welcome to kitsune high school
I'm back everyone on this.
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter as I'm glad I finally made the next chapter.
Also please tell me what you think about this story and how it's going so far.
I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on this.
Welcome to kitsune high school
Justin, ace, Aaron, and Melanie were all started to wake up after the effects of the sleeping potion.
Justin yawned as he got up from the couch, "dang what time is it?"
Ace got up from the floor he was laying on, "Did we all fall asleep?"
Justin got up and went to look at the clock and he was definitely surprised, it was late at night.
Everyone else look and was surprised by the time but then ace, Aaron and Melanie realize how they were able to fall asleep when it was very early to go to bed.
this was the first time for Justin but ace, Aaron, and Melanie, their mother Mariah had used this potion on them a few times at the beginning of the school year, so they would be well-rested.
Margaret and Mariah came in from the hallway, "Good to see you are all up," Mariah said as she had two school Navy blue shoulder bags that had a grey Kyuubi kitsune on them.
Justin looks at them confused, "What do you mean it's way too early to be up? We have been asleep all day."
"No, we are going to start driving there but you should take a shower first," Mariah said as Justin could smell himself and Mariah was right he did need one badly.
After taking a shower, Justin saw clothes layout for him on the bathroom counter, he was now wearing an orange shirt with a white fox on it, light blue jeans, white sneakers, and put the shoulder bag on.
Justin saw his friends in their new outfits.
Both Ace and Aaron were wearing black jeans, black hoodies that said Lycanthrope high, brown hiking boots, and caps that said Lycanthrope high.
Melanie was wearing a white and blue school uniform.
Jasper was there standing next to Margaret, Both of them walk to Justin and hug Justin.
"You better be good son," Jasper said.
"I will Dad, don't worry about it," Justin said.
"You better call me after you get settled in," Margaret said as she was going to miss her.
"I will Mom and I love you," Justin said as both said the same thing together.
"We love you too Justin."
After they let go of their hug Mariah came to Justin, "are you ready to go now?"
"Yes, I bet this is going to be one long drive," Justin said as Mariah just laugh a little.
"It's actually not going to be a long drive than you think," Mariah said as Justin was confused.
"Then why are we going so late at night then?" Justin asks her.
"It's kind of a little complicated, trust me you understand when you see what I'm talking about," Mariah explain as she give Justin and her kids cook breakfast sandwiches, "eat up, we to get going."
Mariah said as Justin hug his parents again before he went out to the front door with the rest of the group and headed to Mariah's car.
Justin was in the front seat as ace, Aaron and Melanie were in the back seat.
During the drive, Mariah explains the potion that Margaret put in the burgers.
"So that explains it but you could have told us about we needed to sleep if we were going this time," Justin said as they came to pull up to Mariah's house.
Ace and Aaron saw their dad in the truck, "hey ace and Aaron, come on."
Mariah looks at both of her sons, "alright you both heard your father get in his truck."
Both did but not before giving their sister and mother a huge goodbye.
As they got out they look at Justin, "have fun on your new school bro," Aaron said as he got in his father's truck.
"Bye Justin hope you do well at kitsune high," ace said as he got in with his brother.
"Same goes back for both of you," Justin said as the car and the truck drive off in two different directions.
They drive for almost an hour until they stop at a big deep Forest.
"Ok we here," Mariah said as she and Melanie got out but Justin was surprised by not seeing an actual School.
Justin got out of the car, "excuse me but where's the school?"
"You're going to see within a minute," Mariah said as all three kept walking, "Justin you better be ready, the entrance is going to surprise you."
Justin was wondering where was the entrance as he saw two big oak trees.
Mariah had Justin be ahead of her as this was going to be surprising for him.
When they walk past the two big oak trees they were no longer in a dark forest, it was daytime now and they were a small Park with a few trees surrounding them with a big stone wall that was right behind them that had a sign that said country the United States.
"What just happened?" Justin said as he was shocked by that.
Mariah starts explaining, "sorry for not telling you, that was a portal that opens up this time around a year for Kyuubi kitsunes like us to enter for us to get here, the school is right over there."
Justin looks at Mariah, "so we just teleported to another world?" Justin said as that what he was thinking this was some new dimension they were in now.
"Oh no we're still in ours but we're not in the United States no more we are in Japan," Mariah stared, "just for you to understand the whole school is surrounded by a special wall, each part the wall has an entering to a different country, it was made for Kyuubi kitsune form all around the world could come here."
Justin had to tilt his head to the side, with the look on his face that said really?? "You know I could have understood that, if we were going to be teleporting to a different country, you could have just told me that."
"Well when you put it like that, I guess I could have told you," Mariah started laughing, "ok you're more understanding of these things than I thought."
After the little laugh, Mariah had all three stared walking, when they passed the trees they saw they were on a sidewalk that lead to the high school building.
The school was very big, it had five floors the roof was a balcony, The building was white and Orange, big Windows over the walls.
There were cherry blossom trees everywhere, there were hedges all around, the benches look like to be made out of Stone with diamonds in them.
As they got close to the school a man wearing a black suit, was 6 ft tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes just like Justin, he was looking at them and walk-up.
"Nice to see you, Mrs. Woodville, I believe this is the New Kyuubi kitsune you told me about?" The man asked as he look at Justin.
"Yes, Kiyoshi Akasuki, this is Justin Kaminzu," Mariah said.
"Ok then, follow me I will take him for the exam," Kiyoshi said as all walked into the school.
Justin notice how the hallways were large, the floor was white with Orange diamonds going through the floors, the walls were White with posters of different types of subjects.
They soon got to the exam room but before they went in Kiyoshi look at Mariah.
"Mrs. Woodville, you and your daughter may leave this examines for the new students, I will call you back when we are done," Kiyoshi said.
"Of course, Justin do well on the exam," Mariah said as she and Melanie left.
Justin and Kiyoshi walk into the exam room, they were already a few students in this room taking the exam.
"Please Justin sit down and here the exam paper," Kiyoshi said.
"Ok, thanks," Justin said as he took the paper and sit down next to another teenage boy, he had blonde hair, green eyes and he was wearing a green cap.
Justin started reading the questions.
First question, where were you born as a Kyuubi kitsune or turned into one if so what age was you when you became one?
Answered turn into a Kyuubi kitsune at 15 years old.
Next question, what are your favorite foods?
Justin had a lot of favorite foods you like.
Answered for breakfast pancakes, lunch cheeseburgers, and fries, for dinner, meatloaf, skidding, macaroni salad, dessert pumpkin pie, and just snacks block cheese.
Next question, what is your favorite color?
This one was easy for him.
Answered Blue, green, and teal.
Next question, what is your favorite holiday?
Justin always had two in mind he couldn't pick which one was better.
Answered Halloween and Christmas.
Next question, what are your favorite history show?
Justin knew about one he loved watching.
Answered, lost pearl of England, my sister and I love watching the series.
Next question, what do you like doing?
Justin had a lot of things you could think of this mine what he does like doing
Answered, Learning magic, being outside for most of the day, hanging out with friends of mine.
Next question, What is your favorite learning subject?
Justin already knew what to put on for this.
Answered, gym because it allows me to be outside more as well math since it's one of the good things I'm best at my old school.
Next question, what are the things you dislike?
Justin had a lot of dislikes about different subjects but he decided to pick a few that were not about his personal life.
Answered, getting sick because I do not like to feel horrible for a few days.
Fighting I don't like getting to complications.
Things that can stress me out.
Don't like white rice to plane for taste.
Next question, what are your favorite places you would like to see in the future?
Justin knew he wanted to go see many places in the world.
Answered, I would love to go to England to see many of the Tudor castles.
Next question, what do you remember that was your best day ever?
Justin knew out of all the days that were great to him there was one that made it his best.
Answered, My best day is when I got my mother back.
Last question, where do you want to be in 10 years?
Justin had thought about this one since he didn't really know yet what he wanted to be.
Answered, there are a lot of things I have in mind but I'm not really sure yet about it but I thought about becoming a director.
After all the other students were done, Kiyoshi had asked them to turn in their papers.
Everyone was allowed to leave except for Justin, he had to wait until Mariah got back for him.
"Mr. Akasuki when will aunt Mariah be back here?" Justin asked as he was getting bored of waiting.
"She is back soon," Kiyoshi said as he kept on looking at the exam papers.
"Can I ask you something what was the point of these exam papers I have never seen an exam like this? Where I asked you about yourself?" Justin asked as Kiyoshi look at him.
"The whole point of the exam is to get to know and see where you'll be put in your classes," Kiyoshi started, "as well as know what roommate you'll be with."
Justin now looks confused on his face, "roommate? What do you mean by that?"
Kiyoshi got up I went to the water found when I get two cups of water, "well I am kind of surprised you don't know but then again I don't think Mariah told you about this school," Kiyoshi came over to Justin and handed him a glass of water.
"What exactly do I need to know about school?" Justin asked as he wanted to know about the school.
"Well I tell you for starters this school has been around for centuries of course it didn't look the way it is today it has changed over many times throughout the centuries being in Japan, the wall that's around the whole entire School protects us from anyone from outside the wall of Japan as well the wall itself is enchanted where a part of it can teleport you to one of the many countries in the world here because of how many students we usually get here we have an apartment building next to the school for students to be in, you'll have to share a room with a roommate or two," Kiyoshi just got started but then Mariah came in.
"Kiyoshi how was Justin?" Mariah asked as she walk over to them.
"He was doing great, I was just explained to him how this school works, speaking of which we also have to get him a uniform," Kiyoshi said as naruto look disappointed.
"I hate school uniforms," Justin said as he had his head down.
"Hey it's not that strict of a uniform compared to my other Japan schools and many students love it, it's the type of cool kid look today," Kiyoshi started to ask he took a few steps back from Justin, "Justin can you please stand up?"
"Yes I can," Justin said as he stood up.
Kiyoshi raise his hand and pointed it at Justin as his finger turned to turn into the red with black lines, "good now hold still," right after Kiyoshi said as his finger immediately exploded into a quick long-range of a red tape measure, it immediately hit Justin's chest and it soon quickly spread across his body wrapping around his arms honest skin like a tattoo, the whole entire thing made Justin gasp as Justin raise his hands up and look at them looking at his arms as well.
Before Justin could say anything the red measuring tape quickly got off and went back into Kiyoshi's finger.
"What was that!?" Justin asked as Kiyoshi start to explain.
"That was a mix of a shapes ability as well a special measuring tape spell I use, the moment it went on your morning I was able to get your measurements so I know what size you are so I can get the right clothing for you," Kiyoshi explain as Mariah just laugh.
"Just like old times with me and my daughter," Mariah said as Justin look at her.
"This happened to you Melanie too?" Justin asked.
"Yes, All new students usually get their measurements with that spell so they can quickly get the right size uniform for you," Mariah explains.
"Another thing you could have told me before it happened," Justin said as Mariah laughed.
"That's the same thing that I told my mother," Mariah said as she kept on laughing.
Kiyoshi giggles too for a moment but soon stop, "okay now that's over I'll be right back."
Kiyoshi head out as Mariah looks at Justin, "so how do you think you did on the exam?"
"It was mostly asking questions about myself what I like or not, when I asked him what was the point of the exam he told me was about to get to know a little bit about me and what roommate would I get," Justin said as Mariah smiled.
"I do remember those days, I was nervous getting one but I and her became great friends," Mariah said.
"I'm really not nervous I just don't really know how that much how this school works here," Justin said as Mariah sit down.
"Well I'll tell you a simple basic what you need to know, you will share a room with a roommate or two depending on what your exam is, you will find out soon because they do it very quickly, you also be able to get around to see the school with a map and some papers to know everything you need to know around the school area as well the rules here what you are allowed and can't do," Mariah explain as soon after Kiyoshi walk back in with Justin school uniform along with gym swimming and winter uniforms.
Justin was surprised by the uniforms, the school uniform had a pair of white and blue shoes, white pants, a gray belt, a light teal blue shirt with a yellow stripe going down on the middle of it, a short-sleeve white jacket, the gym uniform was mostly the same with colors, the shoes were almost exactly the same but were made better for running, white gym shorts with blue stripes on the sides, a white T-shirt, black armband, the swimming uniform were a pair of orange swim trunks along with black straps on the side, the winter school uniform were black boots, black pants, a long white sleeve shirt with an Orange button-up black dress shirt.
"Wow, these are actually not bad uniforms as I thought," Justin said as he didn't expect the male uniforms actually look pretty good.
"Good to hear, now both of you follow me, I already got you into a dorm you'll soon find out where your roommate is," Kiyoshi said as all three headed to the dorm.
Justin couldn't wait to see more of the school soon as he was excited to see who is his roommate was going to be as well know more about this school.
To be continuum
I hope everyone here has enjoyed this so far.
This chapter was really hard to make and it took forever but I was really excited about how it came out.
The next chapter will show around the roommate as well some more things about the school.
I hope everyone loves this and enjoys this chapter with the new arc.
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