Tom woke up to a wonderful smell filling his nose. He blearily opens his eyes, rubbing away the sleep. He looked out of the cave, searching for the source. His eyes finally focused as he squinted, struggling to see what was happening.
Wag was outside with Tucker, a small fire in front of them. At least 15 pigs were being roasted above the fire, freshly killed. They were chatting, Wag occasionally breathing a puff of fire to keep the weak flame ablaze.
Tom groaned as he got up and stretched his arms over his head, cramped muscles aching, despite sleeping on the soft fur. He somehow managed to clamber down and stumble out of the warm cave. He hissed as he exited, bright sunlight burning his eyes. He cover his eyes with his arms, squinting at Tucker and Wag.
"Well well, look who decided to get out of bed," Tucker said sarcastically, smiling.
"Ha ha, very funny." Tom merely rolled his eyes. "Anyways, what were you guys talking about?"
They exchanged glances and Wag turned to him.
"When we went out to hunt for these pigs, we came across an abandon village. We didn't want to explore without you guys in case we needed help," the dragon explain, leaning forward a bit.
Tom's eyes lit up. "That's awesome! We have to leave ASAP!"
Tucker rolled his eyes, taking the pigs away from the fire and leaving Wag to put it out.
"Of course! We just have to wait for the other two to get up."
As the words left his mouth, Jordan came, slowly trudging with his eyes clenched shut. He lied down next to Tom, nose twitching occasionally to breath in the delicious cooked pigs. Tucker threw a pig towards him, Jordan catching it just in time before it hit the floor. He ate it happily, crunching down on its bones and savoring its expertly cooked flesh.
Tucker handed Tom the leg of another.
"Eat up. We're leaving in 10."
Jordan licked his lips, satisfied. Wag was gnawing on another pig, scraping off the meat with his claw and eating it.
"What about Sonja?" Tom mumbled around his pig leg. It was like heaven u n his mouth, and he had to say, Tucker was a good cook. Tom would've burnt it.
Tucker shrugged, munching on his leg. "She'll eat the rest as soon as she wakes up. She'll be done it less than a minute."
Content with his answer, Tom resumed his breakfast, tossing a piece to Jordan.
Not 5 minutes later, Sonja's massive head swung out of the cave. She whined softly, trying to grab a pig without getting up. Chuckling softly, Tucker tossed her a body, waiting a moment for her to swallow it whole. Sonja dragged herself out, raising her head and sitting up to grab 3 at once.
"We leave in 5," Tucker said, turning to the others.
"Cool cool," Tom said, leaning against Jordan.
True to his word, Tucker forced them all to get up. After many groans and protests, he managed to get their small group back on the road.
"So, where is it?" Tom asked, jogging to catch up to Wag and Tucker, whom were leading, since they knew where it was.
"It's not that far away. If I remember correctly, it's right over this hill..."
Climbing up, Tom peeked over, gaping at the village below.
It was clearly abandon, with homes in ruins and walls cracked and falling apart.
Fidgeting in anticipation, Tom waited for the others to catch up. More specifically, Sonja.
"Hurry up!" he whined, slumping over.
Snorting, Sonja dug her claws into the dirt and pulling herself up next to them.
"C'mon. There may be wild animals or enemies, so be careful," Tucker warned, jumping up and silently slid down the hill. Tom followed, and Wag and Jordan glided over. Sonja simply jumped, landing with a rumble.
Gathering at the front gate, they quietly crept in, alert and ready to defend. It was extremely quiet, rare and unusual for Tom. It made him uncomfortable.
Nothing seemed remotely interesting. It was just a rundown town, probably all slain by the king or animals, or maybe even dragons. Nothing new.
That is, until the dragons froze in their steps.
They stopped mid-step, ears pricked and eyes scanning the houses.
"Erm, what's happening?" Tom looked over to Tucker.
Leaning over, Tucker responded with, "I don't know."
Suddenly Jordan sprang into action, pushing past the two and bounding to the farthest house. Sonja and Wag followed him, leaving the humans in the dust. Grabbing Tom's hood, Tucker sprinted after them.
Jordan paused at the last house, perking his ears again before pushing open the door and padding inside. Wag was close to follow, and Sonja was left outside. As Tucker and Tom grew closer, thats when they heard it- wailing from a young dragon.
They silently followed after, searching for the crying child. Jordan pushed around a few fallen wood boards, occasionally stopping to sniff the air or listen again. Wag was doing a similar action on the other side of the room. Before Tom and Tucker could help, Jordan reached between two piles of rubble and came out with a small dragon hanging from his jaws.
The dragon only looked to be a few years, much younger than Jordan. He was only about the size of Tom's arm. His scales were tinted a bright purple, and feathers sprouted from his elbows. A feathery streak lined his spine, spreading into a large purple display at the end of his tail. His wings were feathered, and didn't look big enough to carry his weight in the air. Probably why he was still there.
Jordan gently set him down, nudging his head affectionately. The young beast curled in a ball, looking up fearfully at them. Cautiously, Tom bent down and went to pet his head.
"Hey, buddy," he said softly, reaching further forward as the dragon leaned back. In one swift move, the reptile reached forward at bit his finger.
"OW! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Tom growled angrily, retracting his hand to grab his bleeding finger. "REALLY, FEATHERS?!"
Tucker chuckled at the nickname, and Wag rolled his eyes, glaring over to Tom. Jordan pushed the child gently, and crooned softly. The baby slowly unwound himself and pushed himself against Jordan's leg.
"What is your name, little one?" Tucker asked, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
After a moment's hesitation, the child whined softly, blinking.
Looking up, Wag spoke for him.
"He said his name is Andor."
I'm sorry this took so long. The next chapter may take longer, because I have a little bit of a writer's block. If you want, you can message or comment what you want to happen next. I have most of the plot, I just don't know what to do for the next chapter. So ye. HALP.
Also, there was a Jacksfilm refrence in there if you can catch it ;)
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