the ending of the beginning arc
Hello guys it's me again and this will be the final chapter of the beginning of the fanfiction.
After this I would like to take a break from war of the foxes.
I would like to hear your feedback what you all think about this as well your opinion on the ideas.
I hope you all enjoy this, this chapter will be one of the most longest so far I made.
This chapter will answer a lot of questions from a lot of the other chapters before.
This has 14474 words.
Until then enjoy the fanfiction I hope you all enjoy it.
the ending of the beginning
jasper was at his fishing store managing the stock in the backroom.
"Ok Let's see here, 95 boxes of fishing hooks, 89 fishing poles, 90 bags of ice, 83 life jackets, 75 fishing rods, 300 fishing bait... Hey wait a minute something isn't right here? JAXON!"
Jaxon walk in the backroom, looking tired, "yes dad what do you need?"
"I notice we're low on some of..." Jaxon stop as he took a good look at his son face, "Jaxon have you been getting any sleep? You don't look so wide awake?"
"Sorry dad, I just been seeing things in the mirror, I keep seeing a woman in a purple dress passing by and sometimes she stopped and look at me, yyyaaaaaaaawwwnnn" Jaxon yawn.
"Jaxon get some rest in the break room, I'll figure this problem out here," jasper took Jaxon to the break room to get some rest.
"Okay, but wake me up in a few hours so I can get more work done here," Jaxon said as he lay down on the small couch they had in the break room.
'seeing a woman in the mirror? I really don't understand that,' jasper thought as went to get a drink of water.
Jasper went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, when he grab a bottle of water he saw it change color, light purple.
"What the?" Jasper shook his head and saw it was normal, he drink it, after he was done he went to the restroom to splash some water on his face.
When jasper went to look in the mirror he saw something behind him when he look and saw nothing.
Jasper look back in the mirror and saw something again but this time it was closer to him, he could see a pale woman's face standing right behind him, with a gasp he looked behind him again this time in more shock but nothing was there again.
Jasper bent down with his hand on his chest, gasping for breath, "Now I need to lay down," he went back to the break room and sit down on the chair and went to sleep.
With Jessie
Jessie was in her bedroom sleeping with some guy, she was sleeping peacefully with him.
Suddenly she felt three fingers tap on her head causing her to wake up, "what the hell?"
With Jayden
Jayden was sleeping in this bed as he was being lazy as always until he felt three fingers tap on his head causing his to wake up, "what the hell?"
Jessie hit the wall, "I HEARD THAT!"
Jayden hit the wall back, "STOP LISTENING!!"
With Justin
Justin could hear them both arguing through the walls, "you got to be kidding me! This early in the morning."
Back with Jayden
Jayden stop yelling for a moment and saw the TV turn on and something walk by.
Jayden walk over to the TV and so a woman came up close to the TV screen and then she started to yell and turn into ninetail Fox.
Giving Jayden a jump scare as the TV turn itself off.
"STOP THAT YELLING!!" Jessie yell again as she kept hitting the wall.
Back with Jessie
Jessie took a break from yelling for a moment, and could feel herself being cold.
She went to the dresser to put on some more warmer clothes, "why the hell is it so cold in here all of a sudden?"
After she got dressed in some more warmer clothes she look in the mirror and saw a woman walk right by but stop and look at her, "hello Jessie," she then left the mirror view.
"WHAT THE HELL!!" Jessie yell as she heard her brother and went back yelling at the wall with him.
Suddenly all three heard, Jessie and Jayden heard their doors being knocked very hard.
"JESSIE! JAYDEN! SHOUT UP! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!" Everyone was in shock that voice they heard it couldn't be.
All three siblings heard and all open their doors and saw her, "MOM!?"
"Yes it's me now can everyone go to sleep I have some things to do in the morning," Margaret said and Justin ran up to her and hug her.
"Mom I'm so glad you're home," Justin said as he kept hugging her.
Margaret hug him back, "it's great to be home to Justin."
Jayden had to ask her, "mom what are you doing out of the hospital?"
Margaret look at him, "I was discharged around the afternoon, and I find you all sleeping."
Jessie had something to ask to, "mom how come your wearing a nightgown? It's very cold in here."
Everyone was a little bit confused by that.
"What are you talking about? You always have someone to keep you warm?" Jayden said, those words piss off Jessie.
"Excuse you? I have a man in my bed..." Jessie was cut off by Margaret.
"Keep it to yourself I don't want to hear what you do in there," Margaret said.
"Mom! why are you always on his side?" Jessie said as she was mad.
"I'm not on his side Jessie! But I thought we talked about you bringing all these men back home you pick up at the circle k!" Margaret said after that Jessie slam the door.
Jayden was getting tired and went back in his room.
"Well that's a nice welcome back home," Margaret said as she was being sarcastic.
"It's great that you're back home Mommy," Justin said I see was happy to see her home.
"I am too son," Margaret said as both heard a bunch of meowing cats.
"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, MMMMEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
justin and Margaret look over and all the cats were meowing at them to get food, "Lucas, Salem, tigers, Luna, Meegan, it's not time to eat yet," Justin said to them.
"Justin, what time is it?" Margaret ask, both decided to look over at the kitchen clock and see what's 4:00 a.m.
"Well I'm up anyway, come on my babies let's get all of you something to eat," Justin said as he went to get some wet food for them.
Half hour later
Margaret had made breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast with butter, cereal and orange juice.
"Mom I got to ask, what is with the big breakfast here?" Justin ask.
"After being in the hospital for a few days, well to be honest the food wasn't really that good," Margaret said as she bring the food the table.
Both went to sit down, on the table and start eating, "Justin I'm going to be honest with you, you are getting older, and there have been things I have hide from you and I think you know what they are, these last few days you been finding keys."
"I'm guessing aunt Mariah had told you, if you know her secret of being a nine tail fox," Justin said as he was waiting for his mother to give him an answer.
"Justin, I always known that she was a nine tail fox since I was in my early years, I already know her side of the story at least what her and her sons told me, so what about yours?" Margaret ask.
"I know how this all started and I'm sure you know who Mina is, don't you? All right then it'll start when I ran away from the hospital." Justin went on explain his side of the story.
With Mariah
Mariah woke up from her bed with a gasp.
"Foxy is everything all right?" Mariah husband asked.
Mariah rollover with her eyes barely open, "yes honey, I just ha..." Mariah eyes open and she knows her husband wasn't in bed with her.
"Foxy are you all right? Mariah husband asked again as Mariah set up on her bed.
Mariah saw her husband wearing his jogging outfit, "conri, going out for your morning jogging I can see."
conri was 6.6 tall, messy dark hair, had a strong muscle body, he was wearing a gray tank top, black gym shorts, gray and black sneakers, and a black armband.
"Yes I am but are you alright? You just woke up with a humongous gasp, did you have a bad dream or something?" conri ask.
"Well I... Huh? Now I don't remember," Mariah said.
"Okay, do you need anything? I can get something from circle k?" conri ask.
"No, I'm fine thanks though," Mariah said as conri was about to leave.
"Okay foxy, I be back for breakfast," conri said as he close the door behind him.
Mariah got out from bed and her head was hurting a little, she walked to the bathroom where she looked in the mirror and saw a woman coming to her reflection.
It was none other than mina.
"Hello Mrs Woodville how are we feeling on this fine morning?" Mina asked with a smirk on her face.
"YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Mariah demanded to know.
"Well Mrs Woodville, I just want you to know I have been visiting the other Kaminzu family members," mina said.
"You better have not told them anything how about..." Mariah was cut off.
"Calm yourself down, Mrs Woodville I haven't done anything like that about telling them you and your friend Margaret past, however they will know soon," mina said as she vanish from the mirror.
Mariah had her head down, 'this is not good, I have to tell Margaret.'
Mariah heard the footsteps and it was her husband conri, "Mariah who was that?"
Mariah went pale, 'great now I'll have to explain the story to him.'
conri was waiting for an answer, "okay let's go downstairs and I'll tell you everything."
"Does this mean we're going to be eating turkey because every time it's not Thanksgiving it means it's something serious," conri ask.
"Yes we're having turkey," Mariah said as both went downstairs.
Mariah put a big turkey in the oven along with a big ham, "Mariah when you're serving both ham and turkey this is something very serious so what is it?" conri ask as he was sitting down at the dining table.
"Do you remember what happened three years ago, remember Margaret came to us for help?" Mariah asked if he still remember that day.
"How can I forget that horrible day when she told us her son was in danger from the curse that her father cause," conri said I see remember as if it was yesterday.
Flashback three years ago
All three were at the dining table talking about ways to prevent the curse killing Justin.
conri was wearing a gray t-shirt, light blue jeans and dark brown hiking boots.
(This is his everyday outfit)
"No that's how you spell will not prevent the course at all," Mariah said as her and Margaret we're looking through a spell book to stop the curse.
"You know something, instead of using a spell to save him what if I turn him into a werewolf, he could become strong enough to overpower the curse," conri suggest.
"No that won't do it at all, the curse is made to harm and attack the body so the person would get sick and eventually loss of breathing, so that really won't work," Mariah said.
"Would it at least give us more time?" conri said as he was trying to find an idea here.
"No that just won't work, turning him could make it worsen, since the transformation is very painful," Mariah said as see and Margaret kept reading the spell book to find a way to stop the curse.
And of flashback
Both were sitting down at the table as Mariah had explained what has happened the last few days.
"Well that was a pretty good story you told me, so tell me this when is the Turkey going to be done?" conri ask as he was hiding his anger from his wife as he was pissed off she didn't told him what was going on with the last few days.
"It's going to be soon," Mariah said as she knew all this too well her husband was pissed off at her for this.
Back with Justin and Margaret
5:30 a.m.
Justin was wrapping up his side of his story, "anyway after all those conversations I had with mina, I went to sleep and when I woke up I saw you."
Margaret looked away for a moment, "oh boy, I have a lot to explain do I?"
"And can we start what happened three years ago, about how did this course really started and you and aunt Mariah trying to get rid of this curse," Justin said.
"Okay, when this curse first started I immediately known, with all the signs when..." Margaret was cut off by screaming.
"AAAHHHHH!" Jessie yell and ran out of her room, "SPIRIT!"
"AAAHHHHH!" Jayden yell and ran out of his room, "GHOST!"
"What is going on?" Margaret wanted to know as both ran towards to them.
"There are ghosts in my mirror!!" Jessie said as she ran up and hide under the table.
"They are also in my TV!!" Jayden said as grab some food and went under the table too.
Jessie came back out from under the table and grab some food and went back under the table.
"Ghost?" Justin said as you look confused.
"What are you both talking about ghost?" Margaret said as she look under the table.
"What are you both talking about there's no ghosts," Justin said as both starting to say otherwise.
"It was some woman who talk calling herself mina, she had white hair, wearing some purple kind dress or robe? But when they are more creepy she had nine tails and ears on top of her head," both said as they went on more about her appearance in the mirror and TV set.
"Um, I'll be right back," Justin said as he went to the bathroom and close the door as you walk up to look in the mirror, he whisper her name just in case the others might be listening, "mina... Mina... Mina!"
She appeared in the mirror, "there's no need to whisper young teenager, however I do believe I know what do you want to ask me," mina said.
"Two of my siblings are claiming to see a ghost and they say it's you," Justin said as mina give a little smirk.
"Yes, I don't deny it, after all I'm able to move more freely now thanks to Mariah has done," mina said as Justin look confused.
"What the heck are you talking about? What does Mariah have to do with whatever you're talking about?" Justin ask as he had a confuse look on his face.
Before Justin could say anything else mina vanish from the mirror, Justin went back to the dining table.
"Mom I...?" Justin was cut off by the door being open with Jasper and Jaxon running in through the door with eyes wide open and slam the door closed.
"OH MY GOD!!" Jasper yelled on top of his lungs as both were completely had a horrible look on their faces.
"WHO WAS THAT IN THE CAR MIRRORS!!" Jaxon yelled as he was gasping for breath from the horror.
Both went to the dining room and grab some food and start eating as they went under the table.
"Jasper what happened?" Margaret ask how she was worried.
"Please come down and i tell you," Jasper said as Margaret went under the table, "me and Jaxon we were checking the back room, and as we were there every time we look in a mirror or drinking bottles of water we keep seeing things, the water bottles appear to Glow a light purple or something was reflecting off of it, but in the mirror we kept seeing a woman with long white hair, white eyes, and look like a nine tail fox from where those old stories we used to read to Justin and the other."
Margaret was shocked by this and so was Justin, just then the phone ring.
Justin pick it up, "hello Justin residense."
"Justin is your mother up? I need to talk to her immediately it's very important," Mariah said as she sounded worried.
"Um... Mom can you please come up from under the dinner table, Mariah wants you," Justin said as Margaret got up from under the table and take the phone.
"Hello?" Margaret wonder what Mariah wanted.
"Margaret is all of your family home?" Mariah ask.
"Yes why?" Margaret ask.
"Have any of them told you they see a Huli jing in any reflections or water?" Mariah ask wanted to know.
Margaret walk into the living room, "When you say Huli jing, you mean ghost or spirit right?"
"Um well... Yes but...? hey wait a minute!? how do you know this?" Margaret ask as she what's now curious did Mariah had something to do with this.
"I'll be there in a half hour but anyone who is not a member of your family get them out of the house, I'm of course talking about the Man Jessie have in her bed," Mariah said as she hang up.
Jessie pop her head out from under the table because she heard the phone call, "HEY; I'M NOT DOING THAT! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!"
Jaxon also put his head out from under the table, "Just until you get bored of him and then you move on to the next one to another circle k."
Both start arguing from under the table and Jasper had to try to separate them.
With Mariah.
6:00 a.m.
Mariah was in the bathroom, had just hang up her phone and conri was standing right next to her.
"Alright I did what you said, is there anything else I can help you with mina?" Mariah ask as her and conri we're both looking in the mirror.
"No not at all, just do what I say and I'll leave everyone alone," mina said as she vanished from the mirror.
"I'll get the kids up, you get the things we need for the spell and let's go," conri said as he left the bathroom.
Mariah look down and took a deep breath, "I never thought this would happen again."
Back with Kaminzu family home
It was 6:30 a.m. the sun would soon be coming up.
Everyone got themselves clean up and dressed, they were all now sitting around the table eating breakfast together.
No one was really in the mood to talk as they were all still in shock from they experiences of mina.
Jasper broke the silence, "Margaret tell me how did you got out of the hospital?"
"I call you remember? I told you Mariah pick me up when the doctors told me I could leave," Margaret said as she kept on eating.
"Right, now I remember," Jasper said as he continued to eat his breakfast it was cereal.
Jaxon look at his mother and want to know something from her, "Mom how come you're already out of the hospital? I thought you would be in there for weeks or months?"
Jasper started talk again, "Jaxon I don't think we should talk about that now, after what happened a few days ago, unless she want to talk about it."
"No, dad what I was asking is how come she's all back being well again? She hasn't been like this in over three years, at least what I can remember," Jaxon explain as he was confused by her being healthy again.
Margaret was worried about what just he ask, Justin started talk, "does it really matter? Mom is back home and we can get back to our normal lives, to me that's a miracle for us."
Everyone was looking at him, Jessie started to speak, "not for all of us, you all kick the man of my dreams out!"
Everyone just tilted their head sigh at her, Jayden what's the one who started talking, "you said that about all your other boyfriends you had brought into this house."
Jaxon started talking, "I thought we talked about this, you were not supposed to bring back More strangers into this house, that one named Marco you had a kid with got taken away, and you were only 18 at the time"
Jayden started next, "big Lawrence you both have little Lawrence together and he got taken away because of you smashing things all around this house and you both kept fist fighting each other, you're just 20."
Jaxon start talking again, "and don't forget that time with Drake along with bob those who were the absolute worst pauling you both kept breaking things around this house, and stole a bunch of money for drugs which that is your fault."
Jasper went on talking, "because of that we almost have Justin taken away, because you made us look like scum parents!"
Justin join in, "Drake who kept eating all the food and kept saying it was for the baby, that was nothing more lying it was for himself.
Jasper went back on, and then lastly we have that boy Alex, who embarrassed the whole entire family kept getting in fights with everyone here and the kids you had with him got taken away, because of you Justin almost got taken away to from child protection, because you trying to make mom and dad look like scum here and..." He was cut off.
"SHUT THE F**** UP!" Jessie yell.
Justin left the table as he was annoyed by the argument, Margaret follow him.
They both can still hear the argument between the rest of the family, "some things never change, mom."
"Hey you did join in for a moment," Margaret said.
"Yeah true," he's had giggle a little bit, "but seriously though, she was always so center, she always tries to make everything about her and when something is her fault she tries to blame it on someone else, especially when she gets an argument with someone after she's over it she expects the other person to be over it too."
"It's still like that and I thought things have changed with her," Margaret said.
"Mom, we only didn't show it around you when you were sick, but to be fair it's not just her its also Jayden, ever since he dropped out of college and became so lazy he's always been so jealous of me and same goes with Jessie, and I mean the reason why they're so jealous of me is because I'm the youngest and they always think you give more attention to me," Justin explained.
"I only give you more attention because you're the one who needs it more, those two got their time and are not supposed to be living their own lives but with you need more help with school, homework and teach you everything you need to know to be an adult, but those two are always acting like children, I mean you actually act more mature than them," Margaret explain.
"Don't forget Jaxon but I'm worried about him," Justin said as Margaret wonder what he meant by that.
"What do you mean? What do you have to worry about Jaxon is something wrong?" Margaret ask.
"He been seeing a woman for the last year and I know he's thinking moving out," Justin said as he didn't want to be a left alone with his other two older siblings in this house.
"Don't worry when he move out, that doesn't mean you can't go visit him that's and he loves you to come visit him," Margaret said.
"I know, but still my best sibling my favorite brother might be moving out," Justin said as he hugs his mother.
Knock! knock! knock!
Everyone heard the door knock, jasper went to open the door and it was Mariah and her family.
"Mariah? what are you all doing here?" Jasper ask them.
"I need to talk to Margaret, where is she?" Mariah ask.
Margaret walk to the door and saw them, "I'm right here, come in."
Mariah walk in with the rest of her family, "Margaret we need to talk it's something very important, it has something to do with the Huli jing."
"Of course, come," Margaret said as she wanted to know what going on.
Both went to her room, Aaron, ace and Melanie came in and went in to a living room, Justin join them and all four put on a werewolf movie, conri and Jasper went in to kitchen, Jaxon, and Jessie went back to their rooms.
With Mariah and Margaret.
Both were sitting on the bed, Margaret was looking at Mariah wondering what does she know about mina, "so tell me, what do you know about this Huli jing haunting my whole entire family?"
"I can tell by the look on your face they told you what they seen, well it all started back early at night, after I brought you back home."
Mariah was in her back garden, she had a greenhouse were she was performing a spell.
she had pots that had mushrooms in them, she put them in a ring form, she put Indian pipe flowers in the center of the Ring of mushrooms, and a picture of Justin and put it on top of the flowers..
She let her hair down and took her Hoshi No Tama off her head and hold it close to her, she started focusing her mind, she started the enchantment, "Seitoshi no kakehashi! Seitoshi no kakehashi! SEITOSHI NO KAKEHASHI!" her eyes rollback in her head.
She saw herself walking in a light purple forest, until she see a woman with white long hair sitting down drinking a cup of tea.
Mina turn around and saw Maria, "how are you here?" Mina was surprised by another being in her realm.
"So your the Huli jing who's been teaching Justin how to use our kyuubi kitsune magic," Mariah said as mina just smiled.
"Oh Yes I have been teaching him, please care to sit down Mariah?" Mina asked as she offering a cup of tea.
Mariah sit down and have a cup of tea with her, "so please do tell me, why is it that you're here and how did you even got here?"
"I use a spell, that allow me to enter the bridge between worlds of life and death," Mariah explain.
"Let me guess what you use, a ring of mushrooms, indian pipe flowers in the middle, something that belongs to Justin or a picture of himself and lastly you said the enchantment in Japan, am I correct?" Mina ask.
"Yes, I'm guessing though you're an expert when it comes to things on that?" Mariah said as drink her tea.
"Yes it's one of my best traits, I was an expert on different spells," mina said.
"So tell me something what have you exactly teach Justin?" Mariah ask as she wanted to know what Justin has learned from mina.
"Well we're going to need more tea since this is going to be a long story, I was watching over Justin ever since he had the chest box that was given to him by his mother, after she died his soul was in so much pain, so I was able to talk to him asking if he wanted his mother back, and he said yes, later on I tried to introduce myself..."
Flashback end
Margaret was getting annoyed, "Mariah I don't mean to be rude but can we please skip her side of the story, Justin has already told me his when he made his wish to bring me back as well everything he did for the last few days."
"Okay then," Mariah said ask the Flashback started back up again.
Flashback after the store explain
"After we both had a cup of tea, he went to sleep, not knowing his mother came in to check up on him, but also there was one more thing his older brother Jaxon came in the bathroom and saw me walking past the mirror," mina finish her side of the story.
Maria was surprised at the very end, "How is that even possible for him to see you? Only the new owner of the Hoshi No Tama can see you because you both are linked together."
"Oh that's simple to explain, anyone who comes near Justin around water that you can see or reflection or mirrors, you can see the spirit since we usually stay close to the new owner, but it's really not much of a choice to stay close we're linked to the Hoshi No Tama," mina explain.
After that Mariah was shocked and pissed for a bunch of reasons, "mina your job is to teach the next owner of the Hoshi No Tama, not causing drama by tell him things he should not need to know about especially our past to him over three years ago, you are only supposed to help teach him the simple basics so he can know how to use magic, get him adjust to who he is now as well the only thing you should be reviewing to him besides magic and history about our kind, after all that there is no more use for you and you go on to the afterlife."
Mina just look annoyed, "who are you to tell me what my job is, I have live for much more longer than you before I died by being murdered, I know what to do here and I'm allowed to tell whatever I want, especially I want him and the rest of his family know the truth."
Mariah put her teacup down, "no you have done enough for him, you have teach him all the basics he needs to know, me and his mother will be taking over with his studies, you are to leave now from him and go to the afterlife."
Mina just laugh at that, "you really are funny, young kyuubi, I shall not be ordered by you or by anyone, I will stay here with him until they all know the truth."
"now that will not be happening, I know a spell that will send you to the afterlife," Mariah said that she caught up but mina grab her arm and pull her back down, "you let go of me NOW!"
"First rule that everyone should know when they're trying to get rid of someone, don't ever tell them your plan because that can easily backfire at you," mina said as she started a champion, "Tōmeina seishin!" Then everything went black.
Mariah woke back in her greenhouse, when she got herself up, she saw all of the mushroom ring pots were destroyed and dirt was everywhere on the ground, "what the?" She was confused by this because this doesn't happen.
She clean up the mess and went to the bathroom to wash her face, when she look in the mirror she jump in shock, "mina?"
"Yes it's me Mrs Woodville, thanks to you I'm able to move around more freely," mina said as Mariah was in shock.
"But how?" Mariah ask as she gasp.
"Thanks to you coming to me, I was able to use you to brick me free from the link and now I'm a ghost that can move very freely, now I'm going to have to pay a few visits to the other members of the Kaminzu family," mina said but Mariah what's not going to allow it.
"No you..." Mariah got cut off by mina enchantment.
"Mariah... NERU!" Mina had put enchantment on Mariah, "now you have to go to bed and get some rest."
Mariah went to her bedroom and went to bed for the night.
Flashback ends
"Well that explains everything, well this is just great," Margaret said as she was just piss off.
"There is one more thing I should tell you, Margaret before I made the call to you earlier, she came back," Mariah said as another flashback begin.
Both Mariah and conri we're eating a turkey breakfast, "I must say foxy you make one hell of a turkey."
"Thanks," Mariah said as she thinks she off the hook.
"But you know you're not off the hook for hiding this secret from me," conri said.
"Damn it I can't get of on this!?" Mariah said as she was pissed off.
"You're right about that, did you seriously think I was over on this, you hid this from me and got our sons involved," conri making a point.
"You're right about that," Mariah said that she looked down.
"Oh come on don't look like that, just at least tell me okay, I mean this is something serious like what happened three years ago," conri said as they finish up eating.
"You're right, I'm sorry," Mariah said.
"Don't worry about it, I'm fine now, I mean after all you made me a turkey breakfast, in such short time thanks to you using magic the speed of the cooking," conri said.
"So the turkey did win you over?" Mariah said.
conri look away, "maybe."
Mariah started laughing as both started to clean up the table.
when Mariah started shocking the dishes she saw the water was turned light purple.
"What the?" Mariah look confused for a moment and then she realized earlier what mina told her.
Quick flashback for Mariah what she remember earlier from the conversation.
"around water that you can see or reflection or mirrors, you can see the Spirits," mina said.
Flashback end for Mariah flashback with the conversation she had in mina realm.
"Mina?" Mariah said ask the water bubble with words.
"Yes it's me Mrs Woodville," mina said has all the bubbles kept popping in the sink.
"What are you doing here again?" Mariah ask as conri walk over.
"Who are you talking to?" conri ask as he saw the water was glowing light purple.
"Mina back," Mariah said as both look in the sink and saw mina face starting to appear.
"What is it that you want silver fox?" conri ask as he sounded mad in his voice.
"Nothing much, I just want you both to know, all the Kaminzu family members all know about me now, since I had pay them a visit and right now they're all in the dining room eating breakfast under the table," mina said as Mariah and conri look piss.
"You leave them alone, silver fox, I swear if you have done anything to them, I will, well I don't know what I can do to a spirit or it ghost? Mariah what can you do to one?" conri ask.
"Nothing since she broke the direct link keeping her at Bay with the Hoshi No Tama, it had both Justin and herself, that made them link together and now that she broke it, she can move more freely," Mariah explain.
"Doesn't she still need her Hoshi No Tama?" conri ask her.
"No she's already dead," Mariah said as she looked back in the sink.
"If you really want me to leave you alone along with them, you just got to do me one thing," mina said.
"And what would that be?" Mariah ask with an eyebrow raise.
"Let me tell them what really happened, I want them to see what happened those years ago, what happened with you and Margaret, that brought up to where we are now," mina said.
"They don't need to know what happened all those years ago," Mariah said as she splashed the water trying to get rid of mina face out of the sink.
"You know it doesn't work like that," mina said and Mariah got pissed off.
"GET OUT OF MY SINK!" Mariah yelled as she pull out the drain plug out and let the water drain out.
Mina reappeared in the reflection of the glass cups they had out, "that's not going to work either," Mariah was getting pissed off she and her husband wanted to just smash the cups but they were not going to do that to their own best classes.
"Fine we'll do it, just let me call her," Mariah went to the bathroom for a private call.
End of flashback.
"Anyway before I made the call, she told me I need rope, candles and her Hoshi No Tama in the center of the room with us all in it, she wants us to all go into a sleep spell, where we all would be sharing the same dream," Mariah finish.
Margaret was looking at her, "so that's the plan you have here, at least I'm sure you have one right?"
Mariah just look at her, "yes, I brought the things she needs for the spell to work, however I also bring the things for a spell that can vanquish her, just need her in one spot for us to cast it."
Mina voice came out of nowhere, "You know I can hear you both right?"
"OH MY GOD! SHE'S HERE!" Mariah yelled.
Margaret was in shock but quickly thought about it and went to her drawer, she open it up and pull out a mirror, "mina?"
Mina appeared in the mirror, "hello, Margaret it's been a while."
"Yes I remember you pulling me back to life after you put that curse on me," Margaret said as she was pissed.
"You technically fall under my curse twice," mina said as Margaret knew she was trying to get smart.
"Cut the crap with us here, what is it that you want from us I will get you to leave us all alone?" Margaret demanded to know.
"I believe your friend have already explained that, I want them to know the truth about what happened those years ago with what happened three years ago, and I want them all to see what really happened not by some story being tell by you two," mina explain her terms.
Mariah started to speak, "look we just want you to be gone, we have no interest of opening up old wounds."
"Well, there's no deal I'll get them to know one by one," mina said as both her and Mariah started arguing.
Margaret broke the fight up, "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP ARGUING WITH MY MIRROR!"
"You're on her side?" Mariah ask.
"No I'm having enough of this, that's it no more," Margaret said as Mariah look confused at her.
"No more of what?" Mariah asked.
"No more of this hiding, I have been hiding this from my husband my kids, that it wasn't for this curse none of this would have even happen to begin with, my youngest son Justin knows almost the whole story, my husband knows somewhat of it but I doubt he remembers, but now him and all the others kids are just going to find out sooner or later, I can't keep doing this anymore Mariah, if she agreed to leave us and our families alone after this then let's get this over with," Margaret finish got up.
"Your serious about this aren't you? Well I always wanted to review with the truth to, I just didn't want to let the same thing happen again, all right let's get this over with then," Maria said as she got up.
"Good to know, I'll see you all later when you're spell is performed," mina said as she vanish from the mirror.
Back in the dining room jasper and conri we're talking, "so all three of your car mirrors had the same woman in them all when you came back from work?"
"Yes both me and Jaxon saw her," Jasper said as conri look the storm, 'dang and I thought having her in the sink was creepy.'
Margaret and Mariah came in, Mariah went to sit down next to conri as Margaret look at jasper, "Jasper we need to talk."
In the living room.
"So how's been a kyuubi kitsune been treating you?" Melanie ask as she was curious about seeing her friend going through the changes from human to kyuubi.
"Surprising well, let's just say that," Justin said but he knew at the beginning of it it was horrifying, thinking and he was haunted and he was by mina.
"Okay, but do you have any questions anything you want to know about us?" Melanie ask as she wanted to help him.
"Well there's one thing, how come you and your mother don't have your whisker marks as I do? Are you using makeup or you hide them with your abilities or something?" Justin ask.
"Well you just got to Learn how to focus on changing your appearance, in this case," Melanie pulled out a bag that she was caring.
She reached in and pull out a box of big Band-Aids, "Melanie how are Band-Aids going to help me?"
"Just say you got to cut on your cheeks and they'll believe it," Melanie explain as she put one on each of his cheeks.
"I guess it's going to work, for now at least," Justin said as he put one hand on his cheek to make sure the bandage was on the way.
"Don't worry they're only temporary, just until you learn how to hide them with using your magic," Melanie said has she put the Band-Aids away.
"Okay," Justin said.
all four could hear yelling, all of them ran to the dining room, and they saw Mariah in her kyuubi form and conri in his werewolf form.
Justin siblings have also ran out and saw their true forms and Jasper, Jessie, Jaxon and Jayden have all fainted.
"Well that'll work better then we thought," Mariah said being sarcastic.
"Mariah, not now," Margaret said I see sounded annoyed.
"Well it's wasn't not my idea to do this," Mariah said as as she roll her eyes and sounded piss as well.
"All right both of you that's enough, can we just get this over with, so we can get back home and enjoy Turkey lunch" conri said as Mariah look at him.
"conri is everything Turkey with you?" Mariah asked as she was annoyed to.
"Well pretty much," conri said as a joke.
Mariah look like she was going to yell but Justin got the next line.
"Excuse me but mom what happened here?" Justin ask as Margaret knew she was not going to hide this from him.
"We were just having conversation, it was all about the truth, Jasper didn't believe me, so I prove him wrong," Margaret explain as Mariah went next.
"Yes and the way she did that is that she went into the secret room and bring the potion of revealing back here and threw it at us," Mariah finish.
"I'm sorry but I just want to get out in the open, so he would believe me," Margaret said.
"Mom why did you do that?" Justin ask her.
"Justin, I just explain to you..." She was cut off.
"I know what you told me, I mean is why did you tell him?" Justin ask.
"Oh that's what you meant, well to be honest with you it's mina, she wants everyone in this house to know the truth," Margaret explain to him and the rest.
"Margaret, he doesn't need to know what happened all those years ago, we can just leave it and forget about like we did before, we can find another way to get rid of mina," Mariah told her but Margaret didn't listen.
"We try of getting rid and forget it before and look what happened, besides it's no use, she is way too smart for us to trick her, she said the only way she would leave all of us alone if we let her tell her sorry the story of what she knows," Margaret said as Mariah got up.
"Fine we'll do this, but after this I don't know if we can still see each other because of what happened last time, I can't put my family through that again," Mariah explain.
"All right then, I understand," Margaret said.
Later Mariah and conri got Jasper, Jessie, Jaxon and Jayden in the living room floor, everyone else was sitting down on the living room floor.
Over in one big circle, Justin, Margaret, Jasper, ace, Jessie, Aaron,
Jaxon, Melanie, Jayden, conri, Mariah and back to Justin.
They all had a long rope in the circle where each one tied their right hand in the rope, nine lit candles around the three Hoshi No Tama, Justin was blue and green, Mariah was pink and purple and Melanie was the same color as her mothers.
Justin, Mariah and we're All in their kyuubi kitsune forms thanks to more of the potions we're in the secret room, same with ace, Aaron and conri being in their werewolf forms.
"All right everyone, everything is ready to go, repeat with me Yume ni hairu," Mariah said at the candles flicker a little bit.
"Yume ni hairu," everyone said ask the candles flames got bigger.
"Yume ni hairu," everyone said again and the flames got bigger.
"YUME NI HAIRU!" Everyone said again and this time the flames went out, the room was now completely filled with darkness.
Next thing everyone sees is... LIGHT, everyone's eyes got so used to the dark so quickly the light made them all quickly shut their eyes.
"Please relax, you're see here," everyone knew who that voice was.
Slowly everyone open up their eyes, they were all now sitting at a long table with cups of tea for each of them.
Justin was sitting at the end, where he could see everyone else sitting down, on his left, was Aaron, Jaxon, ace, conri and Mariah on his right was Jessie, Jayden, Melanie, Jasper and Margaret, at the other side of the end was a big chair.
Everyone was confused by what they were seeing around them, they look around while still being their chairs, it looks like a wooden cabin, it was big, warm and comfortable, however something was off about it, there were Fox carvings all over the place with decorations that had symbols of foxes on them.
"Welcome everyone," mina voice came again, everyone look and see Mina was at the head of the table.
"Mina what's going on here? Where are we now?" Justin ask as something was off about this place.
"We are at my old home, I'm sure you have many questions, but my fine home will do that for me, so please enjoy your time here," Mina said as she vanish from everyone's site.
Everyone look around confused, they all look each other wondering what's going on, suddenly everyone could hear our voice again, "look down at your teacup will notice something under it."
Everyone did what she said and notice a envelope that had a fox seal on it.
"Well, if she wants us to read them then... let's read them," Justin said as this was creeping him out.
Everyone open it up and read what it said.
Welcome my guest.
tonight shall be my last here with you all, however before I go, you will all find about something or learn something here tonight.
You see this house of mine is known for its use of magic, I have a number here for you each to see.
When you open the door up I will see to what I want you to know.
Once you are all done, come back here for the rest of the meal.
"So this is what Mina wants us to do?" Justin ask Mariah.
"I don't get it, I thought she was going to tell us what happened all this years ago with me and Margaret," Mariah said as she was confused to.
Jessie" got up, "number 16."
Mariah look at her, "Jessie what are you talking about?"
"Look right there, it's the door with the number 16 on it," Jessie said as she ran to the door, this door had the number 16 on it and it was baby blue color with yellow stars on it.
She got out of her chair and ran to the door, when she open it and when in, it closed behind her and disappeared.
Everyone was shocked by the door venison, Justin look at everyone, just then another door appeared.
This door was a college dorm room with the number 18 on it, Jayden got up and ran up to it.
"JAYDEN STOP!" Mariah yell but Jayden didn't pay listen as you ran to the door and open it, heading inside she did it shut behind him and it disappeared.
Right behind Jaxon a door appeared and everyone look, that door had the number 21 on it, the door also was front door to the fishing store.
"Hey, 21 is my number," Jaxon said as he left his chair and went in.
"Why is everyone just going to the doors without thinking first?" Mariah ask everyone as she was just confused with this.
Suddenly another door appeared however it seemed to be on the floor and also it was covering blood with the number 47 on, it appeared right under Mariah, conri, Jasper and Margaret under their chairs.
Before any of them can move the door open up wide and they all drop down.
"AAAHHHHH!!!!" All four yell as the door closed and disappeared.
The rest shocked we're shocked and frightened by this as it feel like this was becoming a nightmare for everyone.
Mina's voice came back again, "Don't worry young teenagers, everyone is on harm, the other doors you're going to have to fin on your own."
"well if this is what Mina wants us to do, then let's do what she says we can get out of here."
Everyone look at the paper for a moment seeing what numbers they have, Justin look at his number, it was number 0, and 13.
Everyone got up and start looking around, Justin was still in the dining room, there were bookcases, pictures of Mina and other people that look like her.
'I guess there's is no more doors here,' Justin thought to himself as he went to look around somewhere else, he left the dining room and saw a staircase, Justin went up the stairs and saw a door with the numbers 0 and 13 on it.
The door was a wooden shed door, Justin went in, when he was on the other side of the door, he was in a Forest.
He soon saw a 12-year-old girl who had brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a black shirt, black jeans, and black hiking boots, she was running up to a hill where another girl was, she had brown hair, a purple shirt, brown shorts, black hiking boots.
"im here Mariah," Margaret said as she was breathing hard.
"Margaret are you ok you didn't run that far?" Mariah ask as she did look worried for her, "maybe we should take a brick from hiking."
"I'm fine, I just haven't been getting enough fresh air," Margaret said as she had her hands on her knees.
"ok if you say so," Mariah said.
Justin saw them and remember, "Hey wait a minute I remember this, didn't see what happened because oh my God I remember, Aaron woke me up."
"Yes I also remember that," mina said as she was right behind him.
Justin turn around and saw her, "so are we going to finish what we left off here with you explaining the rest of the story?"
"Yes of course, follow them and you'll see what happens next," mina said as she vanished once more.
'I'm guessing I'm doing this by myself then,' Justin thought as he went on follow his past mother and past aunt Mariah.
Margaret stop again, she was really getting exhausted gasping for air, "Margaret are you sure you're all right?"
"Yeah.. I am... fi..." Margaret suddenly fall onto the ground, she was not moving or anything.
"AAAHHHHH!" Margaret yelled in pain, "M-mariah... GET HELP! GET HELP!"
Mariah started panicking, "don't worry I will," mariah pick up Margaret carrying her and ran back to her parents house.
Justin ran right behind them, before they made into the house, a wooden trap door appeared on the ground, and it open up when Justin feet step right on it.
Justin fall right in and he came out of a kitchen cabinet and fall into the kitchen floor.
"Ouch!" Justin got himself up and look around to see you is now inside the house.
He saw Mariah ran in threw the back door, "MOM!? DAD!? COME QUICK SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MARGARET!"
Mariah mother ran over to her.
"Mariah what happened to Margaret??" Mariah's mother ask.
"I do not know, we were hiking outside and then she collapsed on the ground, she started yelling at me to get help," Mariah's explain.
Mariah's father came and heard the whole thing, he took Margaret and put her on the couch, "Berkley you and Mariah both stay with her, I'll call her parents."
Justin walk up to see his mother in pain, "oh mom," justin didn't like seeing his mother like this at all, this bring some bad memories of the last 3 years of his mother being sick, right behind him a new door open up.
Justin walk in as he did the door close itself behind him, Justin look around and notice this was his house but with all the furniture was different, all this furniture was here back when his grandparents still live here.
Justin heard something in the dining room, Justin walk in and saw his grandfather Carl was talking to the phone, "what do you mean she collapse onto the ground and pain!?" Carl was listening to the person to the other side of the phone, "All right I'll be there, just keep her on the couch."
Carl put the phone down and grab his keys and ran out of the house, Justin try to follow him but the door wouldn't open.
Justin stop when he saw all the windows quickly turn from morning to night, "what's going on now? Why is it night?"
Justin look heard something from the door, Mariah and her mother Berkley both open the door, sneaking in.
"Okay Mariah, so we're this secret room?" Berkley asked.
"It's in her parents bedroom," Mariah said as both went to the bedroom and went to secret door, "there is a fox key that can open it."
"We don't need keys for this," Berkley said as she transform into our true self.
Berkley now had long brown curly hair, her eyes were a pink ring black circle in the ring and a pink pupil, purple whisker marks on her cheeks, she was wearing a white and pink dress going all the way down to our feet, long sleeves, the dress was covered with a pattern of white and roses, she wore a few pearl necklaces on her neck, her Hoshi No Tama was white and red, it was on the bottom roll of pearl necklaces she had.
"Watch carefully," Berkley said as she had her finger put into the keyhole and the door unlock itself.
"Mom how do you do that?" Mariah ask as her mother pull her figure out and saw her finger had changed shape into a key that would unlock the door.
Both went inside the room, "now let's find that Huli jing Hoshi No Tama," both look until they saw a chest box.
Berkley went on to open the chess box and sense the soul of the Huli jing inside of it, "so you're name is mina, you have live for a very long time learning the ways of the most powerful magic that kyuubi kitsune can have."
"Mom why are you talking to yourself?" Mariah ask.
"I'm reading the memories of the Huli jing here, she has pain I can feel...." Berkley stop as she look horrified.
"Mom, what's wrong?" Mariah ask.
"Carl... I don't believe this, he is a..." Mariah was worried for her mother at the way she was taking, "a... fox Hunter."
"What are you seeing?" Mariah ask that she was very concerned for her mother, she has never see her like this before.
Berkley looks back her and close the chest box, "we have to go to help Margaret, I tell you what I saw later."
Both left with the chest box and close the secret door and Left the house, Justin saw them left and Wonder what is going on here?
"So many questions that still need to be answering," Justin look behind him and saw a new door open up, the door was a hospital door.
Justin could hear voices on the other side of the door, Justin walk in and see he in a hospital bedroom.
He saw his grandparents next to their daughter, "mom, Dad, I don't feel so good, am I going to be ok?"
"Yes you will, you'll be all right for sure," Carl said as he hold her hand as her mother hold her other hand.
Suddenly Berkley came in, "hey Carl, Margaret the doctor outside wants to speak with you both he said its important for you both to know."
"Tell the doctor to come here we not leaving her here alone," Carl said as Berkley shook her head.
"No he said he needs to speak to you outside because he doesn't want to scare Margaret about what she needs, I stay here with Margaret." Berkley said as both went out knowing if it this serious then they'll go but they just hope it's not what they think.
Justin watch as Berkley walk over to Margaret, "don't worry Margaret, Im going to give you something that will cure you but you can't tell your parents about this, this has to be a secret ok," Berkley went into her purse and pull out her chest box and few potion bottles.
Berkley transform into her kyuubi kitsune form, she started her enchantment, "Tsuyo-sa to hogodeshita!" She put some of the potions on Margaret skin and let it soak in her skin.
"How feel better already," Margaret said as she could feel the pain starting to go away.
"Good to hear, now keep this chest box with you, it well keep you safe from anymore illness," Berkley said.
"Ok I understand aunt Berkley, hey wait is this mine dad chest box?" Margaret ask.
"Yes it is, you already know what inside of it but don't ever open it, you know what would happen if you do," Berkley said without paying attention the door open.
Berkley try to transform back but Carl already saw it, "WHAT ARE YOU A KYUUBI KITSUNE!!!"
"WAIT! CARL I CAN EXPLAIN!" Berkley was now yelling but Carl tried to attack her, Margaret mother and doctors and nurses so what Carl try to do and all ran to stop Carl from hurting Berkley.
"LET ME GO! SHE A DEMON FOX!!" Carl yelled at them as Berkley ran out as everyone thought Carl was crazy.
Margaret was the only one who knew but was scared to say anything so she kept silent but looking scared and sad.
Justin was in shock at all of this and then the lights went out and everyone froze, "what's going on!?"
Justin was shocked seeing the lights went off and everyone froze like statues.
A new door appeared it looked like to be the one of his bedroom door, Justin saw it open up and saw his mother was their setting on the bed.
He went in and saw it was his mother's old bedroom, she was sitting on a bed criss cross applesauce style as she was holding the chest box, she was looking outside her window and it was night time.
Margaret look sad, Justin was wondering what was making her so sad.
Soon Margaret heard a knock on the window and it was Mariah, Margaret open the window up.
"Mariah what are you doing here?" Margaret asked looking confused.
"I know it's late and everything but I had to come see you, my family is moving soon and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you," Mariah said as she had something for Margaret.
"What is that?" Margaret ask as Mariah handed her a present, the present was a spell book.
"I know how much you love witches so I wanted to give you something that might help you learn some spells if you want to it's also just a good fun to read," Mariah said as she was depressed knowing she had to go soon.
"Thank you Mariah but you should go if Dad sees you he might try to kill you," Margaret said as right behind Mariah was her mother.
"Mariah you know you should not be here it's dangerous," Berkley said as Mariah turn around and shock.
"I'm sorry mother I know I shouldn't sneak out but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to her first," Mariah explain.
Berkley look at Margaret and then look back at Mariah, "I know she's not like her father who hates us but it's just too dangerous, Margaret I'm sorry but we have to go, remember what I told you about that chess box and don't ever open it up, you already know why about that..." Before Berkley could say anything more they suddenly heard yelling.
"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER YOU DEMON FOXES!!" all three look to the side of the house and soul Carl was there with the sword.
Berkley immediately transform into our kyuubi kitsune form and grab her daughter and run off into the night.
Carl walk over to the window, "don't ever let those demons foxes in do you understand me!" Carl said sounding mad.
"But Dad they are not..." Margaret got cut off.
"DO NOT LET THEM IN DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Carl had races his voice at her.
Margaret nodded her head, "yes sir, I understand."
"Good, now it's way past your bedtime go to sleep," Carl said as he closed the window.
Margaret went to bed crying as she was really upset.
Justin had never seen his grandfather yelled before even though this was just a memory of something happened before he was born it was still very surprising, Justin always known his grandfather as a sweet old man not someone like this, can you look at his mother who was crying and it just upsetted him seeing this.
"Mom please don't cry," Justin said as he didn't want to see anymore, before you could say anything else everything was frozen again as if time stop, then everything went to Black.
"What the?" Justin look around and so he was nowhere now but an empty void.
But then a new door appeared and it was his front door again, Justin went to grab it as he did everything around him turn into Mariah front yard.
It Was morning, he could see cars driving past the Streets, birds cheeping, even people just walking on the sidewalk.
Justin took a deep breath and open the door he look around and saw Mariah and Margaret talking on the table.
Both were reading a spell book on the table.
Mariah pointed in a page, "hey this one could you."
"No, that one doesn't actually work it would only just keep them living for a bit longer, I need something that's permanent that can cure him," Margaret said.
"Then that about this one," Mariah pointed to.
"No that one wouldn't work either, I don't understand we have looked through so many spells and nothing seems to work to cure him like I did with me," Margaret said that she was stressing out so worried what was going to happen.
"We will find a way to cure your son Justin, we just need to keep looking," Mariah said as you try to hold Margaret hand but Margaret put a hand away so Mariah went to touch it.
"No Mariah, none of these spells are going to actually work, except there is one I know," Margaret said as she turned the page another far side of the book.
Mariah looks shocked, "Margaret that spell will transfer the curse back to you if you use it."
"I know and there's not much of a choice here, and don't try to talk me out of it, he is my son and I'm not going to let him die, I have some potions that might keep me alive long enough where he get at least be older before I pass away, he still needs me and I'm going to try to be there until I can no longer," Margaret explain.
"Are you sure about this? I mean there might be another way we can save him," Mariah said.
"Mariah there is really no choice here, my son's life is in danger and if I had to choose between mine and his I would want him to live, wouldn't you do the same for your kids?" Margaret ask as she look at her.
Mariah looked down, "you know I would never let my own kids die, if it was me I would have choose my kids to be alive than me, all right I'll get everything we need but you should know I doubt you really will live long enough to see your son grown, but whatever little time you have left make it worth it."
"I'm definitely going not to waste the time I have left with him, I just hope he'll be all right after I'm gone," Margaret said as she looked down and closed the book.
"Don't worry, I promise me and the rest of my family would look after him as well his would do the same, he will never be alone I can promise you that," Mariah said.
"Thank you Mariah," Margaret said as both hug each other.
Justin saw a door appeared right in front of them and it was Justin front door.
Justin walk in and saw no one was home but when he opened his bedroom door he could see himself, he was sick as a dog laying in bed, having problems breathing.
This brought back a horrible memory of him being sick and he didn't like it but he could hear something else in another room.
Justin heard someone talking he could hear it was in his parents bedroom, when he went in he saw the secret door was open, he walk in and saw his mother and Aunt Mariah making potions.
"All right, that's the last of it, let's get these two Justin," Margaret said as both went to Justin bedroom.
Justin walk in with them and stand there as you watch his mother came in with a Mariah.
his mother had a chest box as Mariah have some bottles, "don't worry son you be alright," she put the chest box right next to her son bed, both went on putting the liquid from the bottles on her son's face.
both his mother and Mariah we're using achievement to form a spell, "Watashi no musuko kara Anata no byōki de Akuma no kitsune o tsukuri, Watashi o tsureteitte kudasai."
"son keep this chest box near you at times it will keep you safe as it did for me ones," his mother said.
Justin can remember some of this, he did regain consciousness but what he was told Mariah it was some nurse who was in the room with his mom and they were giving him medicine.
Now Justin knows what really happened on that day how did all came.
He kept watching them until it was over, "okay Margaret he will be fine now, when he wakes up he'll be okay again."
"Thank you Mariah for everything," Margaret said as she just had to hug her again, "thank you so much for all this, you helped save my son."
Mariah hug her back, "well some people would say that's what friends do but I don't consider you as a friend I consider you as a sister which would make us family but we were always a family, if there's any more you would need just come ask me and I'll help you and your son," Mariah said.
They soon let go of the hug, "you were always like a sister to me and I couldn't ask for a better sister than you."
"I can say the same thing again, I have to go now but call me when he wakes up," Mariah said as she got her things and left.
Margaret sit right next to her son bed and waited until he woke up.
After a few hours, Justin had woke up, he was breathing way more better he did felt sick still but nowhere near as bad as it was before.
He saw his mother sitting right next to him, "mom?"
Margaret look at him and peted his head, "feeling any better son? Do you need anything?"
"I'm thirsting, can get something to drink please?" Justin ask.
"Yes I'll get you something," Margaret said as she went to get him a drink.
When Margaret left Justin fall asleep and everything slowly faded away except for the door.
Justin look at the door as it open up and to his surprise it was mina who opened it up.
"Mina?" Justin was surprised seeing her now after leaving him to see all these memories on his own.
"have you seen everything you wanted to see or there's something else you want to see?" Mina asked.
"No, I seen enough of memories for one day, they get more harder to look at," Justin said as mina came up to him.
"It is hard to see what happened all those years ago, you know something, I never actually did Left you back there, I was just watching everything from afar, I was the one who opened up the doors for you," mina said as she through the door, "come on the memory trip is over, it's time for you to come back."
"Alright," Justin said as he walk in and saw he was back in her cabin, they were next to the staircase.
Both walk to the dining area and saw everyone was there sitting down eating plates of their delicious food.
Mina and Justin went to their seats, Justin could see how everyone was, Mariah and Margaret were both looking down, Jasper and conri we're both talking about fishing.
Aaron and Ace we're both eating not wanting to talk.
Melanie was looking away from everyone, she had no interest of talking.
Jessie was looking down depressed and sad as if something was wrong she didn't even have any interest of eating.
Jaxon was looking at his parents as he had the look he was disgusted at them.
Jayden was slowly eating us food but Justin can tell even he had something on his mind.
Justin saw no I had any interest of talking, Justin wanted to ask someone but before you got the chance to everything went dark.
Back in the real world everyone suddenly woke up.
It was 8:00am
The candles were burned out, Everyone eyes were slowly opening, Jasper, Jessie, Jaxon and Jayden all got up but saw the rope was tied around their arms and saw Mariah, conri, ace, Aaron, Melanie and Justin were in their true forms.
All four of them were silent, I started talking, "I'm guessing you all want to know why you are all tied up here and..." Mariah got cut off by Jasper.
"Was that Whole entire dream was real!?" Jasper ask as he remember everything from his dream.
"If you're talking about mina and all dining room that was in a wood cabin then yes," Mariah said.
"Just get me untied here," Jasper said as Margaret help Jasper.
Everyone was soon got untied up and was sitting around the living room.
All the werewolves and kyuubi kitsune we're back in their human forms.
"I'm Guessing everyone here have some questions that you want me to answer," Margaret said as her family nodded their heads.
"Mom, why did you hide this from us?" Jaxon ask as Margaret look away for a moment.
"Because I never wanted to bring it back up after what happened all those years ago with me and Mariah when we couldn't see each other anymore," Margaret said.
Mariah started talking, "it was very hard for us to bring this back up, we never thought this would ever happen but I guess it did just like last time, I'm guessing you hate me because now you all know what I am right?"
"No I'm not made at you for that," Jasper started, "I'm mad that you lied and hide this, I don't care that you're a kyuubi kitsune or conri being a werewolf I'm made that you hide this for me, Margaret we're partners we share everything, my car is your car, my pants is your pants..."
"Wait what? what!?" Margaret said as she was now confused by that.
"I don't care about any of that, does everyone else still feel the same way?" Jasper asked.
Jessie stared, "I honestly don't care about any of this, I have my own problems I need to work with, I didn't just saw what Mina wanted me to see your past she also made me realize a lot of things that I was wrong about, especially a lot of things I've been lying about," Jessie didn't want to go in more and she left.
"Where are you going?" Jasper ask.
"I'm going to start fixing up some stuff," Jessie said as she went into her room.
Jayden had something to say next, "honestly just like Jessie, I two need to do same, look I don't care about you or him being werewolves or these creatures or anything, I honestly have other things to worry about than that, Im going to clean up the mess in my room it's going to take me all day anyway," Jayden went to his room.
"Jasper what about you, what do you think of this," Jasper ask.
Jaxon started, "to be honestly im made at you mom, it's not about what Mariah is, it's not about what happened in your past that you wanted to hide, I get it it was hard to explain or talk about, but when this curse came back again, you did nothing more but hide it and you knew what was going to happen and you couldn't tell us what was going to happen to you because of this curse and you lied and hide this from us, I'm sorry that was taking this secret too far," Jaxon said as Margaret started to talk again.
"Jaxon I..." Margaret was cut off.
" I don't wanting to talk right now to her," Jaxon started as he left the room, "I need some time for myself," Jasper went to go talk to Jaxon in the other room.
All that was left was Justin, he had a few things he wanted to ask her and Mariah, "mom I honestly don't blame you for hiding any of this but there are a few things I still don't understand, like how did you find out Mariah was a kyuubi kitsune, and how come you and her are seeing each other again after what happened all those years ago when she moved away?"
"Well that's actually that's a good question, when me and Mariah had know each other, Mariah actually share me her secret she showed me in the middle of the forest where no one would know, as time went on her parents found out but they knew I could be trusted with their secrets, it was all great actually, until your grandfather found out and things were just never the same again," Margaret said as Justin look confused.
"What do you mean, I get you and grandpa had differences about Kyuubi kitsune but certainly things got better after time past," Justin said as Margaret just looked at him for a moment.
"Well you're right but it wouldn't be for a long time, you see after he find out, I tried to told them they weren't so bad but when he found out about me knowing and I was friends with them that made him mad, he never approved of me with a lot of things I do, ever since I was a little girl I was always interested in magic, it was my dream to become a witch, he never loved witches or magic but he did thought it was all just a child's dream until I found out it was real, real magic, I learned potion brewing, all that was great but he never approved it, we had concert fights about our differences and when I finally became 17 I decided to move out and move in with your father, things just never the same after Mariah left, there was just so much fighting in argling just because what I thought differently unlike him who thought everything I was leaving and was wrong, when got into nursing I assume found Mariah, we were both in the same nursing home and we rebuild our friendship again ever since then," Margaret explain the whole story.
"Wow I don't realize that's how it was, but what about Mariah and her mother going into your house and bring the chest box how did you both knew about that would help her," Justin ask Mariah.
"To be honest with you that's kind of simple, when me and my mother for keeping your mother we're trying to ease the pain we were using our our ability and we both were able to sense the curse and found out where it was coming from, I already knew about the chess box and everything so I told my mom and we went to get it, she was able to read the memories of the past owner and found the truth, she decided to still help Margaret but after that I could never see her again," Mariah explain and Justin was surprised by that.
"So that's what happened, but wait a minute how did your mother know she could get her parents out from a lie did you really lie about the doctor I need to talk to her outside the hospital room or you don't know anything about that?" Justin ask.
"They just told me what happened, the doctor was actually my father disguises as one, he was just trying to extract them long enough so my mom get everything done too help with Mariah but she didn't realize how soon they would have come back in and that's how she got caught," Mariah explain.
"Ok but what are we going to do now though? I mean with everything now that I know, the rest of the family knows and honestly I don't know now, mina gone so... What now?" Justin ask them.
"Well I thought everything would have been like it was before with your grandfather but really it's not as I thought, so there's nothing about me leaving but you do still have a lot to learn and I am willing to help teach you, your mother as well can help even my daughter would love to help, I think it could be really fun actually what do you think Margaret?" Mariah ask.
"I honestly think it would be great, he is going to need a lot of help as well there's going to be a lot of things we are going to need to talk about with him being a kyuubi kitsune know," Margaret said.
"There will be plenty of time but for now, I think it's best we should go, you should talk to Jasper about this as well also we're going to need to talk about a few other things but that can all wait," Mariah said as she got up and her family left the house.
Margaret felt tired so she decided to head back to bed for a little bit.
Justin decide to go to the bathroom to go brush his teeth since he never really got a chance to with hurting that happen early morning.
When he walk in the he saw mina in a reflection, "why are you still here? I thought you been gone right now,"
"Don't worry, I'll be gone soon I just wanted to get a chance for a final goodbye as well just a few things I want to say before I leave," mina said as Justin was listening.
"Okay so what is it? What is it that you need to tell me?" Justin ask.
"Nothing really but actually just thank you," mina said surprising Justin.
"Thank you for what exactly? I don't really understand what do you mean, what did I did for you?" Justin ask.
"To be honest with you I have been trapped and waiting for my new owner for over 48 years, I know that a long time, during all those years I had nothing more to do but to wait around, because I put a curse on your grandfather I was able to follow him and see what he was doing around and when his daughter came around I was able to do the same as well knowing what was going to happen of course, however I will admit I did regret putting the curse on him, because knowing what was going to happen to that poor little girl who had really nothing to do with any of it, I was just mad I didn't know such a crime or anything but yet my own life got taken away by him, before all that happened I was just a peaceful kyuubi kitsune living in peace with my family until the fox hunters came and kill us, so I want to take away something that he loves so much, you can be honest with me I was wrong for doing that," mina said as Justin just looked at her.
"To be honest with you if I was in your shoes I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing too, I mean who wouldn't be mad getting their own life taken and they wanted revenge by putting a curse on someone that would take away something they love?" Justin said as mina felt a little bit better knowing he could at least understand.
"I am actually sorry for the pain I caused you, for what I put you in your family through," mina said.
"It's going to be hard for a little bit but it will be something we're going to have to learn to work with but there's something I need to know about this curse will this continue on the bloodline with my siblings who are their children?" Justin ask as he just realized what if this happens again.
"Oh no that's not going to happen the curse isn't broken though it's been completed it done what was made to do, it took away a life that someone's really care about and this case your grandfather caring about your mother, even though they really had big problems in their relationship they still did love each other very much, but just let you know because you brought your mother back does not mean the curse will come back because you made that wish there is no price to pay or anything like that, so there's nothing to worry about the curse coming back, you and your family are free from it as well there's really one more thing I need to ask of you," mina said as Justin was curious.
"What is it that you need to ask me?" Justin ask her as wanted to know.
"Do you still need me, do you still need my help with learning anything?" Mina ask.
"You might have a lot I can learn but I would want to learn from my aunt and my mother you did what you need to do, I have the spell book thanks to you as well many other basics you gave me but I do thank you for everything you did for me," Justin said as mina smiled.
"Then my work here is done then, a wooden door appeared right right behind mina.
Mina look behind her and walk to the door, she turned her head and look at Justin one last time, "you know something Justin, this is the ending of the beginning for you and what that means is you have far more avengers to go on in your life, I hope you have a very great life you'll have and thank you for these last few days they were honestly the best time out of the 48 years I had," mina said as she turned her head back and open the door to the afterlife and then the door closed behind her and vanish.
Justin knew what Mina said there was true this was the only ending of the beginning there are still many more adventures to come for him.
And it was going to be something he was looking forward to.
To be continued to the next adventure of war of the foxes.
I hope you guys all enjoy this, to all of those who watch and read all the way to the end thank you so much.
This was honestly my most longest chapter ever I made I never thought I would make a chapter this long but I did.
Like I said earlier I hope you all enjoy this and I'll see you later to the next chapter.
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