Ch.4 meeting new heroes of earth 20

Meanwhile in the swampy waters, legion of doom headquarters,

Killer frost scowlds as she enters the an darken room. She was dreading having this little talk with the boss. She knew she failed killing Kid Flash and now she might be playing that price.

She looks around seeing no one.

Suddenly she felt the wind blow past her.

"Hey Frost" Chuckles an voice.

Killer forts gasps.

"Zoom I can explain what happened out" Killer frost began but Zoom holds up his hand with an evil smirk.

Reverse Flash Aka Zoom aka Thawn stands in front of Killer frost, wearing his famouse yellow flash outfit.

"No need frost I'm aware what happened" Zoom said calmly. "And I'm quite pleased" he adds with an smile.

"But Kid Flash is still alive !" Killer frost snares.

"Now why would we kill him, when he just got to our lovely Earth ?" Zoom asks sounding offending. "I would prefer the little pest to take an tour of our central city" Zoom said smirking.

"But why, Why not just kill him now ?" Killer frost asks.

"Let's just say.... staying here too long will take care of it for us" Zoom said sinsterly.


Wally slowly sits from the bed, still wincing at his arm. Bat hound licks arm. Wally pets him and smile.

"Thanks Boy" Wally said as he exits the bedroom. He walks into an tv room where he sees two twins wearing matching purple costumes, arguing over an romote.

"Zan it's my turn !" The girl twins shouts.

"I was born first !" Zan snares.

Wally clears his throat to get thire attention. They turn around to look at him.

"Jupiters ! We have an new member !" Zan said as he stands up.

"Oh man he saw us arguing" the girl twin said embrassed.

"Don't worry I'll fix" Zan said.

Zan holds up his to Wally.

"Hi I'm Zan and this Jayna, we're the wonder twins" Zan said as Wally shackes his hand and then Jayna.

"Nice to meet you both" Wally said.

"And for the recorded, my sister started the argument" Zan said before Jayna hits him in the back of the head. "Ow!"

"You started it !" Jayna snares.

"No I didn't !" Zan argues back.

"Guys !" Wally said stopping an another argument.

"Right sorry.... this happens alot" Jayna admits.

"It's alright, I'm Kid Flash" Wally said.

The wonder twins looked at him with supriesed looks.

"What's wrong ?" Wally asks noticing thire supriesed looks.

Neither of the Wonder twins answer his question, instead Zan did this.

"Hey Robin !" Zan shouts to another room.

"What ?!" Shouts an young voice.

"Did Ted make an time machine ?!" Zan asks.

"Wait what ?!" The young voice shouts.

An young boy wearing an Robin custome enters the room. Wally's eyes widen seeing the young Robin. He didn't look like Dick Grayson. He looked like Tim Drake but younger.

"Whoa !" Robin said looking at Wally.

"He looks like..." before Jayna could finish her sentence Blue Beetle enters the room with the other heroes.

"Kid Flash how are you feeling ?" Blue Beetle asks.

"I'm better, I'm meeting new friends" Wally said with an smile pointing at the wonder twins and Robin.

"Well we would like you to me other friends of ours" fire storm said.

"Kid Flash meet Green lanter, Star girl, Robin, wonder twins Batgirl and Booster Gold" Citzen cold said.

"Wait why an I last ?" Booster Gold asks.

Before Cold could reply two new people enters the room.

"Ted we got your Call what's your.... oh my god"

There was an robot mech and an woman with blond hair and wearing quite an revaling outfit.

"He looks just like... but it can't be...." The mech said as he takes off his helmet to reval an human face and red hair.

"He looks Flash when he was younger" The woman said shock as she looks at Wally

"Kid Flash this is Power Girl and S.T.R.I.P.E... Power Girl, S.T.R.I.P.E This is Kid Flash,he's from an alternate Dimension" Citzen Cold explains.

Power girl touches Wally's face.

"Impossible,He looks like an younger Flash" Power Girl almost whispers shocked.

"Wait I thought the Flash... Barry Allen died here, Zoom killed him" Wally said shocked.

Everyone looked shocked that he knew that.

"Wait how did you know what happend to Barry ?" Blue Beetle asked susprised.

Everyone looked at Wally for an answer. Wally clears his throat before talking.

"Ah mysterious woman in an cloak told me about what happend to Barry, he said was killed about Zoom...." Wally said tearing up.

"I blame my self for not saving Barry in time..." Power Girl snares tears whealling up in her eyes.

Everyone stayed slient just looking at the ground in shame.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up" Wally said

"Power girl what happened to Barry wasn't your fault" Blue Beetle said.

"Yes it was if I wasn't captured by Zoom then..." Power Girl began before she broke down uncontrollable sobbing. Blue Beetle comforts her.

"Powergirl you weren't the only one who was captured by Zoom and used by bait to lure Barry to his fate... Barry had to scarfice himself to save us" Blue Beetle explains sadly.

Wally relized what happened to this world's Flash was very sensitive subject for theses heroes.

"It shouldn't have been Barry, Ted..... It should of been m...."

"No it shouldn't of... we can't think like that" Firestorm said.

"Barry saved you and Ted so you both could fight another day...that's what he would of wanted" Green lanter said.

Power Girl nods through tears and walked out of the room,Firestorm, S.T.R.I.P.E and Robin followed her to make sure she was alright. Blue Beetle turns to Wally.

"There's something I have to tell you " Blue Beetle said.

"What is it ?" Wally asks.

Blue Beetle takes an deep breath.

"Your.... glitching" Blue Beetle stummers not sure how to properly explain this to Wally.

Wally looked confused. Before Wally could asks what he means, Booster blurts out....

"Glitching ? I thought you said his body would disinergrate if he stays here to long"

"I'm gonna die !" Wally shouts.

"Booster !" Blue Beetle shouts.

"What you said Kid Flash's cells are decaying/highly unstable being in this world"

"What ?!" Wally shouts.

"You so of an...." Citzen Cold swears.

Batgirl hits Booster Gold in the back of the head while green lantern and Star girl faced palm. Citzen Cold glares at Booster with an angry look.

Wally founds himself stagging backw.ards in shock.

"Oh god I'm gonna die.... I can't die.... people in my earth proably think I'm already dead.... I can't die for really !" Wally stummers in shock.

"Kid it's going to be Okay, we're not gonna have anything happen to you, will get you home" Citzen Cold promises.

Batgirl helps Wally to sit down, who looked completely shocked and scared.

Blue Beetle looks at Ted in anger.

"Booster can we have an word with you ?" Blue Beetle said trying to keep his cool.

"No I'm good" Booster said knowing he was in trouble.

"He wasn't asking" Citzen Cold snares.

Blue Beetle and cold lead Booster to the other room.

"Booster that wasn't gentle explaining !" Citzen Cold shouts.

"What ? I thought you were the one to say we tell him the truth ?" Booster said.

"Not like that !" Citzen Cold shouts in anger.

"This is why we had to gental break the news to him, I knew he would react this way if we didn't do it gental !" Blue Beetle said.

"Okay I'm sorry" Booster said.

"Ted !" Green lanter shouts running into the room. "Kid Flash is gone !"

"Oh my god he's disinergrated" Booster shouts.

"No he ran away" Green lanter.

"No no no... he might..." Citzen Cold stops himself.

"We won't let that happen" Blue Beetle said as he heads towards an red phone.

"Who are you calling" Zan asks.

"A friend" Blue Beetle said as he dials an number.


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