Ch.7 Measume fight part 1
Note: Okay this an little bit of an warning because there is an line said by an disable man that's supposed to throw this character off an bit but as I was writing this line it just didn't feel right and I was worried that this would offend some of readers. The line was "You weren't expecting an disable man in an chair" this was said by Harrison Wells. I thought it would be an good line to make the readers suspicious of him but reading the line over it just didn't feel right after talking it over with Batgirlgeek we decided to keep the line in but if anyone has some issues with the line I promise I will go back and edit it out.
With that said please enjoy the chapter.
Meanwhile in Jump city,
An woman with black hair that went to her shoulders and darken blue eyes walks into an auction building. Her purse at her side. She walks up to an desk where an lady was sitting.
"Hi I'm meeting with Dr. Wells" The woman said.
"Well hello Ms. Park" an voice said.
"Please call me Linda" The woman said as turns around to see an disable man in an wheel chair. Her face changed. "Your Dr. Wells, I was on phone with ?" Linda asks uncertain.
"You weren't expecting an disable man in an chair ?" Dr. Wells asks with an raised eyebrow.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean...." Linda didn't mean to offend him with the way she had been looking at him. She thought he had noticed.
Dr. Harrison Wells chuckles as he gentle grabs her hand.
"It's quite alright my dear..... As the old saying goes things don't look like what they seem" Dr. Wells said.
"I'm here for the diamond locket you have collected the one we had talked about ," Linda said.
"Your not here to interview me Ms. Park ?" Dr. Wells said.
Linda shackes her head as she pulls her money out of the purse.
"I have thousands of dollars" Linda said.
Dr. Wells looks at her before turning around. Linda sighs.
"Come this way my dear we have a lot to discuss" Dr. Wells said.
Linda smiles amd follows knowing she was getting an piece of her family back .
She enters the room and the fimilar site of her family's locket in an glass case. Wells takes it out and hands the locket to Linda. The locket was an small sliver and blue locket with an half broken chain. The locket had an small cracked stone and the other half of the locket was broken. Lind let her tears slip down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry Linda my reaschers only found the first half of the locket... it was clear someone had smashed it in half" Wells explains.
"Did you find her ?" Linda asks caocking on an sob.
"Who ?" Wells asks.
"My grandma's ashes.... was in this very locket... it belonged to my mother before she gave it to me almost 20 years ago" Linda explains.
"When they found the locket, my assient reported it was covered in dust.... Linda they didn't relize it..." Wells trys to talk to her.
"It's okay... that locket was gone for years... They proably didn't relize it was her ashes" Linda explains.
"Where you close with your grandmother ?" Wells asks.
"From the short time I knew her... yes we were very close..." Linda whispers.
There was an moment of silence.
"Thank you doctor Wells for bringing me this clouse" Linda whispers as she walks away.
"Your welcome" Wells said with an smpythic smile.
Linda gives him an sad smile as she holds near the locket near her chest. She then walks out.
However as soon as she walked out, Harrison Wells smiles evilly turning to the shadows.
"I believe we found Doctor light" Wells said evilly.
Solomon Grundy walks out of the shadows in front of Wells.
"You know what to do, go fetch the good doctor" Wells smirks.
Once Linda enters the allyway. She ducks near an trash can and takes off her shirt to revel an black and white outfit underneath her clothes.
"I'm going after this bastard tonight... I will make him pay for the pain he caused my family" Linda vows as she puts on her mask.
Suddenly she lifted up form the ground, her arms crushed to the side.
"Grundy has Doctor light !" Solomon Grundy booms.
Linda struggles as she drops the broken locket to the ground.
Suddenly Many bat swoopes in and attacks Solomon Grundy, causing him to drop Linda to the ground. Linda quickly grabs the locket and hugs it to her chest. She looks up to see Man-bat knocking Solomon Grundy to the ground.
Man-bat walks over to Linda and stares at her.
Linda hugs him.
"Thank you man-bat" Linda whispers.
Man Bat looks over to make sure she was okay.
"Come on old friend we have work to do" Linda whispers.
Meanwhile at the Hall of justice:
It was early in the morning. Wally yawns as he enters the small kitchen where some of the heroes where having breakfast. Green lantern was by the stove making eggs, bacon and toast. The wonder twins were fighting over the orange juice While Robin was playing with the light up toy he got in the ceral box. Bat girl sat next to Robin making sure the toy wasn't cheap and Star girl sat thire looking bored. Kid flash took an seat next Robin.
Citzen Cold and Flash walks in the kitchen as Green lanter places the plate of eggs and bacon in front of Wally. Wally begans to eat at an fast rate . Flash sits next to Wally and eat his own breakfeast at an fast rate. Citzen cold shackes his head in amesunts.
"It's like watching Twins Ay Kyle ?" Citzen Cold said with an grin.
"Hey !" Wonder twins shout causing to Robin and Star girl to giggle.
"This is the happiest I've seen him" Green lanter said.
Citzen cold takes an seat before hearing an beep on his watch. He presses his watch.
"Yeah Ted ?" Cold asks.
"Cold we have an emergency at Gotham city's measume ?" Ted said over the watch.
"What about it ?" Cold asks annoyed as he takes an bit out of the bacon.
"An rare Jewel was stolen last night by an unknown cat burglar that manged to escape Batman" Ted explains.
"You have an batman in this dimension !" Wally asks exited.
"Did batman manged to place an tracker on the thife ?" Flash asks.
"Of course he did and it looks like the thife is handing back to Gotham to east measume tonight" Ted explains.
Citzen cold smiles.
"You know what that means kids ? We get to do an stake out in Gotham" Cold said.
Robin, Star girl and the wonder twins cheer.
"Let's do this !" Stargirl cheers.
S.T.R.I.P.E enters the kitchen with an packet in his hand.
"Not so fast young lady you have homework you need to do" S.T.R.I.P.E said.
"But Pat it's Friday !" Stargirl complains.
"It's Friday during the morning, you'll have plenty of time to finish homework before tonight but that's 'if' you finish the packet" S.T.R.I.P.E said.
"Fine how long is the packet ?" Stargirl asks.
"2 pages" S.T.R.I.P.E said placing the packet in front of her.
"That's not that bad.... wait it's math ! You know I struggle with math ! Star girl exclaimes.
"That should give you 2 hours, if you need help I will help but I want you try the equations yourself first.... and if you get done you can go out to fight crime tonight" S.T.R.I.P.e said.
"Pat ! You can't be serious !" Star girl snares.
"Am I, education comes first" S.T.R.I.P.E said.
"I keep telling you I have an job as an super hero yet !" Star girl argues.
"You becoming an superhero was about to teach you responsible ability that's it !" S.T.R.I.P.E shouts.
Things were awakard when theses two argued they didn't care they where arguing in front of thire friends. They knew it was between them so they stayed out of it.
"Don't you get it ! This is what I want to do what I do with my life !" Stargirl shouts .
"You don't want to be an superhero for the rest of your life ! Your mother and I want you to go to college !" S.T.R.I.P.E said.
"Pat calm down !" Green lanter said as he places an comforting hand on his shoulder.
But when argument is about to get out of control... it's best to get involved. Kyle was the best was to help calm everything down.
Stargirl wanted to say something but she knew it wasn't the best. He wasn't her real dad... Pat was her step dad and that's not easy to accept.
S.T.R.I.P.E took an deep breath.
"Courtney I just want what's best for you... your my daughter" S.T.R.I.P.E said camly.
"Step daughter" Stargirl corrected.
"Yes Step daughter... but you are my only daughter.... I just want you to do well, complete your packet and then will talk about you going out tonight" S.T.R.I.P.E said.
Country nods her head and leads the room.
"That was the worst" S.T.R.I.P.E admits knowing he had an quick temper.
"Pat no one said it was going to be easy it takes time" Flash said,
"I...i know" S.T.R.I.P.E said whipping his tears. "I really thought letting her be an superhero would help us bond... my obession with education is getting in the way" S.T.R.I.P.E admits.
Robin hugs him in comfort.
"You only wants what's best for her" Jayna said.
Citzen cold stands up and hands him so tickets to an movie.
"Here Courtney asks me if I could get tickets for this movie she wanted to see, I think you two should see it togeather" Cold said.
"What's the movie ?" S.T.R.I.P.E asks unsure why Courtney didn't just talk to him if she wanted to see an movie.
"Kill Bill Vol. 1" Cold shurgs.
Wally laughs as Stripe's eyes widen.
"That's rated R I'm not taking Country to that !" S.T.R.I.P.E. snares.
"Both of you take the night off we got the mission handled" Zan said.
"I'm not taking her to an R rated movie" S.T.R.I.P.E shouts.
"Come on its not that bad !" Wally giggles.
"Maybe you'll both enjoy it ?" Jayna said.
"I don't guys I saw an wildly innapraipt movie with granny flash and it was uncomfortable" Flash said rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh dear lord what movie did you take that poor movie too ?" Green lanter asks.
"Space balls" Flash admits.
Wally once again brusts out in laughter.
"My mom took me to jurassic park when I was an kid, I think I should take her to that" S.T.R.I.P.E admits walking out of the room.
"Hey Wally you want to come on an mission with us !?" Flash asks.
"You bet !" Wally cheers.
"This is gonna be the best mission ever !"
"This the most boring mission ever ! Where the hell is this cat burglar !" Wally said annoyed.
It was nearing midnight and our heroes where perching on the rooftops. They been there for hours.... or that's what it felt that to Wally and Flash.
"Kid we been only here for 10 mintues" Citzen Cold said charging his ice gun.
"The super friends prowling through the night to take down criminals ! Robin said exitedly which caused Batgirl to giggle.
"Will catch an criminal soon" Flash said Before he sees an light enters an the mesume.
The Flash speeds to the light only to see his old flame, Doctor light.
"Linda ?!"
Wally ?!"
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