Chapter 4: The cursed ugly princesses
IceDemon: Hello my fellow readers and writers Icedemon here. I'm here to tell you that I might plan on doing a Roxanne Wolf from FNAF security breach x male reader story, making it not set in the actual game when it get's released sometime this year. cause I might do a separate story to that, also I have a-
Roxanne: I'm going to be his little assistant for the time being!
IceDemon: Way to spoil it Roxy. Any way let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
Amalia: Ugh. My feet are like jelly.
After we left the market and fought The Black Crow aka Kabrok, we continued on our journey with the talking map.
Amalia: I can't take another step.
Yugo: We're completely lost!
Eva: And whose fault is that, I wonder?
Ruel: Bah, this map doesn't help. It's too easily insulted. I was only joking when I said "that I was gonna use it to wipe my-
Y/n: Okay! TMI Ruel. Way too much info.
Percedal: I wonder who this wonderful and beautiful scent belongs to.
I look at Dally with a "really" face, but then look to see that he was holding a handkerchief, which confused me on where it came from but I then start to hear a voice.
????: Help me. Help me. Help me!
Y/n: What the?
Percedal: Hmm? oh?
I follow to where Dally is looking at to see a small looking tower and see a hand waving with a crown poking out, which knowing Dally he's going to go and save this "Princess in danger" like a fool would do.
Percedal: A Princess! A beautiful damsel in distress?
Y/n: Dally! wait!
But my words fall upon deaf ears as he foolishly runs towards the tower, then Yugo, Ruel, Eva and Amalia came up too me.
Y/n: *sighs* that Iop brain.
Ruel: That's it. The last ounce of intelligence just drooled out of his mouth.
Eva: Ah, men. a bit of makeup, some sweet talk, and they lose their head. They're all the same except for you Y/n and no offence.
Y/n: Thanks and none taken. Now if you excuse me I'm going have to drag Dally by his hair, if he had a tail I would have dragged him back by that.
I walk towards the tower to drag Dally back, once I was close to the long hair I grabbed it to get Dally's attention.
Y/n: Hey! Percedal come back down here! We don't have time for this.
Percedal: Can't talk!
I let out a frustrated groan, but then I look towards the others to see them waving at us, as if they were trying to warn us or something.
Percedal: Ha-ha! Watch them cheer their heroes Y/n! Dry your eyes, beautiful damsel! Sir Percedal and Y/n have come to rescue you!
Y/n: hey! Don't drag me into this!
At this point I started climbing up the tower to get him back down, but to make it faster I jumped up to reach the same window Dally was on.
Y/n: Now that I finally got up here let's go!
????: Ah, finally. two brave heroes.
Y/n: nani?
Percedal: I am- huh?
We look to see what appears to be a girl covered in hair making it only her arms and eyes can be seen.
Y/n: Well, this is new.
Percedal: *screams*
I look to see Percedal tries to jump out through the window, but get's caught by the girl in front of us, who used some of her hair and throw it like a lasso. But I then get grabbed by one as well.
Y/n: Ah crap baskets.
girl covered in hair: Now, now. Stay here.
Once me and Dally were inside the window cover closed after Dally was dragged inside, leaving us in pure darkness and hearing voices.
voice1: Oooh, it's a Iop and the other is quite the catch.
voice2: Boo, they don't look very muscle-y.
voice3: After all this time. At least they won't put up a fight.
Me and Dally then look to see several dark figures in front of us, while chuckling or giggling but I turn to Dally who looks at me.
Y/n: Percedal... If we get out of this. You owe me big time.
Percedal: Crystal clear.
3rd pov
outside of the tower Percedal's scream could be heard by Yugo, Ruel, Eva and Amalia, who stand just outside of the tower gates.
Yugo: Did you hear that? It was Dally. He and Y/n must have come up against a fierce monster or something worse! We can't let them have all the fun, so let's go.
Ruel: You're dead right, young man. Where's there's a tower, there's always something hidden. Perhaps even some gold!
Yugo: *child laughter* Hey!
Yugo and Ruel then run off towards the tower, while the only two girls of their group follow behind them. Eva having a look that she wants things serious, while Amalia has a neutral one.
Eva: Those Iop brains. That'll teach Percedal, grabbing the first ponytail he sees.
Amalia: But what about Y/n?
Eva: He's fine, he did try to get that Iop brain back here, but got caught up with him. And Y/n can take care of a monster with no problem.
-inside the tower-
Within the tower both Percedal and Y/n were chained up to a wall in what appears to be a dungeon, Y/n started to regain consciousness along with Percedal. Once their eyes were fully open to see a small green frog like creature sitting in front of them, which Y/n give a curious look to the creature Percedal on the other hand was freaked out by it.
Percedal: Ah! What in the name of Iop is that thing?
Y/n: Beats me Percedal, but it does appear that there are more of them.
Like Y/n pointed out more of the odd looking frog creatures hop towards the two adventurers, which both Y/n and Percedal look at the creatures wondering what they are and what they are doing here.
Percedal: What a funny bunch of creatures.
Y/n: Took the words right out of my mouth, but luckily they don't seemed to be hostile to us.
Percedal: Huh?
The small creatures then react to Percedal sitting up straight looking at him, he then let out a sigh which the small creatures mimicked his action. Then Percedal lets out a shriek which scares the small creatures away as Percedal laughs.
Y/n: Really, Percedal? Was that even necessary
Percedal: Oh lighten up Y/n. It was funny to do that.
????: Do not worry, valiant knights.
Both Y/n and Percedal look to see a young maiden wearing a light brown top and green dress with brown hair blocking her face. But once her face is shown it is revealed to have some acne on her face.
brown haired girl: You two are safe with us here in our tower.
Y/n: *not phased* Well, hello there.
Percedal: *screams* How disgusting. Your even uglier than the other one! Did an army of Bworks drool all over you or what?
Y/n: Now, that is not nice Percedal.
Percedal: *to Y/n* And how are you not even phased?
Y/n: Causes I'm not insensitive to other people.
brown haired girl: I am Princess Enka. You two already made the acquaintance of Princess Jolene, I believe.
Percedal and y/n look to see the same girl covered in hair waving at them, Y/n flashed a friendly smile due to him not being able to wave back while Percedal was not amused.
Enka: And here is the baby of the castle Princess Erpel.
A blonde girl that looked like a mummy wearing pants stands next to Jolene, waving at the two warriors.
Erpel: I'm sixteen and a half.
Percedal: Sixteen and a half thousand, maybe! You look like a mummy!
Y/n: Percedal, if my hands weren't chained up. I'd smack you in the back of the head for that rude comment.
Enka: And here is Princess Lela.
Lastly a large hulking woman with red hair that covers her eyes and what looks like an animal around her neck, stands behind the first two ladies.
Lela: Ohh, I like the look of you, huh gorgeous.
Y/n: Pleasure to meet you ladies.
Percedal: *screams* A Trool, it's a Trool! I'm not dreaming! You're all horrible! Rushu himself wouldn't be able to look at you straight, huh?
Y/n: *sighs* Please forgive my friend's rudeness ladies.
Enka: *sighs* it's fine. And yet not so long ago, we were all young, beautiful princesses. So pretty that we had our pick of all the princes who came to our courtyard. Day came when Osamodes himself paid us a visit.
Erpel: We told him he looked like a Bwork.
Y/n: I can guess that he then cursed you ladies to look how you do now. Like a form of karma for being shallow, right?
ugly princesses: Yup, pretty much.
Jolene: I'm curious, how come you don't look like a Iop like your friend?
Y/n: That's because I'm not a Iop. I'm a Silver eye warrior.
Percedal: Enough of that! What's this gotta do with us? It's not our fault!
Enka: We went from royal beauties with armies of suitors to pitiful princesses shut away securely in solitude from any suitable Prince charming.
Y/n: Wow, I have no words on what to say.
Percedal: What can we do about it? A once-pretty princess probably profits not from placing a possible prince in prison under protest!
Y/n Percedal, calm down. They probably have a reason why.
Enka: Ah, but only a kiss of a true valiant knight can dispel the curse. But alas, if the kiss isn't genuine...
Before she could finish Lela covers her mouth with her hand, which catches Enka off guard while Y/n was curious on what Enka was about to say if the kiss isn't genuine. Lela then removes her hand and "shushes" Enka, then Lela get's close to Percedal while Erpel does the same to Y/n.
Lela: Go on, gorgeous. Make an effort. We're counting on you.
Erpel: Don't be shy now.~
But before either of them could even get a kiss Jolene would interrupt one of the two ladies, in which caused the three to fight while Enka watches and the frog like creatures try to stay out of the way. Y/n and Percedal watch the three fight like children over some kiss, but Enka breaks up the fight by clapping her hands.
Enka: Enough! Remember what happen with all the others? We must work together.
Y/n: [Others? What does she mean, does it have to do with their curse?]
Jolene: Or how about we draw straws?
Lela: Or cut them into four equal pieces?
Percedal: Wait, there has to be some other way!
Y/n: [Or I could just use my Silver Eye magic to break their curses, but I'm curious to what Percedal has to say.]
Percedal: How about a handshake each? Wouldn't that be nice?
But then a bell like sound was then heard from outside of the castle, Lela was the one to check outside through the window to see who it is. Which it was Yugo, Ruel, Eva and Amalia that rang the bell.
Lela: If you're trying to sell amulets by mail, go away! We're not interested!
Yugo: We've cometo free Percedal and Y/n!
Jolene: Sorry, that's not possible. Percedal and Y/n is with us now, and we're keeping them.
Y/n: *from inside* You don't speak for us!
Yugo: Oh, yeah? We'll see about that! *proceeds to walk towards the door*
Ruel: Do they need rescuing? They seem to be having a good time.
Amalia: Look, the door moved.
Just as Amalia pointed out part of the door indeed moved as two eyes can be seen from the small compartment, it was then revealed to be a small star shaped creature with a tail that came out of the compartment. The creature then floats in front of Yugo gaining his attention of the small creature.
It then hugged Yugo's face then separates, then moved on to the other three in the group, ruel was the first getting his face hugged by the small creature and then moves on to Eva as the creature plops down on her chest.
Eva: I think it's checking us out.
The creature then moves away from Eva finally moving on to Amalia, but eyes her rear end, which the said Sadida girl was not having it.
Amalia: Hey, hands off!
Lela: It's part of the curse! The Osamodas put a spell on the door. No, it won't let you through.
Jolene: Yeah, it only lets ugly princesses in.
Amalia: Well, that's a shame. I'll never get in.
The group then gets spooked when a mechanical mechanism activated, it was then revealed to be a mechanical guardian of the door ready to attack the group.
Eva: Run for cover!
Eva then shoots an arrow hitting the mechanical guardian in the head making a smoke screen that covered the guardian.
Eva: Right on target. Huh, what?
they see rubble start to fall making Yugo, Ruel, Amalia and Eva run out of the way from the falling debris.
Yugo: Top shot, Evangelyne. You cleared the way!
Eva: I didn't think it would be that easy.
Just as Eva said those words parts of the mechanical guardian start to float and rebuild itself in front of the group.
Amalia: And What do we do now?
Ruel: Now it's time to... run!
He starts running as the other three follow the old man avoiding to be crushed by boulders that the Guardian threw.
-with Yugo, Amalia, Eva and Ruel-
Yugo: First a Xelor, then the Black Crow, now this. We've been doing nothing but running for weeks now. I'm fed up with being thrashed.
Amalia: Look at the state of me. I'm starting to look like one of those awful princesses.
Yugo: *get's an idea* Amalia, you're a total genius!
Amalia looks at Yugo with a curious expression just after dusting herself off and faces the youngest member of the group.
Amalia: Really?
Yugo: To get through that gate, we just need to dress up like an ugly princess.
Amalia: You, princesses? Ha! That'll take some work.
the group then used what they had on them to dressed up as "ugly" princesses, with the help of Amalia who is a Princess. Yugo then finished by putting a bow around his hat while Ruel had a red wig on with bows in them and having apis in his clothes to look like an actual ugly princess.
Ruel: You think I got enough makeup on?
Amalia: Uh... You're really...
Yugo: Monstrous! It's perfect.
Ruel: And you, what are you supposed to be, anyway?
Yugo: Wait!
He then runs to pick up a large brown blanket and wrap it around him and Amalia together to make it a dress, while making Yugo and Amalia look like two princesses were cursed to be Siamese twins.
Yugo: We're Siamese twincesses!
Ruel: Ah, I see. Where's Evangelyne?
Amalia: She wouldn't let me put her makeup on. She's hiding in the bushes somewhere.
The said female Cra then came out of the bushes in her Princess like attire, but the only thing is that Eva looked anything but ugly.
A/n: not gonna lie, but she does look good in that.
Eva: *nervous giggle*
Ruel: Wha?! Evangelyne, is it really you?
Eva: I undid my hair and put on this horrible dress. Go on make fun. I know I look ridiculous.
Yugo: Ridiculous? No, you look incredible!
Amalia: *feels slightly triggered* I think you need glasses.
Yugo: Well, what are you waiting for? let's go! *to Az* Now as for you, Az, you cover our backs.
the group then make their way back to the castle, while Eva tries to keep up due to her not being able to walk well in heels, especially on the rough ground of the outside world.
A/n: Yeah I'm skipping the part where they get in.
Y/n's pov
As Me and Percedal are still chained to the wall, we heard some commotion from outside our door. Which I hope the others have found a way to get inside by getting passed the lock that only allows ugly princesses into the castle. But as I was deep in thought we see Princess Enka entering the room.
Y/n: hello, Enka.
Percedal: Oh, great...
Enka: My poor knights. I'm sorry that we both have to suffer so.
Y/n: it's fine. But could you tell us what you were about to say before Lela stopped you from speaking?
Enka: Of course. As you can guess many charming princes have come and gone from here, but it's been years since the last one paid a visit. Things are not the same as they were. You see the curse has a backlash effect if that the kiss is not genuine.... then you would be turned into Prancing Chimera.
Y/n: You mean the little toad like creatures?
Enka: Yes. *tries to give Percedal a drink* Here have some water.
Percedal: *refuses* Ugh! Don't you touch me with those warty...ugh!...hands! You make me wanna...
Y/n: Now that's just not cool man. I would appreciate some water Enka.
she happily nods to me and reaches the water close to me to drink it, but before it could even reach my lips, the cell door slams open to reveal Lela.
Lela: Wanna tell me what you're doin' in here?
Enka: I was just bringing them some water.
Lela: Do you take me for a Minotoror?
Y/n: She's not lying. She was trying to give us some water... well one of us that is.
Lela: Even so, We've had enough trouble keeping those cursed princesses off our princes. And now you're down here trying to sneak a kiss on the sly! By the way, she probably left out one little detail.
Y/n: It's that if the kiss is not genuine or heartfelt the curse will affect for exapmle me or Percedal. It will turn us into Prancing Chimeras.
Lela: Yes actually. How do you know that?
Y/n: I asked Enka. Since you did stopped her from speaking about the backlash, which got me curious.
Lela: Oh.
Percedal: What? all these Prancing Chimera are...
We see all the Prancing Chimeras nod their heads making Percedal freak out, most likely not wanting to becoming a Prancing Chimera.
Percedal: Help! I'm too handsome to be turned into a toad!
Jolene: Sister! There is an intruder in the tower! Sisters! Sisters!
both Enka and Lela looked back and begin to lock and close all the door and windows, along with any other possible entrance. I just hope that the princesses did not find out about our friends getting in. The cursed princesses then bring out me and Percedal chained to chairs for a beauty contest so that the two winners would get a kiss from either me or Percedal.
Y/n: I have to give these girls credit for wanting to break their curse.
Percedal: Now's not the time to be impressed!
Enka: Welcome, dear jury, to this special beauty pageant.
Percedal: I think you mean ugly pageant.
Y/n: Seriously Percedal. If we do get out of this, I'm smacking you so hard in the head that you won't be able to remember the year.
Enka: So without further ado, let's heat your applause for our first contestant, who will attempt the Prance of Peril!
Me and Percedal then see the center floor moves to reveal a thin beam in the middle over a pool of which I could guess lava.
Enka: Contestants will be scored not only their balance, but also their style and elegance. On your marks, get ready! Prance!
Erpel was the first to walk along the beam all cute like, which I don't mind but she then started to sneeze which makes her teeth fall out and land next to Percedal's feet.
Percedal: Ugh! Pathetic! Zero!
Y/n: Now, that's just rude is what that is. Erpel I'll give you a seven, for the way you walked along the beam cute like and brave enough to risk your bandages to catch on fire. But sadly the teeth caused you the points, no offense.
Erpel: *soft smile* None taken and thank you for your honesty.
Next was pretty much Percedal's and mine's friends, who are Amalia and Yugo disguised as Siamese twins while wearing a brown dress. Both Amalia and Yugo calmly and carefully to walk across the beam, I also noticed that Amalia was trying to look as elegant as possible with Yugo following her lead. But then I noticed some sort of liquid on the ground which caused the two to slip and fall to the ground in front of us.
Percedal: Ah, I'm such a Iop brains. It can't be Amalia. She doesn't have a Siamese twin.
Y/n: [that's because you are one Iop brain.]
Percedal: Pathetic. Zero and zero!
Y/n: *sighs* I'm sorry for his rudeness. Now you both started pretty good at the beginning, but some liquid on the beam caused ya. I'll give you two a reasonable seven.
I also mouthed to Amalia and Yugo saying "nice disguises" which they caught and nod to me, then walked back to the other contestants. Next was a very beautiful looking Eva, which caught me off guard on how she even get in since it only allows ugly princesses, but once Eva makes her move she pulls off some amazing gymnastics with both beauty and grace all the way across.
She then turns to face us with a smile and gesturing us to rank her for her attempt on the beam, glanced at Percedal who was star strucked.
Percedal: Wow! A true warrior before me! Ten out of ten!
Y/n: I got to admit that was some pretty impressive, especially in a dress not an easy way to do that, but you pulled it off. That's a ten for me.
Enka: So now let's move on to our next event.
The next even was playing an instrument and singing, the first one up was Jolene who played the harp, which was very nice but her singing not very much, although seeing Percedal trying to to plug his ears, but could due to the chains got a chuckle out of me. Which of course Dally gave her a zero with a rude comment, but I gave her a fair score of eight due to seeing Percedal's karma hitting him.
Next was Ruel who juggled balls, which is not all that impressive to me or Percedal to be honest, if it were a children they'd enjoyed it. Then I see an apple fell from inside his clothes, but he caught it with his foot he then tossed it up, but his foot wear also came off and landed painfully on his face. Me and Percedal have him low scores since his disguise was kinda believable if a princess were cursed with a beard and having an old look.
Next was all the "girls" turn which they had sticks and do a marching ban like dance at first was going fine, but Eva then lost her footing due to the high heels and knocking everyone down but her.
Percedal: What a beautiful Cra. And ruthless too! I which Evangelyne was here. She might learn a thing or two!
Y/n: [ If I could facepalm right now, I would but the chains are a problem.]
Percedal: Bravo! Bravo! *brings up a number 10 sign*
Y/n: I'll give the other princesses, but the old red head and Cra a seven. The old red head two. the Cra I'll give nine since the balance with the high heels cost you a point.
Eva: Iop Brain. [at least Y/n is not too shallow.]
Then Lela used some sort of magic to make plate from a cabinet come out to attack Eva and the others, while Ruel brings out his shovel and deflected the plates back at Lela and into a wall. Eva then used an ice arrow to make the cabinet trip and fall, Jolene then used her hair to attack Yugo and Amalia. Ruel then freed me and Percedal as we got out of the chairs and Lela removes her dress to reveal a wrestler like outfit, but I was fed up with this.
Y/n: Alright...Enough!
Everyone stops looking at me due to me yelling, but I then walked up to Enka who was a bit scared, but I pulled her into a kiss catching off guard. As I kissed her I heard Percedal gaging, but I paied no mind to that and separate the kiss from Enka who is wide eyed.
Enka: Wait! how come your not a Prancing Chimera? I thought the kiss was not genuine?
Y/n: Two things. One it was Genuine, but due to me being a Silver Eyed Warrior I posses special magic and protection against any and all curses. And second your curse should be breaking in 3... 2... 1.
Then a bright silver light appeared around Enka and the other three princesses changing the look of the entire castle. once the light died down Enka and the other princesses in their proper appearances.
The Four princesses were shocked to see that they are free form the curse and since they are freed the others that were turned into Prancing Chimeras are free as well.
Enka: But... How?
Y/n: that's thanks to my Silver Eyed magic I know a spell that could break any curse no matter how difficult.
Amalia: Wait, if you could have to that why didn't you do that sooner?
Y/n: *innocent smile* No one asked.
Percedal, Yugo, Amalia and Eva fell to the grounds comically from what I've said, but then Enka, Jolene, Erpel and Lela hugged me while saying "thank you." Which was nice if it werem't for one important thing.
Y/n: Girls, can you please let go.... Cause I need.... Air!
To be continued
a/n And done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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