Purger Insurgency 7
These are the 2 endings scenes for the Purger Insurgency.
Ending 1:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Adamabyss12 is seen to be in the ground, as he sees that his world has become corrupted by the Malicious Regime. He stands up, and looks around, before looking down with immense sadness. He closed his eyes, recalling how he is now separated from his own world, as he feels like he'll never come back, because of what Malevolenternatus had done.
I close my eyes as you decompress
A look of anguish I can't forget
I tried to save you, but there's nothing left
He now sits down inside of a building on the chair, as he rests his head onto the counter, feeling upset by what has happened to him. He could feel that someone has entered the building that he is in, and sensed the murderous intent coming.
I died inside the landslide of your lies
He looks, and sees that a member of the Malicious Regime is present, and Adamabyss12 he simply lays his head onto the counter, not even thinking of fighting back.
So take a breath
So take a breath (breath, breath, breath, breath)
The Malicious Regime member, now at arms length with Adamabyss12, raised his hand, a knife in his hand, and attempted to stab him in the back of the head. But then, before Adamabyss12 and the Malicious Regime member knew it, a blast of energy fired at the Malicious Regime member.
Oh, you can fight this
You're hanging on by a thread
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over
Adamabyss12, stunned by this sudden act, raised his head up and turns around and sees that he has been saved, by his own OCs, which are FGoD Righteous!Error and Purified!Dream.
Have you decided
The demons aren't in your head?
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over you.
Purified!Dream held his hand out, and under the affects of his aura, it gave him comfort enough to go along with him. He grabbed his hand, and decided that it is time to leave. But before they can, more members of the Malicious Regime appeared, and Righteous!Error, sensing that there are more around this Universe, as well as the other Universes, immediately went to the door behind the building, and closed it, before both Purified!Dream and Adamabyss12 are grabbed by Righteous!Error, and they teleported to another Multiverse.
They are now inside of another Multiverse, as they try to get away from the Malicious Regime's forces. But the Alpha Timeline isn't available for now, due to the fact that they had a very powerful, unwanted invader present. Now they are inside of a highly-advanced city, as they kept on moving.
It's inexplicable, it's haunting me
To watch the light inside you disappear
Adamabyss12 hugged his arms around himself, as he felt very afraid of what is happening. Righreous' Right Arm glowed dangerously, it senses that the Malicious Regime has sensed Adamabyss22, and they are coming.
Relinquish everything from what you see
'Cause it's what you see that I can't believed
Adamabyss12 and the 2 Sanses hid behind a wall, as the Malicious Regime invaded the Multiverse that they are in. Adamabyss12 held his hands over his mouth, so that his breathing does not attract their attention. But he can feel himself beginning to lose air; and it is putting a strain on Adamabyss12's body.
So take a breath.
As Adamabyss12 and Purified!Dream looked around, Righteous!Error saw that there is a Malicious Regime member charging down at them, and forced them both to move out of the way.
Oh, you can fight this
You're hanging on by a thread
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over
The Malicious Regime member, seeing Adamabyss12, then tries to grab onto him so that he can take the Nexus Core's location, and destroy it, so that it will destroy Adamabyss12. But Righteous!Error pulls onto the right sleeve, and the eyes on his right arm open, and they shined like a flash bang grenade.
Have you decided
The demons aren't in your head?
Righteous!Error, Purified!Dream, and Adam fled, as they went into another portal, and they decide to run, as Righteous!Error then used his hand to swipe at the portal, sensing the Alpha Timeline's problem has been resolved, as he tries to go there as fast as he can, and bring his creator out of here.
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over you
But Malevolenternatus, who looked at this for a little bit through his eye, narrowed it, as he then used his power to get rid of the portal, much to Righteous' shook and desperation, as he tries to open the portal.
That's taking over you
That's taking over (you)
But as Righteous kept on opening the portal, more of Malevolenternatus' forces arrived, having found them both and Adamabyss12, as they charged at them. Righteous and Purified!Dream turned around, and saw that they need to fight back, and puts Adam behind him, as the battle took place. Righteous and Dream fought and struck back, as Righteous destroyed countless members of the Malicious Regime, and Dream tries to help Righteous as best as he can. But there are so may that Adam has no idea if they will be able to win against them or not.
Don't let the darkness take over
Don't let the darkness take over
Don't let the darkness take over
Don't let the darkness take over you
Adam looks down, as he clenched his hand over his chest, a feeling of sadness and fear is present, afraid that he'll die, as he thought of what is about to happen to him. He thought of his friends, who he had cherished for so long, and he thought of his family, who had cared for him and been living with for as long as he can remember. He closed his eyes, and wishes that he can be back with them again, as his life flashed before his eyes.
Take over you
But as the memory of his friends and family appeared inside of his mind, a glow inside of his soul appeared, as this made a reaction happen in a way that he did not expect. He opens his eyes, and senses that another portal is now forming behind him.
Oh, you can fight this
You're hanging on by a thread
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over
All of a sudden, Lala Deviluke came out of mow here and fired Pink Slime from Sticky Gooey Launcher-Kun, and cancelled the Malicious Regime's machinery with her Cancel Ammo Launcher-Kun, as (FGoD) Hollow!Ink fired his Ink Blaster and destroyed the Malicious Regime members and even consumed some of them, along with Righteous. Adam watched in shock at what has happened, as he did not expect for this to happen, before a hand grabbed him by the shoulder.
Have you decided
The demons aren't in your head?
Anomaly!Core has appeared, and smiled at her Adamabyss12, the creator and author of her existence, happy too see that she has made it just in time.
Don't feed the dark
That's taking over you
That's taking over you
That's taking over
Adamabyss12 went inside of the portal that leads to the Alpha Timeline, thanks to the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure having been the one to open it, as Adamabyss12 went inside as fast as he can. Righteous and Purified!Dream fight back briefly still, before they went inside of the portal they leads to the Alpha Timeline. The portal closes, as the Malicious Regime failed to get to Adamabyss12, and he looks inside of the Alpha Timeline, the various OCa that he has made from all of his stories are present, from the realm that he has made, thanks to the fact that he has created Anomaly!Core herself. Adamabyss12 sighed happily in relief, as he realizes...that's still hope for him after all.
Ending 2:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Destruction and ruin are present everywhere inside of the Alpha Timeline. Buildings had been destroyed, some people are on the verge of death, and reality has been glitching for the entirety of the Alpha Timeline. Then the scene cuts to another place that is filled with ruin, one that is between all of the Omniverses, and inside of this realm, countless soldiers are present, with some of them being from the Purger Insurgency, who are controlled, and some of them from the Malicious Regime who are also controlled. Then, the scene cuts to the True Good Princess, a nervous look into her face, before the scene flickers, as a vision of a female figure is shown behind her, strings wrapped around the Princess' finger, and coming from the female figure itself, as the vision shows the witch taking the Princess away.
The True Good Princess held her head, before the she flickers between o herself and another person.
(I'm alive)
A revolution lies inside
The scene flickers and changes into Hollow!Ink, who cackles and laughs at the sky, the Unnameable Soul within him glows, as his eyes turned purple, black veins cover his face, and black liquid comes out of his eyes..
(I'm alive)
No longer will this hate divide
Righteous!Error is later shown and he is roaring in the air, as the eyes on his right eye glowed, and his left eye became that of Myriad's, in order to reflect on his rage.
(and I'll stand)
I will fight, just to survive
Adamabyss12 is shown to the standing up, his hand over his shoulder to cover a wound, as a look of defiance is present. The princess is shown beside him, and held him, as she tries to steady him.
I won't be denied
I'm a Warrior Inside
Both Adamabyss12 and the True Good Princess turned around and look to see to see the 2 groups having now become controlled by the witch before them, who cackles madly at them, as they order them to go and take the True Good Princess. Adamabyss12 closed his eyes, as Anomaly!Core, just in time, used her power to have Adamabyss12 and the True Good Princess switch places with both Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error, although the 2 Polothorns aren't in the Alpha Timeline, and are instead somewhere else.
This is the war between you and I
This is the end to your evil lie
Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error landed onto the ground, as their eyes flared dangerously, before they stood go and look at the army that is charging at them. Righteous!Error then looks up to see the Witch, who smiled insanely, as she held her hand out.
And now you've pushed me to the edge
This is the rage in every tear I've cried
The moment that she held her hand towards Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, everyone now gained a new objective, which is to kill Error and Ink. But unfortunately, Error404 and Alpha have also joined in, as Alpha was forcefully turned into his Excalibur form, and Error404 forcefully has Malware control him, making him into Just666 Butterfly. This made Error and Ink enraged, their eyes flared even brighter, and their glare becoming more sharper and hateful, as they then roared into the air, before charging into battle.
(I'm alive)
A revolution lies inside
Error and Just666 Butterfly are shown to be clashing against each other, as they rammed into each other in the air, before Righteous!Error readies his right hand in a backhand position, before he swung it, as strings were swung and launched in a similar way to the Glitch Whip.
(I'm alive)
No longer will this hate divide
Ink and Excalibur are shown to also be clashing against each other, as Ink fired his Ink Blaster, while Alpha grabs onto Just666 Butterfly's Blue Master and threw it at the Ink Blaster, in order to try and cancel the attack, as Ink and Alpha, paintbrush and sword head, clashed against one another.
(and I'll stand)
I will fight, just to survive
Righteous!Error used his white strings to grab onto Just666'a and pulls it out, before he then grabbed it with his right hand, which has his soul in the palm of his hand, and used it to fuse with Just666 Butterfly, and Error666 has returned.
I won't be denied
I'm a Warrior Inside
Stellar!Astral came back, along with Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami and the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure looks up to see the Witch, her eyes filed with rage, which is unlike her, as she remembers what Malevolenternatus told her of what the Witch had done. The Witch looks at the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure, and recognized that she is the Source of Good's blood. Decided to kill her, she decides to try and get to her, but will need to take care of her armies first.
No longer will this fear hold strong
No longer will this fight prolong
She summoned Omnipotent in his Orin form, and Infected in his Hellseeker form, and commanded them to attack both Stellar!Astral Mother and Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami, before then decides to go and attack the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure. The authors also went into a fight, as they bright their OCs back into control, and got them to fight back against the Witch's forces.
I'm bleeding through my skin
Pushing through the lies within
I'm battling between tears and hate that I have seen
The Witch charged at the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure, as she narrowed her eyes, and smiled sinisterly, seeing her as weak compared to the Source of Good, thinking that she has a chance against her. But the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure absorbed both the Purity Heart and the Dream Stone, as well as having Purified!Dream empower her to the fullest extent of what he can do, as both he and Nightmare gained 1,000 apples after the vote is decided. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure charged at the Witch, as she is ready to make her pay, with her son and daughter, Michael and Elvinia, fight against some of the Witch's most powerful forces. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure charged at the Witch,
(I'm alive)
A revolution lies inside
The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure and the Witch clashed, causing their shockwave to spread everywhere throughout all of existence, smoke the size of a collection of Multiverses appeared, as the Youngest Daughter extended her hand out, ready to attack the Witch.
(I'm alive)
No longer will this hate divide.
The Witch moved out of the way, as the Youngest Daughter grabbed nothing but air. But she then realized where she will appear to next, as she then turns around and grabs the Witch by the neck, as the Witch then stabs the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure in the arm.
(and I'll stand)
I will fight, just to survive
But then, chains erupted from the ground, and held the witch in place, as they constricted her, as the Youngest Daughter then began to attack and hit the Witch, recalling how the vision nearly had gotten so close to coming true, the Witch having nearly taken the True Good Princess, and only was barely saved by extreme divine intervention and luck.
I won't be denied
I'm a Warrior Inside
The Witch broke free, and attempted to stab the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure. And as the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure stepped back, a crash suddenly was heard, as a black mass appeared behind the Witch. The Witch looked behind her, and sees Malevolenternatus, he has arrived, and he looks immensely pissed to see the Witch.
This is the war between you and I
This the war and I will fight!
The Witch recognized Malevolenternatus, as Malevolenternatus sees the Witch. A look of pure fury and nearly unrestrained rage is present, as his eyes flared, her narrowed at the same time. But he...he does it feel the same uncontrollable anger as before. The anger felt cold, dark, direct, like the Abyss itself is telling him to keep it directly on the Witch. Then, Malevolenternatus, refusing to let the Witch get away, decides to kill her as slowly and as painfully as he can. He used his power to prevent her from escaping, as he absorbed the evil that the Malicious Regime and the rest of existence has to increase his already immense power.
(I'm alive)
A revolution lies inside
(I'm alive)
No longer will this hate divide
Malevolenternatus then began to change into his true form, as he summons his reincarnations to his side, in order to kill the Witch with extreme prejudice. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure, in fear of this, but at the same time, refuses to let the Witch get away, also unleashed the full might of her power, as she also wants to make the Witch pay for what she has done.
(and I'll stand)
I will fight, just to survive
I won't be denied
I'm a Warrior Inside
The Witch, now filled with shock at this, but far more enraged then stunned, charged up at Malevolenternatus, as Malevolenternatus and the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure attacked the Witch. The Scene turns white, as the clash began, and then, the screen turns black, to show no outcome of the fight.
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