Ch.11 Training montage

Wally, Flash,Catwoman,Batman, Robin , Batgirl ,Citzen Cold and Wonder twins returned to the hall of justice.

"Is this really nessary ?" Catwoman asks as she blinded folded as the wonder twins guided her into the computer room. She's holding Lian.

"Sorry Catwoman but we can't take any chances" Batman said as he takes off the blind flod.

Catwoman mutters as she takes an seat and begins to feed Lian with baby food.

"Ted ! Booster ! Green lanter ! We're back" Flash calls.

"And we brought Catwoman here" Citzen Cold mutters.

"What ?" Ted asks supriesed.

"She'll help us get more information on Zoom's plan" Batman said.

"And she has an baby with her" Wally said.

"An what now ?" Booster said.

"She's an mother ?" Ted asks shocked.

"Will explain that later" Citzen Cold said.

"Please tell me you checked her to see if she had an homimg device on her ?" Ted asks worried as he puts down his coffee.

"Yeah Batgirl checked her 3 times, she has no homing devices on her" Batman said.

"Besides bring Catwoman home, how was the mission ?" Green lanter asks.

"It was Awesome ! We fought Trickster, Two face and mirror master in an mesume and Doctor light helped us !" Robin said overly exitedly.

Batgirl smiles at Robin.

"Aw man I missed the action" Stargirl mutters as she enters the room with Firestorm next to her

"Next time Stargirl" Firestorm said.

Green lanter looks at Ted. He montions to Wally. Ted takes an deep breath.

"Wally I think I might of found an way back to your earth" Ted said.

"You did ?! How do I get back home" Wally asks.

"You will have to re enter the speed force" Ted explains.

"What ? How will I do that ?" Wally asks.

"You will have to break the sound barrier" Ted said.

"How ?" Wally asks.

"The same as we Speedsters do we run fast" The Flash said.

"There's an problem with that... I'm the slowest speedster you'll ever meet, my slow speed is the reason I'm in this mess to begin with" Wally admits.

Firestorm thinks about this for an moment before firing an fire ball at Wally who speed dodges it.

"What the heck dude ?!" Wally shouts.

"Jason says flight or fight response will help you run faster !" Firestorm said firing another fireball.

"Dude !" Wally shouts dodging another fire ball. "This will not help me !"

Batgirl joins in and throws an throwing star at Wally.

"Come on this isn't helping me !" Wally shouts as he dodges the throwing star.

Booster stands up with an grin much to Cold's annoyance.

"Booster wipe that grin off your face !" Cold shouts but green lanter calms him down.

"I have an idea that might help our friend Wally here" Booster said.

"What is it ?" Wally asks.

"And are going to regret it ?" Cold asks annoyed.

"We going to need something that will pump him up and to get his speed up, I'm thinking an training montage !" Booster Gold said with exitment.

"I know it !" Citzen Cold shouts angerly.

"Please tell me I get an say in this" Wally said unsure about this plan.

"Skeets play the rocky theme !" Booster Gold commands.

"You got it sir" Skeets said as muisc begins to play.


Wally found himself running on an track outside the hall of justice. He wore an training outfit with his kid flash Symbole on it. Wally breaths heavily as he slows down and takes an breath. Batgirl walks up to him and montions him to keep running. She tries to push him.

"I...I need an few mintues" Wally said panting.

Batgirl throws down an throwing knife near his feet which cause him to jump.

"Okay ! Okay ! I'll countine to run ! Geeze !" Wally shouts before counting to run.

Batgirl just shackes her head as Ted and Flash watch this. Flash turns to Ted.

"I have something that might help him" Flash said.


"Is putting wires on him really nessary ?" Powergirl asks concern.

"To check his heart and speed rate yes" Ted said as he finishes placing wires and montiors up to Wally's chest and arms.

"Is this even safe ?" Wally asks.

"That's what I want to know" Powergirl said still worried.

"It's perfectly safe" Ted said as he eyes Flash to get some clarification on that.

Flash gives an "I hope it's safe" look.

"Now Wally your going to run on the tred mill" Ted said.

"Flash how old is this thing and how long have you used it ?" Citzen Cold asks noticing old the tredmill looked.

"I don't think it's that old and well i haven't used since Barry died..." Flash said akawardly.

"Oh this is renisuring !" Citzen Cold shouts as he raises his hands up.

"It's going to be fine this is just an test run" Ted said trying to calm cold down.

"Okay Wally start running on the tredmill" Flash said as starts up the tredmill.

Wally begins to run on it as the tredmill begins to speed up. Wally tries to keep up with the speed but he then begins to slow down and tred mill becomes faster and faster. Wally begins to struggle.

"Turn that thing down !" Wally hears someone shout.

Wally loses his footing and falls off. However instead of falling someone catches him.

Wally looks up to see Power girl who caught him.

Wally let's out an sigh.


"Ow ! Booster what was that for !" Wally shouts at him as he stands in front of an tenses ball luncher that Booster his holding.

Batgirl, Robin, Catwoman and Firestorm are behide him. Catwoman rocks Lian back and forth but she was smirking at Wally, finding this amusing.

"This is supposed to help you with fast reflexes" Booster said as fires another tense ball at Wally.

"Hey !" Wally shouts.


"Wally I would like you to meet my friend the Pied piper, he's the master of sound " Citzen Cold said as Wally stands between two mirrors.

The Pied piper waves at Wally with an smile. Ted Kord comes in.

"Wally your going to run between the two glass mirrors, piped piper here is going to help you break the sound barrier" Ted said.

Wally tries but fails to break the sound barrier.


Training for Wally became harder and harder for him as he begins to struggle and his body was glitching in and out again. Everyone tried to help as Wally became more tired.

Robin had an idea for Wally to run the tread mill with Pizza being held in front of him as runs for it as Booster blastes the rocky music loud.

But Cold came in an Freezed the Radio taking care of that problem.

As Wally runs on the tredmill the next day he becomes slowly and weaker. He nearly faints. Citzen cold catches him looking at him with concern.


Wally sits on the floor looking sad. He felt so helpless. He takes out an picture of him and Artmies.

He couldn't give he had to keep fighting.

Wally began to work harder and passing each training session becoming faster and faster until he finally did it. He broke the sound barrier. The two mirriors shattered with his speed.

Flash smiles at Ted.

"He finally did it !" Flash said.

"He's ready" Ted said.

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