Ch.10 De-clawed
Note - This chapter is an little dark in some places because Zoom threatens Lian.
Catwoman growls at the heroes angerly.
"You followed me here ! To my own home" Jade growls.
Catwoman holds her baby tightly and her whip ready.
"Where's the Dimonds !?" Batman snares.
"Too late I already gave them too Zoom !" Catwoman snares.
"What doses he wants with them ?" Batman snares.
"I don't know why he wants them, he dosen't tell me !" Catwoman admits.
"Then why steal form him ?" Flash asks.
Catwoman dosen't answear justs looks at the ground.
"Zoom is blackmailing you isn't he ?" Flash said in relaztion.
Catwoman dosen't say anything.
"Jade what happened you for the past 4 weeks.... what did Zoom do to you ?" Batman asks.
"Look I don't have an choice if I didn't do as Zoom says, he'll kill..." Catwoman stops in mid sentace as she chocks on an sob.
"He'll kill who ?" Citzen Cold asks.
Catwoman covers Lian's ears so she wouldn't hear this as she sleeps.
"He said he would kill my baby girl" Catwoman whispers.
"No he wouldn't !" Flash gasps.
"But he would threaten an child" Batman snares.
"What happened to you for all thoses 4 weeks ?" Flash asks.
"Do you really want to know ?" Catwoman asks.
"The only way we can help you if we knew what happend to you" Flash said.
Catwoman gives an deep sigh as she covers Lian's ears.
"I gusse it started when I stole form Zoom" Catwoman said as she begins to tell the story.
"4 weeks ago, I planned to bag the biggest score by stealing diamonds but I was way over my head and Zoom captured me"
In an cold dungeon cell kneeled Catwoman. Her masked torn off and her hair was deshulved. Around her arms and torsal where metal chains wrapped around her securing her wrists behind her back. Her eyes where closed, trying to get some sleep but her stomach was growling from hunger.
She wasn't sure how long she's been in this cage but all she knows after Zoom caught her stealing from him, he dragged her to the swamps and into the legion of doom headquarters. She remember she was handed over to Grundy and Mirror master so they could tie he up in chains. Catwoman tried to fight them but Zoom had speed punched her uncouises.
When she came to, had found herself in an cage, becoming an prisoner of the legion of doom.
She tried so many times to escape but Zoom always caught her, even taking away her gloves which contained her claws. There was always someone guarding the cage so she wouldn't escape. This time it was Grundy and he's smarter than he looks.
She was trapped.
Jade wanted to say it wasn't all that bad the food is nice. But that would be lying, they didn't feed her no the super villains would mock or complete humility her. No It was hell.
Just two days ago Killer frost hunged her upside down over the Penguin's shark tank. Today she was given the mother of ice wedgies by killer frost. Yestrday Cheetha, Red Hood, Mirror master and Killer frost decided to react that famouse scence from James Bond Gold finger. You know the scene where James Bond is strapped to an metal table and an giant laser slowly comes near him. And gusse who was strapped to the table ? That's right her !
And just last week before she wasforced to watch Batman and Robin with Mr. Freeze. Okay that last one dosen't sound so bad. But my god there was so many ice puns in that movie !
Jade took an deep breath and exhale slowly and she opened her eyes.
Across from her cage was another cage holding a super hero an archer to be exact. He had a red outfit and yellow hat. He looked hopeful. He was chained up just like her and sitting on the ground. He gave her smile, like he was trying to tell her everything was going to be okay. The superhero was known as Speedy. An hero Catwoman knew an little to well.
"Hey big guy !" The super hero known as Speedy said trying to get Grundy's attention. Grundy growls looking at him.
"Listen big guy can you get me a cheese burger and Milkshake with some fries maybe you can some grilled salmon for Catwoman ?" Speedy asks.
"Great I feel more hungry than ever" Catwoman mutters.
"Solomon Grundy is no butler" Grundy said.
"Oh come on big guy we're hungry here, At least give us some food" Speedy begs.
"Fine Grundy will see what he can do for you" Solomon Grundy said as he walks away.
Speedy relaxes his shoulders, giving Catwoman an smile much to her annoyance.
"Why are you so hopeful? Catwoman asks.
"You want me to be dark and gloomy ?" Speedy jokes.
"Well let me give you the list !" Catwoman snares. "1. We're prisoners of the legion of doom, 2 . We been constantly mocked and put in ridiculous death traps by super villains. And 3 I was forced to watch an terrible movie !" Catwoman shouts.
"It wasn't that bad" Speedy shurgs.
"Really ?" Catwoman sassys.
"I mean it's enteringly bad, it's better than sitting here all day" Speedy said as he shrugs agaisnt the chains.
"Whatever" Catwoman mutters annoyed. "I just don't get why you can manged to be so postive" Catwoman said.
"1. I use to be herion addict and gone through withdrawals so I been at the lowest of my life. 2. I know my friends will find and save us" Speedy reinsures her.
"You mean just you ?" Catwoman said.
"No I mean both of us, I'm not leaving you here" Speedy said.
"Why do you care so much about me ? Remember an year ago your were trying stop me from stealing the cats eye and I tricked you with the classic "let me put on my make up before I go to jail" Catwoman recalls the first time they met.
"Oh yeah and then you knocked me out with some kinda of hair spray" Speedy chuckles.
"It was knock out gas desguised as hair spray" Catwoman comments. "I put you in an death trap with an tiger" Catwoman said.
"The classic lady or the Tiger trap" Speedy grins. "Good times"
"I was trying to kill you !" Catwoman snares.
"I been in death traps where I been tied to an rocket by Joker or the time I was strapped to an speeding wheel by penguin or that time Killer croc tied me over an fire to roast me" Speedy said.
"He tried to cook you alive !" Catwoman said.
"I don't like to talk about that one" Speedy shivers.
"I bet" Catwoman mutters.
"I want to know more about you" Speedy said.
"My speedy I would say you where sweet on me" Catwoman sassys.
"I care about you Catwoman and I don't want Zoom to hurt you" Speedy said.
"Look I know an year ago we had... a night togeather but for god sakes that was in our customes we don't know each others identities" Catwoman snares.
"You only know me as Speedy" Speedy said.
"And you only know me as Catwoman" Catwoman said.
Speedy thinks about this before saying..
"Roy" speedy said with an smile.
"What ?" Catwoman asks.
"That's my name Roy Harper Wilson" Speedy said.
"Any relations to President Wilson ?" Catwoman asks.
"Yeah he's my dad" Speedy admits.
Catwoman looked at him supriesed before telling him...
"My name is Jade Nguyen" Catwoman said with an smile.
"Nice to meet you Jade" Roy said.
"You too Roy" Jade smiles.
Grundy comes back with some bowls of cold soup.
"At least it's something" Roy said as tries to eat his soup with his hands bond.
Catwoman tries to eat the soup with her hands tied up, she then sees Zoom walking into the cell with an smirk.
"Grundy go" Zoom said.
Grundy leave and Zoom smirks as he moves the soup away from Catwoman.
"Zoom please I'm starving" Catwoman begs.
"We need to talk Catwoman" Zoom said.
"What is it ?" Catwoman sighs in deafeat.
"After you stole from me I been thinking of an punishment so for the past week I had Red Hood to find more about you and your identity... Jade Nguyen" Zoom snares.
"So what you found out my identity" Jade snares.
"That's not all he found out... he found your an mother of an daughter" Zoom smirks evilly causing Jade's eyes to widen.
"Your an mother ?" Roy asks shocked.
"Roy... she's your baby" Jade said fighting back tears.
Roy looked in shock.
"I...I'm an father ?" Roy asks in shock as he manged to an smile.
"I'm an father ! I have an daughter !" Roy said as he felt overcoming happiness and joy.
Jade didn't expect Roy to have this reaction but it made her have an feeling of hope.
"So I thought this would be an fitting punishment" Zoom said as Red Hood and Killer frost bring in an sleeping baby Lian.
Jade's who world seemed to slow down as her worst fear comes true. She tries to fight back tears. She watched in horror as Killer frost hands Lian to Zoom with an evil smirk.
Tears streamed down Jade's face.
"No don't harm her" Roy begs as he tried struggle out the chains.
Zoom smirks evilly at Catwoman. Catwoman ' s body began tremble as tears stream down her face,
"Zoom please please she's an baby don't hurt her please" Catwoman begs.
"I told you Jade, you would regret stealing from me" Zoom said.
Catwoman begins to cry heavily.
"Zoom I'll do anything ! Please spear her and I'll do anything you want !" Catwoman begs.
This makes Zoom think.
"Does this mean you'll work for me ?" Zoom asks.
"If you leave my daughter alone I'll do what you want" Catwoman said.
"Jade you don't need to do this" Roy begs her.
"I have to protect my daughter" Jade whispers.
"Well I do need to obtain Dimonds and I think you the right cat burglar to obtain them, if you do that, I leave you and your daughter alone, disobey and well the conquest will be most unfortunate for her" Zoom said evilly.
"Do we have an deal ?" Zoom said.
Catwoman grints her teeth.
"Yes" is all she said.
"Killer frost get her out that cage" Zoom smirks.
Killer frost unlocks the cell and frees Catwoman. She walks over to Zoom holding her arms out towards Lian.
"Please Zoom.. let hold my baby" Jade begs.
Zoom looks at her before making the montion. But then he stops and looks at her sternly.
"Remember the deal or next time I won't be so... 'nice'" Zoom whispers grimly before handing her lian.
Jade found herself hugging Lian tightly, letting tears fall down her face.
"I'm sorry" Jade whispers to her.
"I'll be seeing soon... Jade" she hears Zoom said.
Jade suddenly found herself back in her apartment. There she just stood there with Lian in arms and thinks about the mess she got herself into.
The heroes looked at her in shocked.
"That's what happend" Catwoman said.
"We can help you" Flash said.
"Zoom will find out" Catwoman snares.
"We can protect you and your daughter" Jayna said.
"There's always a catch" Catwoman mutters.
"Do you know why Zoom wants the Dimonds ?" Batman asks.
"I honestly don't know why he wants them all I know is he had given me an list of rare Dimonds he wants" Catwoman said.
"Catwoman we need your help if we're going to stop Zoom's plan" Robin said.
"Then your foolish, you can't stop Zoom !" Catwoman snares. "If I go agaisnt Zoom, he'll come after my daughter" Catwoman said.
"Then will protect your daughter !" Flash said.
"No ! I don't trust you heroes" Catwoman snares.
"You don't have an choice !" Batman shouts.
"There's nothing for me, it'll only lead me to death !" Catwoman snares.
"I'll pay you what I'm worth if you work with us" Flash pleads.
"Your bluffing !" Catwoman snares.
Flash gives her an check.
"The rest is yours if you work with us" Flash said.
"Well I gusse we're partners" Catwoman smirks.
"Well this gonna end well" Wally comments.
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