Purger Insurgency 3

The Purger Insurgency are in possession of equipment that are able to help them fight off against the Malicious Regime, as well as Items that they need to find in order for the Purger Insurgency to not be able to use. These items are of use to the Purger Insurgency, not simply because of how powerful it is, but because of their diverse abilities that allow them to become as useful as they are, not to mention the important uses that are needed when it is involved in the Alpha Timeline, its denizens, and the missions that is required, and the items that the Purger Insurgency are trying to find, they are to be located and brought to the Alpha Timeline so they can be used, or, in some cases, locked away due to the destructive capabilities that it has, unless the Purger Insurgency is ready to be able to use them.

In the Purger Insurgency's Possession:

True Being Slayer: As described in many tales and myths, the Being Slayer is known as the Omnipotent Blade. Said to make the very Gods bow before the wielder. The one who possess this blade can control the fate of the world and all that are beyond. Falklore, a member of the Purger Insurgency, is in possession of the Being Slayer. It later turned into the True Being Slayer by merging with the other Being Slayers from the entire Pond, making it an Aspen-level weapon that protects the user from even absorption from Malevolenternatus. She later gave it to the Deities Pantheon so they can use it and make weaker replicas. However, during a battle, Pleasure accidentally dropped it into the Crio Ocean, and in the process, made a shard lodged in the handle, although she took it out. But not only that, an unknown anomaly from underneath the Crio Ocean made it immune to its power being cancelled by what is considered its equal.

Writer's Manual: The Writer's Manual is a combination of all the Conduits from all of the Ponds, It is essential manual or journal to which the user can write anything they want and it will be done. Or it has been done. They can write anything they want, and it will be as it is written. Every power, every ability and every aspect of it. With it, they can have anything they want. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure has access to this due to using the True Being Slayer to merge all of the good types of Conduits into herself, and later took it out and merged all of evil and neutral conduits, both normal for forbidden, in order to lead into its creation. But for now, she cannot use it, for she needs the Soul of Independence to utilize its power. She later gave it to the Deities Pantheon so that they can make more of them, but weaker, yet are currently busing searching for Hara for his Soul of Independence. However, research closed down due to Alpha gaining a new True Substitution form that summoned a Soul of Independence not owned by anyone, now able to help the Deities Pantheon make working copies of the book. The Deities Pantheon dumped it into Endless at the center of the Crio Ocean, which made it far more stronger than it was before, once again reaching the True Being Slayer's power, but slightly closer.

Spear of the Non-Believer: A spear from the SCPverse that can slay gods. The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure possesses it against Malevolenternatus. It then merged with its alternate selves in all the Ponds to make it extremely powerful.

The Blade of Death N'Cherry: The Blade of Death N'Cherry just like its more medieval cousin is a blade known for being all powerful. Instead, being named the Nigh-Omnipotent blade, this blade is known for its history through the more eastern part of Eden and is less seen and more heard. The owner of this blade is Echostar, who has joined the Purger Insurgency. The Blade, with the power of the True Being Slayer, merged with its alternate selves to become the True Blade of Death N'Cherry, surpassing everything but the Writer's Manual and the True Being Slayer after their dip into the Crio Ocean.

Apples of the White Horizon: Apples from the White Horizon are known for being able to replenish and restore all that eat it. The Apples are often and were used during the End War at other long battles as a means of restoring troops back to their max strength and even work on restoring old constructs such as the White Horizon golems and have even been known to be used by conduits in the past. The seeds of the Apples are planted in a garden, where many trees of the Apples are grown, so that they can be used to heal members of the Purger Insurgency that have been severely injured during a very harsh fight.

Conduit Souls: Conduit souls are the living concepts of the world, a light of a lost idea, once one goes out it will never return to this world again. Conduit souls are the toughest kind of soul in the 10 Realities and is know to posses the power to change the world. The Alphatale Brothers, as well as Anomaly Core and Conduit!Cell, are in possession of such Souls. They are later used to make the Writer's Manuel, but reappeared thanks the True Being Slayer.

Book of Eyes: Originally owned by Ten No Kami, then Stellar!Astral Mother and then Omnipotent!Sans, the Book of Eyes is a book that acts as a gateway to the TransVoid, where the Beings reside in.

Book of Hearts: Just like the Book of Eyes is made to act as a gateway to the TransVoid, the Book of Hearts is made to act as a gateway to a realm with the properties of a void with worlds bigger than that of a solar system as the planets present had geometry much more complex than any that anyone had seen previously. It is believed that O'Brien, the Conduit of Passion, or Sol, once had this book, but has since been lost.

The Book of Souls: The same thing as both the Book of Eyes and the Book of Hearts, the Book of Souls acts as a gateway to another reality called the Cerovoid, which is likely the name of the realm that he is able to enter. It is a realm of which beings of souls and spirits reside in, being one of the most refined places in existence in the arts of concepts and souls as beings such as Jugan are able to forge super concepts superior to those that Eden and the Twisted Lands operate on, while other Gods have immense knowledge on how to awaken and manipulate souls better than anyone in the Edensphere, being able to even threaten some of the Conduits.

Book of Minds: The next Book that the Purger Insurgency manage to find and take back, this Book is a gateway to a void if that was expansive to say the least, a place transcending its smaller cousins just by looking at their Universes, they're beyond dimensions, beyond layers of Infinity and even surpassed the ideas of Omega numbers entirely along with aleph cardinals. It is a realm that is bigger than any and all Edenspheres within the Criotonic Universe, being so massive that its entire structure is able to surpass all infinite and uncountable infinite sets of primeval superiority over Edenspheres. It is a realm in which the mind is at its fullest test, and the many layers of the Book of Minds may mess with one's mind.

The Book of Truths: The last Book and the most mysterious Book of them all. This Book is shown to be very dangerous, as O'Brien, when he tried to enter this Book, he is instead evaporated into nothingness the instant that he opened the book itself, with Falklore and Echostar refusing to go further, even Iris refused, in order to show how dangerous it is. The Book of Truths, unlike the other Books, is to be located, not because it is powerful, but because it is too dangerous to be opened up again, due to the fact that there is something so powerful and horrible on the other side, that the Malicious Regime would be very likely to be able to see what it on the other side, and be able to use the knowledge that they will be able to gain. The Purger Insurgency manage to find it and it is currently being held in a very secure safe of sorts, so that the Malicuous Regime does not try and take it away and use it for their own benefit.

The Ultimate Nullifier: Originally belonging to Galactus, the father of Galacta, she now owns the device, but only uses it as a last resort if there is no other option left. It can only be summed by Galacta and only responds to her will, won't be summoned when her mind is being controlled.

Worldship/Taa II: Galactus' original ship that is the size of a Solar and is Möbius strip-shaped, it is now owned by Galacta who later inherits it, but is stored in a different section of the Alpha Timeline.

Mjölnir: Magni's weapon, it has embedded with the Infinity Stones, in which Galacta used her power to merge it with the other versions of it so that it can be used anywhere.

Astral Regulators: The Purger Insurgency found a number of Astral Regulators from dead marvel existences. Through their power, they used the combined power of all the Astral Regulators to make a sort of armor around everyone that prevents their powers from being absorbed, as well as their entire being, not to mention preventing any enhancements from being absorbed out of them, such as the Power Stars. They now gave it to the Deities Pantheon, who currently are making use for it in a similar way, but different. The Purger Insurgency found 19 in total.

Spider-Armor MK IV: An armor made by Peter Parker out of metallic liquid nanotechnology that can respond to both Spider-Man's mental and vocal commands and can provide Spider-Man with protection, he uses it to be able to help aid the Purger Insurgency.

The Purity Heart: Coming from a Mario Universe, the Purity Heart is a fusion of 8 component Pure Hearts to make it as strong as the Chaos Heart. The Purity Heart is fueled by love, which can empower beings such as Purified!Dream and the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure due to the fact that they embody the very nature of love and positivity by themselves.

The Chaos Heart: Coming from a Mario Universe, the Chaos Heart is a powerful artifact that is equal to the power of the Purity Heart. The Chaos Heart is empowered and fueled by hate, which can empower beings such as Corrupted!Nightmare and the Eldest Son of Pain. But as Corrupted!Nightmare is on the team, he will use it.

Power Star: From an alternate Power Star timeline where everyone lived and Mario was saved from the boos, the Power Star fused from all the Power Stars was given to the Purger Insurgency for safekeeping, and have now made more for the Humans, Faunuses, Monsters, etc. to fight against the humans that have been given a boost in power by the Malicious Regime, although only to subdue then and not kill them. The fused Power Star are even given a few more power stars to make it slightly more powerful, and all of them are given to every single member of the extraterrestials, supernatural species, humans, and some subspecies of humans such as the Conduits and Diclonius, multiplying their strength, speed, stamina, magic, senses, and fighting prowess to a far greater degree than ever thought possible. Only the Edenfolk, Conduits, the DC Aliens, some exceptionally strong Yokai, and both the SCP and Backrooms Gods, as well as anyone above them, are not given this, since they are way too strong for the Power Stars to make any noticeable effects on their strength.

The Dream Stone: Coming from a Mario Universe, the Dream Stone is a powerful artifact that is said to be made up of happy dreams and grant the wishes of anyone who possessed it. Having been restored to its original glory, Purified!Dream is now able to fuse with this artifact to make himself stronger then ever before, in order to create what he desires, just like how Dream Bowser is able to make what he wants.

The Dark Stone: A counterpart of the Dream Stone, the Dark Stone is a powerful artifact that is fueled by the nightmares of people. All pieces of it have been recovered and restored by the Purger Insurgency. Corrupted!Nightmare is able to fuse with the Dark Stone in order to make himself stronger, allowing him to bring forth the worst fears of his enemies to life.

Crystal Stars: Coming from a Mario Universe, the Crystal Stars are objects that are capable of a variety of powers. Only Mario is able to use them properly.

Power-Ups: Originating from the Mario Universe, the Power-Ups are used to transform people in order to give the specific powers of the power ups that is used. While not all of them are able to give the users enhanced strength, minus some exceptions, it is how the power ups are used and the large varieties of them that exist that make them important to be used against the Malicious Regime. The Power-Ups are being mass produced so that it can base used for everyone to use it. Some power ups, such as the Giant Mushroom power ups, are strictly to be used in case of large-sized enemies, along with the weapons that Sonic and Mega Man X have against such scenarios. Others like Wonder Flowers, Fire, Ice, and Bubble Flower, Drill Mushroom, Metal and Invisibility Cap, etc. can be used against the Malicious Regime normally. The power ups are now given buffs that are similar to the Power Ups in SMBZ, making them more useful and more powerful when against the Malicious Regime's forces. Additionally, Gigi, having become rather interested in the power ups from Mario, decided to make her own, even basing some off of other similar ones from different worlds as a reference, and has so far made a few of them, and made a lot for everyone to use and mass produce. Here are some notable ones below:

(Sledge Suit): Basically an upgraded version of the Hammer Suit and inspired by the power of the Sledge Bros, both the hat and the shell are reinforced and more durable than the normal hammer suit shell and hat, as well as armored gloves and boots. This power up allows the user to make a small earthquake or shockwave after landing from a jump, stunning a person and then knocking them off of their feet in order to go for a quick finish to attack, not to mention summoning large mallets that are larger than the hammers of the hammer suit, each and any being almost as big as the users themselves, increasing the damage that it can dish out both when thrown and when used in melee combat. Additionally, their physical strength is multiplied to the point that it's comparable to the strength of Devil Mario when he absorbs 3 Power Stars.

(Bomber Suit): Using the Bob-Ombs and Kirby's Homing Bomb Copy Ability as a reference, it takes on the form of an appearance resembling the Hammer Suit, but it is more white on the clothes with the helmet having Bob-Omb eyes.The user can throw the Bob-Omb at a target to make them explode, but the Bob-Omb's can also create wheels to home in on the intended target, and are able to link together to make the explosions larger and more damaging.

(Dragon Suit): a combination of the Tanooki Suit and Dragon Guise Gem, as well as Kirby's Dragon Fire and Monster Fire Forms, this grants the user the ability to fly, which makes them be covered in fire, the speed being almost comparable to the Tanooki, except a tiny bit faster, although it is still behind the speed of the Cape form, and can breath a continuous stream of fire from their mouths akin to a flamethrower which starts out as a large dragon-like shape. Users of this wear a green outfit that has the head of a dragon acting as a 'hood', and large red wings made of fire coming from their back.

(Polar Bear Suit): This suit is simply a more evolved version of the Penguin Suit. It makes the user wear a furry coat with a parka hat that resembles a polar bear. When a person fires snowballs, it instead flies in the air and doesn't bounce, and makes snowmen with a polar bear face appear, the snowman also appearing when an enemy's hit and encased in it. And while the suit doesn't slide on ice, it makes up for it by now treating ice like it is normal solid ground, meaning the user does not slip and slide.

(Ninja Suit): Basing it around the ninja, Kaede, of her mother's worlds and both Kat and Ana in Mario's world, as well as involving the Ninja Kirby form and his Bomb Cutter form, Gigi made a power up that allows those that use it to have the capabilities of a ninja, as well as make them wear a traditional ninja outfit, but with a plume on the back of their head, a cape that reaches down to the ankles, and a forehead protector, the image on the forehead protector varying in image to reflect a user's personality. It makes a person know of the art of ninjitsu even if they had no prior experience of that art, make a person run much faster than they usually do, possessing speeds and enhanced jumping that resemble the speeds of absorbing 3 Power Stars in the Power Star universe, the person is much more silent and stealthy, not making any noise when they walk or even run, and they now possesses a katana both for usual sword combat as well as energy slashes, able to summon shurikens that explode upon impact with a target and as fast as the kunai, the ability to climb walls, summon smoke bombs to evade enemies, and can use a substitution jutsu.

(Mujina Suit): An upgraded version of the Tanooki suit, it somewhat resembles the Tanooki suit, but with arms and legs of a badger. While possesses the same functions as the Tanooki suit, it is multiple times faster than it, although it is still behind the Cloak Feather in terms of speed. It is also able to gift a person with additional abilities, such as in the case of Mario, where he makes a 'ghost fire' in the form of a wheel, which is somewhat stronger than the fireballs of the fire flower itself. Not to mention that he can make music appear around him when he chooses to, and can make illusions to make his face look scary to the point of making his enemies paralyze with fear. For Luigi, it is an upgraded version of the Kitsune form called Kyubi Luigi, where he resembles the same as before, but the ears are somewhat longer and move in a fire-like way at the tips and has 9 tails behind him that he can spin to make fiery wheels, possesses enhanced senses, and can make illusions akin to the Phantom Ruby.

(Dash Mushroom): Made by using Sonic's DNA and using a mushroom, Gigi made a mushroom that can make a person do short dashes, although they cannot go at Sonic's fastest speed and the dash is done in short bursts. The clothes become light blue and dark blue when it is used.

(Titan Mushroom): An upgraded version of the Mega Mushroom, the Titan Mushroom is slightly bigger than the Mega Mushroom with its cap being more bulbous with it mainly being green with red dots. When used, it makes the person far larger in size than the Mega Mushroom, to the point that they can tower over the tallest of buildings. The time limit is also longer than the Mega Mushroom, lasting for 15 minutes. As such, due to how large it is, it's only used in case of emergencies.

(Twin Drill Mushroom): A combination of the Drill Mushroom and the Twin Drill evolved copy ability, it almost looks the same as the normal drill power up, except the clothes are darker and the mushrooms have a darker hue, with the drill on top split into 2 smaller ones in a similar manner to horns. When used, the drill on top of the head will split into 2, go onto the hands, and then grow out the new parts that are halved, allowing them to drill beneath the ground, faster compared to the normal drill power up and does more damage, and when coming out of the ground, the drills will fire from the hands as projectiles, and another drill will appear on top of the head again.

(Bomb Boo Mushrooms): A black and yellow-eyed Boo Mushroom, it is able to change anyone into a Bomb Boo, granting them the capabilities of them, meaning that they can become intangible and can explode. And when they explode, they simply revert back to their normal selves like nothing happened.

(Teleport Flower): A light blue flower that can allow a person to teleport in short distances manually, but has to be done manually by extending a hand out, and is even used in midair, but cannot pass through solid objects. It can also be done at will, but the location of teleportation is random. The clothes of those that use it are light blue and white.

(Telekinesis Flower): A purple flower that allows users to utilize telekinesis on whatever objects or enemies that they extend their hand at, making the enemies or objects surrounded by a purple aura. The clothes become purple and red when this power up is used.

(Magma Flower): Basing it off of Kirby's Volcano Fire form, the Magma Flower, being a flower with black pedals and red volcanic crack-like markings present on them, is an upgrade to the Fire Flower, allowing the user to be able to launch balls of magma that explodes upon impact with a target, which can also hit multiple targets at once. They can also summon magma beneath their feet to glide through the air. The clothes' colors are similar to the Red Star power clothes, but reversed in positions.

(Blizzard Flower): Combining it with 2 different variants of the ice flower and basing it off of Kirby's Blizzard Ice form, the Blizzard flower, being a flower with ice crystals as the petals, is an upgrade to the Ice Flower, allowing a person to fire icicles as projectiles to freeze multiple enemies at once, make ice platforms to Skaar on when on lava, and even can freeze lava geysers temporarily. The clothes are similar to the ice power, but the colors are reversed in position, and that it now includes a sort of cap that is shaped like a Trojan warrior helmet, but with icy spikes present in each as a row on both sides of the helmet.

(Vine Flower): This green flower allows for users to be able to summon a vine from their hands in order to whip the opponent and send them away. The whips also surprisingly hurt despite being made of plants. The clothes become green and white upon usage of this power up.

(Fighter Flower): Basing it off of the few forms of Kirby that he is able to utilize close combat, such as Figher, Suplex, Throw, and Wrestler red flower that allows the user to be able to learn different martial arts and combat skills. The clothes become purple, red, and blue to those that use it.

(Shield): The shield is used for it's intended purpose, being able to protect against any attack that comes towards the user. They can summon it to their hands and ram into the opponent to knock them away, and can even protect against a Thwomp, which will make the shield break, but another one can be summoned again. The clothes become brown when it is used.

(Sword): Based off of the Sword power from Kirby, mainly the Morpho Knight Sword, and the Master Kinoko Sword, it is able to make quick energy slashes and can be altered to become huge to be used for slow, yet stronger strikes of the sword through absorbing enough Super Mushrooms. The clothes become silver and white in color.

(Cloak Feather): An upgraded version of the Cape Feather, the Cloak Feather is a white, blue-tipped feather that is able to make a white cloak around a person. It is able to fly faster than the Cape Feather, possessing speeds that is 3 times the speed of the SMBZ Cape Feather, almost to the point that the mere speed of the Cloak Feather can make shockwaves that can knock people away and make it seem like teleporting.

(Jump Feather): Basing it off of the Crouching High Jump technique and Kirby's Hi-Jump copy ability, users of this power up gain a blue cape that is a couple inches longer than the person using it and wings on the feet. This allows the user to jump higher and reach places they normally cannot, damaging foes they collides with and gaining invincibility during the jump, as well as rocket downward with a similarly devastating dive, but will gently glide through the air when they aren't doing either.

(Magnetic Cap): Using the Metal Cap and alter it by imbuing it with Magnetic properties, the Magnetic Cap turns a person into a metallic version of themselves, except that the gloves and shoes become red and blue, and the limbs look robotic in nature. Users of this are able to use magnetism to either pull enemies towards them through magnets that they summon onto their hands or make them walk on metallic surfaces, especially walls and a ceiling.

(Chameleon Cap): Basing it off of the capabilities of a Chameleon, users of this cap are able to camouflage both their colors and their body temperature to match that of the surrounding area, only detected using those that have equipment that involves taking x-rays, as well as being able to extend their tongue to reel opponents in. Their eyesight is also enhanced to see ultraviolet in order to see anything that is hidden and possesses a range of vision akin to 360 degrees with the eyes on the cap. Users of this power will have a green cap with chameleon eyes present, the clothes will become green and orange, and the tips of their shoes will be curved upwards into a sort of spiral. There will also be some orange markings beneath the eyes.

(Water Flower): Basing it off of Water Kirby, the water flower allows for users to be able to fire water at very fast speeds and is highly pressurized upon being fired, being able to do as much damage as the fires flower. The clothes become aqua blue and dark blue.

(Hyper Star): Basically an upgraded Super Star, it is a white star grants invincibility for a much longer time, now for 7 minutes and allows a person to fly at very fast speeds that surpasses that of the Cloak Feather while also surrounding them in a multi-colored. However, this power is strictly to be used only in the case of large groups of enemies and in the case of when a single enemy becomes far too much to handle.

Phantom Ruby: From a Sonic.exe universe that is merged with a version of Dusttale, the alternate Dust!Sans brought in some Phantom Rubies from his world, and the Purger Insurgency made great use of it and is able to make more Phantom Ruby that are very strong, with even some of the Phantom Rubies able to give other people transformations akin to super forms.

Super Emeralds: Originating from the Sonic Universe, the Super Emeralds are Chaos Emeralds that are transformed with the help of the Master Emerald, and are basically enhanced versions of the Chaos Emeralds. They are used to transform Sonic and Shadow into their Hyper Forms, allowing them to become Hyper Shadic. However, this form is only used when it is necessary, due to the time limit of maintaining the fused Hyper Shadic form. However, Sonic and Shadow, with the enhancements that they got from the Cyber Corruption and the Black Arms DNA, can use it to become Hyper Sonic 2 and Hyper Shadow 2 to further strengthen themselves.

Master Emerald: Guarded by Knuckles on Angel Island, the Master Emerald is one of the most powerful objects to ever exist, made not only to counter the power of the Chaos Emeralds, but also is able to enhance the power of the Chaos Emeralds and make them into Super Emeralds. It possesses unlimited power, and thus is used by the Purger Insurgency for the uses that it can give.

Time Stones: The Times Stones are objects that appears in Sonic Universe. They are seven artifacts which allow their users to move through and manipulate time. Silver the Hedgehog can use the Time Stones to use Chronos Control, a technique that allows the user to time travel. These stones are strictly to be used only when it is absolute necessary.

Monitors: The Monitors from the Sonic Universe are used to either make elemental shields, or enhance the speed of anyone that hits it. They are much more fewer compared to Mario's Power Ups.

Wisps: Alien creature made of Hyper-Go-Ons, they are beings that are able to bestow a person a certain Color Power that grant them new and powerful abilities when entering a person, but only when the person that is using then trusts them. A large number of Wisps, who trust Sonic, decided to join in so that they can aid him and the Purger Insurgency in the battle that they are now inside of. The Mother Wisp also joined in, in order to use her power to aid the Purger Insurgency in their missions.

World Rings: Coning from the Arabian Knights in Sonic's World, Sonic can now use all 7 to access the full power and potential of his Darkspine form, making him comparably powerful to his Super Form, minus the fact that he is able to use fire and had the ability to warp reality.

Paradox Prism: This crystal is an objects that comes in 5 types of crystal shards, capable of space and time manipulation, able to alter reality. Through the use of technology, they can be infused into Sonic to transform him into Prismatic Sonic.

Cyber Corruption: This infection is the result of prolonged exposure to cyber-energy, which can get a person stuck between realities at the climax of the infection. But this infection has benefits in being able to harness its power. Sonic was given the Cyber Corruption again after his burned out last time, allowing him to return to the Super Sonic 2 form.

Silver Sonic v3.5: The Silver Sonic v3.0 from the Archie Universe, due to Sonic having once piloted the v1.0 Silver Sonic, this giant metallic copy is now repurposed to act as a giant combat suit for Sonic to use and pilot, only in the case of when he is against a giant opponent, as it has both strength, speed, power, size, and maneuverability, not to mention being upgraded to be as durable as the v1.0 Silver Sonic, as well as being upgraded to be as large as the first Silver Sonic model, so that Sonic can fit inside of the large robot.

Silver Sonic v2.0: Once destroyed by Shadow at Time Square, Silver Sonic v2.0 has since been fully restored, and thus is used to patrol the Alpha Timeline, so that it can be used to scout and guard against any of the Malicious Regime's members that somehow are able to enter the Alpha Timeline itself. The amount of weapons and the limitless energy supply that it has in its possession is more then enough to make it very important scout, especially since it won't be able to ever shut down.

Ride Armor: Originating from the Mega Man X universe, the Ride Armor is a giant mechanical armor that Reploids such as X, Zero, Vile, and Axl can use. Originally intended for civil engineering and transportation, it is also used for combat due to its strength and endurance. As the times went on, combat Ride Armors were also developed, each with different strengths and uses. X owns many of the Ride Armors that he has used over the course of his adventures, mainly, he will use 2 variations of the Ride Armors, that being the Raiden II, which uses a drill arm, and the Gouden, a long range combat Ride Armor that's equipped with a cannon in the left arm and missile launchers in the back. The Ride Armor is often to be brought alongside the Silver Sonic v3.0 that Sonic himself uses, in the case of large-sized enemies.

Ultimate Armor: Different from X's parts, this armor was developed purely for the purpose of increasing combat capabilities, rapidly boosting X's combat potential. However, as this armor pushes X's abilities to their limit, prolonged use can be dangerously taxing. Because of this, Mega Man X only uses this power in emergencies.

Mother Elf: Having been purified and returning to its original function, the Mother Elf is a sentient anti-virus software, now being repurposed to protect the computers of the Alpha Timeline against any hackers that the Malicious Regime might use in order to try and steal their informations, as well as possibly take back the plans that the Purger Insurgency uses. Currently now trying to give it a new program in wh in it can take control of the Zip-Crawlers to make gathering data from the Malicious Regime computers much more efficient and coordinated then it was ever before.

RYNO VI Protosuit: Ratchet and Clank have their RYNO VI Protosuit brought to the Alpha Timeline, and are now always brought along with the occasions together involving the Giant Mushroom Power Up, Silver Sonic v3.0, and the Ride Armor.

Ratchet's Arsenal: Ratcher gets to use all of the weapons that he had used in the past in order to help aid the Purger Insurgency in taking down the Malicious Regime. This includes firearms and armor.

Nanotech: From Ratchet's home universe, he is able to give the Purger Insurgency his Nanotech to be able to aid the members of the Purger Insurgency to fight, due to their ability to heal, and the fact that they can upgrade weapons and other machinery.

Dimensional Map: Created by a Lombax named Mags in Ratchet and Clank's home reality, the Dimensional Map is brought in so that it can be used in the efforts to try and make plans for the Purger Insurgency in how they will plan their attacks.

Avalon: The Avalon is a shield generator that is used to protect around the Alpha Timeline city, originally from the GlitchDust timeline. The bubble it creates can be manipulated, opening and closing the shield in very specific regions is a very simple process. Its interface informs about any damage sustained that occurs to the shield, by creating a circle over it to highlight the damaged area. It's since been upgraded in order to try and use less energy, and to enhance the defense that it has.

Transport Card: Transport Cards are cards that allow its user to grant wishes through the synapse. The newest model can grant almost any wish without disappearing. Only Ikaros is in possession of such a card. The cards that many Purger Insurgency can use are older models, which can only be used once. This, usage of this is important, depending on when to use it and the purpose of using it,

Dive Game: The Dive Game is a device which enables other people to revisit dreams. They are often used to go onto the dreams of other people so that they can retrieve and bring objects into the real world. Could be used whenever they need to grab something into the Malicious Regime's dreams.

Universal Remote Control: Can be used to control many different things, such as being able to add various other feature inside of a house. They are used only when they are needed, and because of this, are often used in rather important circumstances.

Transformation Device: This device is able to turn anything or anyone into something different. For example, turning a tree into a metal statue of its original self. This device is used only when it is needed, as it is forbidden to abuse this power.

D-Dial: Made by Righteous!Error's Lala Satalin Deviluke, with the D-Dial, like a standard phone, anyone can use it to call other people. But unlike a standard phone, it uses dimension technology that contains items which anyone uses to "call" upon them in the virtual space that they reside in. Having made 2 copies originally for her sisters, the Purger Insurgency is now able to mass-produced and use them for their members to wield, now upgrading them to now be able to communicate with them outside of the Alpha Timeline and too each other, having increased the virtual space within the D-Dial, as well as store their objects and weapons inside of the D-Dial, and must be carried with them at all times when on a mission. It is strictly ruled to be carried around during a mission at all times, until they are sent back to the Alpha Timeline from the mission that they are on. Apples of the White Horizon, up to 4 of them, are to be carried by each person that is carrying the D-Dial.

D-Dial Deluxe: Made to be an improvement of the D-Dial that Lala has made in nearly every way, this invention takes on the form of a Mobile Phone, instead of the flip phone that Lala has designed it to be. It has apps, like a Mobile Phone, but each of it is based on the conditions of the Crio Ocean, such as its Nexus, the people still alive, its status, the maps of different Ponds, etc. the virtual storage inside of the phone has increased even more so then ever before, and now is able to use an app that can allow a person to decide what objects they want to appear out of the improved phone. Despite this, it can still be used to make calls to the Alpha Timeline, like the normal D-Dial itself, as well as like any normal type of phone. A prototype has originally been made, and so far, most of its functions are promising, with only a couple of set backs, such as the limited power that it has. The newer, improved versions have got rid of the set backs and integrated some Urusei inventions, such an improved G-Con to manipulate gravity and a Time-Machine Lite to deal with time travel.

Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun Deluxe: An improved version of the Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun bracelet that Righteous!Error's Lala has invented, this invention takes on the form of a platform and it is is able to teleport a multitude of people at once by standing on it, and has been upgraded to be used to transport people to different Omniverses. The flaw is that it is also a one way trip because the platform doesn't teleport together with passengers, but this has sense been eliminated, thanks to Anomaly!Core being able to bring them back to the Alpha Timeline. Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun Deluxe resides strictly inside of the Alpha Timeline base in Mission Control, and is connected to a computer that is able to help the platform in which place it needs to teleport a person or a group of people to, as well as being connected to the Dimensional Map itself.

Almighty Tool: Also known as an all purpose tool, is a wand-like device that Lala uses to quickly build a new invention wherever she is, or modify and upgrade any old Earth object into another one of her inventions. Now it is used to upgrade any machine in the Alpha Timeline, in order to make the machinery used much more efficiently then before, as well as upgrade some of the machines used to try and take in the Malicious Regime much more then before.

Sui-Sui Board-Kun and Easy-Easy Runner-Kun: An ironboard shaped machine that hovers of the ground and has a tremendous speed, but due to how fast it is, it is strictly used in order to try and escape certain members of the Malicious Regime, and gain as much distance as possible, so that Anomaly!Core can make a portal to the Alpha Timeline for them, but only if the situation requires it. It is mainly in the case when there are either too many Malicious Regime members to fight against. The same is said for Easy-Easy Runner-Kun, a pair of shoes which increases the user's speed, but is not under the wearer's control, and thus, the strict usage of it is the same as Sui-Sui Board-Kun, at least until a way to make the shoes controllable for a user becomes possible.

Kuru Kuru Rope-Kun: This invention is a device that launches a cord with a heart-like tip in order tie up the target easily. They have since been modified to be used as hidden traps in order to restrain members of the Malicious Regime, as long as the me never did the Malicious Regime are not stronger then the cords themselves. The durability of the ropes has since been enhanced, so that escape will be much more difficult then ever before.

Cancel Ammo Launcher-Kun and Sticky-Gooey Launcher-Kun: 2 Cannons that Lala Satalin Deviluke has made. Cancel Ammo Launcher-Kun's purpose is that it can cancel the effects of other devices, while Stocky-Gooey Launcher-Kun is that is used to shoot out a really sticky goo substance. Both are useful in cancelling the machinery of the Malicious Regime, or to be used to temporarily incapacitate a member of the Malicious Regime, as long as they are not strong enough to break through the gooey substance that's shot out.

Clone Gun: Owned by Lum in an Ink's Unionverse, the Purger Insurgency made mass produced versions of the Clone Guy, and have been testing it on some trees and different plants. Seeing how much they can clone, they decide to use it when the situation requires it.

Strength Pills: Pills that can enhance the strength of others for a temporary amount of time, the Purger Insurgency made more of them to give them to more human-level fighters so that they can use it against opponents that are stronger than them.

G-Con: A small device capable of reversing the direction of gravity within the area of a household, the Purger Insurgency made more larger and more complex versions of the G-Con in order to not only reverse but alter gravity in a number of ways. Some of them are even incorporated into D-Dial Deluxe.

Mighty Morphin' Ear-ring: An earring that allows anyone to take on any form that they desire, the Purger Insurgency made more of them to give them to the best human members of the Joker Faction in order to sneak by others.

Fantasy Gum: The Purger Insurgency manage to find a way to make more of the Fantasy Gum, which allowed everyone to blue a bubble gum that gives them what they want. They use it in case they do not have any items left and need to make one in the middle of any sort of fight.

SCP-184: Known as the Architect, SCP-184 is able to expand any room it is put in, even mental realms. SCP-184 is currently being used inside of the Alpha Timeline of how much range it can cover, taking possibly hundreds of years to cover an entire lake being one example.

SCP-427: Also known as the Lovecraftian Locket, this was made when SCP-500 is put in SCO-914 in the fine setting. Although it is dangerous, that is only after 1 hour is passed. A time limit it 10-15 minutes is always set to those that is using it, so that the locket would automatically close to prevent the flesh beasts from appearing inside the Alpha Timeline.

SCP-914: Also known as the Clockworks, this SCP has the power to Destroy (rough) Disassemble (Coarse), Recreate (1:1) Improve (Fine) or improve with anomalous properties (Very Fine). Due to this, weapons within the Purger Insurgency would be used to increase the strength of the army to an extent. SCP-999 was put into the Very Fine, which now gave him the strength to take down the Scarlet King reincarnation from the Malicious Regime.

SCP-6820: This SCP is a highly-classified advanced eigenweapon that is capable of doing anything, such as manipulate reality, causality, plot, concepts, etc. although originally, this weapon would have been corrupted by SCP-682 when the foundation tried to destroy it, this weapon is a remade version that the Purger Insurgency can use, now capable of doing various tasks for them, as long SCP-6820 does not became aware that it exists.

Object 97: Also known as the Everything Machine within the Backrooms, this powerful and mysterious device resembles a circular device, made up of component "Hexcubes". Each Hexcube stores data according to what its purpose is programmed to be, which can be virtually anything. It is currently hypothesized to be capable of virtually anything, and can be used to create or destroy any matter. However, any matter which is created or destroyed will be transmuted to a different medium, often inheriting capabilities similar to the medium taken from. The matter itself collapses in an unidentified way, breaking multiple laws of energy and thermodynamics. This machine is used in the Purger Insurgency along with SCP-6820.

Object 96: Known as Blanche's Gifts's, the Purger Insurgency are able to make more of them with permission from Blanche herself in order to deal with various situations.

Object 87: Also known as the Worn Sacks, it is a type of backpack belongs to the backrooms that, after being used with a Mobile Vacuum Cleaner, will make the interior of the bag large amount of storage space within the Worn Sack by around 700 Meters. This Backpack is mass produced by the Purger Insurgency.

Object 51: Known as the Pockets and is used as an alternative to the Worn Sacks, the Pockets are utilized to store objects that are bigger than even humans. They are used in the case that the Worn Sacks are somehow destroyed during a mission as a sort of backup storage.

Object 17: Also known as Liquid Silence, this liquid's very particles contains a pocket dimension that can hold an amount of sound relative to the amount of Liquid Silence. This liquid is currently used to aid members in stealth missions. The Purger Insurgency has made an entire ocean body of Liquid Silence the size of ROXs 42 Bb for the many people inside of them Purger Insurgency.

Entity 39: Known as Organiguns, they are plant-like entities that take the form of various types of firearms through a sort of special bullet that acts as a seed in the Backrooms, the Organiguns are grown in a special sort of garden that allows them to grow to full maturity, and are used by members of the Purger Insurgency who wants to keep it, in which they grab and uproot it from the ground, so that the Organiguns could attach its roots to the individuals that grabbed it to suck out an adequate amount of blood to be able to create ammunition out of firesalt. They are also only used if necessary and are mainly stored in boxes.

Shem HaMephorash: A book of the angels, the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure manage to find it in the Omniverse, and are very strong. She prepares to open the book when the time comes.

NullVoid Reactors: Reactors that hold the essentials of existence itself inside of the NullVoid, only FGoD Error404 has access to them, due to connecting to the NullVoid.

Golden and Black Apples: Made from the Tree of Feelings, the Golden and Black Apples are the very apples that made Purified!Dream and Corrupted!Nightmare as strong as they are. Eating one more of each, the 1,000th apple, will make them completely immortal, almost akin to a god. They later used it, becoming extremely powerful and close to normal Ink and Error's power, but still behind them.

Planned Uses for the Purger Insurgency:

Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun: The bracelet that the Deluxe is based off of in terms of function, the Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun allows the user and anyone in physical contact with them to teleport to a random nearby place, so there is no telling where they might end up. Once this device is used, it will take a whole day to recharge in order for it to be used again, as Lala stated that it's only for emergencies such as being chased, or, in the case or the Purger Insurgency, used to make a quick return to the Alpha Timeline without the need for Anomaly!Core's help. Due to the flaws that it has, efforts are made to remove all of it, and the bracelet will always link its return to the Alpha Timeline. Plans for this involving the True Good Princess in getting her to the Alpha Timeline as quickly as possible, are ongoing.

"There is also a plan at play in that we are trying to make a machine in order to try and bring back the Source of Good from what the Leader of Good had done to her in the long distant past, in the actual hopes of being able to make Malevolenternatus stop with his unneeded bloodshed. So far, it isn't going well, as we do not have good results as of this day, but we are not giving up just yet, for we cannot simply back down and let the Malicious Regime do what they want. We are going to do whatever it takes to bring back the Source of Good and end this unneeded bloodshed and violence, and hopefully end this war with anymore deaths, and the authors and their nexus' still alive, and with the True Good Princess kept alive. Malevolenternatus may have said that there is no other way, but all of us are going to find a way for us to return her without sacrificing anymore innocent lives, especially the life of the Princess."-The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure

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