chapter 5: The Magnificent Six
A/n Hello, my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, sorry to for the long wait for this chapter but here it is! Now let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
We were walking through the woods, after the whole ugly princess curse thing. Right now Ruel and Yugo were discussing about Iop honor and love for battle, which I can understand that Iops aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but what they lack in intelligence is backed up by their raw power. Which Dally includes the values that Iops hold dear, surely they are the true knight like warriors to understand.
Eva: Ugh, they're like a pair of jealous teenagers.
Y/n: Eh, their just having a conversation. The values that Iops hold dear are something to look up too.
Amalia: You got a point there... But what of your people's values, you know Silver Eye warrior philosophy?
Y/n: Well, we don't really have one. We focus on what's in the present and prepare for what the future has in store, along with following what we think is right.
Then after some time, what appears to be a village could be seen in the distance which we all began to arrive at the front gate. But the odd thing is, that there weren't any villagers around Dally was first to be up front with his sword out preparing for any potential monster.
Amalia: Huh? Don't tell me there's no one in the village.
Y/n: Odd, even in a time of day like this should have villagers around either working on farms or doing some kind of jobs.
Dally: But there are monsters here. I can taste the trouble.
Y/n: *deadpanned expression* Not really.
Then an api rolls up to Dally, who picks it up to give it a closer look while I'm curious as to where it came from. Since apis don't just appear from thin air.
Dally: An api? What on Earth?
Yugo: I bet it's a bad api. Or perhaps a demon in disguised! Now you said Iops were never afraid of anything, right?
Dally: You're mixing up fear and foresight. A true Iop always stays ahead.
Eva: *sarcastically* What a noble hero.
Amalia: Yeah, more like a noble zero, you mean.
Y/n: Now, now ladies. Let's not focus on that but focus on why this village is devoid of its people.
Ruel: Y/n is very much right. There's nothing but apis and arachnees. *stomps on an arachnee and chuckles* By my shovel, we're hardly going to make a fortune here then, are we?
I dismissed Ruel's comment and focused on the surround area, while the others discuss our next move. I then notice Yugo's little bird friend Az flies to a large barrel of apis, which could explain where the api that Dally held came from. But the next moment Az seemed to be attacked by something and fell to the ground, Yugo was first to rush to his bird to check on him and see some kind of slime like creature with a hat hiding behind the barrel.
Dally: Ah, see? See? Are you telling me that's not a monster?
Y/n: If it was a monster, it would have attacked us by now not hiding.
Ruel: Maybe he's afraid that Dally will challenge him to a duel.
Dally: Hey, it's sir Percedal to you.
I went to Yugo to see him picked up Az, so far he's unharmed just smacked across the face with no life threatening injuries.
Yugo: Oh, Az. Wake up, little Tofu!
Y/n: *puts a hand on Yugo's shoulder* Relax, he's fine what ever hit him. Didn't do anything life threatening.
Much to Yugo's relief, Az was indeed fine but then we started to hear crashing and the ground started to shake, which made me Ruel, Eva and Dally pull out our weapons. Then a bull like creature rushes out of the building with some food in it's arms, which three more came out of the same building with more food. This is already a red flag, which me and Dally walked up to them which caused the bull like creatures to stop in their tracks. But they didn't seemed focus on us, they focused on the apis but we had to get their attnetion.
Y/n: *whistles*
bull like creatures: Hmm?
Yugo: Hey, who do these guys think they are, hmm?
Ruel: Cool it, Yugo. I'm sure this is some kind of local custom.
Y/n: Unlikely, what kind of custom would allow these guys to just take food without paying and causing a mess. I'm sure their just regulars.
Eva: Regulars? I agree with Y/n on this one. Looks like it's their first visit to me.
Amalia: And so at home with apis. What a bunch of idiots.
Y/n: *to the bull like creatures* No, how about you guys put those down.
bull creature1: Hmm... Nope!
He then stomps the ground causing a shock wave, which rushes to me but I steadied myself as to not get blown away by said shock wave. Since they attack first, I quickly charged at them with a kick but it was caught by the bull creature easily, which was my plan. With a flick of my wrist, I ignited my blade and swung the blade at the bull like creature, which catches the creature off guard and quickly let go of me and jumped back.
While Dally sent one back with slash wave with Rubilax in light sword form as the other two focus on Dally, which the one I was fighting seemed to be enraged the fact Dally knocked on back.
bull creature1: Your friend just hurt my little brother... He shouldn't have done that!
The four bull like creatures then do some kind of dance and fired some lightning into the sky, which created a ring of lightning and is launched at me and Dally. Dally took the blast head on and blocked it with his sword, then redirected the blast away and out of the village, but not all of them as others nearly hit Eva, Yugo and Ruel. With the bull like creatures distracted I swung my blade and sent a wave of fire at them, as it hit the bull creatures were on the ground with some scratches.
Dally: So then, is that all you moo cows have got?
bull creature1: It's not over.
bull creature2: We'll be back. You'll see.
bull creature3: Yeah!
They leave the village, as Dally has an api in his hand and seemed proud at blocking the attack head on.
Dally: Here's a little souvenir. Catch!
He throws the api, but it doesn't go very far and laugh, but I got irritated and knocked him upside the head. Which he then glares at me while rubbing his head from my punch.
Dally: Hey, what was that for?!
Yn: You idiot! When you deflected the attack, it nearly hit the others and caused some damage around the village! Next time you do something like that, make sure you deflect it either back at the enemy or somewhere it wouldn't cause structural damage or harm to villagers!
Dally: We won, didn't we?
Eva: You imbecile. What's your problem? We could have been blown into pieces- *hears and turns to her left* What the?
We all look to see small slime like creatures, which all were wearing rising from the ground and coming out of hiding. Some even coming out of hiding and looking at us, which some of them walked right up to us.
Dally: Where did those little guys come from?
slime creature1: He's so handsome.
Y/n: Say what, now?
slime creature1: He's a real hero, like persimol.
The slime creature then points up towards a statue of a slime creature wielding a hammer, but what caught interest for me was the name, was close to Dally's birth name Percedal.
slime creature2: The Taurs, you made them-
Dally: All blow up. Say, Sir Percedal and Sir Y/n, Terrorizer of Taurs sounds good.
Y/n: Don't loop me into this, I only attacked the one who swung... or stomped first. I did try to have them stop peacefully.
Daly: Eh, no biggy. *to the slime creatures* No need to thanks us, my friend. It's our pleasure to serve you. Um, what are you exactly?
Ruel: I think I've read some old stories about them.
Y/n: Yeah, their appearance does ring some bells.
Ruel: And if my memory serves me well, they are called Puddlies.
Yugo: The Puddlies?
Amalia: *looking at the Puddlies* They're so cute.
old puddlie: Oh, you fools! You've made them even madder! We... we'll have to pay, not you. They'll be back! We're all done for!
Dally: Say what? But what is this little Puddle talking about?
old Puddlie: Why didn't you just leave the Taurs alone? They would have taken what they wanted and left without making trouble, like they always do. Now they're out for revenge! Oh, we're gonna have to pay.
Y/n: *deadpanned expression* What...
Dally: But...
Ruel: I told you to respect the local customs.
Y/n: That is not a custom, those Taurs were just taking what they wanted and causing a mess.
old Puddlie: The Taurs have hearts of leather. They're gonna come back and reduce our village to rubble!
They all splat on the ground and turned into puddles, which could explain why there weren't any villagers during the encounter of the Taurs.
Amalia: It's strange that every time you try to do something heroic, it turns into a catastrophe.
Dally: But...
Ruel: Well, as far as I can make out, we've caused more than enough trouble here. It's time for us to take a little break.
Yugo: No! We can't just abandon them! If we leave the village now, ho, you know the Taurs will come back and vaporize them.
Y/n: Yugo is right. And I'm not going to leave them at the mercy of the Taurs, that something that my people and mother wouldn't allow.
Dally: You are already small, my dear Puddlies. If these Taurs then come back, what will be left? Flat Puddlies!
Y/n: Umm...? [Does he not know that they can become puddles?]
Dally: Is that what you want? Come on, stand up for yourselves! Come on, let's fight!
This leaves silence only for the wind to be heard, which one of the Puddlies hugged Dally's ankle seems like that Puddlie see's Dally the same as the statue.
Yugo: The Taurs are lazy. They come and take whatever they want from you just because they can. If you let them keep going and don't do anything, soon nothing will be left of your village.
old Puddlie: But what can we do? You won't be here forever to protect us, will you?
puddlie1: Oh why not.~
Yugo: You'll have to learn to stick up for yourselves. Dally is a noble hearted warrior. Same with Y/n, they'll teach you how to defend yourselves and maybe some of Y/n's magi-
Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to stop you right there Yugo. My Silver eye magic can't be used by others.
Yugo: Huh? Why not?
Y/n: Simple, Silver eye magic is strictly for those born with Silver eyes like me for example.
Eva: We'll never have enough time. We have to build defenses for the village and set traps in order to be ready for the next attack.
Dally: Traps? Oh, come on! It's no fun unless you fight them face to face. You have to see their fear, if not, I'm not interested.
Eva: Haven't you seen how small they are? Even if they do manage to stay solid, that will only make them easier to crush!
Dally: Oh, how stupid I am. I forgot I'm dealing with a Cra. Go on, dig your little traps, Evan-jelly. We wouldn't want you breaking a nail now, would we?
Y/n\Yugo: Why no try doing both?
This got them to agree, but both Dally and Eva glared at each other with somewhat a lightning clash between them. Ruel offered to keep watch, just as Dally and Eva went on to do their business, while I just shook my head.
Y/n: God, their acting almost like some kind of bickering couple. Even though they aren't in a relationship yet. *sighs* Yugo, you stay with Dally and I'll go help with Eva and Amalia to set traps.
3rd pov
As the two groups were doing what they can for the Puddlies to prepare for the Taurs, with Dally helping the Puddlies on how to use a weapon, while Y/n and the girls were setting up traps with the Puddlies. Ruel however was not doing his task to keep watch for the Taurs, but was sleeping in a hammock with some Puddlies holding up various fruits. Though not everything is going smoothly, Dally is having trouble with the Puddlies who keep going puddle, while Eva and Y/n see Puddlies made a volley ball court with the net used for the traps.
Ruel then opens his eyes and looks at three young Puddlies looking back at him, which Ruel then roars at them scaring them into puddle form. While the said old man laughs and leans back into his hammock.
Ruel: I'm starting to enjoy this village.
But then shaking of the earth is felt, which Ruel sits up in shock while Puddlie was about to sound an alarm, but gets too scared and goes puddle form. While Eva, Y/n and Amalia were finishing up with a net.
Eva: There we go. *turns behind her* So, how are you getting on with those leaves?
But then they see the approaching Taurs heading their way, which Y/n puts a hand on his sword's handle.
Eva: Oh just great, Ruel. Top surveillance.
Y/n: I bet, my kamas he was probably sleeping on the job.
Amalia: Well it's up to us huh? Come on, you little jelly pots! Hold on tight to the rope. It's time to show these Taurs!
Amalia throws her balled up doll, but the Puddlies that held on to the rope, went puddle form which triggers the trap and traps the girls and Y/n in it. With the said Silver Eyed warrior being in between the two girls, with both of their assets pressed against him one pressed against his back of his head and one near his face. Which the doll turns to its master and gets trampled on by the advancing Taurs, with Y/n and girls stuck leaving no one or any possible way to warn Dally, Yugo and the other Puddlies.
Eva: Oh, no! Their going to catch the others by surprise!
-with Dally and Yugo-
Dally: Argh, no, no, no, no! That's terrible! Start from the beginning!
Ruel runs up to Dally, pointing his finger towards the direction he just came from, as Dally and the Puddlies turn to him.
Ruel: We're-- They're-- We're in trouble! The-- the-- the-- The Taurs, they're in.
Dally: What, already?
Yugo: Finally, we can get to work.
Dally: Proud Puddlie warriors, this is the moment you've been waiting for. Ready! Let the bullfight begin!
But the Puddlies went into their puddle form like the others, which Dally charges the Taurs head on while Yugo and Ruel watch the Iop do so.
Ruel: We better get out of here before we get trampled.
Yugo: But- but what about Dally?
Ruel: Have you ever tried to stop a Iop from fighting?
Dally: Trun on the barbecue! I'm having steak!
The Iop gets ready to fight the charging Taurs, but instead of that happening the Taurs just run right passed Dally. Leaving the Iop confused, only to see the Taurs running around taking or eating the food that Puddlies worked hard on. Which Ruel suggest letting the Taurs take what they want, but Yugo being a good kid decides against it.
-back with Y/n and the girls-
As the group were still stuck in the net, Eva tried to get help from the Puddlies near them but alas they are to afraid to move.
Y/n: *grunts* We need to get out of this net.
Amalia: But how? It's too cramped to move.
Y/n: I have a survival knife strapped to my belt, if either one of you could at least grab it. We can use it to cut ourselves free.
Eva: Good thinking.
Then both girls try and reach for Y/n's knife, which proved more difficult than they thought and at one moment, Y/n felt someone's hand brush against his butt.
Y/n: *blushes* Um, whose hand just brushed up against my butt?
Amalia: Sorry, I'm trying to not cause harm.
Eva: *grabs the knife* Got it! Let's get out of this net.
With the knife in hand Eva used it to cut the net, freeing them and standing straight to move their arms and legs around, then Eva hands Y/n's knife back by the blade.
Eva: Thanks for sharing.
Y/n: *takes the knife back* My pleasure. Now what ever happened in the net, stays in the net.
Eva/Amalia: Agreed.
Y/n's pov
We rushed back to the village just in time, to see Ruel knock out one of the Taurs which me and the girls had our respective weapons.
Y/n: Sorry for the late arrival.
Amalia: Here we are!
Ruel: Great, here comes the cavalry!
With some encouraging words from Yugo the Puddlies start to fight back with us, by hitting the Taurs which they would retaliate and try to attack the Puddlies. But thanks to the said villagers, turn into their puddle form to aovid getting hurt, but of course the biggest of the Taurs appears and is very much angered. If my hunch is correct this could be a parent Taur, since this one was far larger than the others.
Taur1: Yay, Daddy!
Larger Taur: I am Mandhal, all-powerful chief of the Taur race. Where is my lunch?
Ruel: Well, that's put a different spit on things, I think.
Y/n: Eh, you know the saying... The bigger they are, the harder the fall.
Yugo: We just have to show them that they can overcome their own fear.
Mandhal: Are you the one who is leading this Puddly rebellion?
Yugo: Say, I got an idea. Hey, you big cow! How about we settle this with a duel?
Mandhal: You want to fight me? You can't be serious.
Yugo: Oh, I'm very serious. You're just afraid losing against a little boy like me!
Mandhal: Huh?
Yugo: Even these Pupplies have more courage than you!
Taurs2: Huh? Daddy's scared.
Taurs3: No, he's not. Daddy's not scared at all.
Taurs4: Sometimes Mommy scares him.
Mandhal: Shut up!
A/n: Huh, I'm curious what a female Taurs would look like. Cause male chiefs are big, so how big would a female be?
Mandhal: Silence! They must have dropped you on your head as a child.
Y/n: Um, don't you mean baby?
Mandhal: Yep. So I'll show you who's afraid.
This gathers everyone around the village, to see Yugo go up against Mandhal in a duel which Ruel is capalitalizing by having a bet between Yugo and Mandhal. Now as both fighters stepped up and face each other down, there were cheers between the Puddlies and Taurs. Yugo assumes a stance, but speaks up.
Yugo: Just one minute.
Then Yugo starts drinking what I can only assume was a carton of milk, which I'm not going to question as to where he got that from. But as he finished it and lets out a burp follow with a child like chuckle, of course this only angers Mandhal and sends a shock wave at Yugo. Which the said kid jumps out of the way, but he then see Mandhal charging up his horns for a lightning blast which the said Taur launched the lightning blast. But Yugo used his portal powers to avoid the blast, just as it made contact the Puddlies and four of the six members were worried and the younger Taurs cheering thinking their father won.
But another portal opens up with Yugo landing on the ground, which means the duel is still on as Mandhal is being overconfident that he'll win.
Mandhal: I am the butcher around here today. And I'm going to make hamburgers outta you.
Az then distracts Mandhal, which only annoys him and smacks the little bird away just as Yugo gets up and jumps, to grab Mandhal's one of Mandhal's horns to kick him in the face. But due to the very obvious size difference, there wasn't much power behind the kick which gets a "really" look from Mandhal, with Yugo nervously chuckling. But Yugo kicks him in the eye and made him recoil in pain, then swings his head getting Yugo off of him.
Yugo grabs onto the ground to slow his knock back, but blows on his hand as they got slight irritation from the grass. Now even more angered Mandhal begins to charge at Yugo with his horns charging up for another blast, once he launched the blast and it raced towards Yugo at increased speed, Yugo reacted quickly and made two portals in front of him. Which the blast entered one of the portals and shot out the other, in which redirected the blast back at Mandhal who had no time to react as his own blast hits him. Due to it being his own blast Mandhal get's knocked back and hit the tree stem that held the statue, in which falls and hits Mandhal's head hammer first knocking him out. Meaning Yugo won the duel, with the Puddlies celebrating and the younger Taurs worried.
young tuars1: Darn. Don't tell Mommy. Where do we shop now?
old Puddlie: We're so grateful. How can we ever repay you? We don't have much to offer, but please take all the provisions you need.
Yugo: The Taurs aren't really that mean. Why not share with them? We don't need--
Ruel: *covers Yugo's mouth* He's right. Make and arrangement. They're strong. They can help you in exchange for a share of the harvest. We may need some provisions ourselves, though.=, for the journey.
Puddlie1: Handsome knight... could you stay?
Dally: There's nothing left for me here.
Of course Me, Amalia and Eva knew exactly what the female Puddlie was asking but the Iop was too dense to even get the hint.
Y/n\Eva\Amalia: *face palm* Iop brain.
With that we resume on our journey with Provisions, though I did paid and stored some more into my bag incase we ran out.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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