Ch.6 The Super friends

Wally couldn't believe he was the flash in Earth 20. But he standing right in front of him. He looked older maybe in his late 20's or possibly in early 30s. It really was looking into an mirror. Wally felt an sense of relief and how awesome it was. He wished he had an souvenir for this moment.

"This is amazing ! I'm the flash in this world !" Wally cheers after getting over his shock.

The Flash chuckles to see his alternate self so exited.

"You took the mantal of the flash this is...." Wally pauses relizing why his alternate took the mantal of the flash.

"Barry died so you took the mantal of the Flash..." Wally said in relization.

The Flash nods sadly.

"Ted told me you know that Zoom killed Barry" the flash admits. "Uncle Barry had always rushed into dire situations... maybe without thinking twice" The Flash explains.

Wally nods his head sadly.

"Come on let's get back to the hall of justice" The flash said.

"Yeah let's go" Wally said ready to accept help from other heroes.

"What's your name ?" The flash said.

"Wally West" he said.

"Mine too" The flash said with an smile.


Wally and the Flash head back to hall of justice where Citzen Cold, Powergirl and Firestorm Blue Beetle where looking very worried. Citzen Cold was pacing back and forth taking deep breaths before seeing Wally. Relife came to him as runs up to Wally and grabs him by the shoulders.

"Kid why did you run away ?!" Citzen Cold asks with worry.

Wally looks at the ground in shame. When Wally was an teenager he use to have problems with authority, especially with adults. He and the Team did disobey thire mentors so they go on an mission to Cadmas. But Wally didn't run away wasn't becuse he didn't like Authority... to be honest he was an adult now. But he ran away out of fear and he couldn't handle the news.

"I'm sorry I...I...I just got scared..." Wally admits.

"Kid your safer with us" Citzen Cold said looking at him with an serious look.

Power Girl looks at the flash, with an sadden look. An look he knew too well from her.

"We can't lose another Flash" Power girl said sadly.

"Don't worry Powergirl we won't" Flash said with an comforting smile.

Blue Beetle stands up.

"Don't worry will get you home, I just have to figure out how" Blue Beetle promises.

Fire storm stands and unfues to reval two people. An 18 year old afrcain american boy and an roughish 30 year old man with dark brown hair and green eyes..

"Firestorm is two guys ?" Wally asks.

"Yep nice to meet ya kid, the name Ronnie Raymond" Ronnie said as he smiles before montioning to his partner. "This is my partner and brains of Firestorm, Jason Rusch" he said.

Jason Rusch fists bumps Wally. He happy to meet an new friend.

"How you doing kid ? I'll show to the others" Jason said.

"Lead the way" Wally said as he, Cold, Ronnie, Flash, and Powergirl follow Jason into the hang out room.

Blue Beetle heads back to his computer to find an way home for Wally.


"This such an awesome TV room ! I mean just look at the tv it's huge !" Wally said so exited.

Citzen cold chuckles.

"Just wait until you see the Xbox, Ted set up yesterday" Citzen Cold said with an smile, happy to see Wally safe and sound.

"No way ! you have an Xbox ! That's so crash !" Wally grins as he runs around to check out the tv room.

"He's right through the tv room is huge" Power Girl noted.

It was true the tv room that the heroes hang out was pretty huge, huger then the break room that was in mountain justice. The room had so many things in the early 2000's beside the huge tv set, like an old game console, an foes ball table, an mini fridge and an big couch. All the other heroes where here hanging out. Stargirl was watching Snl on the huge tv with Booster who was drinking beer. The wonder twins where playing on the console and also arguing. Robin was teaching Batgirl to play basketball at the hoop on the wall. Green lantern was refilling the frige with sodas, juice boxes, and some new food.

Citzen Cold takes off his hood to reval his brown hair. Jason and Ronnie go to play at the fooesball table. Power Girl sits on the coach and watches snl. Citzen Cold grabs Booster by the ear.

"Apologies to the kid for not calming explaining it" Citzen Cold snares.

"I'm sorry !" Booster shouts,

"It's okay" Wally said.

Cold lets go of boosters ear and he runs out afraid.

"I'm gonna go help Ted, you guys have fun" Flash said as he speeds out of the room.

Wally turns to Green lantern, Cold, and the wonder twins.

"So if your guys are an superhero team, what's your Team name ?" Wally asks.

Cold groans.

"Let's not tell him... He'll laugh" Citzen Cold mutters.

"Why ?" Wally asks.

"Well Reverse Flash named his villain team the Legion of doom" Green lantern explains which causes Wally to chuckle at that name.

It was an classic super villain name.

"Flash said we needed to fight campy with Campy" Jayna said.

"So we came up with the name The super friends !" Zan said.

Wally at this point laughs, rolling around on the floor. Citzen Cold face palms.

"We need an new name" Cold groans.

"I'll talk to Flash" Green lantern sighs.

The show Star girl was watching was swearing causing her to laugh.

"Country ! Are you doing your homework !?" S.T.R.I.P.E shouts from the other room.

Stargirl turns off the tv and throws the remote across the room. Bat hound chases after the remote.

"Bat hound no !" Star girl shouts before pretending to do her homework.

S.T.R.I.P.E walks into the room with folded arms and an stern look. He looks at Star girl who was pending to write. He grabs the note pad form star girl.

"Hey !" Star girl protests as S.T.R.I.P.E looks at the paper.

"Courtney your not fooling anyone young lady" S.T.R.I.P.E said. "No go do your homework or your not going out to fight crime" S.T.R.I.P.E states firmly.

"Pat come on your being ridiculous !" Star girl snares.

"I don't care your education should come first" S.T.R.I.P.E said.

"Being an Super hero comes first in my life" Star girl argues.

"School is more important, you have to learn stuff before you get into collage in few years" S.T.R.I.P.E explains.

"Why do you care ?! Your not my real..." Stargirl stops herself.

"Not your real what Country ?" S.T.R.I.P.E said looking at her with stern eyes.

"Nothing Pat... just forget it okay ?" Star girl said ashamed.

"Alright but just do your work okay ? I'll even buy you some dinner if after you finished" S.T.R.I.P.E said changing his voice to an calmer tone.

"Whatever" Stargirl said before walking out of the room.

S.T.R.I.P.E sighs looking at Powergirl.

"Powergirl ? Be honest do you think I'm to hard on her to do well ?" S.T.R.I.P.E asks.

"You just want her do well and she might not see it yet but when she's older she'll relized you always have her best intreast in mind" Powergirl said understanding.

"I just I don't like the adutide she gives me" S.T.R.I.P.E said.

"Is she your daughter ?" Wally asks after he listen to the argument.

"Step daughter actually... married her mother 3 years ago" S.T.R.I.P.E admits.

Wally nods as Captain cold places his hand on Wally's shoulder.

"Wanna play video games with me and Robin ?" Cold asks.

Wally grins a bit.

"Your on" Wally grins as he rushes to the game console.

Cold chuckles again as he sees Robin play fight with Wally on who would be the red car. It's like he was looking at an young Flash before he became flash. Sure he was still an villian back then but he cared about the kids safety. Cold grabs an control as he sits down next to Wally. Choosing the blue car.

"Ready Kid ?" Cold said.

"Get ready to eat my virtual dust" Wally grins.

Cold grins at him as he fouces on the game.


Zoom growls in anger as he punches the stone wall. He had Kid Flash in his grasps but now an Flash imposter had saved him. He now had to deal with the speed imposter. He might an threat to his plans. Zoom picks up an phone and dails an number.

"Hello Ms. Nygoen do have my diamonds ?" Zoom asks.

An grins comes across his face as hears some good news.

"Perfect" Zoom laughs.


Ted Kord groans as he hears all the loud noise from the tv room of his teammates and thire shangiens. It was just like living with his relatives who were fun but loud people which meant it made it difficult to work. He felt like kicking himself for putting main meeting room right next to the tv room.

Don't get him wrong Ted loves his family and his teammates really did remind him of his family and how funny they are but sometimes it was hard to fouces.

Flash eats an pretzel as he watches Ted work.

"Your not helping Flash" Ted sighs.

"I know alot about Speedsters I could help with this..." The flash said with an mouth full of pretzels.

"Speedsters..." Ted mutters before getting an idea. "That's it ! You and Barry had always the speed force and Snart explained to me that Wally had been trapped in the speed force" Ted explains as he begins to type away at an fast rate.

Then he sees the solution.

"The sound barrier Wally will have to break it to reenter the speed force !" Ted exclaimes.

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