Chapter 12 - Debate

Back at Cloud Recesses, Lan XiChen had his hands full. He had entered the Main Hall, only to be accosted by the waiting elders demanding to know why they had been summoned, the reason for the urgency and absence of Lan QiRen. Making his way to the head of the Hall, Lan XiChen turned. He cast his eyes over the uneasy elders and raised his hands.

"Please be seated. An emergent situation has developed, and we must work together to resolve the issues. Please sit down and I will explain everything, only wait for the end as there is much we will need to discuss."

The elders took their seats, junior disciples swiftly moving to ensure every senior had tea.

"From last night through this morning there have been some..." Lan XiChen paused a moment, unsure how to describe events so as not to alarm the waiting elders. "...some unusual developments and as a Clan we will need to carefully address the issues."

There was a soft stir as his words were absorbed by the waiting men, who shifted uncertainly where they sat and wondered what on earth was going on. Despite the Rule forbidding speaking behind another's back, many had heard speculation regarding events at the Gate the prior evening and most had heard or been informed how the Grandmaster ranted in his quarters this morning.

"We have two situations in hand. One is more personal and legal, social if you will, while the other is largely medical, spiritually medical in fact. Is there a preference in how you would choose to address these issues? Either way, I must ask you to remain until we reach a decision on future actions."

The elders murmured, a hushed conversation in the large room.

"Please elders, we have decisions to make, and time is of the essence. One matter is personal and likely to take less time, although still an issue to be discussed. The other involves the wellbeing of our Grandmaster and an unprecedented situation that may take some time to determine the best use of our efforts - and even what those efforts should be. Shall we proceed with the long or the short?"

A few more moments of discussion, small pockets of elders offering opinions, and one of the senior elders rose to his feet. The murmuring died away as he turned to face Lan XiChen and spoke.

"Sect Leader, we request that you tell us the smaller matter first, so that it may be cleared away and the larger properly addressed."

With a bow to Lan XiChen and another to the assembly, he took his seat once more.

Lan XiChen stood and stepped out to the centre of the hall.

"I am sure many of you know that my brother presented himself at the Gate yesterday evening. What you may or may not realize is that he made certain facts known to me and then took his leave. He has not entered Cloud Recesses and is not here at this time. He..." a deep breath for courage "... he has declared he will not return unless and until he does so with Wei WuXian."

The Lan equivalent of a roar rose from the congregation. In cresting waves of volume, voices trained to restraint broke their bonds and insisted on being heard.


"The nerve!"

"The YiLing Laozu has cast a spell on HanGuang-Ju!"

"Evil, he's evil that one..."

Voices burbled in anger and dismay, tangling together to create an unprecedented sound that had younger disciples peeking through windows and doors, trying to hear what was under discussion, while those who were in the room to assist with tea or other needs, pressed themselves further back against the walls, trying to become invisible.

Lan XiChen waited briefly, until the worst of the outburst began to ease slightly and raised his hands for silence once more. It took a few moments, but gradually the elders settled down, uncomfortable shifting and reddened faces the only signs of their inward agitation.

"There is more. Lan WangJi will return only with Wei WuXian... as his husband."

Well, that surely upset the whole applecart. A stunned moment of indrawn breaths and a true roar shook the foundations of the Main Hall itself. Voices shouted, denouncing the very idea as elders spun from one crony to another, arguing and exhorting each other with the absolute unfeasibility of such a thing. Anger spun up and sparked an increase in volume until it was nearly unbearable. Every attempt to subdue the volume and direct discussion into useful pathways failed time after time, despite Lan XiChen's best efforts. His voice was like a snowflake in a maelstrom – unnoticed.

Desperate for relief and knowing there was another, still more serious concern to address, Lan XiChen screwed up every ounce of courage he had and slammed a silencing spell on everyone else in the Hall. A pin fell from the dishevelled head of one elder, shaking in rage, and pinged musically as it landed on the polished wood floor. In the profound silence Lan XiChen spoke again.

"Please elders. It pains me to see you so disturbed. I truly know the shock you are feeling. This is my brother, and I had no warning, being presented with an ultimatum at our own Gate last night. Please be seated and allow me to take you through what I discussed with our Grandmaster this morning. He was unfortunately taken ill before we could properly address the matter, and this must be settled quickly to move forward on the more deadly concern."

The use of that description - deadly - went a long way toward refocussing the elders to the task in hand. Reluctant feet went to their places and bodies folded into seats abandoned a short time ago.

"My apologies again, elders. However shocking, this is the smaller of the two concerns and time is of the essence."

A swift gesture released the spell, but no one spoke, aside from a few grunts from seats furthest from Lan XiChen.

"In short, Lan WangJi intends to marry Wei WuXian." A shuffling of bottoms on cane seats but no interruption.

"I am aware of the concerns the Cultivation world has regarding Wei WuXian and his use of resentful energy. I know that this is an unacceptable and highly dangerous practice. I know, too, that many of us survived the Wen acts of terrorism only due to Wei WuXian's intervention. We could not have defeated the Wen Clan without him. And as for bringing down Jin GuangYao, it could not have been done without Wei WuXian."

"You mean the YiLing Laozu," interjected a particularly sour-toned elder from the back.

"No, I mean Wei WuXian," continued Lan XiChen. "The YiLing Laozu is a title bestowed on Wei WuXian, not something he sought. It is a construct, used to frighten small children and provide an excuse for undisciplined emotions to run amok. As a man, Wei WuXian is certainly as likely to make mistakes as the next, however I can say this from knowing him - he does not make the same mistake twice, and any errors in judgement are balanced to harm himself far more than the other party."

He sent a hard gaze around the room, pinning in place those elders he knew were most likely to argue.

"Wei WuXian is a man. Just a man. He is human, not a monster. He uses an energy we reject, but he himself is still just a man. He is not some mythic monster, regardless of the tales passed around the fire at night. Those owe more to imagination and less to information. He is a man, and he is the man my brother has chosen."

Another elder spoke up.

"Title or not, YiLing Laozu or... or Wei WuXian," the elder spit the name from his lips as if the words themselves were dirt, "...regardless of naming, he is a man! He cannot marry our HanGuang-Jun!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Of course, he can't!"

"Men can't / don't / won't marry" and similar assertions tumbled out of the mouths of the elders. This time the volume was more restrained, as no one wanted to drive the Sect Leader back to another unthinkable act of silencing.

Lan XiChen raised his arms, and the room sank back to quiet.

"Elders, I was up most of the night. I have combed through our Rules. I have studied the laws on partnerships, common laws and even the legal requirements of marriage. I have looked at every possible source of information and everything I could find to guide our response to Lan WangJi." He looked out across the assembly, a sad look in his eyes.

"I even spent hours at Gentian House in meditation on the issue. In the end, none of it matters. Any dreaming of somedays doesn't matter. It is Lan WangJi's choice to make. It is his alone, and of course, Wei WuXian's to accept or deny. There is no Rule and no Law that prevents Lan WangJi from marrying anyone of his choice. No Rule nor Law prevents Lan WangJi from marrying a man. No Rule nor Law prevents him from choosing Wei WuXian."

Discussion began again between the elders, heads turned to heads, gestures were made, a few words occasionally rising above the other voices to make themselves heard.

"... never heard of a man marrying a man..."

"...YiLing Laozu..."

"... darn cut-sleeve..."

"... can't believe..."

"... magic, the dark kind, a spell..."

The private discussions dragged on and when it became clear to Lan XiChen that time could no longer be spent weighing the inevitable, he again drew all eyes to himself.

"There is no Rule and no Law to prevent Lan WangJi from marrying a man. Man or woman, the choice is his alone to make. Cut-sleeve or not, why do you care? Why do we think we have a right to an opinion on who shares his bed? Unless you want to share his bed yourself?"

A collective gasp at the impertinence, and Lan XiChen continued.

"Facts are facts. There is no impediment to Lan WangJi's wishes, except what we put in front of him. And how dare we insist on our Righteousness yet demand he relinquish his right to choose his own path and partner? Without any foundation for such a restriction? Lan WangJi has never behaved inappropriately with anyone. You cannot argue that he is somehow under a spell laid by Wei WuXian. I have seen their connection since they were teenagers. I have watched them grow and mature and even heard them both avow and confirm their attachment to each other. Our Rules and our Laws are the very foundation of this Clan. Respect for others is written in granite at the Gate. How can we claim to respect others and not accept Lan WangJi's choice?"

He swept the congregation with steel in his dark amber eyes, surprised by how deeply he felt the injustice towards his brother's choice.

"As for the fact it is Wei WuXian? What of it? The man has suffered to save you and you and you..." Lan XiChen pointed to the elders he knew owed their lives to Wei WuXian's activities.

"Wei WuXian is a man. Just a man. Can we refuse a man to accompany his husband in his own home? If we do, this will no longer be Lan WangJi's home. I know. He has spoken. You all know how my brother adheres to the codes of conduct he learned here, the codes you yourselves taught him. It is through his adherence to those codes, his deeply ingrained sense of Righteousness and faithful following of the path that he earned the title HanGuang-Jun. You know that once he has said he will not return without Wei WuXian as his husband, it is a promise he will keep. He. Will. Not. Return. Without. Wei. Wuxian. As. His. Husband." Lan XiChen drew the final words out with clarity, imbuing each with a tone of finality, as he held his arms out, palms up, pleading.

"Dear elders, please, can we just take it one day at a time and allow my brother the freedom to choose? His life, his partner..."

Lan XiChen stood still as quieter, murmuring discussions began again. His head was pounding with the need to make them understand and his heart ached for his brother. And there was still another crisis yet to be addressed today.

Eventually the sounds of speech died back until only two continued. Back and forth they argued, for and against, pro and con, until eventually the silence returned.

Looking up, Lan XiChen saw the senior elder once more on his feet.

The man formally bowed to Lan XiChen and Lan XiChen bowed in return, awaiting the judgement of the elders.

"We have discussed the Rules and the Laws. There is nothing to prevent Lan WangJi from exercising free will in his choice of partner. We are human and we feel how we feel." A quick look shot from the corner of the elder's eye toward one red-faced colleague, "Even so, we will accept Lan WangJi's choice."

Straightening again, the elder gave a feeble but genuine attempt at a reassuring smile and resumed his seat.

Relief coursed through Lan XiChen as a welcome tide.

"Thank you, elders. Your wisdom is appreciated."

Lan XiChen returned to the head of the Hall. The day was well advanced and the Spring night coming up quickly as disciples brought lights to the Main Hall.

"Elders, we will have our evening meal here tonight and continue with the other matter shortly."

Moving soundlessly young men moved quickly. They lit the room and swiftly distributed the makings of a typical Lan meal - soup, vegetables and rice - before withdrawing. It took mere minutes, and the respite was welcomed by Lan XiChen, who knew it would be a long evening before them all. He wished his brother were there. The Lan Clan enforced silence during meals and Lan XiChen found the peace balm for his battered soul. He really didn't know how things would go with this next bit of business. Matters for his brother had eaten away the afternoon already and his weariness was growing.

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