Chapter 6

Saturday came around, Chloe was now in the Gryffindor boy's room with Neville, everyone else was out. Either to the library, Hogsmeade, the Great Hall, and many other places. She and Neville were sitting in front of the home, Neville had for Trevor, Dizzy was also in the room, she was on roaming around the room, sniffing every spot. 

"What should I change?" Neville asked. "It's not bad is it?"

"It's not horrible," Chloe assured. "But it could be approved." Neville looked over to see her eyes were turning green, the roots of her hair were starting to turn green as well.

"What needs to be changed?" Neville asked.

"You clean the water dish Trevor sits in every so often," Chloe advised. "Add more hiding spaces. Toads love to have places to hide and burrow under. Such as a piece of wood, rocks, some plants to make the place feel more natural. It will also make your toad happier."

"Where am I going to get rocks?" Neville asked.

"Our school does have a lake," Chloe reminded him. "Your toad's tank should have more dirt substance on the bottom, but don't add sand or gravel or anything like that, it can be harmful to Trevor if swallowed." Neville then stood up, he looked over to see Trevor hopping up to get to the door handle. "You want to go collect them now?"

"We got the time," Neville said. "But can we hurry?"

"Uh, sure," Chloe nodded as she got to her feet, Dizzy scuttled over, climbing up Chloe's leg. After changing the water, they put Trevor in his crate, then went down to the lake to look for rocks, leaves, and pieces of wood. Chloe made sure they stayed close to shore, Dizzy was swimming and Chloe wanted to make sure the Knarl wouldn't start to drown. 

"Ah, there you Neville," a voice said. They looked over to see Seamus and Dean walking over. "We were looking for you."

"What are you lot doing in the water?" Dean asked. 

"Uh, I'm having Neville help me with something," Chloe answered as Neville got out of the water.

"See you up at the castle," Neville said as he made his way up with Dean.

"Not going to follow?" Chloe asked as she picked up Dizzy. 

"I will," Seamus nodded. "We are going to go start a game of exploding snap. Come with." 

"Oh," Chloe breathed.

"What too smart to hang with us brave Gryffindors?" Seamus asked as he held out his hands and cocked his head. Chloe picked up her shoe and threw it at him. "Blimey!"


Monday came around, it was now breakfast. The first years were quite nervous about flying lessons coming up. Chloe would be learning with the rest of the first years on Thursday. 

"Typical," Harry groaned as Dizzy was curled up on his DADA book. "Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself in front of Malfoy."

"You don't know that you'll make a fool of yourself," Chloe said. "I remember when I had tea with him, Malfoy was going on how good he is at Quidditch, he's probably just all talk." About an hour later, Chloe was in herbology with Slytherin, they were all doing bookwork, talking about flying.

"I'm just scared I'll fall," Lisa admitted. "It would be so embarrassing."

"My brother Corey said someone in his year was so nervous they somehow approached the Whomping Willow," Chloe said.

"You are making it worse!" Lisa shrieked. 

"They have us learn flying our first year," Malfoy said he joined their group with Crabbe and Goyle. "It's totally unfair that first years aren't allowed to join the Quidditch team."

"What position?" Chloe asked.

"Seeker," Malfoy smirked.

"Beater," Goyle answered. "I would make an excellent beater."

"What's your flying experience?" Sure asked. "Malfoy?"

I narrowly escaped Muggles in a helicopter a couple of times" Malfoy boasted, the Ravenclaw first-year girls all looked at each other. Soon lunch came around, Chloe was sitting in the courtyard with a  few others.

"I spent most of my childhood zooming around the countryside," Seamus informed.

"My aunt is really strict when it comes to brooms," Anthony said. "Only at night when there is more of a guarantee of not being seen."

"I almost hit a hand glider with Charlie's old broom," Ron recalled. 

"I once flew across a lake back home," Morag recalled. "My dad said I had to do it at least."

"Have you ever flown, Clo?" Sue asked. 

"Plenty of times," Ron answered the question. "Her family farms trees, and she likes to try and race me if the brooms are out."

"And he always loses," Chloe said.

"Losing to a girl?" Seamus asked. 

"Shut it," Ron groaned. "What about you Neville?" Chloe noticed that Harry was looking excited, but also like he was going to puke.

"I've never been on one," Neville admitted. "My grandmother never let me near one."

It was now Wednesday, Chloe had shown up late to dinner, lots of people had already left. So she sat with the remaining of Ron, Seamus, Sue, and Morag.

"What's Seamus doing?" Sue asked, she nudged Chloe.

"Hm?" Chloe asked as she looked up. He was waving his wand around a goblet. Before Chloe could answer, there was an explosion, Seamus was covered in soot.

"What were you trying to make?" Ron asked he tried to clear the air.

"Tea," Seamus blinked as he stared at his wand. Chloe held in a laugh. "You think you can do it better?" His head whipped towards at the sound of a small laugh. 

"It's not bad," Ron said. "It's weak." They looked to see Ron putting the teacup down, Seamus then scooted down to Chloe. 

"Show me you can do it better," Seamus said. "To make up your laughter towards me."

"So I can end up looking like you?" Chloe asked as she changed her face to look exactly like Seamus. "Blimey, I might lose my eyebrows."

" I don't sound like that," Seamus grunted as Chloe turned back to herself. "Blimey."

"Careful," Morag spoke. "If your transfer into someone at the wrong time, you might lose us house points."

"As a Ravenclaw, I'm sure she's smart enough to know when and where," Sue said.


Thursday morning came around, Chloe was sitting at the Gryffindor next to Seamus, across from Nevilles, Harry, and Ron. Corey was sitting next to Fred, they were doing homework. Hermione was giving helpful tips about Quidditch, Neville was hanging on to every word. Chloe on the other hand watching Clover the niffler, shove a shiny spoon into his pouch. Dizzy was over at the Hufflepuff table with Carvell and Milford. 

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum," Seamus said as he waved his wand at the goblet. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..."

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked.

"Turn it to rum," Chloe answered as Clover started to shove a small plate into its pouch.

"Actually managed a weak tea yesterday," Ron informed. "Before..." There was an explosion, Chloe looked over to Seamus in the same state yesterday. People around them were laughing. 

"Oh wow, your eyebrows are completely gone now," Chloe noted.

"I don't appreciate your comment Lola," Seamus retaliated. 

"Lola," Chloe raised her eyebrows, she looked over at Corey and Cody, they both were trying to hide. She then looked down to see Clover trying to rub soot off his beak. "Oh, look what you did!"

"I'm sure he's fine," Seamus said. "I'm sure with some water, it'll be good as new."

"Good advice," Chloe said as she took his tie out and dipped it in water, she started to clean Clover's beak.

"Not my tie!" Seamus squeaked as he pulled it out of her hands. "Now it's all wet!" The two continued to argue as everyone else continued with their homework. They stopped at the sounds of owls screeching. 

"Mail's here," Cody smiled as the letters and small packages were dropped off. Chloe caught a package, she opened it to see it was goodies for Dizzy and Clover.

"Clover," Chloe said as she pulled out a little scratching post. "Dad must be missing you." Clover wiggled in joy, rubbing his hands together. Clover then looked into the box, he wiggled even more seeing shrubs and weeds. 

"Hey, look!" Dean exclaimed. "Neville's got a remembrall."

"I've read about those," Hermione said. "When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something. The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Malfoy passed the table and snatched the rememberall. He tossed it into the air as Ron and Harry got to their feet. Clover grabbed it and shoved the ball into his pouch as McGonagall showed up. 

"What's going on?" McGonagall demanded.

"Malfoy had my rememberall," Neville said.

"I was just looking," Malfoy scowled.

"Where is it now?" McGonagall asked. "I hope back with, Mr. Longbottom?"

"Actually, it's with Clover," Chloe said sheepishly as she held Clover upside down. "Sorry."

"Funny little guys, aren't they?" McGonagall asked, Chloe then looked over. "Professor Kettleburn owns twelve."

"Twelve?" Chloe repeated as Draco and his gang sloped away. 

"12," Professor McGonagall nodded. "You should talk with him since you both have a love of animals." She then went back up to the table.

"Sorry, Neville," Chloe apologized as she started to shake out Clover. Many items fell out, such as watches, earrings, shiny ink, and the rememberall. Chloe's eyes had turned pink, she was sort of flustered. 

"It's alright," Neville assured. "If it wasn't for Clover, Malfoy would still have it." Chloe looked up and him and smiled a little. She then went to continue to shake out Clover. He was just smiling. 

"Hey, Ron, Chloe," Harry said in a whisper, Chloe held Clover upright and close to her and slide over till she was next to Hermione. "Somebody broke into Gringotts."

"What?" Chloe asked as Clover chirped.

"Listen," Harry began. "Believed to be the work fo dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day. That's odd. That's the vault that Hagrid and I went to. 


Soon it was time for flying class, they stood in two lines, facing each other. Chloe was so nervous that her hair, eyes, and fingernails had turned green.

"Can you turn it down?" Justin Finch-Fletchy asked. "Your nervousness is going to make us all nervous?"

"I'm trying," Chloe said. "I even put ashwagandha to my tea today."

"And I was the one that suggested she put in there," Padma said. "I thought it would work."

"Good afternoon class," a voice said suddenly, a woman with short grey hair, and yellow eyes. 

"Good afternoon, Madame Hooch," everyone greeted as Chloe started to get her emotions under control, the green was leaving her hair and fingernails. "Welcome to your first flying lesson." She faced everyone. "Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone, step up to the left side of their broomstick." Everyone started to do as they were told. "Come on now. Hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up."

"Up!" Everyone in the class shouted, some brooms went right to a hand, some didn't move, some rolled over. Chloe's broom went up halfway and then dropped. 

"I thought you flew before?" Sue asked.

"That doesn't mean I'm good at it," Chloe admitted as her eyes turned pink for embarrassment. "Especially this part."

"Obviously," Padma and Sue said. They all continued to shout.

"With feeling!" Madam Hooch advised. 

"Up!" Chloe said trying to force out some confidence. The broom flew up, Chloe dodged out of the way as it hit Seamus. She covered her mouth and turned to him as others laughed. "I am sorry."

"I don't think you are," Seamus shook his head. Then Ron's broom flew up smacking him in the face, everyone laughed more especially Harry.

"Shut up, Harry," Ron groaned. 

Once everyone had brooms in their hands, Madam Hooch showed them how to mount them without sliding off. Numerous people were delighted when she told Malfoy that he's been doing it wrong for years.  "Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off the ground, hard. Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle---three--two--" Before she reached one, Neville nervously jumped and kicked off the ground. He started to rise several feet. "Mr. Longbottom."

"What are you doing?" Pavarti asked.

"We're not supposed to take off yet," Hermione added. Chloe held out a hand, Neville grabbed it, but that did not help. 

"Mr. Longbottom!" Madam Hooch called off as he rose higher with Chloe, and started to fly towards the forest. Chloe's eyes were turned green for being scared.

"Come back down this instant!" Madam Hooch called out, as Chloe started to climb on the broom to try and take control.

"Scoot back!" Chloe urged as she was trying to get on, her legs kicking her up.

"Help!" Neville called out as they hit the castle, Chloe felt her arm get scrapped. But she used the wall, to jump onto the broom and push Neville back as they continued to fly all over the place. Nevile held onto Chloe tightly as they barreled through the students.

"Ahh!" the two shouted as Chloe tried to take control.

"That's strange," Chloe breathed. The broom wasn't listening to Chloe at all as she leaned forward to try to lower the broom and land it, instead, it kept going out of control. "It's almost as if it's been jinxed. Do you know the counter curse?" Neville didn't hear her, he was too busy screaming for help. Neville's robe got caught on a statue, they both managed to get off the broom. Chloe looked down, Ron was raising his eyebrows. Chloe was holding on to Neville. 

"Sorry," Neville apologized, his robes ripped, they fell, caught onto something again, and ripped again. They both fell.

"Ow!" the two chirped.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch urged as she rushed through the students, but not before Ron. He rushed over, and pushed Neville off Chloe, he was surprised to see that Chloe wasn't in tears her eyes were orange for confusion, her hair started to turn grey due to being hurt.

"Chloe, what happened?" Ron asked as he leaned over her. "Are you alright!? Say something!?"

"It's almost as if the broom was jinxed," Chloe whispered as she looked at him. "I know I'm not the best flier, but I know how to take control of a broom."

"Jinxed broom," Ron repeated as he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Move," Madam Hooch ordered as she pushed Ron out of the way, She looked at Neville and Chloe. "A broken wrist and a broken arm. Tch, tch, tch. Up, you both get." Madam Hooch helped Neville to his feet, as Ron helped Chloe to his feet. "Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Thorne to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." Soon they were both in the hospital wing, Chloe was staring up at the ceiling thinking about flying. 

"Chloe?" Neville called out. She looked over, Neville was in the bed next to her.

"Sorry for not being much help," Chloe apologized. " I should have been able to control with no problem."

"I don't blame," Neville said. "You can't control your emotions all the time, so controlling a broom is probably just as hard." Chloe turned away from him angrily. "Did I say something?"

"Just shut up," Chloe grumbled. Neville could see her hair turning red signaling she was mad. Little pitter-patters were heard, Neville sat up, he saw Dizzy walking in, going straight to Chloe, seconds later Dizzy was lifted off the floor. Neville was puzzled, he turned away from Chloe trying to figure out what was wrong he said. 

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