flower almost completely open. It was too late. One by one, they began to feel very woozy and started to drop onto the floor.
Ash turned his sorrowful gaze from the lifeless Dawn towards them. "Guys? What's wrong?" He sniffled.
Paris slowly laid down on the floor. "It's too late, Ash." She whispered. Before she closed her eyes, she gestured with her paw towards the bell jar.
Ash looked at the enchanted Gracidea and his eyes widened when he saw the blooming flower. "No!" He cried. "It can't end this way! I promised you!"
"You can't always keep your promises." Zoey said as she laid down gently on the floor. "But we're forever grateful that you tried."
MJ soon laid down by her cousin. "Thank you, Ash." She whispered. "You gave us something we haven't felt in a long time."
"What's that?" Ash asked.
MJ slowly blinked and answered him simply before she too closed her eyes. "Hope."
Kenny laid on his back and turned to Ash. "We almost gave up completely until you came." He said. "Even though some of us had doubts, the fact that you even came back the first time, when you tried to leave, gave us the thought to even hope."
Leona laid next to him. "And that only grew stronger." She said. "But now, our time has come. Thank you, Ash Ketchum. You've done all that you could."
Then, all of them fell into a deep sleep. Ash knew that when the sun rose, their memories as humans would all be forgotten. He shook his head rapidly, feeling as if this was a nightmare.
Pikachu went over to each one of them, shaking them gently. None of them made a response. He looked back at his Trainer and regretfully shook his head, tears building up in his eyes.
Ash felt his heart sink lower than he had ever felt before. He had failed them all. He'd failed his friends when he promised them that he would help set them free. Most of all, he failed Dawn. And she paid for that with her life.
He turned back to her lifeless form and once more tried to revive her by gently shaking her. "Please." He whispered hoarsely, tears now flowing down his cheeks. "Please don't go. Don't leave me. I need you, Dawn. I don't want to live my life without you in it." His breaths were short and heavy, and he came to terms with what he felt exactly towards the creature before him. "I love you, Dawn."
Pikachu's eyes widened in slight surprise at his Trainer's words. Verbally expressing affection was something that his Trainer hardly ever did to anyone. The only ones who were the recipients of those three special words coming from his mouth were Delia and his Pokémon, himself included. To hear him say them to someone else was such a sight, but he knew that she would never hear them.
The Electric Mouse knew that there was something blossoming between Ash and Dawn as they had gotten to know one another during their time together. He saw that Ash's smile, every time when he would see her, was just as bright as whenever he saw his own Pokémon.
Pikachu was almost as inexperienced with romance as his Trainer was, though he did notice hints of it when human females would try to mingle with Ash, with the intention of dating him. But Ash hadn't shown any interest in any of the females he'd encountered, especially when it came to the point of Miette constantly harassing him. So what made Dawn different?
It wasn't her looks, that was for sure. Maybe it was because despite her keeping him as a prisoner, and the rocky start they had, she saw him as a normal guy and not a picture-perfect image of a dream man. She thought very highly of him, but she would also tease him playfully. But she also knew that he had flaws himself. He was stubborn, hotheaded, and brash; always doing things without thinking straight. But yet, she embraced all of that.
And Ash. He saw that behind that monstrous appearance of hers, there was someone who just needed a friend. He saw that she was a lot like him; having the same stubborn and sometimes brash personality, but she had a cool head that could easily get him to relax when he needs to. He also saw that she was hurting deep inside, and that she needed someone to show her that she wasn't alone.
But now, all of that had come tumbling and crumbling apart. The sight of his Trainer holding Dawn's still paw while he cried and dampened her fur with his tears was just too heartbreaking for Pikachu to watch any longer. His Trainer and his best friend had finally realized what true, romantic love is and feels like to him, found it in someone truly special, but now it was all gone.
Unbeknownst to them, the Lake Trio were watching the sad scene from above, invisible to all. They had heard Ash's declaration to Dawn and knew that when he'd spoken those words, they couldn't have been more genuine.
"She couldn't have found anyone better." Mesprit whispered gently.
"And it had to be your Chosen." Uxie said to Azelf.
"Yes, indeed." Azelf agreed. He remembered when he had felt the boy's warm presence a couple of years ago when he was near Lake Valor. He could sense a warrior's spirit in him, and also kindness towards all living things, including Pokémon. He would do anything for the people closest to him and for all Pokémon.
"He taught her the true meaning of love, respect, and kindness. And in turn, she found love with him." Mesprit quietly continued.
"And he also learned for himself what love of the romantic kind is to him." Uxie added. "At first, they couldn't be more different. But now, they're so much alike that you just can't not see it."
"I do believe that now, they will both get what they deserve." Azelf said. "And whether they know it now or later, they will need each other and your Chosen, Uxie, when that great danger finally comes."
All three of them quietly flew to where they were above the bell jar. They flew around it in tight circles, with bits of dust colored in their respective colors, and the glass broke without a sound.
However, Pikachu's ears perked up at the very faint sound. He turned towards the Gracidea and saw that it was glowing a wonderful rose color as the blossom fully opened. Then, as if it was magic, hundreds of similar petals were blown by a non-existent wind towards Dawn's body, along with streams of pink, blue, and yellow light.
Ash saw that and then moved away from Dawn with awestruck eyes as the lights and petals lifted Dawn into the air and enveloped her entirely. The light and petals swirled faster and faster until they finally dispersed in a big blow of air. Ash and Pikachu shielded their eyes from the intense brightness until it had finally dimmed down a bit.
There was still a warm golden light coming from above them, but Ash paid it no mind as he removed his hands from his face. There, standing in the place where the Zoroark-like beast he had come to know laid was a very pretty girl, about his age, her back turned to him and very much alive. For a split second, he thought that he was looking at Salvia, the princess that he had befriended a while back. But that couldn't be her, because she was elsewhere.
She had long sapphire locks draped loosely on her back, her skin was fair and as smooth as porcelain, and her figure was thin with nice, small curves. She wore a thin pink dress that was slightly in rags, and she was barefoot. She kept staring down at her hands, looking over them as if she didn't believe that she actually had human hands. She then felt all over her body and running her fingers through her hair, taking in each sensation of soft human skin and silky hair. It was as if she didn't believe that she was human.
Then, she finally turned to face him. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue color, matching her hair perfectly, almost taking Ash's breath away. Pikachu had his jaw open in surprise. Was this really...?
An elated smile came on the girl's face. "Ash..." She said. "It's me, Dawn."
Ash still didn't say a word, taking in every little detail about her. He already knew that this wasn't Salvia. But was she really Dawn? He took a few cautious steps closer to her, analyzing every little thing about her face. When he got to her eyes, those sapphire blue eyes, similar to the ones he had come to know, he not only knew that she was speaking the truth, but that there was a light in them that made him feel lighter than air. The same exact way that those Zoroark eyes did.
A bright grin came on his face. "It is you!" He exclaimed happily.
Dawn smiled wondrously at him and quickly rushed into his arms, tightly giving him a hug. He immediately wrapped her arms around her waist, holding her tight to his form. A tear of joy ran down Ash's cheek. He was happy beyond words that Dawn was alive and human again. Pikachu and all of the other Pokémon cheered happily at the sight, making both of them giggle.
Dawn slightly moved away from the hug, still in Ash's arms. A little grin was on her face."I think it's high time that I gave you something in return for all that you've done for me." She said to him.
Ash's smile turned cheeky. "And what might that be?" He asked.
Dawn rolled her eyes fondly as she removed her hands from his neck to his cheeks. "This." She said simply.
With that simple word, she planted a loving kiss on his lips. Ash was taken aback at that, but he quickly returned it as he held her closer to him as the kiss quickly became passionate. Dawn slid her hands back around his neck, clasping them behind and bringing herself even closer to him. Most of the Pokémon, including Pikachu, blushed red at the loving sight. But still, they couldn't help but smile at the scene.
As the kiss continued, there was a bright light coming from the enchanted Gracidea as a wind began to blow it away towards the nearby field where hundreds of Gracideas were almost ready to bloom when daylight would arrive. A white wall of light appeared and flooded the entire castle as the sun began to rise.
When the rays of sunlight streamed through the window, Ash and Dawn broke their kiss and saw that the castle had been restored to its former glory. Everything seemed so bright and colorful, and all of the damage that it had received had been fixed to perfection. Then, they saw that, there on the floor; which was littered with pink Gracidea petals, were people lying on the floor in place of the enchanted servants, starting to get up.
Dawn instantly recognized who they were. "Leona! Kenny!" She called out to her oldest friends.
Leona was a girl about Dawn's age with rusty orange hair cut into a bob, forest green eyes, and fair skin. She wore a lime green tunic with a yellow undervest, deep brown leggings, and black ankle boots.
Kenny had become a young man about the same age as the girls with spiky auburn hair, dark eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He wore a cream tunic with light green trim, dark gray leggings, and brown boots.
Leona stood up on her regained human legs. "Ha!" She exclaimed. "Kenny! We're back!"
Kenny looked down at his restored human hands. "Yeah! We are!"
Then, Zoey stood up. She was a young woman with short spiky vermilion hair, fair skin, and red eyes. She wore a deep purple tunic with an orange over vest, dark blue leggings, and light brown boots.
"Zoey!" Dawn exclaimed. Zoey looked all over herself, seeing that she was human again. A smile came on her face.
Then, MJ called out to her cousin. "Zoey! Look!" MJ became a cute ten-year-old girl with flaming red hair cascading down her back and she wore a little pale green dress down to her knees and on her feet were matching shoes.
"MJ!" Zoey hugged her younger cousin tightly. "I told you that you would be a girl again."
"I never doubted you." Laine said.
"Oh, trés bien!" A French accented voice exclaimed. Everyone looked around and saw that a young woman slightly older than all of them had stood up, twirling around and admiring her regained human form. She had softer, deep red hair down to her waist, fair skin, and light blue eyes. She wore a knee-length sky blue dress and on her feet were white heels.
"Paris!" Dawn called out to her.
Paris looked towards Dawn. "Your Highness!" She said, bowing down to her. Everyone else copied her, bowing respectfully to their princess.
Dawn shook her head. "It's just 'Dawn' now." She said, making the servants look back up at her with confusion. She then looked down as she removed herself from Ash's hold.
"I've been a terrible princess for so long. I don't deserve to be called one anymore." She looked up, tears up in her eyes. "We were all friends back when we were younger, and then I started to treat you like trash because of what my father had planted in my head. It was because of my selfish attitude and cruelty towards you and the Pokémon that I brought the curse upon all of us. The rest of you were innocent and didn't deserve such a fate upon you. My only wish now is that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. If not, I understand, for I don't deserve it."
Ash held her close to him, his arm gently draped across her shoulders. He looked over at the servants, whose eyes were slightly wide with surprise by Dawn's speech. It was the most remorse that she had shown to them in years, long before they were cursed. Ash nodded to them, silently asking them to give her a second chance.
MJ stepped up to Dawn and the tearful princess looked down at the young girl. "I knew that you just needed someone to love you in order to change your heart. And now, you want to make up for lost time. I want to give you that chance, Princess."
Dawn smiled and knelt down to hug the girl, hugging her as she wept tears of remorse. MJ returned it and then turned to the other servants, nodding her head. Zoey and Leona came up to Dawn as she released MJ and the three of them hugged. They told her that this was the chance for a new beginning... for all of them. When she released them, Kenny gave her a smile, telling her that he forgave her.
Dawn turned towards Ash, who gave her a loving smile. But then, she looked towards the exit of the wing. "I think there's someone else that I need to apologize to." She said. She then rushed out, with Ash following her.
They ran down to the videophone down in the hallway, which was already ringing like crazy. Dawn quickly answered it, and there on the screen was a lovely older lady with dark purple hair tied up in a bun, fair skin, and stormy gray eyes. She wore a deep purple dress with long sleeves and white cuffs and a matching collar. She also had white pearl earrings.
"Freesia!" She exclaimed happily, recognizing the woman. Ash did too, even though he was out of view from the videophone. She was Salvia's lady-in-waiting, and who had sought him out to help her sneak Salvia away from her duties to participate in a Pokémon Contest.
"Your Highness!" Freesia exclaimed worriedly. "Please forgive me, but we don't know what happened. Six years have gone by and we didn't even remember you until just a few minutes ago!"
Both Dawn and Ash exchanged a brief glance. Maybe that was another part of the curse, having everyone's memories erased of the castle, the servants who lived there, and Dawn herself.
Dawn slightly waved her hand. "It's a long story, Freesia. I'll explain it soon."
"I've already made arrangements to bring your sister over to the castle." Freesia said. "She seemed reluctant to do so, but it's been far too long."
Dawn felt very nervous. "Oh, um, very well." She said.
"We'll be there within a couple of hours. We are leaving as we speak." Freesia said. "Please expect our arrival."
"Of course." Dawn said. Then the screen went blank. Dawn suddenly felt weak in her knees and landed on them.
Ash went over to her and knelt beside her. "You okay?" He asked.
"I don't think I've ever been this nervous before." Dawn admitted. "I haven't seen my sister in years and we didn't exactly leave on a good note, either. I was upset that she was leaving me alone with my father after our mother died while she went to explore the world on diplomatic missions."
She then looked up at him with worried eyes. "How can I face her, after what I said to her?"
Ash wrapped his arms around her as he helped her back onto her feet. "I can't say for sure, but if you were forgiven by those who never left you, then I think your sister will as well. Besides, if she's anything like you, it could be worse."
Dawn snorted, which made Ash laugh because even he knew that that wasn't very princess-like. Well, she never really acted much like a princess to him, anyway.
"You really know how to make me feel better." She said.
"Is that why you tolerated me with my weird antics?" He asked. "Tripping over stairs and tumbling into fountains?"
Dawn giggled. "No, but they were kind of funny." She said. "It was because you always got back up, no matter what. That's something that I learned from you."
Ash smiled gently as he placed a hand on her face, making her lean into his touch. "You know, I can get used to this."
Dawn returned the smile. "Me too. I love you so much."
"I love you, too. More than anything, my beautiful Princess."
"Beautiful..." She whispered. "You saw the beauty within me, even though I was cursed to appear ugly. And you were able to help me bring it out and warm my heart and become the person that I once was. Now you can finally see the outer beauty, too. Thank you for never giving up on me."
Ash's hands slowly began caressing Dawn's cheeks and stroking her hair as he stared deeply into her eyes. He was feeling her soft human features for the first time. Her smooth skin, her silky blue hair... she was every definition of the word 'beautiful', both inside and out, and Ash loved her with all of his heart. For the first time in his life, he felt whole and complete, and so did she.
As the two of them slowly leaned into one another for another kiss, there was a loud banging noise outside that sounded like knocking. "Ash?" A familiar voice called out as the doors opened.
"Mom!" Ash exclaimed as he rushed towards her, Pikachu having followed him and Dawn earlier, and was now bounding down the stairs to reach Delia.
Delia took her son in her arms, holding him tight. "Oh, you're alright!" She said, rubbing her hand through Ash's wild raven hair. She then looked down at her leg to see Pikachu hugging it. "I'm glad that both of you are okay."
Ash broke the hug. "Of course, Mom." He said. "Come on, I want you to meet Dawn."
He took her by the hand as Pikachu quickly released Delia's leg and hopped onto his rightful perch on his shoulder. Ash led her up the stairs and Dawn was standing there, looking very nervous. Delia was confused. This wasn't the Zoroark beast that she'd encountered before. This was just a normal girl, and a very beautiful one at that.
Ash released his mother's hand and held out his own to Dawn's. Shakily, she placed her hand in his and he gently squeezed it to give her some comfort. "Dawn, this is my mom." Ash introduced. "Mom, this is Dawn."
"But Ash, I thought she was-"
"Not anymore." Ash said.
Dawn gave Ash's hand a squeeze. "Yes, ma'am." She said. "I was that beast. But thanks to your son, I'm no longer appearing as such."
She looked down at the floor. "Please forgive me for taking your son away from you. Selfishly, I thought for just one moment that he could free me from my curse. But no parent deserves having their child taken away. The only love I ever got was from my mother and sister. But they both left me alone with my cruel father. I had known no love since then. But because of your son Ash, I learned what love feels like again. Now, I'm willing to right my wrongs, even if I don't deserve forgiveness. So I hope that you may find it in your heart to forgive me. And please know that I love your son with all of my heart, I love every part of him. He's brave, strong, confident, and a little reckless, but regardless, I love him more than life itself."
Delia felt her breath stolen away from Dawn's passionate speech. She glanced at Ash, who was looking at her with such tenderness that she'd never seen from him before. "Ash?" She asked him.
Her son turned to face her. "She loves me, Mom. And I love her." He said. "Besides, Dad gave you a second chance, and I did the same for Dawn."
Delia's mind retraced back to when she'd first met Jayce Ketchum. He was stubborn and hard-headed, but there was a gentleness and forgiving nature to his fiery spirit. If it weren't for him, she would have had a much harder life, and her son, her pride and joy of her world, wouldn't have existed. She never regretted leaving her old life behind and starting a new one with Jayce. Now, she saw that her son was grown up, having found a true love of his own, all by giving her a second chance to change. Like father, like son; and she had never been more proud.
Delia smiled at her son and his beloved. "Ash, you're always one to forgive. It's one of the things that makes you who you are. Don't ever lose sight of that."
Ash smiled at his mother as she turned to Dawn. "Miss Dawn, I can tell by the way that my son looks at you that he was speaking the truth about you. If he gave you his heart, then you must be someone quite extraordinary." Dawn slightly blushed at Delia's kind words. "I forgive you, but on one condition."
Both Dawn and Ash looked over at Delia. "Never give up on Ash." She said. "He never gave up on you, so you do the same. And make him very happy."
Dawn nodded. "I promise." She said, holding Ash's hand. He beamed at her.
"If you like, Mrs. Ketchum, you may stay here and live in the castle." She added. "After all, it has been feeling quite empty for the past several years. It would be nice to have more company."
Delia was surprised at the offer. "Come on, Mom." Ash said. "No more house-hunting for us. After all, it's not everyday that you move into a castle."
The auburn-haired woman smiled at her son's love. "Thank you for your offer, Dawn. We'd be glad to stay here."
Dawn just bowed her head with a smile on her face. "Now, I must prepare to meet my sister after so long."
A/N: Part Two will be coming up soon! So hang on!
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