Purger Insurgency

This is the Alphatale version of Team Hope, and is made to be a birthday gift to WAMred. WAMred, if you are able to see this link I'll give you, I know that this is not best birthday gift that I have made for you. But even so...I hope you like it.

The Purger Insurgency is a counter-team to the efforts of Malevolenternatus and his Malicious Regime, who damaged the Nexus Core of Wattpad, and made its existence unstable for the Wattpad authors and their OCs. The team since has become its own fighting force now able to stand on its own, the bases and headquarters of the team reside inside of the Alpha Timeline, a realm created by Anomaly!Core as a base of operations. Their goal is to protect what remains of the Omniverse against the Malicious Regine, along with the one that has corrupted their Omniverses. The team has several founders and is open to anyone, even then it takes in refugees who have been attacked by the Malicious Regime.

The Alpha Timeline

The Alpha Timeline is a closed off Interdimensional space that was found and own by Anomaly!Core. Originally a vast white space, it was later converted into a sanctuary for those who lost their homes; either through genocide, Destroyers, or many other circumstances. It's acclaimed as the Safest place in the Omniverse, now having become the safest realm outside the Pond, due to Anomaly!Core evolving into the Prime Conduit of Existence thanks to the Youngest Daughter.

Capital City: Thanks to new resources and massive amount of volenteers, there is now a large city where the village once stood. The city contains a few buildings, a shopping center, roads/streets, and several gated communities for people living in the Alpha Timeline. Surronding the capital are a bunch of smaller villages in which people do still live in by choice.

Guard Headquaters: With all sorts of new people coming in from tons of universes, theres a lot of Royal Guard members and varients, and many of them work here. Its a large facility northeast of the capital, the facility offers training and lots of smaller programs for children and people living in the Alpha Timeline. They all collectively form the Harmony Guard, with somewhere estimated 900 - 14,400 members, they take their job seriously and help partol and defend the Alpha Timeline espically the door area.

The Coliseum: The coliseum has been improved and was once used as a means of entertainment, with people hosting battle tournments there and even football games. However, ever since the attack began, it is now used for intense sparring.

School: School still opperated in the Alpha Timeline, however, due to the large intake of refugees there are now multiple schools. Similar to Deltarune in style if many ages being together inside on school with some ranging from Kindergarden - 9th grade.

Greyscale's Library: Greyscale, with the help of Anomaly!Core, is able to make a sort of library with all the knowledge that he has obtained, which he can share with others if they are really interested in it.

The Radio Towers: The once single raido tower of the Alpha Timeline has multipled in between 20-50 tiers, and with technology improving still its only bound to grow more.

New higherachy: Since there is now a capital city, and Anomaly!Core now always being there, a position open for a leader and watcher of the Omega Timeline. Although of course, they couldn't appoint one single person to watch the entire timeline, so as a solution they made a system similar to how most surface AU's are.

Summoning Spire: Based off of A.D.A.M's Summoning Spire when he used it to collect all the Chaos Emeralds in his universe, the Purger Insurgency manage to create a similar machine and location without using Tails and Shadow, but instead the Master Emerald, and instead collected all the Super Emeralds in the entire Ponds. This can be used to allow Sonic, Shadow, and Silver to use the Super Emeralds while on the middle of a fight quickly.

Cyber Space: A digital dimension from Sonic's universe, a portal was able to be made due to a version of Dust Sans from a fusion of Dusttale and Sonic.exe Nightmare Universe, who merged with GlitchDust when he went into the Alpha Timeline. The portal was taken in as well, and the Purger Insurgency members occasionally enter it from time to time in hopes of using it as a backup base of sorts, but also use it as some sort of training area for the Purger Insurgency members that want to practice on their skills. Cyber Space, now due to the Alpha Timeline, has not just recorded locations from Sonic's world, but also locations from Mario, Mega Man X, classic Undertale, Outertale, Gensokyo, Deviluke, Memorze, Oniboshi, Neptune, the World of Darkness, and Alphatale.

Null Space: A world of absolute nothingnessh that was created by the mystical powers of the Phantom Ruby, the Purger Insurgency, due to an alternate Dust Sans who is from a fusion of Dusttale and Sonic.exe Nightmare Universe, the Purger Insurgency repurposed it to be used as prison cells for the Malicious Regime, and unlike with Infinite's, due to the use of the True Being Slayer, this one is genuinely endless and cannot be escaped from by any means, only able to be accessed by the Phantom Ruby itself and those that use it. Not even an Aspen-Level entity can open it with their own power. It currently houses Sark, who is contained inside of Null Space.

Site-13: This site is made by the SCP Foundation, clearly in the same appearance and functions as the one from SCP-1730, being the biggest and grandest of the Foundation sites. But unlike the one from SCP-1730, this is made by the more morally good foundation and not the one that merged with the GOC, yet still possessing the same technology as the one from that alternate timeline.

SCP-458: The Never-Ending Pizza Box that once just simply made pizzas when opened, after being put into SCP-914 and enhanced at the Very Fine setting, while it looks the same on the outside aside from looking bigger in size, being as large as the biggest pizza box made, being 54 inches square, the box itself leads to a pocket dimension that houses a sort of infinite pizzeria that delivers free pizzas for free, as well as breadsticks, garlic bread bowl, and the finest mid-tier wine they have, with the staff friendly and remembering the names of those that entered it.

SCP-1660-2: Known as the Unearthly Forest, it is accessed by SCP-1660-1, an elaborately decorative oil lamp made from silver, coral and the shell of a nautilus. The Foundation has taken this SCP from Marshall, Carter, and Dark due to a mole taking it from them.

Prometheus Laboratory: A lab for the Prometheus labs that are made to make more anomalous machines and weapons for the Purger Insurgency, with the machines that they make being useful for the Purger Insurgency, due to their practical uses.

Wanderer's Library: The base of the Serpent's Hand, Pleasure found a way to extend how much the Library goes and used the True Being Slayer to merge the libraries together into a single Library that extends throughout the entire Lake. The Serpent's Hand agrees to do all that they can to help.

Church of the Second Hytoth: A surprisingly heroic church that wants to protect the learn more about the multiverse and all of existence, the Purger Insurgency saved then from the Malicuous Regime, and took their deity for aid. In response, the Church decided to help the Purger Insurgency fight the Malicious Regime.

Gamers Against Weed Museum: The Purger Insurgency brought in Gamers Against Weed for an unknown reason, and the group made a museum filled with anomalous art, even the SCPs that they managed to make. They also double as fighters since some of the arts have offensive anomalous powers to help the Purger Insurgency fight back.

Manna Charitable Foundation: The Purger Insurgency recruited the many variants of this organization from the entire Pond, they aid the Purger Insurgency by freely distributing anomalous objects or products to people living in the Alpha Timeline to protect it from being plagued by poverty, warfare, famine, and natural disaster.

Three Moons Initiative Base: The Three Moons Initiative was recruited in various parts of the Pond, along with the Spider Elder God ruler of Corbenic, Jalakåra, and the Three Moons Initiative goes to help the Purger Insurgency no matter what happens, with Jalakåra also aiding in the Insurgency.

Church of the Broken God: Due to the Purger Insurgency having brought back Mekhane, the Church of the Broken God decided to join in and help the Purger Insurgency since Mekhane is allies with them. They also aid Prometheus Labs to help create more machines in dealing with the Malicious Regime themselves.

Cygnus Archive: Home of Blanche of the Backrooms, the Purger Insurgency were somehow able to get Blanche and her home to the Purger Insurgency when the Backrooms from an alternate Pond was about to be destroyed due to a force called the Decay. The entire level is stored inside of a building, with the interior far bigger than the exterior. Blanche, who survives and is inside Cygnus Archive, has since been very thankful that she can now explore more.

The Endless City and Home on the Road: Once known as Level 11 and Level 864, the Endless City and Home on the Road levels were both about to be destroyed by the Decay, but the Purger Insurgency manage to rescue it and turned both into a pocket dimension that is accessed by a door that the Purger Insurgency made for it. This is so that they can access the other locations that 11 is connected to, such as the Snackrooms. The RV pocket dimension is also used as homes for housing small families of 4-7 that wants to be left alone and not in large groups. These 2 locations are also planned to be used as back up sanctuaries in case anything were to happen to the Alpha Timeline.

Malignance: Once simply called Level 1.3, Malignance is now a dimension that resembles a one square mile of white rooms and corridors, floored by unblemished tile made of an unknown, smooth material, which feels almost soft to the touch. The surfaces of the level cannot be sullied by grime and upon being damaged will gradually regenerate. It is useful due to the Detox Zones that it has, using it as an alternative for SCP-427 when it is not available. It basically acts as a quick hospital for those that have been wounded during a fight against the Malicious Regime, and is contained in a building that resembles a hospital, yet the dimension still bigger on the inside.

Comely: Originally known as Level 369, this now-converted pocket dimension takes on the form of an indoor construction of infinite size filled with an ever-beautiful and ever-floral garden, with flora and grama at times singing and able to speak to others. It is often used as a place of peace and calmness whenever the Purger Insurgency wants to enjoy some peaceful moments, and is accessed by a sort of glass door that allows people to see it from the other side, as well as doubling as a greenhouse that is used to make food, such as apple trees.

Lotka Lake: Originally known as Level 240, it is a lake surrounded by a foggy forest with no size-limit, and is a home to Entity 114 and Camille Northcot, and is often used to get food from the realm.

The Crimson Forest: A crimson-colored forest inhabited by creatures resembling those of the ones from Earth, but more strange in appearance and inhabited by Lanterns, the Purger Insurgency was able to bring the Crimson Forest to the Purger Insurgency and is accessed as a pocket dimension, and is shown to be limitless in size.

Hortus Aeturnus: Formerly known as Level 414 of the Backrooms, it is a grandiose botanical paradise, home to flowers and other flora across the land, and home to humanoid species called the Ivlania. The Purger Insurgency saved this level during the events of the Decay destroying the Backrooms, the interior of the entire level becoming a pocket dimension and is located in a greenhouse that has the entrance to it.

The Atrium and the The Oakes Inn: A couple of Backrooms level that the Purger Insurgency rescued in one Omniverse when it was about to be destroyed by the Decay, The Atrium and the The Oakes Inn, formerly Level 979, are both used as a sort of hotel-like location whenever people want to have a vacation inside of it in order to have a break from the war.

Crio Sea Hub: A type of a surveillance room that has been made by some of the top smartest people in the different Multiverses, it is used to monitor and watch over in case Malevolenternatus and his forces decided to attack and corrupted an Omniverse. And it is not limited to the Omniverse that the Author that has made their existence. It is also able to look into the other sections of the Omniverse that other Authors have made. After the war escalated, it was upgraded to now view and monitor the Crio Sea.

King and Queen Meeting Room: A type of Meeting Room that exists in a pocket dimension that Anomaly!Core has made from a hidden door inside of an unknown part of the Alpha Timeline, it is used to assemble and talk to the members of the King and Queen Factions, about the situation that they are in, what to do next, or of a plan or solution that they have to go against the enemies.

Dreamer Heaven: Not really in the Alpha Timeline, but is a location that they manage to find and hid away elsewhere and merged it from 2 different types of Heavens. The Calculated Heaven is a sentient artificial afterlife made by Null using a machine made by his late son called "the Conductor" and the artificial "Binary Soul", allowing it to calculate and do anything, and is designed to create an all new world. An all new reality. Taking everything from here and using it to create something new. It is the embodiment of the hopes and dreams of every being in reality, now of every being in the Crio Sea. its purpose is to recreate the world free of alphatales chaos, where everyone can have their own more perfect reality where everyone is happy, and creation and destruction are no longer a factor. including a place where Null's son is still alive. Those that wish to join Calculated Heaven have their minds forever absorbed into the structure but their bodies killed. A singular Hyperverse was said to be smaller than even 0.00000001% of Calculated Heaven. The Constellation Heaven is the cosmic essence equivalent made by Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami, but it is not made for the purpose of taking over reality, rather it is made to act as the true safe haven for those that are genuinely good, and possesses the Astrograph Soul, an artificial cosmic Essence soul that Ten made to give it sentience and nigh-omniscience. The Youngest Daughter and the Prime Conduit of Raison D'etre took both and, Pleasure, with the True Being Slayer, merged the Calculated Heaven with its other selves from the ponds in the entire Crio Ocean, many of whom are from either MainFrame, NullVoid, and even Nexus Code, the same with the Constellation Heaven, merging it with its alternate selves, some of which made by all the Book of Truth entities (except the ones from the Book of Truth) before merging the both of them, in order to make a gigantic Dreamer Heaven that is the size of the DT Realm of Gehenna, although she had to move from Crio Sea to Crio Sea in order to accomplish this sort of task, but the entrance is only in the Alpha Timeline through a door that Pleasure had been able to make after she used the True Being Slayer to send it somewhere above where not even Malevolenternatus could reach it with some help from others. It has now been repurposed to give good people an afterlife that they can enjoy, free from the chaos of the war that is happening, and very few are allowed to enter, such as Lucifer Morningstar, and has been repurposed as a backup base in the event that the Alpha Timeline is invaded and destroyed. However, during an incident with Hell, one of the demons that he controlled, that being Charlie Morningstar that was made by Adamabyss12, had went into the Calculated Heaven and was stranded there for 7 days, 7 hours, and 7 minutes, and when those hours passed, Charlie was free and back to her normal self, due to the Calculated Heaven able to calculate and make a shield that cancels out Hell's control over her. As such, Dean, Crowley, Astarte, Manat, Brighid, the 7 Sins, and many of the Hazbin and Helluva crew on the good side went into the Dreamer Heaven and are instantly freed, with Lucifer taking a day longer than Charlie and had to be restrained. However, a downside to this is that they cannot leave, or else they will be under Hell's control again. So for now, they remain in the Dreamer Heaven, and the location, their version of the Hazbin Hotel itself, now in the form of a pocket dimension that has its own version of the 7 Rings of Hell, resides in the Calculated Heaven, free from Hell's control and influence. Of course, Emily, Set, and Sir Pentious join in the Calculated Heaven as well just to be with them.

Faction and Ranks:

Purger Insurgency are in possession of multiple leaders actively running the team and a few of them acting differently. Most of the divisions are either named after Chess Pieces or Decks of Cards.

Pawn Faction: They are foot soldiers of the Faction and of the lowest rank. Their goal is to act as the front line soldiers, and go into combat against the enemies that attack first. If they are overwhelmed, than Ace Faction will be the one to take over the fight in the place of the Pawns, with the Pawns also having a secondary purpose in going around and recruiting people from the many different Multiverses, in order to hopefully fight against the Malicious Regime.

Ace Faction: A rank above the pawns, they are the secondary line of defense that only can come out to attack if the Pawn Faction is overwhelmed by the enemies.

Rook Faction: This Faction consists of those that rely on both brute strength and defense. they protect the Alpha Timeline from threats, and usually aren't ever deployed for missions outside of it.

Knight Faction: These Factions consists of those that rely on quick speed and agility, although they do exhibit some level of enhanced strength and some unique powers, and are used to act as scouts for an area in which the Malicious Regime are in.

Bishop Faction: This Faction consists of people that rely on immense magic, and are used for Semi-Powerful members with potential. They are also used as healers in case members of the Insurgency get too injured.

Club Faction: This Faction consists of those that rely on using weapons, although they do possess some parts of the previous factions.

Jack Faction: The Jack Faction, despite its odd name, is a Faction that consists of those that have balanced amounts of speed, strength, and magic. They are used in case in cases of dealing with some of the more powerful members of the Malicious Regime. They also act as temporary replacement leaders, in case a member of the King and Queen Faction is temporarily out of commission.

Joker Faction: They are made to the spies for the Purger Insurgency.

King and Queen Faction: The King and Queen Faction are the main leaders of the Purger Insurgency.

Here is a list of the most known members of each of the Factions.

Pawn Members:

Bad Time Trio: A Trio that consists of Storyshift Chara, Underswap Papyrus, and their leader, Classic Sans himself. They are the main leaders of the Pawn Faction, as they are the most important members.

Inverted Fate!Sans: Inverted Fate!Sans became a member of the Pawn Faction due to his skill in the use of magic, and is even experienced in being a Royal Guard.

Altertale Toriel: She came to make sure that her home is safe and secure, and due to her powers being similar to Sans, along with her fire magic, she is one of the most unique member of the Pawn Faction.

Muffet: A Spider Monster that uses purple webs in a fight, her power is based on constructing and restraining foes. She joined to make sure her spiders are safe.

Ace Members:

Flowerfell!Sans: A Heroic version of Underfell Sans, who protects his version of Frisk, he joined in when his home was attacked, and the fact that a creator needs help in protecting his Omniverse.

Gz!Sans/Ganz: Ganz joined in when he heard of what is happening to a Creator's Omniverse, and was requested to be recruited. Due to his Determiantion, his magic, and his second personality, Melancholy, he is a very powerful entity to fight against.

Hardtale!Sans: A version of Sans where he is a lot more powerful than he original Sans, he is able to become a member, because the creator had to convince him to come with him.

Spider-Man/Peter Parker: A version of Peter Parker where he got the Other Evolution early in his teenage years, he joins the Purger Insurgency to ensure his future with Starfire, who is his love interest on his Earth.

Rook Faction:

100: A version of 100 from Stellar!Astral Mother's Multiverse, he is loyal to his, somewhat heroic mother, and is the most powerful member of the Rook Faction, which is aided by his RAGE power.

Demitale!Undyne: Coming from the same AU as Demitale!Sans and Papyrus, Demitale!Undyne is one of the rooks, due to her immense strength, but she does possess magic of her own, which is of her spears.

Delta!Sans: Delta is the embodiment of bravery, his wide skill set give him an advantage on the battle field, he is even able to compete and beat beings like Cross. Not only is he great for battle, but his skills can be used in many ways such as transportation and to aid others.

Atla Fayon: A Demihuman that has immense strength and incredible control over Chi, due to her being an ally of Abyss, or rather...obsessively loyal over him, she is one of the most useful members.

Knuckles the Echidna: From Archie Sonic's Universe, Knuckles is a Mobian Echidna that guards the Master Emerald. Having been recruited, due to needing it, Knuckles joins in, due to his physical. strength.

Mario: Coming from the Mario Universe, Mario is one of the strongest humans of all time, due to his usage of power ups and the accomplishments that he has achieved.

Koneko Toujou: A Nekoshou from Abyss' Union Academy, due to her immense strength and her powers, as well as her transformations, not to mention her enhanced senses, she is a very powerful member to recruit.

Knight Faction:

Demitale!Sans: A demonized version of Sans from an AU called Demitale, he is the second-in-command of Demitale!Asgore's army. Now he is one of the main leaders of the Knight Faction, and even has been given permission to train newcomers in combat. He came when he and his Papyrus were almost about to be destroyed along with their AU, only for Redemptive!Ink to save their lives.

Glitchtale!Asriel, Chara, and Frisk. The Asriel and Chara of Glitchtale joined in when their AU was attacked by a version of Infected, only for Conduit!Celk to save them, with Cell even bringing a Glitchtale Frisk, saving them from erasure.

Alpha!Chara: a version of Chara from the Alphatale AU, he joined in on the fight in order to make sure that his home is safe from the Malicious Regime.

Axetale!Sans: A version of Sans corrupted by an infection that is called 'The Hunger,' he joined to make sure that Papyrus and Aliza are safe, both of whom are in the Alpha Timeline. He is also one of the main scouts, due to his experience with tracking.

Samael: A Childhood friend of Aliza from the story that she and her father and uncle reside in, Samael join in to make sure that his childhood friend is safe, and thankfully, this time, he is free of the Hunger, allowing for him to come along and hang out with Aliza.

Dusttrust!Sans: A version of Swap Sans that went on genocide, he was recruited due to his immense magic and his skills in the use of his swords.

Gamma!Sans: Gamma is recruited due to his soul absorbing a Terror Soul, and due to his magic, it makes him one of the most powerful members of the Knight Faction, and is even stronger than Delta.

Sonic the Hedgehog: From the Archie Universe, Sonic is the fastest thing alive, and is one of the most difficult fighters of all time. He is one of the more useful when it comes to covering ground and gathering intel, and regained his Cyber Corruption, which he is now able to confirm.

Shadow the Hedgehog: The ultimate life form, Shadow is offered a deal to help them, in exchange for Maria to be resurrected, which they proved by literally bringing her back. Shadow accepted the offer, and has regained his Doom Powers, which he can now use in conjunction with his Super Form.

Luigi: The Brother of Mario, Luigi is a very nervous guy and is easily scared, but is a very deadly combatant, due to the fact that he weaponized his flaws.

Kurumu Kurono: From an Ink's Unionverse and seeing him as her destined one, Kurumu joins in to be with him at all times.

Rory Mercury: Having been around for a long time inside of the Alpha Timeline, Rory Mercury is a Demigoddess and an apostle for Emeoy, as well as being SCP-076-2's love interest, possessing strength, speed, and bloodlust comparable to Abel himself, but with just a single weapon and possessing regenerative abilities, Rory Mercury is a force to be reckoned with. But after SCP-076-2 and his brother went into SCP-914 and got enhanced by the Very Fine setting, Rory Mercury decide to go in there without permission and authorization in the Very Fine setting. Ten enhancements that she gained is that she now taller and older, almost like she is in her early 20s, and possesses 2 pairs of red wings on her back. She can summon her Halberd from thin air, possesses stronger regenerative abilities to the point of regrowing lost limbs and pulling herself back together even when into pieces, enhanced physicality, cosmic awareness, the ability to sense emotions, and is given the capability to utilize blood magic.

Bishop Members:

Glitchtale!Sans: This is a version of classic Sans where he had been given DT. Saved from his melting state and given physical matter, he became the first member of the Bishop Faction.

GlitchDust!Sans: A heroic version of Dust!Sans residing in a fusion of Dusttale and Glitchtale, he joined in when his AU and family members are about to be killed, only to be saved by a member of the Pawn Faction. Due to his immense powers, as well as the powers he gained from killing Bete, he is one of the most powerful members of the Bishop Faction

GlitchKiller!Sans: A version of Killer who resides in a fusion of Glitchtale and Killertale, he came to their side when they brought in FP!Frisk, who is the only one that is able to change Killer into becoming a good person. Currently, he is one of the strongest members of the Bishop Faction.

Omnipotent!Sans (FGoD): Omnipotent Sans from Alphatale joined, due to the Malicious Regime wanting to take his Book of Eyes for their own purposes, or at least, some of their members. With his immense magical powers, and connected with a TransVoid entity, Islothorn and Brimm, the Reality Eater, as well as being the Conduit of Will, he is one the most powerful member of the Bishop Faction. Became the Prime Conduit of Desire after Pleasure fused him with his alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Dead!Nightmare: A version of Dead!Nightmare that resides in the Dead!Shattered Multiverse, he joined because Dead!Shattered joined the Malicious Regime, and in order to redeem himself for not being able to stop the incident that lead to the destruction of Dead!Dreamtale.

Dead!Dream: A Version of Dead!Dream that resides in the same Multiverse as Dead!Silence, with the use of his telepathy, and his magic over chains and barbed wire, along with his sword, he is one of the more important members of the team.

Cyber!Nightmare: A variant of Nightmare after being turned into a mindless robot by Null. He had a coded core in chest and a virtualized screen for a face. After being founded, he is rewired and repurposed into serving the Purger Insurgency.

Nightmare!Sans: This version of Nightmare resides in a Multiverse where GlitchDust resides in. Feeling with some need of redemption for all he's done while controlled like Dead!Nightmare, he joins in to try and save existence from being corrupted by the Malicious Regime.

Purified!Dream: A version of Dream Sans that became powerful after he managed to eat 998 Golden Apples, which made him just as strong as his brother, Nightmare. He became one of the most important members, due to his powers in spreading positive emotions.

Silence: A variation of Error from the AccidentVerse, where he consumed a Golden Apple, Silence became a Guardian of Positivity that is stronger than even a normal Dream!Sans and is even stronger than Purified!Dream, although he still destroys AUs that are too far gone to be saved, yet is held back by Purified!Dream. He joined the Purger Insurgency to aid them.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna: The 2 Princess sisters from MLP, they encountered Dream and Nightmare by accident when they tried to find a place for the Tree of Feelings to reside in. The sisters fell in love with the brothers, Celestia loving Dream and Luna loving Nightmare respectively, as they joined together to help the Purger Insurgency. Unintentionally, they went to a version of their world involving a dangerous infection and got bitten, but they gained a boost of power in their magic and had some alterations on their appearance, making them much more powerful and more useful in their battle against the Malicious Regime.

Grayscale!Gaster: From the AccidentVerse, Grayscale is a fusion of XGaster and Core!Frisk, with the power of Overwrite and future sight, but is more heroic and sane compared to XGaster. He joins in to aid in the Purger Insurgency's efforts against the Malicious Regime.

Space-TimeKid!Sans: S-TK is a very calm, yet overall helpful person, his time manipulation and space manipulation abilities are impressive and helps him even overcome beings like Error ontop of his stamina, and is even able to give Error404 trouble, but he is still young and doesn't have much else if something were to get wrong. At least he is much more intelligent than the original TimeKid.

Reaper!Toriel: A version of Toriel from Reapertale, that is a Goddess of Life, as well as the new Conduit of Life, her skills in healing and resurrection make her a very important asset to the team.

Grim!Reaper Sans: A version of Sans that is a God of Death, as well as being a Conduit of Death, he is one of the more powerful members of the Team.

Abyss!Sans: He originally came to the Omega Timeline to help others and see what was exactly happening with the state of this multiverse, but after convincing from Anomaly!Core and Brimm!Epic, he decided to join the Purger Insurgency and was made a Bishop member thanks to his abilities. The same applies to the new version of Abyss!Sans, who has a CELL Core instead of a hybrid soul.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: The Princess of Friendship herself, she became part of the Purger Insurgency to aid in the Alicorn sisters in the battle against the Purger Insurgency. And like them, she ended up going to an infected variant of her world and got bitten, but became stronger than before and gained a boost in magic. She also, unfortunately, outlived her friends.

Limbo!Sans: As the Alphaverse' answer to Abysstale, his ability to adapt to an entity's magic proved to be very crucial to him, allowing for him to adapt to an enemy's magical power.

Scion Paper!Crane: This is a version of Paper Crane that is trained by Exul, a being similar to himself. He joined in when the creator of this Omniverse is attacked, convincing Scion!Paper Crane to take action and defend it.

Underhell!Sans: A version of Sans that had an immense amount of LV and is one of the most dangerous Sanses in existence, but mainly wants to live his life. The appearance of the Malicious Regime changed his stance, forcing him to join in to stop them.

Inverted Fate!Papyrus: This Papyrus is where he is a scientist along with the Undyne of his AU. Due to making a lot of technology and even pocket dimensions with machines, he is one of the most useful members of the Purger Insurgency, due to the versatility of his inventions.

Glitch+: A version of Glitchtale!Sans from the Alphaverse, due to the immense determination he has within his magic, as well as being powerful enough to rival Dust+. He is one of the more useful Insurgency Members.

Underpray!Sans: A version of Sans from an AU called Underpray, and a companion of the Frisk of his AU. Due to his skills with the bow and arrow, he is one of the most useful members of the Faction.

Jaivyn: The 7-year old single son of Eledora, a TransVoid Being that is only heard, but not seen. Due to his powers, and his ability to grant bliss to those that hears his song, it has been helpful to the Dream Sanses.

SCP-001 (Gate Guardian) Believed to be Uriel, guarding the Garden of Eden, the Gate Guardian is a tall angelic being that mentally commands those lower than him absolutely and can obliterate people from existence by a single swing of his sword, and resides in the When Day Breaks story. Having been enhanced by SCP-179 to a Very Fine-like status, he possesses far greater power than ever before, and with his Gate inside of the Alpha Timeline, the Gate Guardian stands as tall as he is, now guarding both the gate, and the Alpha Timeline from the Malicious Regime.

SCP-239: Also known as the Witch Child from the SCPverse, SCP-239, her real name being Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, is an 8 year old girl that is able to do whatever he wants and even affect a persons with the exception of Jaivyn, who she hangs out with. Due to her power, she plays somewhat of an important role to try and protect the Alpha Timeline from harm.

SCP-166 (S): Known as the Teenage Succubus and is called Claire, is the daughter of Dr. Clef and a granddaughter of the Scarlet King in the When Day Breaks Earth, and is refined by SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, which gave her a pair of moth wings that fold onto herself to use as nun clothes and fly with, power over smoke, make portals, and can now finally have control over her lust aura, now being able to activate it by choice. She is the love interest of Gerry, who's sound she had him bound to in order to ensure he lives as long as her. She joined into the Purger Insurgency to protect their home, and although she refuses to fight, being against killing, she can incapacitate with her smoke and her ability to induce lust into others by her own choice.

SCP-166 (G): Known as Just A Teenage Gaea, or Epon, she too is a daughter of Dr. Clef, residing in the SCP-5000 timeline, having made a home in the SCP-6001 timeline, she was subjected to the Very Fine setting in SCP-914, giving her powers similar to her original self, but now possesses a dangerous aura that alters reality around her and has chants of a ritual that makes the world go into an unworked state. She has a Reality Anchor to keep this in check, and is a love interest of SCP-590/Thomas Light. Both Thomas and Epon joined into the Purger Insurgency to aid them, as well is ensure their future.

SCP-2639-A: A trio of 3 former humans, now trapped inside a modified quake game, they are no longer bound to it after being refined by SCP-914 on the Very Fine setting, now being able to summon any object they desire in any video game, and joined in to keep sparring with SCP-076-2, allowing them both to have fun, but also to protect their new home.

Tails Prower: Tails is a Fox that has the deformity of 2 tails, which is useful in flight. He is one of the most intelligent members, and has made a multitude of gadgets that aided the Purger Insurgency.

Lum: Coming from an Ink's Unionverse, Lum joined in due to their multiverse almost being conquered by the Malicuous Regime, only for the Purger Insurgency to save Lum, her race and her buddies and their species. Now she joins in by using her wacky inventions to fight back against the Malicious Regime.

Professor E. Gadd: From Mario's Universe, Professor E. Gadd is a very intelligent inventor in his own right, and the creator of the Poltergut inventions. He works alongside tails in order to invent something that will help the Purger Insurgency.

Vivian: Coming from a Mario Universe, Vivian is a Shadow Siren that can emerge into shadows and can cast fire. These powers made her very useful in the Purger Insurgency.

Shantae and Johaar: 2 Half-Genies from Shantae's universe. Due to their powers, and the fact that Johaar's existence is threatened, due to his Author in danger, Johaar and Shantae decided to join in to stop the Malicious Regime.

Ganyu: Coning from the Genshin Impact Universe, where she met a version of Abyss, she is a Half-Adeptus with powers over ice, as well as a bow and arrow. She joined to make sure she stays with Abyss, even if it is not the one she knows of.

Shera l. Greenwood: Having been brought to the Alpha Timeline by Anomaly!Core in the past, Shera is an elf that is skilled with a bow and arrow, as well as a bird that she can look through the eyes of, makes her partner with Ganyu.

Yue: A vampire queen trapped within Abyss' dead AU, due to her immense power, her immortality, and being trained by Conduit!Cell in powerful magic, she is one of the more useful members, and seems to like Abyss, even when he is an alternate version where he is a skeleton of sorts.

Eucliwood Hellscythe: A necromancer of sorts that has met Reaper Sans, and has a very romantic bond with him, due to them being so similar to each other. Due to her powers, mainly in reality warping, she's a very powerful member, but is not always taken to battle, due to her pacifist and kind nature.

Asia Argento: This version of Asia comes from Abyss' Multiverse, and due to her Twilight Healing, as well as the friendship she has with Eucliwood Hellscythe, she is one of the most useful medics in the Purger Insurgency.

Sara Bloodlily: A girlfriend of an Ink from a Unionverse, wielding a paintbrush and palette, called Brush of the Demiurge, like the AU protector, she can create whatever she wants, with the pain that she uses from brush and palette, but unlike him, can make exact copies of the enemies that she fights against. This makes her one of the more valuable members of the Purger Insurgency.

Kuroka: The sister of Koneko Toujou from Abyss' Union Academy, her greater mastery over her Nekoshou skills lands her a spot in joining in. She has a friendship with Yukari Yakumo.

Kat, Raven, and Jackal: 3 Gravity Shifters from the Gravity Rush universe, as well as a threesome, due to the author being in danger, thanks to Malevolenternatus, it also threatens the existence of Jackal. So, all 3 joined in so that Jackal's existence remains intact, along with their 3 guardians, Dusty, Xii, and Anubis.

Tartarus and Terra Branford: Residing from an alternate Final Fantasy 6 Timeline, Tartarus, a full Esper, and Terra Branford, a Half-Esper, joined in the team, due to the fact that the author of Tartarus is in danger, and thus, not wanting to lose him, Terra joins in with him so that she can continue to have him beside her.

Purified!Dream's Sekirei: Dream's own personal Sekirei from another multiverse, Kazehana, Tsukiumi, Yume, Musubi, Kuruse, Katsuragi, Kochou, Sai, Kuno, Kusano, Akitsu, Kaho, Oriha, Yashima, Shi, Matsu, Homura, Uzume, and Kaie, all of them are undyingly loyal and loving to the Guardian of Positivity. The Sekirei became immensely strong due to Purified!Dream's existence being attached to the concept of all positive emotions, even love, with Purified!Dream gaining a permanent increase in power due to their love for him.

Nightmare!Sans' Sekirei: Nightmare has is own Sekirei like Purified!Dream, but they are far more few compared to his brother's. They are Karasuba, Benitsubasa, Haihane, and Yahan. Nightmare, like his brother, gained a permanent increase in power, but mainly due to their immense negative emotions, while his Sekirei gained power through his own ability to love, which is just as great as Dream's.

Purified!Palette Roller's DearS: Palette Roller had gained his own DearS that are bound to him, which makes him stronger to the point of being a a strong as Purified!Dream before he met the Sekirei. The DearS are Ren, Miu, Cheena, Nia, and Io, and they are completely sustained, due to Purified!Palette Roller's positivity aura that he inherited from his parent, with the aura now stronger thanks to them bonding to him.

Gradient: Residing in FGoD Righteous!Error's AU, Gradient is the spawn of Ink and Error during a battle against one another. He has the powers of both Ink's creativity abilities and Error's destructive abilities and strings, and unlike the rest of his siblings, they are just as perfect as both of his parents, making him the strongest child of them both.

Ikaros, Nymph, Astraea, and Chaos: 4 Angeloids that are with the newest generation of the Star Sanses, they obey and follow their will, and are in love with them. They're fries with Lala and her sisters, and since they is very loyal to their parents, they all follows them in the Purger Insurgency, and all 4 Angeloids then all follow suit, as they are their own masters. For Ikaros and Chaos, they bound themselves to Gradient, Nymph bounds herself to Blueprint, and Astraea bounds herself to Palette Roller.

Oregano: A medical Angeloid that decided to bound herself to Palette Roller, due to the fact that Palette Roller has the ability to heal others, her advanced medical system proves to be of great importance to the Purger Insurgency.

SCP-040: Also known as Evolution's Child, or Fiona, she is a child that has the power to manipulate organisms and mutate them. Going into SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, she now can manipulate her own body, can create organisms from microscopic life, and possesses carnomancy, as evident by Sarkic symbols all over her body. She'a has childhood crush on SCP-3293, or Cooper Wells, and joins into the Purger Insurgency. Although too young to truly help in fights, she is still able to aid in other stuff, such as making minions to help aid in watching over the Purger Insurgency's Alpha Timeline.

SCP-049: Originally a Plague Doctor that kills his victims and turns them into Zombies, being enhanced by SCP-914 allows him to become a true doctor that cures other people from dangerous infectious diseases.

SCP-076-2 and SCP-073: Cain and Abel, they had went into SCP-914 on the Very Fine setting. They are now far stronger than before and aid in the Purger Insurgency

Entity 71: Known as the Red Knight in the Backrooms and is the avatar of Claudius, he along with the other good entities and levels came from a Backrooms that was about to be destroyed by the Decay. He now joins in to help the others defend against their Malicious Regime, and is somewhat of a rival for SCP-076-2, who is one of the few that Abel respects as an equal. His true self is also in the Purger Insurgency and is in the Alpha Timeline, although his real self is not seen.

SCP-2396 and Mr. Redd: 2 of the most notable members of the Little Misters made by Doctor Wondertainment. They had been out into SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, giving some new powers in order to aid in the Purger Insurgency, and both Mr. Redd and SCP-2396, along with her longer immortal lover, joined in to defend the Purger Insurgency in order to keep their home safe.

SCP-179: Known as Sauelsuesor, or the Lookout, is said to be the sister of the sun, which has been corrupted in the When Day Breaks Earth, the home being the same as SCP-2396. When she went into SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, she gained far greater cosmic power and games the ability to use Kinetohazards, and with the human she loves by her side, bound to her soul in order to make him immortal, she joins in to aid the Purger Insurgency.

SCP-4818: Known as Leroa Lightfoot, she is an SCP that can manipulate photons in order to make anything she desires and resides into the SCP-5000 timeline before moving to SCP-6001, but when she was put into the Very Fine setting in SCP-914, she later gained a pair of wings, fire blasts of photons, and can make portals, and joined in along with her friends.

SCP-4197: Known as Sarah Veers, she acts as a nurse for the Purger Insurgency, as is a loved for Mr. Redd. Having been placed into the Very Fine setting and gaining much more power than before, Sarah Veers' powers was able to be useful in saving the lives of those injured.

Coran: From Level 73 of the Backrooms, the Purger Insurgency manage to get him out of the level along with many of the survivors when it was being destroyed by the Decay, and returned them home. Coran has his eyes healed back into his sockets and joined in to aid them to help fight against the Malicious Regime. He is good allies of the Red Knight due to their similar stances and views towards entities and humans.

Odin (Staffverse) A fusion of Alpha and Omnipotent, it is mostly a being made out of lighting with a melted skull in the main body. He is a heroic, but he believes that some lives must be taken for many more to be saved. Due to his immense power over lighting, as well as his electric dimension power, he is given a spot onto the team.

Sage: Coning from a universe where Dusttale and Sonic.Exe Nightmare Universe crossover, Dust Sans made Sage by completing her code when the Robotnik of his world didn't. Sage, being loyal to Dust!Sans, her 'father' that merged with his alternate self from GlitchDust, stays with him in the Alpha Timeline to ensure his safety.

Conduit of Death/Prime Conduit of Quietus: The Conduit of Death and the lover of the Conduit of Life, as well as father of Purification, Liminality, and Decay, Death joined in to ensure that Life is okay this time and not killed again. Has become the Prime Conduit of Quietus after he has merged with his alternate selves from all of the Ponds thanks to Pleasure.

Conduit of Life/Prime Conduit of Raison D'etre: The Conduit of Life is the love interest of the Conduit of Death, as well as the mother of the Conduit of Liminality and the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption, who's in the Malicious Regime. She had been resurrected from her death by O'Brien's hands, and now works for the Purger Insurgency to heal or revive members that have fallen. She later became the Prime Conduit of Raison D'etre after Pleasure fused Life with her alternate selves from all of the Pond, improving and strengthening her powers exponentially.

Conduit of Purification/Prime Conduit of Pious: The child of Light and Death, the Conduit of Purification is capable of purifying anything related to Corruption and Evil, and as such is one of the strongest Conduits to exist. Became the Prime Conduit of Pious when Pleasure fused Purification with all of her alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Conduit of Decay/Prime Conduit of Putrefaction: The child of Darkness and Death, the Conduit of Decay joined in to ensure that his stepmother is safe this time and does not get killed and assassinated just like before. Later became the Prime Conduit of Putrefaction when Pleasure merged all versions of him from all the Ponds together.

Conduit of Liminality/Prime Conduit of Superliminamity: The child of Life and Death, they joined in to aid their parents into stopping the Malicious Regime. Became the Prime Conduit of Superliminamity when Pleasure merged all versions of him from all of the Ponds.

Muse, Forbidden Conduit of Music/Prime Conduit of Music: Muse decided to join in due to the fact that Merus is part of this sort of situation. She, like the other Conduits, merged with her alternate selves and became a Prime Conduit. She is able to make people stop fighting with just 1 song.

Coi, Prime Conduit of Infinity/Prime Conduit of Endlessness: Coi is the Prime Conduit of Infinity and the third strongest of the Prime Conduits, after Unity and Principles, although his arrogance makes him annoying. Despite this, he is very useful due to his power, and gained even more power when he fused with all of the other versions of himself, becoming the Prime Conduit of Endlessness.

Club Faction:

Zero (Mega Man X): An ally of Mega Man X, Zero is one of the strongest Reploids to ever be created. With his Z-Saber and the Z-Buster, along with his other transformations, he is one of the skilled and strongest members ever utilized.

Axl: Another ally of X and Zero, as well as a more recent one, Axl is a very versatile member, due to how he copies the appearance and powers of other Reploids, as well as his other transformations. He is given repairs to his head, thus, allowing him to fight at full potential once again.

Team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY: Huntresses from another multiverse of Union Academy, with RWBY now becoming good people, they now join in the fight against the Malicious Regime.

Team Hanzo,Team Gessen, and Crimsok Squad: Shinobi from Abyss, Hollow!Ink, and FGoD Error's Union Academy, with Hanzo loving Ink, Gessen loving Abyss, and Crimson Squad loving FGoD Righteous!Error, they decided to join in to defeat the Malicious Regime.

Night Raid: Assassins from Abyss' Multiverse, they decided to join in to aid him in the fight that they are inside now.

Lala Satalin Deviluke: Coming from Righteous!Error's Union World, as well as being a love interest of Righteous!Error, she is an alien princess called a Devilukean, and her inventions, despite how extmrely bizarre and odd it may seem, prove to be extmrely useful in helping with the Purger Insurgency, especially with other intelligent members of the Purger Insurgency being able to help her in making them work the way that they are supposed to. Originally, they had done some unintentional accidents with their uses, but since then has been improving and began to become more useful then ever before.

Ratchet & Clank and Rivet & Kit: The 2 alternate Lombaxes from an alternate Multiverse, then decided to join in to aid the Purger Insurgency in needing to stop the Malicious Regime from winning, as their skills in both engineering and combat allows them to aid in the construction of some of the Purger Insurgency's Machines to either protect and defend against the Malicious Regime Members. They ally with other intelligent members, such as Tails, Lala, and Professor E. Gadd, just to name a few of such members.

Infected (FGoD): A much more stronger version of Infected, he joined due to redeeming himself with all that he has done and having gained the SoulSeeker form, combined with his power of the Conduit of Destruction. Due to his mastery over Wisps, his arsenal of weapons, as well as his unrivaled defense and untouchable body, Infected has become one of the most dangerous and one of the strongest members of the Purger Insurgency. He later became the Prime Conduit of Eradication after Pleasure merged him with his alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Havoc: A born fusion of Error404 and Infected from a fusion Alphatale AU, as well as the brother of Christ, although driven rather insane due to the MainFrame, the Purger Insurgency helped him by bringing his brother to the Alpha Timeline to keep him safe, and promises that he can stay here, as long as he can help them fight the Malicious Regime. He agrees, and now with his new Desolation Blasters made for him, he is now ready to take on the Malicious Regime to keep his brother safe from all that's happening.

Fury/Donna: The daughter of version a version of Dianna and the New God, Steppenwolf, and in turn the granddaughter of Zeus, she joined in to aid her mother and the Breaker-Apart, who she sees as her own real father.

LV 20 Cross: A different variant of Cross who gained LV 20, and has his knife be made of the same energy as Purified!Dream's positivity arrows, he is one of the more stronger members to arrive, with his weapon of positivity alone, due to how strong it is, being able to aid in fighting against those that are at the level of Nightmare!Sans.

Jack Members:

Warlock: The eldest son of the Void Empress, as well as the older brother of both Infected and Omnipotent. Due to his extremely odd, bizarre, yet immensely powerful abilities over reality, powers that makes him 10 times stronger then 100, Warlock is the single most powerful member of the Jack Faction. Now 100 has caught up to him and Warlock now evenly matches him.

Error404 (FGoD): The God of the Multiverse himself, as well as the Conduit of Balance, he resides with Stellar!Astral Mother in order to bring back Alphatale. Not wanting to see it destroyed and having the Multiverse plunge into an age of darkness, Error404 joined in to be with the Purger Insurgency, becoming one of its most reliable and strongest members. He later gains NullVoid codes and gains access to the NullVoid reactors, giving him far greater power than he ever had before. He became the Prime Conduit of Harmony after Pleasure merged him with his alternate selves that are also Conduits from all of the Ponds.

Breaker-Apart: Originally Uberhulk, Bruce Banner became the Breaker-Apart due to merging with the Sentience of the Universe, became an all-powerful cosmic deity due possessing limitless energy, as well as possessing power involving the Below-Place. He joined the Purger Insurgency to ensure his own existence, as well as the existence of his loved ones, with Skaar, Wonder Woman, Hercules, Jennifer, and Lyra joining in.

Rager-Oblivion: Orignally called the Trion Juggernaut, Cain Marko became the Rager-Oblivion due to merging with the Sentience of the Universe, becoming an all-powerful cosmic deity due to possessing limitless energy, as well as possessing power through being Cyttorak's avatar, possessing the Power Cosmic of Galactus, as well as the unstoppable moving power of the Juggernaut, and became much more relaxed, smarter, and good as a result. He joined the Purger Insurgency due to the Breaker-Apart bringing him there, and proved to be just as useful as the Breaker-Apart.

Magni (Marvel): Thor's firstborn half-frost giant son and the God of Strength, he is the current ruler of Asgard, and is the husband of both Superwoman/Kara Zor-El and Galacta the Lifebringer. He joined to aid the Breaker-Apart in battling against the Malicuous Regime.

Orion: The New God of War and the heroic Son of Darkseid, he became the new ruler of Apokolips, much to his shame and became similar to his father in appearance, as well as becoming just as strong as him with his newfound mastery over the Astro Force and the Source of the Beast. Now he joins to ensure that he does not become like the alternate Darkseid from the Bull of Genocide.

Heles: The Goddess of Destruction from the dragon ball realm, she joined in due to the author being threatened, and which also threatens the life of her love Spirytus. She joined in to ensure that her love does not die.

Starfire/Koriand'r: the second child of Tamaranean royalty and the Princess of Tamaran, she aids the Purger Insurgency due to Peter joining in to protect her, and she wants to do the same.

Mar'i, Mayday, Benjy, and Jake Parker: The Daughters and Sons of Spider-Man and Starfire, the children are grown up, with Mari and Mayday being twins and being adults, Benjy being in his late teens and Jake being in his early teens. They join their parents to ensure that they exist and do not fade away.

Azrael: A version of Asriel Dreemurr from the Alphatale AU in Stellar!Astral Mother's Multiverse, he is more powerful then Error404, but not as skilled in hand-to-hand combat, despite his superior physical strength and speed. To make up for that, he uses weapons, the Disorder Sabers to aid him in this fight, becoming one of the most powerful members of the Jack Faction.

Glitch!Seraphim: A Version of Seraphim Sans where his Gaster saved him by making a soul the same as Glitchtale Asriel's, Sans is more powerful than the original Seraphim, and even has his own weapon, becoming one of the strongest members of the faction.

Archangel!Sans: A version of Seraphim who absorbed the 7 Human Souks, along with the Conduit Soul of Healing. Because he absorbed the Conduit Soul of Healing, he is much more stronger than the original Seraphim, becoming one of the most powerful members of the Purger Insurgency.

Sincere!Ink: A version of Ink that has gained a Conduit Soul instead of an Unnameable Soul, Sincere!Ink's creativity and the use of magic are powerful enough to the point that he is one of the most reliable members of the Jack Faction.

Brimm!Epic: Brimm!Epic is given a spot in joining, due to his experience, and his powerful magic which was given to him by Brimm, making him one of the most powerful fighters in the Purger Insurgency.

Fatal_Ruler: A Version of Fatal_Error that has been a able to become just as powerful as Sovereign!Error, he joined in because only he gets to kill Error, and he will not let some other evil kill him. Due to his immorality and powerful magic, he is one of the most frustrating entities to get rid of, due to the impossibility of killing him.

Conduit!X and Conduit!Fresh: 2 Conduit version of Cross and Fresh, they are brought in to protect the one that has made them, due to X's Overwrite Button and Fresh's to physicality and magic.

Solid!Template: A version of Template where he is recruited to be Error404's apprentice, and being reborn the same way as Righteous!Error, due to his immense powers, he has been given the spot on the team.

Duality!Cyan: A version of Cyan that's a fusion of Genocide and Pacifist, due to his powers, he became one of the most important members of the Alpha Timeline.  

Falklore: The Godslayer of the Omniverse and an EdenFolk, due to his experience and his weapons at being able to slay gods and godlike beings, he is one of the most powerful members of the Purger Insurgency, as well as one of the strongest member of the Jack Faction.

Glitchtale Undyne: A Version of Undyne that has even more determination than her original counterpart, due to the transformations that she has, she is one of the most reliable members of the Purger Insurgency.

Mentee!Anti-Error: A version of Anti-Error that became as strong as Righteous!Error, as well as one of Error404's students, he is able to join in, due to the realm of his creator being in immense danger.

Tripartite!Abyss: A version of the original Abyss that became a Polothorn by the same Unnameable that made Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink. Due to training with his Omnipotent!Sans and the powers that he gained from becoming a Polothorn, he was one of the most powerful members of the Purger Insurgency to be recruited.

Basil: The son of Falklore and Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, due to his immense power and the training that he has received from both of his parents, he is one of the most powerful members of the Insurgency.

Joash: The son of Gabriel, the Demon Prince, due to his immense powers, and the fact that he is stronger than his father, he is able to gain the position as being one of the members of the Purger Insurgency.

Asgard!Sans: A version of Sans that is the god of thunder and strength in his AU, AsgardTale. Due to his physical and magical powers, he is one of the most powerful members of the Purger Insurgency.

Mega Man X: The superior successor of the original Mega Man, due to his limitless evolutionary potential, he is one of the strongest members of the Purger Insurgency. He is allies with Sonic and Abyss.

Rory Mercury: Having stayed in the Alpha Timeline, due to Anomaly!Core, she is a demigoddess that is immortal, with her Halberd in hand, and her hexes to protect the equipment so that it doesn't get stolen. She joined because of Abyss, who she has an interest on.

Desiree: The Ghost capable of granting wishes, as well as the move interest of Sinclair from the story Wishes and Prayers. After becoming good, due to the influence of Sinclair, knowing that his author is in danger, she decides to join into the Purger Insurgency in order to keep Sinclair existing.

Alpha!Player: A creation of Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami, Alpha!Player is given this position in the Purger Insurgency, due to the fact that she has the combined powers of the Alphatale Monsters that is most unique, and has a connection to the MainFrame itself. She is extremely loyal to her own creator.

Glitch901: Also known as Lapis, Glitch901 is the girlfriend and love interest of Alpha!Sans, the Conduit of Change. Due to the variety of powers that she possesses, as well as the love she has for him, she joins in to be with him. Her sister, Invert909, or Lila, is also a part of the Purger Insurgency, and is willing to help her sister out.

Joker Members:

Alpha!Sans (FGoD): The Conduit of Change from Stellar!Astral Mother's Multiverse, Alpha is very good at infiltration, due to his Mind Wipe power, making him one of the most reliable members of the Joker Faction. He's always immensely strong, due to his connection to Ten No Kami, giving him the Excalibur form, as well as his Life Force Drainage power, which allows him to permanently get stronger by draining the life force of those weaker than him. He later became the Prime Conduit of Substitution after Pleasure merged him with his alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Geno!Sans: Geno!Sans is a secret member due to many wanting to recruit him for Void or tricking him, and he doesn't like to leave his save screen even if he could, yet its probaly best for him to be there anyways as he is immortal there unless attacked/killed by beings like Error & Reaper, or potientally have the save screen being broken by a being such as Omega Flowey. His memory manipulation adds a great benifit to the team if ever needed and his craftfulness is a benifit in dangerous situations.

Dead!Silence: A version of Righteous!Error that are the same fruit that Dead!Dream Sans are, he became a very important member due to his mysterious appearance and quiet nature, which makes infiltration into the group easy.

Zip-Crawlers: Coming from Fatal Error Sonic's Multiverse, Zip-Crawlers are spider-like code entities that came from corrupted code when they tried to fix their broken files. Having gathered a lot of Zip-Crawlers and trained them, they are used to consume and collect data from the Malicious Regime computers, to bring back to Purger Insurgency HQ.

Nobody (SCP): An Antimemetic Group of Interest from the SCPVerse, they somehow managed to enter the Alpha Timeline, they decided to join in, as their Antimemetic properties makes spotting them almost impossible.

King and Queen Members:

Stellar!Astral Mother: A More Heroic version of the Astral Mother, she is the strongest monster of her Multiverse, and is the most intelligent monster of her AU. Due to her being much more moral, and much more intelligent than any of her children, she is one of the most reliable leaders of the King and Queen Faction.

Nihility!Void Empress: A version of the Void Empress, who is trained by Exul and got stronger thanks to him, due to her being a couple of years older and her being wiser than the Astral Mother herself, she's earned her right as fitting in as being one of the leaders of the Purger Insurgency.

Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami: A version of Ten No Kami that resides in the Alphaverse called "Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind, due to her being a bit more heroic and being just as knowledgeable and intelligent as the original Ten No Kami, she is one of the leaders of the King and Queen Faction, as well as one of the strongest members, as well as the creator of her own AU that is helping the Purger Insurgency called, NodeTale. She had ascended to the level of an Unnameable when the events of Blue Dragon came, as did Malware and Islothorn, and as such give the Alphatale Brothers, allowing them to have much more strength than before, as well as her own powers being far greater than it ever was.

Anomaly!Core: A version of Core!Frisk from the Alphaverse, and the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, she is the one that is able to assemble the team, and she allowed and stationed the team's headquaters inside the Alpha Timeline which is the self-proclaimed safest place in the Omniverse. Core is also known to be immortal and even if killed, erased, or they just glitch out of existance, then she is known to be brought back sometime after. Due to the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure, she merged her with other versions of the Conduit of Reality to turn her into the Prime Conduit of Existence, her power now made the Alpha Timeline ascend to being around the size of the Pond.

Conduit!Cell and Mes: 2 Different versions of 2 Abyss Sanses, They are very strong against and are just as powerful as the other, with the circumstances happening in different ways. Due to their power of evolution, and their growing intelligence and knowledge, they are both one of the leaders of the King and Queen Faction.

FGoD Righteous!Error (Master) A version of Error who is forced into becoming a Destroyer against his will, he then became a Polothorn after he had been resurrected by the tree that the Unnameable's corpse had made, and trained with the TransVoid Beings to use Cosmic Essence. Because he trained far more seriously and ruthlessly with his Error404, he became much more intelligent than him, as well as trained in his Polothorn powers much more stronger then normal Righteous!Error, he is picked as one of the members of the King and Queen Faction, due to how intelligent he is, as well as the fact that he is powerful.

Equilibrium!Yukari: A version of Yukari Yakumo from a stronger version of Touhou Project called Alpha Project, she is the Conduit of Balance of her home existence, superior to Error404, and girlfriend of FGoD Righteous!Error, as well as the creator of Queen!Ran. She is given this spot due to her greater mastery in the Conduit of Balance, and is stronger then Righteous!Error.

Bloody!Remilia: A version of Remilia Scarlet from a stronger version of the Touhou Project called the Alpha Project, she is the Conduit of Fate due to being chosen by the Cycle, and is one mastery higher compared to Equilibrium!Yukari, making her somewhat stronger then her.

Hollow!Ink (FGoD): A more stronger version of Hollow!Ink, he is the protector and guardian of all alternitive universes, he was naturally there for the team, and his position, tactical abilities, powers/abilities, and experiences makes him a great leader. And due to the fact that this version of Hollow!Ink is much more cooperative, as his author is in danger, he joins in to ensure that he continues existing.

Staff!404: A version of Error404 from a Multiverse known as the Staffverse, who had successfully regained and revived Alphatale, he came to join in when he fears that his AU, along with Chara, who also joined, will be killed. He is one of the main leaders of the King and Queen Faction.

Exalted!William: A version of Error404 residing from a Alphaverse story called Underprosthetic, he committed an unthinkable act by consuming his Sol's flesh, obtaining a Polothorn-like status, and leading to Alphatale being reborn, and regaining all that he wants, and is the most powerful version of Error404, and has a complicated relationship with Staff!404, who he has met sometime ago. He is brought to the Purger Insurgency, due to needing his help in this, and in return, will make sure his Alphatale is protected. Exalted!William agrees, and now works for the Purger Insurgency as a member of the King and Queen Faction.

Alastor!Crowley: This entity is a version of Alastor from the AU called the Alpha Hotel, and is the Conduit of Miracles. Due to his unpredictable and intelligent nature, he is given a spot in the King and Queen's Faction.

Grand!Stolas: A version of Stolas from Alpha Hotel and the father of Octavia. He is the Conduit of Stars, due to being able to control the stars to an extent, and as he possesses far greater power then even Alastor, he is given a spot on the King and Queen's Faction.

Queen!Charlie: The version of Charlotte Morningstar in the Alpha Hotel, and the current strongest demoness, she is the Conduit of Redemption, and is also the girlfriend of Righteous!Error, being just as strong as Stellar!Astral Mother in base form. Due to her power and being able to redeem entities, she's given a spot into the group.

Nyte!King Multiverse: A version of Asgore from the Terumverse, when the creator requested him for his help and the reason as to why he want it, he agrees to come along, if it means that many of the other Multiverses are safe. Despite the fact that he can come off as a villain, he truly has the spirit of a hero, and one that is willing to fight to make sure innocence are safe. His most powerful attack, Blast of Unity, makes him more the worth of him earning his position as one of the Leaders of the group.

Conduit of Monarchy, King!Multiverse: The version of King Multiverse from the FGoD Multiverse, although originally, he is cold and without morals, due to a certain incident, he realizes his neglect, and thus became a true King, and later gained more strength when he became the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, thanks to Error404 and Righteous!Error making the Bio-Conduit Soul which he is able to finally use, and later became a true Conduit due to being chosen by the Cycle. With his powers kept, plus obtaining his own God Ray, King Multiverse is one of the strongest members of the King and Queen Faction to ever be recruited. He later became the Prime Conduit of Theocracy after Pleasure merged him with all of his alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Exul: A being molded and born from the Void itself, due to his immense knowledge and billions of years in existence, he is one of the most important members.

Gabriel: The Demon Prince and the protector of the TransVoid, Gabriel joined in when his son decided to join into the Purger Insurgency, and due to his experience as the leader of his race, he has become one of the leaders of the King and Queen Faction. He has grown to being an Unnameable, giving him far greater power than before.

Magni (Alphaverse): The Jötnar Lord, he is allies with Gabriel, who he sees as a brother. When his daughter decides to be inside of the Purger Insurgency, Magni joined in to protect his daughter's location, as well as act as one of the leaders of the Purger Insurgency. Like Gabriel, he too became an Unnameable, having gained far more power than ever before.

Daughter of the Cosmos, Gabriella the Voice: The lover of Basil, the son of Edra and Falklore, she joins in to make sure that her son's existence is safe, due to the author having made him. As she is a princess and the eldest, she knows how to command, and knows how to lead.

Prime Conduit of Creation/Prime Conduit of Preservation: The Prime Conduit of Creation is a member of the Prime Conduits, being the Pillar of his kind. He possesses power over all of creation, and he, along with Life, are said to play an important role in resurrecting the Source of Good. He later fused with his alternate selves from his ponds to become the Prime Conduit of Preservation, giving himself greater power than before.

Prime Conduit of Fate/Prime Conduit of Destiny, Grace: One of the Prime Conduits, Grace embodies fate, and thus has control of the fates of other beings in the past, present, future, all in every single place of existence. She's been recruited to act as a direct counter to the Omni Being of Fate. She later merged with her alternate Pond selves and became the Prime Conduit of Destiny, increasing her power even more than ever before.

Special Members:

The Youngest Daughter of Pleasure/Source of Pleasure: The single most important member of the Purger Insurgency, she is the most powerful entity of all time, second to the Eldest Son of Pain, who is the only one that slightly outclasses her in terms of sheer power. Having known that Malevolenternatus, and seeing him as something similar to her brother, the Eldest Son of Pain, she decides that she will go and fight the embodied evil. She is possibly the only thing standing in the way of his goals in corrupting her Creator's Omniverse, as well as the other Omniverses that exist beyond the one that the author resides in. She has since has fused the Conduit of Life, the Conduit of Purification, Conduit of Peace, Conduit of Love, Conduit of Justice, Conduit of Healing, Purified!Dream, Palette Roller, The Gate Guardian, Pangloss, Yehom, SCP-5699, SCP-3894-Alpha, and SCP-999 with her soul, as well as the Purity Heart and the Dream Stone, allowing her to use all of their powers, but to an absolute degree, in order to keep up with Malevolenternatus, who had fused himself with evil across all realities and becomes close to Aspen's own power. She is currently taking a time off, in order to grow in strength and absorb any and all sort of realities that are good and pure. She later obtained the True Being Slayer, a weapon made by Vermel by fusing the original Being Slayer with countless other versions of itself from countless different ponds, later stolen by Coi, in order to merge with her alternate selves from other Ponds, as well as other beings embodying purity, such as the Grandfather Conduit of Angel, in order to match against Malevolenternatus, while also becoming an Omni Being of Pleasure. The Conduits even turned into the Writer's Manual, which she gave to the Deities Pantheon. However, she later discovered that her brother, the Eldest Son of Pain, manage to do the same under her radar, becoming the Omni Being of Pain/Source of Pain, which will govern her troubles in the future. She has since defused with her alternate selves after she confirmed that she permanently gained their powers, but still remained connected with them to draw upon them.

Lucifer Morningstar (Grandfather Conduit) The Grandfather Conduit of the Morningstar, he became the only tattered soul due to the manipulations of Vermel. The Omni Being of Pleasure, taking great pity in him, managed to find a way to the Twilight Realm and encouraged him to redeem himself, and did not give up on him. Deciding to take a try, Lucifer joined the Purger Insurgency, so he can redeem himself and regain his original Conduit status.

Prime Conduit of Unity/Prime Conduit of Solidarity: The Prime Conduit of Unity is a Conduit that embodies all and everything, and always stays closest to the Tree of Freedom. The Purger Insurgency manage to get him and the trees to the Alpha Timeline, and with the power of the True Being Slayer, Unity merged with his alternate selves to become the Prime Conduit of Solidarity, giving him far more power than ever before.

Buffalo of Pacifism: Originally called Kusarikku, he was nice. A mere mortal of endless kindness and pacifism. After the Pleasure recruited him, he gave Kusarikku a status similar to the Bull of Genocide, and gave him the Alpha Effect and Hiro-Kala's Love Empowerment, which is said to be more dangerous than Hulk's rage empowerment. He works for the Purger Insurgency to help make defenses that not even the Bull of Genocide can easily penetrate. He has currently gained his own tribe, along with the one from Heavenly Sword in order to protect it and wanting their aid in their battle against the Bull of Genocide and his own tribe. He later gained the tribes from HTTYD, Chima, and Horizon to add to the army.

Prism: A mysterious entity, as well as the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, he had came out of complete nowhere and decided to aid the group, alongside Quantum404, although it is unknown why he has decided to join in and aid the team, nor is his agenda known. Later became the Prime Conduit of Omnishambles after Pleasure merged him with his alternate selves from all of the Ponds.

Quantum!404: A version of Error404 that sacrificed his own being to the Cosmic Essence and became one with it temporarily, which in turn, gave him absolute power over everything, his continuous Transcendence and his Meta!Phoenix form made him a perfect candidate in being able to join in with the others in trying to stop Malevolenternatus himself.

Sandhya: A TransVoid spawn of Zarla and Gabriel, due to her immense power in being able to effect the Omniverse, she is given the position as being a member of the Team.

Lilyin and Ishtarati: The 2 Daughters of Helatory and of their separate parents, Erosnile and Vendevras, they joined the group along with Underlust!Sans and Underlove Sans, due to their existences being threatened by Malevolenternatus, who is ready to target their author. Now they joins in to preserve her existence, so that they can still be with their soulmates.

Reaper!Muffet: This Muffet came in to becoming a member of the Team, due to her being able to manipulate fortune or luck, she became a rather important member in a way.

Cosmic404: A version of Error404, who has been given the soul of the Conduit of the Cosmos, he is one of the most powerful members of the Team, especially since he needs to deal with a certain skeleton he hates that has joined the opposing side.

AlphaAbyss Brothers: A fusion of Abysstale and Alphatale, the 6 Sanses that exist there, Abyss 100, Abyss404, Infected Abyss, Omnipotent Abyss, Alpha Abyss, and King Abyssverse were born from a story where Abyss fused with each of them in order to become stronger and continue to evolve. They are some of the strongest entities in the Omniverse itself.

Altan: The Son of Reaper Toriel and Reaper Sans, he is the Conduit of Reincarnation. Due to his powers, he joins in to fight alongside his parents to make sure the authors are protected.

Himmsworth: A TransVoid Being of Omniscience, he has proven himself to be vital to being able to gather information. He has since resided in the Alpha Timeline so that the Malicious Regime to not attempt to use his knowledge for their goals.

Yesmerian: A TransVoid Being of Omnipresence, she is able to bring members of the Purger Insurgency anywhere, even in the Omniverses that the authors have made, making her one of the most reliable members of the group, as well as one of the most important.

Alachardvat: A TransVoid Being of Omnipotence, he is able to create anything that the members of the Purger Insurgency. Because of this power, to be able to do anything that he wants, he has proven himself to be one of the most important, if not, the single most important member of the Purger Insurgency, second only to the Youngest Daughter of Pleasure, who is far stronger than him.

Zero: The Lost, Firstborn Son of MalesGrow, he is able to consume his father after a very long time consuming Realities and Multiverses below him, and this in turn, allowed him to become an Unnameable, becoming one of the strongest Unnameables in existence, second only to Sol. And since his author is in danger, he joins in to help him.

Sinware: The son of Malware and a mortal woman with magical protecting against the power of Malware's power over decay, due to his partnership with Zero, and the powers that he possesses, as well as his violent nature, he is one of the most dangerous members of the Purger Insurgency.

Grandson of the Cosmos, Raguel the Just: The Son of Basil and Gabriella the Voice, and the grandson of Edra and Falklore, he is able to grow more powerful than both of his parents and grandparents, and due to his immense power, his training with his parents and Falklore, as well as the weapon that he has, he is one of the more important members of the Purger Insurgency, as well as one of the most dangerous ones to ever join.

SCP-999/Vermillion Prince: Also known as the Tickle Monster, this SCP is the 7th and youngest child of the Scarlet King. SCP-999 has been currently enhanced by the power of SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, increasing his power and might to such an insane degree, he is now capable of defeating the Scarlet King, especially the Malevolenternatus reincarnation. He has now grown into an adult and became the Vermillion Prince, who surpasses his father, thanks to the presence of Pleasure, Purified!Dream, and the Prime Conduit of Pious. Making him stronger than even his own father.

Team Relationships:

Baldur: the newest son of a version of the Astral Mother and the Scarlet King from the SCPverse, Baldur is not a member of the Purger Insurgency, but is important to the point where he needs to stay in the Alpha Timeline, in a sector that Anomaly!Frisk created, as well as being watched to make sure that the Malicious Regime do not get their hands on him.

Apollo: An older half-brother of Baldur, Apollo is the son of an Astral Mother and Ten No Kami. He possesses Cosmic Awareness and being able to even rearrange the molecules of the universe. Baldur managed to find him along with Zero, Apollo's uncle, and thus, keep him closely monitored at all times, so the Malicious Regime don't recruit Apollo.

Heimdall: The Eldest Half-Brother of both Apollo and Baldur, as well as being more powerful than the both of them, Heimdall is the son of Ten No Kami and the original Scarlet King, and is able to surpass him. Due to his monstrously colossal powers, Heimdall is kept hidden from the Malicious Regime, so that Malevolenrternatus does not try and manipulate into his schemes, as Heimdall is stronger than Malevolenternatus' Scarlet King reincarnation, and him siding with the Malicious Regime will be a disaster to all of existence itself.

Auxesia: The Daughter of Ethereal!Ten no Kami and Eve, the Mother of All, she is also the half-brother of the original Abyss Sans. Due to her unique physiology, as well as how powerful she is, she is kept in the Alpha Timeline, so she is not taken by members of the Malicious Regime.

Freya: A daughter of the Scarlet King, developing within Helatory and transferred to Vendevras in the middle of her development, before being born. Due to how immense her powers are, especially with the fact that she can make contracts and turn people into familiars, she is kept hidden inside of the Alpha Timeline, so that she can be safe from Malevolenternatus' Scarlet King reincarnation.

Týr: The elder half-brother of Auxesia and Abyss!Sans, Týr is the son of Gabriel, the Demon Prince, and Eve, the Mother of All. As he is stronger than even MalesGrow, and is far stronger than even Auxesia, he is placed inside of the Alpha Timeline, in order to prevent the Malicious Regime from getting their hands on his essence and use it for their own gain to destroy everything.

Morana: The Second Eldest child of Eve, Morana is the daughter of Magni, and is as strong as Týr, making her stronger as Auxesia and Abyss. She is placed in the Alpha Timeline to have herself not he used by the Malicious Regime.

NodeTale: An AU that resides in the center of the Nullvoid, the second layer of the MainFrame, it is made by Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami to fight Biotale, who is made by 92, one of her siblings. As well as being combined with the data of other alternate timelines, such as Refusetale, Glitchtale, and Endertale, it is one of the strongest AUs to ever have been created, as it is made from Pure Nexus at its strongest.

Sora and his friends/Kingdom Heart allies: From the Kingdom Hearts universe, Sora is the main hero of his reality, and the master wielded of his keyblade, as well as having a group of his own composed of Donald, Goofy, Mickey, as well as a bunch more others. Having heard that some old enemies have joined the Malicious Regime, he decide for join in along with all of his allies, and even gets to fight along side Sonic, Sans, Mario, and Mega Man X, who are also great heroes like himself.

Cloud Strife: This version of Cloud is from the Kingdom Hearts reality, where he has a single devil wing on his back, but still has the Jenova Cells and all of his power, but a bit more stronger then his original self. As he heard a version of an old enemy of his has joined the Malicious Regime in order to spread despair, he decides to fight in the Purger Insurgency in order to face against him by himself.

Edra and Merus: The Queen of the Cosmos and her Son, the Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, although they do not like being in this group, due to the other Conduits targeting Merus and Prism, they joined in because the Malicious Regime threatens their existence. Plus, ever since Merus was saved by Righteous!Error, they figure that this would be their way of repaying him. Now they side with the Purger Insurgency and Merus practices with his Bio-Conduit Soul in order to get ready for the battles that will be ahead of his future.

The Neon God: The embodiment of a City, the Neon God was brought into the Alpha Timeline, where it is then truly able to understand a city. Right now, he is currently making the city in the Alpha Timeline grow so that it can fit the amount of people that are now inside it.

Entity 137/The Musician: Literally named Unknown William Enright, he is a denizen of the Alpha Timeline after Purger Insurgency saved him, as well as many good Backrooms entities and brought them to the Alpha Timeline. He is good friends with Purified!Dream due to his influence over good emotions and has been shown appearing and disappearing in different parts of the Alpha Timeline's City, as well as in the few levels that the Purger Insurgency manage to save in one Omniverse in when the Backrooms was getting destroyed by the Decay.

Entity 29/Blub Cats: These are just entities that resemble round blobs in a variety of shapes, sizes and variants, but with faces of a cat. They are often kept as pets.

Other Members:

Lilly/ILY.VIR: Coming from an alternate Fatalverse, just like the Zip-Crawlers, Lilly is a rather powerful Computer Virus entity that is meant to become an improved version of the I Love You virus, or rather known as the 2.0 version, but her code wasn't completed nor finalized, and thus, formed her with the code she has left. She was brought in when she was founded by FGoD Righteous!Error when he was out in a mission to find the Zip-Crawlers, before she could be consumed by her version of Fatal Error Sonic, and thus, she stays inside of the Alpha Timeline, all so she can be with FGoD Righteous!Error, who she has fallen in love with, due to how strong he is.  Lilly has became stronger, when Error was able to connect her to the MainFrame itself, giving her even more immense power then she ever had. Ever since the Malicious Regime attacked and learned what happened to the original alternate version of her from Himmsworth, Lilly fears Fatal Error Sonic, now known as Fatal Emperor, so she does not get consumed.

Alpha!Aliza: Created by the Defiled Witch using the code of Chara and the MainFrame code of Error404, Alpha!Aliza is the technical daughter of the both of them. She is very powerful, and is constantly training with Error404 to become immensely powerful, enough to live up to her father's expectations.

Alpha!Betty: A version of Alpha!Betty from Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami's Multiverse, she is only siding with the Purger Insurgency because she wants to be with her master, who she has a very good and very close relationship to, as well as being with Alpha!Aliza, her closest friend. Her Terror Traits and powers, as well as her version of Kumu makes her a powerful dangerous force to be reckoned with.

Purified!Palette Roller: Purified!Palette Roller comes from the GlitchDust Multiverse. He resembles his normal self, except with a pair of wings on his back, and his hat floats above him. He is much more stronger then the original Palette Roller, due to how powerful Purified!Dream is.

Purified!Lux and Purified!Starcross: Both Lux and Starcross are accident children of Purified!Dream and LV 20 Cross. Due to both of their parents being stronger than their original selves, the children are also stronger than their original counterparts.

Stain: The accident child of Ink and Nightmare, being both cousin and brother to Palette Roller, Lux, and Starcross, Stain is shown to be very powerful, possessing both powers of creating and negativity and possesses his own corrupted form.

Blueprint: Blueprint is an accident child of Ink and Underswap Sans, after being brought to life in a drawing, and has the ability to make whatever creations with blueprints of the parts of said creations. He is a very useful member when it comes to inventing objects.

Kamen Riders: the Purger Insurgency, in response to the Malicuous Regime getting the Kamen Riders villains, got the Kamen Riders themselves to join in, with Pleasure amping her power up to make them stronger, so that they can fight back against their enemies.

Former Members:

Dust+/The Nobody: A former member of the Purger Insurgency, Dust+ has fallen into the influence of the DT Devil due to a deal that he had made with him, and is now re-identified as the Nobody who sides with him. The Purger Insurgency advised all but 100 and Warlock to avoid him as much as possible.

Null/Vigorous!Fatal_Error: Originally just a version of Fatal_Error Sans that lives in the Purger Insurgency possessing DT LV of 3, he has since fallen under the DT Devil's influence like Dust+, now re-identified as Null, who works alongside him and Nobody, now gaining DT Max+. The Purger Insurgency, like with Dust+, are adviced to not go near him, with only 100 and Warlock being the exceptions. Righteous!Error became deeply distressed at this fact.

Authors and their OCs:

hollowvessel669 :Calamity
WAMred :Deities Pantheon
shiftersans097 : Shifter, Shadow Sans


The Alpha Timeline also can house Wattpad Authors and their characters, where they can also join in for battle against the Malicious Regime.

The Alpha Timeline is infinite in size, and thus, is able to house the OCs that the Authors make with their power, as well as the characters that are implemented into their stories. Due to its infinite size, it can contain the power of the Authors without being unstable from their sheer strength.

Anomlay!Core is the only one that can control the Alpha Timeline, due to her Author designing her to do it, and thus, no one, not even other authors, can change it into however they want it to be changed. This also extends to the author that has made her

Although the Alpha Timeline houses fanmade Undertale character, it actually houses other characters from different franchises, such as Sonic, Mega Man, and Mario Characters. And as said before, it also houses the OCs of different Authors inside the Alpha Timeline that decided to join in to fight for the others.

The Purger Insurgency have merged technology from both Devilukean and the New Gods with the highest grade Uru, Mysterium, Nth Metal, Chronosteel, Element X Mysterium, Nanominium, SCP-148, and small parts of SCP-3179, SCP-1360, the Tactigon, and the Endo-Sym armor, insert it into SCP-914, which turned it into a self-replicating swarm that's in the form of light-weight metallic liquid nanotechnology that can make whatever the user desires and is insanely durable on its own, is able to evolve and adapt, can regenerate instantaneously, possesses reality warping powers, resistant to any Technokinetic powers, and is even capable of growing to even the size of a multiverse, perhaps even the Hyperverse, although it is possible it can grow even more than that, which is just the tip of the iceberg in what its capabilities are. An Al that the SCP Foundation made through SCP-914, who is loyal to the foundation and is not destroyed, is planned to be implemented, but has not been initiated yet, due to possessing similar evolution properties to SCP-079. The name of the is merged is simply called Project Omni Metal. This liquid nanobot swarm is placed inside of the Dreamer Heaven so that the full extent of its power can be known.

All of the Prime Conduits, due to them merging with their alternate selves, are Pond-Unbound beings, like Principles is, which is also what allowed the Alpha Timeline to become Pond-Unbound as well, although all of the Conduits are still beneath Principles.

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